Spelling suggestions: "subject:"transgression"" "subject:"transgressive""
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As companies commit an increasing number of socially irresponsible behaviors, high profile corporate transgressions have become major social problems in many countries. Corporate transgressions are defined as serious violations of social norms and standards (White, Bandura, & Bero, 2009). Corporate transgressions tend to detrimentally affect the relationship between companies and their consumers, leading to negative consumer responses to the brand and product (Aaker, 2012; Lindenmeier, Schleer, & Pricl, 2011; Ingram, Skinner, & Tayler, 2005). Many companies use short-term marketing activities to improve consumer responses; however, these recovery strategies have temporary effects (Beverland, Chung, & Kates, 2009). There is no doubt that building long-term relationships with consumers is vital for companies to promote positive responses. Cause-related marketing (CRM) has been one of the most widely used activities to build long-term relationships with consumers because it can demonstrate a company’s sincere commitment to social responsibility (Ailawadi & Keller, 2004; Gupta & Pirsch, 2006; Kotler & Keller, 2006; Nan & Heo, 2007; Varadarajan & Menon,1988). Despite the fact that CRM can help build long-term relationships with consumers, there is a dearth of empirical study on the effectiveness of CRM as a corporate crisis recovery strategy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of CRM as a recovery strategy in changing consumers’ psychological (attitudes) and behavioral (purchase intentions) responses after corporate transgressions. More specifically, this study will examine the effects of corporate commitment types (time vs financial), degrees (long-term vs short-term and large vs small amount), and fit (high vs low) conditions between a cause and a company on consumer responses. A total of 213 college students (94 women, 119 men), between the ages of 18 and 25, participated in this experimental study. The participants were randomly assigned to one of eight between-subjects treatment conditions in which they read two short scenarios about a company’s (Brand X) corporate transgression and commitment to a CRM (sponsoring the Special Olympic games or the Human Society) campaign. Manipulation checks were conducted on time commitment, financial commitment, and fit conditions. The results of CFA, using LISREL 9.1, support the reliability and validity of all measures. The composite reliabilities (Cronbach's α) of the two constructs (attitudes and purchase intentions) are .72 and .798 respectively. The average variance extracted (AVE) of the attitudes (.593) and the purchase intentions (.611). For the convergent validity, all estimated loadings of indicators for the underlying constructs are significant (the smallest t-value = 4.32, p < .05). For the discriminant validity, as indicated earlier, AVEs for two constructs are, .593 for consumer attitudes and .611 for consumer purchase intentions, are greater than the squared correlation (.454) between two constructs. In addition, the goodness-of-fit statistics show a good overall fit (χ2 = 131. 57, p > .01, CFI= .94, GFI = .93, and RMSEA = .051). The results of the current study revealed that the company’s long-term and large financial commitments to a CRM campaign significantly changed participants' psychological and behavioral responses. However, the fit conditions did not significantly affect consumers’ response changes. The 2 x 2 x 2 interaction effects revealed that the time commitments play a more significant role in changing consumer responses than financial commitments and fit conditions. Furthermore, the combination of a long-term and a large financial commitment with a high fit condition showed the most significant consumer response changes. These findings support the fact that consumers value a company’s CRM activities when they are aware of the company’s sincere commitment. Hence, it is vital for marketing managers to demonstrate their consistently support to causes, rather than making a quick decision to engage in CRM activities. In addition, the findings of this study confirm that gaining positive responses from consumers takes a great effort for companies. Thus, companies should be conscious not to commit socially irresponsible behaviors that damage their relationships with consumers.
