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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potential implications of the introduction of CBDC for the conduct of monetary policy and the preservation of financial and monetary stability : A case study of the Central Bank of Sweden / Potentiella implikationer av introducerandet av en digital centralbanksvaluta (CBDC) för genomförandet av penningspolitik och preservation av finansiell och monetär stabilitet : En fallstudie av Sveriges Riksbank

Gnatenko, Iryna January 2020 (has links)
The past decade has offered up some fintech innovations that are gradually reshaping the financial sector. Phasing out of paper currencies together with the populatization of the private digital currencies has propelled central banks to consider issuance of their digital currencies – so called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). In particular, the Central Bank of Sweden has started its e-krona project in 2017. Despite the rising interest in the study of CBDC among the academic, as well as tech and policy practitioners’ communities all over the world, the research of the CBDC remains fragmented and limited. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the impact of CBDC on the conduct of monetary policy and for the preservation of financial and monetary stability that is an important, but underresearched topic. As such, the purpose of this research is to explore how the Central Bank of Sweden plans to use CBDC for addressing the central banks’ main objectives of monetary and financial stability. To reach this purpose, an exploratory qualitative case study has been conducted. The results are based on six semi-structured interviews conducted with the practitioners from the Central Bank of Sweden, Finansinspektionen, Swedish Bankers’ Association, and the Swedish House of Finance. The results of this study show that the Central Bank of Sweden has started studying the possibilities and implications of CBDC in the spring of 2017. The analysis focusses on the need of CBDC for Sweden, as well as the possibilities it opens up and implications it entails for the financial system. At the moment of the conduction of this study, the Central Bank of Sweden has been working on solving two next challenges – examining legal issues and existing technology. As such, a pilot project to test the e-krona concept for the general public and diverse security challenges has been planned for 2020-2021. Next, this study has also investigated the possible impact of the introduction of CBDC on the conduction of monetary policy and preservation of monetary and financial stability. First, this study has shown that the impact of the introduction of CBDC on quantitative easing would depend on the design of the CBDC. As such, if CBDC would be interest-bearing, it would have no impact on quantitative easing. If CBDC would, however, have no interest rate, the effectiveness of quantitative easing would be put in jeopardy. As such, a zero interest rate on CBDC would be a lower bound for policy rate and would make setting a negative policy rate impossible. Some economists argue that introducing CBDC would be a replacement for quantitative easing. The introduction of interest-bearing CBDC, however, would ease the setting of a negative policy rate and might enhance the operation of monetary policy. However, this research has shown that introduction of CBDC with a negative interest rate is unlikely. Second, this study has concluded that the necessity and the effectiveness of the helicopter money concept are widely questioned by scholars and practitioners. It is agreed that introducing CBDC would help to distribute the helicopter money, but the concept itself is often inapplicable. Thus, this research has concluded that helicopter money remains just an idea that is vastly supported by scholars and is a no-go policy for practitioners. Third, the study has also shown that CBDC’s impact on the transmission mechanism is still not clear. As such, scholars argue that CBDC would have a big impact on interest rate channel, as it will increase a pass-through to the to lending rates, as well as on the assets’ channel, as CBDC might become an alternative to bank deposits if it offers a higher interest rate. Practitioners agree that the