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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pobreza como violação dos direitos humanos: os direitos humanos do combate à pobreza / Pobreza como violação dos direitos humanos: os direitos humanos do combate à pobreza

Camargo Neto, Mario de Carvalho 13 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mario de Carvalho Camargo Neto.pdf: 432994 bytes, checksum: 4e35f62d13ef1b86bdecfd159954d51e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-13 / This dissertation has as its main purpose to contribute for the recognition of poverty as a violation of human rights as well as to analyze the advantages that may arise from said recognition. It also intends to offer an alternative view of human rights, through which such rights may be understood as instruments to combat poverty. In order to do so, an approach to what may be understood as poverty is presented, and subsequently, two projects on the subject are analyzed, the first project carried out by the Unite Nations Human Rights Council and the second developed by the Theology of Liberation in Latin America. The analysis leads to the conclusion that both projects, albeit based on different foundations, recognize that poverty is a violation of human rights and that this justifies the obligations entailed on all duty bearers regarding poverty combat; these obligations include legal, institutional and structural reforms. Finally, it is pointed out that both projects analyzed offer alternatives to the conception of human rights, from the perspective of the poor, suggesting that the rights that best serve those who suffer with poverty and its combat should be made priority. / A presente dissertação propõe-se a contribuir para o reconhecimento da pobreza como violação dos direitos humanos, e a analisar as vantagens que podem decorrer deste reconhecimento. Presta-se, também, a oferecer uma visão alternativa dos direitos humanos, por meio da qual estes sejam entendidos como instrumentos de combate à pobreza. Para tanto, é feita uma abordagem relativa ao que se pode entender por pobreza e, em seguida, são analisados dois trabalhos sobre a matéria, o primeiro promovido pelo Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas e o segundo desenvolvido pela Teologia da Libertação na América Latina. Conclui-se que ambos os trabalhos, embora se utilizando de fundamentos diversos, reconhecem que a pobreza é uma violação dos direitos humanos, e que isto justifica a imposição a todos de obrigações relativas ao seu combate, as quais incluem reformas legais, institucionais e estruturais. Aponta-se, por fim, que ambos os trabalhos propõem alternativas à concepção de direitos humanos, sob a perspectiva dos pobres, entendendo que devem ser priorizados os direitos que melhor atendem àqueles que sofrem com a pobreza e ao combate desta.

O retrato em movimento das violações de direitos humanos nos jornais de Cascavel: sua inferência sobre a rebelião da Penitenciária Estadual de Cascavel em 24 de agosto 2014 / The portrait in motion of the violations of human rights in Cascavel newspapers: its inference on the rebellion of the Cascavel State Penitentiary on 24 august 2014

