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Search for 2nbb Excited State Transitions and HPGe Characterization for Surface Events in GERDA Phase IILehnert, Björn 01 March 2016 (has links)
The search for the neutrinoless double beta (0nbb) decay is one of the most active fields in modern particle physics. This process is not allowed within the Standard Model and its observation would imply lepton number violation and would lead to the Majorana nature of neutrinos. The experimentally observed quantity is the half-life of the decay, which can be connected to the effective Majorana neutrino mass via nuclear matrix elements. The latter can only be determined theoretically and are currently affected by large uncertainties. To reduce these uncertainties one can investigate the well established two-neutrino double beta (2nbb) decay into the ground and excited states of the daughter isotope. These similar processes are allowed within the Standard Model.
In this dissertation, the search for 2nbb decays into excited states is performed in Pd-110, Pd-102 and Ge-76. Three gamma spectroscopy setups at the Felsenkeller (Germany), HADES (Belgium) and LNGS (Italy) underground laboratories are used to search for the transitions in Pd-110 and Pd-102. No signal is observed leading to lower half-live bounds (90% C.I.) of 2.9e20 yr, 3.9e20 yr and 2.9e20 yr for the 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 and 2p2 transitions in Pd-110 and 7.9e18 yr, 9.2e18 yr and 1.5e19 yr for the 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 and 2p2 transitions in Pd-102, respectively. This is a factor of 1.3 to 3 improvement compared to previous limits. The data of Phase I (Nov 2011 - May 2013) of the 0nbb decay experiment GERDA at LNGS is used to search for excited state transitions in Ge-76. The analysis is based on coincidences between two detectors and finds no signal. Lower half-life limits (90 % C.L.) of 1.6e23 yr, 3.7e23 yr and 2.3e23 yr are obtained for the 2nbb 2p1, 0p1 and 2p2 transitions, respectively. These limits are more than two orders of magnitude larger than previous ones and could exclude many old matrix element calculations.
In addition to the excited state searches, important measurements and improvements for GERDA Phase II upgrades are performed within this dissertation. 30 new BEGe detectors are characterized for their surface and active volume properties which is an essential ingredient for all future physics analyses in GERDA. These precision measurements reduce the systematic uncertainty of the active volume to a subdominant level. In extension to this, a new model for simulating pulse shapes of n+ electrode surface events is developed. With this model it is demonstrated that the dominant background of K-42 on the detector surfaces can be suppressed by a factor of 145 with an A/E pulse shape cut in Phase II. A further suppression of background is obtained by a liquid argon scintillation light veto. With newly developed Monte Carlo simulations, including the optical scintillation photons, it is demonstrated that Tl-208 in the detectors holders can be suppressed by a factor of 134. K-42 homogeneously distributed in the LAr can be suppressed with this veto in combination with pulse shape cuts by a factor of 170 for BEGe detectors. The characterization measurements and the developed simulation tools presented within this dissertation will help to enhance the sensitivity for all 0/2nbb decay modes and will allow to construct an improved background model in GERDA Phase II. / Die Suche nach dem neutrinolosen Doppelbetazerfall (0nbb) ist eines der aktivsten Felder der modernen Teilchenphysik. Der Zerfall setzt die Verletzung der Leptonenzahl voraus und hätte die Majorananatur des Neutrinos zur Folge. Die durch eine Beobachtung bestimmbare Halbwertszeit des Zerfalls ermöglicht, über ein nukleares Matrixelement, Zugang zur effektiven Majorananeutrinomasse. Die größten Unsicherheiten gehen dabei auf das Matrixelement zurück, welches nur durch verschiedene, teilweise stark voneinander abweichende theoretische Modelle zugänglich ist. Eine Möglichkeit diese Unsicherheiten zu reduzieren bieten genaue Studien des im Standardmodel erlaubten neutrinobegleiteten Doppelbetazerfalls (2nbb) in angeregte Zustände des Tochterkerns.
