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Energy-Efficient Turbo Decoder for 3G Wireless TerminalsAl-Mohandes, Ibrahim January 2005 (has links)
Since its introduction in 1993, the turbo coding error-correction technique has generated a tremendous interest due to its near Shannon-limit performance. Two key innovations of turbo codes are parallel concatenated encoding and iterative decoding. In its IMT-2000 initiative, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) adopted turbo coding as a channel coding standard for Third-Generation (3G) wireless high-speed (up to 2 Mbps) data services (cdma2000 in North America and W-CDMA in Japan and Europe).
For battery-powered hand-held wireless terminals, energy consumption is a major concern. In this thesis, a new design for an energy-efficient turbo decoder that is suitable for 3G wireless high-speed data terminals is proposed. The Log-MAP decoding algorithm is selected for implementation of the constituent Soft-Input/Soft-Output (SISO) decoder; the algorithm is approximated by a fixed-point representation that achieves the best performance/complexity tradeoff. To attain energy reduction, a two-stage design approach is adopted.
First, a novel dynamic-iterative technique that is appropriate for both good and poor channel conditions is proposed, and then applied to reduce energy consumption of the turbo decoder. Second, a combination of architectural-level techniques is applied to obtain further energy reduction; these techniques also enhance throughput of the turbo decoder and are area-efficient. The turbo decoder design is coded in the VHDL hardware description language, and then synthesized and mapped to a 0. 18<i>μ</i>m CMOS technology using the standard-cell approach. The designed turbo decoder has a maximum data rate of 5 Mb/s (at an upper limit of five iterations) and is 3G-compatible. Results show that the adopted two-stage design approach reduces energy consumption of the turbo decoder by about 65%.
A prototype for the new turbo codec (encoder/decoder) system is implemented on a Xilinx XC2V6000 FPGA chip; then the FPGA is tested using the CMC Rapid Prototyping Platform (RPP). The test proves correct functionality of the turbo codec implementation, and hence feasibility of the proposed turbo decoder design.
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Μονάδες επεξεργασίας δεδομένων για μικροεπεξεργαστές υψηλών αποδόσεωνΔημητρακόπουλος, Γεώργιος 16 March 2009 (has links)
Οι μονάδες επεξεργασίας δεδομένων αποτελούν τις βασικές δομικές μονάδες όλων των μικροεπεξεργαστών. Κάποια από τα κυκλώματα αυτής της κατηγορίας υλοποιούν τις βασικές αριθμητικές πράξεις πάνω σε δεδομένα τόσο σταθερής όσο και κινητής υποδιαστολής, ενώ κάποια άλλα αναλαμβάνουν την αναδιοργάνωση των δεδομένων αυτών για την επιτάχυνση του υπολογισμού. Σε επεξεργαστές ειδικού σκοπού, όπως οι επεξεργαστές πολυμέσων και γραφικών, οι μονάδες επεξεργασίας δεδομένων καταλαμβάνουν περισσότερο από το 30% του ολοκληρωμένου και η αποτελεσματική σχεδίαση τους έχει άμεσο αντίκτυπο στην απόδοση ολόκληρου του συστήματος. Στο μέλλον, αναμένεται πως ακόμα και οι επεξεργαστές γενικού σκοπού, θα είναι εξοπλισμένοι από εξειδικευμένους επιταχυντές, οι οποίοι θα εκτελούν απ’ ευθείας σε υλικό σύνθετους αλγορίθμους με μεγάλες υπολογιστικές απαιτήσεις.
