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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation fine d'optique adaptative à très grand champ pour des grands et futurs très grands télescopes

Chebbo, Manal 24 September 2012 (has links)
La simulation fine de systèmes d'OA à grand champ de type MOAO ou LTAO pour l'ELT se heurte à deux problématiques: l'augmentation du nombre de degrés de liberté du système. Cette augmentation rend les codes de simulation classiques peu utilisables, en particulier en ce qui concerne les processus d'inversion et de calcul matriciel. La complexité des systèmes, combinant EGL et EGN, grands miroirs déformables couvrant tout le champs et des miroirs dédiés dans les instruments eux mêmes, des rotations différentielles de pupille et ou de champs. Cette complexité conduit aux développements de procédures nouvelles d'étalonnage, de filtrage et fusion de données, de commande distribuée ou globale. Ces procédures doivent être simulées finement, comparées et quantifiées en termes de performances, avant d'être implantées dans de futurs systèmes. Pour répondre à ces deux besoins, le LAM développe en collaboration avec l'ONERA un code de simulation complet, basé sur une approche de résolution itérative de systèmes linéaires à grand nombre de paramètres (matrices creuses). Sur cette base, il incorpore de nouveaux concepts de filtrage et de fusion de données pour gérer efficacement les modes de tip/tilt/defocus dans le processus complet de reconstruction tomographique. Il permettra aussi, de développer et tester des lois de commandes complexes ayant à gérer un la combinaison du télescope adaptatif et d'instrument post-focaux comportant eux aussi des miroirs déformables dédiés.La première application de cet outil se fait naturellement dans le cadre du projet EAGLE, un des instruments phares du futur E-ELT, qui, du point de vue de l'OA combinera l'ensemble de ces problématiques. / Refined simulation tools for wide field AO systems on ELTs present new challenges. Increasing the number of degrees of freedom makes the standard simulation's codes useless due to the huge number of operations to be performed at each step of the AO loop process. The classical matrix inversion and the VMM have to be replaced by a cleverer iterative resolution of the Least Square or Minimum Mean Square Error criterion. For this new generation of AO systems, concepts themselves will become more complex: data fusion coming from multiple LGS and NGS will have to be optimized, mirrors covering all the field of view associated to dedicated mirrors inside the scientific instrument itself will have to be coupled using split or integrated tomography schemes, differential pupil or/and field rotations will have to be considered.All these new entries should be carefully simulated, analysed and quantified in terms of performance before any implementation in AO systems. For those reasons i developed, in collaboration with the ONERA, a full simulation code, based on iterative solution of linear systems with many parameters (sparse matrices). On this basis, I introduced new concepts of filtering and data fusion to effectively manage modes such as tip, tilt and defoc in the entire process of tomographic reconstruction. The code will also eventually help to develop and test complex control laws who have to manage a combination of adaptive telescope and post-focal instrument including dedicated DM.

Estudo dos genes TTF-1 e EAP1 em pacientes com distúrbios puberais centrais e avaliação neurológica e neurocognitiva de pacientes com hamartoma hipotalâmico / Analysis of TTF-1 and EAP1 genes in patients with central pubertal disorders and neurologic and neurocognitive evaluation of patients with hypothalamic hamartoma