Jurumenha, Mary Andréa Alves 22 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2018-05-28T19:37:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mary_Jurumenha_2017.pdf: 2071836 bytes, checksum: d92615b7e73ad3995ba21ee5d6383b27 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-28T19:37:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mary_Jurumenha_2017.pdf: 2071836 bytes, checksum: d92615b7e73ad3995ba21ee5d6383b27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this work was to investigate the possible association between the events of August 24, 2014, at the State Penitentiary of Cascavel-PEC , which is the target of interpretations lacking in scientificity, both by the local press and by the national press and official data from the Penitentiary Department National. Official information has not yet been released, and the only consensus so far is that conditions set by law have not been met. From this perspective, we pass on the importance of this work linked to the prison institution, since it is the State that selects sentences and protects the grieving. To that end, it has a multidisciplinary team in prisons and other welfare agencies, for which the maintenance and guarantee of human rights is a key element in resolving conflicts and verifying the suppression of human dignity. We revere the traditional works that deal with Human Rights, but our study will be focused largely on Brazilian works, written by authors who know our reality and dedicate themselves to discussing the theme. The purpose of this study is to understand, understand and analyze the rebellion that occurred in Cascavel, indicating whether or not there was a violation of the human rights of detainees and those directly associated with them. In order to complete this verification, we use the local press data and the National Report of Penitentiary Information-INFOPEN . These sources allow us to recognize that there is a historical social segregation, which disrupts collective living, having as its last expression the prison system. / Objetivou-se com esse trabalho investigar a possível associação entre os acontecimentos de 24 de agosto de 2014, na Penitenciária Estadual de Cascavel-PEC , alvo de interpretações carentes de cientificidade, tanto pela imprensa local, quanto pelo Departamento Penitenciário Nacional. Informações oficiais ainda não foram divulgadas, e o único consenso até agora é que condições estabelecidas por leis não foram cumpridas. Por este prisma, passamos a importância do presente trabalho vinculado à instituição prisional, já que é o Estado quem seleciona, sentencia e tutela os apenados. Para tanto, dispõe de equipe multidisciplinar nos estabelecimentos prisionais e demais órgãos assistenciais, para os quais a manutenção e garantia dos direitos humanos é peça fundamental para dirimir conflitos e verificar a supressão da dignidade humana. Reverenciamos as obras tradicionais que tratam dos direitos humanos e humanização das penas, mas nosso estudo referenciou-se em grande parte nas obras brasileiras, escritas por autores que conhecem a nossa realidade e se dedicam a discutir o tema. O objetivo desse estudo é compreender, apreender e analisar a rebelião ocorrida em Cascavel, apontando se houve ou não violação dos direitos humanos dos detentos e das pessoas diretamente ligadas a eles. Para concluir essa verificação, nos utilizamos dos dados de matérias jornalísticas da imprensa local (Hoje, Gazeta do Paraná e O Paraná), e também do Relatório Nacional de Informações Penitenciárias-INFOPEN . Essas fontes nos permitem reconhecer que existe uma segregação social histórica, que desordena o convívio coletivo, tendo como última expressão o sistema carcerário.


