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Analýza procesních rizik ZZS JČk s výstupem do nouzových plánů / Analysis of Procedural Risks of the South Bohemian Region's Medical Rescue Service with the Output to Emergency PlansČelikovská, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The organization of processes and activities of Medical Rescue Services must reflect the basic rules for providing EMS in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Health. Organization process faces many risks (which can be summarized into three key groups - natural disasters, criminal activity and human error) for risk analysis process has been established methodology, which involves the calculation of risk factor, the likelihood of risky situations and the impact - the amount of damage. Risk analysis process was implemented from the perspective of patients with regard to the above risks. To minimize these risks, the impact on patients, was proposed measures, summarized in the emergency plans. These plans should be tested regularly. Managing emergency plans describing the proposed directive, which should be included in the Quality Management System for ZZS JCK
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Bezpečnost při vývoji softwaru / Security during the application developmentLapáček, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is issue of security during the application development. The main emphasis is being placed on web applications. The goal is to define a framework for managing the life cycle of applications to meet the security minimum. The objectives of the work are achieved by study of available resources and their subsequent analysis. The target audiences are software developers interested in learning more about how to create secure applications. The work describes the areas that are crucial for security of applications. Work contains security standards which we can use for defining security requirements of applications. Furthermore, there are mentioned the most serious security vulnerabilities and ways how to avoid them. It describes issue of security testing as an important tool for verifying security. The main part of work is the chapter dealing with the way how to include the issue of security throughout the application life cycle.
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Prehospital omvårdnad - konsekvenser för patienten när ambulanspersonalen utsätts för hot och våldSundman, Jimmy, Liljedahl, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Background: Threats and violence are common in the prehospital environment. Each patient should be offered the same care and treatment, regardless of condition and situation. Studies from emergency services and hospital wards show that patient care and nursing are affected when staff are exposed to threats and violence. Few studies have been found describing how patients' care and nursing are affected when ambulance staff is being exposed to threats and/or violence. Objective: To investigate how nurses experience that patients' care and nursing are affected if ambulance staff are exposed to threats and/or violence. Methods: Qualitative design with semistructured interviews. Nine interviews with nurses in ambulance/ambulance nurses were conducted. In order to process and analyze the material, a qualitative content analysis was used. Results: Patients care and treatment are affected if the ambulance staff are exposed to threats and/or violence. Fewer or no parameters were taken and treatment could be delayed or completely omitted. Examination of the patient was done partly or not at all. Alcohol- and drug affected patients did not receive the same care and treatment as demented patients even if the threat and violence were the same. Creating distance between patients and carers as well as trying to find alternative workflows were examples of what the ambulance staff did to enable care and treatment even in vulnerable situations. Conclusion: When ambulance staff were exposed to threats and/or violence, the patient was affected through examination, care, nursing and treatment. Threatening and/or violent patients did not receive the same treatment as non-threatening and violent patients. No strategies are found to deal with threat and/or violence-prone patients in need of prehospital care. / Bakgrund: Hot och våld är vanligt förekommande prehospitalt. Varje patient ska erbjudas samma vård och behandling, oavsett tillstånd och förutsättningar. Studier från akutmottagningar och vårdavdelningar visar att patientens vård och omvårdnad påverkas när personalen utsätts för hot och våld. Få studier har hittats som beskriver hur patienternas vård och omvårdnad påverkas av att ambulanspersonal utsätts för hot och/eller våld. Syfte: Undersöka hur sjuksköterskor upplever att patienternas vård och omvårdnad påverkas om ambulanspersonalen utsätts för hot och/eller våld. Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Nio intervjuer med sjuksköterskor i ambulans/ambulanssjuksköterskor genomfördes. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att bearbeta och analysera materialet. Resultat: Patienternas vård och omvårdnad påverkades om ambulanspersonalen utsattes för hot och/eller våld. Färre eller inga vitalparametrar togs och behandling kunde fördröjas eller helt utebli. Undersökning av patienten gjordes delvis eller inte alls. Alkohol- och drogpåverkade patienter erhöll inte samma vård och behandling som dementa patienter även om hotet och våldet var detsamma. Att skapa distans mellan patient och vårdare samt att försöka hitta alternativa arbetsflöden var exempel på vad ambulanspersonalen gjorde för att möjliggöra vård och behandling även i utsatta situationer. Slutsats: Utsattes ambulanspersonalen för hot och/eller våld påverkades patientens undersökning, vård, omvårdnad och behandling. Hotfulla och/eller våldsamma patienter erhöll inte samma behandling som icke hotfulla och våldsamma patienter. Strategier saknas för att hantera hot- och/eller våldsbenägna patienter som är i behov av prehospital vård.
