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Tonal Enigmas: A Study of Problematic Openings and EndingsYun, Xiao 08 1900 (has links)
When talking about tonal music, we sometimes tend to take for granted the idea that the tonic should always be clearly established either at the beginning or the end. However, there are composers who sometimes deviate from the normal path by creating different types of riddles or tonal enigmas in their works. Some of these riddles can be solved later on as the piece progresses; yet others may need to bexplained with the help of some external references. This thesis examines three such examples, each of which poses its unique enigma. The second movement of Bruckner's Symphony No. 1 presents a dualism between Ab and F (paralleled by their dominants Eb and C); Brahms's Alto Rhapsody involves an enormous auxiliary cadence spanning 2/3 of the piece and a seemingly plagal cadence which turns out to be authentic with the V suppressed; and eventually, Grieg's setting of Dereinst, dereinst, Gedanke mein provides a paradoxical ending which may be understood as incorporating the composer's attitude towards the text.
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Les outils d'unité et de continuité, analyse de trois œuvres pour grand ensembleDesjarlais, Louis 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise analyse trois projets développés au courant de mes trois années de maîtrise à l’Université de Montréal en composition instrumentale et vocale, de même que certain outils utilisés pour assurer à chacune de mes créations une continuité et une unité.
En plus de l’analyse de trois œuvres orchestrales et chorales, ce mémoire aborde en premier lieu les notions de caractère et son rôle dans un discours uniforme et continu. Il présente ensuite l’usage du motif à des fins d’unités dans chacune de mes œuvres. Il offre enfin des alternatives à la tonalité classique pour assurer un pôle tonal aux œuvres telles le pandiatonisme, les enchainements harmoniques par note commune, l’enrichissement d’enchainements tonaux par la coloration d’accords et la cohabitation de ces différents outils. / This master's thesis analyses three different works, composed during my studies in vocal and instrumental composition at Université de Montréal, and discusses a few of the techniques I have used to assure unity and continuity in my music.
In addition to analyzing three orchestral and choral pieces, this thesis first addresses the notion of character, and its role in my music. It also discusses the way I use motives in my composition for purposes of unity. It then offers a few alternatives to classical tonality, which assure tonal attraction in my pieces, such as pandiatonicism, chords progressions by common notes, enrichment of tonal progressions by addition of color notes to chords, and the combined use of these different techniques.
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L’architecture harmonique des tragédies en musique de Jean-Philippe Rameau représentées par l’Académie royale de musique de 1733 à 1757 / The harmonic architecture of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s tragédies en musique performed by Académie royale de musique between 1733 and 1757Trotier, Rémy-Michel 11 February 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche explore l’harmonie mise en œuvre par Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) dans ses tragédies en musique : Hippolyte & Aricie (1733, seconde version en 1742, troisième en 1757), Castor & Pollux (1737 et 1754), Dardanus (1739 et 1744), Zoroastre (1749 et 1756) et Les Boréades (1764). L’étude du parcours harmonique de chaque œuvre, sur la base d’un relevé exhaustif du corpus des partitions gravées, suscite l’invention de procédures d’aide à l’analyse traduites en algorithmes – les traités théoriques du compositeur étant employés à des fins d’interprétation des chiffrages écrits dans les partitions ; l’analyse est ainsi menée de façon exhaustive à toutes les échelles temporelles repérables, depuis le parcours tonal des ouvrages pris dans leur ensemble jusqu’au travail de détail de la rhétorique harmonique dans les dialogues. Par delà les découpages dramatiques (épisodes, répliques) ou spectaculaires (tableaux, changements), des modes de structuration proprement musicaux apparaissent, révélant une architecture harmonique des œuvres. Des exercices comparatifs entre les œuvres, entre leurs différentes versions et avec quelques ouvrages d’autres compositeurs complètent l’approche en isolant quelques traits caractéristiques du style singulier de Rameau. / Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) has left five tragédies en musique: Hippolyte & Aricie (1733, second version in 1742, third in 1757), Castor & Pollux (1737 and 1754), Dardanus (1739 and 1744), Zoroastre (1749 and 1756) and Les Boréades (1764). This research is devoted to the study of the harmony implemented by the composer in these works, seen through the homogeneous corpus of the engraved scores. To this purpose, algorithmic procedures have been developed to assist the exhaustive analysis of the five tragédies’ music – the composer’s theoretical writing serving as reference to understand the scores’ harmonic figures. The analysis has been carried at all temporal scales, from the characterization of the overall form to the detail of the harmonic rhetoric in dialogs. Beyond the dramatic or performative structures of the operas, the musical shaping reveals a harmonic architecture of each work. Comparisons between the tragédies or with works by other composers offer new insights on Rameau’s particular musical style.