In dieser Dissertation wird der 2nbb-Zerfall der Nuklide Pd-110, Pd-102 und Ge-76 in angeregte Zustände untersucht. Die Untersuchungen von Pd-110 und Pd-102 wurden in drei umfangreichen Gammaspektroskopie-Experimenten in den Untergrundlaboren Felsenkeller (Deutschland), HADES (Belgien) und LNGS (Italien) durchgefürt. Es wurde kein Signal beobachtet und damit die weltweit besten unteren Grenzen für die Halbwertszeit dieser Zerfälle festgesetzt: 2,9e20 yr, 3,9e20 yr und 2,9e20 yr für die 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 und 2p2 Übergänge in Pd-110 and 7,9e18 yr, 9,2e18 yr und 1,5e19 yr für die 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 und 2p2 Übergänge in Pd-102 (90% C.I.). Dies ist eine 1,3 bis 3-fache Verbesserung gegenüber den vorher bekannten Grenzen. Die Untersuchung des 2nbb-Zerfalls in Ge-76 basiert auf Daten aus Phase I (Nov. 2011 - Mai 2013) des 0nbb-Zerfall Experiments GERDA. Mit der auf koinzidenten Ereignissen basierten Analyse konnte kein Signal beobachtet werden und folgende untere Grenzen für die Halbwertszeit der 2nbb 2p1, 0p1 und 2p2 Übergänge wurden festgelegt: 1,6e23 yr, 3,7e23 yr und 2,3e23 (90% C.L.). Diese 100-fache Verbesserung gegenüber den bisher bekannten Grenzen widerlegt eine Vielzahl älterer, zur Verfügung stehender Matrixelemente.
Zusätzlich wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation für die Erweiterungen des GERDA Experiments zur Phase II wichtige Messungen durchgeführt und Verbesserungen entwickelt. 30 neu produzierte BEGe Detektoren wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Oberflächeneigenschaften sowie ihrer aktiven Volumina charakterisiert. Diese Präzisisionsmessungen sind für alle zukünftigen Analysen in GERDA notwendig und erlauben die entsprechenden systematischen Unsicherheiten auf ein subdominantes Niveau zu reduzieren. Erweiternd wurde ein neues Model zur Beschreibung der n+ Elektrode entwickelt, welches erstmals erlaubt die Pulsform von Oberflächeninteraktionen zu simulieren. Mithilfe dieses Models konnte demonstriert werden, dass der in Oberflächeninteraktionen begründete und in GERDA dominante Messuntergrund von K-42 auf der Detektoroberfläche durch Pulsformanalyse um das 145-fache unterdrückt werden kann. Eine weitere Untergrundreduzierung wird durch ein Flüssigargon Szintillationsveto erreicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden vorhandene Monte Carlo Simulationen um den Transport von optischen Photonen erweitert und die 134-fache Unterdrückung des Tl-208 Untergrundes demonstriert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit helfen eine deutliche Sensitivitätsverbesserung für die zuküntige Suche nach dem 0/2nbb-Zerfall zu erzielen und erlauben die Erstellung eines präziseren Untergrundmodels in GERDA Phase II.