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Composing 'the bubonic tourist' : an everyday creative and resistive tourist practiceMoschopedis, Eric T. 11 1900 (has links)
I argue that the bubonic tourist is a resistive and reflexive everyday character. I
hypothesize that the bubonic tourist can generate spatial and temporal transgressions that
sanction increased social agency and thereby transform our sense of subjectivity. By
appropriating, cannibalizing, and carnivalizing social codes and modes of operation, I considered
how communities are created through performance. I argue that by departing and arriving from
the centre to the margins of a peer, social, and cultural genus—what Pierre Bourdieu calls
habitus—marginalized individuals can both destabilize and inform demarcated and delimited
categories. By performing and feeding back to social codes and norms experiences of the
margins, the bubonic tourist creates fissures that engender self-reflexivity and meaning. I argue
that, the bubonic tourist as a critical and creative practitioner can emancipate and empower the
self and others. I considered how the bubonic tourist as an ethical individual is a member of a
community that is created through performance. Finally, I considered how creative interventions
might engender someone to transmogrify into the bubonic tourist and how as a methodology the
bubonic tourist could have practical application. This study, seeks to outline the grounds in which
instability can generate agency and a sense of self. / Graduate Studies, College of (Okanagan) / Graduate
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Boundary Transgressions in Therapeutic RelationshipsRosenbloom, Staci J. 12 November 2003 (has links)
The relationship expected to occur between a therapist and his or her clients is a fiduciary relationship, a relationship of special trust. Professional boundaries ensure that the needs of clients remain primary. However, boundary transgressions are inevitable. Unfortunately, boundary transgressions have the potential of exploiting clients. Most of what is known about boundary transgressions comes from the perspective of professionals. The literature reiterates the importance of educating the lay public about the dangers of boundary transgressions. This study experimentally examined what effect education specific to boundary transgressions has on the lay public's level of acceptance of boundary transgressions, as opposed to what effect general information about personal/family therapy has on the lay public's level of acceptance of boundary transgressions. Two hundred students from a southeastern university participated and read either general information pertaining to personal/family therapy, or specific information pertaining to boundary transgressions, prior to rating their level of acceptance of therapists transgressing boundaries with their clients. Independent sample t-tests determined there were statistical differences in mean ratings of acceptance of boundary transgressions between the groups. However, because the mean scores between the two groups were not much different, the results suggest that the lay public could benefit from a more comprehensive explanation of boundary transgressions. / Master of Science
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Beyond Documentary Realism : aesthetic Transgressions in Contemporary British Verbatim Theatre / Au-delà du réalisme documentaire : transgressions esthétiques dans le théâtre verbatim contemporain en Grande-BretagneGarson, Cyrielle 13 December 2016 (has links)
Le théâtre verbatim, une pratique scénique dont le texte repose entièrement sur les mots exacts énoncés par des personnes réelles, est au coeur d’une renaissance remarquable et inattendue du genre en Grande-Bretagne depuis le milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix. Au même moment, les metteurs en scène britanniques contemporains ont déclaré avoir trouvé de nouvelles approches pour une pratique du théâtre politique par son entremise. En dépit de la dominante anti-réaliste qui semble encore à l’heure actuelle caractériser la culture postmoderne, on admet le plus souvent que le réalisme documentaire est resté le mode par excellence de représentation des pièces verbatim sur scène. Il va donc de soi que ce théâtre, ainsi défini, ignore du même coup les récents bouleversements survenus sur la scène théâtrale britannique. À travers une étude comparative de sept spectacles que nous considérons comme représentatifs du théâtre verbatim, il est affirmé qu’il y a bien eu, malgré tout, des spectacles verbatim dont la nature discontinue implique l’éloignement du réalisme comme élément fédérateur de la représentation. Ces spectacles, qui font appel à l’expérimentation esthétique sous de multiples formes, approfondissent et transgressent ce que nous pourrions entendre par « théâtre verbatim ». Le but de cette analyse est donc d’étudier le théâtre verbatim à contre-courant de ses propres affirmations d’authenticité et de véracité et de suggérer la nécessité d'un discours qui articule mieux l’interdépendance entre les impératifs esthétiques et les possibilités d’un engagement social. Enfin, cette thèse rend compte de l’existence d’une diversité de variables esthétiques dans le théâtre verbatim d’aujourd'hui qui vise un public habitué aux nouveaux médias. À cet égard, ces variables sont regroupées selon trois positions théoriques, chacune