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Mobilité durable à Cotonou: outils de régulation des transports incluant les populations précairesBadji, Aconkpanle 29 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse particulièrement à un aspect de la durabilité sociale des transports urbains à Cotonou au Bénin :la mobilité des populations pauvres. L’objectif global est de contribuer à l’amélioration des transports à Cotonou en faveur des populations pauvres de la ville. De façon spécifique, la thèse se propose de mettre en lumière le processus de mise à l’écart des citadins pauvres depuis les origines de la ville jusqu’à la formation des quartiers précaires, et d'en observer les ruptures et continuités. Dans un deuxième temps, elle ambitionne analyser l’offre de transport à Cotonou et étudier fondamentalement la mobilité des citadins pauvres. Elle propose enfin des solutions de politiques améliorantes afin de mieux intégrer la satisfaction des besoins de mobilité et d’accessibilité des populations défavorisées dans le système de transport urbain et d’y assurer plus d’équité. <p>Le recours à l'approche historique a permis d'analyser le processus de mise à l'écart des pauvres, tandis qu'une enquête individuelle de mobilité a permis d'étudier leurs habitudes de déplacement. Cette enquête a pris en compte un échantillon représentatif de 660 personnes pauvres âgées de 15 à 59 ans, issus de 4 quartiers très pauvres de Cotonou. Elle a été complétée par une démarche plus qualitative par l'administration de questionnaires semi-structurés à 20 enquêtés. La dernière démarche a consisté à investiguer le système de transports urbain dans ses trois dimensions (infrastructures, services de transport et aspects institutionnels) afin d'en saisir les contraintes et réalités.<p>Cette étude montre une expression de mobilité atypique des citadins pauvres. Les analyses entreprises sur les caractéristiques socio-économiques de cette population pauvre montrent un sous équipement en moyens de transport dans un contexte de difficulté d’accès aux transports publics. On note de rares utilisations du transport public, les déplacements sont courts, rares et s’inscrivent dans l’utile, il s’agit prioritairement des déplacements contraints. Mais ces habitudes coopèrent également avec des stratégies d’auto-emploi à domicile ou dans le quartier qui permettent ainsi à beaucoup de pauvres d’éviter les dépenses en transport. Les témoignages permettent de lire également les stratégies de gestion à moindre coût des déplacements lorsque les populations se résolvent à les mener :combinaison de la marche avec d’autres moyens, aides de proches, etc. D’autres logiques gouvernent également à certaines habitudes et qui sont plus culturelles avec des orientations liées au genre. Dans cette même mouvance, on note différents rapports des individus à l’espace et qui participent de la logique des courts déplacements dans les environs du domicile. Les habitudes de déplacement des pauvres participent d’un isolement qui n’autorise que fort peu leur contribution à la vie de la cité et à son développement. Dans ces conditions, leur sortie du cercle vicieux de la pauvreté est mise à l'épreuve.<p>D’un autre côté, le système de transport à Cotonou révèle des défaillances qui, à l’analyse, renforcent la pénibilité des déplacements des citadins pauvres. L’offre de transport évolue dans un désordre favorisé par la démission des puissances publiques et l’afflux dans le secteur de milliers d’opérateurs artisanaux qui gèrent en partie, exploitent et régulent le système. Le réseau routier est dégradé et faiblement revêtu alors que l’aménagement des routes bitumées et pavées n’intègre guère leur exploitation aisée et planifiée, par des services de transport public structurés. <p>L’ampleur des défaillances dans les divers compartiments de l’offre de transport ainsi que la pénibilité des conditions de déplacement des pauvres nécessitent impérativement un remède adapté. De là vient la prospection de plusieurs pistes pour l’amélioration du système de transport. Mais le fonctionnement de ces pistes nécessite à la fois un effort d’organisation et de régulation du système. D’où des analyses et suggestions pour un portage institutionnel adéquat. Mais l’opérationnalisation d’une telle option équivaut au réglage d’une suite de complexes défis.<p> / Doctorat en Art de bâtir et urbanisme / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Non-motorised transport as key element to an integrated rapid public transport network: the Cato Manor caseCele, Nomfundo Gugulethu Precious 12 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, non-motorised transport (NMT) modes such as cycling and walking are generally used by poor people to access centres of employment, public services (for example, library, educational institutions, public transport) and other amenities as well as for recreational activities. Notably, the lack of integration among the different public transport modes (namely, NMT, bus, train and minibus) creates a major obstacle in the provision of an integrated, sustainable and effective public transport system. Likewise, the absence of proper recognition of NMT in government and social strata creates a problem in the supply of a satisfactory public transport service, that is, a public transport service that meets the needs of all users.
Motivated by the gap in NMT integration with the overall public transport system, the study was undertaken to explore enabling factors to integrate NMT as a key element of the Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network (IRPTN). Social and political factors were explored, specifically, post-modern theory in urban transport planning and policy. In addition, the study explored enabling factors to integrate NMT as a feeder service and key element of an IRPTN from the perspectives of the participants of the study.
