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Verbos da língua portuguesa do período antigo: os 16 verbos irregulares segundo Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. e como são documentados nas Cantigas de Santa Maria / Verbs of the Portuguese Language in the ancient period: the 16 irregular verbs according to Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. and how they are documented in the Cantigas de Santa MariaOwa, Denis Luiz Marcello 25 March 2013 (has links)
Neste estudo, analisou-se como os verbos irregulares foram documentados nas Cantigas de Santa Maria a partir do que Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. teorizou em suas obras Estrutura da Língua Portuguesae História e Estrutura da Língua Portuguesa. Trata-se de uma abordagem teórica modernapara estudar como se manifestaramesses verbos sete séculos atrás e como evoluíram até os dias atuais. Além das considerações de Câmara Jr., foram abordadas as posições de outros autores, como José Joaquim Nunes, Joseph Huber, Ismael de Lima Coutinho, Heinrich Lausberg e Rosa Virgínia Mattos e Silva. As Cantigas de Santa Maria foram examinadasna edição crítica de Walter Mettmann, sobretudo no glossário (volume IV). Parte-se da hipótese de como a analogia e a frequência de uso tiveram papel primordial nas mudanças das formas estudadas, tanto mudanças fonéticas como morfológicas. / This study analyzed how irregular verbs were documented in the Cantigas de Santa Maria from what Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. theorized in his works Estrutura da Língua Portuguesa(Portuguese Language Structure) and História eEstrutura da Língua Portuguesa (History and Structure of the Portuguese Language). This is a modern theoretical approach to study how these verbs showedseven centuries ago and developed to the present day. Besides the considerations of Câmara Jr., positions of other authors such as José Joaquim Nunes, Joseph Huber, Ismael Lima Coutinho, Heinrich Lausberg and Rosa Virginia Mattos e Silva were also considered. The Cantigas de Santa Maria were studied by thecritical edition of Walter Mettmann, especially inthe glossary (4thvolume). This studystarted from the hypothesis that how analogy and frequency of use had role in changing forms studied, both phonetic and morphological changes.
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Lexikalischer und semantischer Wandel im ÄgyptischenBock, Sara 29 May 2015 (has links)
Jede lebendige Sprache ist durch ihren Gebrauch ständigem Wandel unterworfen, der jede Ebene der Sprache betreffen kann – von der Phonologie über die Semantik bis hin zur Grammatik. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den semantischen und lexikalischen Wandel des Ägyptischen zu beleuchten. Das Ägyptische ist in seinen verschiedenen Sprachstufen über mehr als vier Jahrtausende hinweg zu verfolgen, und gehört damit zu den am längsten bezeugten Einzelsprachen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Dies und die gute Quellenlage des Ägyptischen machen es zu einem prädestinierten Gegenstand für diachrone Untersuchungen. Nach einer quantitativen Erhebung der Lexeme eines ausgewählten Textkorpus’, der die Grundlage der Arbeit liefert, wurden im zweiten Teil der Dissertation vier Wortfelder exemplarisch auf ihr Wandelverhalten hin untersucht. Diese Wortfelder, Verwandtschafts- und Körperteilbezeichnungen sowie Wahrnehmungsverben und kognitive Verben, gehören zum Grundvokabular einer jeden Sprache, was die Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse garantieren soll. Neben der Beschreibung konkreter Wandelphänomene wurde dabei Fragen nach dem Ablauf, dem Umfang und den Typen von semantischem und lexikalischem Wandel im Ägyptischen nachgegangen. Ziel war es unter anderem, generalisierbare Aussagen zu treffen, die für die allgemeinen Fragestellungen der Sprachwandelforschung, der Diachronen Semantik und der Historischen Linguistik von Relevanz sind, indem sie mit Ergebnissen früherer Untersuchungen zu den verschiedensten Sprachen verglichen bzw. zu ihrer Überprüfung herangezogen werden können. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung konnten neben der Beschreibung interessanter Einzelbeobachtungen schließlich einige Regularitäten des semantischen und lexikalischen Wandels des Ägyptischen aufgestellt werden. Diese wurden zum Teil bereits durch andere Sprachen bestätigt und können nach weiterer Überprüfung möglicherweise als universale Tendenzen des semantischen Wandels formuliert werden. / Every spoken language is subject to constant change due to its use. This change can affect every level of the language, from phonology to semantics to grammar. The present dissertation is set out to illuminate the semantic and lexical change of the Egyptian language, which can be followed over four thousand years and is therefore one of the longest attested languages of mankind. This and its excellent state of sources make it the ideal subject of a diachronic study. After a quantitative analysis of the lexemes of a carefully chosen set of texts, which provides the foundation of the study, the main part of the dissertation examines four semantic fields with regard to its mode of change. These semantic fields, kinship terms and terms for body parts as well as verbs for cognition and perception, are part of the basic vocabulary of every language, which guarantees the comparability of the results. In addition to the description of individual processes of change, the paper pursues questions of the course, the range, and the types of semantic and lexical change of the Egyptian language. The intention was to form general statements which are of relevance to questions of the study of language change, the Diachronic Semantics as well as the Historical Linguistics, by serving as comparison as well as verification to studies of other languages. As a result of the present paper, some general regularities of the semantic and lexical change of the Egyptian language were established, in addition to the observation of some interesting individual processes of language change. These regularities were already partially confirmed by observations made in other languages and could, after further examination, turn out to be universal tendencies of semantic change.
