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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevence konfliktů v Uzbekistánu a Turkmenistánu / Conflict Prevention in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

Zalánová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with conflict prevention in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Its aim was to compare its relevance and results in the both countries. In doing so, the first theoretical section outlined the way of assessing conflict potential, which conditions and justifies applying preventative measures. This was examined in terms of Copenhagen school and its broaden meaning of security, whereas the paper focused on the political, economic and societal dimension. Then the notion of conflict prevention was framed within terminological and historical context and considered in terms of its trends and current challenges. At the end of the theoretical section, the concepts if security dimensions and conflict prevention were discussed in terms of their applicability for the case studies of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Afterwards, the empirical section researched the conflict potential and preventive actions of international organisations, states and non-state actors in the both countries. Analytical part evaluated the empirical data in order to assess conflict prevention in the both states. In doing so, I used SWOT analysis, which defined strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of conflict prevention in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The results can be summarised as follows: The character...

Vnitřní a vnější bezpečnost v Evropské unii. Měnící se role policie a armády v post-moderním státu / Internal and External Security in the European Union. The changing role of police and military in a post-modern state

Weiss, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses the security policy of the European Union and one of its member states. It aims at answering the question, whether internal and external security blurs in the EU, especially the differences between the two major security institutions - military and police. Using the concept of ideal types, an ideal type of a difference between the two bodies is introduced and subsequently tested on reality - on two case studies of the EU and the Czech Republic. There are three partial objectives: to find out if the roles of the military and the police blur at the level of the EU, if the European integration strengthens such blurring in the member states, and if the two bodies blur in a post-modern nation state. The thesis concludes that the real impact of declaratory changes is rather limited. Visible changes are caused by a subordination of external security concerns to prevention of internal ones. All changes are reversible easily, once the security discourse or political choices alter. The military and the police remain two distinct forces with different tasks and work methods.

NATO v boji proti terorismu a formování kolektivní identity / NATO in the fight against terrorism and the formation of collective identity

Štulcová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "NATO in the fight against terrorism and the formation of collective identity" deals with the impact of the threat of international terrorism on collective identity of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The September 11th terrorist attacks on the US soil constitute a milestone in the history of NATO. The article 5 of Washington treaty was invocated for the first time. The main argument of the thesis states that, despite disagreements among allies about the role of the Alliance in the fight against terrorism after the September 11th , NATO was capable of reinforcing its collective identity and reformulating its purpose. The main goal of the thesis is to define a relationship between the perception of the threat of terrorism within NATO and collective identity of NATO, on the basis of arguments of social constructivism and with constructivist methodology. Discourse analysis of key NATO documents confirms the impact of September 11th on the transformation of strategic consideration of the Alliance, which has led to initiation of several efforts to fight terrorism. Outcomes of discourse analysis of United States, United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic and Poland reveal that terrorism has reinforced collective identity among NATO member states and has become a new threat for Alliance...

Strategies to Minimize the Effects of Information Security Threats on Business Performance

Okoye, Stella Ifeyinwa 01 January 2017 (has links)
Business leaders in Nigeria are concerned about the high rates of business failure and economic loss from security incidents and may not understand strategies for reducing the effects of information security threats on business performance. Guided by general systems theory and transformational leadership theory, the focus of this exploratory multiple case study was to explore the strategies small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders use to minimize the effects of information security threats on business performance. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 5 SME leaders who worked in SME firms that support oil and gas industry sector in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, had a minimum of 2 years experience in a leadership role, and had demonstrable strategies for minimizing the effects of information security threats in a SME. The thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed 10 strategies for reducing the effects of information security threats: network security, physical security, strong password policy, antivirus protection and software update, information security policy, security education training and awareness, network security monitoring and audit, intrusion detection, data backup, and people management. The findings may contribute to social change by providing SME leaders with more insight about strategies to minimize the effects of information security threats on business performance. The improved business performance can increase the flow of funds into the local economy and allow community leaders to provide social services to residents.

