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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbeidsmiljøets betydning for turnoverintensjon og faktisk turnover blant ledere i offentlig sektor

Sørli, Marianne January 2017 (has links)
Ledere i offentlig sektor slutter i jobben sin hyppigere enn tidligere, og turnoveren er et stort problem. Denne studiens formål er å undersøke hvilke faktorer ved arbeidsmiljøet, delt inn i krav og ressurser, som kan ha innvirkning på turnoverintensjon og faktisk turnover, samt hvilke turnoverintensjoner som predikerer faktisk turnover. Krav, ressurser og tre ulike former for turnoverintensjon er målt ved et tidspunkt, og informasjon om faktisk turnover er hentet inn to år senere. Resultatet av logistiske regresjoner viser at intensjonen om å avansere som leder er den turnoverintensjonen som best predikerer faktisk turnover. Det er ulike krav og ressurser som påvirker de tre formene for turnoverintensjon, og ingen av de predikerer faktisk turnover. Dette kan bety at turnoverintensjon muligens ikke bør brukes som stedfortreder for faktisk turnover da det kan virke som at de to drives av ulike bakenforliggende mekanismer.

Leading Organizational Change Globally : A study of the success factors for effectively driving change in a multicultural and international company

Barrón Löthman, Laura January 2017 (has links)
Organizations face challenges in terms of costs and resistance when dealing with change. Global organizations face additional challenges with change when dealing with differences in national culture. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate organizational change in an international and multicultural environment. The aim was to discover how global companies can effectively drive change by analyzing perspectives, experiences, attitudes and values of change of employees of different nationalities and positions in a global company. Research questions such as: “What factors enable or prevent the implementation of organizational changes?”, “Which are the success factors for leading change in a global organization?”, “What are the challenges when it comes to leading change in a global organization?” and “Is there a difference in perspectives, attitudes, motivation and values towards change?” Were answered in this investigation. Semi-structured informant and respondent interviews as well as quantitative surveys were conducted. Analysis shows that factors affecting organizational change processes were dimensions of change, structure, time, support, change competencies, clarity and justifications for the change. Results showed that concern for human factors and global/ local awareness were success factors when leading change. Challenges identified included the delivery of a complete communication across the organization, adapting change approach to all cultures and an eagerness to create organizational changes. At last, results showed that respondents differed in perspectives, experiences and motivation for change. Statistical analysis proved that these differences were attributed to nationality but also to age and position. Finally, a discussion of results highlights the importance for organizations to understand and solve the dilemma of doing both, managing and leading change.

Social Anxiety Disorder, ratings of faces and character strengths : Some insights to their relation

Boström, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Social anxiety disorder has several impairments (including attention bias in ratings of facial expressions). Character strengths has been seen to increase well-being and functioning among healthy individuals. With this in mind, three aims were stated; Is there a relation between SAD and VIA, can this relation be explained by confounding’s and does ratings of faces tell anything about the relation? Data were collected through a survey from 41 participants (13 men) with a mean age of 30 years. Correlation and regression models were performed to see if these constructs were related. The findings showed that character strengths and social anxiety were correlated, and that the regression model did not predict SAD. The regression model for Via were significant with all confounding variables. Ratings of facial expression were not related to any variables. Further studies need to look more into this correlation to see the underpinnings of these constructs.

Well-being and Dispositional Optimism in Uganda and Sweden : An empirical and neurobiological investigation

Lönn, Josefina January 2015 (has links)
Uganda´s well-being ranks among the worst in the world, while Sweden´s well-being ranks among the best. This thesis investigates if there is a difference in well-being and dispositional optimism in Uganda and Sweden. The neurobiology underlying well-being and optimism is also examined. The neural correlations of well-being and optimism are connected to areas in the limbic system and cerebral cortex. Prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex are two curial regions involved in both well-being and optimism. Amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus, and thalamus are central areas for hedonic well-being, dispositional optimism, and optimism bias. In this thesis 284 Ugandans and 256 Swedes completed a questionnaire based survey. Greater hedonic well-being was found among Swedes, whereas greater eudiamonic well-being was found among Ugandans. Swedes reported greater global life satisfaction than Ugandans, but Ugandans expressed higher satisfaction with their current lives compared with Swedes. In relation to dispositional optimism, Ugandans were found to be both more optimistic and more pessimistic than Swedes. This unexpected dispositional optimism pattern is discussed and future research directions are proposed.