Pereira, Carlisson Miller Cantanhede 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:19:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Carlisson.pdf: 4828932 bytes, checksum: 305583106a3e64ae56a6815426ff10bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work addresses the effects of spontaneous Lorentz symmetry breaking on the vortex solutions of the abelian Maxwell-Higgs (AMH) model. Our model is composed by the usual AMH model where the kinetic part of the gauge field is supplemented by a non-birrefringente CPT-even term contained in the electrodynamic sector of the Standard Model extension (SME) of Colladay & Kostelecky. The work is developed in the following way: In the chapter 1, we start by doing a review about topological defects in (1+1)-dimensional scalar field theories. Based on the criterion of energy finiteness, it has been established appropriated boundary conditions for the fields. By following the well-known Bogomol nyi s method and by minimizing the system energy, we have obtained the BPS equations (first order equations) which solves the Euler-Lagrange second order equations. By last, we study the more simples topological defect, named kink, which is obtained from a λϕ4 scalar field theory. The kink solution connects two different minimum energy potencial states or vacuum s states. The second chapter is devoted to the study of stationary BPS v´ortices in field theories where abelian gauge fields are coupled to the Higgs field. The first field theory to be studied is the Maxwell Higgs model in a |ϕ|4-type potencial. Next, we study the BPS vortex solutions in a model with a pure Chern-Simons term coupled to the Higgs field (CSH), subject to a |ϕ|6-type potencial. The third and last model to be analyzed is the Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs model (MCSH). To obtain charged BPS vortex in MCSH model, it is necessary to introduce a dynamical and neutral scalar field N coupled to the Higgs field in a modified |ϕ|4 which depends explicitly of the field N. In the third and four chapters, we present the original contributions of the present monograph. We study the Maxwell-Higgs model in the presence of Lorentz-violating CPT-even terms belonging to the nonbirefringent electrodynamics of the SME. The nonbirefringent SME term is composed by both parity-even and parity-odd sectors. The third chapter we shows that the parity-even LIV coefficients admit only uncharged BPS and non-BPS v´ortices in the usual |ϕ|4-potencial. Our analysis shows that the parity-even LIV parameter controls the radial thickness of the profile of the defect, which can become narrower or wider (approaching to the standard behavior of a compacton-type defect). In chapter 4, we show that the LIV parity-odd parameters allow the existence of BPS-type charged vortices if we include a neutral scalar field Ψ in the original model, the situation is similar to what occurs in the MCSH model . We use a |ϕ|4-potencial which explicitly depends in the field Ψ and its derivative. / Esta dissertação aborda os efeitos da quebra espontânea da covariância de Lorentz na obtenção das soluções estacionárias de vórtices BPS e não-BPS no contexto da eletrodinâmica de Maxwell-Higgs abeliana suplementada pelo setor de gauge CPT-par e não-birrefringente do Modelo Padrão Estendido (MPE) de Colladay & Kostelecky. O trabalho inicia fazendo uma revisão sobre defeitos topológicos em modelos de campos escalares em (1+1)−dimensões. A partir do critério de finitude da energia estacionária, estabelecemos condições de contorno sobre os campos e suas derivadas. Apresentamos, também o bem conhecido método de Bogomol nyi, usado para obter as equações BPS que minimizam a energia do sistema. Por fim, apresentamos o defeito tipo Kink com o potencial tipo ϕ4, que conecta estados assintóticos de mínima energia (vácuos) diferentes. No segundo capítulo, seguindo o procedimento de Bogomol nyi, obtemos as soluções de vórtices BPS estacionárias em modelos abelianos acoplados ao campo de Higgs. Iniciamos com o modelo Maxwell-Higgs submetido a um potencial tipo |ϕ|4, usando o ansatz rotacionalmente simétrico a fim de obter as equações de vórtices BPS, e impondo condições sobre os campos na origem/no infinito. Em seguida, estudamos as soluções de vórtices BPS no modelo Chern-Simons puro acoplado ao campo de Higgs (CSH), sujeito a um potencial do tipo |ϕ|6. Apresentamos uma importante relação de acoplamento entre o setor elétrico e o setor magnético, e obtemos as equações BPS e a energia mínima do modelo, via o método de Bogomol nyi. Ainda neste capítulo, estudamos vórtices BPS no modelo Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs (MCSH). Para isto, argumentamos a necessidade de introduzir no modelo um campo escalar neutro N dinâmico submetidos a um potencial do tipo |ϕ|4 dependente do campo N. As condições sobre N também foram obtidas. No terceiro capítulo, apresentamos a primeira contribuição original deste trabalho. Consideramos o modelo Maxwell-Higgs na presença de termos CPT-pares que violam a covariância de Lorentz, pertencentes ao MPE. Iniciamos usando uma parametrização que retém apenas o setor não-birrefringente do modelo. Escrevemos as equações de movimento e aplicamos a prescrição usual para soluções rotacionalmente simétricas, obtendo soluções de vórtices descarregados BPS e não-BPS para um potencial do tipo |ϕ|4. Nestas, o parâmetro de violação de Lorentz (paridade-par) desempenha papel importante, permitindo controlar a espessura do perfil do defeito, que pode tornar-se mais estreito (aproximando-se do padrão compacton ) ou mais largo. No capítulo 4, mostramos que os parâmetros da quebra de Lorentz de paridade-ímpar possibilitam a obtenção de vórtices carregados sempre que seja inserido no modelo um campo escalar neutro Ψ na lagrangiana, similarmente ao que ocorre no modelo MCSH. Usamos um potencial tipo |ϕ|4 dependente do campo Ψ e de sua derivada.

