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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The challenges of using information communication technologies in the healthcare systems in Ethiopia from provider's perspectives

Challa, Dejene Kebede 11 1900 (has links)
The adoption of eHealth is very slow despite evidences showing its benefits. This research examines the individual, clinical, technical and organizational challenges for eHealth adoption from healthcare provider‟s perspectives. A cross-sectional study design with a quantitative paradigm was used. The study was conducted on 312 doctors and nurses randomly selected from ten hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Most respondents viewed eHealth positively with no significant differences in terms of profession or gender. Computer skill, workload, patient interaction, management support, cost and infrastructure were the main concerns. Privacy and security were not the main concerns. Knowledge of eHealth applications and utilization was low, even for evidence-based medicine and online databases. Specialists and males were better aware of eHealth applications. The study showed that eHealth acceptance was good. Increasing eHealth literacy was recommended as a cost effective means for improving access to updated information to improve the quality of healthcare. / Health Studies / M.A. Public Health (Medical Informatics)

寂寞經濟時代─行動交友App自我揭露與使用動機研究 / The Era of Loneliness-Self-Disclosure and Motive of Online Dating Apps

鐘心辰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究重點欲探討時下人人皆有的心理狀態「寂寞感」、「交友軟體的使用動機」與「自我揭露」行為之間的關係、而「交友軟體品質特性」又如何調節影響「交友軟體使用動機」與「自我揭露」行為。本研究採取網路問卷調查的方式,對於交友App有使用經驗的使用者為主要調查對象,共計307有效問卷進行分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1.本研究的受試者以男性、年齡18-25歲、學歷以大專院校者為最多,感情狀況以未婚族群最多,但是還是有非單身甚至已婚交友用戶;使用交友軟體的時間大多兩年之內,平均下載2.66個交友App軟體,其中最常使用的交友App軟體為Beetalk。受試者平均每週上交友軟體的天數為5.07天,每週花費5.43小時。另外,高達94.1%的受試者曾經在交友App平台上與陌生人進一步用其他通訊軟體、社群媒體互動,並有88.9%的受試者曾約現實碰面。 2.寂寞感程度可顯著的正向預測交友軟體使用動機中的日常社交、社會逃避以及尋愛之三個構面。 3.寂寞感程度可顯著的正向預測自我揭露中的誠實度、數量以及正負向之三個構面。 4.關於交友軟體使用動機(日常社交、社會逃避、尋愛)與自我揭露(誠實度、數量、正負向)之間的關係:交友軟體使用動機中日常社交、社會逃避與尋愛之三個構面皆可顯著預測自我揭露中的誠實度:當日常社交和社會逃避動機越高時,自我揭露中的誠實度越高;但是當尋愛動機越高時,自我揭露中的誠實度越低。交友使用動機中日常社交和尋愛之二個構面皆可顯著預測自我揭露中的數量:當日常社交動機越高時,自我揭露中的數量越高;但當尋愛動機越高時,自我揭露中的數量越低。交友使用動機中日常社交之構面可顯著正向預測自我揭露中的正負向。 5.交友軟體品質特性(使用者介面、安全性、形象聲譽、會員素質、尋愛達成率)對交友軟體使用動機與自我揭露的調節效果中,僅只有尋愛達成率對交友軟體使用動機和自我揭露產生調節效果。 6.交友軟體使用動機中僅有日常社交之構面對於寂寞感程度與自我揭露有中介效果。 / The purpose of this study is to explore how “loneliness” which is widely prevalent throughout the society affects the motives of using online dating applications and the behavior of self-disclosure. Furthermore, how the quality of online dating apps operates in between the motives of using online dating apps and the behavior of self- disclosure. Online survey was conducted and 307 respondents completed the questionnaire. The research results are presented as follow: 1.Most of the respondents in the study are male, aged from 18 to 25, graduated from college and are currently single. Still, there are some of them in a relationship and even married. Subjects mostly have been used the dating apps less than 2 years, and averagely downloaded 2.66 dating apps. Furthermore, the most popular dating apps is Beetalk. Respondents use dating apps 5.07 days a week and 5.43 hours a week in average. Besides, there are 94.1% of the respondents have used other social media or social apps to communicate with other users they met in dating apps and 88.9% of the respondents have actually met up in real life. 2.Different degree of loneliness have statistically significant and positive predictable effect on the motives of using online dating apps including “Daily Social Needs”, “Escape to Virtual World”, and “Romance”. 3.Different degree of loneliness have statistically significant and positive predictable effect on the different aspects of self-disclosure including: Honesty, Quantity, and Positivity. 4.The motives of using online dating apps including “Daily Social Needs”, “Escape to Virtual World”, “Romance” have statistically significant and predictable effect on the honesty of self-disclosure. “Daily Social Needs” and “Romance” of motives have significant and predicable effect on the quantity of self-disclosure. Only “Daily social needs” have statistically significant and predictable effect on the positivity of self-disclosure. 5.Only the quality of “Love Achievement Rate” of online dating apps have operation effects in between the motives of using online dating apps and the behavior of self- disclosure. 6.Only “Daily social needs” of motives of using online dating apps have mediation effects between loneliness and the behavior of self disclosure.