Priscilla Cukier 10 December 2010 (has links)
O mecanismo de controle da secreção de GnRH inclui diversas vias neuronais. Estudos em modelos animais identificaram genes que codificam fatores de transcrição, tais como TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor 1) e EAP1 (enhanced at puberty), que atuam no controle transcricional de genes codificadores de fatores excitatórios (KiSS1 e GnRH) e inibitórios (preproencefalinas) regulando a secreção de GnRH. Em primatas, a expressão de EAP1 e TTF-1 aumenta, no início da puberdade, nas regiões hipotalâmicas envolvidas na secreção de GnRH. Nos modelos animais, a deleção pós-natal de TTF-1 e o silenciamento do EAP1 provocam atraso puberal e prejuízo na função reprodutiva. TTF-1 também está envolvido na morfogênese diencefálica, por meio da via de sinalização da família Sonic-Hedgehog. Anormalidades na secreção de GnRH resultam em distúrbios puberais, que variam de puberdade precoce central (PPC) a hipogonadismo hipogonadotrófico. Hipotetizamos que anormalidades genéticas no TTF-1 e EAP1 estejam envolvidas na patogênese dos distúrbios puberais centrais. A PPC pode ser idiopática ou devido a causas orgânicas, sendo o hamartoma hipotalâmico, uma malformação congênita não neoplásica, a mais conhecida. Os pacientes com PPC devido a hamartoma hipotalâmico podem cursar com alterações neurológicas e cognitivas. Nossos objetivos foram: estudar as regiões codificadora do TTF-1 e do EAP1 e a região promotora do TTF-1 em pacientes com distúrbios puberais centrais; estabelecer a prevalência, taxa de penetrância e modo de herança da forma familial de PPC e caracterizar as manifestações neurológicas e neurocognitivas de pacientes com PPC devido a hamartoma hipotalâmico. Foram selecionados 133 pacientes com distúrbios puberais centrais - PPC idiopática (n=71), PPC devido a hamartoma hipotalâmico (n=15) e hipogonadismo hipogonadotrópico isolado normósmico (HHIn) (n=47) - e controles (n=53). Os genes TTF-1 e EAP1 foram amplificados e submetidos a sequenciamento automático. Os tratos de poliglutamina e polialanina no EAP1 foram estudados por software de análise de tamanho de fragmento (GeneScan). A avaliação neurológica e neurocognitiva dos pacientes com PPC devido a hamartoma hipotalâmico consistiu de exame neurológico, eletroencefalograma, ressonância magnética de encéfalo e aplicação da escala de inteligência (WISC-III, WAIS-III, WPPSIR). Identificamos 25% de casos familiais de PPC, com modo de herança autossômica dominante e taxa de penetrância de 67,5%. Variantes alélicas no TTF-1 não foram identificadas nos pacientes estudados. No gene EAP1 foram identificadas quatro variantes alélicas sinônimas: p.E87E, p.A163A, p.Y415Y e uma nova variante alélica p.C758C, encontradas em pacientes com PPC e HHIn. A distribuição das frequências alélica e genotípica das variantes alélicas do EAP1 não diferiram entre pacientes com PPC, HHIn e controles (p >0,05). Nas regiões poliglutamina e polialanina 5 distal foi identificada variação similar no número de repetições glutamina e alanina em pacientes e controles. Não houve diferença significativa da frequência alélica em relação ao número de repetições glutamina e alanina entre os grupos PPC e HHIn (p >0,05). A avaliação neurológica dos pacientes com PPC devido a hamartoma hipotalâmico revelou epilepsia gelástica e crises focais com generalização em 3/15 (20%) pacientes. Não houve diferença significativa entre a mediana do maior diâmetro dos hamartomas dos pacientes com PPC com e sem epilepsia (13 e 10 mm, respectivamente). Quanto à forma, 10 hamartomas eram sésseis e 5 pedunculados, sendo que a forma pedunculada foi detectada exclusivamente em pacientes sem epilepsia. A avaliação neurocognitiva em 11 dos 15 pacientes com PPC devido a hamartoma hipotalâmico detectou 2 pacientes com epilepsia com QI significativamente menor que o grupo sem epilepsia (p <0,05). Em conclusão, (i) a considerável prevalência de casos familiais de PPC reforça a influência dos fatores genéticos na puberdade humana; (ii) mutações germinativas no TTF-1 e no EAP1 não estão envolvidas na patogênese dos distúrbios puberais centrais; (iii) a função neurocognitiva reduzida nos pacientes com hamartoma