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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung eines Schutzfaktorenmodells für die Hochschulausbildung – Untersuchung der hochschulseitigen Einflussfaktoren auf die Resilienz von Studierenden vor dem Hintergrund der Bologna-Zielsetzung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit

Nicolaus, Meike 25 April 2023 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Resilienzförderung im Hochschulkontext vor dem Hintergrund der Bologna-Zielsetzung 'Beschäftigungsfähigkeit'. Resilienz als notwendige Kompetenz von Fach- und Führungskräften und deren Entwicklung dient im Verständnis der Autorin der Erhöhung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Absolvent*innen. Die Resilienzforschung im Hochschulkontext ist ein sehr junges Forschungsfeld, es finden sich Studien über Resilienzfaktoren im nationalen und internationalen Kontext, ein Schutzfaktorenmodell fehlte bislang. Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines solchen Schutzfaktorenmodells für die Hochschulausbildung. Hierzu wurde im Rahmen einer mehrphasigen Mixed-Methods-Studie ein konzeptuelles Modell entwickelt und überprüft. Die Modellierung erfolgte mittels PLS-Strukturgleichungsmodellierung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Bedeutung einzelner Faktoren als individuelle und hochschulseitige Schutzfaktoren auf. Zusammenhänge zwischen individuellen und hochschulseitigen Schutzfaktoren, personalen, sozialen und methodischen Kompetenzen und der Resilienz werden deutlich. Es zeigt sich die Bedeutung von personalen, sozialen und methodischen Kompetenzen als Mediator zur Resilienzentwicklung. Die Ergebnisse ermöglichen eine Systematisierung der Resilienzförderung im Hochschulkontext mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaften.:DANKSAGUNG III EXTENDED ABSTRACT IV ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS ALLGEMEIN VIII ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS HCM IX ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS XI TABELLENVERZEICHNIS XII 1 EINLEITUNG 1 1.1 Kontext und Problemstellung 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 Zielsetzung und forschungsleitende Fragen 3 2 RESILIENZFORSCHUNG IM HOCHSCHULKONTEXT 7 2.1 Bologna-Erklärung, Employability und die Bedeutung von Resilienz 7 2.2 Resilienz und das Modell der Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren 11 2.3 Überblick über die Resilienzforschung im Hochschulkontext 14 3 EMPIRISCHE STUDIE IM SEQUENZIELLEN MIXED METHODS DESIGN ZUR ENTWICKLUNG EINES SCHUTZFAKTORENMODELLS IM HOCHSCHULKONTEXT 17 3.1 Forschungsparadigma und Forschungsdesigns 17 3.2 Datenerhebung und Datenauswertung der Teilstudien 21 3.2.1 Stichprobenbildung 21 3.2.2 Studien qual I und qual II 23 3.2.3 Studie QUANT 26 3.3 Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse 29 3.3.1 Beitrag A: Systematischer Literaturüberblick und initiales Schutzfaktorenmodell 30 3.3.2 Beitrag B: Ergänzende Schutzfaktoren aus dem Hochschulkontext 31 3.3.3 Beitrag C: Ergänzende Schutzfaktoren aus dem Arbeitskontext 33 3.3.4 Beitrag D: Entwicklung des Schutzfaktorenmodells mittels PLS-SEM 35 4 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 45 4.1 Kritische Würdigung 45 4.2 Implikationen 47 4.3 Ausblick und Forschungsbedarf 49 CHRONOLOGIE DER PUBLIKATIONEN 52 Beitrag A 54 Beitrag B 69 Beitrag C 96 Beitrag D 114 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS XIII

Testing at Higher Taxonomic Levels: Are We Jeopardizing Reliability by Increasing Complexity?

