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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-operative and state ownership in Northern Saskatchewan under the CCF government

Radloff, Karla 12 July 2012 (has links)
<p>"Co-operative and State Ownership in Northern Saskatchewan Under the CCF Government" examines the use of social ownership as a policy instrument by the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) government in Northern Saskatchewan from 1944 to 1964. Led by Tommy Douglas, the new government defined numerous policy problems in the North stemming from both an economy dominated by private ownership and unstable natural resource based industries. Using two types of social ownership, crown corporations and co-operatives, the CCF sought to rectify these problems and improve the standard of living in Northern Saskatchewan. This study intends to determine whether the CCF government achieved its policy goals in Northern Saskatchewan and concludes that it accomplished its policy-specific goals. Although the CCF may not have revolutionized the Northern economy, it did realize some of its policy goals in the North.</p> <p>This study is significant because it is the first to focus solely on the program of social ownership that the CCF government implemented in the North and assess the success of the program on the CCF's terms. Moreover, this thesis offers a comprehensive review of the political origins and development of co-operatives in Northern Saskatchewan.</p>

Co-operative and state ownership in northern Saskatchewan under the CCF government

Radloff, Karla 20 October 2008
Co-operative and State Ownership in Northern Saskatchewan Under the CCF Government examines the use of social ownership as a policy instrument by the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) government in Northern Saskatchewan from 1944 to 1964. Led by Tommy Douglas, the new government defined numerous policy problems in the North stemming from both an economy dominated by private ownership and unstable natural resource based industries. Using two types of social ownership, crown corporations and co-operatives, the CCF sought to rectify these problems and improve the standard of living in Northern Saskatchewan. This study intends to determine whether the CCF government achieved its policy goals in Northern Saskatchewan and concludes that it accomplished its policy specific goals. Although the CCF may not have revolutionized the Northern economy, it did realize some of its policy goals in the North. <p> This study is significant because it is the first to focus solely on the program of social ownership that the CCF government implemented in the North and assess the success of the program on the CCFs terms. Moreover, this thesis offers a comprehensive review of the political origins and development of co-operatives in Northern Saskatchewan.


Andrade, Everson? 05 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Programa de P?s-Gradua??o Engenharia El?trica (ppgee@ifpb.edu.br) on 2018-06-05T13:47:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 49- Everson Pereira de Andrade - ESTUDO DA ESPECTROSCOPIA DIEL?TRICA DA MANGA TOMMY ATKINS NA FAIXA DE MICRO-ONDAS.pdf: 1850442 bytes, checksum: 909f819ce8e6c6e86c5c8d4f884f08bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Programa de P?s-Gradua??o Engenharia El?trica (ppgee@ifpb.edu.br) on 2018-06-05T13:59:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 49- Everson Pereira de Andrade - ESTUDO DA ESPECTROSCOPIA DIEL?TRICA DA MANGA TOMMY ATKINS NA FAIXA DE MICRO-ONDAS.pdf: 1850442 bytes, checksum: 909f819ce8e6c6e86c5c8d4f884f08bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-05T13:59:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 49- Everson Pereira de Andrade - ESTUDO DA ESPECTROSCOPIA DIEL?TRICA DA MANGA TOMMY ATKINS NA FAIXA DE MICRO-ONDAS.pdf: 1850442 bytes, checksum: 909f819ce8e6c6e86c5c8d4f884f08bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-05 / A assinatura diel?trica da manga Tommy Atkins pelo m?todo da sonda coaxial, com compara??o da constante diel?trica e a tangente de perda em diversos est?dios de matura??o de frutos de um mesmo lote, produzidos na regi?o de Petrolina-PE ? apresentada neste trabalho. ? verificado a varia??o dos par?metros diel?tricos da fruta em diversas frequ?ncias, durante o processo de matura??o, considerando as transforma??es fisiol?gicas para a taxa de respira??o, forma??o de etileno, do amido, dos a??cares e ?cidos sol?veis titul?veis. Os resultados mostram uma grande correla??o entre os par?metros diel?tricos e o est?dio de matura??o da manga, quando se verifica a varia??o di?ria da constante diel?trica e fator de perdas. A assinatura diel?trica obtida permite identificar o pico de matura??o, que, para o manejo da amostra utilizada, ocorre aproximadamente no sexto dia ap?s a colheita. Os resultados tamb?m sugerem que os par?metros diel?tricos podem ser importantes indicadores na an?lise da manga Tommy Atkins, principalmente pela possibilidade de efetuar medidas externas, n?o destrutivas, o que pode se tornar uma ferramenta imprescind?vel para os produtores.