introduction of interest-bearing CBDC would strengthen the transmission mechanism of the interest rate channel and would lead to the direct and almost instant correlation between the policy rate and the CBDC account interest rate. Some practitioners, however, believe that under the condition of the positive policy rate the transmission mechanisms would not be affected other than marginally. Lastly, an interest-bearing CBDC is considered to be dangerous for financial stability in the scholarly research. It is expected to compete with bank deposits and lead to bank runs, which would result in the drain of the funding from the banking system. Some practitioners agree with these conclusions, however, the majority disagrees and perceives CBDC to be an asset to diversify the savings portfolio, which would potentially bring more deposits to commercial banks and extend the banking system. It is agreed that CBDC would entail risks for financial stability if people lose trust in the whole banking sector and move all of their assets to the Central Bank accounts. However, if the Central Bank puts these assets back into the financial system, CBDC would not entail any risks. / Under det senaste decenniet har nya högteknologiska innovationer skapats som gradvist har förändrat den finansiella sektorn i grunden. Utfasning av pappersvalutor i kombination med populariseringen av privata digitala valutor har drivit och inspirerat centralbanker att skapa egna digitala valutor, så kallade CBDC (central bank digital currency). 2017 startade den svenska centralbanken, Sveriges riksbank, sitt e-krona projekt. Trots ökat intresset för studier av digital centralbanksvaluta, både bland akademiker men även inom experter och poltitiker över hela världen, saknas mycket forskning. Denna uppsats kommer att studera effekterna av digital centralbanksvaluta på penningpolitiken i relation till det finansiella och monetära systemets stabilitet. Syftet är att undersöka hur Sveriges riksbank planerar att använda en digital centralbanksvaluta för att vidare kunna uppfylla sitt primära syfte, som är att stabilisera ekonomin. För att uppnå detta, har en kvalitativ studie genomförts. Resultaten är baserade på sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda i olika beslutsfattande positioner inom Riksbanken, Finansinspektionen, Svenska Bankföreningen och Finanshuset. Resultaten av denna studie visar att Riksbanken har börjat undersöka möjligheterna och långvariga implikationerna av en digital centralbanksvaluta. För tillfället arbetar man med två utmaningar: att undersöka det juridiska ramverket samt tillgänglig teknologi. Pilottesterna av e-krona har påbörjats 2020, ytterligare tester har planerats för 2020 - 2021. Ytterligare har denna studie undersökt införandet av digital centralbanksvaluta möjliga effekter på penningpolitiken och långsiktig finansiell stabilitet. Inverkan av en digital centralbanksvaluta på den kvantitativa lättnaden skulle variera beroende på utformningen av den digitala valutan. Om den digitala valutan skulle vara räntebärande så skulle den inte ha någon effekt på den kvantitativa lättnaden, däremot om den var det skulle detta kunna påverka Riksbankens möjligeter att köpa statsobligationer. Det finns också diskussion hurvida man kan använda en digital centralbanksvaluta för att underlätta genomförandet av negativ styrränta. Dessutom visar denna studie också att nödvändighet och positiva effekter av så kallade helikopterpengar är starkt ifrågasatt, även om en digital centralbanksvaluta skulle kunna användas för att distribuera sådana monetära medel. Denna studie visar även att det är oklart om digital centralbanksvaluta skulle ha en effekt på den penningspolitiska transmissionsmekanismen. Många är dock övertygade att det skulle ha effekt på räntekanalen då det skulle öka genomströmningen mellan styrräntan och räntan på CBDC-kontot. Slutligen skulle en räntebärande digital centralbanksvaluta kunna vara farlig för finansiell stabilitet, då det kan stimulera snabba variationer i värde och sätta igång stora uttag från bankkonton. Dock, är detta farlig bara om människor tappar förtroende för hela banksektorn. Om inte är fallet, medför digital centralbanksvaluta inga risker och skulle kunna istället ses som en finansiell tillgång och öka insättningar på privata banker.