Clements, Andrea D., Rothenberg, Lori 01 January 1996 (has links)
Undergraduate psychology examinations from 48 schools were analyzed to determine the proportion of items at each level of Bloom's Taxonomy, item format, and test length. Analyses indicated significant relationships between item complexity and test length even when taking format into account. Use of higher items may be related to shorter tests, jeopardizing reliability. (SLD)

Factores asociados al Síndrome Visual Informático en estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lambayeque, 2021

Torres Reaño, Lisbet Fiorella January 2024 (has links)
Introducción: El Síndrome Visual Informático (SVI) es un conjunto de problemas oculares y visuales relacionados con actividades, que estresan la visión de cerca, y que se experimentan debido al frecuente uso de computadora y otros dispositivos. Esto ha despertado la preocupación del personal de salud y autoridades; aún más, a raíz del aumento masivo de la digitalización durante la pandemia, que ha predispuesto a millones de personas en el mundo a un mayor riesgo de padecerla, resultando ser necesario ver los patrones asociados a este síndrome. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al SVI en estudiantes de pregrado de la Facultad de Medicina de una universidad privada de Lambayeque-Perú, durante el semestre 2021-II. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional analítico de corte trasversal. Se incluyó a estudiantes de la facultad de medicina (incluye Medicina Humana, Odontología, Psicología y Enfermería) de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo que reciben clases virtuales durante Octubre-Diciembre del 2021. El desenlace fue el SVI evaluado mediante el instrumento Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire. Los factores asociados al desenlace fueron evaluados mediante la regresión de Poisson, con ajuste de varianzas robustas, obteniéndose razones de prevalencia (RP). Resultados: Se evaluó a 372 estudiantes (30,9% de medicina humana, 25,8% de enfermería, 22,0% de psicología, y 21,2% de odontología), de los cuales el 90,8% presentó SVI. Se encontró que el realizar descansos adecuados durante el uso de dispositivos (adecuados según el tiempo del descanso) incrementó la prevalencia del SVI (RP 1,08; IC95% 1,01 – 1,16). Conclusión: Identificamos de aproximadamente 9 de cada 10 estudiantes presentaron SVI, por lo que es imperativo el abordaje de prevención y manejo de este síndrome en los estudiantes durante esta época de educación virtual. Paradójicamente, el realizar descansos adecuados durante el uso de dispositivos conllevó a una mayor prevalencia de SVI. Futuros estudios deben explorar dicho resultado, considerando que podría ser producto a la forma de medición de la variable.

The Higher Education of Women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: relationship of gender and academic performance in High School to the selection of college major among undergraduate students

Alhujaylan, Hujaylan Abdullah 23 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Exploration du rôle de l'autocritique et de la mentalisation dans l'automutilation