Sex som symbol : Analys om hur sex skildras i musikvideos, det dolda budskapet och vilken betydelse det har.

Ljung, Tove January 2017 (has links)
My purpose in this essay is to analyse sexual messages and symbolism in music videos. Sexual contact can be depicted in various ways, like symbols of something hidden, not only how men and women relate to each other through a sexual act. I’ve demarcated the study into two music videos: Rammsteins Pussy, and Tommy Chashs Surf, based on the videos controversial reputation from the public. My question at issue is how sexual messages depicture and how symbolism indicates. The study is based on a semiotic model based on Roland Barthes' theory of character, as he presents in the book, Elements of Semiology. The result of this study is that the depiction of sex in these videos is presented as a symbol of personal message, and as a provocation. It reflects previous views on sexuality through the centuries. The provocation itself reinforces the artists image.

Biogasrötning av socker- och foderbetor : Jämförelse av färska, stuklagrade samt ensilerade betor i laboratorieskala

Karlsson, Tommy January 2012 (has links)
Fossil fuels are affecting our climate negatively and there is a limited amount of them in the world, which leads to the importance of finding alternative fuels. One alternative is biogas, which is produced though a digestion process of different organic materials in a biogasreactor. Organic substrate that comes from farms has the biggest potential to increase the production of biogas in Sweden. Primarily crops from farms, but also waste products like manure are of great importance. Today there is a calculated theoretical potential for biogasproduction of 14TWh per year, which is around ten times larger than Sweden’s production today. This potential depends on how much arable land that is used to produce crops for biogas though, and can be much larger. The biggest contributor to increase the biogasproduction is crops from farms and manure3. The reason for this is because sugar- and fodderbeets contain the highest amount of energy per hectare arable land for crops, and therefore it is interesting to study how to optimize the use of this energy. Usually the beets have to be stored after the harvest since the most of the beets cannot be used directly, and a consistent feed to the biogas reactors is favorable. The most common way to store the beets today is in covered storage or silage. The beets are usually in need of being co-digested together with another substrate since the amount of nitrogen that the beets contain are relatively low, and therefore the beets may be in need of co-digest with a substrate that contains a higher amount of nitrogen. For example are manure or slaughterwaste substrates containing high amounts of nitrogen, and therefore are co-digestion between beets and these kinds of substrates improving the ratio between carbon and nitrogen, which improves the digestion process. This is the reason why the beets were co-digested with manure from cattle during this study. The goal with this study were to compare newly harvested sugar- and fodderbeets potential for biogasproduction, with the production from beets that were placed in covered storage respectively silage. Another goal was to decide which type of beet, storage method and pre-treatment method that are the most optimal for co-digestion with manure from cattle. The tests showed that when newly harvested sugar- and fodderbeets were added the part size were a more important factor then when the beets had been stored or ensilaged. For newly harvested sugarbeets the biggest part size gave the highest production, while the newly harvested fodderbeets of the same size did not have time to digest properly, which resulted in that their production were the lowest. When the haulm from sugarbeets were added together with sugarbeets and co-digested with manure from cattle the results were more like the results from the fodderbeets. During the tests ensilaged beets had a higher production than the newly harvested and the beets that were stored covered. Even though the results from the ensilaged beets were modified since losses occurred from the ensilation process. Comparison between the groups showed no bigger differences in production for the sugarbeets, while for fodderbeets the second largest part size had a higher production than the others with fodderbeets. With ensilaged sugarbeets together with the haulm there was shown that the group with the second most amount of haulm gave a higher production than the rest of the groups that were co-digested with haulm. The tests can be concluded by that newly harvested and the sugarbeets that were stored covered are more suitable to be co-digested together with manure from cattle than fodderbeets when looking at these percentage admixtures and preconditions. When the beets have been ensilaged is it more favorably to use fodderbeets then sugarbeets together with manure from cattle. The part size was shown to have no bigger significance. To sum up ensilaged beets over all seem to