The results of the study showed that infrastructure, the environment, promotion, and safety and security were identified as enabling factors to integrate NMT as a key element of an IRPTN. According to the results, government needs to promote NMT use. Subsequently, construction and the repair or widening of sidewalks and roads needs to be done. The results also showed that attractive NMT environments are necessary as well as adequate safety and security measures along NMT routes. It is suggested that a seamless, safe, inclusive, affordable, effective and reliable public transport system could be provided once these enabling factors are in place. Further research is advised, within the wider public transport population in eThekwini, as well as other NMT and public transport systems. The emphasis of this research should be on finding out whether the broader public transport population responds in the same way to the idea of integrating NMT and public transport. / Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Transport Economics)
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Sustainable Mobility Scenario Modeling : Evaluating Future Resilience of Modular Concepts for Electrified Trucks / Scenariomodellering för hållbara transporter : En metod för att framtidssäkra modulära koncept för elektrifierade lastbilarBjörkvall, Simon, Bodén, Rikard January 2021 (has links)
Today, one of the greatest concerns for companies is how well their business will fit their future markets. However, predicting how the future will unfold is almost impossible for many industries, but companies that fail to prepare their products for future markets will most likely face substantial problems. Consequently, many companies have drawn their interest to product development strategies that cope with an unpredictable future, and research has highlighted Modularization as one such strategy. Nevertheless, there are no current methods that integrate future studies into the modularization process. Besides, there are no methods that evaluate the resilience of modular configurations against future scenarios. In the absence of such methods, this study targets the gap between future studies and modularization. The objective is to explore how scenario modeling can be used in the modularization process to evaluate the fitness of modular configurations against future conditions. The study scope is a simplified inter-urban transport mission with a particular focus on battery-electric and fuel-cell electric trucks. To meet the objective, this study builds upon a scenario framework from previous research that provides possible but yet distinctive futures within the transportation industry. Further, the future scenarios are bridged to the modularization process by transitioning the most important customer values from the scenarios to measurable design variables. Subsequently, by assigning weights to the customer values in accordance with scenario narratives, the overall efficiency of 42 unique modular configurations could be evaluated against the presumed importance of future customer values. Those findings were used to assess the relative performance of modules with respect to multiple futures and to provide reflections on the most and least robust modular design and configuration choices across multiple futures. In summary, the contribution from this method is shown to be two-fold. On the one hand, the model can provide insights and directions on the future resilience of modular concepts in the early stages of product development processes. On the other hand, it can be used in recurring performance assessments of modular configurations and guide optimization of module variants to prepare modular product configurations for multiple scenarios. / Ett av de största bekymren för företag idag är alltjämt hur bra deras verksamhet kommer möta framtidens kundbehov. Emellertid är det nästan omöjligt att förutspå hur framtiden kommer utvecklas inom många branscher, men samtidigt möter företag överhängande operationella förluster om de misslyckas med att adressera framtidens behov. Föga förvånande har många företag börjat intressera sig för flexibla produktutvecklingsstrategier som kan hantera en oförutsägbar framtid och tidigare forskning har belyst Modularisering som en sådan strategi. Däremot finns det i dagsläget inga nuvarande metoder som tar hänsyn till framtidsstudier i modulariseringsprocessen. Dessutom verkar det inte finnas några metoder som utvärderar effektiviteten hos modulära konfigurationer med avseende på olika framtidsscenarier. I avsaknad av sådana metoder riktar sig detta examensarbete mot gapet mellan framtidsstudier och modularisering av produkter. Syftet är att undersöka hur scenariomodellering kan användas i modulariseringsprocessen för att utvärdera robustheten hos moduler gentemot olika framtidsscenarier. Studien är avgränsad mot inter-urbana transportuppdrag med ett särskilt fokus på batteridrivna och vätgasdrivna lastbilar. För att uppnå forskningssyftet bygger uppsatsen på scenariomodellering från tidigare forskning som bidrar med en uppsättning av möjliga men ändå distinkta framtidsscenarier. Vidare kunde framtidsscenarierna sammanlänkas med modulariseringsprocessen genom att extrahera de viktigaste kundvärdena från framtidsscenarierna och översätta dessa till mätbara design variabler. Därefter kunde den totala effektiviteten för 42 unika lastbilskonfigurationer utvärderas mot framtidakundvärden genom att tilldela kundvärdena olika signifikansnivåer baserat på framtidsscenarierna. Dessaresultat användes för att bedöma konfigurationernas relativa prestanda mot olika framtidsscenarier. Resultatet användes också till att samla in data om modulernas robusthet och sedermera analysera lämpligheten hos enskilda moduler. Sammanfattningsvis bedöms bidraget från metoden vara av dubbel karaktär. Å ena sidan kan metoden ge insikter om den framtida lämpligheten hos modulära koncept i ett tidigt skede av produktutvecklingsprocessen. Samtidigt kan metoden användas i återkommande utvärderingar av modulkonfigurationer och som ledsagning för att optimera modulvarianter och förbereda modulära produktkonfigurationer mot flera framtidsscenarier.
