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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Réflexion sur l'importance d'une médiation culturelle / The Transmission of Intangible Heritage. Reflection on Cultural Mediation

Lempereur, Françoise 31 March 2008 (has links)
En ratifiant la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel proposée par lUNESCO , chaque Etat signataire sest engagé à prendre des mesures destinées à assurer la viabilité des traditions orales (légendes, musique, chansons, etc.), des rituels festifs, des croyances, des savoir-faire et tout ce qui constitue un patrimoine, transmissible en soi ou comme valeur ajoutée aux patrimoines naturel, mobilier et immobilier, présents sur son territoire. Définies dans le texte de la convention, comme « lidentification, la documentation, la recherche, la préservation, la protection, la promotion, la mise en valeur, la transmission et la revitalisation des différents aspects de ce patrimoine », ces mesures nécessitent au préalable létablissement dun ou de plusieurs inventaires nationaux, régulièrement mis à jour. Le présent travail était destiné, à lorigine, à mettre au point une base de données du patrimoine immatériel en Belgique romane, mais, comme aucune étude théorique globale ne sétait encore penchée sur le bien-fondé de linventorisation, pas plus dailleurs que sur celui de la « sauvegarde », il a évolué au cours de sa rédaction en une réflexion sur les enjeux, les conditions et les pratiques de la transmission et ce, dans une approche interdisciplinaire mêlant lanthropologie, lhistoire, la sociologie, léthique, les sciences politiques, et faisant même ponctuellement appel à la linguistique, à la musicologie, voire à la neurologie ou au droit international. Ma recherche est à la fois théorique et pragmatique ; elle intervient après une trentaine dannées passées sur le terrain à observer, enregistrer, filmer, photographier, les traditions orales et gestuelles de petites communautés inscrites dans le cadre géographique restreint de la Wallonie, tout en ne négligeant pas lapport dexpériences extérieures à cet espace. Mon hypothèse de base est quil existe un patrimoine culturel immatériel propre à chaque communauté socioculturelle (de taille et de composition variable), qui permet, face à une menace de mondialisation culturelle, de fonder une « ethnicité positive », apte à sociabiliser davantage quà isoler. La mise en valeur de ce patrimoine ne constitue pas un repli sur soi et sur le passé mais une ouverture vers une diversité culturelle, exempte de toute hiérarchisation. La thèse ne prétend pas, en quelques centaines de pages, résoudre tous les problèmes théoriques que posent la transmission et la sauvegarde du patrimoine immatériel, mais propose une première réflexion sur les contenus, les finalités, les modes de transmission et les médiateurs utiles ou nécessaires, puisque telle est bien linterrogation que nous pose aujourdhui le maintien de cette « diversité culturelle ». Elle montre que lévolution, permanente, des valeurs véhiculées par ce patrimoine est fonction du contexte social et économique dans lequel il se transmet, et quil est vain dencadrer politiquement la transmission de ce patrimoine si cette transmission nest pas un processus pris en charge, consciemment ou non, par les détenteurs de patrimoine eux-mêmes. ----------------------------- Qualités des membres du jury : - André Gob, Professeur de muséologie à l'Université de Liège - Christine Servais, Professeur de médiation esthétique et de théories de la réception à l'Université de Liège - Laurier Turgeon, Professeur d'ethnologie à l'Université Laval de Québec - Lucienne Strivay, Professeur d'anthropologie à l'Université de Liège - Marc-Emmanuel Mélon, Professeur d'histoire et de théories des arts audiovisuels à l'Université de Liège - Rieks Smeets, Chef de la Section du patrimoine immatériel de la Division du patrimoine culturel à l'UNESCO

La conservation du patrimoine des sociétés touarègues du Sahara algérien et le tourisme écoculturel : critique des politiques culturelles de l'UNESCO