étant analysée et traitée de manière distincte et illustrée par des exemples concrets. Par le biais de cette étude, nous espérons ainsi mettre en lumière les esthétiques mouvantes du théâtre verbatim, afin d’en établir une histoire critique et de contribuer à la formulation de ce champ de recherche si riche, autant d’un point de vue scientifique que du point de vue de la pratique vivante de l’art théâtral. / Beyond Documentary Realism: Aesthetic Transgressions in Contemporary British Verbatim Theatre Verbatim theatre, a type of performance based on actual words spoken by ‘real people’, has been at the heart of a remarkable and unexpected renaissance of the genre in Great Britain since the mid-nineties. Simultaneously, contemporary British theatre-makers claimed to have found a renewed avenue to politics through this particular medium. In spite of recent shifts in the British theatrical landscape as well as the much-vaunted postmodern culture of anti-realism, documentary realism is generally conceded to have remained the normative mode of presentation for verbatim plays on stage. Through a comparative examination of seven representative verbatim productions, this dissertation argues, however, that there has been an equally persistent strand of verbatim works that involves a move away from realism as the key element in performance. These productions make use of a wide variety of aesthetic experiments that broaden and transgress what we might understand as verbatim theatre. The strategy adopted by this study is thus to read verbatim theatre against the grain of its claim to ‘authenticity’ and ‘truthfulness’ and to suggest the need for a discourse which better articulates an interdependence between its aesthetic imperatives and the possibilities of social engagement. Finally, this dissertation accounts for the existence of a range of aesthetic variables in present-day verbatim theatre which is aimed at more media-aware contemporary audiences. These are grouped into three theoretical positions, each of them being analysed and discussed in a separate part and illustrated by case studies. It is hoped that, through this argument, the changing aesthetics of verbatim theatre will be illuminated and that – on however small a scale – this doctoral dissertation will contribute to a critical history and theoretical formulation of the complexity of this rich field as both a scholarly discipline and a lived practice.
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Les femmes, la famille, la vie affective en Espagne au XVIIe siècle : représentations littéraires et réalités sociales dans les nouvelles d' Alonso de Castillo Solórzano / Women, family, emotional life in XVIIth century Spain : literary representations and social realities in Alonso de Castillo Solórzano’s short storiesGrouzis-Demory, Christelle 26 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur les représentations féminines dans les nouvelles d’Alonso de Castillo Solórzano. Reflet de l’évolution d’un genre en vogue au XVIIe siècle en Espagne, les nouvelles étudiées sont caractérisées par l’extrême diversité et la complexité des images féminines. Cette étude propose ainsi de révéler les différents visages de la femme et leurs rôles inédits à travers une approche analytique des textes. À travers la perspective féminine, nous montrons que cet auteur privilégie constamment la variété, l’invention et l’admiratio. Son propos est avant tout de divertir et de captiver ses lecteurs.L’étude des représentations collectives et individuelles de l’existence féminine permet de souligner combien l’auteur affectionne les images féminines transgressives et de mettre en évidence l’espace d’autonomie et d’expression accordé aux héroïnes, par le biais d’une écriture spécifique. Sous sa plume, le schéma traditionnel régissant les rapports de domination et de pouvoir entre les hommes et les femmes se voit profondément bouleversé. Loin de revendiquer la cause des femmes ou de remettre en question l’ordre établi, les récits de Castillo Solórzano donnent néanmoins à voir le fléchissement des valeurs morales et les bouleversements qui ont marqué la société espagnole dite « décadente » de Philippe IV. / This thesis focuses on the representation of women in the short stories of Alonso de Castillo Solórzano. Mirroring the evolution of a genre popular in XVIIth century Spain, the short stories here under scrutiny are characterized by the extreme diversity and complexity of the female image. This study proposes to reveal the different faces of women and their new roles through an analytical approach to the text.Through the feminine perspective, we show that the author constantly favours variety, invention and admiratio. His aim is above all to entertain and charm his readers. The study of collective and individual representations of the female existence serves to underscore how much the author loves this transgressive feminine image, and to highlight the area of autonomy and expression granted to heroines, by means of a peculiar writing.Through his pen, the traditional framework governing the relations of domination and power between men and women is seen to be profoundly altered. Far from championing the feminine cause or questioning the established order, Castillo Solórzano's stories demonstrate, nevertheless, the decline in moral values and the upheaval which characterized the so-called « decadent » Spanish society of Philip IV.