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Ridazz, Wrenches, and Wonks: A Revolution on Two Wheels Rolls Into Los AngelesStrauss, Donald Parker 25 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Aportaciones a la definición del equilibrio concesional en líneas de ferrocarriles metropolitanos urbanos: estudio de concesiones en América LatinaBastidas Zelaya, Efraín Alfredo 19 June 2023 (has links)
[ES] La región de América Latina ha tenido un fuerte crecimiento poblacional en las últimas décadas con una concentración a la par en núcleos urbanos, generando ciudades de gran tamaño. Junto a esos procesos demográficos, se ha generado la necesidad de construir sistemas de transporte público, y en las grandes ciudades latinoamericanas han surgido sistemas de metro, que en ocasiones surgen de inversión estrictamente de fondos públicos y en otros casos de una participación mixta con concesiones donde existe inversión pública pero también de las empresas privadas ante una época que ha generado una oleada de construcción de sistemas de metro en la región.
La presente tesis realiza un estudio del estado del arte con un análisis de los modelos de gestión y administración de los sistemas de metro, partiendo desde el estudio de los actores y participantes en cada una de las macro etapas de los proyectos de desarrollo de un sistema de metro, avanzando en las relaciones de los niveles de gobierno con capacidad de inversión y gestión, grados de libertad al momento de diseñar un sistema de metro y experiencia para administrar el proyecto, alternativas de financiamiento para los proyectos de metro, riesgos asociados y mecanismos de mitigación de los mismos, y de manera especial los modelos de contratación y concesiones de metros.
La investigación continúa con una revisión de los sistemas de metro existentes en América Latina, con un estudio descriptivo de las características físicas y de servicio de cada operación, así como los parámetros de demandas y económicas. Mediante una comparación con metros en otras regiones del mundo se logra una determinación de los elementos singulares que caracterizan a los metros de América Latina.
El penúltimo capítulo de la investigación estudia los casos de concesiones en la región tanto de éxito como de fracaso, con un análisis de cuáles son los factores críticos en unos y otros casos. Y en base a ello se cierra la tesis con un último capítulo que genera una propuesta de un caso práctico para desarrollar una concesión con los aprendizajes adquiridos, para el mediano y largo plazo del sistema del Metro de Quito. / [CA] La regió d'Amèrica Llatina ha tingut un fort creixement poblacional en les últimes dècades amb una concentració a l'una en nuclis urbans, generant ciutats de gran grandària. Al costat d'aqueixos processos demogràfics, s'ha generat la necessitat de construir sistemes de transport públic, i en les grans ciutats llatinoamericanes han sorgit sistemes de metre, que a vegades sorgeixen d'inversió estrictament de fons públics i en altres casos d'una participació mixta amb concessions on existeix inversió pública però també de les empreses privades davant una època que ha generat una onada de construcció de sistemes de metre a la regió.
La present tesi realitza un estudi de l'estat de l'art amb una anàlisi dels models de gestió i administració dels sistemes de metre, partint des de l'estudi dels actors i participants en cadascuna de les macro etapes dels projectes de desenvolupament d'un sistema de metre, avançant en les relacions dels nivells de govern amb capacitat d'inversió i gestió, graus de llibertat al moment de dissenyar un sistema de metre i experiència per a administrar el projecte, alternatives de finançament per als projectes de metre, riscos associats i mecanismes de mitigació d'aquests, i de manera especial els models de contractació i concessions de metres.
La investigació continua amb una revisió dels sistemes de metre existents a Amèrica Llatina, amb un estudi descriptiu de les característiques físiques i de servei de cada operació, així com els paràmetres de demandes i econòmiques. Mitjançant una comparació amb metres en altres regions del món s'aconsegueix una determinació dels elements singulars que caracteritzen als metres d'Amèrica Llatina.
El penúltim capítol de la investigació estudia els casos de concessions a la regió tant d'èxit com de fracàs, amb una anàlisi de quins són els factors crítics en uns i altres casos. I sobre la base d'això es tanca la tesi amb un últim capítol que genera una proposta d'un cas pràctic per a desenvolupar una concessió amb els aprenentatges adquirits, per al mitjà i llarg termini del sistema del Metre de Quito. / [EN] The Latin American region has had a strong population growth in recent decades with a concentration in urban centers, generating very populous cities. Together with these demographic processes, the need to build public transportation systems has arisen, and metro systems have emerged in large Latin American cities, which sometimes arise from investment strictly from public funds and in other cases from a mixed participation with concessions, where public investment is shared with that of private companies, at a time when a wave of construction of metro systems has been generated in the region.