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Verbos da língua portuguesa do período antigo: os 16 verbos irregulares segundo Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. e como são documentados nas Cantigas de Santa Maria / Verbs of the Portuguese Language in the ancient period: the 16 irregular verbs according to Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. and how they are documented in the Cantigas de Santa MariaDenis Luiz Marcello Owa 25 March 2013 (has links)
Neste estudo, analisou-se como os verbos irregulares foram documentados nas Cantigas de Santa Maria a partir do que Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. teorizou em suas obras Estrutura da Língua Portuguesae História e Estrutura da Língua Portuguesa. Trata-se de uma abordagem teórica modernapara estudar como se manifestaramesses verbos sete séculos atrás e como evoluíram até os dias atuais. Além das considerações de Câmara Jr., foram abordadas as posições de outros autores, como José Joaquim Nunes, Joseph Huber, Ismael de Lima Coutinho, Heinrich Lausberg e Rosa Virgínia Mattos e Silva. As Cantigas de Santa Maria foram examinadasna edição crítica de Walter Mettmann, sobretudo no glossário (volume IV). Parte-se da hipótese de como a analogia e a frequência de uso tiveram papel primordial nas mudanças das formas estudadas, tanto mudanças fonéticas como morfológicas. / This study analyzed how irregular verbs were documented in the Cantigas de Santa Maria from what Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Jr. theorized in his works Estrutura da Língua Portuguesa(Portuguese Language Structure) and História eEstrutura da Língua Portuguesa (History and Structure of the Portuguese Language). This is a modern theoretical approach to study how these verbs showedseven centuries ago and developed to the present day. Besides the considerations of Câmara Jr., positions of other authors such as José Joaquim Nunes, Joseph Huber, Ismael Lima Coutinho, Heinrich Lausberg and Rosa Virginia Mattos e Silva were also considered. The Cantigas de Santa Maria were studied by thecritical edition of Walter Mettmann, especially inthe glossary (4thvolume). This studystarted from the hypothesis that how analogy and frequency of use had role in changing forms studied, both phonetic and morphological changes.
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Sintaxi i semàntica verbals en el discurs d'especialitat: elements per a l'activació del valor terminològicJoan Casademont, Anna 27 March 2008 (has links)
Material addicional: http://hdl.handle.net/10230/6325 / La tesi, en el marc de la Teoria Comunicativa de la Terminologia (TCT), es proposa observar els elements d'activació del valor terminològic en els verbs fraseològics del discurs especialitzat. Es descriuen, a diferents nivells, la sintaxi i la semàntica de verbs fraseològics d'ús comú i freqüents en textos d'economia i de genòmica, i es detecten diferències i semblances en el seu comportament en ambdós discursos d'especialitat per establir tendències.A partir de les anàlisis, identifiquem les construccions verbals mínimes que són unitats de coneixement especialitzat (UCE) i observem si els verbs que fan de nucli sintàctic d'aquests sintagmes sofreixen canvis semàntics en els contextos especialitzats. Alhora, reinterpretem la proposta de factors d'activació d'Adelstein (2007) per als verbs, i confirmem empíricament diversos supòsits de la TCT sobre la polisèmia.La tesi consta de tres parts: els fonaments de la recerca, l'anàlisi sintacticosemàntica del corpus, i els resultats i conclusions. / La tesis, en el marco de la Teoría Comunicativa de la Terminología (TCT), se propone observar los elementos de activación del valor terminológico en los verbos fraseológicos del discurso especializado. Se describe, a distintos niveles, la sintaxis y la semántica de los verbos fraseológicos de uso común y frecuentes en textos de economía y de genómica, y se detectan diferencias y similitudes en su comportamiento en ambos discursos de especialidad para establecer tendencias.A partir de los análisis, identificamos las construcciones verbales mínimas que son unidades de conocimiento especializado (UCE) y observamos si los verbos que funcionan como