Monetární transmisní mechanizmus: pohled do černé skříňky / Monetary Transmission Mechanism: A Closer Look Inside the Black Box

Dvořák, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The recent economic and financial turmoil has led central banks around the world to heavily utilize unconventional monetary policy measures. Unconventional in this sense means a deflection from traditional central bank policy measures, i.e. interest rate innovations. Although these measures were widely discussed, the uniformed, coherent and comprehensive framework of such measures is still missing. The aim of this thesis is to establish the framework for possible classification of such policies together with transmission channels to the real economy. The empirical part examines the impacts of unconventional policies on real data using vector autoregression and vector error correction models. This analysis is based on monthly data period between 1999 and 2013, which is strongly affected by implementation of the unconventional policies in its second half. The last section examines the possible future of these policies as a normal instrument of central banks and describes their main challenges and shortcomings. JEL classification: C32, E40, E44, E50, E52, E58, E60 Keywords: Unconventional monetary policy, Interest rate, Decoupling principle, Balance sheet policy stratification, Quantitative easing, Channels of transmission, Vector Autoregression, Vector error correction model Author's e-mail:...

La fonction de prêteur en dernier ressort face à l'évolution des banques centrales : persistance ou déliquescence / The lender of last resort function and the evolution of central banks : persistence or demise

Njaboum, Ngabia William-Carles 20 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une analyse historique évolutionniste de la fonction de prêteur en dernier ressort à travers les mutations du cadre institutionnel et opérationnel des Banques Centrales. L’enjeu de ce travail de recherche est de se pencher sur les origines de l’apparition de cette théorie d'un point de vue historique comme outil d’analyse des problématiques de gestion des crises modernes. Il convient de démontrer que le dévoiement de la doctrine du PDR entraîne une incompatibilité avec le cadre institutionnel de la politique monétaire de la Banque Centrale. Ainsi, les interventions « non conventionnelles » des Banques Centrales confirment qu’il est nécessaire de sortir du cadre institutionnel censé assurer une gestion efficiente de la politique monétaire. Par conséquent, ce cadre institutionnel qui garantit notamment l’indépendance de la Banque Centrale parait inadéquat à la nouvelle pratique du prêteur en dernier ressort. L’étude historique de cette fonction permet de mettre en perspective l’évolution du rôle de prêteur en dernier ressort en tant qu’outil de prédation monétaire pour les gouvernements. En définitive, les évolutions divergentes du cadre institutionnel et opérationnel de la Banque Centrale constituent l’un des principaux signes d’une déliquescence du système bancaire centralisé (Central Banking). L’exercice de la fonction de prêteur en dernier ressort par la BCE au sein de la zone euro représente un cadre d’analyse pertinent afin d’étudier les difficultés de cette fonction dans la gouvernance d'une zone économique hétérogène et politiquement inaboutie. / This paper offers an historical analysis of the evolution of lenders of last resort (LOLR) through the institutional and operational mutations of Central Banks framework. The aim of this research is to examine the origins of the appearance of this theory from a historical perspective. It should demonstrate that the perversion of the doctrine of LOLR causes incompatibility with the institutional framework of the Central Bank’s monetary policy. Thus, the "unconventional" interventions of central banks confirm the need to exit the institutional framework meant to ensure the efficient management of monetary policy. Therefore, this institutional framework which guarantees the independence of the Central Bank seems inadequate in the context of the new practice of the lender of last resort. Ultimately, diverging trends of the institutional and operational framework of the Central Bank is a major sign of demise of Central Banking. Last resort lending by the ECB in the euro zone provides a useful analytical framework to study the difficulties of the function of LOLR in the governance of a heterogeneous and politically unfulfilled economic zone.