Η βάση όλων των προτεινόμενων λύσεων σ’ αυτή τη διατριβή είναι η αναλυτική εύρεση ενός εγγενώς απλούστερου αλγορίθμου, ο οποίος θα επιτρέπει την αποτελεσματική υλοποίηση των αντίστοιχων κυκλωμάτων ανεξάρτητα από την τεχνολογία που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί και από τους επιπλέον περιορισμούς που τυχόν θα επιβληθούν στο μέλλον κατά την κατασκευή των κυκλωμάτων αυτών. Η ανάλυση και τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα που συλλέξαμε βασίζονται τόσο σε υλοποιήσεις σε επίπεδο τρανζίστορ, που είναι η κύρια μέχρι τώρα πρακτική σχεδίασης των μικροεπεξεργαστών υψηλών επιδόσεων, όσο και σε πλήρως αυτοματοποιημένες υλοποιήσεις. Φυσικά, στη δεύτερη περίπτωση η απόδοση των κυκλωμάτων επιβαρύνεται, τόσο σε καθυστέρηση όσο και σε ενέργεια, εξαιτίας των περιορισμών των αυτοματοποιημένων εργαλείων και την αναγκαστική χρήση των προσχεδιασμένων βιβλιοθηκών βασικών πυλών. Η μελέτη που πραγματοποιήσαμε στοχεύει στην πλήρη εξερεύνηση του χώρου λύσεων των κυκλωμάτων αυτών. Η ανάλυση της συμπεριφοράς τους πραγματοποιήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας τις βέλτιστες καμπύλες της ενέργειας ως προς την καθυστέρηση, οι οποίες αποτελούν τον πιο έγκυρο τρόπο περιγραφής της απόδοσης ενός κυκλώματος.
Τα κυκλώματα που παρουσιάζονται ανήκουν σε τρεις βασικές κατηγορίες. Στην πρώτη ανήκουν οι αθροιστές παράλληλου προθέματος, που χρησιμοποιούν τα κρατούμενα του Ling για την υλοποίηση της δυαδικής πρόσθεσης. Τα κρατούμενα που προτάθηκαν από τον Ling αποτελούν απλοποιημένες μορφές των κλασικών σχέσεων πρόβλεψης κρατουμένου και χρησιμοποιούνται αυτή τη στιγμή στην πλειοψηφία των εμπορικών επεξεργαστών. Το νέο κύκλωμα, που προτείναμε, αποτελεί ουσιαστικά τη γενίκευση των σχέσεων αυτών, επιτρέποντας την υλοποίηση τους με απλοποιημένες δομές παράλληλου προθέματος, με αποτέλεσμα τη μείωση τόσο της καθυστέρησης όσο και της απαιτούμενης ενέργειας. Η νέα τεχνική οδηγεί σε γρηγορότερα κυκλώματα ανεξάρτητα από τη λογική οικογένεια που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί (στατική ή δυναμική CMOS λογική) και το δένδρο παράλληλου προθέματος που θα επιλεγεί.
Η δεύτερη κατηγορία αναφέρεται σε κυκλώματα αναδιάταξης των δεδομένων που είναι αποθηκευμένα μέσα στους καταχωρητές του επεξεργαστή. Η αποδοτική αναδιάταξη των δεδομένων καταλήγει να είναι σε πολλούς αλγορίθμους (κρυπτογραφία, ψηφιακή επεξεργασία σήματος, πολυμέσα) τόσο αναγκαία όσο και η γρήγορη υλοποίηση των βασικών αριθμητικών πράξεων, αλλά και η ταχεία επικοινωνία με τη μνήμη. H προσπάθεια μας εστιάστηκε στην αποδοτική υλοποίηση μιας γενικής εντολής αναδιάταξης δεδομένων, στοχεύοντας σε όσο το δυνατόν ταχύτερες υλοποιήσεις. Όλες οι εκδοχές που προτείναμε στηρίζονται σε μια νέα μορφή δικτύων ταξινόμησης, η οποία μας επιτρέπει να παρέχουμε λύσεις που είναι σημαντικά πιο αποδοτικές σε σχέση με τις ήδη υπάρχουσες. Τα κυκλώματα που προτείνουμε κατασκευάζονται με τη χρήση ενός μόνο κελιού υπολογισμού (διαφορετικό για κάθε δίκτυο ταξινόμησης) και διατηρούν μια πλήρως κανονική δομή. Το στοιχείο αυτό, συμβάλλει, πέρα από τη βελτίωση της απόδοσης, στην αποτελεσματικότερη χωροθέτηση του κυκλώματος και στη μείωση των αρνητικών επιδράσεων των γραμμών διασύνδεσης.