The effect of task relevancy in non-consciously retained information in working memory

Gustavsson, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
The relationship between cognitive processes and consciousness has been of interest for a long time in the science community. Recent studies showed that it’s possible to non-consciously retain information in working memory.  This study aimed to replicate previous findings, and to investigate the effect of task relevancy to the retention of non-conscious information. This study used a delayed-match-to-sample task with a cue manipulating the attention, and continuous flash suppression to render the perceptual experience non-conscious on 16 participants.  Analyses showed that cue validity affected the accuracy performance and response time for items reported not seen. Implications of study design, results and theories are deliberated in the discussion.

Om glädjen inte styr tar kompetenskänslan över : Truppgymnasters och simhoppares syn på motivation och kompetens

Kuylser, Sofia, Melin, Jacob January 2015 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie var att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur truppgymnaster och simhoppare på nationell elitnivå uppfattar kompetens samt dess betydelse för den inre motivationen att utöva sin idrott. Studien använder sig av self determination theory (SDT) som teoretisk ram och tar avstamp i följande frågeställningar: (1) Vad motiverar dessa idrottare att utöva sin idrott? (2) När upplever sig truppgymnaster och simhoppare kompetenta i sin idrott? (3) Vilken inverkan har den upplevda kompetensen på motivationen hos dessa idrottare? (4) Vilka strategier använder sig truppgymnaster och simhoppare av för att känna sig kompetenta i sitt idrottande? Metod Studien genomfördes med kvalitativa intervjuer med sju elitidrottare inom truppgymnastik och simhopp, vilka tillhör de främsta i sin idrott i Sverige. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes utifrån en framarbetad intervjuguide. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades sedan med utgångspunkt ur ett interpretativt tillvägagångssätt. Ett induktivt förhållningssätt stod till grund för taggningen av materialet som sedan skapade en hierarkisk kategorisering av motivation och upplevd kompetens hos deltagarna. Resultat Resultaten visar att idrottarna motiveras av aspekter av både inre och yttre motivation där framförallt glädje var ett framträdande begrepp. Förutom i ledarskapet var behovstillfredsställelse av autonomi, tillhörighet och kompetens källor till motivation. Upplevd kompetens påverkades bland annat av vilken målinriktning idrottarna hade samt tillgången till bekräftelse på sin faktiska kompetens. De strategier som idrottarna använde sig av för att uppleva sig kompetenta var bland andra genom: idrottspsykologiska färdigheter, att söka bekräftelse och att demonstrera kompetens. Slutsats Att känna sig kompetent inom de estetiska idrotterna truppgymnastik och simhopp visade sig vara en viktig komponent för motivation till idrotten, både långsiktigt och kortsiktigt där kontexten tycktes ha stor betydelse för hur idrottarna upplever sig kompetenta i sitt idrottande.

Psykoterapeuters upplevelse av ansvar / Psychotherapists' experience of responsibility