曾育裕, ZENG, YU-YU Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的﹕台北市議會於民國七十六年七月十日通過大眾捷運系統第一期工程特別預 算時,曾附帶但一要求在工程施工期間,對沿線住戶如因此受害時,應給予工程受害 補償費,並酌情減免營業稅、房屋稅及地價稅。此決議顧及特別犧牲民眾之權益,可 謂極其明智,值得喝彩!但中央法規標準法第五條規定﹕「關係人民權利、義務之事 項,應以法律定之。」故在缺乏一套完整之工程規模龐大的大眾捷運系統,因其施工 所造成人民權益之損害,在補償救濟上,建立一套可行的法律依據及其法律理論基礎 。〞受益付費,受害補償〞為一基本之法律理念,然我國現行法僅有〞受益付費〞之 「工程受益費微收條例」,卻無〞受害補償〞之法制,本論文藉此研究,對此一工程 中受害補償法制,提倛一解決方向,此本論文之另一目的也。 文獻﹕參考中興大學都市計劃研究所研究之「台北地區大眾捷運工程受害與受益之研 究」;中鼎顧問公司研究之「台北地區大眾捷運系統環境影響評估報告」;交通大學 運輸研究所研究之「台北市中運旺捷運系統環境評估」等做為主要之文獻回顧,以對 捷運工程之施工影響有所認識,再據此作為本論文研究之開展。主要之研究文獻,因 國內缺乏,故多引用日本、新加坡、香港、德國等之資料。 研究方法﹕本研究著重於法制之探討,以現行法制所無者,對新法制之可採,為實現 、改革之鼓吹;故研究方法著重於法理的週詳建立,外國相關法制之比較研究,以求 其同、觀其異、採其長、捨其短。主要研究方法比較研究法及理論探討法兩種。 研究內容﹕本論文之研究內容除文獻回顧外,再就新加坡、香港、德國之立法例予以 比較研究;並從憲法理論、國家責任理論、損失補償理論深入探討本研究之理論基礎 ;最後得出工程中受害補償法制之輪廓及可行方向,以結論及建議終結本論本。 研究結果﹕無論從法學理論或外國法例,甚至從公平正義之觀點視之,我國均有必要 建立工程中受害補償之制度;短期作法,可將之列入「大眾捷運法」中,以求對此一 鉅大工程所帶來之侵害影響,有一解決之道;長期作法,則應另行建立一套完整的「 工程中受害補償法」,以期政府部門因興建公共工程,對人民造成損害結果時,有一 妥適完善之解決制度。

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
<p>In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the <i>how</i>. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP<sup>3</sup> stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP<sup>3</sup> methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.</p>

Technology acceptance, psychological attachment and technostress / Etienne Erasmus