núcleo sintáctico de estos sintagmas sufren cambios semánticos en los contextos especializados. Asimismo, reinterpretamos la propuesta de factores de activación de Adelstein (2007) para los verbos, y confirmamos empíricamente distintos supuestos de la TCT sobre la polisemia.La tesis consta de tres partes: los fundamentos de la investigación, el análisis sintacticosemántico del corpus, i los resultados y conclusiones. / This thesis, within the frame of the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT), aims at observing the terminological-value activating elements of phraseological verbs in specialized discourse. Syntax and Semantics of common use and frequent phraseological verbs in Economy and Genomic texts are described at different levels, and differences and similarities in their behavior in both domain discourses are detected to establish tendencies.From the analysis, we identify the minimal verbal constructions working as specialized knowledge units (SKU) and we observe if the verbs being the syntactic core of these groups suffer semantic changes in specialized contexts. Moreover, we reinterpret for verbs the activation factors proposal by Adelstein (2007, and we empirically confirm different assumptions of CTT on polysemy.The thesis has three parts: the basis of the research, the syntax-semantic analysis of the corpus, and the results and conclusions
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Issues on Xitsonga verbsMabaso, Ximbani Eric 06 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the predicate argument structure (PAS) of a sub-class of
verbs in Xitsonga - verbs of change of possession: give, contribute, future having,
providing, obtaining and verbs of exchange. It is shown that these verbs select
various theta roles to form their PAS in the different alternations allowed in this
language. The effects of the applicative {-el-} and causative {-is-} verbal affixes on
the PAS of such verbs are also considered. The study confirms the fact that the
ordering of objects in ditransitive verbs is determined by an interplay of syntactic and
semantic factors. Ambiguity arises in the case of two animate objects. In this case
the object with a definite reading will appear adjacent to the verb. / African Languages / M. A. (Arican Languages)
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Nxopaxopo wa maendli mo susa ma xiendliwa xinwe eka Xitsong hi ku kongomisa eka tinxakankulu tinharhu ta: Basisa, Sula na Susa / An analysis of Xitsonga transitive verbs of removal with special reference to three main types: Clear, Wipe and RemoveMaswanganyi, Khazamula Negroes 16 May 2019 (has links)
MA (Xitsonga) / Ehansi Ka Senthara ya M. E. R. Mathivha ya Tindzimi ta Afrika Vutshila na Mfuwo / Xikongomelonkulu xa ndzavisiso lowu i ku xopaxopa maendli mo susa ma xiendliwa
xin’we eka Xitsonga hi ku kongomisa eka tindlela leti ma tirhaka hatona exivulweni.
Xikongomelo lexi xi aviwa hi marhavi manharhu. Rhavi ro sungula ri kongomana na
ku xopaxopa maendli mo susa lama paluxaka mukhuva na mbuyelo hi xikongomelo
xo kumisisa michumu leyi nga tirhaka tanihi tiagumente ta nhlokomhaka na
tiagumente ta swiendliwa, xikan’we na ku lavisisa michumu leyi nga tirhaka tanihi
switirho swa maendli mo susa. Rhavi ra vumbirhi rona ri langutana na ku lavisisa
maendli mo susa ma xiendliwa xin’we lama paluxaka mukhuva na mbuyelo lama
tirheke eswivulweni ma ri na swivulwana swa mahlanganisi swa xivangelo,
xikongomelo na xipimelo. Kasi rhavi ra vunharhu ri tirhana no kambisisa
tinhlamuselo/mitirho ya xisemantiki leyi nyikiwaka tiagumemnte hi maendli mo susa
ma xiendliwa xin’we lama paluxaka mukhuva na mbuyelo. Eka ndzavisiso lowu ku
tirhisiwa thiyori ya vunongoti, ku nga thiyori leyi kongomanaka na ndlela leyi vanhu va
twisisaka xiswona marito. Mhaka leyi endlekaka eka thiyori leyi, hi leswi vanhu va
twisisaka xiswona marito emiehleketweni ya vona eka leswi ma vulaka swona hi ku
angarhela. Swiphemu swa nkoka leswi thiyori leyi yi jikajikaka eka swona i
nhlokomhaka leyi nga xiendli xa leswi susiwaka, riendli leri hlamuselaka leswi
susiwaka na hilaha swi susiwaka hakona, xiendliwa lexi khumbekaka hileswi vuriwaka
hi riendli, na xilandzelandzhaku lexi nga vaka ndhawu, xitirho na swin’wana ni