This thesis carries out a study of the state of the art with an analysis of the management models of the metro systems, starting from the study of the actors and participants in each of the macro stages of the development projects of a system of metro, advancing in the relations of levels of government with investment and management capacity, degrees of freedom when designing a metro system and experience to manage the project, financing alternatives for metro projects, associated risks and mechanisms of mitigating them, and especially the contracting models of metro concessions.
The research continues with a review of the existing metro systems in Latin America, with a descriptive study of the physical and service characteristics of each operation, as well as the demand and economic parameters. Through a comparison with metro systems in other regions of the world, a determination of the unique elements that characterize Latin American metros is achieved. / Bastidas Zelaya, EA. (2023). Aportaciones a la definición del equilibrio concesional en líneas de ferrocarriles metropolitanos urbanos: estudio de concesiones en América Latina [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194337
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Guidelines for sustainable urban transport in selected areas of the City of TshwaneDuri, Babra 07 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans / In South Africa, the number of households owning private cars has increased from 22.9% in 2003 to 28.5% in 2013. The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (City of Tshwane) in South Africa had the largest increase in population that was using private cars between 2003 and 2013 of approximately 11.3%; hence, a need was identified to shift from private cars to sustainable modes of transport. The purpose of this study was to develop guidelines for sustainable urban transport. Geographical location was used for quota sampling to ensure that all seven regions of the Tshwane municipal area would be represented. The sample size of the study comprised 418 participants. The primary data were gathered in Tshwane during the month of August 2017 using a structured questionnaire. The Likert scale was employed to ascertain the public's attitudes towards sustainable urban transport. Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data.
The results revealed that the private car is the most frequently used mode of transport in the City of Tshwane. The results further indicated that the majority of the residents of the City of Tshwane had a negative attitude towards sustainable transport modes, which was attributed to safety, reliability and convenience concerns. Regions 4 and 6 differed statistically and significantly from region 5 regarding their opinions on the safety and comfort of private cars. In order to promote sustainable transportation, it is recommended that the City of Tshwane implement transport initiatives that can improve the service quality and safety features of sustainable transport modes. Each region of the City of Tshwane made specific recommendations that were based on the results of the study.
The findings of this study provide insights that can be useful to the city planners to secure sustainable urban transportation for the City of Tshwane. Future research could investigate the feasibility of public bicycle rental programmes in the City of Tshwane. / EMzantsi Afrika, inani lamakhaya aneenqwelo mafutha landile ukusukela kuma-22.9% ngonyaka wama-2003 ukuya kuma-28.5% ngowama-2013. Umasipala Wesixeko Esimbaxa saseTshwane (Isixeko saseTshwane) eMzantsi Afrika ube nelona nani lamakhaya asebenzisa iimoto zabucala elande ngaphezu kwabo bonke abanye ooMasipala phakathi kowama-2003 nama-2013, landa ngesithuba se-11.3%. Le nto idale isidingo sokushenxa kwisimbo sokusebenzisa iimoto zabucala, ukuze kusetyenziwe ezinye iindlela zokuhamba eziya kuhlala zihleli. Injongo yesi sifundo kukuvelisa isikhokelo seendlela zokuhamba eziya kuhlala zihleli kwimimandla yasezidolophini. Ekukhetheni abathathi nxaxheba, kwasetyenziswa indawo abahlala kuyo abantu, ukuqinisekisa ukuba zosixhenxe iingingqi zomasipala waseTshwane zinabameli. Ubukhulu besampulu yaba ngabathathi nxaxheba abangama-418. Iinkcukacha zolwazi ezingundoqo zaqokelelwa eTshwane ngenyanga yeThupha kowama-2017, kwaye kwasetyenziswa uluhlu lwemibuzo ecwangcisiweyo. Kwasetyenziswa isikali esaziwa ngokuba yiLikert scale ekufumaniseni izimvo zoluntu jikelele ngeendlela zokuhamba eziya kuhlala zihleli kwimimandla yasezidolophini. Iinkcukacha zolwazi (idata) zahlelwa ngokusebenzisa indlela yamanani okucacisa iipatheni zezimvo zoluntu (descriptive statistics), indlela yokufumana iimpawu eziphambili kulwazi olufunyenweyo (exploratory factor analysis) nendlela yokungqinisisa izimvo ebezifudula zikho ngaphambi kophando (inferential statistics).