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Ku oviwa ka timfanelo ta vaxinuna eka matsalwa ya mitlangu lama hlawuriweke (Abuse of men's rights in selected Xitsonga drama text) / Abuse of men's rights in selected Xitsonga drama textMadalane, John January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Literature and Philosophy)) --University of Limpopo, 2021 / The purpose of this study is to examine the violation of men’s rights in selected Xitsonga drama texts. The study is guided by qualitative approach. The approach involves collecting and analysing non - numerical data to understand concepts, opinions or experiences. In this study purposive sampling is employed. The researcher deliberately chooses who to include in the study based on their ability to provide the necessary data. Data are collected using content and document analysis from sampled drama texts. Like other analytical methods in qualitative research methods, documents analysis requires that data be examined and interpreted in order to elicit meaning, gain understanding and develop empirical knowledge. The advantage of document analysis includes, efficiency which means that it is not time consuming but is more efficient than other research methods. Its effectiveness entails that it is less costly and makes it the method of choice. Thematic analysis is also used as the method of systematically identifying, organising and offering insight into patterns of meaning (themes) across dataset. The process involves a careful more focussed, re – reading and review of data. Two main reasons to use thematic analysis are its accessibility and flexibility. Nhlonipha theory is tested in this study. Hlonipha can be described as politeness register originating from Nguni and primarily used by Zulu women before and after marriage (Rudwick & Msibi, 2016). The motive behind using this theory is that if you hlonipha you cannot violate another person’s rights but you will have to respect them. The study finds out that men become victims of abuse, and the violation of their rights is just as criminal as the violation of the rights of their female counterparts. This study also inspires harmony and peaceful coexistence among consumers of its content. It is recommended that more studies of similar kind should be undertaken to influence humanity to desist from violating the rights of other human beings.
Man abuse, woman abuse, child abuse, human rights, violation of rights, nhlonipha
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Barnfridsbrott : - Upplevelser bland anställda på Polismyndigheten och socialtjänsten i Malmö stad / Violation of a Child's Integrity : - Experiences among Employees at the Police Authority and the Social Services in the City of MalmöLundell Björk, Rebecka, Nyström, Sara, Rosén, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
För att värna om och stärka barns straffrättsliga skydd infördes lagen om barnfridsbrott den 1 juli 2021. Lagstiftningen ämnar att betona barns särskilda utsatthet i samband med bevittnande av våld mellan två omsorgspersoner. Syftet med den aktuella studien är att undersöka hur lagstiftningen fungerar bland praktiker inom Polismyndigheten och socialtjänsten i Malmö stad, detta genom att undersöka deras upplevda förutsättningar och potentiella hinder vad avser möjligheterna att utreda barnfridsbrott. Datainsamlingen består av sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma tjänstemän inom de två berörda myndigheterna. Genom en tematisk innehållsanalys identifierades fyra huvudteman. Studiens resultat indikerar att det skett en omfattande kunskapsutveckling på området våld i nära relation och att lagstiftningen upplevs tillvarata barnets rättigheter genom de ökade möjligheterna att höra barn utan vårdnadshavares tillstånd. Respondenterna redogör för utmaningar såsom tidsfristen och den ökade mängden barnförhör. De ger även uttryck för att socioekonomiska faktorer spelar en avgörande roll gällande våld i nära relation. Därtill betonar dessa vikten av ett välfungerande brottsförebyggande arbete som tar avstamp i en effektiv samverkan. Avslutningsvis framhålls vikten av att genomföra fler utvärderingar av lagstiftningens praktiska tillämpning. / In order to safeguard and strengthen children's criminal law protection, the violation of a child’s integrity became Swedish law on the first of July 2021. The legislation intends to emphasize children's vulnerability in regard to witnessing violence between two caregivers. The purpose of the current study is to investigate how practitioners within the Police Authority and the social services in the city of Malmö experience the function of the legislation. This is done by examining their working prerequisites and potential difficulties regarding the possibilities of investigating cases of violation of a child’s integrity. The data collection consists of seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with professionals within the two agencies. Through a thematic content analysis, four main themes were identified. Results indicate that there has been an extensive development of knowledge in the field of intimate partner violence and that the legislation is perceived to safeguard children's rights through the increased ability to interrogate children without caregivers' consent. The respondents describe challenges such as the time limit and the increased number of interrogations. In addition, they express that socio-economic factors play a decisive role regarding intimate partner violence. They also emphasize the importance of a well- functioning crime prevention that is based on cooperation between agencies. Finally, it is regarded as important to conduct further evaluations of the legislations' practical implementation.