Η τελευταία κατηγορία κυκλωμάτων αναφέρεται σε κυκλώματα που χρησιμοποιούνται για την υλοποίηση της πρόσθεσης αριθμών κινητής υποδιαστολής. Τα κυκλώματα που προτείνουμε χρησιμοποιούνται στα πιο κρίσιμα στάδια, από πλευράς καθυστέρησης, του υπολογισμού του αθροίσματος και αφορούν στην πρόσθεση των μεγεθών και στην κανονικοποίηση του αποτελέσματος. Αρχικά, περιγράφουμε μια εναλλακτική προσέγγιση για την υλοποίηση των αθροιστών μεγέθους των αριθμών κινητής υποδιαστολής. Οι νέες μονάδες εκμεταλλεύονται την αναπαράσταση συμπληρώματος ως προς ένα και τις γρήγορες μονάδες υπολογισμού του κρατουμένου, που βασίζονται στην τεχνική παράλληλου προθέματος. Προτείνουμε μια ενοποιημένη μεθοδολογία για το πως μπορούμε να παράγουμε δομές παράλληλου προθέματος ανεξάρτητα από το μέγεθος της λέξης εισόδου, ενώ καταφέρνουμε να ενώσουμε για πρώτη φορά τις απλοποιημένες σχέσεις κρατουμένου του Ling με την πρόσθεση αριθμών που ακολουθούν την αναπαράσταση συμπληρώματος ως προς ένα. Στη συνέχεια, περιγράφεται ένας νέος απλός τρόπος για την υλοποίηση της πρόβλεψης και της μέτρησης των προπορευόμενων μηδενικών που εμφανίζονται στα αποτελέσματα των πράξεων αριθμών κινητής υποδιαστολής. Με τη χρήση των νέων κυκλωμάτων η κανονικοποίηση του αποτελέσματος μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί σε λιγότερο χρόνο και με σημαντικά μικρότερη ενέργεια. / Data processing units (or simply datapath) constitute a major part of all microprocessors. They take over the execution of all arithmetic operations either of fixed point or floating-point data, while they are also responsible for the execution of the needed data rearrangements in order to speed up the computation. In application-specific processors used for media and graphics applications, datapath circuits occupy more than one third of the processor’s core area and their efficient design directly affects the energy-delay behavior of the whole circuit. In the near future, it is expected that even general-purpose processors will be equipped we specialized accelerators that will execute directly in hardware complex algorithms with large computational demands.
The basis of all circuits presented in this thesis is the derivation of an inherently simpler algorithm that would allow their efficient implementation irrespective the technology used and the constraints that would be imposed in the future, concerning the reliable and more predictable circuit fabrication in very deep submicron technologies. Our analysis relies on full-custom transistor-level designs that is the most common technique employed in high-performance microprocessor design. The performance of some of the presented circuits has also been investigated using an automated design flow. It is expected that, in these cases, the performance of the presented circuits will be aggravated due to the limitations imposed by the design automation tools and the available standard cell library. In this study, we aim at fully exploring the design space of our circuits. For this reason, we derived an optimal energy-delay curve for each one of the examined circuits in order to analyze its behavior. An energy-delay curve is the most reliable metric for presenting the performance of a circuit and allows the designer to perform a fair comparison among various design alternatives and circuit topologies.
The new circuits presented in this thesis belong to three categories. In the first class, we find the parallel prefix adders that adopt the carries proposed by Ling. These carries are a simplified form of the classic carry lookahead equations and they are used at the moment in the majority of commercial high-speed microprocessors. The newly proposed circuits are based on a transformation of the Ling carries that leads to more efficient parallel prefix structures, which are better suited for Ling-carry computation. This new technique offers faster implementations irrespective the logic family used (either static or dynamic CMOS) and the prefix structure selected for the implementation.
The second class refers to circuits that rearrange the data stored inside one or more of the processor’s registers. Efficient data rearrangement ends up being, in many cases, such as cryptography, digital signal processing, and multimedia applications, as essential as the fast implementation of basic arithmetic operations and the high bandwidth processor-memory communication. Our effort has focused on the efficient implementation of one of the most versatile permutation instruction, aiming to the reduction of the delay of the corresponding circuit. The design of the proposed permutation units is put under a common framework and their functionality resembles that of sorting networks. All the presented variants are designed using a single processing element (different for each sorting network) and have a very regular structure. This fact significantly contributes to the delay reduction because of the regular placement of the circuits’ cells that also alleviates the interconnect delay overhead.
