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La théorie politique d'Abū Yaʿlā (m. 458/1066) à travers ses Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya / The political theory of Abū Yaʿlā (d. 458/1066) through his Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyyaAkhrouf, Habib 10 October 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur l’étude des Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya (statuts gouvernementaux) du théologien et juriste hanbalite, Abū Yaʿlā. Il s’agit du premier traité de droit public, dans l’histoire de la pensée politique hanbalite. Dans un premier temps, la thèse se concentre sur les cadres politico-religieux bagdadiens au Ve/XIe siècle : l’affaiblissement de l’institution califale, le rapport d’Abū Yaʿlā avec le vizir et les mécènes hanbalites, la résurgence de l’islam sunnite traditionaliste et l’évolution du hanbalisme politique bagdadien. Dans un deuxième temps, la thèse fait porter son analyse sur le hanbalisme contextuel d’Abū Yaʿlā à travers ses œuvres. Enfin, pour saisir le sens et la portée des Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya d’Abū Yaʿlā, la présente étude tente d’aborder et d’inscrire la théorie politique de celui-ci au sein l’école hanbalite et en particulier avec celle d’Ibn Taymiyya, ensuite de la confronter avec celle du légiste chafiite, al-Māwardī, à travers son traité de droit public, les Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya. / This thesis deals with the study about the Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya (Ordinances Government) of the Hanbalite theologian, Abū Yaʿlā. This important treaty can be considered indeed as the first treaty of public law in the history of Hanbalite political thought. In the first part, the thesis focuses upon the religious and political frame in the Bagdadian circles of the Vth/XIth century : the weakening of the caliphate institution, the relationship between Abū Yaʿlā and his vizir and patrons of the Hanbalites court, the resurgence of the traditionalist Sunnī islam and the typical evolution of the policy of Hanbalism in Bagdad. In the second part, this study develops a contextual analysis of Hanbalism according to Abū Yaʿlā’s works. In the end, for understanding the meaning and the scope of the Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya, this study intends first of all to place Abū Yaʿlā’s political theory within political Hanbalite doctrine especially with Ibn Taymiyya, and then we compare it to al-Māwardī’s Aḥkām al-sulṭāniyya.
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Alteração das características tradicionais da Igreja Assembléia de Deus: um estudo a partir da igreja do bairro Bom Retiro em São Paulo / Alteration of the traditional characteristics of the Assembly of God ChurchCorrea, Marina Aparecida Oliveira dos Santos 31 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-31 / The present research is fruit of constant fidgets on as the church if it transforms
front to the renewal of the environment and its people, as well as of your time.
To modify a characteristic means that not to make different, before is necessary
to renew positions and thoughts, without which the foreseen success is not reached.
To study the church Assembly of God in the São Paulo's neighbor of the Bom
Retiro, its traditional characteristics and socio-cultural factors, amongst others, made
possible to understand as the societies human beings establish bonds from interests
in common; and, in ours case, the search of new profiles of people appears a new
image for the church.
It also exists, a disruption with its philosopher-theological origins, appearing new
forms, practical, distinct and divergent ways of if articulating with the faith, thus
generating, a religious pluralism and new theology of understanding in its speeches.
This alteration of characteristics comes of meeting with economic factors related
to the welfare and the way of life based in the idea of the minimum state, or either,
the auto determination of the people front to its longed for objectives.
Therefore, we today have a church in transit, that follows the profiles objectified
at definitive moments or situations, not necessarily in agreement with the daily payestablished
rules, but breaching with these traditional standards and extending its
continuity of works.
Today, it is not more the people that adapts to the molds of the church, but is
the church that adapts to the profiles of its people / A presente pesquisa é fruto de constantes inquietações sobre como a igreja se
transforma frente à renovação do ambiente e de seus fiéis, bem como de sua época.