Sundvall, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa psykoterapeutens upplevelse av ansvar gentemot sina patienter samt hur detta påverkar henne i sitt professionella arbete respektive sitt privata liv. Studien söker att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1.) Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter upplevelsen av existentiellt ansvar gentemot sina patienter? 2.) Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter olika faktorer som påverkar ansvarsupplevelsen? 3.) Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter ansvarsupplevelsens påverkan på ett existentiellt plan? 4.) Vad beskriver psykoterapeuter som hjälpsamt för att hantera ansvarsupplevelsen? Författaren har valt en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex legitimerade psykoterapeuter. Dessa transkriberades till skrift och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att det existentiella ansvaret gentemot patienten upplevs som stort och genomgripande samt att ansvarskänslans styrka påverkas av både strukturella, patientavhängiga och personliga faktorer. Ansvarskänslan tycks vara kopplad till den mänskliga existensen snarare än till formella regler och riktlinjer. Psykoterapeuten påverkas av sitt arbete både i det privata och professionella livet. Detta upplevs som relativt oproblematiskt av psykoterapeuten om/när hon har hittat ett sätt att förhålla sig till det. Flera faktorer som är hjälpsamma för att hantera ansvarskänslan har framkommit, varav flera handlar om egenvård. / The purpose of this study is to examine the psychotherapist's experience of responsibility towards their patients and how this affects her in her professional work and private life. The study seeks to answer the following questions: 1.) How do psychotherapists describe the experience of existential responsibility? 2.) How do psychotherapists describe different factors that affect the responsibility experience? 3.) How do psychotherapists describe the impact of responsibility experience on an existential level? 4.) What do psychotherapists describe as helpful in managing the responsibility experience? The author has chosen a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews were conducted with six licensed psychotherapists. These were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The result shows that the existential responsibility towards the patient is perceived as profound, and that the power of responsibility is influenced by both structural, patient-dependent and personal factors. Responsibility seems to be linked to human existence rather than to formal rules and guidelines. The psychotherapist is influenced by her work both in the private and professional life. This is perceived as relatively unproblematic of psychotherapist if/when she has found a way to relate to it. Several factors are helpful to manage the experience of responsibility has emerged, several of which is about self-care.

Drivkrafter och en psykoterapeutisk process på vägen att bli psykoterapeut / Impelling Forces and a Psychotherapeutic Process in Becoming a Psychotherapist

Wimmermark, Agneta January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Vilka drivkrafter manifesta och latenta får den blivande terapeuten att påbörja och gå vägen till att bli terapeut? Vilka drivkrafter driver vidare? Hur kan de latenta drivkrafterna nås och förstås? Syftet med studien är att utforska drivkrafterna och betydelsen av en psykoterapeutisk process.  Frågeställningar: Hur beskriver terapeuten sina drivkrafter på sin väg att bli terapeut? Bildar drivkrafterna något mönster? Vilken betydelse har en psykoterapeutisk process på vägen att bli psykoterapeut?  Metod: Studien är en hermeneutisk fenomenologisk studie ur ett narrativt perspektiv. Den har genomförts som semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med öppna grundfrågor. Det insamlade materialet har efter att ha analyserats samlats i teman.  Resultat: Under arbetets gång har ett mönster blivit allt tydligare: drivkrafterna tillsammans med den existentiella kampen mellan ratio, ett rationellt förnuft och en emotionell sanning är en psykoterapeutisk process. Diskussion: Tillsammans ger drivkrafterna bilden av kampen mellan ratio, det rationella förnuftets sanning och känslans, den emotionella sanningen. Det är också bilden av den psykoterapeutiska processen som väg och nav i utbildningen och i livet, ett personligt integrationsarbete av teori, erfarenhet och metod. Detta åskådliggörs i uppsatsens text av de i de teoretiskt logiskt resonerande avsnitten som små pilar inskjutna lyrikcitaten, ett synliggörande av den emotionella sidan i människan, inflätad i det logiska, rationella tänkandet. Denna process är en reparation, ett försonings- och läkningsarbete intrapsykiskt och interpersonellt. Det är en självgranskning och ett personligt integrationsarbete, en integration av teori, metod, erfarenhet och personlighet som blir en väg till identitetsförståelse. Den psykoterapeutiska processen med egenterapi och handledning leder vidare och djupare i ett sökande efter drivkraftens upphov, dess grund och rotfäste: en väg med ett mål, men utan ände. / Introduction: What forces, apparent and hidden drive the future psychotherapist to take the first steps on the path to become a therapist and what forces drive hir to continue?. The aim of the study is to explore these impelling/motivating forces and the relevance of psychological process on that path.  Questions: How does the therapist describe these forces on hir way to become a therapist?Do they form a pattern to analyse? What is the relevance of a psychotherapeutic process on that path? Method: The study is hermeneutic, phenomenological in a narrative perspective, based on semi structured interviews in depth with open questions. The resulting material was organized in themes.   Results: While working with the study an emerging pattern has become clearer: the impelling forces, interlaced with the existential struggle between ratio, rational reasoning and emotional truth can be interpreted as a psychotherapeutic process.   Discussion: The impelling forces in the study give together a picture of life’s fundamental struggle between ratio, intellectual reasoning and emotional truth. These forces also give the picture of the therapeutic process as a path and hub in the therapists training and life, an individual, personal labour of integrating theory, experience and method. The use of poetic citations, little arrows in the theoretical, logical texts in the study illustrate the emotional side of the human being interlaced with the logical and rational. This process is a task of mending, reconciliation and healing. It means selfexamination, a personal integration of theory, experience and personality leading to a sense of identity. The psychotherapeutic process with personal therapy and counselling leads on to a further search for the origins of the compelling forces, their foundations and roots. A path with a goal but no end.