Iziphumo zophando zadiza ukuba ukusebenzisa imoto yabucala yeyona ndlela yokuhamba esetyenziswa kakhulu kwisixeko saseTshwane. Ezi ziphumo zaphinda zabonisa ukuba uninzi lwabahlali besixeko saseTshwane abazithandi iindlela zokuhamba zikawonkewonke ngenxa yokungabikho kokhuseleko, ukuthembeka nokuba luncedo. Ingingqi yesi-4 neyesi-6 zahlukana kakhulu nengingqi yesi-5 ngokwamanani, malunga nezimvo ezingokhuseleko nokuhlala ntofontofo kwiimoto zabucala. Ukuze kukhuthazwe iindlela zokuhamba zikawonkewonke eziya kuhlala zihleli kucetyiswa ukuba Isixeko saseTshwane senze amalinge okuthutha abantu anokuphucula ukunikezelwa kwenkonzo yothutho, iphucule nokhuseleko. Ingingqi nganye yesixeko saseTshwane yenza iingcebiso ezathi zafakwa kwiziphumo zesifundo.
Okufunyaniswe kwesi sifundo kunika iimbono ezinokuba luncedo kubacebi nabalungiseleli besixeko ekuveliseni iindlela zothutho eziya kuhlala zihleli kwisixeko saseTshwane. Uphando oluzayo lusenokuphanda ngokusetyenziswa kweenkqubo zokuqeshisa ngeebhayisikili kwisixeko sase Tshwane. / Die aantal huishoudings in Suid-Afrika wat private motors besit, neem van 22.9% in 2003 tot 28.5% in 2013 toe. In die Stad Tshwane- Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit (Stad Tshwane) in Suid-Afrika toon die aantal inwoners wat private motors tussen 2003 en 2013 gebruik, die grootste toename van nagenoeg 11.3%. Daar word op grond hiervan ’n behoefte geïdentifiseer om van die gebruik van private motors weg te beweeg na volhoubare vervoerwyses. Die doel van hierdie studie is om riglyne vir volhoubare stedelike vervoer te ontwikkel. Geografiese ligging is vir die kwotasteekproefneming gebruik om te verseker dat al sewe streke van die Tshwane- munisipale gebied verteenwoordig word. Vir die steekproef wat vir die studie geneem word, word 418 deelnemers gebruik. Die primêre data word met behulp van ’n gestruktureerde vraelys in die loop van Augustus 2017 in Tshwane ingesamel. Die publiek se houdings jeens volhoubare stedelike vervoer word aan die hand van die Likert-skaal vasgestel. Beskrywende statistiek, verkennendefaktor-ontleding en inferensiële statistiek word gebruik om die data te ontleed.
Dit blyk uit die resultate dat die private motor die vervoerwyse is wat die gereeldste in die Stad Tshwane gebruik word. In die resultate word verder aangedui dat die meerderheid inwoners van die Stad Tshwane ’n negatiewe houding teenoor volhoubare vervoerwyses het, wat toegeskryf word aan kwessies van veiligheid, betroubaarheid en gerief. Streek 4 en 6 verskil statisties aansienlik van streek 5 betreffende hul menings oor die veiligheid en gemak van private motors. Om volhoubare vervoer te bevorder, word aanbeveel dat die Stad Tshwane vervoerinisiatiewe implementeer wat die diensgehalte en veiligheidskenmerke van volhoubare vervoerwyses kan verbeter. Elke streek van die Stad Tshwane het vorendag gekom met spesifieke voorstelle wat by die resultate ingesluit is.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie bied insigte wat bruikbaar vir stadsbeplanners kan wees om volhoubare stedelike vervoer in die Stad Tshwane moontlik te maak. Die uitvoerbaarheid van openbare fietshuurprogramme in die Stad Tshwane kan in toekomstige navorsing ondersoek word. / Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Transport Economics)
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Riding Red Ink: Public Ownership of Mass Transit in IndianapolisWilhite, Ryan Daniel January 2011 (has links)
**Note** During the research process, IndyGo donated some of the resources cited within this paper to the Indiana Historical Society. That collection has not been archived yet. Further, IndyGo may have placed other documents (created during the time of public ownership) in the Indiana State Archives or the Indiana State Library. / Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Today, most urban mass transit providers are publicly owned. Just a few decades ago, and for a majority of the history of mass transit, private owners provided transportation for communities. The decline of private ownership in Indianapolis resulted in transit crisis that pitted private owners against local government, riders and community groups. Advocates lambasted the private owners for their profit-first tactics, pointing to the dividends gained by the private owners. These owners, the Midland Transportation Corporation, also owned the mass transit companies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Louisville, Kentucky. Indianapolis politicians, residents and newspapers, all firmly conservative, hoped private owners could continue to operate Indianapolis Transit Systems without public assistance. The imminent failure prompted a discussion of the future of transportation in the city of Indianapolis. Community groups hoped the new public corporation would increase service for Indianapolis and not continue the skeleton system managed by the private owners. A storm of uncontrollable events prevented the robust expansion of the new public corporation and its lack of funding resulted in a continuing decline of service, much akin to the private owners that were abhorred by transit riders. Public ownership in Indianapolis revealed the importance of public ownership in the historiography of mass transportation and urban history. The regional investigation of Midland Transportation confirmed the notion of transit as a unique industry, both in its industrial relations and influence of the locality. The basic rationale for public ownership in Indianapolis would be the most important: the provision of public transportation for those unable to afford private transportation to obtain necessary services.
