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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identita a mezietnické vztahy mladých Sarajevanů: Kdo stojí na opačných stranách mostu? / The identity of young Sarajevans: Who is standing at the opposite sides of the bridge?

Tučková, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
Sarajevo is a city in which, for centuries, people of different religions and ethnicities have lived together. But the war in the early 1990s partitioned the country into almost ethnically homogenous parts. The aim of this work is to find out, how young people between the ages of 18 - 29 years old perceive the identity of contemporary Sarajevo and to what extent they identify with the official narrative of Sarajevo as a multi-ethnic city. An online survey was conducted in March 2016 by a sample of 66 young Bosniaks, Bosnian Serbs, and Bosnian Croats. The research examines how they identify with the Sarajevan urban identity and the influential factors, such as ethnic categorization, religious beliefs, origin, or dominant information sources. To provide a deeper insight, the online survey was extended to include 15 in-depth interviews with young Sarajevans. There, the author uses a metaphor of a bridge to analyze the young Sarajevans' point of view regarding inter-ethnic relations and identity of their city. The outcome of the research is recognition that young Sarajevans often deny the ethnic categorization and perceive the every- day contact between different ethnic groups as non-problematic. As a consequence, the participants see Sarajevo as a unique city in the Bosnian context and typically distinguish...

” […] Är det rätt att tvinga svenska barn att gå i skolor med ghetto barnen? […]” : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolsegregation och skolval kan konstrueras på Flashback forum / “[…] Is it right to force Swedish children to go to school with the ghetto children? […]” - written by a Flashback member : A qualitative study on how school segregation and school selection can be constructed on Flashback forum

Duarte Bellucci, Helena, Yakoub, Rita January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur några röster på Flashback forum problematiserar mångkulturalitet i segregerade skolor i förhållande till skolval. Tidigare forskning visar att föräldrar med svensk bakgrund undviker mångkulturella och stigmatiserade bostadsområden, när det kommer till val av skola för deras barn. Detta till följd av den negativa uppfattning föräldrarna har om invandrarbarn. Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med hjälp av målstyrt urval. Forskningsdeltagarna bestod av Flashbackmedlemmar som uttryckte sig kritiskt mot mångkulturella skolor och invandrarbarn. Studiens empiriska material hämtades från olika trådar på det digitala diskussionsforumet Flashback forum. För att tolka studiens resultat användes teorier om stigma och figurationen etablerade-outsiders. Resultatet presenteras genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys som tillvägagångssätt, där Flashback inläggen har analyserats utifrån ett manifest och latent förhållningssätt. Slutsatser som antagits är att Flashbackmedlemmar uttrycker en oro över att ha deras barn i en etnisk blandad skola med för många invandrarbarn. Detta med anledningen att de anser att invandrarbarn utgör ett hot mot de svenska barnens psykiska samt fysiska hälsa och skolgång, där främst barn från ett icke-europeiskt ursprung pekas ut som de farliga eller kriminella. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how some voices on Flashback forum problematise multiculturalism in segregated schools in relation to school selection. Previous research indicates that parents from Swedish background avoid multicultural and stigmatized residential areas, when it comes to school selection for their children. This being a result of the negative perception parents have of immigrant children. The study was conducted based on a qualitative research strategy with the help of a goal-oriented selection. The research participants consisted of Flashback members who were selected for being critical of multicultural schools and immigrant children. This study’s empirical material was taken from various thread on the digital discussion forum, Flashback forum.This study’s results were interpreted through the theories of stigma and the figuration of established-outsiders. The results are presented through qualitive content analysis, where the Flashback members posts have been analysed through a manifest and latent approach. The conclusions drawn were that the Flashback members have expressed concern about having their children in an ethnically mixed school with too many immigrant children. This is because they believe that immigrant children pose a threat to Swedish children's mental and physical health as well as their education. Where children of non-European origin are primarily singled out as dangerous or criminal.

The Present Absence - the representation of immigrant women in the Swedish television news