e epilepsia sugere um efeito deletério das crises convulsivas no sistema nervoso central / GnRH secretion control involves multiple neuronal pathways. Animal studies have identified genes which codifies transcription factors, such as TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor 1) and EAP1 (enhanced at puberty), that act in the transcriptional control of genes that codifies excitatory (KiSS1 and GnRH) and inhibitory factors (preproenkephalines) regulating GnRH secretion. In nonhuman primates, expression of EAP1 and TTF-1 are increased at the hypothalamic regions involved in GnRH secretion, at the beginning of puberty. In animal models, post-natal TTF-1 deletion and silencing of EAP1 lead to pubertal delay and damage of reproductive function. TTF-1 is also involved in diencephalic morphogenesis, through signalization via Sonic-Hedgehog family. Abnormalities in GnRH secretion are responsible for pubertal disorders, varying from central precocious puberty (CPP) to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. We hypothesized that genetic anomalies at TTF-1 and EAP1 are involved in the pathogenesis of central pubertal disorders. CPP may be idiopathic or due to organic alterations and hypothalamic hamartoma, a non-neoplasic congenital malformation, is the most frequent known organic cause. Patients with CPP due to hypothalamic hamartoma may have neurological and cognitive disfunctions. Our aims were: to evaluated the codifying region of TTF-1 and EAP1 and the promoter region of TTF-1 in patients with central pubertal disorders; to establish the prevalence, penetrance rate and inheritance mode of familial CPP and to characterize neurologic and neurocognitive aspects of patients with CPP due to hypothalamic hamartoma. We selected 133 patients with central pubertal disorders idiopathic CPP (n=71), CPP due to hypothalamic hamartoma (n=15) and normosmic isolated hypogonadropic hypogonadism (nIHH) (n=47) - and controls (n=53). TTF-1 and EAP1 genes were amplified and sequenced. Polyglutamine and polyalanine tracts of EAP1 were studied by a fragment size analyser software (GeneScan). Neurologic and neurocognitive evaluation of CPP patients due to hypothalamic hamartoma consisted of neurologic exam, electroencephalogram, brain magnetic resonance and application of intelligence scale (WISC-III, WAIS-III, WPPSI-R). We identified 25% of familial CPP cases with autosomal dominant mode of inheritance and penetrance rate of 67.5%. No TTF-1 allelic variants were identified in the patients analysed. At EAP1 gene, four synonimous allelic variants were identified: p.E87E, p.A163A, p.Y415Y and a new allelic variant p.C758C, found in CPP and nIHH patients. The allelic and genotypic distribution of theses variants of EAP1 did not differ among patients with CPP and nIHH, and controls (p >0.05). At polyglutamine and 5 distal polyalanine region, similar glutamine and alanine repeats variation was found. No significative difference of allelic frequency distribution regarding the number of glutamines and alanines repeats was found among the studied groups (p >0.05). Neurologic evaluation of CPP patients due to hypothalamic hamartoma revealed epilepsy and focal crisis with generalization in 3/15 (20%) of the patients. No significant difference between the median of the larger diameter of hypothalamic hamartoma of CPP patients with and without epilepsy was found (10 mm and 13 mm, respectively). Regarding the shape, 10 hamartomas were sessile and 5 pedunculated, and the pedunculated shape was found only in non epileptic patients. Neurocognitive evaluation performed in 11 of the 15 patients with CPP due to hypothalamic hamartoma detected 2 patients with epilepsy whose IQ were significantly lower than the IQ found in the group without epilepsy (p <0.05). In conclusion, (i) the considerable prevalence of familial CPP cases reinforce the influence of genetic factors in human puberty; (ii) germinative mutations in TTF-1 and EAP1 are not involved in the pathogenesis of central pubertal disorders; (iii) reduced neurocognitive function in patients with hypothalamic hamartoma and epilepsy suggests a deleterious effect of crisis at the central nervous system