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Effektivitetsprincipen i offentlig förvaltning : en komparativrättslig studie med särskild fokus på handläggningstider och dröjsmål vid ärendehandläggning i svensk och norsk rättHenriksen, Leyla January 2019 (has links)
Public administration plays a major role in some countries that benefits citizens and government. Therefore, the government needs to uphold a standard of effectiveness in public administration. Research has been done in effectiveness in public administration in individual countries with limited research on certain aspects. However, not much research has been done on effectiveness of public administration which is linked to case management in Scandinavian countries. In the Swedish Administration Act, an efficiency principle has been incorporated which provides an opportunity for the delay in the case of delayed processing. At present there is no such opportunity in Norway. Aim to clarify what protection there is for individuals against delay in case management in Swedish and Norwegian law and whether this is consistent with the international commitments to which the countries are bound, primarily the principle of efficiency. The purpose is therefore to clarify what applies in each country, and to compare protection in both countries and whether this is compatible with international law, primarily the European Convention and EU law. Two methods have been used: the legal dogmatic and the comparative method. The result indicates that there is clearly that both countries tried to reduce resources in administrative case management by simplifying the rule. But this is not closed to meeting the requirement for efficiency in case management. Imposing penalties for case handling are not enough if there is no effective remedy that can uphold international law. Consequently, the delay speech without effective remedies will not lead to any major changes in practice in Swedish law. Norway is in the process of reviewing its provisions. This study is expected to draw attention to international law that is linked to public administration.
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The Effects of Female Genital Mutilation in Cameroon : Case Study: Ejagham Community of Eyumojock sub-divisionBayen Bessem, Priscilia January 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACT Female genital mutilation and circumcision (FGM/C) is an expression that describes social and traditional actions performed for the removal of the clitoris and inner lips; labia minora as well as part of the outer lips; labia majora. The research has addressed the effects of this action on women in Ejagham community of the Southwest region of Cameroon. The study focuses on effects revealed during the research, including voices of the women who had undergone FGM/C, excisors recount, violence against women physical, psychological, social, and sexual effects. In traditional African societies, cultural values should be upheld with dignity to humankind. Our traditional practices too, need to give honour to our bodies. Therefore, opinions from different groups within the Ejagham community are revealed in the discussion. More so, the study also found out that FGM/C was a practice performed on the girls and women on the cultural and traditional beliefs that the process signifies a rite of passage from girl to womanhood. The process caused pain and violated the right of the young girls. The findings revealed that there are divided opinions on FGM/C within the community. Custodians of the Ejagham tradition that are in favour of the practice are conflicting with those who are against the practice on medical and human right justifications. These different platforms play a prominent role in the various perceptions held by the people. A significant segment of the Ejagham community, together with some representatives of the international community, NGOs and the government of Cameroon are involved in efforts to bring about change in the community by eliminating the tradition through community-based awareness programs. These programs that are accessible by everybody has empowered people in the community with knowledge on the subject and provided the necessary resources that will help in eliminating the practice. The efforts have initiated a changing climate in the community; however, this does not yet mean that the tradition has been abolished. The paper shall also discuss the traditional and cultural reasons for the practice of FGM in Cameroon. The author will state International instruments, Conventions, the National laws, Action plan that is to eliminate or lead to the abandonment of FGM practices in Cameroon. The paper will conclude with suitable suggestions to eradicate the practice of FGM/C, which is against Human Rights. Keywords: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, Human Rights, Ejagham, Community, Cameroon / <p>Comments from the Examiner have been included in the thesis</p> / Master in Peace and Development WorkABSTRACT Female genital mutilation and circumcision (FGM/C) is an expression that describes social and traditional actions performed for the removal of the clitoris and inner lips; labia minora as well as part of the outer lips; labia majora. The research has addressed the effects of this action on women in Ejagham community of the Southwest region of Cameroon. The study focuses on effects revealed during the research, including voices of the women who had undergone FGM/C, excisors recount, violence against women physical, psychological, social, and sexual effects. In traditional African societies, cultural values should be upheld with dignity to humankind. Our traditional practices too, need to give honour to our bodies. Therefore, opinions