be more favorably to co-digest with cattle manure than newly harvested or beets that were in covered storage. The production per gram VS were significantly higher although correction calculations. / Det används idag stora mängder av fossila bränslen som är av begränsad tillgång vilket påverkar vår miljö och omgivning negativt, vilket leder till att alternativa bränslen behövs1. Ett alternativ är biogas, vilket bildas genom en rötningsprocess av olika organiska material i en biogasrötningskammare. Organiskt material som kommer från jordbruket har störst potential att öka produktionen av biogas i Sverige. Främst odlade grödor, men även avfallsprodukter så som gödsel är av stort intresse. Idag har man en beräknad teoretisk potential för biogasproduktion på 14 TWh per år, vilket är omkring tio gånger så mycket jämfört med dagens produktion. Denna teoretiska potential beror dock på hur stor mark som kan avsättas för att odla grödor till biogas, och kan bli mycket större. De största bidragen till denna produktion av biogas skulle vara just odlade grödor och gödsel.3 I och med att socker- och foderbetor är de grödor som ger störst energimängd per hektar åkermark är det också ett bra alternativ till att undersöka hur man kan optimera produktionen ytterligare. Ofta används dock inte alla betorna direkt efter upptagningen till att producera biogas, utan större delen av betorna behöver lagras på något sätt för att kunna uppnå en jämn produktion i biogasreaktorn året om. Vanligast är idag att man lagrar betorna antingen i stuka eller som ensilage. Socker- samt foderbetor behöver dock samrötas med något annat material. Detta eftersom mängden kväve som betorna innehåller är relativt lågt, och det kan därför behöva samrötas med ett mer kväverikt material. Exempel på kväverika material är gödsel samt slakteriavfall, och genom att betorna samrötas med sådana material uppnås en bättre balans mellan kol och kväve i blandningen, vilket påverkar resultatet från rötningsprocessen positivt. Det är därför som testomgångarna med socker- samt foderbetor i denna rapport samrötats med nötflytgödsel. Målsättningen med denna undersökning var att jämföra färska socker- och foderbetors potential för biogasproduktion, med hur produktionen skiljer sig vid stuklagring respektive ensilering. Därefter var ytterligare en målsättning att bedöma vilken typ av beta, lagringsmetod och förbehandlingsmetod som lämpar sig bäst för samrötning med nötflytgödsel. Under de tre testförsöken som genomfördes visade det sig att när socker- samt foderbetorna tillsattes i färskt tillstånd, så spelade bitstorleken en större roll för resultaten, än när betorna lagrats eller ensilerats. För färska sockerbetor visade det sig att sockerbetor av den största bitstorleken gav högst produktion, medan för färska foderbetor av samma storlek hann betorna inte brytas ned ordentligt under loppet av testperioden, vilket resulterade i att dess produktion blev lägst. Vid tillsats av sockerbetsblast tillsammans med sockerbetor blev resultaten mer likt foderbetornas. Det visade sig under de tre testförsöken att ensilerade socker- samt foderbetor gav en högre produktion än vad färska samt stuklagrade betor gav. Detta trots att resultaten korrigerats enligt korrektionsformler för ensilerat material. Vid jämförelse inom själva testomgången visade det sig inga större skillnader i produktion för sockerbetorna. För foderbetorna gav gruppen med den näst största bitstorleken en lite högre produktion än de andra grupperna. För grupperna som innehöll sockerbetor tillsammans med sockerbetsblast visade det sig att gruppen innehållandes näst mest sockerbetsblast ge en förhöjd produktion jämfört med de andra grupperna innehållandes blast. De tre testomgångarna kan sammanfattningsvis beskrivas som att färska och stuklagrade sockerbetor är mer lämpade att samrötas tillsammans med nötflytgödsel än foderbetor är gällande dessa procentuella inblandningar och förutsättningar. När betorna ensilerats är det mer fördelaktigt att använda foderbetor än sockerbetor tillsammans med nötflytgödsel. Bitstorleken visade sig inte ha någon större betydelse. Ensilerade betor anses vara mer fördelaktigt att röta tillsammans med nötflytgödsel än färska samt stuklagrade betor då produktionen per gram VS var markant högre trots korrigeringsberäkningar.

Contemporary Swedish Music for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet in Mixed Chamber Ensembles with a Performance Analysis of Selected Works of Bo Nilsson, Folke Rabe, and Tommy Zwedberg

Engstrom, Larry M. (Larry Milton) 08 1900 (has links)
This study discusses how cultural and social aspects of contemporary Swedish society impact the musical arts. It contains biographical information on representative Swedish composers, and analyzes technical and structural elements of their compositional styles. Finally, it recommends performance practice considerations regarding technical and interpretive details in Tommy Zwedberg's Face the Music for trumpet and prepared audio tape, Folke Habe's Shazam for unaccompanied trumpet, and Bo Nilsson's Infrastruktur for brass quintet.