Synthèse et caractérisation de nanoparticules de conducteurs et de supraconducteurs moléculaires : Application à la thermoélectricité / Synthesis and characterisation of nanoparticles of molecular conductors and superconductors : Application to thermoelectricity

Chtioui Gay, Imane 17 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a concerné la préparation des premières nanoparticules de supraconducteurs moléculaires dont la croissance en solution a pu être contrôlée par l'ajout de molécules amphiphiles neutres (amines, imines, acides carboxyliques). Notre étude s'est principalement focalisée sur les sels de Bechgaard (TMTSF)2X (TMTSF : tétraméthyltétrasélénafulvalène, X = ClO4 ou PF6) et sur le dérivé (BEDT-TTF)2I3 (BEDT-TTF : bis(éthylènedithio)tétrathiafulvalène). La taille, la morphologie et l'état de dispersion des nanoparticules ont été contrôlés par la nature et la concentration du structurant amphiphile. Ces nanoparticules ont été caractérisées par des méthodes spectroscopiques (IR, Raman, UV-visible, spectrométrie de photoélectrons), diffractométriques et microscopiques (microscopie électronique à transmission et AFM). Elles présentent une transition vers un état supraconducteur mise en évidence par des mesures de résistivité électrique ou de susceptibilité magnétique. Finalement, le pouvoir thermoélectrique des nano-objets de (BEDT-TTF)2I3 a été évalué. Des mesures préliminaires de facteur de mérite thermoélectrique (ZT) en font des candidats potentiels pour la réalisation de modules thermoélectriques organiques. / In this work, we described the preparation of the first nanoparticles of molecule-based superconductors for which the growth has been controlled by the addition of neutral amphiphilic molecules (such as amines, imines, carboxylic acids). Our study focused on Bechgaard salts (TMTSF)2X (TMTSF: tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene, X = ClO4 or PF6) and (BEDT-TTF)2I3 (BEDT-TTF: bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene). The size, the morphology and the state of dispersion of the nanoparticles have been controlled by the nature and the concentration of the amphiphilic structuring agent. The particles have been characterized by spectroscopic methods (IR, Raman, UV-visible, photoelectron spectroscopy), X-Ray diffraction and microscopy (TEM and AFM). Small particles underwent a transition to a superconducting state, as evidenced by electrical resistivity or magnetic susceptibility measurements. Finally, the thermoelectric power of nano-objects of (BEDT-TTF)2I3 has been evaluated. Preliminary measurements of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) make them potential candidates for future organic-based thermoelectric generators.

Quantum oscillations in organic metals and superconductors

Clayton, N. J. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

High-frequency magneto-conductivity studies of low-dimensional organic conductors

Schrama, Judith Marije January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Dimensionamento de sobressalentes: um estudo de caso baseado no conhecimento a priori

LYRA, Rodrigo Silva Pereira de 31 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T17:39:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo516_1.pdf: 2278956 bytes, checksum: 44db0be5f0ee5ab60ac2d74f76fd8ab3 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / O dimensionamento do estoque de sobressalentes constitui uma das mais criticas etapas no planejamento dos recursos de manutenção em função do impacto destes estoques sobre o desempenho dos equipamentos, através dos tempos de manutenção e do montante financeiro envolvido nesta atividade. Este trabalho trata de um estudo de caso envolvendo equipamentos não sujeitos ao efeito do desgaste das Indústrias Reunidas Raymundo da Fonte S/A, para os quais se deseja quantificar uma reserva técnica que garantam um nível de desempenho especificado e auxiliar na decisão do dimensionamento de sobressalentes através da definição da margem de segurança pela empresa. O modelo conceitual abordado neste estudo, cujo modelo probabilístico adotado é usado em diversas áreas se constitui de uma alternativa consagrada para o dimensionamento de sobressalentes, foi utilizada a abordagem do risco de quebra de estoque com o uso do conhecimento a priori apresentado em Almeida e Souza (2001) para o dimensionamento da quantidade de sobressalentes utilizando o método de Raiffa (1970) para elicitação. A disponibilidade do sistema produtivo da empresa é preponderantemente afetada em função da ausência de sobressalentes justificando a elaboração deste trabalho. Com a aplicação do modelo observou-se a oportunidade de gerar uma redução do montante financeiro aplicado no estoque de sobressalentes no valor de R$ 158.415,18, bem como a oportunidade de aplicá-lo em outros itens gerando uma maior mantenabilidade. Desta maneira, este estudo visa contribuir com a utilização de métodos adequados na área de gestão da manutenção, considerando que os tópicos abordados para os equipamentos produtivos das Industrias Reunidas Raymundo da Fonte podem ser utilizados em outras aplicações, guardando suas particularidades