from different groups within the Ejagham community are revealed in the discussion. More so, the study also found out that FGM/C was a practice performed on the girls and women on the cultural and traditional beliefs that the process signifies a rite of passage from girl to womanhood. The process caused pain and violated the right of the young girls. The findings revealed that there are divided opinions on FGM/C within the community. Custodians of the Ejagham tradition that are in favour of the practice are conflicting with those who are against the practice on medical and human right justifications. These different platforms play a prominent role in the various perceptions held by the people. A significant segment of the Ejagham community, together with some representatives of the international community, NGOs and the government of Cameroon are involved in efforts to bring about change in the community by eliminating the tradition through community-based awareness programs. These programs that are accessible by everybody has empowered people in the community with knowledge on the subject and provided the necessary resources that will help in eliminating the practice. The efforts have initiated a changing climate in the community; however, this does not yet mean that the tradition has been abolished. The paper shall also discuss the traditional and cultural reasons for the practice of FGM in Cameroon. The author will state International instruments, Conventions, the National laws, Action plan that is to eliminate or lead to the abandonment of FGM practices in Cameroon. The paper will conclude with suitable suggestions to eradicate the practice of FGM/C, which is against Human Rights. Keywords: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, Human Rights, Ejagham, Community, Cameroon
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Electrophysiological markers for hostile attribution bias among individuals with anxietyBoulis, Monica 12 1900 (has links)
Background: Anxiety disorders constitute the most prevalent subgroup of mental health conditions. While anxious individuals are more widely known as being socially withdrawn and shy, recent research highlights a rather non-prototypical image, one that is aggressive. The main goal of this event-related brain potentials (ERPs) study is to augment our knowledge of the neurophysiological responding of hostile attribution biases of anxious individuals to ambiguous situations. Methods: Using pre-collected data from a sample of 68 undergraduate and community-based adult participants, this study aims to explore the N400 deflection utilising Gagnon et al.’s (2016) Hostile Expectancy Violation Paradigm with anxious individuals, and whether the N400 deflection persists after controlling for aggression. Results: A more negative amplitude was observed in response to a critical word that mismatched rather than matched with the character’s expected hostile intention. Regression analyses revealed that anxiety scores negatively predicted the N400 following the mismatched expected hostile intention while controlling for reactive aggression suggesting that the violation of hostile expectancy about the intention behind an ambiguous provocative behavior is more pronounced among anxious participants. Conversely, in the hostile condition, the overall model was significant, although anxiety scores did not account for the overall effect, reactive aggression did. Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidence that anxiety symptoms are uniquely related to hostile attribution bias independent of reactive aggression. Future research should aim to replicate these findings with a clinically diagnosed sample of individuals with anxiety disorders. / Contexte : Les troubles anxieux constituent un sous-groupe le plus répandu dans les conditions de
santé mentales. Malgré cette prévalence, ils ne reçoivent pas la même reconnaissance en raison des
comorbidités, une étiologie inconnu et une manque de traitement spécifique. Récemment, la
littérature scientifique s'est concentré sur la neuro-imageries de l`anxiété. Par contre, une
compréhension plus complète sur comment l'électrophysiologie et le stress interagissent et mène
aux symptômes de l’anxiété est requis. Méthodologie : À l'aide de données pré-recueillies auprès
d'un échantillon de 68 participants, cette étude visait à étudier la déflexion N400 en utilisant le
Paradigme de la Violation d'Espérance Hostile de Gagnon et al. (2016) chez les individus adultes
présentant de l'anxiété. Résultats : dans la condition non-hostile, nous avons observez une
déflection négative significative du N400 chez les individus qui ont un score de BIAH plus élevée,
en contrôlant pour l’agressivité. Les analyses de régressions ont démontré une déflection négative
du N400. En d’autres mots, les adultes qui ont plus d'anxiété étaient surpris suivant un contexte
hostile et une intention non hostile car il s'attendait à une contexte hostile. Tandis que dans la
condition hostile, le modèle global s’est avéré significatif, par contre l’agressivité réactive a tenu
compte de l'effet global et n’ont pas les scores d’anxiétés. Conclusion : À notre connaissances,
aucune articles scientifiques à explorer le BAIH avec des mesures électrophysiologique du
cerveaux, comme preuve des influences des symptômes d'anxiété sur la cognition. Cette recherche
à augmenter notre connaissance sur la présence du BAIH chez les adultes avec des symptômes
d’anxiété en examinant des marqueurs électrophysiologique du cerveaux. Les implications et
limites de l’étude sont également discutées. Reproduire ces résultats avec un échantillon
cliniquement diagnostiqué de personnes souffrant de troubles anxieux, devrait donc être l'une des
priorités de la recherche future.