Skyddsåtgärder för anställda socionomer:ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv / Protective measures for social workers: a constructivist perspective

Al-Akabi, Rania, Daabas, Walaa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate from a constructivist perspective, what protective measures managers take against violence and threats for social workers. The focus will be on two occupations: Social Services and Health and Care services. Also, to compare their protective measures and investigate if there are other protective measures to improve the safety of social workers. The method that has been used is the qualitative method, because the constructivist theory is best achieved by a method that goes in-depth and searches for context. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by using a strategic selection. The selection was homogenous, consisting of three managers from each occupation. The results show a constructed image made by the managers of a low rate of threats on the two occupations. The results also show similar constructed protective measures. For instance, a social worker can speak with the manager, have a personal alarm at home, or speak with a safety coordinator. Other common measures include contacting the occupational health service and handing over the matter to another employee. There is the possibility of bodyguard protection and taking a taxi from and to work in times of discomfort. Some differences are found as well, such as there are always two social workers for home visits in social services while there are only two social workers for first-time visits in Health and Care services. In conclusion, there are differences and similarities regarding the constructed protective measures employed in both occupations. Another conclusion is to develop and introduce new protective measures. There is a lack of research on how social workers experience the protective measures against violence and threats in the working places. Therefore, more research must be done on their experiences.

Hur mycket ska en tåla? : Chefers upplevelse av möjligheter och utmaningar i hanteringen av hot och våld riktat mot anställda / How Much Should One Tolerate? : Managers ́ experience of possibilities and challenges in dealing with threats and violence against employees

Jeppsson, Elin, Lundeberg, Siri January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur chefer upplever ledarskap och arbetsmiljöansvar vid hot och våld mot sina anställda. Vård- och omsorgssektorn utmärker sig när det kommer till ökat hot och våld riktat mot personal. Fenomenet och det sociala problemet är komplext vilket skapar svårigheter i att förstå orsakerna bakom det ökade hotet och våldet. I tidigare forskning framstod det att en möjlig förklaring kan vara att arbetsmiljön för personal inom äldreomsorg har förändrats på grund av att allt fler äldre människor blir fler. Samt blir mer sjuka, vilket kräver mer resurser. Ett välkänt koncept för att förebygga denna problematik beskrivs vara goda och välfungerande organisationer som leds av chefer som har förmågan att tillvarata och utveckla personalens resurser. Men det finns en forskningslucka gällande chefers upplevelse kring det ansvar som gäller när hot och våld uppstår på arbetsplatsen. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där urvalet bestod av sex enhetschefer verksamma både inom kommunala och privata äldreboenden. I resultatet beskrivs hur chefer inom äldreomsorgen på olika sätt hanterar och upplever det ansvar de har för arbetsmiljön. Resultatet visade olika delar av det förebyggande arbetet som chefer har beskrivit som viktiga. Dessa har handlat om att öka kunskap kring den målgrupp man arbetar med, följa rutiner i arbetet och sörja för personalens upplevelse av ett gott arbetsklimat. Det framgick att det finns en slags dilemma mellan att acceptera att arbeta med vårdtagare där våldsamt beteende kan vara en effekt av sjukdomen och att inte tolerera det. En annan del i resultatet visar hur chefer lägger stor vikt vid att vara en närvarande chef som en del i att skapa god arbetsmiljö vilket i sin tur påverkar hur hot- och våldssituationer hanteras i organisationen. Ledarskap var likaså centralt i chefers syn på förebyggande arbete och hur de bemöter personalens behov inför att en hot- och våldssituation uppstår eller när den inträffat. / The aim of this study was to examine how managers experience leadership and work environment responsibility in the event of threats and violence against employees. The health and care sector stands out when it comes to increased threats and violence against employees. The phenomena and social problem is complex, leading to difficulties in understanding the reasons behind the increased violence. It is argued in previous research that one explanation may be that the work environment for employees in elderly care has changed due to the fact that more older people are becoming more. As well as becoming more ill, which requires more resources. A well-known concept for preventing this problem has been good and well-functioning organizations led by managers who have the ability to utilize and develop the employees' resources. But there is a research gap regarding how managers experience their responsibility in terms of threat and violence at the workplace. The empirical material was obtained through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews where the sample consisted of six managers of nursing homes in both the municipal and private sector. The result describes how managers in elderly care handle and experience the responsibility they have for the work environment in different ways. The results address various parts of the prevention work that managers have described as important. These have been about increasing knowledge about the target group, following routines at work and ensuring employees experience a good working climate. It appears that there was a kind of dilemma between accepting to work with care recipients where violent behavior can be an effect of the disease and not tolerating it. Parts of the result showed how managers attach great importance to being a present manager as part of creating a good working environment, which in turn affects how threatening and violent situations are handled in the organisation. Leadership was also central to managers' views on preventive work and how they respond to employees' needs before a threat and violence situation arises or when it has occurred.