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A metacognitive perspective on somatic symptom reportingMilner, Philip January 2012 (has links)
The first part of this thesis explores the potential role of metacognitive beliefs and strategies in functional somatic symptoms. Current models (for example, Brown, 2004; Deary, Chalder and Sharpe, 2007) and treatments of functional somatic symptoms focus on cognitive models and cognitive behavioural treatments which show modest treatment effects. A metacognitive account is discussed based upon supervisory regulatory executive function theory (SREF; Wells and Matthews, 1994) and research is systematically reviewed which may support such an account. Current research offers limited indirect support for metacognitive factors playing a role in the difficulties of people suffering from functional somatic symptoms. This paper concludes that further research is needed in this promising area. The second part of the thesis describes a cross-sectional correlational study which examines the relationship of somatic symptom reporting in primary care with metacognitive beliefs, finding a significant association for the first time. Fifty patients were recruited from general practice surgeries took part in the study. Support for the novel Metacognitive Health Questionnaire measure was also found. This measure showed significant associations between health specific metacognitive beliefs and body focussed attention, health preoccupation and distress. This measure also showed significant associations with illness behaviours and thought control strategies. Each of these findings is in line with SREF theory. This study provides preliminary support for the role of metacognition in symptom reporting. The third part of the thesis critically evaluated issues salient to the study including methodologically, supervisory, ethical and clinical issues. The interpretations of the literature review and findings of the research paper are limited by the lack of direct findings to support a metacognitive account, and the cross sectional nature of this study. It is hoped that the prospective study which the research study reported forms part, will offer more robust insights into the role of metacognition in symptom reporting, and that future studies will examine this area further.
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Atributos ecológicos de anuros neotropicais: o que podem predizer?Fontana, Rodrigo Barbosa January 2018 (has links)
O risco de extinção e o declínio populacional de muitas espécies animais na região neotropical estão fortemente relacionados aos processos antrópicos, como a conversão ambiental, mas também aos fatores intrínsecos aos próprios indivíduos, como os atributos. Os anuros correspondem ao grupo vertebrado mais ameaçado atualmente, sofrendo com sérios declínios populacionais. Este trabalho buscou avaliar quais os atributos dos anfíbios neotropicais podem predizer: i) as categorias de ameaça e tendências populacionais destas espécies e ii) a ocorrência de anuros em um ambiente modificado, de matriz agrícola. Para a predição de categorias de ameaça e tendências populacionais utilizamos um banco de dados com atributos de habitat e modos reprodutivos de 3196 espécies de anuros neotropicais. Verificamos que espécies com modos reprodutivos terrestres e desenvolvimento direto tem uma maior tendência a estarem em declínio. Além disso, verificamos que embora os atributos sejam filogeneticamente estruturados, o grau de ameaça parece ser independente de suas histórias evolutivas. Para identificar possíveis relações entre atributos ecológicos e morfológicos de anuros em uma paisagem agrícola no sul do Brasil, registramos a anurofauna com uso de armadilhas de interceptação e queda e procuras ativas em três diferentes distâncias da borda em um ambiente florestal e em uma matriz agrícola. Verificamos que principalmente os atributos ecológicos, como o modo reprodutivo (tanto terrestre como aquático) e o hábito estão relacionados com a ocorrência destas espécies no sistema agrícola, assim como encontramos diferenças entre os atributos morfológicos ao longo do gradiente de distância. Ambos os resultados podem auxiliar na tomada de decisões em planos e projetos de conservação de anuros neotropicais. / The extinction risk and population decline of many animal species in neotropical region are strongly related to anthropic processes, such as environmental conversion, but they are also related to intrinsic factors such as traits. Anurans correspond to the most endangered vertebrate group, suffering serious population declines. This work aimed to evaluate which neotropical anurans traits can predict: i) the categories of threat and population trends of species, and ii) the occurrence of anuran species in modified environments, such as the agricultural matrix. First, we compiled data to 3196 neotropical anuran species. We emphasized the importance of habitat and reproductive modes in threat classifications, as well as verified that species with terrestrial reproductive modes and direct development are more likely to be declining. We also found that although anurans traits being phylogenetically structured, the degree of threat seems to be independent from their evolutionary histories. In addition, to identify possible relation among ecological and morphological anuran traits with agricultural landscape in southern Brazil, we studied the anurofauna using pitfall traps and active searches at three different border distances in a forest environment and in an agricultural matrix. We verified that mostly of the ecological traits, such as the reproductive mode (both terrestrial and aquatic) and the habit, are related to the occurrence of determined species in the agricultural system. And we also found differences among the morphological traits observed through the distance gradient from the border. Therefore, both results present practical importance since it can help herpetologists to making decision about neotropical anurans conservation.