Attityders betydelser : Attityduttryck och deras retoriska effekter i en tv-debatt mellan Gudrun Schyman och Maria Arnholm

Klasson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Attityders betydelser är en undersökning som syftar till att skapa en förståelse av hur attitydgestalter fungerar i en debattsituation genom att analysera hur ickeverbal retorik såsom kroppsspråk, blickar och gester samspelar med det som uttryckligen sägs. Forskningsobjektet utgjordes av en tv-debatt i SVT Agenda mellan Gudrun Schyman (Fi) och jämställdhetsminister Maria Arnholm (Fp) kring den såkallade ”lönefrågan”, om hur politikerna ska verka för att lönerna i Sverige ska bli mer jämställda mellan kvinnor och män. Analysen visade att Schyman uttrycker många starka negativa attityduttryck som skapar en konflikt i debattens diskursdynamik. Dessa attityduttryck i kombination med vad Schyman säger till Arnholm gör att de båda debattörernas ethos och maktpositioner förändras, där Schyman får ett övertag i debatten som hon kan utnyttja för att till slut vinna den. Frågor som kan vara intressanta för vidare forskning är om Schymans konfliktskapande attityduttryck kan generaliseras till andra retoriker och med vilket syfte det i så fall verkar ske. Sådan forskning skulle kunna nyansera den retorik som framförs i politiska debatter och indirekt bidra till att granska dessa ideologikritiskt.

Métodos combinados de desidratação osmótica e secagem para conservação de manga tommy atkins. / Combined methods of osmotic dehydration and drying for conservation of tommy atkins.

RIBEIRO, Carmelita de Fátima Amaral. 15 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Élida Maeli Fernandes Quirino (maely_sax@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-15T18:49:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMELITA DE FÁTIMA AMARAL RIBEIRO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2004..pdf: 33723212 bytes, checksum: fad7e8ae9b6ebe264a6a71d2aababe92 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-15T18:49:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMELITA DE FÁTIMA AMARAL RIBEIRO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2004..pdf: 33723212 bytes, checksum: fad7e8ae9b6ebe264a6a71d2aababe92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-03 / A manga (Mangifera indica L) é uma das frutas tropicais mais populares do mundo, ela se destaca pelo sabor, aroma e valor nutritivo. Apesar da alta tecnologia utilizada na produção de manga, ainda existem grandes perdas pós-colheitas, devido a fatores climáticos, físicos e químicos. Uma das principais causas da deterioração de alimentos frescos e também conservados é a quantidade de água livre presente nos mesmos. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de estudar o processo de desidratação osmótica e cinética de secagem para obtenção de produtos secos de manga Tommy Atkins. As soluções utilizadas no processo de desidratação osmótica foram de sacarose e xarope de milho. A desidratação osmótica foi realizada de acordo com um planejamento fatorial completo 23, com pontos centrais e axiais, totalizando 17 ensaios. A influência dos fatores (temperatura, concentração e tempo) e suas interações sobre as respostas foram analisadas através de análise de variância (ANOVA), teste F e coeficiente de determinação (R2). Verificou-se que estes fatores mostraram ter efeito significativo sobre a perda de peso, perda de água e ganho de sólidos de manga desidratada, dentro das faixas estudadas, ou seja, com aumento desses fatores maior foi a influencia sobre as respostas estudadas. Neste estudo os fatores concentração e temperatura foram os de maior influência no processo de desidratação osmótica. As condições ótimas encontradas de desidratação osmótica utilizada como pré-tratamento para obtenção de uma maior perda de água e um menor ganho de sólidos foram: temperaturas de 50 e 40°C, concentração de 40 e 50% e tempo de imersão de 90 e 160 minutos, para a manga desidratada em solução de sacarose e xarope de milho, respectivamente. A etapa de secagem convencional das amostras in natura e desidratadas foi realizada em secador de leito fixo, nas temperaturas de 30, 40 e50°C e velocidade do ar de 2,1 m/s"1. Os dados experimentais de secagem convencional foram ajustados pelo modelo de Page. O produto final foi avaliado pelo pH, acidez e açúcares totais e redutores. / The mango {Mangifera indica. L) it is one of the more popular tropical fruits of the world, she stands out for the flavor, smell and nutritious value. In spite of the high technology used in the production of mango, great losses powder-crops still exist, due to climatic, physical and chemical factors. One of the main causes of the deterioration of fresh and also conserved victuals is the amount of present free water in the same ones. This work was driven with the objective of studying the process of osmotic and kinetic dehydration of drying conventional for obtaining of dry products of mango Tommy Atkins. The solutions used in the process of osmotic dehydration were of sucrose and corn syrup. The osmotic dehydration was accomplished in agreement with a planning complete fatorial 23, with central and axial points, totalizando 17 rehearsals. The influence of each variable and its interactions on the answers were analyzed through variance analysis (ANOVA), test F and determination coefficient (R2). It was verified that the factors (temperature, concentration and time) showed to have significant effect on the weight loss, loss of water and gain of solids of dehydrated sleeve, inside of the studied strips, that is to say, with those factors adulfs increase it went to it influences on the studied answers. In this study the factors concentration and temperature were the one of larger influence in the process of osmotic dehydration. The found great conditions of osmotic dehydration used as pré-treatment for obtaining of a larger loss of water and a smaller gain of solids were: temperatures of 50 and 40°C, concentration of 40 and 50% and time of immersion of 90 and 160 minutes, for the mango dehydrated in sucrose solution and corn syrup, respectively. The stage of drying conventional of the samples in natura and dehydrated it was accomplished in dryer of fixed bed, in the temperatures of 30, 40 and 50°C and speed ofthe air of 2,1 m/s"1. The experimental data of were drying conventional adjusted by Page model. The final product was evaluated by the pH, acidity and total sugars and reducers.