”Tar ni mina barn kommer jag döda er” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av hot och våld från klienter / “If you take my children I will kill you” : A qualitative study about social service workers' experience of threats and violence from clients

Karlsson, Moa, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers experience and understand threats and violence aimed towards them in their profession as well as what factors increase and decrease their motivation to report threats and violence from clients in order to conspire to a better work environment for social workers.   Method: The empirical material of this study was collected through semi-structured interviews  with six social workers within child protective service in Sweden.   Theory: The theories used to analyze the empirical material has been Berger and Luckmanns theory about social construction and Lundgrens theory about the normalization process.   Results: The results showed that all six social workers had experienced threats or violence from clients at some point. Our results also indicate that social workers normalize threats and violence from their clients. The normalization may be a result of the mentality that threats and violence is a part of the job which is present among social workers. Another finding was that the social workers propensity to report threats or violence depended on the relationship to the client. If they had a long and good relationship the propensity to report decreased.

Information security and hybrid work : A case study of shifts in perceived information security when working hybridly

Nordmark, John, Källebo Rebermark, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
Hybrid work is already a big part of many organizations' structure. This phenomenon presents many new ways of how work is performed and carries new challenges with it. Parallel to that, the importance of working IT securely and coping with IT threats is significant in all fields of work. In this case study, we interview employees at a Swedish IT consultancy company, about their perceptions of hybrid work and their perceived ability to keep information secure in a hybrid work setting. Six employees from the company were selected for interviews. These interviews were then analyzed from the theoretical framework of Protection Motivation Theory which presents ways to explain how individuals are motivated to mediate threats alongside the ISO standard which is used to explain coping behaviors. This study concludes that the employees’ perception regarding the ability to keep information secure while working hybridly is diverse. Furthermore, the office has an important role in perceived security. The final finding reveals that current information security guidelines in ISO need to be updated or expanded to better guide organizations implementing remote work.

Fast fashions påverkan på miljön : En studie om konsumenters kunskaper, attityder och beteenden till Fast fashion fördelat mellan kön, ålder och utbildning / Fast fashion’s impact on the environment : A study on consumers knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards Fast fashion divided between gender, age and education

Ekelund Jonsson, Saga January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, the consumption and production of clothing has increased radically because of Fast fashion. Fast fashion is a business model, which means that clothes are sold at cheap prices and enables and encourages the consumer to buy more clothes. The fast fashion industry offers both physical stores and online stores to constantly offer new garments in the latest trends to the consumers. The fashion industry has a large negative impact on the environment. One of the main purposes of this study is to examine the consumers knowledge and attitudes towards fast fashion and see if these match their behaviour. The study is based on the behavioural theory Value Action Gap where parts of this theory is used to obtain the result. The survey also studies whether there are differences between different genders, age and education regarding this subject. To find a reliable result, a quantitative survey was created in which 107 people participated. The survey was created in Survey & Report and later analysed in SPSS. The diagrams were created in Word. The result shows a certain lack of knowledge among the participants. Knowledge is a fundamental basis for people to make more environmentally friendly decisions. The results also show that consumers believe that the clothing industry contributes with a major threat to the environment, where the majority think that the threat affects them in one way or the other. Despite the consumers attitudes towards fast fashion, their attitudes do not always match their behaviours. The result also indicates that there are differences within the groups of people. There are more women who believe that they are affected by the clothing industry's environmental impact, even though women consume more of the clothes in question. Compared to the lower education group, most of the people with longer education believe that the clothing industry poses a threat to the environment. The results also enlightens that there are more of the older participants who choose clothes with environmental certification, compared to the younger ones. / Under de senaste åren har konsumtionen och produktionen av kläder ökat radikalt till följd av Fast fashion. Fast fashion är en affärsmodell som innebär att kläder säljs för billiga priser och gör det möjligt för konsumenten att handla mer kläder. Fast fashion erbjuder fysiska butiker och online-butiker möjligheten att ständigt kunna erbjuda konsumenterna nya plagg efter det senaste trenderna. Klädindustrin har en stor negativ inverkan på miljön. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka konsumenters kunskaper och attityder till fast fashion samt se om dessa stämmer överens deras beteenden. Studien använder sig av beteendeteorin Value Action Gap där delar av teorin används för att ta fram resultatet. Undersökningen studerar även om det finns skillnader mellan olika kön, ålder och utbildning. Metoden som används är en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där 107 personer deltog. Enkäten skapades i Survey & Report och analyserades sedan i SPSS. Diagrammen gjordes i Word. Resultatet visar att det finns viss brist på kunskap hos deltagarna. Kunskap är en viktig grund för att människan ska vilja agera mer miljövänligt. Studiens resultat visar även att konsumenterna anser att klädindustrin utgör att stort hot mot miljön där den större delen tycker att hotet berör dem. Trots konsumenternas attityd till fast fashion visar det sig att deras attityder inte alltid stämmer överens med deras beteenden. Resultatet indikerar även att det finns skillnader inom de olika grupperna. Det är fler kvinnor som anser att de berörs av klädindustrins miljöpåverkan även om det är fler kvinnor som handlar kläder oftare. För de med längre utbildning anser de flesta att klädindustrin utgör ett hot mot miljön. Jämfört med de lägre utbildningsgrupper. Resultatet visar även att det är fler av de äldre som oftare väljer kläder med miljöcertifiering jämfört med de yngre.