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Hot och våld inom akutsjukvården : En litteraturstudie ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv / Threat and violence in emergency care : A review from a nursing perspectiveKarat, Claudia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld från patienter är ett återkommande fenomen på akutmottagningar världen över som sjuksköterskor blir utsatta för. Det tar sig uttryck i både verbala och fysiska angrepp i form av hot, trakasserier eller aggressivt beteende. Dessa angrepp kan medföra konsekvenser för omvårdnadsarbetet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva mötet mellan patient och sjuksköterska i hotfulla och våldsamma omvårdnadssituationer inom akutsjukvård. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Tre teman genererades ”hot och våld som vårdutmaning”, ”barriärer för mötet” och ”betydelse för omvårdnadsarbete”. Slutsats: Studien kan bidra med ökad förståelse och kunskap hos både sjuksköterskor, ledning och allmänheten gällande utsattheten av hot och våldsincidenter på akutmottagningar. Med denna kunskap kan vården utvecklas och främja både sjuksköterskors välbefinnande och patientmötet. / Background: Threat and violence from patients are a recurring phenomenon at emergency departments worldwide that nurses are exposed to. It manifests itself in both verbal and physical attacks in the form of threats, harassment or aggressive behavior. These attacks can cause consequences for the practice of nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the encounter between patient and nurse in threatening and violent nursing situations in emergency care. Method: A general literature study based on eleven articles with qualitative approach. Result: Three themes were generated “threats and violence as a care challenge”, “barriers to patient encounter” and “importance for nursing work”. Conclusion: The study can contribute to increased understanding and knowledge to both nurses, managements and the public regarding the exposure of threat- and violence incidents in emergency departments. This knowledge can develop health care and promote both the nurses’ well-being and the patient encounter.
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SVERIGES BRISTANDE KRISBEREDSKAP – VARFÖR NEDMONTERADES TOTALFÖRSVARET? : Den rådande coronapandemin har lamslagit världen. Sveriges förmåga att hantera viruset har ifrågasatts och brister i beredskapen har återigen uppdagats. Varför nedrustades totalförsvaret?Larsson, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Den pågående coronapandemin har lamslagit stora delar av världen och brister i den svenska krisberedskapen har därmed uppdagats. Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara varför det svenska totalförsvaret nedrustades. För att kunna ge svar på forskningsfrågan kommer fem försvarsbeslut – försvarsbeslutet 1992, försvarsbeslutet 1996, försvarsbeslutet 2000, försvarsbeslutet 2004 och försvarsbeslutet 2009 – att analyseras. Besluten studeras utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, där Rational Actor Model används. Innehållsanalysen kompletteras med en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med den tidigare svenske försvarsministern Anders Björck. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som studien följer är säkerhetisering, risker och hot. Bakgrundskapitlet behandlar den svenska beredskapen i nutid och det svenska försvarets historia. Tidigare forskning om beredskap och försvar internationellt lyfts fram tillsammans med hur delar av den svenska beredskapen har påverkats under de senaste 30 åren. Det rådande säkerhetsläget efter kalla kriget bidrog till nedskärningar i försvarsorganisationen, avskaffandet av ett invasionsförsvar och skapandet av ett insatsförsvar. Insatsförsvaret skulle ha hög operativ förmåga, såväl nationellt som internationellt och krävde därför förband av hög kvalitet, varpå värnplikten avskaffades. Beredskapslager ansågs inte vara lika behövande under det nya säkerhetsläget och det fördjupade samarbetet med den Europiska unionen skapade en naiv trygghet i att försörjningsberedskapen skulle kunna säkras genom medlemskapet. Arbetets slutsats till varför totalförsvaret nedrustades var det förändrade säkerhetsläget och en tilltagande tro på stöd från EU vid hanteringen av krissituationer i kombination med bristande historiekunskaper. / The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed large parts of the world and shortcomings in the Swedish crisis preparedness have thus been discovered. The purpose of the thesis is to explain why the Swedish total defense was disarmed. In order to answer the research question, five defense decisions – the defense decision in 1992, the defense decision in 1996, the defense decision in 2000, the defense decision in 2004 and the defense decision in 2009 – will be analyzed. The decisions are studied based on a qualitative content analysis, using the Rational Actor Model. The content analysis is supplemented by a qualitative research interview with the former Swedish Defense Minister Anders Björck. The theoretical starting points that the study follows are security, risks, and threats. The background chapter deals with the Swedish preparedness of today and the history of the Swedish defense. Previous research on preparedness and defense internationally has been highlighted as well as how parts of Swedish preparedness have been affected over the past 30 years. The prevailing security situation after the Cold War contributed to cuts in the defense organization, the abolition of an invasion defense and the creation of an intervention defense. The intervention defense would have high operational capability, both nationally and internationally and therefore required high-quality associations and the military duty was abolished. Emergency preparedness stocks were not considered to be as needed during the new security situation, and the deeper cooperation with the European Union created a naive security that security of supply could be secured through the membership. The work's conclusion as to why the total defense was disarmed was the changed security situation and a growing belief in support from the EU in dealing with crisis situations, in combination with lack of historical knowledge.