Arcand, Philippe January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent mémoire pose un regard critique sur les nouvelles politiques de sauvegarde et de promotion de la diversité culturelle de l'UNESCO dans les pays en voie de développement plus particulièrement sur le concept de « tourisme écoculturel », Ces politiques ont pour particularité de faire du patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel des communautés indigènes du sud un véritable outil de « développement » par l'entremise d'un projet de développement touristique. En se basant sur un projet de développement destiné à préserver le patrimoine culturel des communautés touarègues d'Algérie, Le Sahara des cultures et des peuples nous cherchons à démontrer les différents types de contraintes qui empêchent la réalisation de la mission que s'est donnée l'UNESCO. Le premier faisceau de contraintes découle de la nature autoritaire de l'État algérien qui a pour effet de court-circuiter les moyens proposés par l'organisation qui permettraient aux touaregs de prétendre à une certaine forme d'autonomie économique et politique. Nous croyons que le nationalisme algérien rend impossible toute prise en compte réelle de la volonté de ces sociétés ce qui contredit l'un des critères fondamentaux de la réussite du projet, c'est-à-dire la participation des communautés culturelles concernées. Le deuxième faisceau de contraintes a trait à la promotion de l'industrie touristique comme moyen de préserver le patrimoine culturel. En ce domaine, nous soutenons que la position de l'UNESCO fait abstraction des rapports de domination entre les communautés réceptrices du sud et les pays du nord. Selon nous, le fait de soumettre le patrimoine culturel de ces communautés aux attentes des touristes étrangers contribue à une extériorisation et à une « folklorisation » encore plus grande du patrimoine culturel des sociétés touarègues d'Algérie. Cette marchandisation du patrimoine témoigne d'une transformation de la philosophie de l'Organisation qui semble vouloir se conformer de plus en plus au discours d'autres organisation chargées des questions de développement dont la principale est la Banque Mondiale. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Algérie, Développement, Patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel, Tourisme, Touareg, UNESCO.

Des sites historiques inscrits par l'Unesco et leurs politiques patrimoniales. L'exemple de Porto, de Lyon et de Vérone

Delayer, Maxime 20 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les exemples prouvant l'attachement de notre société à son passé ou à son patrimoine se multiplient. Le label UNESCO, plus haute distinction internationale pour un bien naturel ou culturel, reflète cette volonté d'entretien et de transmission de notre héritage. Cette thèse propose d'analyser et de comparer les politiques patrimoniales de trois villes inscrites sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO : Porto, Lyon et Vérone. Il s'agit de comprendre comment ces cités, que rien a priori ne prédestinait à une telle reconnaissance internationale, ont fait d'une ressource héritée un pôle d'excellence fondamental susceptible d'apporter des solutions équilibrées pour un développement global durable.

Schätze der SLUB in der World Digital Library

Georgi, Simone 11 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Seit vergangenem Jahr ist die Sächsische Landesbibliothek– Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) mit drei ihrer Spitzenstücke in der World Digital Library (WDL) vertreten (www.wdl.org). Neben der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München und der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, ist die SLUB Dresden damit die dritte Partnerinstitution aus Deutschland.

The culture of peace online journal

Unknown Date (has links)
"Global movement for a culture of peace and nonviolence. The Culture of Peace News Network (CPNN) is a permanent on-line interactive information service developed by UNESCO (UN General Assembly resolution A/57/6 - paragraph 7) and its partners for the year 2000, the International Year for the Culture of Peace, and as a contribution to the International Decade (2000-2010) for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the children of the world. Culture of Peace News Network-Canada (CPNN-Canada) was launched in June 2005 in response to United Nations Resolution A/RES/57/6 as an integral part of this permanent on-line interactive information service developed by UNESCO."--CPNN-Canada web site.

