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Mulheres condutoras de ônibus: tabus, conquistas e desafios / Women bus drivers: taboos, achievements and challengesCarvalho, Ana Maria de 11 December 2017 (has links)
A função de conduzir ônibus é exercida majoritariamente por homens. Porém, cada vez mais, mulheres adentram nessa profissão e ali sentem os tabus, os desafios e as alegrias da profissão. Desta forma o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as condições de acesso e permanência das mulheres como condutoras de ônibus em Curitiba e Região Metropolitana, com olhar voltado às conquistas, dificuldades, limites, desafios que estas mulheres enfrentam para acessar e permanecer na profissão. Como metodologia de pesquisa se adotou a qualitativa, utilizando como técnica de pesquisa a entrevista semiestruturada, na qual foram entrevistadas 20 mulheres condutoras de ônibus, atuantes em Curitiba e Região Metropolitana. As entrevistas ocorreram nos meses de maio e junho de 2017. Para análise dos dados utilizamos o método de Análise de Conteúdo, no qual observamos que a inserção e permanência nessa profissão é permeada por contradições, e, embora seja perceptível o alto grau de empoderamento das motoristas, elas ainda são submetidas a inúmeros desafios no que tange as relações de poder praticadas pelos motoristas do sexo masculino. Há relatos de situações em que as motoristas se utilizam de estratégias para relevar ou ficar indiferente às investidas discriminatórias como forma de não se indispor no trabalho. Outrossim demonstram ter, na atuação profissional, a igualdade de capacidade para condução dos veículos e bem desempenhar a profissão. Os resultados desta pesquisa poderão possibilitar ações para maior inserção das mulheres nesta profissão. / The function of driving a bus is exercised mainly by men. However, more and more, women enter this profession and there feel the taboos, challenges and joys of the profession. In this way the objective of this research was to analyze the conditions of access and permanence of women as bus drivers in Curitiba and Metropolitan Region, with a view to the achievements, difficulties, limits, challenges that these women face to access and remain in the profession. As a research methodology, a qualitative approach was adopted, using as a research technique the semi-structured interview, in which 20 bus drivers, who worked in Curitiba and Metropolitan area, were interviewed. The interviews took place in May and June of 2017. In order to analyze the data we used the Content Analysis method, in which we observed that the insertion and permanence in this profession is permeated by contradictions, and although the high degree of empowerment of drivers, they are still subjected to numerous challenges regarding the power relations practiced by male drivers. There are reports of situations in which drivers use strategies to relieve or be indifferent to discriminatory assaults as a way of not being upset at work. In addition, they demonstrate that they have the same level of capacity to drive their vehicles and perform their profession. The results of this research may enable actions to increase the insertion of women in this profession.
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Urbanismo e mobilidade na metropóle paulistana : estudo de caso : o Parque Dom Pedro II / Urbanism and mobility in the São Paulo metropolis. Case study: Parque Dom Pedro IITomas André Rebollo Figueiredo da Silva 01 June 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca as diretrizes de reinserção urbana da área do Parque Dom Pedro II em São Paulo, partindo da constatação de seu papel atual de polo de mobilidade metropolitano e apoiando-se em exemplos internacionais de projetos de renovação urbana de áreas associadas à reforma ou construção de grandes estações intermodais. Este percurso se organiza em três eixos investigativos, correspondentes aos três capítulos da dissertação. Inicialmente a área do Parque Dom Pedro II é abordada empregando-se um método de análise urbanística que busca, em sua trajetória histórica e em suas características físicas e funcionais atuais, as pautas para planejamento e projeto para sua reinserção na cidade. Em seguida, no segundo capítulo, são abordadas as teorias urbanísticas mais recentes que tratam das metrópoles contemporâneas, com ênfase para o papel que as redes de mobilidade e os pontos de interface com a cidade, os polos de mobilidade metropolitanos, cumprem na organização e na estruturação destes vastos territórios urbanizados. Este capítulo pretende facilitar a compreensão do papel que a área de estudo pode vir a cumprir dentro da atual lógica de funcionamento da metrópole paulistana, atualizando o significado dos elementos analisados no primeiro capítulo. Finalmente, no terceiro capítulo, as características tipológicas e morfológicas dos polos de mobilidade metropolitanos, enquanto trechos específicos da cidade - como peças urbanas - e de seus principais elementos constituintes, as grandes estações intermodais, são analisadas através de um breve histórico da relação entre mobilidade, urbanismo e arquitetura, desde as propostas das megaestruturas imaginadas por arquitetos nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 até os exemplos contemporâneos de projetos urbanos associados a cinco estações europeias, reformadas ou construídas