swin’wana. Ndzavisiso lowu wu endliwa hi ku landzelela maendlelo ma nkoka, laha ku
nga na maendlelo mambirhi mo kongoma ehansi ka wona; ku nga mo tirhisa ntlawa
wo karhi wa vavulavuri va Xitsonga lava nga xiyayiya swivulwa leswi mulavisisi a swi
vumbeke leswi vaka swi tirhisile maendli mo susa. Mulavisisi u lulamisile papila ra
swivutiso leri longoloxeke swivulwa leswi a lavaka leswaku vavulavuri lava va swi
xiyayiya ku xiya loko swi twala kumbe swi nga twali na maendlelo ma nxopaxopo wa
vundzeni bya tsalwa lama tirhisiwaka ku xopaxopa swivulwa leswi nga tirhisiwa tanihi
mahungu ya ndzavisiso lowu. / NRF
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Průběhové tvary v současné mluvené britské angličtině / The progressive in present-day spoken British EnglishJerglová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
THESIS ABSTRACT This thesis studies the progressive in present-day spoken British English. Recent studies of the progressive in present-day English have discovered that there has been a significant increase in frequency of the use of the progressive especially in spoken English. The increase is deemed partly due to the use of the progressive with anti-progressive verbs, with which the progressive was traditionally not applied, and to the rise of the subjective function. The aim of the diploma thesis is to determine which traditional anti-progressive verbs are used most frequently with the progressive in present-day British English as well as to determine the proportion of these verbs to verbs commonly used with the progressive. Furthermore, three frequent anti-progressive verbs - be, think and feel - were selected to analyse the functions of the progressive when used with anti-progressive verbs. The data is extracted from the Spoken BNC 2014 as it enables examination of the use of progressive in present-day spoken British English.
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Staroseverské perifrastické futurum: původ, gramatikalizace a význam / The Old Norse Periphrastic Future: The Origin, Grammaticalization and MeaningŠimeček, David January 2021 (has links)
The subject of the dissertation is the origin of the Old Norse periphrastic future. First, it is shown that the main exponent of future in Old Norse, as opposed to other old Germanic languages, is the auxiliary verb munu, both in terms of its frequency and its remarkably neutral meaning. It is attested as such even in the oldest 9th century sources, the Skaldic poems. These characteristics of munu are in contrast with the other exponent of the periphrastic future, the verb skulu, which was less frequent and more modal. The futural character of munu and the modal character of skulu are further demonstrated by an analysis of the means of future expression used in prophecies and curses. Discussion of the grammaticalization of munu has shown that as early as the 9th century the verb had developed meanings that are derived from future (particularly the probability meaning). Hence, the futural use must have been fairly common for a considerably long period before the first attestations. Further evidence for the early use of munu-future in North Germanic comes from the reconstruction of the morphological development of the verb. It shows a transition from the class of regular weak verbs to the preterite-present class which was associated with modal/function verbs in Germanic. These findings show that the...
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[pt] As CVSs têm sido amplamente descritas em línguas orais e são
produtivas em línguas de sinais. Elas se caracterizam como estruturas
multiverbais sem elemento coordenador manifesto, apresentando
compartilhamento de marcadores funcionais e de argumentos interno e
externo, semântica de evento único e prosódia monossentencial. O objetivo
deste trabalho é apresentar uma caracterização a partir de dados
translinguísticos e intermodais, sugerindo uma análise formal para o
fenômeno com base em uma caracterização pioneira dessas construções
em Libras. Duas tarefas de aceitabilidade gramatical, utilizando a técnica
playback, foram conduzidas com a participação de surdos nativos de
Libras, abordando sequências verbais seriadas simétricas e assimétricas.
