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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Esta tese de doutorado tem como objetivo identificar as concepções e os saberes mobilizados no exercício da docência de professores-formadores do curso de Pedagogia que atuam em disciplinas relacionadas à Educação Matemática para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. A escolha e a relevância do tema se justificam pela necessidade de pesquisas que analisem esse grupo específico de profissionais cuja atuação impacta, mesmo que indiretamente, no processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos conhecimentos matemáticos de alunos dos anos iniciais, dado o papel significativo que desempenham na formação dos futuros professores. A pesquisa conta com a participação de 25 professores-formadores, com trajetórias acadêmicas e profissionais diversas, que atuam nos cursos presenciais de Pedagogia em instituições de Ensino Superior públicas e privadas. Utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa, os dados foram produzidos por meio de questionários de autoaplicação, entrevistas semiestruturadas e fontes documentais das disciplinas de Educação Matemática ministradas pelos participantes (planejamentos, atividades e avaliações). As respostas aos questionários foram analisadas estatisticamente com o auxílio do software SPSS, enquanto as entrevistas e materiais didáticos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, proposta por Bardin. As interpretações e análises dos dados foram realizadas a partir da interlocução dos discursos dos participantes com o referencial teórico que versa sobre: os saberes docentes, com destaque para Tardif e Shulman, o conhecimento especializado do professor que ensina Matemática, apontado por Carrillo, e a docência no Ensino Superior sob a perspectiva de Cunha, Bolzan e Isaia. Os principais desafios encontrados pelos professores-formadores no exercício da docência no curso de Pedagogia são relacionados aos contextos emergentes com que se deparam na sala de aula e aos impactos dos efeitos institucionais em sua profissionalidade, especialmente para os que atuam em instituições de Ensino Superior privadas. Durante a investigação foi possível constatar que os percursos formativos e as trajetórias profissionais dos participantes impactam na construção da identidade profissional como formador de professores. Sobre a especificidade dessa identidade, foram reconhecidas duas posturas frente à inserção no curso de Pedagogia: docentes que se compreendem enquanto formadores das novas gerações de professores que ensinarão Matemática nos anos iniciais e aqueles que, apesar de encarar o exercício de sua docência com seriedade e profissionalismo, não se identificam com o lugar do professor-formador de pedagogos. Neste caso, a não-identidade como formador, justificou-se por uma transitoriedade na função, pois ocupam esse lugar motivados, majoritariamente, por questões financeiras e/ou burocráticas de complementação de carga horária. Estes reforçam estereótipos sobre a relação dos licenciandos com os saberes matemáticos em seus discursos e práticas. Por outro lado, os docentes que assumem a identidade de formadores do curso de Pedagogia, recorrem à uma perspectiva didática multidimensional que prioriza as dimensões relacionais e motivacionais. Nesse sentido, os saberes construídos e mobilizados por cada grupo são diferenciados. A pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de uma formação inicial que aborde o conhecimento especializado dos professores que ensinam Matemática em sua integralidade, não se limitando à superação das crenças dos licenciandos, o que demanda novas investigações que subsidiem a formação continuada e o trabalho dos professores-formadores. / [en] This doctoral thesis attempts to identify conceptions and knowledge mobilized in teacher-trainers practice in Pedagogy courses who teach subjects related to mathematics education for elementary school. The choice and relevance of the theme are justified by the lack of research that analyzes this specific group of professionals whose work impacts, even indirectly, on the mathematical knowledge teaching-learning process of elementary school students, given the significant role it plays in the training of future teachers. This research involves the participation of 25 teacher-trainers, with diverse academic and professional trajectories, who work in face-to-face Pedagogy courses in public and private higher education institutions. Using a qualitative approach, data was collected froma self-administered survey, semi-structured interviews, and documentary sources of the Mathematics Education subjects taught by the participants (planning, activities, and evaluations). Survey raw data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software. Interviews and instructional materials were subjected to content analysis, proposed by Bardin. Interpretations and data analysis were based on the interlocution of the participants speeches with the theoretical framework on teaching knowledge, with emphasis on Tardif and Shulman, mathematics teachers specialized knowledge, highlighted by Carrillo, and higher education teaching from the perspective of Cunha, Bolzan, and Isaia. The main challenges teacher-trainers encounter when teaching in Pedagogy courses are related to emerging contexts