Radiodifus?o p?blica no Brasil segundo os princ?pios da UNESCO

Freitas, Maralice Magalh?es de 01 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-06T21:11:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MaraliceMagalhaesDeFreitas_DISSERT.pdf: 2146532 bytes, checksum: 13c7fc80b9d038f9108e5d14a1b8147a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-20T23:24:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MaraliceMagalhaesDeFreitas_DISSERT.pdf: 2146532 bytes, checksum: 13c7fc80b9d038f9108e5d14a1b8147a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-20T23:24:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MaraliceMagalhaesDeFreitas_DISSERT.pdf: 2146532 bytes, checksum: 13c7fc80b9d038f9108e5d14a1b8147a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-01 / Esta disserta??o analisa a Comunica??o P?blica enquanto instrumento de constru??o da cidadania, de emancipa??o popular e de compromisso com as quest?es sociais, diferenciando a express?o de outras formas de comunica??o custeadas com recursos p?blicos. A investiga??o se d? em di?logo com autores brasileiros, como Brand?o (2012), Duarte (2012), Matos (2012), Haswani (2013) e Bucci (2014), tendo, ainda, como base te?rica os estudos de Habermas (2003) e Z?mor (1995), refer?ncias mundiais no assunto. A partir dessa sustenta??o intelectual, o trabalho exp?e as especificidades que caracterizam e separam os sistemas de radiodifus?o privado, p?blico e estatal, sobretudo no aspecto ?programa??o?. Nesse cen?rio, apresenta-se o Estudo de Caso que analisa um programa jornal?stico da R?dio Universit?ria FM de Natal, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Para atingir os objetivos, o estudo qualitativo de car?ter descritivo utiliza as pesquisas bibliogr?fica e documental; aplica??o de question?rio e de entrevista estruturada com quest?es abertas junto aos sujeitos respons?veis pelo programa no per?odo compreendido entre agosto de 2015 e fevereiro de 2017; al?m da audi??o de cinco edi??es do programa por meio de grava??es. A an?lise de conte?do tem como fundamenta??o os princ?pios universalidade, diversidade, independ?ncia e diferencia??o, propostos pela Organiza??o das Na??es Unidas para Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Cultura (UNESCO, 2001) como caracterizadores de um ve?culo de radiodifus?o p?blica. Os quatro crit?rios foram reunidos e interpretados de forma a dar corpo a uma metodologia de avalia??o do car?ter p?blico da radiodifus?o jornal?stica no Brasil. Os dados coletados apontam para uma programa??o que preza pela veracidade dos fatos e pela pluralidade de vozes, apesar da falta de intera??o da equipe com o ouvinte; confere visibilidade ?s manifesta??es culturais, mas de forma discreta e pouco efetiva; apresenta uma car?ncia no aprofundamento de assuntos pol?micos e na promo??o do debate de ideias; repete temas e abordagens encontrados em emissoras privadas sem conferir experimenta??o e originalidade ao conte?do. A pesquisa inferiu ainda que a participa??o da comunidade acad?mica como fonte de informa??o qualificada ? expressiva, mas a equipe age com autonomia em rela??o ?s autoridades p?blicas e ao mercado. Por fim, pretende-se contribuir com uma reflex?o sobre o papel de uma emissora custeada com recursos p?blicos inserida em um contexto universit?rio e com sugest?es para aperfei?oar e fortalecer o trabalho jornal?stico em um canal p?blico. / This thesis analyzes Public Communication as an instrument for building citizenship, popular emancipation and commitment to social issues, differentiating the expression of other forms of communication funded with public resources. The research is done in dialogue with Brazilian authors, such as Brand?o (2012), Duarte (2012), Matos (2012), Haswani (2013) and Bucci (2014). It also has, as a theoretical basis, the studies of Habermas (2003) and Z?mor (1995), world references on the subject. Based on this intellectual support, the work presents the specificities that characterize and separate the private, public and state broadcasting systems, especially in the "programming" aspect. In this scenario, we present the Case Study that analyzes a journalistic program of R?dio Universit?ria FM de Natal, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. To reach the objectives, the qualitative study of a descriptive character uses bibliographical and documentary research; application of questionnaire and structured interview with open questions with the subjects responsible for the program in the period between August 2015 and February 2017; In addition to the auditioning of five program editions through recordings. The content analysis is based on the principles of universality, diversity, independence and differentiation, as proposed by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO, 2001) as the characterization of a public broadcasting vehicle. The four criteria were gathered and interpreted to form a methodology for evaluating the public character of journalistic broadcasting in Brazil. The collected data point to a programming that values the truthfulness of the facts and the plurality of voices, despite the lack of interaction of the team with the listener; gives visibility to cultural manifestations, but in a discreet and not very effective way; presents a lack of deepening of controversial issues and of the promotion of the debate of ideas; repeats themes and approaches found in private broadcasters without giving experimentation and originality to content. The research also inferred that the participation of the academic community as a source of qualified information is expressive, but the team of the newspaper acts with autonomy in relation to the public authorities and to the market. Finally, it intends to contribute with a reflection on the role of a broadcaster funded with public resources inserted into a university context and with suggestions to improve and strengthen the journalistic work in a public channel.