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Justice environnementale et criminologie verte: exploration des représentations autochtones des injustices et des transgressions liées à l’environnementRivard, Justine 08 1900 (has links)
Notre étude aborde les représentations autochtones des transgressions liées à l’environnement et
celles de la justice environnementale au Canada à travers l’analyse de documentaires réalisés par
des Autochtones et produits par Wapikoni mobile. Grâce à l’utilisation d’une méthodologie
qualitative, nous visons à mettre les points de vue autochtones au premier plan de notre étude et
ainsi présenter les expériences de transgressions et d’injustices environnementales telles qu’elles
sont vécues et représentées par les réalisateurs et par les intervenants qui sont intégrés dans les
documentaires. L’étude des documentaires nous donne aussi un accès privilégié aux
représentations de la nature et du territoire, ainsi qu’aux rapports avec les Allochtones et l’État
Les résultats de notre analyse des documentaires viennent souligner la place fondamentale de la
nature et du territoire dans les représentations autochtones, et exposent la gravité extrême des
atteintes à l’environnement pour ces communautés. Les documentaires indiquent que les injustices
et les transgressions environnementales ont des conséquences incommensurables pour les peuples
autochtones. Notre analyse révèle aussi la place de l’État canadien, la structure coloniale et les
valeurs capitalistes dans ces actes. Ces éléments sont mis en lumière à travers les représentations
autochtones d’une responsabilité accrue des acteurs gouvernementaux et organisationnels
accompagnée de rapports antagonistes avec les Allochtones, qui engendrent plusieurs réactions
autochtones aux injustices et aux transgressions. Finalement, notre analyse dégage des
documentaires un lot de revendications essentielles afin de parvenir à une justice environnementale
autochtone. / Our study addresses Indigenous representations of environmental transgressions and
environmental justice in Canada through the analysis of Indigenous documentary short-films
produced by Wapikoni Mobile. Through the use of qualitative methodology, we aim to bring
Indigenous perspectives to the forefront of our study and thus present the experiences of
environmental transgressions and injustices as represented by the documentary filmmakers, as well
as their participants. The study of documentaries also gives us privileged access to representations
of nature and land, as well as to relations with non-Natives and the Canadian state.
The results of our analysis highlight the fundamental place of nature and land in Indigenous
representations present in the short-films, and expose the extreme severity of environmental
damage to these Indigenous communities. The documentaries indicate that environmental
injustices and transgressions have immeasurable consequences for Indigenous peoples. Our
analysis also reveals the place of the Canadian state, the colonial structure and capitalist values in
these acts. These elements are highlighted through Indigenous representations of increased
responsibility by state and corporate actors accompanied by antagonistic relationships with Non-Indigenous people, which generate multiple Indigenous reactions to injustices and transgressions.
Finally, our analysis identifies from these documentaries a set of claims essential to achieving
Indigenous environmental justice.
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Functions of Guilt and Reparative Behaviors in Middle ChildhoodDonohue, Meghan R. 08 August 2018 (has links)
Guilt theoretically functions to motivate reparative behaviors, which, in turn, theoretically function to alleviate guilt and prevent psychopathology. Although several empirical studies in adults have demonstrated that guilt and reparative behaviors function as theorized, research has not investigated causal relations between guilt and reparative behaviors in children. Thus, this study examined whether guilt motivates children’s reparative behaviors, and whether their reparative behaviors successfully alleviate guilty feelings. Six-to ten-year olds (N = 97) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions. In the experimental condition, children were led to believe that they had transgressed to cause a peer’s distress. Children self-reported their guilt feelings following the pretend transgression, and then had the opportunity to repair the transgression by giving stickers and writing a note to the victimized peer. Following the repair opportunity, children self-reported their guilt a second time. Children in the experimental condition (i.e., children who felt guilty) engaged in greater reparative behavior relative to children in a no-guilt condition who were led to believe that they had caused a peer’s positive emotions. Further, children in the experimental condition reported reduced guilt at the second measurement, whereas children in the no-repair condition (who were led to believe that they had transgressed but were not be given a repair opportunity) did not report reduced guilt over time. Results demonstrate that guilt and reparative behaviors function as theorized in children and may begin to inform reparative interventions aimed at preventing unalleviated, maladaptive guilt and psychopathology.
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Řízení o přestupcích proti bezpečnosti a plynulosti silničního provozu (se zaměřením na postupy prováděné před zahájením řízení a řízení v 1. stupni) / Proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic (with a special regard to acts carried out before trial and the first-instance proceedings)Neuvirt, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic". Although there is no such special type of proceedings, it is an issue which deserves an attention. Every one of us is a part of highway traffic every day. Therefore it is important not only to know the rules by of it but also the rules and principles of the proceedings in which are transgressions against safety and smooth highway traffic heard. The aim of this thesis is to provide the complex summary of the proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic and to give notice of its unusualness from the basic proceedings for administrative transgressions. This thesis also points out the inaccuracies, wrongness and ambiguities of the proceedings' rules and also reflects and comments the latest amendments to relevant acts. The thesis is divided into nine chapters, from which the first and the last ones are introduction and conclusion. The second chapter clarifies the term administrative transgressions. The third chapter briefly describes the administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth of highway traffic and the interests safeguarded by them. The fourth chapter gives the overall summary of the administrative proceedings. The...