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Framing Neverland : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningen av Leaving Neverland i svensk dagspress. / Framing Neverland : A quantitative content analysis about the framing of Leaving Neverland in Swedish daily press.Loberg, Johan, Strömfors, Matilda, Grödem, Josephine January 2019 (has links)
Framing Neverland is a content analysis that examines how the documentary Leaving Neverland is portrayed in Swedish daily press between January 25 to May 20, 2019. It is through the questions “How does the framing of Leaving Neverland being perceived in Swedish daily press?” and “Does morning and evening presses differ in the framing?” the essay was designed. Entman's framing theory forms the basis of the study's theoretical framework and is supplemented with media logic and tabloidization, which is operationalized into variables in the study of 100 articles within Swedish daily press. The Swedish morning and evening newspapers are represented by the four largest daily newspapers in Sweden today; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. A cluster selection were made in the process of choosing the articles, because of the choice of newspapers which is the largest Swedish ones today, also a total selection when all published articles within the population have become objects for the survey. Previous research consists of framing theory and tonality of different subjects than this study, since similar essays traditionally relate to political and war reporting. Inspiration has been given from previous research on analysis tools to apply to this contemporary work which is at the intersection of popular culture and news content. The newspaper framing in general is relatively homogeneous, which explains some tabloidization among, what we call, the quality press. The commercialization of the media gives rise to this, but some differences remain. Aftonbladet is the newspaper with the most frequent reporting by Leaving Neverland and then comes Expressen. Which means that the evening press prioritize this topic as a higher news value than what the morning press does. However, it is possible to extract a result which shows that the content of the morning press is of a more critical nature towards Leaving Neverland. Together, the result is thus presented through framing theory, media logic and tabloidization, which together explain how the documentary is framed. / Framing Neverland är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys som undersöker hur dokumentären Leaving Neverland gestaltas i svensk press mellan 25 januari till 20 maj 2019. Det är genom frågeställningarna “Hur ser gestaltningen av Leaving Neverland ut i svensk press?” samt “Skiljer sig morgon- och kvällspress i gestaltningen?” som uppsatsen utformats. Gestaltningsteori står till grund för studiens teoretiska ramverk och kompletteras med medielogik och tabloidisering, vilket operationaliseras till variabler i studien av 100 artiklar inom svensk press. Svenska morgon- och kvällstidningar representeras genom de fyra största dagstidningarna i Sverige idag; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet. Det är således ett klusterurval som gjorts av de största tidningarna, men även ett totalurval då alla publicerade artiklar inom populationen har blivit objekt för undersökningen. Tidigare forskning består av gestaltning och tonalitet av annan slags karaktär än denna studie, då liknande uppsatser traditionellt sett förhåller sig till politisk- och krigsrapportering. Inspiration har givits från tidigare forskning gällande analysverktyg för att applicera på detta nutida verk som befinner sig i skärningspunkten mellan populärkultur och nyhetsinnehåll. Resultatet i studien visar att tidningarnas sammanslagna gestaltning generellt är relativt homogen, vilket förklarar viss tabloidisering bland “kvalitetspressen”. Mediernas kommersialisering ger upphov till detta, men vissa innehållsmässiga skillnader kvarstår. Aftonbladet är den tidning som står för största delen av nyhetsrapporteringen av Leaving Neverland och därefter kommer Expressen. Detta innebär att kvällspressen anser att detta ämne har ett högre nyhetsvärde än vad morgonpressen gör. Således går det att utvinna ett resultat som påvisar att morgonpressens gestaltning är av mer kritisk karaktär gentemot Leaving Neverland. Tillsammans redovisas följaktligen resultatet genom gestaltningsteori, medielogik och tabloidisering, vilket tillsammans förklarar hur medierna gestaltning ser ut av dokumentären.
