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Multimodalidades e leitura de cartazes de filmesLeandro, José Israel Pereira 17 April 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This TCF presents a movie poster reading practice to classes of Portuguese Language of the last grades of Elementary Teaching. Its contribution stemed from the principle that the reading conception and textual production, nowadays pass for a moment of deep conceptual and methodological changes. Because of this, this proposal seek to understand the text in a multimodal perspective: an heterogeneous element of language that can combine as the verbal language as any other types of language to messages creation. Starting from this plural comprehension of language it is proposed a movie poster reading practice through its compositional resources. Methodologically, for the fact that it is a study about the genre movie poster that materialize it in real situations of use, this research brings a study about the question of multimodality, multiliteracies and the new Technologies of Communication and Information TICs, to use these theories in the locus where they were applied. As principal theoretical reason they will be discussed the conceptions about multimodality and multiliteracies according to Rojo (2012), Dionisio (2005), the conceptions about reading from Kleiman (2013), the conceptions about the Grammar of Visual Design (GVD) from Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996) and many other authors. In addition to these concepts it also discusses the language teaching in a traditional perspective in opposition to a teaching with interaction, understood as a cultural and socio-historical process. Also deepen the discussion about textual genres and how the TICs contribute to the creation and disclosure of them, in this regard, the discussion about the TICs dialogues with the approach done about the relevance that the Learning Objects (LO) offer to the learning of students and teachers. For the fact that it is a work performed for the reading if images, it is done a study of posters of movies that represents the corpus of this work. As theoretical reason, it does the use of the postulancies of the GVD in the words of Magalhaes (2013), Santos (2011), Morais (2011), Almeida (2012) and many others. After all these discussions we have a presentation of a series of activities done in class that seek to check the importance of the concepts presented in this proposal. Who justify this practice is Gil (2002) and Dell’ Isola (2007). As pedagogical proposal for this work we present as product the creation of a pedagogical video (an OA) that condense the concepts worked in this dissertation and presents a proposal of analysis of movie posters to awake in the students the practices of analysis of multimodal texts. / Este TCF apresenta uma prática de leitura de cartazes de filmes para as aulas de Língua Portuguesa das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental. Sua constituição partiu do princípio de que a concepção de leitura e de produção textual, na atualidade, passa por um momento de profundas mudanças conceituais e metodológicas. Por causa disso, esta proposta busca compreender o texto numa perspectiva multimodal: um elemento heterogêneo da linguagem que pode combinar tanto a linguagem verbal quanto quaisquer outros tipos de linguagens para a criação de mensagens. Partindo-se dessa compreensão plural da linguagem, propõe-se uma prática de leitura do cartaz de filme a partir de seus recursos composicionais. Metodologicamente, por se tratar de um estudo sobre o gênero cartaz de filme que se materializa em situações reais de uso, esta pesquisa traz um estudo sobre a questão da multimodalidade, dos multiletramentos e das novas Tecnologias da Comunicação e Informação (TICs), para então usar essas teorias no locus onde elas foram aplicadas. Como fundamentação teórica principal serão discorridas as concepções sobre multimodalidade e multiletramentos segundo Rojo (2012), Dionisio (2005), as concepções sobre leitura em Kleiman (2013), as concepções sobre Gramática do Design Visual (GDV) de Kress e van Leeuwen (1996), e muitos outros autores. Além desses conceitos, discute-se também o ensino do idioma numa perspectiva tradicional em contraposição a um ensino como interação, compreendido como um processo sócio-histórico e cultural. Também se aprofunda o debate sobre gêneros textuais e como as TICs contribuem para a criação e divulgação deles, neste sentido, o debate sobre as TICs dialoga com a abordagem feita sobre a relevância que os Objetos de Aprendizagem (OAs) oferecem a aprendizagem de alunos e professores. Por se tratar de um trabalho realizado para a leitura de imagens, é realizado um estudo dos cartazes de filmes que representam o corpus desse trabalho. Como fundamentação teórica, faz-se uso dos postulados da GDV nas palavras de Magalhães (2013), Santos (2011), Moraes (2011), Almeida (2012) e muitos outros autores. Após todas estas discussões temos a apresentação de uma série de atividades realizadas em sala que procuram conferir a importância dos conceitos apresentados nessa proposta. Quem fundamenta essa prática é Gil (2002) e Dell’ Isola (2007). Como proposta pedagógica para este trabalho, apresentamos como produto a criação de um vídeo pedagógico (um OA) que condensa os conceitos trabalhados nesta dissertação e apresenta uma proposta de análise de cartazes de filmes para despertar nos alunos as práticas de análise dos testos multimodais. / Itabaiana, SE