Hanski Grünewald, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
This study on the representation of immigrant women in the news investigates three questions: How often do immigrant women appear in the news? In what roles are the immigrant women presented and what issues do they speak about? What are the relationships between those involved in the news features? The research has been conducted through the use of content analysis in combination with the qualitative approaches of semiotics and discourse within a framework of the theoretical perspective of intersectionality. Additional theories in the study are considering the global tendencies and the media, the social construction of news, us & them and stereotypes, as well as feminist media studies. A sample of 15 programmes each of the public service prime-time television news programmes Rapport and Aktuellt, a total of 30 hours, provides the material for this study.The findings of the content analysis indicate that immigrant women are underrepresented in numbers in the Swedish public service television news, and that when immigrant women are speaking in the news, they are more likely to speak about international issues than about Swedish domestic issues. Further, the study finds that most immigrant women are presented in the roles of “immigrant” and mother, while very few immigrant women are speaking in the role of expert/professional. In the qualitative part of the research, it is argued that the report on “Rosengårdsskolan” is consequently building on stereotypically constructed media discourses around the victimized immigrant women, the “ethnification of poverty” and the “racification of the city”. As a contrast, the report on “Adel och hans familj” is displaying a different viewpoint in its aim to depict a well-integrated family in exile in Sweden, but, nevertheless, the immigrant women are informationally backgrounded in contrast to the men in the report.One of the main conclusions of this study is that the immigrant women, and especially the non-European women, appearing in the Swedish television news, are so scarce that their mere appearance becomes loaded with stereotypes, myths, symbolism and prejudices. The findings of the study suggest that the possibilities for immigrant women to get their voices heard and take part in the setting of agendas in the mediated public sphere in Sweden, seem very small.

"Kungens pojkar" : En kvalitativ studie om hur poliser kan legitimera kollegors anmälningsbara gärningar

Marttala, Amanda, Ahlstedt, Nicolina January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to explain the demarcations regarding which crimes that are seen as “acceptable” to commit as an police officer, and those who categorizes as “not acceptable”. The study is based on a qualitative, narrative method of semi-structured interviews. Antecedent research shows the strong subculture in the police force and the approach of seeing the police profession as a lifestyle. This study uses Erving Goffmans dramaturgic perspective on society by applying “Team”, “Front Stage and “Back Stage” to explain why the demarcations is the way it is. By studying “Front Stage” as police officers in front of the public and “Back Stage” as a closed space for the police officers, the essay intends to see how police officers, seen as a team, deal with wrongful acts made by an police officer. By using an constructed sorting model the study separated the data from ten interviewed police officers by categorizing into ways of legitimizing crimes commited by an police officer. The study aims to show understanding in why unethic and unlegal deeds by police officers are not reported, and therefore legitimized by the subculture. The conclusion of this essay is that there are two ways to legitimize wrongful acts of police officers. These two ways are by the norms “Us versus them” and the silence code. We created two concepts in combination with the use of the theories of Goffman. This paper will show how the two concepts, ”team offset” and ”team censoring”, can legitimize crimes as a part of the subculture. To be able to legitimize a wrongful act, the police officer needs to use his team. If the team can not legitimize the crime, it categorizes as “not acceptable”.

Heder som argument : En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssätt och attityder till begreppet ”heder” i domar gällande 2 § LVU. / Honour as argument : A qualitative study of approaches and attitudes towards the concept of “honour” in verdicts regarding Section 2 of the LVU.

Gunnarsson, Ellen, Lindström, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Authors: Ellen Gunnarsson & Emma Lindström Title: Honour as argument- A qualitative study of approaches and attitudes towards the concept of “honour” in verdicts regarding Section 2 of the LVU.  [Translated title] Supervisor: Barzoo Eliassi Assessor: Anette Lundin   The aim of this study was to extend comprehension of which approaches and attitudes towards violence and oppression in the name of “honour” may be of significance in the social services investigations and judgments relating to section 2 of the LVU. The empirical material are based on ten verdicts, some including girls who were exposed to “honour related violence” and others including girls who were not exposed. To analyze the verdicts in this study, we examined the arguments authorities used for the decision on LVU through a text-analysis. The main conclusion of the study were that the social welfare authorities combined the concept of “honour” with culture and that “honour” was seen as something dangerous for the girls. This cultural interpretation creates an Orientalist view and divides people into "us” and “them" which can lead to discrimination and racism of certain cultural groups.

Mise en lumière des écarts d’attitudes face à la légitimité de la police et l’emploi de la force à divers stades de la formation policière : démystification du processus de socialisation des policiers