they face in the classroom and the impacts of institutional effects on their professionalism, especially for those who work in private higher education institutions. Investigation indicates that training paths and professional trajectories affect the construction of professional identity as a teacher-trainer. Regarding the specificity of this identity,two attitudes in Pedagogy courses were recognized: professors who understand themselves as trainers of new generations of teachers who will teach Mathematics in the early years, and those who, despite their seriously and professionalism, do not identify themselves with the role of a teacher-trainer. In this case, non-identityas a trainer was justified by a transitoriness in the function, as they occupy this position mainly motivated by financial reasons and/or bureaucratic issues related to supplementing the workload. This group reinforces stereotypes about the relationship between undergraduate students and mathematical knowledge in their speeches and practices. On the other hand, professors who assume the identity of trainers in Pedagogy courses, resort to a multidimensional didactic perspective that prioritizes relational and motivational dimensions. Therefore, the knowledge constructed and mobilized by each group is different. The research points to the need for initial training that addresses the specialized knowledge for teachers who teach Mathematics in its entirety, not limited to overcoming the undergraduate students beliefs, which demands new investigations that support teachers-trainers continuous education and pedagogical practice. / [es] Esta tesis de doctorado tiene como objetivo identificar las concepciones y lossaberes utilizados en el ejercicio de la docencia de profesores-formadores del cursode Pedagogía que actúan en asignaturas relacionadas con la Educación Matemáticapara los años iniciales de la Enseñanza Básica. La elección y relevancia del tema se justifican por la necesidad de más investigaciones que analicen ese grupo específico de profesionales cuya actuación impacta, aunque indirectamente, en el proceso deenseñanza-aprendizaje de los conocimientos matemáticos de los estudiantes de losaños iniciales, debido al papel significativo que desempeñan en la formación defuturos profesores. La investigación cuenta con la participación de 25 profesores formadores, con trayectorias académicas y profesionales diferentes, que actúan encursos presenciales de Pedagogía en instituciones de enseñanza superior públicas yprivadas. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo, los datos fueron producidos a través de cuestionarios de autoaplicación, entrevistas semiestructuradas y fuentes documentales de las asignaturas de Educación Matemática impartidas por los participantes (planes, actividades y evaluaciones). Las respuestas a los cuestionarios fueron analizadas estadísticamente con la ayuda del software SPSS, mientras que las entrevistas y materiales didácticos fueron objeto de un análisis decontenido, propuesto por Bardin. Las interpretaciones y análisis de los datos fueron realizados a través de la interlocución de los discursos de los participantes con el marco teórico que aborda: los saberes docentes, destacando a Tardif y Shulman, el conocimiento especializado del maestro que enseña Matemática, señalado por Carillo, y la docencia en la educación superior desde la perspectiva de Cunha,Bolzan e Isaia. Los mayores desafíos encontrados por los profesores-formadores enel ejercicio de la docencia en el curso de Pedagogía están relacionados con los contextos emergentes que encuentran en las clases y los impactos de los efectos institucionales en su profesionalidad, especialmente para aquellos que trabajan en instituciones de enseñanza superior privadas. Durante la investigación fue posible constatar el impacto en la construcción de la identidad profesional como formador de profesores de las rutas formativas y las trayectorias profesionales de los participantes. Sobre la especificidad de esa identidad, fueron reconocidas dos posturas frente a la inserción en el curso de Pedagogía: docentes que se comprenden como formadores de nuevas generaciones de profesores que enseñarán Matemáticaen los años iniciales y aquellos que, aunque aborden su ejercicio docente conseriedad y profesionalismo, no se identifican con el rol de profesor-formador de pedagogos. En este caso, la no identificación como formador se justificó por una transitoriedad en la función, ya que ocupan esa posición motivados, en su mayoría,por cuestiones financieras y/o burocráticas de complementación de carga horaria. Esto refuerza estereotipos sobre la relación de los licenciados con los conocimientos matemáticos en sus discursos y prácticas. Por otro lado, los docentes que asumen la identidad de formadores del curso de Pedagogía recurren a una perspectiva didáctica multidimensional que prioriza las dimensiones relacionales y motivacionales. En ese sentido, los saberes construidos y movilizados por cada grupo son diferenciados. La investigación apunta a la necesidad de una formación inicial que aborde el conocimiento especializado de los profesores que enseñan Matemática en su integralidad, sin limitarse a superar las creencias de los licenciados, lo cual requiere nuevas investigaciones que fundamenten la formación continua y el trabajo de los profesores-formadores.