Allard-Chapais, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie clinique (Ph.D). / L’automutilation est un problème de santé publique majeur, considéré comme l’un des plus pernicieux et inquiétants auxquels font face les cliniciens et intervenants. Ce type de conduites possède des taux de prévalence et de cooccurrence élevés et est susceptible d’engendrer des conséquences physiques et psychologiques délétères. Par conséquent, au cours de la dernière décennie, l’automutilation a suscité l’intérêt de nombreux chercheurs qui ont tenté de mieux comprendre les facteurs susceptibles de favoriser le recourt à ce type de conduite. À ce sujet, le trait autocritique de la personnalité, de même que les capacités de mentalisation sont des variables reconnues dans la compréhension de l’automutilation. Ces deux variables sont prometteuses parce qu’elles ont le potentiel de renseigner sur les mécanismes sous-tendant l’attaque au corps et d’offrir des leviers thérapeutiques. La présente thèse vise donc à approfondir l’exploration du rôle de l’autocritique et de la mentalisation dans l’automutilation en examinant des pistes de recherche qui n’ont pas encore été empruntées. L’échantillon à l’étude est composé d’étudiants universitaires, chez qui les taux de prévalence de l’automutilation sont particulièrement élevés. Afin de tenir compte de la complexité sous-jacente à l’automutilation, différents angles d’exploration sont abordés dans deux études. La première étude cible le caractère dichotomique de l’automutilation, c’est-à-dire la présence ou l’absence de comportements. L’objectif est d’examiner l’effet combiné de l’autocritique et de la mentalisation sur le risque de s’être automutilé par le passé. Bien que les deux variables aient été associées à l’automutilation, leur interaction n’a jamais encore été explorée. Pour cette étude, 420 étudiants inscrits dans un programme universitaire de premier cycle ont répondu à des questions sur la présence ou l’absence de comportements d’automutilation, ce dans la dernière année et au cours de leur vie. Ils ont aussi répondu au Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, qui évalue la continuité entre les formes normales et pathologiques des composantes autocritique et dépendante de la personnalité, au Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, qui évalue l’importance de deux lacunes de la mentalisation, soit l’hypomentalisation (c.-à-d. une pensée concrète qui se caractérise par la difficulté de former des modèles mentaux complexes relatifs au soi ou aux autres) et l’hypermentalisation (c.-à-d. la formation excessive de représentations mentales de ses actions ou de celles des autres fondées sur des preuves ou indices inexacts), et au Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, visant à évaluer la maltraitance à l’enfance. Les analyses de modération ont permis d’identifier des effets significatifs d’interaction entre l’autocritique et l’importance de deux lacunes de la mentalisation (c.-à-d. hypo- et hypermentalisation) dans le risque de s’être automutilé dans la dernière année. Aucun effet d’interaction n’a été identifié pour la période ciblant l’automutilation au cours de la vie. Les interactions sont demeurées statistiquement significatives en contrôlant pour les effets du sexe, du trait dépendant de la personnalité, et des expériences traumatiques vécues à l’enfance. En mettant en évidence un effet de modération par la mentalisation, ces résultats contribuent à clarifier les conditions dans lesquelles l’autocritique et l’automutilation sont associées. La deuxième étude cerne quant à elle le caractère multidimensionnel de l’automutilation en s’intéressant à ses différentes caractéristiques. Celles-ci sont de plus en plus étudiées en tant que corrélats de la sévérité de l’automutilation puisqu’elles refléteraient des variations dans la sévérité de la morbidité associée à ce type de conduite. La nature de cette étude étant exploratoire, l’objectif est de documenter un ensemble de corrélats potentiels de la sévérité de l’automutilation (fréquence, nombre de méthodes, récence, type de soins requis) en examinant leurs associations avec l’autocritique et la mentalisation, toutes deux identifiées comme des facteurs de vulnérabilité transdiagnostiques associés à la sévérité de la perturbation du fonctionnement et de la détresse psychologique. L’échantillon comprend deux cent quatre étudiants de premier cycle, soit les participants de la première étude ayant un historique d’automutilation. Ceux-ci ont répondu aux mêmes questionnaires pour l’automutilation, l’autocritique et les lacunes de la mentalisation, en plus du Brief Symptom Inventory (échelles de dépression et d’anxiété). Les données ont été soumises à des tests t et à des analyses de variance. Les résultats ont permis d’identifier des associations positives entre les caractéristiques de l’automutilation, d’une part, et les niveaux d’autocritique, l’importance des lacunes de la mentalisation et certains indices cliniques (anxiété, dépression, pensées suicidaires), d’autre part. Ceci renforce la proposition selon laquelle les caractéristiques de l’automutilation peuvent être utilisées comme des indicateurs de la sévérité de la perturbation du fonctionnement et de la détresse psychologiques chez les individus qui s’automutilent. Ces données préliminaires ouvrent aussi la voie à l’exploration de modèles plus complexes du rôle de l’autocritique et de la mentalisation dans les variations au sein des caractéristiques de l’automutilation. De façon générale, les résultats de la présente thèse indiquent que l’automutilation