Faubert, Camille 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse propose d’observer les distinctions des attitudes face à la légitimité de la police et l’emploi de la force chez des futurs policiers québécois à différents stades de leur formation policière initiale en école. Plusieurs chercheurs et de nombreux policiers sont d’avis que le métier de policier est appris dans son intégralité sur le terrain et que, de facto, la formation en Académie de Police est inutile. Or, est-ce vraiment le cas? Se pourrait-il que la formation policière engendre des changements d’attitudes graduels et subtils chez les futurs policiers de sorte que ceux-ci sont imperceptibles, mais à la fois les préparent à l’exercice de la profession policière? C’est précisément ce que la thèse vise à documenter, en lien avec les questions de légitimité de la police et d’emploi de la force. La formation policière sera considérée avoir un apport si les futurs policiers plus avancés dans la formation ont des attitudes plus positives face à la légitimité de la police et sont plus favorables à l’emploi de la force que leurs collègues plus novices. Sans contredit, la littérature sur la légitimité de la police est vaste. Or, ce concept est, dans la grande majorité du temps, abordé de façon unidirectionnelle où les citoyens évaluent la légitimité de la police. Il est ici proposé de changer d’approche et d’adopter plutôt une perspective interactionniste et dialogique de la légitimité de la police où la perception de la légitimité de la police qu’ont les citoyens découle du regard que les policiers portent sur la légitimité de leur institution. Dans ce contexte, la formation policière est vue comme une voie de transmission de la légitimité de la police à laquelle sous-tend un processus de socialisation professionnelle qui permet l’adhésion à la culture policière. Ce sujet de recherche est abordé d’un point de vue macrosociologique grâce à une méthodologie quantitative basée sur une enquête transversale à mesures répétées. Concrètement, l’analyse consiste en des comparaisons de moyennes d’attitudes face à la légitimité de la police et face à l’emploi de la force à différents stades de la formation policière. Pour ce faire, les données ont été collectées, dans un premier temps, auprès de 1 494 futurs policiers en formation au Québec. Dans un deuxième temps, pour écarter l’hypothèse alternative que l’explication des écarts d’attitudes entre plusieurs groupes d’étudiants à différents stades de formation pourrait en fait provenir d’une maturation généralisée à tous les jeunes en phase d’émergence de l’âge adulte (c’est-à-dire, entre 18 et 25 ans), la thèse incorpore une dimension de comparaison avec des citoyens de la même tranche d’âge en considérant un échantillon de 601 étudiants d’autres programmes de formation. Conformément aux trois objectifs spécifiques de la thèse, les résultats ont permis d’observer qu’au cours de la formation policière : 1) les attitudes des futurs policiers plus avancés dans la formation sont plus positives et plus distinctes de celles de leurs homologues d’autres programmes de formation que les attitudes des futurs policiers en début de formation, ce qui indique un apport de la formation policière dans le développement de la légitimité de la police chez ceux en voie d’exercer le métier , 2) les attitudes du groupe de futurs policiers plus avancés dans la formation sont plus homogènes que celles de leurs comparses plus novices, ce qui suggère l’adhésion à la culture policière, et 3) les futurs policiers en fin de formation présentent une dissociation dans leurs attitudes face à la légitimité et face à l’emploi de la force relativement à leurs collègues plus novices, dans le sens où leurs attitudes face à la légitimité de la police sont moins fortement prédictives de leurs attitudes face à l’emploi de la force. Ce dernier résultat semble mettre en lumière le développement d’un jugement critique face à la légitimité de la police et son pouvoir d’emploi de la force au cours de la formation policière. La thèse conclut donc que l’utilité de la formation policière en école est loin d’être vaine; elle paraît occasionner des changements d’attitudes subtils et graduels qui peuvent se révéler importants à l’exercice du métier de policiers. / The thesis suggests studying the variations in attitudes toward police legitimacy and the use of force for in-training police students at distinct phases of police initial training at the Police Academy. Several researchers and many police officers attest that the police craft is solely acquired and learnt on the street and, therefore, the training provided at the Police Academy is pointless. Yet, is this really so? Could it be that the training provided by the Police Academy triggers such gradual attitude changes that they go unnoticed, while contributing to preparing the recruits to perform the police line of work? These questions underlie this thesis, specifically in regard to police legitimacy and use of force in the sense that the contribution of the police training would be unveiled if in-training police students more advanced in the study program have more positive attitudes toward police legitimacy and are more favourable to police use of force. Undeniably, the literature on police legitimacy is extensive. However, authors generally adopt a unidirectional point of view where police legitimacy equates to citizen perceptions of police. Rather, it is advocated here that an interactionist and dialogic approach is better suited to understand police legitimacy. The latter is based on the premise that citizens’ perceptions of police legitimacy ensue from the outlook that patrol officers have on the legitimacy of their institution. In that case, police training is considered a professional socialization process which acts as a police legitimacy transmission channel leading to the conformity to police culture. The thesis tackles this research topic with a macrosociological approach supported by a quantitative methodology based on a repeated cross-sectional research design. Precisely, the analytical strategy consists of mean comparisons of attitudes toward police legitimacy and use of force scores at different stages of the police training curriculum. As a first step, data were gathered from a sample of 1 494 future police officers in training in Quebec, Canada. Then, in order to rule out the alternative hypothesis that attitude score fluctuations between groups at different stages of the training could result from a maturation phenomenon generalized to all youth in the phase of emerging adulthood (i.e. 18-25 years old), the thesis includes a dimension of comparison with the general population of the same age group by taking into account the attitude scores of a sample of 601 students from other study programs. In accordance with the three specific objectives of the thesis, results show that, along the police training: 1) attitude scores of in-training police students more advanced in the curriculum are more positive and more divergent from those of the students from other study programs than these attitudes for freshmen, reflecting the impact of training in the development of the perceptions of police legitimacy in those on the path to serve as patrol officers, 2) attitude scores of the group of in-training police students more advanced in the curriculum are more homogenous than those of more novice groups of in-training police students, which suggests the adherence to a specific professional culture, and 3) in-training police students in the senior phase display a greater disconnection between their attitudes toward police legitimacy and attitudes toward police use of force compared to their more junior colleagues, in the sense that their attitudes towards police legitimacy are less strongly predictive of their attitudes toward police use of force. This last result sheds light on the development of critical judgment. All things considered, the thesis concludes that the worth of police initial training is far from vain; it strikes as being responsible for subtle and gradual attitude changes that can prove important to police work.