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[pt] Pensando a linguagem como um construto social inseparável
do contexto
situacional e cultural em que está ancorada, este estudo
tem por objetivo principal
descrever e analisar anúncios publicitários alemães
veiculados na mídia impressa,
verificando nos mesmos as relações entre seus diferentes
componentes verbais e
não-verbais. Esta análise baseou-se fundamentalmente nos
pressupostos da
Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday, 1994), assim como
nas categorias da
Gramática Visual (Kress e Van Leeuwen, 1996). Deste modo,
a descrição e
análise dos componentes lingüísticos e extralingüísticos
dos anúncios são usadas
para a observação das possíveis relações entre língua e
contexto. Somando-se à
análise das propriedades verbais e não-verbais dos
anúncios, este estudo fez uso
de um questionário distribuído a professores de Alemão
como Língua Estrangeira
(ALE), atuantes em diferentes instituições de ensino desta
língua na cidade do Rio
de Janeiro. Através das respostas ao questionário, o
presente trabalho discute
questões relacionadas à abordagem dos aspectos culturais
nas aulas de ALE,
assim como o uso e exploração significativos dos elementos
visuais presentes nos
diversos materiais de ensino utilizados pelos professores.
Salientando, então, a
importância de se promover um ensino da LE
contextualizada, este estudo
pretende também contribuir para a discussão que envolve o
ensino de ALE,
trazendo em seu escopo teorias que tratam de gêneros
textuais, contexto, cultura e
comunicação visual. / [en] From the view that language is a social construct that is
inseparable from its
situational and cultural context, the main objective of
the present study is to
describe and analyze German advertisements in printed
form, focusing on the
relationship between their verbal and non-verbal
components. The analysis is
primarily based on the principles of Halliday`s (1994)
grammar and on the categories in the visual grammar of
Kress and van Leeuwen
(1996). Thus, the description and analysis of the
linguistic and extra-linguistic
components in the advertisements are used to observe the
relationships between
the advertisements as genre. In addition to the analysis
of the verbal and nonverbal
features of advertisements, the study made use of a
distributed to professionals that teach German as a
foreign language in various
institutions in Rio de Janeiro. In light of the responses
to the questionnaire, the
present study discusses questions related to how culture
is approached in the
classroom and whether visual elements are significantly
explored in the teaching
materials used by these teachers. The aim of the research
is twofold: it proposes
the importance of encouraging contextualized foreign
language teaching and it
attempts to contribute to the discussion on the teaching
of German as a foreign
language, from a multiple perspective that includes genre,
context, culture and
visual communication.
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A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Swedish teaching materials for English / En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av svenska läromedel för engelskaVarga, Kate, Cato, Ronja January 2021 (has links)
Education in the Swedish school system should aim to assist pupils in the development of fundamental values. This study investigates to what extent different groups of people are represented within two textbooks for English language teaching (ELT), produced in Sweden and commonly used in Swedish schools and how these representations correlate with the values indicated in the curriculum. Additionally, this study explores if textbooks designed for ELT can be adapted and used as a resource in the Arts classroom for multimodal representation analysis. The study used a multimodal critical discourse analysis with a social semiotic approach to address these questions, looking at the textbooks' textual and visual elements. The result is addressed both quantitatively and qualitatively and showed that, while women were shown in active roles, white men were overrepresented in both the visual and textual representations and people of colour of both genders were underrepresented. The results imply that ELT textbooks have some ways to go in order to meet the representation demands that the curriculum sets and that more research needs to address how to more accurately and frequently represent different groups of people within ELT teaching materials.