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Châtiment coutumier, violence contemporaine : cas de la vengeance de Ketermaya / Customary punishment, contemporary violence : the case of KetermayaSouaid, Marie-Claude 04 December 2017 (has links)
Question majeure de l'ordre public le contrôle du meurtre est pleinement institutionnalisé au Liban. Cependant, l'une des tâches les plus complexes du système judiciaire libanais est de prévenir la vendetta. Ce travail porte sur un lynchage exécuté en réaction à l'homicide de quatre membres d’une même famille advenu le 29 avril 2010, en présence des acteurs du système judiciaire. Ce qui a été connu sous le nom de «la vengeance de Ketermaya » —village situé dans la partie méridionale du gouvernorat du Mont Liban—illustre la dérive de la vendetta coutumière dans la violence de profanation. Anthropologue de la violence extrême Véronique Nahoum- Grappe met l’accent sur la convergence du crime de profanation avec les crimes politiques. Fondée sur une description dense de l'affaire notre recherche interroge les dérégulations des systèmes sociétaux et étatique de contrôle du meurtre. Seraient-elles conséquentes aux politiques de régulation menées selon des priorités liées à la sécurité nationale, priorités qui ne prennent pas en compte d'autres problèmes sociaux importants ? / As a major question of public order, control of murder is fully institutionalized in Lebanon. However, one of the most complicated task facing the Lebanese judiciary system is to prevent vendetta. Based on a thick description of the case this dissertation is about what came to be known as “the vengeance of Ketermaya”’ —a village Southern part of the Mount Lebanon governorate. April 29, 2010, a lynching that happened in reaction to the homicide of four family member, in presence of representative of the judiciary system, illustrate a drift of control of murder into a violence of desecration. According to Veronique Nahoum-Grape, “political crimes” and “crime of desecration” converge. Does the drift into extreme coercive violence illustrate a related disturbance of vendetta and legal systems of control of murder when policies of regulation are meant to be led according to priorities centered on issues of national security that not take into account other significant social issues?
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Reina la zafra: [Re]presentación de la sociedad azucarera en la narrativa Puertorriqueña, siglos XIX y XXCarrasquillo, Tania 01 May 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the representation of sugar plantation societies in nineteenth and twentieth century Puerto Rican literature. Using an interdisciplinary approach, I study the socio-historical, political, and economic development of the sugarcane industry in Puerto Rico as represented in the literary works of Manuel Zeno Gandía, Enrique A. Laguerre, René Marqués, and Rosario Ferré.
Scholars have tended to examine their works separately; however, I study how these writers from different literary generations develop a cohesive literary project, reshuffling the periodization of Puerto Rican literature by their focus on the sugar industry. Consequently, the literary works intersect with each other to provide a complete picture of the evolution and decline of the sugar plantation and its effects on the social imaginary of Puerto Rico. I use this term to mean both social practices of Puerto Rican society as well as its class stratification and political struggles.
My theoretical approach is based on Antonio Benítez Rojo, "The Repeating Island: The Caribbean and the Postmodern Perspective" (1992), where the sugar plantation is defined as the principal unifying entity across the Caribbean, repeated continuously through time and space. I also rely on socio-historiographical approaches developed by Ramiro Guerra, Francisco Scarano, and Ángel Quintero Rivera, whose analyses of the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean shed light on class conflicts, primarily between the sugar oligarchy and factory workers.
This dissertation suggests a homology between the socioeconomic structure of the sugar plantation and the Puerto Rican literary canon. I conclude that Puerto Rican writers have recoded the imaginary of the plantation in response to political events and economic shifts within the sugar industry. While Manuel Zeno Gandía and René Marqués promote and redefine its value system, other writers, such as Enrique A. Laguerre and Rosario Ferré, have transgressed the hacienda system to articulate the voice of those communities marginalized by the sugar plantation.
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