"Frihet under ansvar" : - En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar medarbetare att stanna kvar på en arbetsplats / Freedom and responsibility : - A qualitative study about what motivates employees to stay at a company

Ljungström, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
The rate at which people change jobs is high, including in Sweden. Previous research has shown that work motivation and job satisfaction affect the performance and wellbeing of co-workers among other things. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine what motivates employees to stay at a company. The data were collected through semi structured interviews, which meant that the study was qualitative. The guide for the interviews contained 19 questions in total. The questions were categorized according to three different themes. Six employees from separate organizations were included in the study. Thematic analysis was used as a method to analyse the data, which showed that several factors affected the participant’s motivation to continue working at a specific company. The result was presented through four major themes and various sub-themes. These were opportunities for development, leadership, work tasks and work environment, topics that often were mentioned during the interviews. What characterized this study was that all the participants expressed that they were satisfied at their current workplace. Thus, further research can help increase the knowledge about what makes people stay at a company and why they might leave.  Keywords: Motivation, job satisfaction, employees, labour mobility / Rörligheten på arbetsmarknaden är idag mycket stor i Sverige. Tidigare forskning har visat att arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkar alltifrån prestation till välmående, varpå syftet i denna studie var att undersöka vad som motiverar yrkesverksamma personer att stanna kvar på en arbetsplats. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer, något som innebar att studien hade en kvalitativ ansats. Intervjuguiden bestod av 19 färdigformulerade frågor, vilka kategoriserades utifrån tre olika teman. Totalt sex yrkesverksamma personer från olika organisationer deltog i studien. Tematisk analys användes som metod för att bearbeta och analysera insamlat material, vilken visade att flera faktorer påverkade viljan att fortsätta inom en viss verksamhet. Resultatet presenterades genom fyra huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Dessa var utvecklingsmöjligheter, ledarskap, arbetsuppgifter och arbetsmiljö, olika återkommande ämnen under intervjuerna. Utmärkande för aktuell studie var att samtliga deltagare uttryckte att de trivdes på sin nuvarande arbetsplats. Vidare forskning kan därför ge ännu större förståelse för vad som får människor att stanna kvar på respektive lämna en organisation.  Nyckelord: Motivation, arbetstillfredsställelse, medarbetare, rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden

Group Characteristics Impact on Bicycling when Alcohol Intoxicated

Andersérs, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
There are many studies conducted on cognitive performance and of different aspects that can affect the performance. However, the literature review reveal that there is a knowledge gap in the area of measurements for bicycle stability and in how bicycle stability is affected during acute alcohol intoxication. The aim of this study is, therefore, to investigate if different group characteristics such as cycling experience, physical activity, sensation-seeking, or previous alcohol habits have an effect on bicycle performance or executive functions during acute alcohol intoxication. The method of the study was to measure stability while bicycling on a tread-mill and give participants doses of alcohol until a Breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) level of approximately 0.8‰ was reached. The results showed that cognitive performance was almost unaffected for the different groups studied. The results of bicycle stability were almost equal in effect of time among the four different group characteristics in both Roll and YAW measurements. Three of the group characteristics showed a main effect or a tendency for interaction effect of group by time. The conclusion is that the measure of Roll, the vertical orientation on a bicycle, maybe is the most effective stability measurement for bicycles.

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