Intention d'adoption et utilisation d'une technologie émergente : le cas de la NFC appliquée aux systèmes de paiement électronique de détail (paiement sans contact) / [Adoption and use of an emergent technology : the case of NFC applied to retail electronic payment systems (contactless payment)

Hasnaoui, Amir 27 March 2012 (has links)
Avec l’émergence de la technologie en champ proche (NFC), le terminal mobile est devenu un véritable instrument de paiement sans contact. Ce type de système constitue une nouvelle opportunité pour relancer les systèmes de paiement électronique (SPE) destinés aux micropaiements. L’objectif de cette recherche est de développer un modèle et des instruments de mesure permettant d’appréhender et de cerner les facteurs influençant l’acceptation de ces systèmes. En se basant sur les paradigmes de l’acceptation des technologies et les travaux de recherche autour des SPE, nous avons développé un modèle conceptuel qui intègre à la fois la TUAUT et l’ATT. Notre modèle permet à la fois de tenir compte des stratégies d’adoption des individus et de leur intention d’adoption. En effet, l’utilité perçue, la facilité d’utilisation perçue et les conditions facilitatrices ne sont plus suffisantes pour qu’une technologie soit adoptée. Il faut désormais que les caractéristiques de cette technologie conviennent et répondent aux caractéristiques et aux exigences de la tâche qu’elle va supporter. Nos résultats ont été mesurés et validés à l’aide d’une analyse par équations structurelles des données collectées auprès d’un échantillon de 629 individus / With the emergence of near-field technology (NFC), mobile terminal have become a true instrument of contactless payment. This type of system is a new opportunity to boost the electronic payment systems (EPS) for the micropayment. The objective of this research is to develop a model and measurement tools to handle and to identify factors influencing the acceptance of these systems. Based on the paradigms of the acceptance of technology and research around the SPE, we have developed a conceptual model which integrates the UTAUT and TTF. This model allows both to consider the adoption strategies of individuals and their intention to adopt. Indeed, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and facilitating conditions are no longer sufficient for a technology to be adopted. The capabilities of this technology have to match the tasks that the user will perform. Our result have been measured and validated thanks to structural equations analysis of data collected from a sample of 629 individuals

Assessing Value Added in the Use of Electronic Medical Records in Nigeria

Abimbola, Isaiah Gbenga 01 January 2015 (has links)
Electronic medical records (EMRs) or electronic health records have been in use for years in hospitals around the world as a time-saving system for patient record keeping. Despite its widespread use, some physicians disagree with the assertion that EMRs save time. The purpose of this study was to explore whether any time saved with the use of the EMR system was actually devoted by doctors to patient-care and thereby to improved patient-care efficiency. The conceptual support for this study was predicated employing the task-technology fit theory. Task-technology theorists argue that information technology is likely to have a positive impact in individual performance and production timeliness if its capabilities match the task that the user must perform. The research questions addressed the use of an EMR system as a time-saving device, its impact on the quality of patient-care, and how it has influenced patients' access to healthcare in Nigeria. In this research, a comparative qualitative case study was conducted involving 2 hospitals in Nigeria, one using EMRs and another using paper-based manual entry. A purposeful sample of 12 patients and 12 physicians from each hospital was interviewed. Data were compiled and organized using Nvivo 10 software for content analysis. Categories and recurring themes were identified from the data. The findings revealed that reduced patients' registration processing time gave EMR-using doctors more time with their patients, resulting in better patient care. These experiences were in stark contrast to the experiences of doctors who used paper-based manual entry. This study supports positive social change by informing decision makers that time saved by implementing EMR keeping may encourage doctors to spend more time with their patients, thus improving the general quality of healthcare in Nigeria.