Alterar uma característica significa muito mais que fazer diferente, antes é
preciso renovar posturas e pensamentos, sem os quais não se atinge o sucesso
Estudar a igreja Assembléia de Deus no bairro paulistano do Bom Retiro, suas
características tradicionais e fatores sócio-culturais, dentre outros, possibilitou
entender como as sociedades humanas estabelecem vínculos a partir de
necessidades em comum; e, em nosso caso, como a procura de novos perfis de fiéis
gera uma nova imagem para a igreja.
Existe também, um rompimento com suas origens filósofo-teológicas,
aparecendo novas formas, práticas, maneiras distintas e divergentes de se articular
com a fé, gerando assim, um pluralismo religioso e novas teologias de compreensão
em seus discursos.
Essa alteração de características vem ao encontro com fatores econômicos
relacionados ao bem estar e ao modo de vida arraigado na idéia do estado mínimo,
ou seja, a auto determinação das pessoas frente aos seus objetivos almejados.
Portanto, temos hoje uma igreja em trânsito, que segue os perfis objetivados
em determinados momentos ou situações, não necessariamente em acordo com as
regras pré-estabelecidas, mas rompendo com esses padrões tradicionais e
ampliando sua continuidade de trabalhos.
Hoje, parece não ser mais o fiel quem se adapta aos moldes da igreja, mas a
igreja quem se adapta aos perfis de seus fiéis
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A Past for the Present : the Role of the Śrī Maṭh and the Jagadgurū in the Evolution of the Rāmānandī Sampradāya / Le Passé pour le Présent : le Rôle du Śrī Maṭh et du Jagadgurū dans l’évolution de la Sampradāya des RāmānandīBevilacqua, Daniela 29 April 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à décrire comment un ordre religieux subit des processus d'évolution et de transformation qui permettent d'interpréter et de satisfaire les besoins religieux de la société. L'hypothèse à la base de ce travail est que les ordres religieux et les gourous sont des éléments centraux qui caractérisent et influencent la société indienne dans le passé et dans le présent.Je focalise mon attention sur le sampradāya des Rāmānandī –groupe religieux datant de Rāmānanda- qui eut un rôle primordial dans la diffusion de la bhakti de Ram (dévotion envers Ram) dans le nord de l’Inde vers la fin du XVème siècle. Mon but est de montrer comment la figure de Rāmānanda et l’organisation de l’ordre religieux ont évolué au cours des siècles, pour être capables ensuite d’interpréter les principaux changements survenus au XXème siècle.A cause de ces différences internes, les Rāmānandīs n’ont jamais eu de représentant dans un centre officiel qui puisse fonctionner comme pôle directeur pour l’ordre. Donc, l’utilisation du titre de Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya et la construction du Śrī Math au XXème siècle représentent un changement significatif dans l’histoire de l’ordre. C’est pour cela que j’ai formulé mes principales questions, base de ma recherche, sur ce thème :1) pourquoi au XXème siècle, un sampradāya caractérisé par diverses disciplines religieuses (sādhanā-s) et diffusé dans différents centres indépendants a senti la nécessité de créer la fonction de Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya comme leader principal ?2) le Śrī Math fait-il partie de la reconstruction du charisme du Rāmānanda et est-il un instrument pour aider à la fonction de Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya ?Pour retracer l’évolution de la tradition des Rāmānandī de leur origine à nos jours j’ai utilisé une approche multidisciplinaire, dans laquelle méthodologies anthropologique et historique coopèrent. / In this dissertation, I focus my attention on the Rāmānandī sampradāya - a religious group supposedly formed by the religious teacher Rāmānanda – that had a primary role in spreading Rām bhakti (devotion toward Rām) throughout northern India, possibly from the end of the 15th century. My purpose here is to reconstruct how the representation of Rāmānanda and the organization of the sampradāya evolved over the centuries in order to interpret the two main changes that have occurred in the 20th century: the establishment of the office of Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya as the leader of the sampradāya, and the construction of the Śrī Maṭh, a monastery on the place where, according to the Rāmānandī tradition, Rāmānanda used to preach. Because of these internal distinctions, the Rāmānandī-s have never had a single representative leader installed in a particular place that could work as directive pole for the sampradāya. Therefore, the bestowing of the title of Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya and the construction of the Śrī Maṭh in the 20th century represent a significant change in the history of the order. For this reason, I formulated the main questions at the base of my research as follows: 1 Why has a sampradāya characterized by several religious disciplines (sādhanā-s) and spread across several independent religious centers established the office of a Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya as central leader in the 20th century? 2 Which role does the Śrī Maṭh play in the reconstruction of Rāmānanda’s charisma and in support of the office of Jagadgurū Rāmānandācārya? To accomplish my analysis I employ a multidisciplinary approach – described in Chapter 1 – in which anthropological and historical methodologies cooperate to reconstruct the evolution of the Rāmānandī tradition from its origin until the present.
