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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investicijų į naujos paslaugos diegimą pagrindimas ir efektyvumo vertinimas / Implementation of investments in new services and efficiency evaluation

Milaknis, Tautvydas 30 July 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe siekiama pagrįsti naujos paslaugos – hibridinių serverių nuomos investicijų diegimą ir atlikti investicijų efektyvumo vertinimą. Naujos paslaugos rinkoje daro didžiulę įtaką rinkos procesams. Nors daugeliu atvejų paslaugos savybės ir nauda yra sunkiai apskaičiuojama, jos gamyba ir vartojimas vyksta kartu. Paslaugų sektoriui skiriama vis daugiau dėmesio, nes jis laikomas ekonomikos varikliu, kuris laikui bėgant paveikė darbo ir užimtumo santykius, šalių augimą ir plėtrą, aplinkos sąlygas, kainas bei konkurencines galimybes. Darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojama naujos paslaugos rinkoje reikšmė bendrąja prasme ir aptariamos investicijos į paslaugas, apžvelgimai investicijų efektyvumo vertinimo metodai. Darbo praktinėje dalyje aprašoma hibridinių serverių nuomos paslauga ir atliekamas investicijų poreikio pagrindimas. Įvertinamas investicinio projekto efektyvumas išskiriant dvi alternatyvas. Atrinktosios alternatyvos rizika įvertinama taikant jautrumo analizės ir scenarijaus metodus. / The main intention for the final bachelor thesis is to substantiate implementation of new services – investments given for the rental of hybrid servers and accomplish an efficiency evaluation of investments. New services have a major impact on market processes. Although in many cases it is difficult to measure features and benefits of the services, its production and consumption are being used together. At the moment, the services sector is receiving even larger attention as it is considered as the economic engine which has eventually impacted on labor and employment relations, the country's growth and development, environmental conditions, pricing, and competitive opportunities. The theory part of this work analizes value of new services in the market, explains more about an investment in services and overlooks an efficiency evaluation methods of investment. Practical part describes the meaning of the hybrid server hosting service, and shows an exact substantiation for the investment needs. Furthermore, these papers are evaluating an efficiency of the investment project, which has been devided in to alternatives. Risk of the selected alternatives is assessed using sensitivity and scenario analysis methods.

Sporto renginio kaip paslaugos kokybės vertinimas: „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“ atvejis / Assessment of sport event‘s as a service: a case of „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“

Skorobogatov, Andrej 06 September 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama paslaugų kokybė Lietuvos kariuomenės atstovų, dalyvavusių renginyje „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“, požiūriu. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojami sporto reikšmė, sporto renginio samprata, paslaugos ir paslaugos kokybės samprata. Buvo atlikta kokybės vertinimo modelių lyginamoji analizė ir pasirinktas tinkamiausias modelis šiam tyrimui – SERVQUAL. Remiantis šiuo modeliu parengta anketinė apklausa. Atlikus apklausa buvo surinkti ir išanalizuoti duomenis, bei pateiktos išvados. Raktiniai žodžiai: sporto renginys, paslauga, paslaugos kokybės vertinimas. Tyrimo objektas: sporto renginio paslaugų kokybės vertinimas. Tyrimo problema: koks egzistuoja Lietuvos kariuomenėje sporto renginių kokybės lygis ir kaip patenkinti, geriausiu atveju pranokti, vartotoju lūkesčius? Darbo tikslas: įvertinti sporto renginio „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“, kaip paslaugos, kokybę. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti sporto renginio sampratą; 2. Atskleisti paslaugų kokybės sampratą; 3. Išanalizuoti paslaugų kokybės vertinimo modelius bei metodus; 4. Ištirti ir įvertinti sporto renginio „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“ , kaip paslaugos, kokybę. Tyrimo metodai: • Mokslinės literatūros analizė. • Anketinė apklausa. • Statistinė aprašomoji analizė. Darbe pateiktos 6 formulės, 12 paveikslų, 1 priedas. Darbo apimtis – 40 puslapiai. Panaudoti 39 literatūros šaltiniai. / Bachelor's thesis examined the quality of service of the sporting event "The way of life and death" through Lithuanian army representatives’, as a participants’, approach. The theoretical part analyzes the significance of sport, sporting event, the concepts of service and service quality. Comparative analysis of quality assessment models was carried out and the most appropriate model for this study – SERVQUAL – was selected. Based on this model questionnaire was developed. After the survey was conducted, data was collected and analyzed, and conclusions was formulated. Key words: sporting event, service, service quality assessment. The object of the work: sporting event quality assessment. Problem (research) question: what is the level of service quality of sporting events in Lithanian army, and how expectations of consumers can satisfied or even exceded? The porpose of work: to make an assessment of quality of sporting event “The way of life and death” as a service. Tasks of the work: 1. To define the concept of a sports event; 2. To reveal the concept of service quality ; 3. To analyze the service quality assessment models and methods; 4. To research and evaluate the service quality of “The way of life and death” sporting event. Methods of research: • The analysis of literature; • The quiz; • Statitical reviewing analysis. The work includes: 6 formulas, 12 pictures, 1 annex. Total: 40 pages. 39 references used.