Erasmus, Etienne January 2014 (has links)
Technology has been an integral part of human life since the 19th century’s Industrial Revolution, and the advancement of technologies has continued into the 21st century. Of all new emerging technologies, the computer has been identified as the most important, most complex and fastest emerging technology. In order for businesses to compete and survive within the business world, they are compelled to adopt new computer technologies. However, computers alone cannot improve organisational performance. Computers need to be accepted, optimally used and utilised by employees in order for an organisation to succeed. One such technology is SAP AG’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which is a real-time, fully integrated business system used by more than 170 000 organisations in 120 countries. Measuring information system success has been a concern since its inception due to its complexity and difficulty to appraise. Researchers traditionally attempted to measure success by the delivering of a functional information system product within certain monetary and time constraints. Subsequently, evidence suggested that a more accurate measure of success lies within the field of system use. One model of assessing and predicting user acceptance and which has gained popularity in recent years is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Apart from accepting the SAP ERP system, users should also be of the intention to continuously use it as a job requirement. The model for measuring user commitment is psychological attachment which determines whether the commitment is insincere and temporary, or long-lasting. Further, not only do users need to accept and continuously use an information technology like SAP ERP; they also need to be able to cope while using it. If not, psychological stress known as techno stress develops and prevents the optimal use of this system. With these three possible explanations for computer technology avoidance as a premise of departure, this study aims to determine the congruence, if any, between the sub-constructs of the TAM (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude toward using, behavioural intention to use and actual system use), psychological attachment (compliance, identification and internalisation), and techno stress (negative computer thoughts) within a South African SAP ERP user environment. A cross-sectional survey design was used rendering a convenience sample of N = 241 from among the SAP ERP user fraternity at a South African steel manufacturer. The measuring instruments used were the 23-item Technology Acceptance Questionnaire (TAM), the 10-item Psychological Attachment Questionnaire (PAQ) and the 20-item Computer Thoughts Survey (CTS-C). Study 1 which was a literature review confirmed conceptual congruence in that although the technology acceptance model was the most parsimonious, powerful and widely applied theoretical model, it was constrained due to the omission of social influence (psychological attachment) as a contributing factor in the processes of behavioural change towards technology acceptance. Furthermore, it was found that techno stress lowers employee efficiency and creates dissonance in the work environment, resulting in acceptance, hesitance or resistance towards the technology in question. Congruence was established between the system itself (technology acceptance), social relationships (psychological acceptance), and inherent psychological stress (techno stress). The aim of study 2 was to test the technology acceptance model within a South African SAP ERP user environment. Structural equation modelling confirmed that positive inter-construct relationships exist between all TAM constructs. Actual system use, which is the measurement for technology acceptance, was directly affected by behavioural intention to use and indirectly by perceived usefulness. In turn, behavioural intention to use was directly affected by perceived usefulness, attitude toward using and indirectly by perceived ease of use. Attitude toward using was directly affected by perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness was directly affected by perceived ease of use. Study 3 revealed that internalisation had a direct positive effect on behavioural intention to use and an indirect effect on actual system use via behavioural intention to use. Furthermore, in this study identification had direct positive effects on internalisation, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and actual system use. Indirect effects emerged between identification and behavioural intention to use via internalisation as well as behavioural intention to use via perceived usefulness. Compliance, on the other hand, had negligible, negative direct effects on all TAM constructs of which the most prominent was that on attitude toward using. Results acquired from structural equation modelling in study four confirmed that weak negative relationships existed between techno stress and all TAM constructs. This finding is contrary to other studies and can be attributed to the fact that participants in this study were at large, proficient around SAP ERP and therefore experienced low levels of techno stress. Furthermore, aspects such as effective training, clear deadlines, effective teamwork, recurrent performance evaluations, job security, career development and realistic job load are all antidotes for techno stress which is believed to be current within the participant fraternity. In a concluding chapter the conclusions derived from the literature review, as well as the empirical research were presented and recommendations flowing from this research study were made. / PhD (Psychology), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

Predikce přechodových cest přes pohoří Stará Planina ve středním Bulharsku (s využitím prostorových analýz v prostředí ArcGIS) / Prediction of transitional (crossover) paths across mountain range Stara Planina in Central Bulgaria (using of spatial analyse in ArcGIS)