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[pt] A presente dissertação analisa os arranjos normativos que qualificam expressões do fenômeno da violência como campo de intervenção da Política Nacional de Assistência Social – PNAS/2004. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, pautada no método da análise documental, que se deteve ao exame das concepções que informam e os atributos que reivindicam a violência como objeto da Assistência Social, vinculado, no desenho institucional vigente, à Proteção Social Especial de Média Complexidade. A interpretação dos dados se deu a partir do método de análise de conteúdo qualitativa, recurso que permitiu identificar a coexistência do discurso protetivo com elementos que remetem ao controle punitivo das famílias, em especial dos núcleos em situação de pobreza. Os resultados obtidos permitem reconhecer a paradoxal relação entre proteção e punição nos arranjos contemporâneos da Política de Assistência Social, os quais são instituídos num contexto democrático, marcado por um notório avanço do conservadorismo, porém ainda vigentes sob o signo do Estado de direito. / [en] This dissertation analyzes the normative arrangements that qualify expressions of the phenomenon of violence as a field of intervention of the National Social Assistance Policy - PNAS / 2004. It is a qualitative research, based on the document analysis method, which stopped examining the concepts that inform and the attributes that claim violence as an object of Social Assistance, linked, in the current institutional design, to Special Social Protection of Medium Complexity. The interpretation of the data was based on the methodology of content analysis, a resource that allowed the identification of the coexistence of the protective discourse with elements that refer to the punitive control of families, especially those in situations of poverty. The results obtained allow us to recognize the paradoxical relationship between protection and punishment in the contemporary arrangements of the Social Assistance Policy, which are instituted in a democratic context, marked by a notable advance in conservatism, but still in force under the rule of law.
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Štúdie zarovnania Belle II vrcholového detektoru a rýchla sin 2 phi analýza / The Belle II vertex detector alignment studies and prompt sin 2 phi analysisKandra, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the alignment studies of the vertex detector during first years of the Belle II detector operation and the first prompt sin 2ϕ1 analysis using the first rel- evant data collected by the detector. Firstly, the Belle II detector and the SuperKEKB accelerator is introduced. Secondly, the software framework and tools operation is ex- plained, then the alignment procedure and developed validation procedures are described in detail. Fourth section reports about the first years of the detector operation. Next three sections are related to different alignment studies during thee different periods of the vertex detector operation: the Phase 2, VXD Commissioning and beginning of the Phase 3 early. The last section covers the time-dependent CP Violation and mixing measurements performed using the data collected prior to the 11en of May 2020. 1
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A Revised Framework for the Investigation of Expectation Update Versus Maintenance in the Context of Expectation Violations: The ViolEx 2.0 ModelPanitz, Christian, Endres, Dominik, Buchholz, Merle, Khosrowtaj, Zahra, Sperl, Matthias F. J., Mueller, Erik M., Schubö, Anna, Schütz, Alexander C., Teige-Mocigemba, Sarah, Pinquart, Martin 31 March 2023 (has links)
Expectations are probabilistic beliefs about the future that shape and influence our
perception, affect, cognition, and behavior in many contexts. This makes expectations
a highly relevant concept across basic and applied psychological disciplines. When
expectations are confirmed or violated, individuals can respond by either updating or
maintaining their prior expectations in light of the new evidence. Moreover, proactive
and reactive behavior can change the probability with which individuals encounter
expectation confirmations or violations. The investigation of predictors and mechanisms