Pradinių klasių moksleivių vertinimas: tėvų ir pedagogų nuostatų ypatumai / The evaluation of the primary school pupils: ruling singularities of parents and teachers

Kavaliauskaitė, Lina 13 June 2005 (has links)
The Master paper consists of introduction and two parts: a) the singularities of an alternation of the pupils‘ evaluation in the context of the learning paradigm; b) the investigation of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers into the evaluation of the pupils. The conclusions and the recommendations for the teachers and parents are provided in the end of the paper. In the primary school on the basis of the humanistic ideas the grading evaluation was rejected. Further it was made according to the individual progress evaluation the criteria of which might have been not completely clear to parents as well as it might raise unclearness to the teachers. The negative ruling possibility might possibly become higher because of the unclearness in the evaluation of the pupils‘ progress. Therefore, the question turns out: which of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers (positive, neutral or negative) are oriented towards the basic changes of the students‘ progress evaluation? The question and search for the answer is the problematic basis of this Master‘s work. Goal of the analysis: to analyze the ruling singularities of parents and teachers of the primary school towards the evaluation of the pupils by grading and towards the idiographic way of evaluation. The fundamental goals of the work: to clarify the impact of the nature of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers upon the progress and the achievement evaluation system in the primary school regarding the... [to full text]

7-8 metų vaikų savimonės, savęs vertinimo ir vidinės darnos ypatumai šeimos sudėties aspektu / Features of self-awareness, self-esteem and sense of coherence at 7-8 years old children which are brought up in full and not full families

Dovidaitienė, Inga 26 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this is work to analyse self-awareness, self-esteem, sense of coherence, understanding of sequence of a vital way, and also a choice of attractive and unattractive images of this sequence at 7-8 years children’s from not full families in comparison with children from full families. Self-esteem was measured by the semantic differential type scale developed by Beresneviciene D. (1995) and Pileckaite-Markoviene (2001). Sense of coherence scale for children was measured by Margalit (1995) and Pileckaite-Markoviene (2001). Identify own age, understanding of sequence of a vital way, and also a choice of attractive and unattractive images, was investigated using a technique of children's self-awareness by Belopolskaja N.L. (1998). 241 primary school children (163 from full families and 78 not full families) were evaluated using these tools. The results showed that children from not full families estimate themselves below on parameter "happy" (t(239) =3,281, p=0,001) than children from full families. Results have shown that children from full families have a higher level of sense of coherence, than children from not full families. Statistically important difference is visible on components “trust to an environment " (t(239)=2,627, p=0,009) and "acceptance of requirements of an environment” (t(239)=2,464, p=0,014). Results of empirical investigations showed that primary school children with high level of sense of coherence had higher level of self-esteem (r=0,378... [to full text]

SAPARD ir Lietuvos 2004-2005 m. Lietuvos bendrojo programavimo dokumento Kauno plėtros ir žuvininkystės prioriteto priemonių projektų vertinimas / Projects estimating of SAPARD program an measures under Lithuanian 2004-2006 SPD priority, rural and fisheries development

Kurelaitis, Justas 05 April 2006 (has links)
Lietuva, kaip ir kitos buvusios šalys kandidatės, prieš įstodamos į Europos Sąjungą, turėjo galimybę pasinaudoti Europos Sąjungos finansine parama pagal Specialiąja žemės ūkio ir kaimo plėtros programą ( SAPARD ), kurios tikslas buvo sumažinti skirtumus tarp šalių kandidačių ir Europos Sąjungos vykdomos žemės ūkio politikos. Šalys – kandidatės, siekusios šios programos paramos, turėjo įvykdyti Europos Sąjungos ( toliau ES ) nustatytus reikalavimus. Lietuva, vykdydama šiuos reikalavimus, parengė ir su Europos Komisija suderino Nacionalinę žemės ūkio ir kaimo plėtros programą 2000-2006 metams ( toliau NŽŪKPP ), kuria remiantis ir buvo įgyvendinama SAPARD programa. Vykdant reikalavimus, taip pat buvo įsteigta Nacionalinė mokėjimo agentūrą prie Žemės ūkio ministerijos ( toliau NMA ), kuri padedant LR žemės ūkio ministerijai ( toliau ŽŪM ) buvo atsakinga už SAPARD paramos administravimą. / The purpose of this work to analyse projects is estimation of SAPARD programs and fourth priority of the national SPD in Lithuania, particulary the mainly attention, paying to NPA(National Paying Agency) sharping the settled acreditation criteria of EU.And offermeasures in order to improve estimation of projects in Lithuania.