O Programa Escola da Família Enquanto Política Pública : Políticas Compensatórias e Avaliação de Rendimento /

Bendrath, Eduard Angelo. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Albuquerque Gomes / Banca: Antonio Bosco de Lima / Banca: Everaldo dos Santos Melazzo / Resumo: Este projeto foi desenvolvido no âmbito da Linha de Pesquisa "Políticas Públicas, Organização Escolar e Formação de Professores" do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Estadual Paulista. Entendemos políticas públicas como medidas e estratégias de caráter público definidas pela ação do Estado em virtude de necessidades e interesses da sociedade. Tendo como horizonte tais políticas, o governo paulista instituiu em 2003 com apoio da UNESCO e outros órgãos não-governamentais, o Programa Escola da Família, favorecendo o acesso das comunidades intra e extra-escolar a modelos de educação não formal, abrangendo toda a rede de escolas da Secretaria de Educação de São Paulo. No final de 2006 com a troca de governo estadual houve um corte drástico de recursos destinados ao programa, e mais de 50% das escolas da rede estadual tiveram as atividades aos finais de semana encerradas por medida direta da Secretaria de Educação. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar o Programa Escola da Família tomando-o como política pública compensatória, averiguando o seu desenvolvimento junto às populações-alvo; nesse caso dados oficiais foram analisados e um censo foi aplicado para a verificação resultante da relação entre as propostas do Estado e o processo de Cultura da Paz da UNESCO. A metodologia usada obedeceu aos princípios fundamentais descritos na literatura para avaliação de políticas públicas, sendo dessa forma caracterizada como uma pesquisa de avaliação de processo. O lócus do estudo foi circunscrito à Diretoria de Ensino de Presidente Prudente, tendo como base quatro escolas estaduais posicionadas em regiões distintas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This project was developed under research line "Public Policy, School Organization and Teacher Education" Program Master Education in the Faculty of Science and Technology of the U/ESP - São Paulo State University. We can understand public policy measures and strategies of a public character that regulate and define the activities of the state. The direct economic influence of international organizations in the state characterized as a result of multilateral agreements with pre-set targets. Education is the starting point for many of these agreements, the reduction of marginal youth, cultural openness and qualification of manpower processes are typical of social and economic development. The horizon of such policies, the São Paulo government established in 2003 with support from UNESCO and other nongovernmental organizations, the Family School program, encouraging community access and intra-school models of non-formal education, covering the entire network Schools Department of Education of Sao Paulo. At the end of 2006 with the exchange of state government was a drastic cut in funds for the program, and more than 50% of schools in the state have activities on weekends closed by direct measurement of the Department of Education. Thus, this work aims at analyzing the Family School program, taking it as a public policy allowance. We intend to investigate the impact of those outputs to the target populations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