recentemente: Euralille em Lille, King\'s Cross e Saint Pancras em Londres, HauptBahnhof em Berlim, La Sagrera em Barcelona e Porta Susa em Turim. Fechando o terceiro capítulo um pequeno histórico das experiências de desenho urbano associadas à construção do metrô paulistano pretende aproximar as questões levantadas à realidade de São Paulo. Em vez de uma conclusão definitiva sobre uma solução projetual acabada para o Parque Dom Pedro II, um epílogo relaciona as questões abordadas nos três capítulos precedentes com o intuito de oferecer parâmetros para um plano e para a ação projetual para a área / This study seeks the guidelines for the urban reintegration of the Parque Dom Pedro II area in Sao Paulo, based on the finding of its current role as a metropolitan mobility hub and relying on international examples of urban renewal projects in areas associated with the renovation or construction of major intermodal stations. This path is organized into three investigative axes corresponding to the three chapters of the study. Initially the area of Parque Dom Pedro II is addressed by employing a method of urban analysis which seeks, through its historical trajectory and its current physical and functional characteristics, the guidelines for planning and design for its reintegration in the city. Then, in the second chapter, the most recent urban theories that address the contemporary metropolis are discussed, with emphasis on the role that mobility networks and its interface points with the city, the metropolitan mobility hubs, perform in the organization and structuring of these vast urbanized territories. This chapter is intended to facilitate the understanding of the role that the study area is likely to meet within the logics of operation in place in the Sao Paulo metropolis, updating the meaning of the urban elements analyzed in the first chapter. Finally, in the third chapter, the typological and morphological characteristics of the metropolitan mobility hubs, considered as specific areas of the city - as urban parts - and its main constituents, the major intermodal stations, are analyzed through a brief history of the relationship between mobility, urbanism and architecture, from the proposals of megastructures imagined by architects in the 1950s and 1960s to the contemporary examples of urban projects associated with five renovated or newly designed European stations: Euralille in Lille, King\'s Cross and Sait Pancras in London, HauptBahnhof in Berlin, La Sagrera in Barcelona and Porta Susa in Turin. Closing the third chapter a brief history of the experiences of urban design associated with the construction of the Sao Paulo subway system and stations aims to bring the issues raised closer to the reality of Sao Paulo. Instead of a definitive conclusion about a finished design solution to the area of Parque Dom Pedro II, an epilogue relates the issues addressed in the three previous chapters in order to provide parameters for planning and design in the area.
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Etude de développement du transport lagunaire de personnes dans la ville d'AbidjanDiabate, Lancine 09 March 2015 (has links)
La ville d'Abidjan est aujourd'hui confrontée à l'instar de toutes les grandes villes d'Afrique subsaharienne à un défi majeur dans le secteur des transports: une population urbaine en augmentation constante qui exige des moyens de transport appropriés. Cette question faisant l'objet de notre étude est cruciale. Il ne fait aucun doute que la ville d'Abidjan est confrontée à une crise des transports urbains.<p><p>Depuis le début des années 80, Abidjan a connu une dynamique spatiale et une croissance démographique constante. On note à Abidjan une séparation des fonctions, les emplois étant concentrés dans les quartiers au Sud de la ville tandis que le Nord constitue une zone résidentielle. Dans un tel contexte, le défi est donc de savoir quels sont les voies et moyens pour rendre le transport public efficace et durable.<p><p>Cette thèse vise l'accroissement et la diversification de l'offre de transport en commun par l'utilisation du plan d'eau lagunaire pour désengorger les voies terrestres, le développement de moyens de transport alternatifs, la lutte contre la pollution de l'environnement. Elle vise à promouvoir le transport lagunaire de personnes comme une solution aux problèmes de mobilité qui se posent à la population abidjanaise et à susciter un transfert modal d'autres modes de transports — tels que les voitures particulières, les bus, les taxis, les taxis wôrô-wôrôs — vers les bateaux-bus.<p><p>On note actuellement que l'exploitation du plan d'eau lagunaire est encore à l'état embryonnaire malgré la présence de la lagune dans onze des quatorze communes que compte le district d'Abidjan. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Access and constraints to commuting in Gauteng Province, South AfricaChakwizira, James 05 1900 (has links)
PhD (Environmental Sciences) / Department of Urban and Regional Planning / See the attached abstract below
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An evaluation of Intelligent Transport System: A case study of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Rea-Vaya in Johannesburg, South AfricaKhwathisi, Ntsieni Colin 18 September 2017 (has links)