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”I betalt samarbete med…” : En språkvetenskaplig studie om influencers reklam på sociala medier, parasociala relationer, identiteter och värderingarBarck, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Samtidens reklam har i takt med digitaliseringens utveckling nått ett maktskifte. En populär marknadsföringsstrategi i den nutida reklamen som växer explosionsartat och omsätter miljarder är att använda influencer marketing för att nå ut till sin målgrupp. Eftersom dessa influencers har sin arbetsplats på sociala medier, och att denna plattform nyttjas av så många är det vanligt att användarna, frivilligt eller ej, möts av reklam så väl ifrån sängen som på språng. Trots influencer markering och influencers stora genomslagskraft i företags marknadsföringsstrategi är dessa ämnen ett tämligen outforskat fält, varför denna undersökning ämnar fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att utforska influencerinlägg med hjälp av språkvetenskapliga metoder. De huvudsakliga teorierna som ligger till grund för analysen är den interpersonella metafunktionen i den systemisk funktionella grammatiken samt socialsemiotiken. I studien undersöks hur influencers skapar nära eller distanserade parasociala relationer och en identitet genom marknadsföringen samt hur detta stärker reklamen. Förhoppningen är därtill att kunna bidra med nya insikter och lärdomar i ett hittills relativt outforskat område. I studiens resultat har framkommit att det finns en stor variation vad gäller vilken parasocial relation som upprättas i medieprofilernas inlägg, men slutsatsen bevittnar dock om att influencerinläggen som helhet tyder på en nära parasocial relation. Därtill är tolkningen att den parasociala relation och identitet som attribueras influencern skapar ett ideal som gynnar företagen och gör att följarna vill köpa samma produkter som deras idoliserade medieprofiler. Dock har användare på sociala medier lärt sig att känna igen samtidens reklam och vet därför att man kan bortse från reklamen, vilket gör att det trots det inte är självklart att marknadsföringen faktiskt främjar företagen.
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Communicating organizational culture mindsets : A multimodal discourse analysis of LinkedIn posts by the CEOs of Swedish unicorn startupsZeimyte, Ona, Kharrat, Abir January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we leverage Edgar Schein’s (1992) organizational culture framework alongside multimodal discourse analysis to identify textual and visual cues that reveal CEOs’ organizational culture mindsets. We analyze 72 LinkedIn posts from Swedish unicorn startup CEOs in 2022-2023 to explore whether the scholarly assumptions about organizational culture mindsets of successful startup leaders will be reflected in our analysis. Our findings indicate that our developed novel analytical framework effectively identifies how CEOs’ LinkedIn communication reveals their innovation, growth-oriented, visionary, equality, hierarchical and appreciation mindsets. We also discover inconsistencies between text and image communication in our data. By making the process of how CEOs implement various textual and visual tools to construct their posts explicit, we help CEOs and their stakeholders gain a better understanding of the effects of these choices and the implicit meanings that are created in this process. Finally, we open the door for further research on organizational culture mindsets that are revealed through CEO communication, contributing a new dimension to research on CEO communication on social media.
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A semiotic multimodal analysis and South African case study: the representation and construction of masculinities in men's health (Sa)Cilliers , Christiaan Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
The main question of this study was: How and in what way can a multimodal semiotic visual analysis model be developed and used for contributing to the analysis and understanding of the manner in which the Men’s Health (South Africa) magazine – as a case study – represents and constructs masculinities in South Africa? The following three subsidiary research questions were formulated to address this topic:
• What is the literature revealing with reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts?
• How and in which way can a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model be developed with the purpose of contributing to the analysis of visual texts?
• What is the outcome of the visual analysis multimodal model with reference to the case study about the representation and construction of masculinities in visual texts in MH?
The first aim of this research was to establish an overview of masculinities and to explore the visual representation of masculinity with reference to mediation, reality, and ideology in the media. With reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts, a semiotic visual analysis and social semiotics were used to unpack culture as a site of the production of meanings. The media is one of the main sources from which men receive their entertainment and information about the world. In this sense, the media makes sense of the world. Mass media plays a key role in discourse and constructing the relationships between reality and ideology. During this construction, the media reflects on existing opinions and attitudes in society.
A quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic multimodal visual analysis were conducted on 27 visual texts purposively selected from MH to include editions from July 2010 to June 2011. This population covered 12 front covers, 12 editorials and three flip covers. The developed visual multimodal model was tested qualitatively on nine visual texts since these texts included the front covers, flip covers and editorials of the three editions with flip covers.
A second major aim of the study was to establish the way in which a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model needed to be developed and used for analysing visual texts, as well as for analysing the visual texts according to the multimodal model in order to understand how the multimodality and social semiotic resources were applied in MH to represent and construct masculinities. The rationale for the development and design of this model was based on the premise that a basic understanding of semiotics and visual language was needed. Without such an understanding, the vast amounts of visual messages that confront the reader would remain incomprehensible. Consequently, a productive dialogue in relation to visual communication cannot take place.