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Female employment, gender roles, and attitudes : The Baltic countries in a broader contextMotiejūnaitė, Akvilė January 2008 (has links)
This thesis consists of four constituent studies exploring several common themes: female participation in employment, normative assumptions regarding the proper roles of males and females, and social change. The underlying focus is gendered division of work, which is explored through the concept of family models. These models are conceptualized with reference to the interrelationships between female employment, availability of care services outside the family, and sharing of care work within the family. The empirical analysis is mostly based on the Baltic countries, but also includes Germany, Sweden, and Russia. By examining the variation between the countries, the research aims to highlight some common issues regarding the gendered division of work, issues that bridge the East/West divide. The data come from three sources: 1) available national descriptive statistics, 2) surveys, namely, the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) ‘Family and Changing Gender Roles’ modules and the European Values Survey (EVS), and 3) nineteen problem-centred interviews with women who experienced hardships in the Lithuanian labour market. The analyzed time period starts with the collapse of socialism. The studies call into question the assumption that strong support for the traditional ‘male breadwinner/female carer’ family model in post-socialist societies contributed to the exclusion of women from the labour market. Comparing male and female employment indicators revealed no general pattern of female exclusion from the labour market. Moreover, gender-role attitudes are neither uniform nor traditional in the studied societies. The most valid generalization would be that there is a trend towards less traditional attitudes over time, more precisely, towards greater acceptance of women’s working roles. Summarizing the current situation regarding the gendered division of work, with reference to policies, practices, and attitudes, reveals the presence of ‘adult worker’ family models in Eastern Europe.
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The Impact of Paternalism and Organizational Collectivism in Multinational and Family-owned Firms in TurkeySchroeder, Jennifer 01 January 2011 (has links)
This correlational study examined the influences of paternalistic leadership behavior (PL) and organizational collectivism (measured at the employee level) on employee reported LMX, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) in two types of organizations (family-owned firms and multinational organizations) in Turkey. Survey data were collected from (N = 154) employees in family-owned and (N = 159) employees in multinational firms (MNCs). Employees in family-owned firms reported significantly higher levels of PL, organizational collectivism, LMX, and OCBs. Further examination revealed additional differences by organization type, with the family-owned sample showing no significant relationships between study variables and OCBs, in contrast to positive relationships in the MNC sample. Education level was negatively related to PL, LMX, and job satisfaction in the family-owned sample, while the MNC sample showed positive relationships with education and all 5 study variables (PL, organizational collectivism, LMX, job satisfaction and OCBs). Organizational collectivism was found to have a moderating effect on the relationships between LMX and job satisfaction and job satisfaction and OCBs in the multinational sample, while no effect was found in the family-owned sample. For the LMX -- job satisfaction relationship, at low levels of LMX, organizational collectivism has no effect on job satisfaction, while when LMX was high, greater organizational collectivism was associated with greater job satisfaction. For the job satisfaction -- OCB relationship, at low levels of job satisfaction, the organizational level of collectivism greatly influenced OCB frequency (higher collectivism was associated with higher OCBs), while little difference was evident when job satisfaction was high. The implications of these findings for both theory and future research are discussed.