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De konflikt-gestaltade partiledarna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska mediers gestaltning av Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson och Jimmie Åkesson veckan innan riksdagsvalet 2018 / The conflict-framed party-leaders : A quantitative study of the framing of Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson in swedish media a week before the general election 2018Bergman, Josefin, Bengtsson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
“De konflikt-gestaltade partiledarna” är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladets gestaltning av Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson och Jimmie Åkesson den sista veckan innan riksdagsvalet 2018. Studien fokuserar på förekomsten av konflikt-gestaltning och typ av tonalitet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur gestaltningen yttrar sig och vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan de tre partiledarna och mellan de fyra tidningarna. De teorier och tidigare forskning studien utgår ifrån är teorierna dagordningsteorin och gestaltningsteorin samt forskning om tabloidisering, partipress, political bias, nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval. Dessa teorier och tidigare forskning hjälper studien att förklara och förstå de val tidningarna gör när de gestaltar partiledarna. Vart fjärde år är det riksdagsval i Sverige. 2018 års riksdagsval blev ett utav de jämnaste valen i svensk historia. Tidigare forskning visar att medier har stor makt över vad medborgare anser vara viktigt och vad medborgare har för bild av det politiska samhället. Vilken typ av bild det svenska folket fick av Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson och Jimmie Åkesson i de största svenska tidningarna inför valet är därför viktigt att undersöka. Resultatet av studien visar att det förekommer mycket konflikt-gestaltning och negativ tonalitet i de texter i tidningarna där de tre partiledarna nämns. Kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen använder sig av mer negativ tonalitet än vad morgontidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet gör. Tidningarna skiljer sig även åt vad gäller vilken person de fokuserat på den sista veckan innan valet. Stefan Löfven är huvudfokus i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet och Jimmie Åkesson är huvudfokus i Aftonbladet och Expressen. Resultatet mellan de tre partiledarna har inte lika stora skillnader. Det man dock kan konstatera är att Stefan Löfven nämns mer i texter med positiv och balanserad tonalitet än de andra två partiledarna. Jimmie Åkesson nämns något mer i texter med negativ tonalitet. Slutsatserna i studien är att det råder stora skillnader mellan morgon- och kvällstidningarna. Detta speglar den tidigare forskningens slutsatser kring tabloidisering, olika styrfält och partipress. / "The conflict-framed party-leaders" is a quantitative content analysis of Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet's framing of Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson the last week before the general election in Sweden 2018. The study focuses on the occurrence of the conflict-frame and type of tonality. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the framing looks and what similarities and differences that exist between the three party-leaders and between the four newspapers. The theories and previous research this study is based on is the framing theory, agenda-setting theory and research about tabloidization, party press, political bias and news selection. These theories and previous research help the study to explain and understand the choices the newspapers make when framing the three party-leaders. Every fourth year there is a general election in Sweden. The 2018 general election became one of the most even elections in Swedish history. Previous research show that media have great power over what citizens consider to be important and what kind of image citizens have of the political society. What kind of image the Swedish people received of Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson in the largest newspapers before the election is therefore important to analyze. The results of this study show that the conflict-frame and negative tonality generally occurs a lot in the framing of the three party-leaders. Aftonbladet and Expressen use more negative tonality than Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The newspapers also differ in terms of which person they focused on the last week before the election. Stefan Löfven is the main focus in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, and Jimmie Åkesson is the main focus in Aftonbladet and Expressen. The results between the three party-leaders do not have as much differences as the newspapers. What we can note however, is that Stefan Löfven is mentioned more in texts with positive and balanced tonality than the other two party-leaders. Jimmie Åkesson is mentioned a bit more in texts with negative tonality. The conclusions of this study are that there are major differences between the newspapers. This reflects the findings of the previous research on this subject.
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Prägnanz for OrchestraSimpson, Robert R. 01 January 2008 (has links)
Prägnanz is a single movement composition for orchestra. This composition reflects the influence of minimalist composers such as Phillip Glass and Steve Reich. The structure of the piece is generated by a rhythmic motive that is transformed through a large-scale additive process. This overarching process is periodically interrupted by contrasting episodes, creating a form similar to a rondo. Several themes and gestures are explored, including a phasing rhythmic motive. The harmonic language is static, almost monolithic, in order to accentuate the gradual motion of the piece towards its goal. The title comes from Gestalt psychology; the Law of Prägnanz describes how the mind perceives simplicity within the complexity of reality. This tendency is mirrored in the piece through the focus on the central motivic transformation in spite of the complexity of contrasting themes, orchestrations, and gestures.
