Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trial"" "subject:"tribe""
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Intégration de systèmes multi-capteurs CMOS-MEMS : application à une centrale d’attitude / A CMOS-MEMS inertial measurement unit integrationAlandry, Boris 23 September 2010 (has links)
Les systèmes électroniques actuels intègrent de plus en plus de fonctionnalités nécessitant l'intégration de capteurs très variés. Ces systèmes hétérogènes sont complexes à intégrer notamment lorsque différentes technologies de fabrication sont nécessaires pour les capteurs.Les technologies de fabrication de MEMS avec un procédé CMOS-FSBM offrent un coût de production réduit et permettent d'intégrer sur un même substrat différents types de capteurs (magnétomètres et accéléromètres notamment). Ce procédé de fabrication implique cependant une détection résistive des capteurs avec tous les problèmes qui lui sont associés (faible sensibilité, offset important, bruit de l'électronique). A travers la réalisation de la première centrale inertielle sur une puce, cette thèse renforce l'intérêt d'une approche « CMOS-MEMS » pour la conception de systèmes multi-capteurs. Le système est basé sur une mesure incomplète du champ magnétique terrestre (axes X et Y) et sur la mesure complète du champ gravitationnel. Une électronique de conditionnement des capteurs performante a été développée adressant les principaux problèmes relatifs à une détection résistive permettant ainsi une optimisation de la résolution de chaque capteur. Enfin, deux algorithmes ont été développés pour la détermination de l'attitude à partir de la mesure des cinq capteurs montrant la faisabilité et l'intérêt d'un tel système. / Current electronic systems integrate more and more applications that require the integration of various kinds of sensors. The integration of such heterogeneous systems is complex especially when sensor fabrication processes differ from one to another. MEMS manufacturing processes based on CMOS-FSBM process promote a low-cost production and allow the integration of various types of sensors on the same die (e.g., magnetometers and accelerometers). However, this manufacturing process requires that sensors make use of resistive transduction with its associated drawbacks (low sensitivity, offset, electronic noise). Through the design and the implementation of the first inertial measurement unit (IMU) on a chip, this thesis demonstrates the interest of a “CMOS-MEMS” approach for the design of multi-sensor systems. The IMU is based on the incomplete measurement of the Earth magnetic field (X and Y axis) and the complete measurement of the gravity. An efficient front-end electronic has been developed addressing the most important issues of resistive transduction and thus allowing an optimization of sensor resolution. Finally, two attitude determination algorithms have been developed from the five sensor measurements showing the feasibility and the interest of such a system.
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The Female TriadSmith, Mattie, Scarberry, Alexis, Riddle, Kamryn, Howard, Rebekah, Alaseel, Zahra 23 April 2023 (has links)
Introduction & Background:
Female athletes are at risk for developing eating disorders, they feel the need to engage in dieting, fasting, vomiting, and diet pills. These actions impact 35-57% of female athletes. An eating disorder can be defined as a variety of mental conditions that are characterized by an imbalance in eating and a weakness in physical or mental health. The female athlete triad is three components including osteoporosis, eating disorders, and amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle).
Purpose Statement & Research Question:
For female athletes around the ages of 18-23, what is the risk of eating disorders compared to their involvement in a competitive sport within the years they are participating in their sport?
Literature Review:
Sources were pulled from the CINAHL database, these articles are under 5 years of age.
Female athletes develop low body weights. Approximately 4.3% of female athletes struggle with the female triad. The demands of athletes cause extensive stress and unhealthy eating patterns. About 62% of female athletes develop eating disorders.
Conclusion & Nursing Implications:
Nurses should be educated on how to identify symptoms, educate on risks associated with energy deficiency, and refer athletes to resources. It is important for nurses, coaches, and families to work to promote the health and well-being of athletes, and to prioritize prevention and early intervention when it comes to eating disorders.
Key search terms:
Search terms include “female athletes”, “the female triad”, “eating disorders”, “eating disorders in sports”, “coaches' role in the female triad”, and “risk for injuries”.
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Mörka personlighetsdrag hos Sveriges studenter : – En enkätundersökning om machiavellism, narcissism och psykopati / Dark Personality Traits in Students in Sweden : – A Survey about Machiavellianism, Narcissim and PsychopathyFlood Hörberg, Henric, Olsson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether differences were found in occurrence of three personality traits from the Dark Triad, Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy, in regards to students within different educations in universities and colleges in Sweden. Previous research and findings have shown that students with different educations tend to show traits from the Dark Triad of varying degrees. Data to the study was collected through a self-assessment survey named Short Dark Triad (SD3). The survey was translated to Swedish, then sent to 22 different educations at 33 Swedish universities and colleges. 1055 participants were gathered in the study with a distribution of 709 women and 346 men. The results were mostly supported by previous research, however a few results were not supported by previous research. For example, economy students did not get higher scores on Machiavellianism when compared to students at law and political science.