underlying expectation update and maintenance has been approached from many
research perspectives. However, in many instances there has been little exchange
between different research fields. To further advance research on expectations and
expectation violations, collaborative efforts across different disciplines in psychology,
cognitive (neuro)science, and other life sciences are warranted. For fostering and
facilitating such efforts, we introduce the ViolEx 2.0 model, a revised framework
for interdisciplinary research on cognitive and behavioral mechanisms of expectation
update and maintenance in the context of expectation violations. To support different
goals and stages in interdisciplinary exchange, the ViolEx 2.0 model features three
model levels with varying degrees of specificity in order to address questions about
the research synopsis, central concepts, or functional processes and relationships,
respectively. The framework can be applied to different research fields and has high
potential for guiding collaborative research efforts in expectation research.
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[pt] O presente trabalho realizou análise acerca do conceito de Grave e Genera-lizada Violação de Direitos Humanos (GGVDH), a fim de investigar quais são as fundações da definição ampliada de refugiado e como se deu a sua construção no Brasil. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, os dados usados nesta Dissertação de Mestrado foram coletados das seguintes fontes: teses, dissertações, livros e artigos; relatórios do governo, de organizações internacionais e não go-vernamentais; tratados, declarações e legislações. Esta dissertação buscou apre-sentar a arquitetura protetiva internacional da pessoa humana, investigando as conexões com os diversos mecanismos do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Hu-manos, suas complementaridades, seus regimes e aplicações regionais e nacionais para, então, explorar a trajetória do refúgio no Brasil não somente até a construção do conceito de GGVDH pelo governo, mas também no seu reconhecimento. Em um primeiro momento, deu-se a apresentação do arcabouço jurídico internacional, sua interdependência e relevância para a proteção humana, culminando na Decla-ração de Cartagena (1984) e seus processos revisionais. Posteriormente, desen-volveu-se o histórico brasileiro em matéria de refúgio, chegando ao período de redemocratização e incorporação do conceito de GGVDH pela Lei n° 9.474/1997. Por fim, passou-se à breve análise do reconhecimento de refúgio no Brasil por GGVDH, no intento de mapear o posicionamento do governo frente a essa defini-ção, sua aplicação e limitações, apontando algumas nuances e conclusões. / [en] The present study undertook an analysis about the concept of Gross and Generalized Violation of Human Rights (GGVDH), in an attempt to understand what the foundations of the extended definition of refugee are and how it has been constructed in Brazil. Through a bibliographic and documental research, the data used in this Master s Thesis was collected from the following sources: theses, dissertations, books and articles; reports from government, international and non-governmental organizations; treaties, declarations and legislation. This thesis sought to present the international protective architecture of the human person, investigating its connections with the various mechanisms of International Human Rights Law, their complementariness, regimes, regional and national applications to then, explore the refuge trajectory in Brazil, not only until the construction of the GGVDH concept by the government, but also its recognition. Initially, the international legal framework was presented, their interdependence and relevance to the human protection, culminating in the Cartagena Declaration (1984) and its revision processes. Subsequently, it demonstrated the Brazilian history in terms of refuge, up until the period of re-democratization and incorporation of the GGVDH concept by the Law n 9.474/1997. Finally, it presented a brief analysis of the refugee status recognition under GGVDH in Brazil, in an attempt to map the gov-ernment’s position in relation to this definition, its application and limitations, pointing out some nuances and conclusions.
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