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Representando o desconhecido = o timbre orquestral na trilha musical de Jerry Goldsmith = Playing the unknown : orchestral tone in Jerry Goldsmith's musical score / Playing the unknown : orchestral tone in Jerry Goldsmith's musical scoreBerti da Silva, Douglas Regis, 1980- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Eduardo Ribeiro de Paiva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T21:21:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo demonstrar hábitos definidos de efeitos de orquestração em trilhas sonoras, no âmbito do cinema industrial hollywoodiano, por meio de recursos de instrumentação e organização do timbre orquestral consagrados por Jerry Goldsmith. Sob um panorama cronológico, delineamos através de partituras o desenvolvimento de técnicas e procedimentos formais de orquestração, paralelamente à evolução de grupos instrumentais na história da música ocidental. A expansão dos limites da música sinfônica e as inovações orquestrais desenvolvidas pelos grandes compositores, tornaram-se a referência para dirigirmos as atenções aos primeiros compositores de música original para o cinema clássico, e assim nos deparamos com os primeiros filmes que retratam o sobrenatural e os mistérios desconhecidos da humanidade, especialmente por Bernard Herrmann. As artimanhas necessárias para criar uma nova sonoridade orquestral que representasse monstros e alienígenas na música de cinema ¿ além das aflições humanas, é claro ¿ se tornam, em última instância, a nossa derradeira missão: o legado de Jerry Goldsmith e os efeitos da sonoridade orquestral no cinema / Abstract: This study aimed to show defined custom orchestration effects found in Hollywood film industry soundtracks, via resources of instrumentation and orchestral tone established by Jerry Goldsmith. Under a chronological prospect, we outlined the development of techniques and formal method of orchestration through scores, at the same time with the evolution of instrumental sets in European music history. The spreading of symphonic music¿s boundaries and the technical innovation developed by the great composers became reference to us to focus to the first original music composers in the classical Hollywoodian cinema, and here we run into the first movies that depict the supernatural and the unknown mysteries of mankind, specially by Bernard Herrmann. The required tricks to creat a new orchestral sound which intended to play monsters and aliens in the music track ¿ human suffering as well ¿ turn up, as a last resort, our last mission: Jerry Goldsmith¿s legacy and the effects of the orchestral sounds on film / Mestrado / Fundamentos Teoricos / Mestre em Música
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Herdabilidade e segregação de caracteres de importância econômica no pessegueiro / Heritability and segregation the characters of economic importance in peachViñoly, Maximiliano Antonio Dini 29 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-10-13T15:32:28Z
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Dissertação completa Maximiliano Dini.pdf: 5135504 bytes, checksum: 0af878399c0b0f849228a9eae5e33c8d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-01-04T14:56:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-29 / A cultura do pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] vem crescendo em todo o
mundo, devido ao aumento no consumo de frutas in natura e de seus produtos
industrializados. No Brasil, em parte, o crescimento deve-se ao melhoramento
genético. Essa área de pesquisa, visando a obtenção de novas cultivares que
produzam frutos de qualidade, tenham alta produção, adaptação climática, e
apresentem resistência às principais doenças é de muita importância para a expansão
da cultura. O conhecimento dos parâmetros genéticos, fenotípicos e ambientais que
influenciam direta ou indiretamente nos caracteres de importância econômica em
pessegueiro são de fundamental importância para o delineamento dos programas de
melhoramento desta frutífera, permitindo antever a possibilidade de sucesso com a
seleção de diferentes genótipos em diferentes ambientes. O objetivo central deste
trabalho foi buscar fontes de resistência à podridão-parda; estudar a segregação;
estimar a herdabilidade e verificar a possível existência de efeito materno em alguns
caracteres de importância econômica no pessegueiro. Foi constatada variabilidade
fenotípica e segregação transgressiva, para os caracteres fenológicos estudados nas
populações avaliadas. A herdabilidade para o período de desenvolvimento do fruto,
data de plena floração e data de maturação, é alta a muito alta, permitindo um rápido
ganho genético para estes caracteres fenológicos. A herança desses caracteres
fenológicos estudados é predominantemente aditiva, e os desvios podem ser
atribuídos a um possível efeito materno ou a genes de efeito maior. Foi observada a
presença de segregação transgressiva para os parâmetros referentes à tonalidade da
cor da polpa (ângulo Hue, croma e luminosidade), e a herdabilidade estimada foi alta,
possibilitando rápido avanço genético também para este caráter. A herança da
tonalidade da cor da polpa é predominantemente aditiva, e os desvios podem ser
atribuídos a genes de efeito menor, sem constatar-se indícios de efeitos maternos. O
ângulo Hue é o parâmetro correto para classificar e estudar a tonalidade de pêssegos
e nectarinas de polpa amarela, e o parâmetro luminosidade pode ser uma opção para
o estudo dos frutos de polpa branca. O uso dos três parâmetros em conjunto possibilita