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Sathya Sai Baba as Avatar: "His Story" and the History of an IdeaSpurr, Michael James January 2007 (has links)
I begin this thesis with a brief account of my meetings with popular South Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba (1926- ) and very brief a discussion of recent fraud and sexual abuse allegations that have been made against him. I note that one of the key factors involved in this, also accountable for his extraordinary popularity, is his divine persona-especially his self-proclaimed identity as "the avatar"-and I review previous academic studies pertaining to this. In contrast to most previous studies of Sathya Sai Baba, which align him primarily with Śaiva traditions and with the "Sai Baba movement", I note a strong (and long running) affinity in his ideas for Vaiṣṇava traditions (especially the Bhagavad-Gītā and the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa), and I add that his background as a member of a traditionally highly regarded bardic caste may have contributed to his divine persona. I further investigate this persona via a history of potentially parallel traditional and modern avatar ideas. I show something of the manner in which many of the avatar concepts and myths to which Sathya Sai Baba refers originated and developed, especially invoking the episteme of "resemblance", posited by Brian Smith, the idea of "inclusivism"-which I adapt from the work of Paul Hacker and Wilhelm Halbfass-and traditional (Sāṁkhya) processes of "distinction", "categorization", and "enumeration". In addition to these, I much refer to Max Weber's analysis of "pure types" of authority-traditional, charismatic, and rational-showing that Sathya Sai Baba draws upon all of these in legitimating his claim to be "the avatar". I also show that his divine persona draws upon a strong affinity that he exhibits for advaita ("non-dualism"), especially that of Śaṅkara, and that his personal history of intense devotional and ecstatic/yogic spiritual practices was likely important in the formative stages of this persona. I further suggest that the history of his geographic locale, in which there are strong themes of sacred kingship and ecstatic/advaitic/poetic/devotional sainthood, may have contributed to the production and reception of his persona. On top of this, I note that the influence of a number of modern avatar figures, especially Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and Aurobindo, is patent in his avatar teachings, and I compare and contrast him with a number of other significant modern figures. Based upon all of this, I consider the question of whether Sathya Sai Baba ought to be regarded as a "traditionalist", both vis-à-vis modernity ("Neo-Hinduism", as defined especially by Paul Hacker) and "innovation". I conclude that, in contrast to most previous scholarly characterizations, he is certainly innovative, but that he ought not to be considered a "Neo-Hindu"-most appearances to the contrary being due to his borrowing or extrapolating ideas in a very traditional manner from typical Neo-Hindu thinkers (especially Vivekananda), as if these ideas, and those that framed them, were thoroughly traditional. Finally, I outline a couple of major themes in his avatar teachings: an ambivalent attitude to his role as an exemplar, which I note to accord with earlier and parallel avatar ideas; and strong docetic tendencies, which similarly, in contrast to some scholarly characterizations, find parallels in popular portrayals of other avatar figures.
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An open systems critique of the macro theories of developmentMatshabaphala, Johannes David Manamela 30 November 2001 (has links)
This study is geared at an open systmes critique of the macro theories of development. It is highlighted in this study that we are living through the realities of the open systems, and yet much of development thought is based on closed systems philosophies, principle and ideologies. The first chapter gives an orientation into the origins of both the closed systems and open systems paradigms respectively. Included in this orientation chapter, is the literature review of the various research contributions of the major trends in development thought. The second chapter expands on the evolution of the closed systems paradigm and its influences on development thought. This chapter further explains the attendant philosophies, principles and ideologies that underlie the closed systems paradigm.
The third chapter captures the open systems paradigm and its influences on contemporary development discourse. Further to the discussion on the closed systems paradigm, the chapter elaborates on the philosophies, principles and processes that underlie this paradigm. The fourth chapter is on a discussion of trends in development thinking, traced from the traditional, through the medieval to the modern, right up to the contemporary. This entails tracing the theory to its ontological background right up to its implications for social reality in contemporary development thought and experience. The fifth chapter is on the open systems critique of the trends in development thinking, while the sixth chapter revisits the open systems paradigm and its implications for development thought. In the seventh chapter is the recapitulation of the findings in the study and recommendations for both development thought and practice. / Development Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Development Administration)
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Cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramasMadiga, Raofa Philemon 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramas.