Talking sticks and BMW's: ritual, power and authority in a psychotherapy training placement

Jansen, Shahieda 01 January 2002 (has links)
This study explores trainees' experiences of power dynamics within a ritualised training context, with reference to the three major aspects of the study: training, ritual and power. The psychotherapeutic training took place at Agape, a community-based counselling service in Mamelodi, whose theoretical approach to training included a mixture of postmodern, ecosystemic and African traditions. A substantial literature survey examines the major concepts and issues related to the research subject, such as psychotherapeutic training approaches, the philosophies and theories that may inform training procedures, ritual practices in psychotherapy, and organisational and power aspects of psychotherapeutic training. The research process was executed using the qualitative, interpretive research methodology. A sample of six of the trainees who had completed their training at this placement was interviewed, and two of the trainers. The researcher's reflections on her own training experiences are woven into the material. Using the interview technique and through asking a series of open-ended questions, the researcher obtained an account of the subjective, sacralised training interactions at Agape. Themes were identified that had emerged during the interview process. In brief, the themes referred to trainees' theoretical and practical experiences in the training placement, how they made sense of the sacralised therapeutic experiences, and comments on their relationship with trainers and fellow trainees. The most common theme that emerged was that of power. The end product of this study portrays the trainees' understandings of power within a sacralised psychotherapeutic context and their responses to this. This study makes explicit the links between ritualisation and power within an evaluative psychotherapeutic training context, and the consequences of this for training. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Learning to Teach in an Intensive Introductory TESL Training Course: A Case Study of English Teacher Learning

Freitas, Danielle Coelho Michel 18 March 2013 (has links)
Despite a growing body of research on trainee teachers’ learning during pre-service programs, intensive introductory TESL training courses are still designed to instruct a “standard” type of trainee teacher. This research study investigates the factors that mediate trainee teachers’ learning process as well as the interaction between these factors, which either facilitate and/or hinder trainee teachers’ success during an intensive introductory TESL training course. Using a qualitative holistic single-case study, informed by an interpretivist perspective, this study explores how three trainee teachers learned how to teach during a course in Southern Ontario, Canada. An integrated conceptual framework, formed by a sociocultural perspective of teacher learning, a holistic view of curriculum, and transformative pedagogy was employed and the findings include four major factors that mediated trainee teachers’ teacher learning process and three types of interaction that facilitated and/or hindered their success during the program.

Learning to Teach in an Intensive Introductory TESL Training Course: A Case Study of English Teacher Learning

Freitas, Danielle Coelho Michel 18 March 2013 (has links)
Despite a growing body of research on trainee teachers’ learning during pre-service programs, intensive introductory TESL training courses are still designed to instruct a “standard” type of trainee teacher. This research study investigates the factors that mediate trainee teachers’ learning process as well as the interaction between these factors, which either facilitate and/or hinder trainee teachers’ success during an intensive introductory TESL training course. Using a qualitative holistic single-case study, informed by an interpretivist perspective, this study explores how three trainee teachers learned how to teach during a course in Southern Ontario, Canada. An integrated conceptual framework, formed by a sociocultural perspective of teacher learning, a holistic view of curriculum, and transformative pedagogy was employed and the findings include four major factors that mediated trainee teachers’ teacher learning process and three types of interaction that facilitated and/or hindered their success during the program.