Essa metodologia permitiu a obtenção de dados robustos sobre a estrutura
e o uso das CVSs em Libras. As observações empíricas indicam,
primeiramente, que as sentenças com empilhamento verbal em Libras são
distintas em termos semânticos e sintáticos quando comparadas às
sentenças com coordenação, tanto a coordenada explícita quanto a
encoberta. Além disso, as CVSs em Libras demonstraram ser produtivas e
apresentaram restrições semelhantes às observadas na literatura para
línguas orais e de sinais. Identificou-se também a produtividade das CVSs-sanduíches em Libras, que, apesar de compartilhar algumas semelhanças
com CVSs em outras línguas de sinais, comportam-se de maneira distinta,
funcionando como estruturas de foco com reduplicação verbal.
Adicionalmente, foram observadas as sequências de verbos AB com
mudança de perspectiva, embora sejam menos produtivas. Estas se
distanciam de estruturas passivas convencionais, assemelhando-se mais a
predicados complexos. Com base na literatura sobre o fenômeno e nos
dados obtidos em Libras, a análise teórica adotada sugere que as CVSs
em Libras envolvem a gramaticalização de um dos componentes verbais
seriados, atuando como marcador de aspecto e sendo incorporado na
estrutura como um elemento periférico à estrutura argumental projetada
pelo verbo não gramaticalizado. Este estudo oferece uma contribuição
significativa para o entendimento das CVSs em línguas de sinais,
demonstrando a complexidade intrínseca da estrutura linguística em Libras.
Além disso, abre perspectivas para futuras pesquisas na área da linguística
de línguas de sinais e para uma caracterização mais robusta das CVSs nas
línguas naturais. / [en] Serial verb constructions (SVCs) have been extensively described in
oral languages and are also productive in sign languages. These are
characterized as multi-verb sequences without manifestation of a
coordinator or subordinatior element. These sequences share functional
marker related to tense, aspect and negation, and the external and the
internal arguments. They denote a single event and have monosentential
prosody. The aim of this work is to present a characterization of SVCS,
based on crosslinguistic and intermodal data, proposing a formal analysis
for the phenomenon built upon first-hand data from Libras. Two
grammaticality judgment tasks using the playback technique were
conducted with the participation of native Libras signers, addressing both
symmetric and asymmetric SVCs. Our observations indicate, firstly, that
multiverb sequences in Libras are distinct in semantic and syntactic terms
when compared to overt and covert coordinated sentences. SVCs proved
to be productive in Libras and exhibited restrictions like those documented
in the literature for oral languages and other sign languages. Sandwiched
SVCs are also productive in Libras, but despite sharing some similarities
with SVCs in other sign languages, behave differently, functioning as focus
structures with verbal reduplication. Sequences of AB verbs with change of
perspective, while less productive, were also observed. These contrast with
conventional passive structures, resembling more complex predicate
structures. Based on the theoretical and typological literature and on the
data collected in Libras, we adopted a syntactic analysis in which SVCs
involve grammaticalization of one of the verbs sequences. This
grammaticalized form serves as an aspect marker, heading an aspect
projection at the left periphery of the argument structure projected by the
non-grammaticalized verb. This study offers a significant contribution to the
understanding of SVCs in sign languages, demonstrating the intrinsic
complexity of Libras grammar. Moreover, it opens new avenues for research
in the field of sign language linguistics and for a more robust
characterization of SVCs in natural languages.
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Transitive and Intransitive Verbs in Ki IdiomsHoye, Nathaniel 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine idiomatic structures with ki in the ki-wo [transitive verb] and ki-ga [intransitive verb] constructions. It is argued that for Japanese language learners, it is crucial to be able to understand and produce ki idioms, because they are frequently used in everyday speech. There are often misconceptions regarding ki in the West for those who are fans of Japanese culture due to the influence of martial arts and anime, which paint ki as a spiritual energy that can be controlled and developed. However, upon examining the above mentioned idiomatic structures with ki, it is clear that ki can be expressed as both controllable by the subject of ki (transitive), as well as a thing that acts of its own accord and is spontaneous (intransitive). This thesis somewhat corroborates the studies of W. M. Jacobson, Zoe Pei Sui Luk , and Yoshihiko Ikegami by arguing that intransitive constructions are often used in Japanese, and examining both transitive and intransitive expressions with ki is significant to understanding the meanings produced in ki expressions. It is hoped that analyzing 37 transitive and intransitive idiomatic structures with ki will help Japanese language learners not only understand the syntactic and semantic aspects of transitivity in the Japanese language, but also to help these L2 learners conceptualize the abstract noun ki, which can be defined in so many different ways in a dictionary.
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