Three Essays on Financial Intermediation in the Open Economy

Krenz, Johanna 03 December 2018 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Rolle von Finanzmarktfriktionen für internationale Konjunkturzyklen und daraus resultierende Politikimplikationen. Die Analysen basieren auf Zwei-Länder DSGE Modellen mit international agierenden Finanzintermediären. Im ersten Aufsatz wird untersucht, ob der Anteil ausländischer Kapitalanlagen am Bankvermögen eine Rolle für die Übertragung von Schocks zwischen Ländern spielt. Es kann gezeigt werden, das dies von der Art des jeweiligen Schocks abhängt: Ein höherer Anteil ausländischer Kapitalanlagen führt nur dann zu einer höheren Synchronisierung von Konjunkturzyklen wenn letztere durch sogenannte Capital-Quality-Schocks verursacht werden. Im zweiten Aufsatz untersuche ich, ob es wohlfahrtssteigernd ist, unkonventionelle Geldpolitik zur Stabilisierung länderspezifischer Schocks in einer strukturell symmetrischen Währungsunion mit Finanzmarktfriktionen zu verwenden. Es wird gezeigt, das dies nicht immer der Fall ist: Wenn die Politikregeln auf Indikatoren beruhen, die hochkorreliert zwischen den Ländern sind, führen unionsweite Regeln zu höherer Wohlfahrt als länderspezifische. Der dritte Aufsatz liefert eine Erklärung für relativ geringe internationale Risikoteilung, verglichen mit dem was übliche Modelle, basierend auf dem hohen Grad an Finanzmarktintegration, vorhersagen: Ein internationales Portfolio, was von Finanzintermediären anstelle von Haushalten gewählt wurde, führt im gegebenen Modell zu suboptimaler Risikoteilung. / This thesis examines the role of financial frictions for international business cycles and policymaking in open economies. The analyses are based on two-country DSGE models with leverage-constrained financial intermediaries who can extend credit to home and foreign firms. In the first essay, I assess the role of banks’ balance sheet exposure to foreign assets for the cross-country transmission of shocks. It is shown that this role depends on the nature of a particular shock. Balance sheet exposure is essential for global co-movement in the case of capital quality shocks but does not play a decisive role conditional on other types of shocks. In the second essay, I analyze whether it is desirable to use unconventional monetary policy to stabilize country-specific shocks in a monetary union with financial frictions. It is shown that country-specific rules are not necessarily associated with higher welfare from the viewpoint of a structurally symmetric union. In particular, when the indicators of the rules are highly correlated, union-wide rules are preferable. In the third essay, I provide an explanation for the well-known puzzle that international consumption risk-sharing is relatively low compared to what theoretical models would predict given the high level of international financial-market integration. In particular, it is shown that a portfolio chosen by financial intermediaries instead of households does not necessarily yield the highest possible degree of international consumption risk-sharing.

Vztah nezávislosti a odpovědnosti centrálních bank na příkladu kvantitativního uvolňování ECB a FEDu v letech 2005-2016 / Relation between central bank independence and accountability at the example of quantitative easing of the ECB and the Fed in 2005 - 2016

Pýchová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with relation between central bank independence and accountability. The relation is examined on example of quantitative easing implemented in the period 2005 - 2016 by the European central bank and the Federal Reserve System. From the theoretical and practical point of view the thesis proves that the relation between central bank independence and accountability are influenced by the specification of targets of monetary policy to a great extent. The thesis also proves that the specific definition of both central bank independence and accountability influenced the characteristics of quantitative resp. credit easing. Moreover, such monetary policy can potentially endanger the independence of both central banks in many ways. Thus, the implementation of quantitative easing itself and its potential consequences evidences that the contemporary conception of central bank independence and accountability is insufficient and needs to be reviewed.

Záporné úrokové sadzby v kontexte hrozby deflácie / Negative interest rates in the context of deflation threats

Jenis, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The introduction of negative interest rates, as an additional tool of unconventional monetary policy in recent years, leads to many, yet largely polarized debates about the implications of the unconventional monetary policy of central banks. The main reason for their introduction in some economies, namely the threat of deflation, is also questioned, as well as the negative side effects of this instrument on financial stability and economic growth, and finally, their limited scope is under scrutiny. Due to the still insufficient research in this field, the aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the concerns and the main long-term risks and impacts of the monetary policy using negative interest rates in the context of deflation threats. The analysis of available data confirms both the concerns about the negative effects of negative interest rates on the banking sector, the recovery process of public finances, the possible rise of a price bubble on the financial markets and real estate markets, or on the possibility of excessive risk taking, and on the other hand draws attention to the direct dependence between negative impacts and the duration of monetary policy using negative interest rates.