"I jobbet accepterar man det lite mer, det är ju förståeligt att de är upprörda". : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares syn på hot och våld. / "You accept it a little more in your work, it's understandable that they are upset" : - A qualitative interview study about social workers' view on client violence and threats in the workplace.

Andersson, Emelie, Szabo, Zselyke January 2023 (has links)
Every third social worker is exposed to client violence and threats. The recent protest against the LVU-legislation has contributed to a debate that has increased the vulnerability of social workers. The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the effects that threats and violence has on social work. The research questions of this study concern the professional role and discretion of social workers, the strategies for managing violence, and attitudes toward safety procedures. A semi-structured interview approach is utilized, involving six social workers from three municipalities. The findings of this study suggest that threats and violence have an impact on the work of social workers and can have consequences for both investigations and decisions. Social workers utilize various strategies to manage obvious violence and threats, whereas unspoken threats are difficult to define and handle. The trust and knowledge of safety procedures varies, while the support of colleagues is crucial. Based on this, the role of mentalization in the normalization process is discussed, and how threats and violence are expected to be accepted as a part of the job. The impact on discretion is discussed in terms of authority and how it influences clients, as well as discussions regarding the consequences of excessive safety procedures. / Var tredje socialsekreterare utsätts för hot och våld på sin arbetsplats.Socialsekreterare som arbetar med utredning för barn och unga löper risk attbli utsatta. Den senaste tidens debatt kring LVU-lagstiftningen kan ha ökatsocialsekreterarnas utsatthet. I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie är syftet attundersöka vilken effekt hot och våld kan få för socialsekreterares arbete,som innefattar utredning för barn och unga. Frågeställningarna somundersöks berör yrkesroll och handlingsutrymme, strategier för att hanteravåldet samt förhållningssätt till säkerhetsrutiner på arbetsplatsen. I dettaarbete genomförs en semistrukturerad intervjustudie som omfattar sexsocialsekreterare från tre olika kommuner. Det som framkommer iintervjustudien är att hot och våld kan påverka socialsekreterarnas arbete,vilket skulle kunna få konsekvenser för både utredningar och beslut.Socialsekreterare har många strategier för att hantera våld och konkreta hot,medan förtäckta och outtalade hot är svårt att definiera och hantera. Tilltrontill och kunskapen om säkerhetsrutiner varierar, medan det kollegiala stödetlyfts fram som den viktigaste trygghetsaspekten. Utifrån detta diskuteras hurmentalisering bidrar till en normaliseringsprocess, där hot och våldaccepteras som en del av yrket. Påverkan på handlingsutrymmet diskuterasutifrån makt och påverkan på utredningsarbetet, medan diskussioner förskring konsekvenser av bristfälliga säkerhetsrutiner.

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