Mašková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes searching for long forgotten routes between ancient settlements in the mountainous environment of Central Bulgaria. It focuses on Stara Planina Mountains, where the highest peaks over two thousand metres are. Geographical features of this area were analysed using three-dimensional tools in GIS environment. I experimented with various route-designing tools and tested their capabilities against well-known ancient paths. The most accurate tools were then selected to predict routes on maps of ancient settlements from various historical periods. The data used to construct these maps had been collected from two different sources. The first source was a multidisciplinary project called TRAP, initiated by Mgr. Adéla Sobotková, the consultant of my thesis. This project's data was collected during spring and autumn surface survey campaigns in the Kazanluk region of Tundzha River valley. The second source was specialized monographs and journal articles about settlement and path connections in ancient Thracia in the period between 6th century BC and 4th century AD.

Formy oslovování v TV / Forms of Addressing in Czech TV shows

Škodová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Résumé The thesis deals with addressing in Czech TV programmes such as talk-shows. There are 54 programmes broadcasted in 2012 and 2013 that were analysed. Firstly, the term "addressing" is defined as well as its functions. Secondly, the thesis is focused on various kinds of addressing (direct and indirect addressing in particular), the relationship to vertical social distance and the frequency of honorifics. According to the analysis of selected TV programmes (the programmes are characterized, the results of the analyses are summarized in tables in the Summarizing protocols), it is described how the incidence of individual types of addressing is related to the type of the programme (talk-shows compared to political debates or conventional interviews etc.). The selected way of addressing largely defines the nature of communication used in the programme. In certain programmes the way of addressing is strictly formal (OVM), in other programmes the way of addressing is being "negotiated". The television is an influential media and its communication conventions are transferred to interpersonal communication - especially the growth of informal addressing can be observed regardless of the fact if it is a genuinely informal situation or a communication strategy that is aimed at having a pleasant conversation. Key...

Co-Creative Learning - using IT to Visualise Progression (CIP) : En studie av former för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete på klassrumsnivå

Bergdahl, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att dels att förstå hur systematiskt kvalitetsarbete kan se ut på klassrumsnivå och dels vad det innebär att tillämpa det utifrån elevperspektiv, och dels att jämföra hur elevernas måluppfyllelse utvecklats i jämförelse med en kontrollgrupp. Resultatet av detta har fört med sig att examensarbetet bidrar med ett föreslag på hur kvalitetsarbete kan ske på klassrumsnivå; här kallat Co Creative Learning - using IT to Visualise Progression (CIP). Det här är en aktionsforskningsstudie. Den har genomförts med enkäter, fokusgrupper och en tidsserie; i vilken 65 elevers arbeten inom tre skilda områden bedömdes. För att förstärka reliabilitet och validitet valdes en kontrollgrupp, från samma upptagningsområde, som även de haft en legitimerad lärare med motsvarande antal yrkesverksamma år och som även de uttalat arbetat med formativ bedömning och synliggjorda mål. Två skoluppgifter var identiska och därmed kunde de två gruppernas resultat jämföras. För att minimera inverkan av en bedömande lärares närvaro på utvärderingen, samlades eleverna inte till fokusgrupper förrän efter att deras betyg var satta och kommunicerade. Då reflekterade de kring arbetet med ständiga förbättringar, kvalitet, involvering, målförståelse, upplevd progression och IT-användning. Innan denna avslutande diskussion hade de insamlade datamängder analyserades separat. Resultaten visade effekt på både elevupplevelse och progression. De största skillnaderna låg i elevens upplevelse, där förändring påverkas i första hand elevernas engagemang; i vilken utsträckning eleverna var nöjda studenter med sin egen utveckling. I tidsserien, var skillnaderna inte lika markanta som i elevupplevelsen. Den studerade gruppen började på ett något lägre snittbetyg, och avslutade på ett något högre, än kontrollgruppen. Det var främst pojkar som stod för utvecklingen. Detta kan bero på att flickorna redan hade mycket höga genomsnittliga betyg (vilket innebär att det inte finns utrymme för progression). Jämfört med kontrollgruppen, kvarstår de positiva skillnaderna med pojkarna i den studerade gruppen. Slutsatserna är därför att arbetet gynnat progression, men att den största förtjänsten med arbetssättet återfinns i hur eleverna upplever undervisningen. / The purpose of the study is partly to understand how systematic quality management can be implemented at the classroom level and partly what it means to apply it from a student perspective, and to compare student progression with that of a control group. As a result of this, this study contributes with a method on how quality management can be implemented at the classroom level. This working method is named Co-Creative Learning - using IT to Visualise Progression. This is an action research study that encompassed questionnaires, focus groups and a time series. Three assignments from 65 students were assessed in the study, out of which two were compared to those from the control group. To enhance reliability and validity the selected control group were from the same catchment area, had qualified teacher with corresponding number of working years who also worked with formative assessment and visualising criteria. Two assignments were identical for both groups, and thus, the two groups' results could be compared. To minimise the effects of the presence of a teacher during evaluation, the students were not brought together to form focus groups, until after the grades were communicated. They then reflected on continuous improvement efforts, quality, inclusion, understanding objectives, perceived progression and the use of IT. Before the concluding discussion the collected data sets were analysed separately. The results showed the difference in both student experience and progression. The main differences lay in the student experience: where change primarily affected the students’ involvement; the extent to which the students were satisfied students with their own development. In the time series, the differences were not as high as in the student experience. The studied group started at a slightly lower grade, and completed at a slightly higher grade, than the control group. It was mainly the boys who accounted for the progression. One reason for could be that the girls already held high average grades (leaving little room for progression). Compared to the control group, the differences with the boys in the studied group remains. The conclusions drawn are thus that the method enhances progression, but that the main benefits are harvested from the enhanced educational experience of the students.