MURP / Department of Urban and Regional Planning / This study focuses on the evaluation of intelligent transport systems making use of the BRT-Rea-vaya in Johannesburg as a case study. This study was motivated by the observation that few studies have been conducted in the study area that tackle explicitly intelligent transport systems evaluation. Intelligent transport systems can assist in improving private and public transportation systems and operations performance. In the public sector where various modes of transport such as the taxi, metro bus, metro rail, Gautrain and the BRT Rea-vaya operates, intelligent transport systems present opportunities for improving Level of Service (LOS) delivery. In Johannesburg, the BRT Rea vaya system was adopted by the Johannesburg metropolitan municipality to provide a safe, reliable, efficient and accessible public transport system. The BRT Rea vaya system is aimed at providing a better public transport, operating systems and service. For the BRT Rea vaya systems to achieve its primary goals and objectives, an intelligent transport system was incorporated to better manage the BRT Rea-vaya systems operations and activities. The study disclosed the status quo, opinions and attitudes of commuters regarding their experiences with the BRT Rea vaya public transport systems in Johannesburg. Furthermore, the study investigated whether the original objectives and aims of intelligent transport system in the BRT Rea-vaya have been meet. A central theme of the investigation is seeking to understand constraints and opportunities regarding BRT Rea-vaya intelligent transport systems‘ operations and activities in Johannesburg. The use of primary and secondary data such as questionnaires, key informant interviews, observation, journals and previous researches related to intelligent transport systems were used to acquire an in-depth understanding of the operational management of BRT Rea-vaya intelligent transport system. Collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) with the aid of Microsoft Excel making use of descriptive statistics, regression analysis, cross tabulation and chi-square test. This was presented using tables, graphs, maps etc. Qualitative data was analyzed making use of a thematic approach. The study resonates in the need for rapid public transport systems to provide lessons for improving and adopting intelligent transport systems. As an end product, the research provided a framework of analysis on how to integrate intelligent transport systems in the context of Bus rapid transit systems.
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Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Two Connected Intersections Using Discrete and Hybrid Petri NetsYaqub, Omar Seddeq Omar 29 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In recent decades, Petri nets (PNs) have been used to model traffic networks for different purposes, such as signal phase control, routing, and traffic flow estimation, etc. Because of the complex nature of traffic networks where both discrete and continuous dynamics come into play, the Hybrid Petri net (HPN) model becomes an important tool for the modeling and analysis of traffic networks. In Chapter 1 a brief historical summery about traffic systems control and then related work is mentioned followed by the major contributions in this research. Chapter 2 provides a theoretical background on Petri nets. In Chapter 3, we develop a HPN model for a single signalized intersection first, then we extend this model to study a simple traffic network that consists of two successive intersections. Time delays between different points of network are also considered in order to make the model suitable for analysis and simulation. In addition to HPN models, we also consider discrete Petri nets where their modeling simplicity enables the characterization of the occurrences of all events in the system. This discrete PN is particularly useful to give a higher-level representation of the traffic network and study its event occurrences and correlations. In Chapter 4, we build a discrete PN model to represent a traffic network with two successive intersections. However, we find that the model leads to unbounded places which cannot accurately reflect the dynamics of the traffic in terms of event occurrences. Hence, we introduce the Modified Binary Petri nets (MBPN) to overcome the limitation and resolve the confliction problem when we design our controllers. This MBPN model is a powerful tool and can be useful for the modeling and analysis of many other applications in traffic networks. Chapter 5 gives a summary for each chapter, provides conclusion and discusses future work for both discrete and hybrid Petri nets.
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The social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in the Gauteng ProvinceRahim, Haseena 01 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at examining the social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT) on various stakeholders in Johannesburg. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect the Rea Vaya has had on users and non-users of the Rea Vaya system. The findings of this study suggest that the Rea Vaya is beneficial in that it provides an option in modes of transport for commuters, particularly for people who were historically disadvantaged and were not permitted to reside in the city during the apartheid era.