The multimodal model developed in this thesis highlights visual text layout, in conjunction with language-in-use, that does not occur in isolation and that is deeply reliant on other forms of making meaning. The heptagon multimodal model consists of concept maps of the six functions of the designed hexagon model. This multimodality approach includes analysing simultaneously occurring semiotics and their various roles in conjunction with detailed, all-inclusive discourses. In the quantitative content analysis and the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis, the six components of the developed heptagon model (visual grammar, positioning, typography, colour, modality, and iconography) are illustrated. The quantitative research supported the main research design, i.e. the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis. It is envisaged that the development and construction of a multimodal semiotic model will make a contribution to the scholarly field of semiotic analysis.
By discussing the fluidity of the variations of masculinities and male identities, by giving a brief overview of the role of the media in constructing masculinities, and by focusing on the discourses that took place in MH, the researcher creates an awareness of the inherited patriarchal masculinities by recommending envisioned masculinities to be inclusive as a component of the solution. This approach is illustrated by the use and findings of the multimodal semiotic visual analysis. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et. Phil
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A semiotic multimodal analysis and South African case study: the representation and construction of masculinities in men's health (Sa)Cilliers , Christiaan Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
The main question of this study was: How and in what way can a multimodal semiotic visual analysis model be developed and used for contributing to the analysis and understanding of the manner in which the Men’s Health (South Africa) magazine – as a case study – represents and constructs masculinities in South Africa? The following three subsidiary research questions were formulated to address this topic:
• What is the literature revealing with reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts?
• How and in which way can a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model be developed with the purpose of contributing to the analysis of visual texts?
• What is the outcome of the visual analysis multimodal model with reference to the case study about the representation and construction of masculinities in visual texts in MH?
The first aim of this research was to establish an overview of masculinities and to explore the visual representation of masculinity with reference to mediation, reality, and ideology in the media. With reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts, a semiotic visual analysis and social semiotics were used to unpack culture as a site of the production of meanings. The media is one of the main sources from which men receive their entertainment and information about the world. In this sense, the media makes sense of the world. Mass media plays a key role in discourse and constructing the relationships between reality and ideology. During this construction, the media reflects on existing opinions and attitudes in society.
A quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic multimodal visual analysis were conducted on 27 visual texts purposively selected from MH to include editions from July 2010 to June 2011. This population covered 12 front covers, 12 editorials and three flip covers. The developed visual multimodal model was tested qualitatively on nine visual texts since these texts included the front covers, flip covers and editorials of the three editions with flip covers.
A second major aim of the study was to establish the way in which a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model needed to be developed and used for analysing visual texts, as well as for analysing the visual texts according to the multimodal model in order to understand how the multimodality and social semiotic resources were applied in MH to represent and construct masculinities. The rationale for the development and design of this model was based on the premise that a basic understanding of semiotics and visual language was needed. Without such an understanding, the vast amounts of visual messages that confront the reader would remain incomprehensible. Consequently, a productive dialogue in relation to visual communication cannot take place.
The multimodal model developed in this thesis highlights visual text layout, in conjunction with language-in-use, that does not occur in isolation and that is deeply reliant on other forms of making meaning. The heptagon multimodal model consists of concept maps of the six functions of the designed hexagon model. This multimodality approach includes analysing simultaneously occurring semiotics and their various roles in conjunction with detailed, all-inclusive discourses. In the quantitative content analysis and the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis, the six components of the developed heptagon model (visual grammar, positioning, typography, colour, modality, and iconography) are illustrated. The quantitative research supported the main research design, i.e. the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis. It is envisaged that the development and construction of a multimodal semiotic model will make a contribution to the scholarly field of semiotic analysis.
By discussing the fluidity of the variations of masculinities and male identities, by giving a brief overview of the role of the media in constructing masculinities, and by focusing on the discourses that took place in MH, the researcher creates an awareness of the inherited patriarchal masculinities by recommending envisioned masculinities to be inclusive as a component of the solution. This approach is illustrated by the use and findings of the multimodal semiotic visual analysis. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et. Phil
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Neither Here Nor There, But Altogether Elsewhere : A Brief Study of DistanceChang, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Knowing is often framed by language; this moving arrangement of parts helps us make sense of our surround, rendering possible ways of relating, acting, and responding. Situated yet unsettled, the play of language enables us to mediate distances, to make sense of our frames while seeking other ways of being with and for. Through dialogue, these works attempt to reroute and reorient so that we may learn to see each other — and to see ourselves.
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