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A model to forecast the impact of road accessibility on the economic development potential of industrial land in urban areasBotes, Francois Jacobus January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation firstly outlines the findings of recent studies that have recorded the relationship
between transport and economic development. This includes the assessment of a number of
economic evaluation techniques that are available to predict the impact of improvements in
transport on economic development.
An historic overview is provided of the role that transport has played in the development of Cape
Town. Due to the fact that the phases of development followed international development trends, it
is concluded that development in Cape Town will follow the global trend. A number of economic
growth scenarios are developed for Cape Town to assess how the City will be able to cope with the
socio-demographic challenges facing it in the next century.
The relationship between land price and the economic development potential of land is outlined, as
are the factors that determine industrial land price, namely the demand and supply of industrial
land. The process of determining the economic value of industrial land is described. This includes
the collection and analysis of occupation rent of industrial townships in Cape Town, the calculation
of property values and the calculation of the shadow price of land.
A procedure of determining accessibility to industrial townships in Cape Town was developed.
Firstly, accessibility was defined in broad terms. This was followed by a discussion of each of the
elements of accessibility namely proximity, access and mobility in order to understand the factors
that may impact on the level of accessibility. Finally, the level of accessibility is quantified in terms
of generalised cost.
A regression analysis was undertaken to establish a statistical relationship between the economic
value of industrial land and accessibility to the industrial townships. The development of a
numerical model was based on the regression analyses to forecast changes in industrial land price
given a change in accessibility. The model was then tested on a case study.
The main conclusions of the study are as follows:
(a) The accessibility of industrial land in Cape Town is linked closely to its CSD I Port (it was
not possible to separate the CSD and the port), which is typical of a monocentric city
(b) There is a positive, significant, quantifiable relationship between accessibility as quantified
by means of generalised cost and the economic value of industrial land, which was
calculated by means of the shadow price technique.
(c) There are a number of conditions that should be met for an increase in local industrial
production potential to be translated into an equal amount of economic output. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proefskrif som eerstens die bevindings van onlangse studies op wat die verwantskap tussen
vervoer en ekonomiese ontwikkeling dokumenteer. Dit sluit die taksering van 'n aantal
ekonomiese evaluasietegnieke in wat beskikbaar is om die impak van vervoer op ekonomiese
ontwikkeling te voorspel.
'n Historiese oorsig word verskaf van die rol wat vervoer gespeel het in die ontwikkeling van
Kaapstad. As gevolg van die feit dat die fases van ontwikkeling in die verlede internasionale
ontwikkelingstendense gevolg het, word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Kaapstad die
globalisasie markera, wat tans internasionaal gestalte kry, sal navolg. 'n Aantal ekonomiese
groeiscenarios word vir Kaapstad ontwikkel ten einde te bepaal hoe die stad die sosiodemografiese
uitdagings van die volgende eeu sal hanteer.
Die verwantskap tussen grondprys en die ekonomiese ontwikkelingspotensiaal van grond word
omskryf, asook die faktore wat industriële grondprys bepaal. Die proses van die bepaling van die
ekonomiese waarde van industriële grond word beskryf. Dit sluit die insamel en analise van
besettingshuurdata van industriële dorpsgebiede, die berekening van eiendomswaarde en die
berekening van die skaduprys van grond in.
'n Prosedure is ontwikkel vir die berekening van die toeganklikheid van industriële dorpsgebiede in
Kaapstad. Eerstens is toeganklikheid in breë trekke gedefinieër. Dit is gevolg deur 'n bespreking
van elk van die elemente van toeganklikheid, naamlik nabyheid, aansluiting en mobiliteit ten einde
die faktore wat op die vlak van toeganklikheid mag impakteer te verstaan. Laastens is die vlak van
toeganklikheid gekwantifiseer in terme van veralgemeende vervoerkoste.
'n Regressie-analise is onderneem ten einde die statistiese verwantskap tussen die ekonomiese
waarde van industriële grond en toeganklikheid na industriële dorpsgebiede te bepaal. Die
ontwikkeling van 'n numeriese model is op die regressie-analise gebaseer ten einde veranderinge
in industriële grondpryse te voorspel, gegewe 'n verandering in toeganklikheid. Die model is op 'n
gevallestudie toegepas.
Die vernaamste gevolgtrekkings van die studie is :
(a) Die toeganklikheid van industriële grond in Kaapstad is nou gekoppel aan die sentrale
sakekern I hawe (dit was nie moontlik om die sentrale sakekern en hawe te skei nie), wat
tipies is van n monosentriese staduitleg.
(b) Daar is n noemenswaardige positiewe kwantifiseerbare verwantskap tussen
toeganklikheid, soos gekwantifiseer in terme van veralgemeende koste, en die ekonomiese
waarde van industriële grond wat deur middel van die skaduprystegniek bereken is.