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Mörka personlighetsdrag hos Sveriges studenter : – En enkätundersökning om machiavellism, narcissism och psykopati / Dark Personality Traits in Students in Sweden : – A Survey about Machiavellianism, Narcissism and PsychopathyFlood Hörberg, Henric, Olsson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det gick att finna skillnader i förekomst av personlighetsdrag från den mörka triaden, det vill säga, machiavellism, narcissism och psykopati mellan studenter inom olika utbildningar på högskole- och universitetsnivå i Sverige. Tidigare forskning visar att studenter på utbildningar inom olika ämnen tenderar att uppvisa drag från mörka triaden i olika hög utsträckning. Data till studien samlades in genom att en enkät med självskattningstest Short Dark Triad (SD3) översatt till svenska skickades ut till totalt 22 olika ämnen och utbildningar vid 33 av Sveriges lärosäten. Totalt hade studien 1055 deltagare fördelat på 709 kvinnor och 346 män. Studiens resultat visade flertalet signifikanta skillnader gällande alla de tre personlighetsdragen mellan utbildningarna. Resultaten stämde i stora delar överens med tidigare forskning. Ett resultat som dock gick emot tidigare forskning var att ekonomistudenter inte fick högre poäng på machiavellism jämfört med studenter som läser juridik eller statsvetenskap. / The purpose of this study was to examine whether differences were found in occurrence of three personality traits from the Dark Triad, Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy, in regard to students within different educations in universities and colleges in Sweden. Previous research and findings have shown that students with different educations tend to show traits from the Dark Triad of varying degrees. Data to the study was collected through a self-assessment survey named Short Dark Triad (SD3). The survey was translated to Swedish, then sent to 22 different educations at 33 Swedish universities and colleges. 1055 participants were gathered in the study with a distribution of 709 women and 346 men. The results were mostly supported by previous research, however a few results were not supported by previous research. For example, economy students did not get higher scores on Machiavellianism when compared to students at law and political science.
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Välmående bland ledare kan förutsägas av (o)välvillig personlighet / Well-being among leaders may be predicted by (deviant) personalityJuntikka, Jaana, Bolander, Henrietta January 2016 (has links)
Med hjälp av personlighetstester och genom att känna till individers personlighet har forskning visat att man i viss mån kan förutsäga beteende och upplevd mental hälsa. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka om och hur personlighetsdraget agreeableness (svenskans välvillighet) samverkar med upplevt välmående hos personer med en ledarroll. I en ledarroll förväntas personen kunna hantera beslutsfattande och konfrontationer. Furnham, Richards och Paulhus (2013) menar att Dark Triad, socialt avvikande personlighetsdrag, är en förlängning av agreeableness. Därför användes Dark Triad i studien och även för att eventuellt finna ytterligare samband med välmående i rollen som ledare. Mätinstrument som användes var IPIP-NEO-120 (α=.87) utifrån Big Five teorin vilken är den vanligaste teorin bland forskning om personlighet. För att mäta Dark Triad användes Dirty Dozen (α=.86). För att mäta välmående användes GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire) (α=.87). Studien utfördes med en online-enkät som besvarades av respondenter som har eller har haft en ledarposition (N=99). Respondenternas ålder varierade mellan 25-67, könsfördelningen var 54% män och 46% kvinnor. Insignifikanta resultat återfanns mellan agreeableness och upplevt välmående. Signifikanta resultat återfanns mellan Dark Triad och upplevt välmående (r=.22*) vilket vidare kan tolkas som att personer tenderar att må bättre om de besitter socialt avvikande personlighetsdrag. En rimlig slutsats av resultatet är därmed att det inte går att predicera hur välmående upplevs hos personer med en ledarroll med hjälp av agreeableness, dock i viss mån med hjälp av Dark Triad. / With the help of personality tests and by knowing the individual's personality, research has shown that it's possible to predict behavior and perceived mental health to some extent. The present study aimed to examine whether and how the personality trait agreeableness relates to perceived well-being among leaders. Furnham, Richards and Paulhus (2013) argue that Dark Triad, socially deviant personality traits, is an extension of agreeableness. Therefore Dark Triad was used in this study and in order to possibly obtain more connections for perceived well-being. Instruments used were IPIP-NEO-120 (α=.87), based on the Big Five theory, the most common theory among personality research. To measure Dark Triad traits Dirty Dozen (α=.86) was used. To measure well-being GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire) (α=.87) was used. The study was conducted by an online survey that was answered by respondents who have or have had a leader position (N=99). Respondents age ranged from 25-67, the gender distribution was 54% male and 46% female. Insignificant results were found between agreeableness and perceived well-being. Significant results were found between Dark Triad and perceived well-being (r=.22*), which is further interpreted to mean that people tend to feel better if they possess deviant personality traits, and particularly narcissism. A reasonable conclusion from the study is that it's not possible, based on our sample, to predict how well-being is perceived in the role of leader with agreeableness but to some extent with the help of Dark Triad.