Violaçao do direito à água no Brasil

Souza, Ygor Azevedo Soares de 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-05-23T13:23:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ygorazevedosoaresdesouza.pdf: 1697624 bytes, checksum: 3233915753142bb0b6920f5f5a01e048 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-05-24T17:53:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ygorazevedosoaresdesouza.pdf: 1697624 bytes, checksum: 3233915753142bb0b6920f5f5a01e048 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-24T17:53:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ygorazevedosoaresdesouza.pdf: 1697624 bytes, checksum: 3233915753142bb0b6920f5f5a01e048 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-23 / No intento de contribuir com a busca pela universalização do acesso à água e ao saneamento no Brasil, a pesquisa trata, em um primeiro momento, de refletir acerca do direito à água, tanto na perspectiva do direito natural quanto do reconhecimento jurídico. É notório que há, de fato, um amplo arcabouço jurídico, aplicável ao território nacional brasileiro, que enquadra a água enquanto um direito humano básico. Em contraponto, é perceptível que existe, de forma expressiva, a negação desse direito, ou seja, há uma materialidade espacial de violação do direito à água. Assim, é construído o panorama empírico da violação no Brasil a partir de dados que expressam a magnitude do não acesso e sua espacialização, bem como dados que demonstram a relação entre as águas e suas implicações para saúde pública. Por fim, os conflitos por acesso á água são evocados para evidenciar contextos em que o direito está em situação de violação ou sob ameaça. Essa problemática é trabalhada à luz de conceitos e categorias geográficas com objetivo de ressaltar o lócus de reprodução da violação do direito. Nesse ínterim, a interpretação trazida a partir do conceito de “reprodução capitalista do espaço” e da categoria “território”, permite perceber a perversidade e as conseqüências da primazia do valor de troca sobre o valor de uso. No campo das possibilidades, o apontamento se volta para o horizonte da descentralização e da participação social na gestão dos recursos hídricos, enquanto instrumentos e mecanismos de suma importância para democratização do acesso à água. / In the attempt to contribute to the search for the universalization of access to water and sanitation in Brazil, the research is, at first, to reflect on the right to water, both in the perspective of natural law and legal recognition. It is notorious that there is, in fact, a broad legal framework applicable to the Brazilian national territory, which frames water as a basic human right. In contrast, it is noticeable that there is, expressively, the denial of this right, that is, there is a spatial materiality of violation of the right to water. Thus, the empirical panorama of rape in Brazil is constructed from data that express the magnitude of non-access and its spatialization, as well as data that demonstrate the relationship between water and its implications for public health. Finally, conflicts over access to water are evoked to highlight contexts in which the law is in a situation of violation or threat. Then, the problem is worked in light of concepts and geographical categories in order to highlight the locus of reproduction of the violation of law. In the meantime, the interpretation brought from the concept of "capitalist reproduction of space" and of the category "territory" allows us to perceive the perversity and consequences of the primacy of exchange value over the value of use. In the field of possibilities, the point is made towards the horizon of decentralization and social participation in the management of water resources, as instruments and mechanisms of utmost importance for the democratization of access to water.