最適傳統與非傳統貨幣政策 / Optimal Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy

蘇醒文 Unknown Date (has links)
在面臨2008年金融危機後嚴峻之需求面衝擊下,多國央行紛紛調降利率,甚至調降至零利率,以期望國家能盡速脫離經濟衰退。在利率調降的過程中,由於受零利率下限的限制,單純藉由傳統貨幣政策之調控,仍可能無法使經濟從嚴峻的需求面衝擊下恢復。因此,非傳統貨幣政策也在美國、日本、英國、歐元區等國家被央行所採行做為對抗經濟衰退的政策工具。在此背景下,我們想了解如何實施最適非傳統貨幣政策。 在最適貨幣政策理論發展中,最適傳統貨幣政策發展較早,因此也較為完備。而在最適非傳統貨幣政策方面,前瞻指引(forward guidance)這項政策工具已被引入最適理論中來進行討論,但量化寬鬆(quantitative easing)直至今日還未被引入最適理論中來討論。 因此,本文建構一個封閉的新興凱因斯模型(New Keynesian),開創性的將量化寬鬆引入最適貨幣政策理論中,來討論最適傳統與非傳統貨幣政策,也藉此與過去文獻比較施行量化寬鬆與未施行量化寬鬆之影響。 / After financial crisis occurred in 2008, countries, such as United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan and the euro area, have been mired in slow economic growth, compared with long-term, and have confronted with severe negative demand shocks which can’t be offset by zero interest-rate policy. Under the circumstance where zero lower bound was present, unconventional monetary policy was implemented by central bank of each country to end up the economic recession prospectively. As a result, we are interested in how to implement optimal unconventional monetary policy. The literatures regarding implementing conventional optimal monetary policy under demand shock were developed maturely. Forward guidance, one of unconventional monetary policy, was already developed in field of optimal monetary policy under impacted by demand shock, but quantitative easing has not been conducted in the theory of optimal monetary policy so far. Thus, we construct a close-economy by New Keynesian model to conduct quantitative easing into the theory of optimal monetary policy to discuss the optimal conventional and unconventional monetary policy, and to compare the difference corresponding to the previous literatures which without quantitative easing.

Quantitative Easing and its impact on wealth inequality / Quantitative Easing and its Impact on Wealth Inequality

Lazar, Stefan-Alexandru January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show how the unconventional monetary policy rounds of Quantitative Easing introduced in the United States between 2008 and 2014 have led to an increase in wealth inequality. The need for the thesis arises due to the uncharted nature of QE and because of more and more information is surfacing to light which points to this connection. By analysing the distribution of these funds and adding it to the then base distribution of money supply, this study was able to determine a significant 10 % increase in the Gini Index. Furthermore it highlights how a large portion of wealth was transferred from the middle class over to the top 5 % income households. Starting from a set of assumptions the calculation is performed by extrapolating the data required and by isolating the system from any external variables. The result is a theoretical model meant to describe the mechanism that links Quantitative Easing to wealth inequality. Moreover a detailed comparison is provided with the effect of a conventional monetary policy such as Open-Market Operations. Finally solutions to this issue are being discussed from economical, political and fiscal standpoints.

Follow the Money : Determinants of Cap Rates in the Stockholm Office Market / Följ Pengarna : Bestämningsfaktorer för Direktavkastningskrav på Kontorsmarknaden