melhor representação deste caráter. Para os caracteres de resistência à podridãoparda em flores e frutos, nas populações estudadas, foi verificada alta variabilidade
genética. As cultivares Maciel e Cerrito foram os genitores de maior resistência à
podridão-parda nas flores, e transmitiram essa característica a suas progênies. As
seleções Conserva 947 e Conserva 1600 foram os genitores de maior resistência à
podridão-parda nos frutos, com um nível de resistência similar a ‘Bolinha’, transmitindo
essa característica a suas progênies. A herdabilidade da resistência à podridão-parda
nas flores (incidência e severidade) e nos frutos (diâmetro da lesão e esporulação),
no pessegueiro, é média. A seleção dos genitores, baseada no fenótipo, possibilita
um médio avanço genético para esta característica. / The peach culture [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] has been growing throughout the world,
due to an increase in consumption of fresh fruits and processed products. Aiming the
development of new productive and adapted cultivars, with good quality fruits and
disease resistance, breeding programs are partially responsible for the expansion of
the culture, in Brazil. The knowledge of the genetic, phenotypic and environmental
parameters that influence, directly or indirectly, on the economically important
characters in peach is of fundamental importance for the fruit breeding programs,
allowing to anticipate the possibility of success with the selection of genotypes under
different environments. The main objective of this work was to seek sources of brown
rot resistant genotypes, as well as study the segregation, estimate the heritability and
verify the possible existence of maternal effect on some characters of economic
importance in peach. Phenotypic variability and transgressive segregation were
observed for the phenological characters studied on the evaluated populations. The
heritability of the fruit development period, date of full blooming and maturity date, is
high to very high, allowing a rapid genetic gain for these phenological characters. The
inheritance of the studied phenological characters is predominantly additive, and the
deviations can be attributed to a possible maternal effect or major genes. It was
observed the presence of transgressive segregation for the parameters relating to the
tonality of flesh color (Hue angle, chroma and luminance), and the estimated heritability
was high, enabling fast genetic advance for this character. The heritability of this
character is predominantly additive, and the deviations can be attributed to the minor
genes, without observing signs of maternal effects. The Hue angle is the correct
parameter to classify and study the flesh color tonality of yellow peaches and
nectarines. The luminance parameter may be an option for the study of white flesh. The
use of the three parameters together, enables better representation of this
character. For the character brown rot resistance on flowers and fruits, a high genetic
variability was verified. The cultivars Maciel and Cerrito were the parentals with higher
resistance to flower blight, and they transmitted this trait to their offspring. The
selection Conserva 947 and selection Conserva 1600 were the parentals with higher
brown rot resistance to infection on fruit, similar to ‘Bolinha’, passing this trait to their
offspring. The heritability of brown rot resistance on flowers (incidence and severity)
and fruits (diameter of the lesion and sporulation), in peach, is medium. Parental
selection based on phenotype, enables a genetic breakthrough for medium resistance
to brown rot.
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Peter Schat's Tone Clock: The Steering Function and Pitch-Class Set Transformation in GenenFernandez Ibarz, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Dutch composer Peter Schat’s (1935-2003) pursuit of a compositional system that could generate and preserve intervallic relationships, while allowing the composer as much flexibility as possible to manipulate musical material, led him to develop the tone-clock system. Fundamentally comprised of the twelve possible trichords, the tone clock permits each to generate a complete twelve-tone series through the “steering” principle, a concept traced to Boulez’s technique of pitch-class set multiplication. This study serves as an overview of Schat’s tone-clock system and focuses primarily on the effects of the steering function in “Genen” (2000). Furthermore, I expand on the tone-clock system by combining transformational theory with Julian Hook’s uniform triadic transformations and my proposed STEER and STEERS functions, which express the procedures of the steering principle as a mathematical formula. Using a series of transformational networks, I illustrate the unifying effect steering has on different structural levels in “Genen,” a post-tonal composition.
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Afrikanische Sprachminiaturen: Zur formalen Ästhetik von Kleinformen afrikanischer Sprachkunst unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer TonalitätWolff, H. Ekkehard 31 January 2019 (has links)
Tonalität ist eines der herausragenden prosodischen Mittel, das traditionell in der Poesie afrikanischer Tonsprachen eingesetzt wird, und Sprachminiaturen (z.B. Sprichwörter und Rätsel) gehören nicht zuletzt ausweislich ihrer weit verbreiteten tonalen Reimcharakteristik viel eher zur afrikanischen Poesie als etwa zur Prosa, wie es bislang herrschende Meinung war.
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