présente des niveaux de sévérité, et que l’autocritique puis des déficits de la mentalisation sont associés à la présence et à la qualité (niveaux de sévérité) de l’automutilation. Ces résultats suggèrent que des interventions visant à améliorer le rapport que l’individu entretient avec lui-même, de même que sa capacité à attribuer une qualité mentale à ses expériences personnelles et interpersonnelles pourraient être pertinentes en contexte de prévention et d’intervention entourant les conduites d’automutilation. / Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a significant public health issue. It is considered as one of the most concerning and pernicious behavior faced by health professionals. NSSI has high prevalence and cooccurrence rates and can lead to deleterious physical and psychological consequences. This phenomenon therefore has elicited a great deal of empirical and theoretical research in the last decade, as substantial efforts have been directed toward a better understanding of the factors underlying it. Among such factors are self-criticism and mentalizing abilities whose potential to clarify the mechanisms underlying NSSI and to provide therapeutic leverage make them promising variables. The goal of the present thesis is to investigate in more detail the role of self-criticism and mentalizing in NSSI by exploring new research avenues. The study sample consists of university students, a population in which NSSI is alarmingly common. In order to better apprehend the complexity of NSSI, different exploration angles are addressed in two studies. The first study targets the dichotomic nature of NSSI, that is, the presence or absence of the behavior. The objective is to examine the combined effect of self-criticism and mentalizing in the risk of having engaged in NSSI in the past. Although self-criticism and mentalizing have both been associated with NSSI, their interplay in predicting NSSI has never been explored. For this study, four hundred and twenty Canadians undergraduates answered online questions regarding the presence or absence of NSSI, over either the previous year or their lifetime. They also completed the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, which assesses the continuity between normal and pathological forms of self-criticism and dependency, the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, which evaluates the degree of two mentalizing deficits, namely hypomentalizing (i.e., concrete thinking characterized by the difficulty to form nuanced and complex models of the mind relating to the self and others) and hypermentalizing (i.e., excessive mentalizing characterized by the tendency to generate excessively detailed models of the mind of the self and others without accurate evidence to support these models), and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, which assesses experiences of childhood maltreatment. The moderation analyses showed significant interaction effects between self-criticism and the two mentalizing deficits (i.e. hypo- and hypermentalizing) in the risk of having engaged in NSSI in the previous year. No moderation effects were found for the lifetime period. The results remained statistically significant after adjusting for sex, dependency and childhood traumas. By identifying an interaction between self-criticism and impairments in mentalizing (i.e. hypo- and hypermentalizing) in the occurrence of NSSI, this study contributes to the clarification of the conditions in which self-criticism may be related to NSSI. The second study focuses on the different characteristics of NSSI and therefore targets the multidimensional nature of this behavior. NSSI features are increasingly studied as proxies for NSSI severity, as they relate to variations in the severity of the morbidity associated with this type of behavior. This study is exploratory. Its objective is to cluster and document a set of potential NSSI severity proxies (frequency, number of methods, recency, type of care needed) by examining their associations with self-criticism and mentalizing, which are both identified as transdiagnostic vulnerability factors associated with the severity of psychological distress and functional impairment. For this study, only the students who were recruited in the first study and who had a history of NSSI were selected (N = 204 participants). They completed the same online questionnaires for NSSI, self-criticism and mentalizing, in addition to the Brief Symptom Inventory (depression and anxiety scales). T tests and analyses of variance were conducted. The results show positive associations between NSSI features and self-criticism levels, degrees of mentalizing deficits and clinical indicators (anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts). Those results support the proposition that NSSI characteristics could be used as psychological distress and functional impairment severity indicators in individuals engaging in self-injury. They also open the door to the exploration of more sophisticated models of the role of self-criticism and mentalizing in NSSI characteristics variations. Overall, the results of the present thesis indicate that NSSI presents various severity levels, and that self-criticism and mentalizing deficits are associated with the presence as well as the quality (i.e. severity levels) of NSSI. Those results suggest that interventions aiming at improving an individual’s relationship with himself, as well as his capacity to give a mental quality to his personal and interpersonal experiences could be relevant in NSSI prevention and intervention.