Kūno svorio vertinimo objektyvumas ir chuliganiško elgesio paplitimas tarp Kauno miesto moksleivių / Objectivity of body weight evaluation and distribution of ruffianly behaviour between Kaunas city schoolchildren

Raščiūtė, Eglė 15 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Background: Ruffianly behaviour is spreading between Lithuanian children. Ruffianly behaviour include these forms of behaviour – teasing, intimidation, physical spoliation, ostracism, backbiting (gossips), and sexual harassment. Relevancy of this research is that intercommunion between schoolchildren and connection with above-mentioned factors, in Lithuania in not widely investigated problem, in comparison with research of other health risk factors. This problem attracting more attention because of that teasing is reputed factor in teen eating disturbance (bulimia, anorexia). It is been found, that children, who been teased because of their physical appearance (body weight, constitution, clothing), where more depressed, had self-destructive tendency, where more self-contained and had problems of communication. Not objective body weight evaluation is one of factors, witch determinate eating disturbance. Objective: identify objectivity of body weight evaluation and distribution of ruffianly behaviour between Kaunas city schoolchildren and develop dependence specifying the age and sex specific cut off points. Tasks: 1. Define objectivity of bodyweight evaluating; 2. Define ruffianly behaviour distribution between schoolchildren; 3. Define objectivity of bodyweight evaluating and ruffianly behaviour distribution between schoolchildren specifying the age; 4. Define objectivity of bodyweight evaluating and ruffianly behaviour distribution between... [to full text]

Atviro kodo produktų kokybės užtikrinimo metodų tyrimas / Research in quality assurance methods for open source products

Paulavičiūtė, Indrė 29 May 2006 (has links)
In this study, the criteria for quality assessment and problems of open source (OS) product quality assurance, based on these criteria, are discussed. Broad use of open source products both in personal and business environment prove sufficient quality, despite of absence of traditional quality assurance methods for these products. There is no mature model for OS product quality evaluation - only various experimental models are applied (for example, OS project statistics criteria evaluation). OS product quality is also managed in unconventional methods, related to OS specific software development procedures (for example, volunteer control). A generalized method for OS product quality evaluation, derived from a combination of various metrics, is proposed.

Žinių tikrinimo ir vertinimo įtaka mokinių ir mokytojų santykiams: sociologinis aspektas / The Impact of Knowledge Control and Assessment on Learner and Teacher Relations: a Sociological Aspect

Pivoriūnaitė, Agnė 01 June 2006 (has links)
The title of the present work is “The Impact of Knowledge Control and Assessment on Learner and Teacher Relations: a Sociological Aspect”. The object of the research is issues related to checking and assessing knowledge of 10th and 12th school year learners. The aim of the research is to analyse in the social-pedagogical aspect and to disclose the impact of controlling and assessing 10th and 12th school year learner knowledge and skills on learner and teacher relationships. The hypothesis of the research states that objective assessment of learner knowledge functions as a precondition for positive learner-teacher relationships and promotes the learners’ wish to seek high results, as well as their wish to study. The objectives of the research are as follows: 1. To disclose the quality of learner-teacher relations. 2. To disclose attitudes of 10th and 12th school year learners towards controlling and assessment objectivity at schools of general education. 3. To distinguish the essential factors influencing the quality of learner-teacher relations. 4. To develop a general overview of the results obtained during the research and to provide related recommendations. In order to clarify what impact learner knowledge control and assessment has on learner and teacher relations, an experiment involving 508 school learners was carried out. The method used during the experiment was identification of responder opinions by questionnaire-based surveying. The survey was organised on the... [to full text]

Verslo strateginių sprendimų vertinimas / Evaluation of business strategic decisions

Zinkevičiūtė, Virgilija 28 December 2006 (has links)
Strategic decisions evaluation model is based on complex strategic decisions evaluation and scenarios methods’ synthesis. Using methods synthesis the evaluation becomes exhaustive, complex and is executed regarding environment changeability of business subject. The results of the study, conclusions and suggestions are useful for solving strategic problems of enterprises, for choosing the most suitable strategic decisions in enterprises paying attention to results of complex evaluation and environment conditions of business subject.

Daugiamačio pasiskirstymo tankio neparametrinis įvertinimas naudojant stebėjimų klasterizavimą / The nonparametric estimation of multivariate distribution density applying clustering procedures

Ruzgas, Tomas 14 March 2007 (has links)
The paper is devoted to statistical nonparametric estimation of multivariate distribution density. The influence of data pre-clustering on the estimation accuracy of multimodal density is analysed by means of the Monte-Carlo method.

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