Capacity development of small-scale farmers in developing countries: Analysis of preferences and the role of information and communication technologies

Landmann, Dirk Hauke 29 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Talking sticks and BMW's: ritual, power and authority in a psychotherapy training placement

Jansen, Shahieda 01 January 2002 (has links)
This study explores trainees' experiences of power dynamics within a ritualised training context, with reference to the three major aspects of the study: training, ritual and power. The psychotherapeutic training took place at Agape, a community-based counselling service in Mamelodi, whose theoretical approach to training included a mixture of postmodern, ecosystemic and African traditions. A substantial literature survey examines the major concepts and issues related to the research subject, such as psychotherapeutic training approaches, the philosophies and theories that may inform training procedures, ritual practices in psychotherapy, and organisational and power aspects of psychotherapeutic training. The research process was executed using the qualitative, interpretive research methodology. A sample of six of the trainees who had completed their training at this placement was interviewed, and two of the trainers. The researcher's reflections on her own training experiences are woven into the material. Using the interview technique and through asking a series of open-ended questions, the researcher obtained an account of the subjective, sacralised training interactions at Agape. Themes were identified that had emerged during the interview process. In brief, the themes referred to trainees' theoretical and practical experiences in the training placement, how they made sense of the sacralised therapeutic experiences, and comments on their relationship with trainers and fellow trainees. The most common theme that emerged was that of power. The end product of this study portrays the trainees' understandings of power within a sacralised psychotherapeutic context and their responses to this. This study makes explicit the links between ritualisation and power within an evaluative psychotherapeutic training context, and the consequences of this for training. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Carsta Genäuß-Kühn: Vom Elbepaddeln zur Weltklassekanutin, Olympiasiegerin und siebenfachen Weltmeisterin: Ehemalige deutsche Kanutin, Werbemethodikerin (FH) und Restauratorin

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 26 July 2022 (has links)
Carsta Genäuß-Kühn (* 30. Nov. 1959 Dresden) – vom Elbepaddeln zur Weltklassekanutin, Olympiasiegerin und siebenfachen Weltmeisterin. Aufgezeigt wird der Lebensweg einer der erfolgreichsten Kanurennsportlerinnen aller Zeiten, einer Frauenpersönlichkeit, die Höhen und Tiefen der sportlichen Laufbahn kennenlernte und deren sportliche Erfolge sie an die Weltspitze führten. Zumeist waren es die Gold-Plätze auf dem sogenannten Siegertreppchen, die von der Dresdner Sportlerin eingenommen wurden, wenn sie zwischen 1973 bis 1985 weltweit unzählige Wettbewerbe, DDR-Meisterschaften, Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften bestritt, oder 1980 olympisches Gold aus Moskau in ihre Heimatstadt Dresden brachte. Trainiert wurde sie durch den SC Einheit Dresden, einem der erfolgreichsten Leistungssportzentren im Sportsystem der DDR.

Benutting van onderrigtegnieke in maatskaplikewerksupervisie aan voorgraadse studente

Fell, Granda Desiré Jacqueline 31 March 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / OPSOMMING `n Verkennende en beskrywende studie is onderneem om wetenskaplike gefundeerde riglyne ten opsigte van die benutting van onderrigtegnieke vir praktykopleiers beskikbaar te stel vir maatskaplikewerksupervisie aan voorgraadse studente. Om supervisie effektief te kan aanwend, moet praktykopleiers van onderrigtegnieke kennis dra en dit kan aanwend. Die literatuurstudie fokus op die onderrigfunksie van supervisie en `n klassifikasie en beskrywing van onderrigtegnieke wat binne die supervisieproses aangewend kan word. Al twee-en-twintig supervisors/praktykopleiers wat betrokke is by gesinsorgorganisa- sies in die Metropool- en Bolandstreek, Wes-Kaap is betrek. `n Gestruktureerde vraelys is as data-insamelingsmetode benut. Die bevindinge en resultate toon aan dat voortgesette opleiding deur middel van informele opleidingstrategieë van praktykopleiers noodsaaklik is, om hul kennis ten opsigte van die onderrigfunksie van supervisie uit te brei asook die benutting van onderrigtegnieke aan te moedig. Verdere navorsing kan fokus op die benutting van onderrigtegnieke uit die Gestalt- of ander benaderings tydens supervisie. SUMMARY An exploratory and descriptive study was undertaken to provide scientifically based guidelines regarding educational techniques used by practical trainers when providing social work supervision to undergraduate students. To apply supervision effectively, practical trainers must have knowledge of educational techniques and be able to apply these. The literature study focuses on the educational function of supervision and provides a classification and description of educational techniques that can be applied within the supervision process. The sample included twenty-two supervisors/practical trainers at family welfare organisations in the Metropolitan and Boland regions, Western Cape. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data. The findings and results show that continuing education through informal training strategies by practical trainers is essential to expand their knowledge of the educational function of supervision and to encourage the use of educational techniques. Further research should focus on educational techniques from the Gestalt approach or other approaches. / Social work / M.Diac.