Matrizes de massa e violação CP / Mass matrices and CP violation

Gaydutschenko, Larissa, 1987- 19 May 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Orlando Luis Goulart Peres / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T16:45:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gaydutschenko_Larissa_M.pdf: 776013 bytes, checksum: dded3e977e716b07101df7cb392a6b94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O fenômeno de oscilação de neutrinos, já experimentalmente observado, só pode ser explicado se a massa dos neutrinos for diferente de zero. No entanto, até pouco tempo atrás, acreditava-se que neutrinos não tivessem massa. O Modelo Padrão das partículas elementares ainda não é capaz de descrever a natureza massiva dos neutrinos, de forma que as matrizes de mistura para léptons (entre autoestados de gauge e autoestados de massa), análogas às matrizes de mistura de quarks, ainda não podem ser encontradas. Através de uma pequena extensão do Modelo Padrão, é possível descrever uma física que leva em conta essas massas e que, portanto, nos fornece essas matrizes de mistura. Essa extensão trata-se de nada mais que o acréscimo de uma nova partícula ao modelo, um lépton neutro que não interage por força fraca. Essa partícula é chamada de neutrino estéril. Portanto, acrescentando um ou mais neutrinos estéreis ao Modelo Padrão posso obter a matriz de mistura para léptons e, consequentemente, contar o número de parâmetros físicos que ela possui. O interesse em contar esses parâmetros reside no fato de que encontrar o número de fases complexas presentes na matriz de mistura é equivalente a encontrar o número de fases de violação de simetria conjugação de carga e paridade (CP) para léptons. Em 1967, o físico russo Andrei Sakharov propôs uma forma de explicar a assimetria bariônica (matéria-antimatéria) partindo de um estado simétrico. Para isso, algumas condições precisariam ser respeitadas pela física do universo. Uma dessas condições é que exista na natureza uma fonte de violação CP. Procurar essa violação em léptons foi o objetivo deste trabalho. Assim, foi possível obter a matriz de mistura para léptons estendendo o modelo padrão pela adição de um neutrino estéril e levando em conta o caso geral de n famílias de léptons. Uma vez tendo encontrado a matriz de mistura, fizemos a contagem dos parâmetros. Além abranger os cálculos usados para encontrar o número de fases complexas damatriz, a dissertação apresenta uma breve introdução à teoria quântica de campos, a simetrias discretas e ao mecanismo de quebra espontânea de simetria, conceitos necessários para o entendimento do trabalho realizado / Abstract: The neutrino oscillation phenomenum, already experimentally observed, can only be explained if neutrino masses are different from zero. However, till recently, it was believed that neutrinos were massless. The Standard Model of elementary particles is yet not able to describe the massive nature of neutrinos, such that the lepton mixing matrix (between gauge eigenstates and mass eigenstates), analogous to the quark mixing matrix, can still not be found. Through a small extension of the Standard Model, it is possible to describe physics that take into account these masses and, therefore, provides us with these mixing matrices. This extension is nothing but the addition of a new particle, a neutral lepton that does not interact through weak force. This particle is called sterile neutrino. So, by adding one or more sterile neutrinos to the Standard Model, I can get the lepton mixing matrix and consequently count the number of physical parameters that it presents. The interest in counting these parameters resides in the fact that finding the number of complex phases in the mixing matrix is equivalent to finding the number of charge conjugation-parity (CP) violation for leptons. In 1967, the Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov proposed a way to explain the baryonic asymmetry (matter-antimatter) beginning with a symmetric state. For that to work some conditions needed to be respected by the universe physics. One of them is that there must exist in nature a source of CP violation. Looking for that source as the leptonic sector of the particle physics was the goal of this project. And finally it was possible to get the lepton mixing matrix extending the standard model by the addition of one sterile neutrino and taking into account the general case of n lepton families. Once we got the mixing matrix, we counted the physical parameters. Besides presenting all the calculation used for finding the number of complex phases in the matrix, this thesis presents a brief introduction to quantum field theory, discrete symmetries and the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, all of these concepts being necessary for the understanding of the work accomplished / Mestrado / Física / Mestra em Física

Interorganisatorisk samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om hur myndigheter samverkar för att återvinna brottsutbyten / Interorganizational cooperation : in the recovery of crime