(c) Daar is 'n aantal voorwaardes waaraan voldoen moet word alvorens 'n toename in
plaaslike industriële produksiepotensiaal tot 'n soortgelyke toename in ekonomiese
ontwikelingspotensiaal sal lei.
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Urbanismo e mobilidade na metropóle paulistana : estudo de caso : o Parque Dom Pedro II / Urbanism and mobility in the São Paulo metropolis. Case study: Parque Dom Pedro IISilva, Tomas André Rebollo Figueiredo da 01 June 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca as diretrizes de reinserção urbana da área do Parque Dom Pedro II em São Paulo, partindo da constatação de seu papel atual de polo de mobilidade metropolitano e apoiando-se em exemplos internacionais de projetos de renovação urbana de áreas associadas à reforma ou construção de grandes estações intermodais. Este percurso se organiza em três eixos investigativos, correspondentes aos três capítulos da dissertação. Inicialmente a área do Parque Dom Pedro II é abordada empregando-se um método de análise urbanística que busca, em sua trajetória histórica e em suas características físicas e funcionais atuais, as pautas para planejamento e projeto para sua reinserção na cidade. Em seguida, no segundo capítulo, são abordadas as teorias urbanísticas mais recentes que tratam das metrópoles contemporâneas, com ênfase para o papel que as redes de mobilidade e os pontos de interface com a cidade, os polos de mobilidade metropolitanos, cumprem na organização e na estruturação destes vastos territórios urbanizados. Este capítulo pretende facilitar a compreensão do papel que a área de estudo pode vir a cumprir dentro da atual lógica de funcionamento da metrópole paulistana, atualizando o significado dos elementos analisados no primeiro capítulo. Finalmente, no terceiro capítulo, as características tipológicas e morfológicas dos polos de mobilidade metropolitanos, enquanto trechos específicos da cidade - como peças urbanas - e de seus principais elementos constituintes, as grandes estações intermodais, são analisadas através de um breve histórico da relação entre mobilidade, urbanismo e arquitetura, desde as propostas das megaestruturas imaginadas por arquitetos nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 até os exemplos contemporâneos de projetos urbanos associados a cinco estações europeias, reformadas ou construídas recentemente: Euralille em Lille, King\'s Cross e Saint Pancras em Londres, HauptBahnhof em Berlim, La Sagrera em Barcelona e Porta Susa em Turim. Fechando o terceiro capítulo um pequeno histórico das experiências de desenho urbano associadas à construção do metrô paulistano pretende aproximar as questões levantadas à realidade de São Paulo. Em vez de uma conclusão definitiva sobre uma solução projetual acabada para o Parque Dom Pedro II, um epílogo relaciona as questões abordadas nos três capítulos precedentes com o intuito de oferecer parâmetros para um plano e para a ação projetual para a área / This study seeks the guidelines for the urban reintegration of the Parque Dom Pedro II area in Sao Paulo, based on the finding of its current role as a metropolitan mobility hub and relying on international examples of urban renewal projects in areas associated with the renovation or construction of major intermodal stations. This path is organized into three investigative axes corresponding to the three chapters of the study. Initially the area of Parque Dom Pedro II is addressed by employing a method of urban analysis which seeks, through its historical trajectory and its current physical and functional characteristics, the guidelines for planning and design for its reintegration in the city. Then, in the second chapter, the most recent urban theories that address the contemporary metropolis are discussed, with emphasis on the role that mobility networks and its interface points with the city, the metropolitan mobility hubs, perform in the organization and structuring of these vast urbanized territories. This chapter is intended to facilitate the understanding of the role that the study area is likely to meet within the logics of operation in place in the Sao Paulo metropolis, updating the meaning of the urban elements analyzed in the first chapter. Finally, in the third chapter, the typological and morphological characteristics of the metropolitan mobility hubs, considered as specific areas of the city - as urban parts - and its main constituents, the major intermodal stations, are analyzed through a brief history of the relationship between mobility, urbanism and architecture, from the proposals of megastructures imagined by architects in the 1950s and 1960s to the contemporary examples of urban projects associated with five renovated or newly designed European stations: Euralille in Lille, King\'s Cross and Sait Pancras in London, HauptBahnhof in Berlin, La Sagrera in Barcelona and Porta Susa in Turin. Closing the third chapter a brief history of the experiences of urban design associated with the construction of the Sao Paulo subway system and stations aims to bring the issues raised closer to the reality of Sao Paulo. Instead of a definitive conclusion about a finished design solution to the area of Parque Dom Pedro II, an epilogue relates the issues addressed in the three previous chapters in order to provide parameters for planning and design in the area.