The last class of circuits is used for the implementation of high-speed floating-point units. The proposed circuits participate in two of the most time critical parts of any floating-point adder that is the significand (or fraction) adder and the result normalization unit. At first, we describe an alternative implementation of the significant adder that employs the one’s complement representation in order to reduce the delay of the circuit. The proposed parallel-prefix structures are derived using a general design methodology that leads to efficient designs irrespective the wordlength of the input operands. Also, we managed for the first time to produce simplified parallel-prefix carry computation units for the case of one’s complement addition that rely on the definition of Ling carries. Secondly, we describe a simple and practical algorithm for counting the number of leading zeros that may appear in the result of floating-point addition. New circuits are also presented that simplify the design of the corresponding leading zero anticipation logic. Using the proposed structures, normalization can be performed with less delay and significantly reduced power dissipation compared to already known implementations.
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Network Coding in Distributed, Dynamic, and Wireless Environments: Algorithms and ApplicationsChaudhry, Mohammad 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The network coding is a new paradigm that has been shown to improve throughput, fault tolerance, and other quality of service parameters in communication networks. The basic idea of the network coding techniques is to relish the "mixing" nature of the information flows, i.e., many algebraic operations (e.g., addition, subtraction etc.) can be performed over the data packets. Whereas traditionally information flows are treated as physical commodities (e.g., cars) over which algebraic operations can not be performed. In this dissertation we answer some of the important open questions related to the network coding. Our work can be divided into four major parts.
Firstly, we focus on network code design for the dynamic networks, i.e., the networks with frequently changing topologies and frequently changing sets of users. Examples of such dynamic networks are content distribution networks, peer-to-peer networks, and mobile wireless networks. A change in the network might result in infeasibility of the previously assigned feasible network code, i.e., all the users might not be able to receive their demands. The central problem in the design of a feasible network code is to assign local encoding coefficients for each pair of links in a way that allows every user to decode the required packets. We analyze the problem of maintaining the feasibility of a network code, and provide bounds on the number of modifications required under dynamic settings. We also present distributed algorithms for the network code design, and propose a new path-based assignment of encoding coefficients to construct a feasible network code.
Secondly, we investigate the network coding problems in wireless networks. It has been shown that network coding techniques can significantly increase the overall
throughput of wireless networks by taking advantage of their broadcast nature. In wireless networks each packet transmitted by a device is broadcasted within a certain
area and can be overheard by the neighboring devices. When a device needs to transmit packets, it employs the Index Coding that uses the knowledge of what the device's neighbors have heard in order to reduce the number of transmissions. With the Index Coding, each transmitted packet can be a linear combination of the original packets. The Index Coding problem has been proven to be NP-hard, and NP-hard to approximate. We propose an efficient exact, and several heuristic solutions for the Index Coding problem. Noting that the Index Coding problem is NP-hard to approximate, we look at it from a novel perspective and define the Complementary Index Coding problem, where the objective is to maximize the number of transmissions that are saved by employing coding compared to the solution that does not involve coding. We prove that the Complementary Index Coding problem can be approximated in several cases of practical importance. We investigate both the multiple unicast and multiple multicast scenarios for the Complementary Index Coding problem for computational complexity, and provide polynomial time approximation algorithms.
Thirdly, we consider the problem of accessing large data files stored at multiple locations across a content distribution, peer-to-peer, or massive storage network. Parts of the data can be stored in either original form, or encoded form at multiple network locations. Clients access the parts of the data through simultaneous downloads from several servers across the network. For each link used client has to pay some cost. A client might not be able to access a subset of servers simultaneously due to network restrictions e.g., congestion etc. Furthermore, a subset of the servers might contain correlated data, and accessing such a subset might not increase amount of information at the client. We present a novel efficient polynomial-time solution for this problem that leverages the matroid theory.