Landin, Frida, Zawada, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
Myndigheter har en central roll i dagens samhälle och många av dem möter vi varje dag vilket gör deras arbete högst aktuellt. Deras ansvarsområden överlappar ibland varandra vilket kräver att de samverkar. Tack vare samverkan kan myndigheterna effektivisera sitt arbete och uppnå bättre resultat. Däremot fungerar deras samverkan inte alltid på ett effektivt sätt utan är något som måste utvecklas och skapas tillsammans. Syftet med denna studie var att få en bredare förståelse för samt bidra med kunskap kring interorganisatorisk samverkan vid återvinning av brottsutbyten med särskilt fokus på faktorer som kan främja respektive utgöra hinder för samverkan. Efter avslutad studie har vi gett ett bidrag om de faktorer som kännetecknar interorganisatoriska samband vid brottsbekämpning om brottsutbyten samt gett förslag på förbättringar. Vi valde att använda oss av en fallstudie som metod där en kvalitativ forskningsansats tillämpades. För att få olika perspektiv samt en ökad förståelse för fenomenet som studerats har vi intervjuat sex experter, därmed en från varje myndighet. Vår teoretiska referensram består av forskning som behandlar samverkans betydelse, former och förutsättningar med särskild fokus på främjande respektive hindrande faktorer för interorganisatorisk samverkan. Vi presenterar även en analysmodell som fungerade som en utgångspunkt då vi med hjälp av denna konkretiserade vårt informationsbehov. I empirikapitlet presenterar vi de olika myndigheterna och deras roll i samverkan samt resultaten av intervjuerna. Information kring brottsutbyten presenteras också vilket utgör grunden för den empiriska bakgrunden och den empiriska undersökningen. Detta utgör tillsammans med den teoretiska referensramen grunden för vår diskussion och slutsats. Vår studie visar att det finns faktorer i de utvalda myndigheternas interorganisatoriska samverkan som utgör hinder samt främjar deras arbete kring återvinning av brottsutbyten. Engagemanget ser vi som en främjande faktor i myndigheternas interorganisatoriska samverkan. Kommunikationen mellan myndigheterna utgör en främjande faktor samtidigt som det också finns hinder i kommunikationen. Andra hinder för samverkan är sekretess och brist på relevanta verktyg för uppföljning. Eftersom myndigheterna arbetar utifrån olika ansvarsområden, uppdrag och regelverk konstaterar vi avslutningsvis att samverkan behöver bättre styrning som kan stödja pågående projekt och bidra till bättre synkronisering, koordinering och integrering av arbetsprocesserna. / Authorities play a central role in today's society. We meet many of them every day, which makes their work very actual. Their responsibilities sometimes overlap, which requires them to interact. Through this collaboration, the authorities can improve their efficiency and achieve better results. However, their collaboration does not always work well but is something that has to be created and developed together. The purpose of this study was to contribute with knowledge about inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime. We wanted to get a wider understanding of government collaboration that takes place with particular focus on factors that can promote or constitute barriers to collaboration. After completing the study, we have made a contribution about the factors that characterize inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime and suggest improvements. We have conducted a qualitative case study as a method. To get different perspectives and an increased understanding of the phenomenon studied, we have interviewed six experts, one from each authority. Our theoretical framework consists of research addressed the importance of collaborations as well as forms and conditions of collaboration with particular focus on facilitators and barriers for inter-organizational collaboration. We also present an analysis model which was used as a starting point for our information needs. In the empirical part of the present study we present the authorities' role in the collaboration as well as the results of the interviews. Information about the reclaiming the profits from crime is also presented and it forms the basis for the empirical background and the empirical study. This, together with the theoretical framework, forms the basis for our discussion and conclusion. This study identifies important facilitators and barriers for the inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime. The factors such as commitment impacts the collaboration positively. Communication between the authorities constitutes a promotion factor while there are also obstacles in the communication. Other barriers in collaboration are confidentiality and lack of relevant follow-up tools. As the authorities work on different responsibilities, tasks and regulations, we conclude that the collaboration requires better governance that would support ongoing projects and contribute to better synchronization, coordination and integration of the work processes.

La protection juridictionnelle de l'inviolabilité du domicile‎ / The judicial protection of the inviolability of the home

Gravelais, Isabelle 17 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis la fin du XXème siècle, l’inviolabilité du domicile est reconnue comme une liberté fondamentale consacrée par le Conseil constitutionnel et protégée par la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales. Cette valeur s’explique par son réel objet de protection : la personne occupant le domicile. Cette liberté prohibe les intrusions de tiers dans le domicile contre le gré de l’occupant, notamment les intrusions arbitraires de fonctionnaires. Son effectivité est principalement assurée par le juge judiciaire et le juge constitutionnel français ainsi que le juge européen. Ces derniers posent les bases d’une protection satisfaisante en adoptant une conception étendue du domicile. Mais cette protection reste à parfaire, car des insuffisances sont encore présentes dans les garanties dégagées par le Conseil constitutionnel, ainsi que dans celles fixées par le juge judiciaire en cas d’atteinte concrète à cette liberté. / Since the end of the 20th century, the inviolability of home is acknowledged as a fundamental freedom established by the Constitutional Council of French Republic and protected by the European convention of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. This value is explained by its real object of protection : the resident of the home. This freedom forbids anyone's intrusions at the domicile against the resident´s will, particularly arbitrary intrusions of state servants. Its effectiveness is mainly assured by the French judicial judge and constitutional judge as well as the European judge. This lasts lay the foundations of a satisfying protection adopting a wide conception of the home. But this conception is still to be completed because insufficiencies still exist in the guarantees drawn by the Constitutional Council as well as in those fixed by the judicial judge in case of a concrete attack of this freedom.