Ruimte, identiteit en beweging in Tommy Wieringa se Joe Speedboot (2005)

Aldrich, Catrina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die wyse waarop die ruimtebeelding in Joe Speedboot deur Tommy Wieringa in wisselwerking tree met die identiteitsontwikkeling in die roman. Aan die hand van teoretisering deur onder andere Henri Lefebvre word die uitbeelding van die sosiale ruimte in die roman aan die orde gestel. Die klassifikasie van Joe Speedboot as ‟n ontwikkelingsroman is hierby ‟n noemenswaardige uitgangspunt, omdat Wieringa die sentrale karakters se adolessensie, oftewel vormingsjare, in die roman uitbeeld. Die identiteitskonstruksie wat in die roman voorgestel word, strook met teoretiese beskouings van identiteit as ‟n dinamiese en gekonstrueerde konsep wat deur sosiale en kulturele oorwegings beïnvloed word. ‟n Ondersoek na die gesimuleerde werklikheid waarin Wieringa sy hooffigure situeer, dui aan dat die parogiale ruimte in die roman as stagnerend en voorspelbaar uitgebeeld word. In teenstelling tot die stilstand wat die ruimte kenmerk, word ‟n preokkupasie met beweging en vooruitgang aan die sentrale karakters toegeskryf. Beide die fisiese én eksistensïele dimensies van beweging en beweeglikheid figureer prominent in die roman. Dit word nóú verweef met die liminale posisie wat die karakters as adolessente in die gemeenskap beklee. Daar word geponeer dat die opposisie tussen stilstand en beweging nie net ingespan word by die ruimtebeelding en strukturele samestelling van die roman nie, maar ook ten grondslag lê aan die uitbeelding van die hoofkarakters se ontwikkelende identiteite. Die outeur kies in Joe Speedboot ‟n hoofkarakter met beperkte opsies en demonstreer hoe sy fisieke belemmeringe onafwendbaar op ‟n slot afstuur wat negatief óf positief geïnterpreteer kan word. In die lig van die hoë lof wat hierdie roman toegeswaai is, val dit vreemd op dat so min navorsing tot dusver oor Joe Speedboot onderneem is. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the way in which the construction of space interacts with the development of identity in Joe Speedboot by Tommy Wieringa. On the basis of theoretical perspectives of, inter alia, Henri Lefebvre attention is given to the construction of the social space in the novel. The classification of Joe Speedboot as a Bildungsroman is an important point of departure in this regard, due to the fact that Wieringa depicts the central characters‟ adolescence in the novel. The portrayal of the construction of identity in the text corresponds with theoretical thoughts on identity as a dynamic and constructed concept that is affected by social and cultural considerations. An exploration of the simulated reality in which Wieringa situates his characters, indicates that the parochial space in Joe Speedboot is sketched as being stagnant and predictable. In contrast to the standstill which characterizes the social space, a preoccupation with movement and progress is ascribed to the central characters. Both the physical and existential dimensions of movement and mobility figure prominently in the novel. It is also interwoven with the liminal position the characters occupy in the community due to their adolescence. It is postulated that the opposition between stagnation and movement is not only exerted in the construction of space and the structural composition of the text, but is also presented as playing a determinative role in the development of the characters‟ identities. The author chooses for a main character with limited prospects and demonstrates how his physical handicap necessarily leads to a conclusion that allows for both positive and negative interpretations. Given the critical acclaim that the novel has received, it seems strange indeed that Joe Speedboot has thusfar not been the subject of analytical research.


Jamerson, Tommy R, II 18 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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