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Utveckling och balans inom personalhantering / Development and balance in human resource managementSKOOGH, JOAKIM January 2011 (has links)
Jag upplever det som att dagens samhälle är i ett konstant läge av förändring, vilket borde medföra att de företag som finns ute i samhälle måste befinna sig i ett konstant läge av anpassning. Utifrån det undrar jag hur företagen kan klara av att hantera de mänskliga resurserna samtidigt som de måste klara av den föränderliga omgivningen. Jag har därför valt att undersöka personalhanteringen på tre företag inom samma bransch för att fastställa ifall personalhanteringen utvecklas åt liknande håll. Eller om företagen utvecklas åt helt olika håll utan några likheter. De företag som jag undersöker lyckas uppenbarligen med konststycket att anpassa sig samtidigt som de hanterar sin personal och det jag är intresserad av är hur lyckas de med en sådan balansering.Mitt syfte är således inte att hitta ett gyllene snitt för personalhantering utan om möjligt finna liknelser mellan hur de företag jag kommer i kontakt med hanterar personal. Den struktur som används i uppsatsen är Hernadi’s hermeneutiska triad då den har möjligheten att hantera både delen och helheten i en sann abduktiv anda.För att ha möjligheten att undersöka utvecklingen utgår jag från dels bakgrunden till personalhanteringskonceptet och dels en teoretisk redogörelse för hur personalhantering kan se ut och vad det kan leda till. Uppsatsen utgår från de intervjuer som jag hållt med personalcheferna från de tre företagen och jag använder sedan ett antal teorier för att sätta den informationen i kontext. Jag noterar att företagen drar sig mot en mer formaliserad struktur och jag tolkar det som en reaktion för att hantera den psykiska press som drabbar de anställda utifrån de tekniska förändring som branschen medför samt den tillväxt som finns hos företagen. Formaliseringen fungerar i sin tur som en motpol till frihet, då en högre nivå av formalisering lämnar mindre spelområde för de anställda. Vilket i sin tur leder till minskad kreativitet. Det som är viktigt är för företagen att lyckas balansera mellan de olika ytterligheterna för att få alla delar att fungera.
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Screening mutacional do gene HINT1 em uma amostra da população brasileira com quadro clínico de CMT recessivo / Mutational screening of the HINT1 gene in a sample of the Brazilian population with clinical picture of recessive CMTRocha, Aline Marubayashi 27 June 2016 (has links)
O grande grupo heterogêneo de neuropatias periféricas hereditárias estão entre os casos mais comuns de perda sensitiva e fraqueza muscular em crianças e adolescentes. Pelo menos 84 genes estão envolvidos com neuropatias sensitivo-motoras hereditárias (NSMH), sendo suas formas de herança mais comuns as autossômico-dominantes desmielinizante e axonal e as neuropatias ligadas ao cromossomo X, e as mais raras as autossômicorecessivas desmielinizante e axonal e as formas ainda não classificadas. O gene HINT1, possuinte de 3 exons e localizado no cromossomo 5, codifica a proteína Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1, uma variante transcricional (mRNA) regulatória que hidroliza substratos. Recentemente mutações em HINT1 foram também relacionadas à neuropatias axonais com neuromiotonia (ARCMT2-NM), e portanto à CMT. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o screening mutacional do gene HINT1 em uma amostra da população brasileira com quadro clínico de CMT recessivo (CMT2-AR), e foram encontradas 1 mutação silenciosa já previamente descrita, 1 polimorfismo exônico e 1 polimorfismo intrônico, também já conhecidos. Concluiu-se que mutações no gene HINT1 não são portanto responsáveis pela CMT-AR nesta amostra da população brasileira. / The large heterogeneous group of inherited peripheral neuropathies are among the most common causes of sensory loss and muscle weakness in children and adolescents. At least 84 genes are involved in inherited sensorymotor neuropathies (NSMH), being the demyelinating and axonal autosomaldominant and the X-linked neuropathies their most common forms of inheritance, and the demyelinating and axonal autosomal-recessive and not yet classified forms the most rare ones. The HINT1 gene, with 3 exons and located on chromosome 5, encodes the protein Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1, a regulatory transcriptional variant (mRNA) that hydrolyzes substrates. Recently, mutations in HINT1 were also related to axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia (ARCMT2-NM), and therefore to CMT. The objective of this study was the mutational screening of the HINT1 gene in a sample of the Brazilian population with clinical recessive CMT (CMT2-AR), and 1 silent mutation previously described, 1 intronic polymorphism and 1 exonic polymorphism, both also known, were founded. It was then concluded that mutations in the HINT1 gene are not responsible for CMT2-AR in this particular sample of the Brazilian population.