Fourthly, we explore applications of the network coding for congestion mitigation and over flow avoidance in the global routing stage of Very Large Scale Integration
(VLSI) physical design. Smaller and smarter devices have resulted in a significant increase in the density of on-chip components, which has given rise to congestion
and over flow as critical issues in on-chip networks. We present novel techniques and algorithms for reducing congestion and minimizing over flows.
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Independent Component Analysis Enhancements for Source Separation in Immersive Audio EnvironmentsZhao, Yue 01 January 2013 (has links)
In immersive audio environments with distributed microphones, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) can be applied to uncover signals from a mixture of other signals and noise, such as in a cocktail party recording. ICA algorithms have been developed for instantaneous source mixtures and convolutional source mixtures. While ICA for instantaneous mixtures works when no delays exist between the signals in each mixture, distributed microphone recordings typically result various delays of the signals over the recorded channels. The convolutive ICA algorithm should account for delays; however, it requires many parameters to be set and often has stability issues. This thesis introduces the Channel Aligned FastICA (CAICA), which requires knowledge of the source distance to each microphone, but does not require knowledge of noise sources. Furthermore, the CAICA is combined with Time Frequency Masking (TFM), yielding even better SOI extraction even in low SNR environments. Simulations were conducted for ranking experiments tested the performance of three algorithms: Weighted Beamforming (WB), CAICA, CAICA with TFM. The Closest Microphone (CM) recording is used as a reference for all three. Statistical analyses on the results demonstrated superior performance for the CAICA with TFM. The algorithms were applied to experimental recordings to support the conclusions of the simulations. These techniques can be deployed in mobile platforms, used in surveillance for capturing human speech and potentially adapted to biomedical fields.
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System-level design of power efficient FSMD architecturesAgarwal, Nainesh 06 May 2009 (has links)
Power dissipation in CMOS circuits is of growing concern as the computational requirements of portable, battery operated devices increases. The ability to easily develop application specific circuits, rather than program general-purpose architectures can provide tremendous power savings. To this end, we present a design platform for rapidly developing power efficient hardware architectures starting at a system level. This high level VLSI design platform, called CoDeL, allows hardware description at the algorithm level, and thus dramatically reduces design time and power dissipation. We compare the CoDeL platform to a modern DSP and find that the CoDeL platform produces designs with somewhat slower run times but dramatically lower power dissipation.
The CoDeL compiler produces an FSMD (Finite State Machine with Datapath) implementation of the circuit. This regular structure can be exploited to further reduce power through various techniques.
To reduce dynamic power dissipation in the resulting architecture, the CoDeL compiler automatically inserts clock gating for registers. Power analysis shows that CoDeL's automated, high-level clock gating provides considerably more power savings than existing automated clock gating tools.
To reduce static power, we use the CoDeL platform to analyze the potential and performance impact of power gating individual registers. We propose a static gating method, with very low area overhead, which uses the information available to the CoDeL compiler to predict, at compile time, when the registers can be powered off and powered on. Static branch prediction is used to more intelligently traverse the finite state machine description of the circuit to discover gating opportunities. Using simulation and estimation, we find that CoDeL with backward branch prediction gives the best overall combination of gating potential and performance. Compared to a dynamic time-based technique, this method gives dramatically more power savings, without any additional performance loss.
Finally, we propose techniques to efficiently partition a FSMD using Integer Linear Programming and a simulated annealing approach. The FSMD is split into two or more simpler communicating processors. These separate processors can then be clock gated or power gated to achieve considerable power savings since only one processor is active at any given time. Implementation and estimation shows that significant power savings can be expected, when the original machine is partitioned into two or more submachines.