The Deserving Patient: Blame, Dependency, and Impairment in Discourses of Chronic Pain and Opioid Use

Nickerson, Maureen 20 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Högerpopulistiska vindar i riksdagen. : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om riksdagspartiershögerpopulistiska retorik.

Olsson, Lova January 2023 (has links)
This essay intends to discover how a qualitative discourse of right-wing populismcan be seen within the Swedish parliament, by exploring how politicians in theparliament are using the "us against them" and if a scapegoat is created by doing so.The essay's key questions are going to examine the differences and similaritiesbetween the Social democratic government from 2020-2022 and the current centerright government compared to the opposition parties, between social democrats andcenter-right government on right-wing populist discourse, and what the media isnotifying about the political debate within the government. By doing so, we can find out important explanatory factors on why the shift inpolitics in Sweden has gone to more right-wing populist rhetoric, to understand whythis has been occurring in the Swedish government. By looking at the factors of whya rise of right-wing populism has occurred within different types of governmentparties and the type of similarities and differences they have on different parties’discourse about the framing of anti-immigration rhetoric.

Kamp om rummet : en studie av heteronormativitet i Svenska kyrkan / Struggle about the room : a study of heteronormativity within the Swedish church

Lindström, Susanne January 2005 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions concerning ongoing constructions of heterosexuality as a norm in the Swedish church. Empirically the study is based partly on interviews with thirteen homo- and bisexual priests, one district visitor and one church politician and partly on some of the church’s own inquiries and documents concerning the question of Christianity and ”deviant” sexuality. The aim for this study is to examine how norms for sexuality, coexistence and gender are repeated in the documents created by the Swedish church itself about homosexuality and Christianity and to discern how these norms are present and have sense – are reproduced, challenged and transformed in life stories of Christian homo- and bisexual individuals. To be able to see how the notion of homosexuality as abnormal is reproduced, secured and challenged I have chosen to interpret texts, observations and life stories from a critical discourse perspective. In this theoretical tradition it is central to stress how, or rather to investigate what strategies are used to produce and maintain notions of ”abnormality”. One dominating view in the discussions within the church is that homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal value but that partnership cannot be equated with marriage. This understanding is expressed in my examples of formations of heteronormativity within the church. In the interview persons’ narratives there are discourses represented that are articulated in the church’s own inquiries but the narratives also express counter discourses. They speak about themselves in relation to, for example, imperative heterosexuality, homosexual ideals, core family ideals, theological way of thinking and dichotomizing understanding of gender. I have identified several ”uses” in the narratives and all of them are contained in an overall Christian homosexual ”us”. Instead of viewing themselves as being ”wrong” some of the interview persons have moved the problem to the heteronormativity. Experiences of not being part of the norm have made them strong and willing to struggle and fight for their rights. This position, outside the norm, is by some viewed positively. The homosexuals’ experiences of oppression have led to a desire to liberate the church from homophobia and show ”the true” church, where no one is discriminated. Homosexuals are accepted within the church, but only as deviants. This way heterosexuality is being made the superior category. Its meaning and superior position cannot be questioned according to many of the church’s representatives. Still, this is exactly what is happening when homosexuals are increasingly visible to the public and when they challenge the heterosexual norm. This provocation makes the heterosexual norm visible and forces representatives of the norm to deal with it! / Författaren har bytt efternamn till Holst.

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