At the beginning of the work, reasons for the choice of the topic are given, and
thereafter, the methodology to be adopted in analysing the plays is outlined. Various
factors considered to be contributory to the acculturation of traditional Africans are
Throughout this study, traditionalists oppose westernised Africans because of strange
norms and practices they have adopted. The two parties disagree on issues like
arranged marriage, remarriage and leadership. Christianity features prominently as the
basic cause of conflict. Modernists oppose traditional practices on the ground that they
are not in conformity with Christian principles.
The plays are compared to determine how each playwright has attempted to resolve
conflicts in his respective play. The study ends with a comment on findings where
traditionalism, being a common enemy in the three plays, is overridden by modernity. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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An open systems critique of the macro theories of developmentMatshabaphala, Johannes David Manamela 11 1900 (has links)
This study is geared at an open systems critique of the macro theories of development. It is
highlighted in this study that we are living through the realities of the open systems, and yet
much of development thought is based on closed systems philosophies, principle and
ideologies. The first chapter gives an orientation into the origins of both the closed systems
and open systems paradigms respectively. Included in this orientation chapter, is the
literature review of the various research contributions of the major trends in development
thought. The second chapter expands on the evolution of the closed systems paradigm and
its influences on development thought. This chapter further explains the attendant
philosophies, principles and ideologies that underlie the closed systems paradigm. The third chapter captures the open systems paradigm and its influences on contemporary
development discourse. Further to the discussion on the closed systems paradigm, the
chapter elaborates on the philosophies, principles and processes that underlie this paradigm.
The fourth chapter is on a discussion of trends in development thinking, traced from the
traditional, through the medieval to the modern, right up to the contemporary. This entails
tracing the theory to its ontological background right up to its implications for social reality in
contemporary development thought and experience. The fifth chapter is on the open systems
critique of the trends in development thinking, while the sixth chapter revisits the open
systems paradigm and its implications for development thought. In the seventh chapter is the
recapitulation of the findings in the study and recommendations for both development thought and practice. / Public Administration and Management / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Administration)
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A LITURGIA DE HEBREUS: Uma análise de como as mudanças sociais influenciam as formas de culto / The Liturgy of Hebrews: An analysis of how social changes influence the style of worship services.Fernandes, Celso Eronides 07 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-07 / What influential power does social change have over types of worship services? The truth is that religion is not exempt from receiving influences from social and political changes. This research analyzes and compares two moments that Christianity suffered influences from changes that occurred in society. The first moment is based upon the Epistle of Hebrews, in the first century of the Christian age, when it dismembered itself out of the Jewish liturgy and formed a liturgical speech for itself. The other moment is the present day, where the worship services have received strong influences from changes that society has suffered. It is
possible in both of these instances to find a struggle between Traditionalism and Modernism, between what is new and what is old, between what is established and what struggles in order to be established / Qual o poder de influência das mudanças sociais nos estilos de cultos? A realidade é que a Religião não é isenta de sofrer influências das mudanças políticas e sociais. Esta pesquisa analisa e compara dois momentos em que o Cristianismo sofreu influências das mudanças ocorridas na sociedade. O primeiro momento está baseado na Epístola de Hebreus, ainda nos primeiros séculos da era cristã, quando conseguiu se desvincular da Liturgia Judaica e formar um discurso litúrgico próprio. O outro momento estudado é a época atual, onde os
cultos têm recebido grande influência das mudanças que a sociedade vem sofrendo. Em ambas as épocas é possível apontar uma luta entre a Tradição e a Modernidade, entre o velho e o novo, entre o que esta estabelecido e o aquilo que
quer espaço a fim de se estabelecer
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