O turismo cultural e as missões UNESCO no Brasil

Pereira, Cecilia Ribeiro 05 October 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Amanda Silva (amanda.osilva2@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-09T12:51:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 TESEDOUTORADO-CECILIARIBEIRO.pdf: 4615863 bytes, checksum: 2ffc594fc412d429620cee117a6378fb (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-09T12:51:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 TESEDOUTORADO-CECILIARIBEIRO.pdf: 4615863 bytes, checksum: 2ffc594fc412d429620cee117a6378fb (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-05 / CAPES; FACEPE / Nesta tese, buscou-se compreender o turismo cultural a partir da sua difusão por parte da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO) em países em desenvolvimento, na década de 1960. Os princípios e os mecanismos de difusão analisados foram a assistência técnica, o consultor em missão e o relatório técnico. Foi destacada a vinda do francês Michel Parent, que definiu diretrizes para a criação de um programa sobre o tema pelo governo brasileiro, elencou o que chamou de cidades de arte para o recebimento de investimentos e guiou as missões seguintes para atender aos projetos prioritários em Salvador, pelo inglês Graeme Shankland; em Parati, pelo belga Frédéric Limburg Stirum, e em Ouro Preto, pelo português Alfredo Viana de Lima. Esses consultores consideraram o planejamento de longo prazo, incluindo o plano diretor, a elaboração de um orçamento e o compromisso entre instituições e governos como garantias e instrumentos para sua execução, o que respaldava um pedido de financiamento internacional para a realização das ações necessárias à implantação do turismo cultural. A cidade de arte, objeto do olhar e das propostas de intervenção, foi vista como um potencial cenário a ser preparado, organizado, transformado, limpo de elementos estranhos a uma ordem desejada, de modo a oferecer espaços de fruição e animação cultural para um visitante, além de usos para um mercado, do comércio e dos serviços, e para atender à nova demanda do turismo internacional.

Salient Issues on the Global Health Agenda: How Science/Policy Boundary-Work Builds Confidence in Global Governance

Ahmed Hassim, Sameea 09 May 2017 (has links)
This study examines the science/policy interactions in global health science and technology governance. It focuses on the institutional design of organizations that sit at the interface of science and policy, conceptualizing them as Boundary Organizations (BOs). The analysis considers how the institutional design of BOs affect boundary-work. The study examines two case studies, UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee and the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization. The study examines the ways in which boundary-work is carried out and finds that the concept of a BO demonstrates an institutionalization of science/policy interactions and the analysis of these two cases show that there are different ways that boundary-work is practiced as a function of the design of BOs. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Stone exposures : a cultural geology of the Jurassic Coast

Ferraby, Rose January 2015 (has links)
People have varied and complex relationships with stone, in its raw geology and in its altered forms. Often, however, in cultural contexts, stone remains in the background, as a taken for granted and unremarkable element of the material world. In this thesis, stone moves into the foreground. The research presented here explores how close attention to those who work intimately with stone can disclose unexpected and absorbing stories. The cultural geologies extracted and presented in this thesis cast light on the diversity of ways in which people relate to, and with, the land; and experiment with a range of different ways in which these relations can be narrated. Set on the Jurassic Coast, in the south west of England, the stone exposures that emerge along the margin between land and sea offer a productive site for developing a cultural geological approach. The limestones, shales and clays are framed, in this work, by the narratives of quarrymen and geologists. The work explores how their particular knowledges are formed, and how they exist within wider historical and ecological understandings. Their narratives bring the stratigraphy to life, and draw attention to the hidden worlds within it. The different priorities and perspectives of quarrymen and geologists are shown to lead in different directions, interweave, or run parallel. The very specific languages and descriptions they employ reveal a level of complexity and richness of detail that is mirrored in the stone. Using an approach that combines close observation and creative practice, this study examines stone at a variety of scales, and in different contexts. The work engages with specific stone types, landscapes, voids, buildings and objects. Processes of working stone through practices of lettering, sculpture and masonry elicit understandings of the material that reach far beneath its surface. The absent spaces of quarries are then explored, showing how voids can be animated with knowledge, and how destructive processes can generate creative potential, when sensitively worked and considered. Lastly, the study draws all these ideas together in a discussion of stone assemblages in buildings, to see how voices from geology and quarrying can foster greater understanding of how buildings were constructed in the past, and how we conserve them into the future.

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