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Samband mellan emotionell intelligens, personlighet och arbetsprestation : en tvärsnittsstudie som validerar den svenskaversionen av TEIQue-SF / Relationship between emotional intelligence, personality and work performanceHjalmarsson, Annica January 2018 (has links)
Emotionell intelligens har studerats under flertalet år, i olika länder, och har definierats på olika sätt. Egenskapen emotionell intelligens består av fyra dimensioner; emotionality, self-control, well-being och sociability, och mäts genom mätinstrumentet TEIQue-SF. TEIQue-SF har uppnått god validitet som mätverktyg på olika språk, och valideras för första gången på svenska genom denna studie. Tidigare forskning har uppvisat flertalet samband mellan egenskapen emotionell intelligens (EI), personlighet och arbetsprestation. Dessa tillsammans har dock inte undersökts i Sverige. Syftet med att genomföra denna studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQ-SF), Mini-International Personality Inventory Pool-6 (Mini-IPIP6), Short Dark Triad (SD3) och Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) ytterligare, samt att ta reda på vilka personlighetsdrag och dimensioner inom självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation som bäst förklarar variansen inom TEIQue-SFs dimensioner. Studien genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med 228 svenska deltagare (M = 34 år, SD = 12.6, range 16-71 år, 66% kvinnor) med genomsnittlig arbetslivserfarenhet på 14 år (SD = 11.5). Förväntat resultat var att neuroticism skulle korrelera negativt med TEIQue-SF fyra dimensioner, vilket uppnåddes även i denna studie. Positiva samband med Task performance och Contextual performance fanns mellan samtliga dimensioner av EI. Regressionsanalyser visade även att neuroticism hade negativt samband vid förklaring av varians i samtliga dimensioner tillhörande TEIQue-SF. En preliminär slutsats är att TEIQue-SF visat på teoretiskt och empiriskt rimliga samband med relevanta variabler, och kan anses vara validerat bland yngre personer med relativt hög utbildningsnivå. / Emotional intelligence has been defined differently throughout studies for many years in several countries. The trait emotional intelligence consists of four dimensions; emotionality, self-control, well-being and sociability, and is measured by the TEIQue-SF measuring instrument. TEIQue-SF has achieved good validity as a measurement tool in different languages and is now validated in Swedish through this study. Previous research has shown liaisons between the emotional intelligence (EI), personality and work performance. However, these together have not been investigated in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate correlations between Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQ-SF), Mini-International Personality nventory Pool-6 (Mini-IPIP6), Short Dark Triad (SD3) and Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ), and to find out which personality traits and dimensions within self-perceived individual work performance best explain the variance within TEIQue-SF dimensions. The study was conducted as a cross-sectional study with 228 Swedish participants (M = 34 years, SD = 12.6, range 16-71 years, 66% women) with an average work experience of 14 years (SD = 11.5). Expected result was that neuroticism would correlate negatively with TEIQue-SF four dimensions, which was also achieved in this study. Positive correlation with Task Performance and Contextual Performance was found between all dimensions of EI. Regression analysis also showed that neuroticism had a negative relation to explanation of variance in all imensions of TEIQue-SF. A preliminary conclusion is that TEIQue-SF has shown theoretical and empirically reasonable relation to relevant variables and can be considered validated among younger people with relatively high educational levels.