BRT systems are designed to provide a safe, reliable and accessible public transport system. The Rea Vaya system is aimed at providing better public transport, reducing congestion, on public roads, improving the roads and creating jobs. The findings have shown that the Rea Vaya has not been successful in meeting all its aims. The Rea Vaya has not managed to provide an accessible transport system thus far. Traffic in the inner city has not been reduced as a modal shift has not yet occurred.
Since the inception of the Rea Vaya system there has been resistance from the Taxi Industry. Despite negotiations and attempts made by the Municipality of the City of Johannesburg to include the Taxi Industry in the Rea Vaya system, by making them shareholders of the system, the findings presented affirms that there is still resentment and resistance from the Taxi Industry towards the Rea Vaya system. The loss of revenue since the introduction of the Rea Vaya has caused a challenge for Taxi owners. Not only is it alleged that the Rea Vaya has affected the Taxi Industry, but the Rea Vaya infrastructure has caused a number of problems for private car users in the City.
Private car users are inconvenienced by the designated bus lanes and lack of road signage in the city. These conclusions affirm that the Rea Vaya is not beneficial to all stakeholders in the City of Johannesburg. The experiences and opinions of users and non-users suggest that the system has a number of deficiencies. However some users of the system have benefited socially and economically. For some of the users the Rea Vaya has created a few opportunities; however the poor customer service from bus drivers and station staff was seen as a setback.
Transit Orientated development in Johannesburg has not yet taken off. The government’s attempts to create mixed land use through the implementation of corridors of freedom are in its infant stages. Businesses across the Rea Vaya station found the Rea Vaya to have both positive and negative effects on their businesses. Some businesses found that the development of stations have added aesthetic value, however due to the frequency of Rea Vaya buses at stations, commuters would not wait for long periods of time and this resulted in fewer customers for businesses across the Rea Vaya station.
The Rea Vaya system has provided a safe and reliable transport system in Johannesburg. However, the system is in its infant stages and has a number of deficiencies as presented in the findings of this study. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)
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The social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in the Gauteng ProvinceRahim, Haseena 01 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at examining the social and economic effects of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT) on various stakeholders in Johannesburg. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect the Rea Vaya has had on users and non-users of the Rea Vaya system. The findings of this study suggest that the Rea Vaya is beneficial in that it provides an option in modes of transport for commuters, particularly for people who were historically disadvantaged and were not permitted to reside in the city during the apartheid era.
BRT systems are designed to provide a safe, reliable and accessible public transport system. The Rea Vaya system is aimed at providing better public transport, reducing congestion, on public roads, improving the roads and creating jobs. The findings have shown that the Rea Vaya has not been successful in meeting all its aims. The Rea Vaya has not managed to provide an accessible transport system thus far. Traffic in the inner city has not been reduced as a modal shift has not yet occurred.
Since the inception of the Rea Vaya system there has been resistance from the Taxi Industry. Despite negotiations and attempts made by the Municipality of the City of Johannesburg to include the Taxi Industry in the Rea Vaya system, by making them shareholders of the system, the findings presented affirms that there is still resentment and resistance from the Taxi Industry towards the Rea Vaya system. The loss of revenue since the introduction of the Rea Vaya has caused a challenge for Taxi owners. Not only is it alleged that the Rea Vaya has affected the Taxi Industry, but the Rea Vaya infrastructure has caused a number of problems for private car users in the City.
Private car users are inconvenienced by the designated bus lanes and lack of road signage in the city. These conclusions affirm that the Rea Vaya is not beneficial to all stakeholders in the City of Johannesburg. The experiences and opinions of users and non-users suggest that the system has a number of deficiencies. However some users of the system have benefited socially and economically. For some of the users the Rea Vaya has created a few opportunities; however the poor customer service from bus drivers and station staff was seen as a setback.
Transit Orientated development in Johannesburg has not yet taken off. The government’s attempts to create mixed land use through the implementation of corridors of freedom are in its infant stages. Businesses across the Rea Vaya station found the Rea Vaya to have both positive and negative effects on their businesses. Some businesses found that the development of stations have added aesthetic value, however due to the frequency of Rea Vaya buses at stations, commuters would not wait for long periods of time and this resulted in fewer customers for businesses across the Rea Vaya station.
The Rea Vaya system has provided a safe and reliable transport system in Johannesburg. However, the system is in its infant stages and has a number of deficiencies as presented in the findings of this study. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)
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The Link Between Smart Growth in Urban Development and Climate ChangeMathew, Brenda A. 22 January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
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