Dôsledky porušenia predpokladov použitia vybraných štatistických metód / Consequences of assumption violations of selected statistical methods

Marcinko, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
Classical parametric methods of statistical inference and hypothesis testing are derived under fundamental theoretical assumptions, which may or may not be met in real world applications. However, these methods are usually used despite the violation of their underlying assumptions, while it is argued, that these methods are quite insensitive to the violation of relevant assumptions. Moreover, alternative nonparametric or rank tests are often overlooked, mostly because these methods may be deemed to be less powerful then parametric methods. The aim of the dissertation is therefore a description of the consequences of assumption violations concerning classical one-sample and two-sample statistical methods and a consistent and comprehensive comparison of parametric, nonparametric and robust statistical techniques, which is based on extensive simulation study and focused mostly on a normality and heteroscedasticity assumption violation. The results of the simulation study confirmed that the classical parametric methods are relatively robust, with some reservations in case of outlying observations, when traditional methods may fail. On the other hand, the empirical study clearly proved that the classical parametric methods are losing their optimal properties, when the underlying assumptions are violated. For example, in many cases of non-normality the appropriate nonparametric and rank-based methods are more powerful, and therefore a statement, that these methods are unproductive due to their lack of power may be considered a crucial mistake. However, the choice of the most appropriate distribution-free method generally depends on the particular form of the underlying distribution.

Investigando a influência do setor leptônico em mecanismos de bariogênese / Investigating the lepton sector influence on baryogenesis mechanisms

Sato, Eduardo Akio, 1991- 09 September 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Pedro Cunha de Holanda / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-31T06:55:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sato_EduardoAkio_M.pdf: 2319995 bytes, checksum: fc82384c799d5812bf14a71fe2723e2d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação analiso como uma classe de modelos sugeridos para acomodar neutrinos massivos no modelo padrão, os assim chamados mecanismos seesaw, podem também resolver o problema de assimetria bariônica no universo. Os requisitos mínimos para uma geração dinâmica bem sucedida de assimetria bariônica, conhecidos como condições de Sakharov, são: não conservação de número bariônico, violação de simetria CP e ausência de equilíbrio térmico. Para mostrar que mecanismos seesaw respeitam estas regras, reviso alguns tópicos como: a violação de número bariônico através do processo de sphalerons, a teoria de violação de CP através de invariantes de base fraca e a mecânica estatística de não equilíbrio através da equação de Boltzmann. Como exemplo considero um cenário de mecanismo seesaw tipo I (3+3) com massas de neutrinos estéreis altamente hierárquicas. A assimetria observada impõe um limite inferior na massa dos neutrinos estéreis ($M_1 \geq 8.4 \times 10^{8} \; \text{GeV}$) e um limite superior na massa dos neutrinos ativos ($m_1 < 0.11 \; \text{eV}$), consistente com limites previamente obtidos na literatura / Abstract: In this dissertation I analyse how a class of models suggested to accommodate massive neutrinos in the standard model, the so-called seesaw mechanisms, can also solve the baryon asymmetry of the universe problem. The minimal requisites to a successful dynamical generation of baryon asymmetry, known as Sakharov's conditions, are: Non-conservation of baryon number, violation of CP symmetry and absence of thermal equilibrium. To show that seesaw mechanisms respect those rules, I review some topics such as: the standard model baryon non-conservation via sphalerons process, the theory of CP violation via weak-basis invariants and non-equilibrium statistical physics via Boltzmann equation. As a example I consider a type I (3+3) seesaw mechanism scenario with highly hierarchical sterile neutrino masses and the observed asymmetry impose a lower bound in the sterile neutrino masses ($M_1 \geq 8.4 \times 10^{8} \; \text{GeV}$) and a upper bound in the active neutrino masses ($m_1 < 0.11 \; \text{eV}$), consistent with limits previously obtained in the literature / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física / 1370441/2014 / CAPES