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Screening mutacional do gene HINT1 em uma amostra da população brasileira com quadro clínico de CMT recessivo / Mutational screening of the HINT1 gene in a sample of the Brazilian population with clinical picture of recessive CMTAline Marubayashi Rocha 27 June 2016 (has links)
O grande grupo heterogêneo de neuropatias periféricas hereditárias estão entre os casos mais comuns de perda sensitiva e fraqueza muscular em crianças e adolescentes. Pelo menos 84 genes estão envolvidos com neuropatias sensitivo-motoras hereditárias (NSMH), sendo suas formas de herança mais comuns as autossômico-dominantes desmielinizante e axonal e as neuropatias ligadas ao cromossomo X, e as mais raras as autossômicorecessivas desmielinizante e axonal e as formas ainda não classificadas. O gene HINT1, possuinte de 3 exons e localizado no cromossomo 5, codifica a proteína Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1, uma variante transcricional (mRNA) regulatória que hidroliza substratos. Recentemente mutações em HINT1 foram também relacionadas à neuropatias axonais com neuromiotonia (ARCMT2-NM), e portanto à CMT. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o screening mutacional do gene HINT1 em uma amostra da população brasileira com quadro clínico de CMT recessivo (CMT2-AR), e foram encontradas 1 mutação silenciosa já previamente descrita, 1 polimorfismo exônico e 1 polimorfismo intrônico, também já conhecidos. Concluiu-se que mutações no gene HINT1 não são portanto responsáveis pela CMT-AR nesta amostra da população brasileira. / The large heterogeneous group of inherited peripheral neuropathies are among the most common causes of sensory loss and muscle weakness in children and adolescents. At least 84 genes are involved in inherited sensorymotor neuropathies (NSMH), being the demyelinating and axonal autosomaldominant and the X-linked neuropathies their most common forms of inheritance, and the demyelinating and axonal autosomal-recessive and not yet classified forms the most rare ones. The HINT1 gene, with 3 exons and located on chromosome 5, encodes the protein Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1, a regulatory transcriptional variant (mRNA) that hydrolyzes substrates. Recently, mutations in HINT1 were also related to axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia (ARCMT2-NM), and therefore to CMT. The objective of this study was the mutational screening of the HINT1 gene in a sample of the Brazilian population with clinical recessive CMT (CMT2-AR), and 1 silent mutation previously described, 1 intronic polymorphism and 1 exonic polymorphism, both also known, were founded. It was then concluded that mutations in the HINT1 gene are not responsible for CMT2-AR in this particular sample of the Brazilian population.
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Personlighet som prediktor för individuell arbetsprestationKristiansson, Linn, Ekberg, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
En utmaning för företag runtom hela världen är individuella arbetsprestationer, vilket har lett till omfattande forskning kring ämnet. Personlighet har visat sig vara en av de faktorer som har betydande roll för individuella arbetsprestationer. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan personlighet och självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation samt att undersöka vilket personlighetsdrag som kan förklara mest av variationen av den självupplevda individuella arbetsprestationen. En kvantitativ studie gjordes med en webbaserad enkät innehållandes totalt 75 frågor. Mätinstrumenten Mini-IPIP6, SD3 och IWPQ användes för att mäta personlighet och självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation utifrån självskattningsskalor. Totalt deltog 302 personer i studien (M = 44 år, SD = 13.2, range 20 - 74 år, 72% kvinnor). Det enda kravet för att få deltaga i studien var att respondenten hade någon form av yrkeslivserfarenhet på minst 50% under minst 3 månaders tid. Den genomsnittliga arbetslivserfarenheten uppgick till M = 22.4 år (SD = 13.2, range 0.7 - 51 år). Resultaten visade att narcissism hade störst betydelse för självupplevd kontextuell prestation och uppgiftsbaserad prestation medans psykopati visade sig ha störst betydelse för självupplevd kontraproduktivt arbetsbeteende. Vår slutsats är att personlighet är en prediktor för självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation. / A challenge for companies around the world is individual work performance, which has led to extensive research on the subject. Personality has proven to be one of the factors that play a significant role in individual work performance. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between personality and self-perceived individual work performance and to investigate which personality traits can explain most of the variations of the self-perceived individual work performance. A quantitative study was conducted with a web-based questionnaire containing a total of 75 questions. The measuring instruments MiniIPIP6, SD3, and IWPQ were used to measure personality and self-perceived individual work performance based on self-assessment scales. A total of 302 persons participated in the study (M = 44 years, SD = 13.2, range 20 - 74 years, 72% women). The only requirement to participate in the study was that the respondent had some form of professional experience of at least 50% for at least 3 months. The average work experience was M = 22.4 years (SD = 13.2, range 0.7 - 51 years). The results showed that narcissism had the greatest significance for selfperceived contextual performance and task performance while psychopathy proved to be most important for self-perceived counterproductive work behavior. Our conclusion is that personality is a predictor of self-perceived individual work performance.
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