Saxton, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – In recent decades the inflation- and interest rates have followed a long-termdeclining trend. Followed by central banks starting to use unconventional monetary policiesto cope with financial crises have led to increased amounts of liquidity in the financialsystems and available and looking for investment alternatives on the capital markets. At thesame time real estate property prices have set new highs corresponding to a longer-termtrend of declining cap rates. The traditional cap rate formula components the risk-free rateand risk premium less rental growth do not entirely explain the trend of declining cap ratesthat have led to very low cap rates. The purpose with this thesis quantitative study is to testif the newer cap rate determinants money supply and foreign investments percentage of allmarket transactions can explain the decline and recently very low cap rates.Design/Methodology – The master thesis firstly conducts a literature review on previousstudies on cap rate determinants and subsequent conduct an own quantitative study byrunning dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) regression analysis on time series ofStockholm central business district commercial office cap rates and determinants chosen asindependent variables representing macro- and market fundamental factors driving caprates with the addition of money supply proxied by monetary aggregate M3 and foreigninvestments on the market proxied by the foreign share of investments on the Stockholmcommercial office market.Findings – The DOLS regression model (1)-(5) determinants are overall significant androbust. Of the newer cap rate determinants that are tested the monetary aggregate M3 andits included lags are of higher and stronger significance and impact on the cap rate than theforeign investment share. However, the foreign investment share time-series data used inthe study do not entirely correspond to the Stockholm central business district (CBD)commercial office market but rather against the larger Stockholm commercial office marketand hence the foreign investment share is assumed to be a relevant cap rate determinantwith support from studies referred to in the section theoretical framework.Research limitations/implications – To ensure high quality in statistical analysis andhypothesis testing large data samples corresponding to longer time-series data than waspossible to obtain for this thesis quantitative study is required. However, even though arelatively small sample has been used it performed well in tests conducted of the dataquality.Originality/value – The master thesis aims to measure and quantify the impact fromunconventional monetary policy and international real estate investments on commercialoffice cap rates. Executed on the Swedish capital Stockholms CBD office market. / Syfte – De senaste decennierna har inflationen- och räntorna följt en långsiktigtnedåtgående trend. Detta har följts upp av att centralbanker börjat använda okonventionellpenningpolitik för att hantera finanskriser, vilket lett till att en ökad penningmängd i definansiella systemen sökt investeringsmöjligheter på kapitalmarknaderna. Samtidigt harfastighetspriserna satt nya rekord ett flertal gånger vilket motsvarar en långsiktig trend avsjunkande kapitaliseringstakter. Den traditionella modellen för kapitaliseringstakt med riskfriränta och riskpremium med subtraktion av hyrestillväxt förklarar inte helt detta. Syftet meddetta examensarbetes kvantitativa studie är att pröva om de nyare potentielladeterminanterna penningmängd och andelen utländska investeringar kan förklaranedgången och de nyligen väldigt låga kapitaliseringstakterna.Design/Metodik – Examensarbetet börjar med en litteraturstudie inom konceptetkapitaliseringstakt och dess determinanter. Därefter görs en kvantitativ studie med DOLSregressionsanalys av kapitaliseringstakter för kontorsmarknaden i Stockholms centralaaffärsdistrikt och modeller av dess determinanter bestående av makro- ochmarknadsfundamentala faktorer som antas vara drivande för kapitaliseringstakten. Medtillägg av determinanterna penningmängd modellerad med måttet M3 och andelenutländska investeringar modellerad med andelen utländska investeringar påkontorsmarknaden i Stockholm.Undersökningsresultat – Kapitaliseringstakts determinanterna i modellerna (1)-(5) ärövergripande signifikanta och robusta. Av de två nyare determinanterna är penningmängdM3 och dess inkluderade laggade värden av högre och starkare signifikans och med störreinverkan på kapitaliseringstakten än andelen utländska investeringar. Dessvärre motsvararinte tidsserien av andelen utländska investeringar på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm detmindre segmentet kontorsmarknaden för Stockholms centrala affärsdistrikt och därmedantas den motsvarande andelen utländska investeringar vara signifikant med stöd av tidigarestudier som lyfts fram i litteraturstudien.Begränsningar/implikationer – För att säkerställa hög kvalité på analys av statistik behövsstora stickprov vilket motsvarar data för långa tidsserier, vilket inte var möjligt att erhålla fördetta examensarbetes kvantitativa studie. Positivt är dock ändå att tidsserie data somanvänts, trots att de inte är så långa som önskat, presterat bra i de genomförda testerna avdatakvalitén.

Nekonvenční měnové politiky v teorii a empirii / Unconventional monetary policy in theory and empirical evidence

LEXA, David January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with unconventional monetary policies,that important central banks used in order to cope with global financial and economic crisis in recent years. Goals of the paper is to introduce the most significant unconventional monetary policies, analyze their effectivity in selected countries (Japan, USA, Great Britain, eurozone and Czech republic), and statistically test impact of these nonstandard approaches on international trade.

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