Análise e projeto de um motor de relutância chaveado com o auxílio do método dos elementos finitos. / Analysis and design of a switched reluctance motor using the finite-element method.

Paula, Pedro Pereira de 19 October 1993 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere num contexto de desenvolvimento da capacitação para aplicações de motores de relutância chaveados, com ênfase aos aspectos eletromagnéticos do acionamento. Inicialmente, são apresentados os principais aspectos construtivos do motor e de funcionamento do seu conversor. São discutidos os fluxos de energia do acionamento e sao apresentadas as suas características operacionais, bem como as possibilidades para o seu controle. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de projeto embasada numa formulação empírica e no método dos elementos finitos, implementado através do programa flux2d. Desta forma, foi projetado um protótipo para desenvolver meio newton-metro a três mil rotações por minuto. A formulação empírica baseia-se na adoção de diversas hipóteses simplificadoras do circuito ferromagnético. O método dos elementos finitos foi empregado com a finalidade da obtenção de um refinamento do dimensionamento do motor. O protótipo projetado foi fabricado e testado. Os objetivos dos ensaios foram a confrontação com os diversos valores calculados no projeto e a verificação do seu desempenho em diversas condições de carga. Finalizando o trabalho, os resultados obtidos são analisados, ressaltando-se os aspectos relevantes ocorridos durante o seu desenvolvimento. São também apresentadas, as atividades subsequêntes previstas. / This work is related to the development activities of switched reluctance motors, mainly on their electromagnetic characteristics. The motor\'s basic construction features and the converter\'s operation characteristics are showed, as well as, the energy flows, performance aspects and the effects of the control parameters. The principal elements of motor desigm are discussed. A method of design is developed based on empirical formulas and on finite elements method (using the software FLUX2D). Thus, a prototype was designed with ratings of 0,5 Nm at 3000 rpm. The empirical formulas are developed on a simplified model of the motor and taking into account the referred author\'s experience. The finite elements method was used with the aim of getting a design refinement, as well as, the static torque characteristics, inductances and flux as a function of rotor position and current. The prototype was built and tested. The tests were conducted to compare the actual with the designed parameters and to evaluate the performance characteristics. Finally, the results are analysed and the main facts observed during the development of the work are reported. The next planned activities are also showed.