Characterizing Interactions between Chromophores in Synthetic and Natural Macromolecular Films via MALDI-TOF, IBF and Dielectric Analyzer

Jain, Parul 01 January 2013 (has links)
With the emergence of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time-of-flight as a tool for diagnosis of diseases via proteomics, there is an increasing need for greater sensitivity. Analysis of peptides by MALDI-TOF-MS is affected by sample formulation and spotting onto a MALDI target. This dissertation investigates a novel MALDI sample preparation technique, Induction Based Fluidics (IBF), for depositing precise volumes (pL to nL) of samples onto the target. We have seen that while using IBF, the induced electric field accompanying deposition enhances matrix crystallization yielding smaller crystals with more homogeneity, as compared to conventional manual micropipette (MP) depositions. An investigation of the signal-to-noise (S/N) for IBF deposition of tryptic digested Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) showed a significant improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio for 0.5 and 0.25 pmol/µL BSA sample compared to equivalent MP depositions. The S/N enhancement for IBF and MP depositions of BSA were studied using à-cyano-4-hydroycinnamic acid (CHCA) and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) matrices, and CHCA showed better results than DHB . The exciting results obtained by IBF prompted us to probe sample morphology more fully and to relate morphology to the detections level and hopefully, to increase the utility of MALDI-TOF-MS for detection of a larger range of peptides. Morphology results were correlated to sensitivity limits using both dispensing techniques. Because of dissimilar rates of evaporation, different or uneven deposition thickness, or crystal lattice morphology, discontinuous crystallization patterns were observed for MP depositions. However, IBF deposited samples occupied less planar area with uniform distribution of crystals, thereby reducing sample crystal heterogeneity and laborious hunt for a "sweet" or "hot" spot to produce high quality spectra. The application of IBF was extended to the tryptic digested BSA protein using peptide mass fingerprinting. IBF deposition resulted in a larger number of detectable peptides as well as higher sequence coverage as compared to equivalent MP depositions. In last few decades, advanced research and potential applications in the field of microelectronics have spurred interest in the development of reticulated doped polymer films. Bis (ethylenedioxy) tetrathiafulvalene (BEDO-TTF)/Polycarbonate (PC) films were synthesized and characterized for use in hand-held real time explosives sensors, capable of detecting nitro-based compounds (nitroaromatics, nitoamines and nitroesters), which are the main components of Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs. Reticulated doped polymer films were prepared by exposing solid solutions of BEDO-TTF in PC to iodine to form conductive charge transfer complexes. The resulting films exhibited room temperature conductivities ranging from 6.33-90.4*10-5 S cm-1. The colored iodine complexes in the film were reduced by cyclic voltammetry yielding conductive, colorless, transparent films. Dielectric analysis (DEA) was used to probe relaxations in neat PC and BEDO-TTF/PC showed that BEDO-TTF plasticized the PC and decreased the glass transition temperature. Two secondary relaxations appeared in PC films, whereas the transitions merged in the doped film. DEA also revealed conductivity relaxations above 180°C, which were characterized by the electric modulus formalism and showed that BEDO-TTF increased the alternating current, (AC) conductivity in PC.

Characterization of Conductive Polycarbonate Films

Hokenek, Selma 30 March 2009 (has links)
Transparency and conductivity are highly desirable qualities in materials for modern gas sensors. Polymer gas sensors have been developed in which the polymer acts as a solid electrolyte. However, these types of sensors are opaque, which limits their potential for integration with dichromatic materials. The development of a sensor integrating conductive polymer films and dichromatic materials requires the implementation of a transparent conductive polymer film. The potential of iodine-doped bisphenol-a polycarbonate films containing bis(ethylenedioxy)-tetrathiafulvalene (BEDO-TTF) dye for sensor applications will be tested through characterization of the films at various stages of their fabrication using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), transmission Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Optical Microscopy (OM), and Four Point Probe conductivity measurements (FPP). FTIR results show that there is an interaction between the polycarbonate matrix and the dye-iodine complex. Measured resistivities of the iodine doped films range from 148 Omega-cm to 2.82 kOmega-cm depending on the concentration of the iodine and exposure time. The imaging techniques used show a significant difference in the structure and the surface of the iodine doped-PC-BEDO-TTF films with respect to the bare polycarbonate films or the films mixed with the organic dye. It is also clear that the surface roughness of the prepared conductive films increases with iodine loading. These films have the potential to be used in sensor or photovoltaic applications.

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