Curriculum development for the master craftsman in the printing, newspaper and packaging industries

Thomas, David Llewellyn, 1944- 01 1900 (has links)
This study centres on curriculum development for a master craftsman level in the Printing, Newspaper and Packaging Industries which is didactically sound and takes cognisance of the dynamic vocational education and training milieu in which it occurs. Curriculum and curriculum development is viewed from a systems perspective and incorporates the specific andragogic didactic needs of the learner target group as well as the unique needs of an industrial sector. Because the National Qualification Framework model advocates an outcomes-based approach to curriculum development this necessitated the identification of a suitable standards generating process to articulate the master craftsman unit standards into a qualification capable of being recognised by the National Qualification Framework. The nature and complexity of the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies for the master craftsman level were quantified and qualified by means of skills and competency profiling and the development of a job outcome taxonomy of skills, knowledge and attributes which incorporated critical cross field and fundamental skills, and their underpinning knowledge requirements. Using aspects ofvarious vocational education and training models and empirical research course content was sourced, evaluated and developed into appropriate modules of learning that are congruent with the accepted competency based modular training system used in the Industries. Course maps that integrate theory and practice were developed with multi skilling milestones linked to learner certification. Evaluation of resources for the delivery of the Master Craftsman Programme was facilitated by means of a provider quality assessment and accreditation system. The interactive teaching-learning situation and the evaluation processes and procedures were developed to enhance the assessment of applied competencies in the world of work. A pilot study and unit standards generating activities are to be used as a means of implementing and institutionalising the master craftsman curriculum. The findings of this study revealed that by viewing the curriculum from a systems perspective and using a suitable curriculum development model a creative master craftsman curriculum development process could take place. The competency profiling technique and taxonomy of competencies, skills, knowledge and attributes enabled the curriculum process to be a top-down approach which is outcomes-based. / Didactics / D.Ed. (Didactics)

Benutting van onderrigtegnieke in maatskaplikewerksupervisie aan voorgraadse studente

Fell, Granda Desiré Jacqueline 31 March 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / OPSOMMING `n Verkennende en beskrywende studie is onderneem om wetenskaplike gefundeerde riglyne ten opsigte van die benutting van onderrigtegnieke vir praktykopleiers beskikbaar te stel vir maatskaplikewerksupervisie aan voorgraadse studente. Om supervisie effektief te kan aanwend, moet praktykopleiers van onderrigtegnieke kennis dra en dit kan aanwend. Die literatuurstudie fokus op die onderrigfunksie van supervisie en `n klassifikasie en beskrywing van onderrigtegnieke wat binne die supervisieproses aangewend kan word. Al twee-en-twintig supervisors/praktykopleiers wat betrokke is by gesinsorgorganisa- sies in die Metropool- en Bolandstreek, Wes-Kaap is betrek. `n Gestruktureerde vraelys is as data-insamelingsmetode benut. Die bevindinge en resultate toon aan dat voortgesette opleiding deur middel van informele opleidingstrategieë van praktykopleiers noodsaaklik is, om hul kennis ten opsigte van die onderrigfunksie van supervisie uit te brei asook die benutting van onderrigtegnieke aan te moedig. Verdere navorsing kan fokus op die benutting van onderrigtegnieke uit die Gestalt- of ander benaderings tydens supervisie. SUMMARY An exploratory and descriptive study was undertaken to provide scientifically based guidelines regarding educational techniques used by practical trainers when providing social work supervision to undergraduate students. To apply supervision effectively, practical trainers must have knowledge of educational techniques and be able to apply these. The literature study focuses on the educational function of supervision and provides a classification and description of educational techniques that can be applied within the supervision process. The sample included twenty-two supervisors/practical trainers at family welfare organisations in the Metropolitan and Boland regions, Western Cape. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data. The findings and results show that continuing education through informal training strategies by practical trainers is essential to expand their knowledge of the educational function of supervision and to encourage the use of educational techniques. Further research should focus on educational techniques from the Gestalt approach or other approaches. / Social work / M.Diac.

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