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The interplay of action selection and attention allocation in response to social threat / Interaction entre sélection d'action et allocation d'attention en réponse à la menace socialeVilarem, Emma 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les décisions d’action que nous prenons au quotidien nécessitent de considérer les affordances fournies par notre environnement, ainsi que les informations sociales susceptibles de guider nos décisions. Mais dans un contexte véhiculant à la fois des informations sociales potentiellement menaçantes et de multiples opportunités d’action, comme lorsque l’on entre dans une rame de métro en cherchant un siège, comment choisissons nous rapidement le siège où s’asseoir tout en évaluant la présence d’un danger potentiel ? Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse a visé à étudier les processus liés à l’action et à l’attention dans un contexte social réaliste doté d’opportunités d’action. Dans notre première étude, les choix spontanés d’action et les informations cinématiques ont révélé que les expressions de colère et de peur ont un impact différent sur la sélection d’action, et favorisent les actions permettant d’éviter les individus en colère et d’approcher les individus effrayés. La seconde étude a montré que l’attention peut être allouée vers la finalité des actions privilégiées par les expressions de colère et de peur. La troisième étude a démontré, de façon cruciale, que cet effet attentionnel disparait lorsque les opportunités d’action sont retirées du contexte. De plus, l’activité saccadique enregistrée lors de la quatrième étude a permis d’explorer le développement de l’allocation attentionnelle, et a établi que l’attention était rapidement dirigée vers les visages émotionnels, puis réorientée vers la finalité de l’action choisie. Pour conclure, nos données suggèrent que l’action façonne l’attention en réponse à des signaux de menace et en présence d’opportunités d’action. / Everyday action decision-making entails to take into account affordances provided by the environment, along with social information susceptible to guide our decisions. But within social contexts conveying potentially threatening information and multiple targets for action, as when entering a subway car, how do we decide very quickly where to sit while gauging the presence of a potential danger? The work conducted during my PhD aimed at investigating action and attentional processes in a realistic social context providing action opportunities. In the first study, spontaneous action choices and kinematics revealed that threat-related angry and fearful displays impact people’s free choice differently, i.e. favoured the selection of actions that avoided angry and approached fearful individuals. The second study further showed that attention was allocated to the space of the scene corresponding to the endpoint of the actions prioritized by those angry and fearful displays. Crucially, the third study evidenced that this effect disappeared when action opportunities were removed from the experimental context. Saccadic behaviour recorded in the fourth study allowed to access the development of attention allocation over time, and crucially revealed that attention was first quickly oriented toward threat before being directed toward the endpoint of the chosen action. Altogether, these findings suggest that action selection modulate attention allocation in response to social threat when embedded within realistic social contexts.
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Exploring Data Security Management Strategies for Preventing Data BreachesOfori-Duodu, Michael Samuel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Insider threat continues to pose a risk to organizations, and in some cases, the country at large. Data breach events continue to show the insider threat risk has not subsided. This qualitative case study sought to explore the data security management strategies used by database and system administrators to prevent data breaches by malicious insiders. The study population consisted of database administrators and system administrators from a government contracting agency in the northeastern region of the United States. The general systems theory, developed by Von Bertalanffy, was used as the conceptual framework for the research study. The data collection process involved interviewing database and system administrators (n = 8), organizational documents and processes (n = 6), and direct observation of a training meeting (n = 3). By using methodological triangulation and by member checking with interviews and direct observation, efforts were taken to enhance the validity of the findings of this study. Through thematic analysis, 4 major themes emerged from the study: enforcement of organizational security policy through training, use of multifaceted identity and access management techniques, use of security frameworks, and use of strong technical control operations mechanisms. The findings of this study may benefit database and system administrators by enhancing their data security management strategies to prevent data breaches by malicious insiders. Enhanced data security management strategies may contribute to social change by protecting organizational and customer data from malicious insiders that could potentially lead to espionage, identity theft, trade secrets exposure, and cyber extortion.
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Interparental conflict and child adjustment: the role of child optimismRobinson, Julia Howe 01 December 2009 (has links)
The role of child optimism as a mediator and moderator in the relationship between interparental conflict and child adjustment was examined for 36 children between the ages of 9 and 12 years who resided in a two adult home. Child participants completed self-report measures of dispositional and attributional optimism, as well as a self-report measure of interparental conflict. Mothers of child participants completed measures of child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Multiple regression analyses found that dispositional optimism mediated the relationship between interparental conflict and both child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Attributional optimism was found to mediate the relationship between interparental conflict and child internalizing symptoms. No significant moderating effects of optimism were found. The relationships between optimism and child appraisals of threat and self-blame related to interparental conflict were examined using correlations. Both dispositional and attributional optimism were significantly negatively related to child appraisals of threat and self-blame regarding interparental conflict. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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