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Corridors de demande : Modélisation et contributions à l’évaluation du niveau de durabilité / Demand corridors : Modeling approach and contributions in supply sustainability level assessmentBahbouh, Kinan 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation du concept de corridor dans le domaine du transport n’est pas nouvelle. En effet, il existe une importante littérature qui étudie le corridor en tant que produit économique et politique issu du développement urbain notamment associé à la présence de services et d’infrastructures de transport. Cependant, l’utilisation de ce concept plurivoque dans la planification et l’évaluation de l’offre au niveau urbain demeure encore limitée, compte tenu de l’absence d’une définition claire et d’une approche de modélisation adaptée à la nature des déplacements, très dispersés, dans l’aire urbaine. Cette thèse contribue à la modélisation des corridors de déplacement en milieu urbain et au diagnostic de l’offre associée. Dans cette optique, la thèse offre une réflexion approfondie sur la définition et les caractéristiques d’un corridor de transport et propose un cadre de modélisation dont l’identification repose sur la demande. Les corridors de demande qui en émergent sont par la suite utilisés en tant qu’unités de référence à l’échelle collective, ce qui permet d’évaluer l’éloignement entre la demande et l’offre d’un corridor. La thèse définie le corridor comme l'enveloppe qui encapsule une forte concentration de trajectoires similaires. Ainsi, elle propose un algorithme, appelé Trajectory Clustering for Desire Line (TraClus-DL), pour identifier les corridors à partir des données origine-destination (OD) désagrégées (lignes de désir). Par la suite, la thèse distingue trois types de corridor de demande et illustre leurs potentiels dans les processus de planification. La thèse propose un cadre d’évaluation du niveau de durabilité de l’offre reposant sur le concept de corridors de demande. De plus, elle évalue les différentes facettes de la structure spatiale de l’offre en utilisant ce cadre. Les résultats obtenus par l’étude des corridors de demande permettent d’avoir une réflexion plus profonde face au concept des corridors et leur rôle dans les processus de planification. Le potentiel de synthétiser une grande matrice OD en illustrant les principaux flux de mobilité offre aux planificateurs un outil « neutre » de visualisation distant de l’offre et des découpages administratifs ou opérationnels. Les mêmes résultats permettent de tracer les axes denses de mobilité ce qui facilite l’identification des potentiels d’amélioration ou la désignation et la planification de l’offre. Enfin, la demande et l’offre sont inséparables. La combinaison entre les deux visions permet de couvrir un angle plus large qu’une étude basée uniquement sur la demande ou sur l’offre. Le but ultime de cette thèse est d’explorer le concept et les limites d’une approche basée sur la demande brute uniquement pour mieux comprendre la mobilité. Cette compréhension amène à identifier les besoins et les potentiels d’amélioration selon une perspective distante de tous les obstacles et les limites préconçues au niveau opérationnel, technique et politique. / Many researchers have benefited from the concept of the transport corridor to cover mobility issues. However, the use of the concept of the transport corridor in the urban transportation assessment and planning process remains limited due to the lack of a clear definition and modeling approach adapted to the very scattered nature of travel in urban areas. This thesis provides a deep reflection on the transport corridor’s definition and characteristics and offers a modeling framework to identify urban transportation corridors using the transport demand, represented by the Origin and Destination (OD), in the absence of supply elements. In addition, the thesis provides new insights into the possible ways that demand corridors can be seen and used to understand mobility patterns so to assess, plan, and improve the transportation supply. Furthermore, it proposes a global framework and constructs some indicators that incorporate demand corridor as a “fair” comparison unit, to assess the adequacy of transportation supply with respect to the demand. The first main chapter proposes define corridor as the envelope that encapsulate a high concentration of similar trajectories. Then, it defines demand corridors using demand elements such as origin destination data. The second chapter proposes an algorithm called Trajectory Clustering for Desire Line (TraClus-DL) to identify demand corridors. The followed chapter defines three types of demand corridors and highlights their potential use in transportation planning. The next chapter proposes a framework to assess the supply sustainability level by benefiting from the demand corridor as a reference unit. Work in the following chapter benefits from the framework and provides new insights into the possible ways of assessing the spatial characteristics of the supply structure. The results obtained by studying the demand corridors allow a deep reflection on the concept of corridors and their role in transportation assessment and planning. In addition, to synthesizing and visualizing OD matrixes, demand corridors trace the shape of dense mobility axes and appear as relevant tools for transportation planning, and in the decision-making processes in which an indicator is needed to evaluate the current or planned supply. The use of the demand corridor as a reference unit reflects the collective demand standpoint and offers the possibility to rank supplies based on each supply's level of compliance to the demand flow. Finally, the demand and the supply are inseparable. The combination of the demand corridor studies and the supply corridor studies covers a wider angle than studying the demand or the supply. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to explore the concept and limits of an approach based on the unprocessed demand to better understand the mobility. This understanding leads to identify the needs of potential improvements in the absence of preconceived operational, technical, or political limitations.
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