李若瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生的希望感、建設性思考、情緒創造力及創造風格之關係。研究參與者來自台北縣市、桃園縣七所公私立大學的大學生,有效樣本計531人。本研究採用的研究工具包括「希望感量表」、「建設性思考量表」、「情緒創造力量表」及「創造風格量表」。資料分析所用的統計方法包括描述統計、單因子單變量和多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及線性結構模式分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 大學生在希望感、建設性思考、情緒創造力的表現程度佳,且 偏向運用創造核心特質。 二、 不同性別的大學生在情緒創造力及創造風格上均有差異,就整 體和各指標而言,男生的創造核心特質優於女生,女生的情緒 創造力優於男生。 三、 創造力獎項得獎經驗對大學生的情緒創造力沒有效果,但對創 造風格中的非最終產品定位、技術使用及無意識過程信念有效 果,非最終產品定位及技術使用為無得獎者大於有得獎者,無 意識過程信念則為有得獎者大於無得獎者。 四、 所屬學院對情緒創造力中的新穎性來源及情緒準備度有效果, 且能對創造風格中的無意識過程信念、環境控制與行為自我調 節有效果。 五、 大學生的情緒創造力對創造風格有效果。 六、 希望感對大學生的情緒創造力有效果,且對創造風格中的非最 終產品定位、技術使用、無意識過程信念及借助他人有效果。 七、 建設性思考對大學生情緒創造力中的有效性及新穎性反應有效 果;且對創造風格中的迷信行為及環境控制與行為自我調節有 效果。 八、 就大學生創造風格之路徑模式而言,希望感與建設性思考產生 交互作用後,會分別對情緒創造力有直接效果並透過情緒創造 力對創造核心特質及創意輔助習性有間接效果,且情緒創造力 對創造核心特質與創意輔助習性有直接效果。 最後,本研究依據本研究主要發現提出意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among hope belief, constructive thinking, emotional creativity, and creative style of undergraduate students. The participants included 531 undergraduate students sampled from seven national or private universities in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County. The employed instruments in this study were the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Constructive Thinking, the Inventory of Emotional Creativity, and the Questionnaire of Creative Style. The employed analysis methods included Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The undergraduate students had high level of hope belief, constructive thinking, and emotional creativity; and they tended to use core traits of creativity. 2.There were significant gender differences on emotional creativity and creative style; the males outperformed the females in core traits of creativity, and the females outperformed the males in emotional creativity. 3.The experiences of winning creative awards had no effects on emotional creativity, but had effects on creative style, especially on “not final product orientation”, “use of techniques”, and “belief in unconscious processes”. Moreover, participants who had won creative awards outperformed their counterparts in “not final product orientation”, “use of techniques”; participants who had not won any creative awards outperformed their counterparts in “belief in unconscious processes”. 4.College of major had effects on emotional creativity, especially in “origin of novelty”, and “preparation”. Moreover, college of major had effects on creative style, especially in “belief in unconscious processes” and “environmental control and behavioral self- regulation”. 5.The participants’ emotional creativity had effects on their creative style. 6.The participants’ hope belief had effects on their emotional creativity and creative style, especially in “not final product orientation”, “use of techniques”, “belief in unconscious processes”, and “use of other people”. 7.The participants’ constructive thinking had effects on their emotional creativity, especially in “effectiveness”, “novel response”. Moreover, the participants’ constructive thinking had effects on their creative style, especially in “superstition” and “environmental control and behavioral self- regulation”. 8.As for the path model, hope belief and constructive thinking interactively and directly influenced their emotional creativity and then indirectly influenced their core traits of creativity and assisted habits of creativity via emotional creativity; meanwhile, emotional creativity had direct effects on their core traits of creativity and assisted habits of creativity. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions and academic research.