Caractérisation de la transparence de l'univers aux rayons gamma de très haute énergie avec H.E.S.S. et aspects associés en physique fondamentale et cosmologie / Characterisation of the transparency of the universe to very-high-energy gamma rays with H.E.S.S. and related aspects in fundamental physics and cosmology

Lorentz, Matthias 21 September 2017 (has links)
La propagation des rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie (E > 100GeV) dans l'univers est affectée par les propriétés du milieu extragalactique. Ces photons à l'échelle du TeV, issus des processus d'accélération de particules dans les noyaux actifs de galaxies, peuvent en effet interagir avec des photons du fond optique et infrarouge qui baignent l'univers et produire des paires d'électrons et de positrons. Ce processus réduit la transparence de l'univers aux rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie mais permet en revanche de sonder les propriétés du milieu extragalactique de façon unique. Dans cette thèse, les données prises par le réseau de télescopes à imagerie Tcherenkov atmosphérique H.E.S.S. sont analysées et utilisées afin de caractériser la transparence de l'univers aux rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie. Une mesure indépendante de la distribution spectrale en énergie du fond cosmologique optique et infrarouge est réalisée à travers l'ajustement des modulations observées dans les spectres en énergie obtenus avec H.E.S.S. pour un échantillon de noyaux actifs de galaxies brillants dans une gamme en redshift 0.03 < z < 0.28. Les résultats obtenus sont compatibles avec les limites inférieures dérivées par comptages de galaxies et ne suggèrent pas d'anomalie de la transparence de l'univers aux rayons Ɣ vis à vis des modèles actuels du fond de lumière extragalactique. Des processus de second ordre affectant la propagation des rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie sont également explorés. Des limites sur une brisure de la symétrie de Lorentz à l'échelle de Planck sont obtenues à partir de l'analyse spectrale du noyau actif Mrk 501 observé dans un état de flux exceptionnel par H.E.S.S. en 2014, à grand angle zénithal. Enfin, des contraintes sur le champ magnétique extragalactique sont dérivées en considérant l'émission Ɣ secondaire attendue à partir de simulations des cascades électromagnétiques initiées lors du processus d'absorption pour le noyau actif distant PG 1553+113 vu par H.E.S.S. et le télescope spatial Fermi. Cette thèse a également été l'occasion d'une participation aux développements de certains aspects de la calibration et de l'analyse des données de H.E.S.S. / The propagation of very high energy Ɣ rays in the universe depends on the properties of the extragalactic medium. Such TeV-scale photons travelling cosmological distances are -emitted through particle acceleration mechanisms in active galaxy nuclei- can interact with the low-energy photons of the extragalactic background light (EBL) and produce electron-positron pairs. This effect reduces the transparency of the universe to very high energy Ɣ rays but it also provides a unique opportunity to probe the properties of the extragalactic medium. In this thesis, data taken with the H.E.S.S. array of Cherenkov telescopes are analyzed and used to characterize the transparency of the universe to very high energy Ɣ rays. A independent measurement of the spectral energy distribution of the EBL with H.E.S.S. is presented. It is obtained by extracting the EBL absorption signal from the fit of spectral modulations in the high-quality spectra of a sample of bright blazars in the redshift range 0.03 < z < 0.28. The intensity of the EBL obtained in different spectral bands is presented together with the associated Ɣ-ray horizon. The obtained results are consistent with lower limits derived from galaxy counts and do not suggest an anomaly of the transparency of the universe to Ɣ rays with respect to current models of the extragalactic background light. Second-order processes affecting the propagation of very high energy Ɣ rays in the universe are also considered. Limits on Lorentz invariance violation at Planck scale are obtained from the spectral analysis of the active galaxy nucleus Mrk 501 observed during a high-flux state by H.E.S.S. in 2014, at large zenith angle. Finally, constraints on the extragalactic magnetic field properties are derived by considering the secondary Ɣ-ray emission expected from the simulation of electromagnetic cascades initiated by the absorption process for the distant active galaxy nucleus PG 1553+113 seen by H.E.S.S. and the Fermi Ɣ-ray space telescope. In this thesis some developments related to the calibration and analysis of H.E.S.S. data are also presented.

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