Alternativas Metodológicas na Formação de Administradores: A contribuição do uso de softwares integrados de Gestão / Alternative methodologies in training managers: The contribution of the use of integrated software management

Gomes, Luís Carlos Ferreira 23 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUIS CARLOS.pdf: 1398463 bytes, checksum: c9631450d9bcd88cdf096e06a1c397ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this thesis is to observe the possibilities and advantages of the use of management software in the curriculum of an undergraduate Administration course. Having this objective in mind, an experiment was developed in the form of research-action at the UEG State University of Goiás at the Unit in Santa Helena in Goiás in the Agro-business management course. This work used integrated management software, called ERP Enterprise Resources Planning- to simulate real operational activities of a company and analyzed the way software of integrated management could contribute to training managers, facilitating disciplinary integration and the theory-practice relationship. This research arose from the need to review the concept and the curricular structure of this course regarding the presented critics by the responsible authors and stated by the researcher, with the purpose of meeting the needs of today s market. The present model of training managers in this course, seen by undergraduate students, company organizations and institutions such as the CFA - Federal Counsel of Management has shown signs of exhaustion and weaknesses that must be overcome, mainly due to the conceptions of practiced curriculums which are traditionally focused on isolated subjects, excessively theoretical content and without any relation to practice, where the culture of memorization is still present. In an attempt to overcome these difficulties, the present work analyzed the results of an experiment that developed a methodology emphasizing a problem solution, looking at the highly used resources of technology in companies which apply developed concepts to various subjects in an integrated way and which mean something for students. The work showed that the methodology was suitable for the established purpose in this study and the students manifestations indicate the broadening of knowledge, development of abilities and wide acceptance of the methodology used. The research suggests changes in the curriculum and in the educational projects of administration courses, as well as continuous education for lecturers of these courses. The aim is to develop students competence before too much inefficient information is accumulated / O objetivo central da tese consistiu em verificar as possibilidades e as vantagens da utilização de softwares de gestão no currículo de curso de graduação de Administração. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um experimento, na forma de pesquisa-ação, na UEG Universidade Estadual de Goiás, na Unidade de Santa Helena de Goiás, no Curso de Administração em Agronegócios. Essa pesquisa utilizou um software de gestão integrada, denominado ERP Enterprise Resources Planning, na simulação das atividades operacionais reais de uma empresa, e analisou as contribuições que um software de gestão empresarial pode trazer, na formação de administradores, possibilitando a integração disciplinar e a relação teoria-prática A justificativa para a pesquisa encontra-se na necessidade de rever a concepção e a estrutura curricular desse curso frente às críticas apresentadas pelos autores e constatadas pelo pesquisador, no sentido de torná-lo mais coerente com as necessidades do mercado atual. O modelo de formação dos administradores, hoje utilizado, visto pelos próprios egressos dos cursos de Administração, pelas organizações empresariais e por instituições como o CFA - Conselho Federal de Administração, tem mostrado sinais de esgotamento e fragilidades que precisam ser superadas, em grande parte conseqüentes da concepção dos currículos praticados, centrados tradicionalmente em disciplinas isoladas, de conteúdo excessivamente teórico e sem relação com a prática, nas quais prevalece a cultura da memorização. Buscando superar essas dificuldades, a pesquisa analisou os resultados de um experimento desenvolvido uma metodologia com ênfase na resolução de problemas, valendo-se dos recursos da tecnologia bastante utilizados nas empresas e que permitem a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos nas diferentes disciplinas, de forma integrada e com significado para os alunos. O estudo revelou que a metodologia utilizada foi adequada para os propósitos estabelecidos na pesquisa e as manifestações dos alunos indicam sua plena aceitação, ampliação de conhecimentos e desenvolvimento de habilidades. A pesquisa sugere mudanças no currículo e nos Projetos Pedagógicos dos cursos de Administração, e formação continuada de seus docentes, visando a atualização pedagógica, atentando para o desenvolvimento de competências dos alunos antes que com o acúmulo de informações desarticuladas

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