Exploring task understanding in self-regulated learning: task understanding as a predictor of academic success in undergraduate students

Oshige, Mika 31 August 2009 (has links)
Understanding what to do and how to complete academic tasks is an essential yet complicated academic activity. However, this area has been under-examined. The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ understanding of academic tasks with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Ninety-eight students participated in this study. First, the study explored the kinds of tasks students identified as challenging, the disciplines in which these tasks were situated, the types of structures these tasks had, and challenges found in students’ task analysis activity. Second, the study examined the relationships between students’ task understanding and academic performance. The findings indicated that although students struggled with various tasks, they struggled even more when tasks became less pre-scribed. The results also showed that task understanding was statistically significantly co-related to academic performance and task understanding, particularly, implicit aspect of task understanding, predicted students’ academic performance. The findings supported Hadwin’s (2006) model of task understanding.

Measuring and modelling service quality in Ethiopian public higher education

Temesgen Melaku Kassa 07 1900 (has links)
This study serves two major purposes. First, it explores and validates attributes, dimensions and constructs that can be used to measure service quality in Ethiopian public higher education (EPHE) context. Second, it examines the interplay among the major service quality constructs and student related variables in search of a comprehensive theoretical framework for HE service quality. The study started its investigation by formulating a set of research questions that explore attributes, dimensions and constructs essential to measure service quality (RQ1), test for the measurement model fit (RQ2), examine the relationships or associations among the four service constructs and characteristics of students (RQ3), test for the structural model fit (RQ4), determine the causal relations among the variables in the structural model (RQs4.1 - 4.7), and assess service quality performances of EPHE institutions (RQ5). A mixed methods study with the qual-QUAN exploratory sequential design was employed to empirically answer the research questions. Fifteen interviewees took part in the qualitative phase. The interviews were analysed employing thematic analysis and narration of verbatim accounts. Three levels of themes that represent attributes, dimensions and constructs of service quality were identified and used to develop a questionnaire designed to measure service quality more objectively. The questionnaire was piloted at a pilot site involving 460 undergraduate students and its psychometric properties were determined. The main study was carried out in three universities selected from a target population of seven first generation public universities employing lottery sampling method. Concurrently, four programmes were chosen from a target population of 27 commonly offered programmes in the three sample universities employing systematic random sampling. Considering different batches and the four programmes as strata, 1412 undergraduate students were included in the main study using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statistics including factor analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM) were employed to address the research questions. The results from the qualitative and quantitative phases show that service quality can be measured by four constructs, of which three are multi-dimensional and one is a single dimensional construct. The four factor measurement model fit analysis resulted in an acceptable fit indices (i.e., CMIN/DF = 4.398, GFI = .915, CFI = .951, RMSEA = .049 and PCLOSE =.743) after some re-specifications and confirmed the structural validity of the instrument. Mixed results were obtained with regard to the correlations/associations between student characteristics and service quality constructs. After some re-specification, a structural model for the four service quality constructs and nine student related variables were identified with an acceptable fit indices (CMIN/DF=3.856, GFI=.901, CFI =.934 and RMSEA=.045, p=1.000). The path analyses also revealed that loyalty is a latent construct with 62% of its varaince predicted by the joint effects of percieved service quality, satisfaction and perceived gain. Each of these predicator latent constructs are also explained by some other control varaibles and latent constructs that have a predictive power ranging from 12% to 60%. Students perceived the current status of service quality in EPHE institutions as daunting in all constructs of service quality except perceived gain. Finally, conclusions pertinent to the measurement instrument and understanding of HE service queality are drawn, and recommendations that have theoretical and practical implications are forwarded. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

A Grounded Theory Study of the Self-Authorship Development of Art and Design Students

Hauser, Andrea M. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The College Student with Big, Big Feelings: Emotional Flexibility and Well-being in an Undergraduate Population

Gilbert, Danielle January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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