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Κυκλώματα αριθμητικής υπολοίπων με χαμηλή κατανάλωση και ανοχή σε διακυμάνσεις παραμέτρωνΚουρέτας, Ιωάννης 01 October 2012 (has links)
Το αριθμητικό σύστημα υπολοίπων (RNS) έχει προταθεί ως ένας τρόπος για επιτάχυνση των αριθμητικών πράξεων του πολλαπλασιασμού και της πρόσθεσης. Ένα από τα σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματα της χρήσης του RNS είναι ότι οδηγεί σε κυκλώματα που έχουν το χαρακτηριστικό της χαμηλής κατανάλωσης.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα στην παρούσα διατριβή γίνεται μια αναλυτική μελέτη πάνω στην ταχύτητα διεξαγωγής της πράξης του πολλαπλασιασμού και της άθροισης. Ο λόγος που γίνεται αυτό είναι διότι οι εφαρμογές επεξεργασίας σήματος χρησιμοποιούν ιδιαιτέρως τις προαναφερθείσες πράξεις. Επίσης γίνεται μελέτη της ισχύος που καταναλώνεται κατά την επεξεργασία ενός σήματος με τη χρήση των προτεινόμενων αριθμητικών κυκλωμάτων. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίνεται στη χρήση απλών αρχιτεκτονικών τις οποίες μπορούν τα εργαλεία σύνθεσης να διαχειριστούν καλύτερα παράγοντας βέλτιστα κυκλώματα.
Τέλος η διατριβή μελετά τα προβλήματα διακύμανσης των παραμέτρων του υλικού που αντιμετωπίζει η σύγχρονη τεχνολογία κατασκευής ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων. Συγκεκριμένα σε τεχνολογία μικρότερη των 90nm παρατηρείται το φαινόμενο ίδια στοιχεία κυκλώματος να συμπεριφέρονται με διαφορετικό τρόπο. Το φαινόμενο αυτό γίνεται σημαντικά πιο έντονο σε τεχνολογίες κάτω των 45nm. Η παρούσα διατριβή προτείνει λύσεις βασισμένες στην παραλληλία και την ανεξαρτησία των επεξεργαστικών πυρήνων που παρέχει το RNS, για να αντιμετωπίσει το συγκεκριμένο φαινόμενο. / The Residue Number System (RNS) has been proposed as a means to speed up the implementation of multiplication-addition intensive applications, commonly found in DSP. The main benefit of RNS is the inherent parallelism, which has been exploited to build efficient multiply-add structures, and more recently, to design low-power systems.
In particular, this dissertation deals with the delay complexity of the multiply-add operation (MAC). The reason for this is that DSP applications are MAC intensive and hence this dissertation proposes solutions to increase the speed of processing. Furthermore, the
study of the multiply-add operations is extended to power consumption matters. The dissertation focus on simple architectures such that EDA tools produce efficient in both power and delay, synthesized circuits.
Finally the dissertation deals with variability matters that came up as the vlsi technology shrinks below 90nm. Variability becomes unaffordable especially for the 45nm technology node. This dissertation proposes solutions based on parallelism and the independence of the RNS cores to derive variation-tolerant architectures.
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Functional timing analysis of VLSI circuits containing complex gates / Análise de timing funcional de circuitos VLSI contendo portas complexasGuntzel, Jose Luis Almada January 2000 (has links)
Os recentes avanços experimentados pela tecnologia CMOS tem permitido a fabricação de transistores em dimensões submicrônicas, possibilitando a integração de dezenas de milhões de dispositivos numa única pastilha de silício, os quais podem ser usados na implementação de sistemas eletrônicos muito complexos. Este grande aumento na complexidade dos projetos fez surgir uma demanda por ferramentas de verificação eficientes e sobretudo que incorporassem modelos físicos e computacionais mais adequados. A verificação de timing objetiva determinar se as restrições temporais impostas ao projeto podem ou não ser satisfeitas quando de sua fabricação. Ela pode ser levada a cabo por meio de simulação ou por análise de timing. Apesar da simulação oferecer estimativas mais precisas, ela apresenta a desvantagem de ser dependente de estímulos. Assim, para se assegurar que a situação crítica é considerada, é necessário simularem-se todas as possibilidades de padrões de entrada. Obviamente, isto não é factível para os projetos atuais, dada a alta complexidade que os mesmos apresentam. Para contornar este problema, os projetistas devem lançar mão da análise de timing. A análise de timing é uma abordagem independente de vetor de entrada que modela cada bloco combinacional do circuito como um grafo acíclico direto, o qual é utilizado para estimar o atraso do circuito. As primeiras ferramentas de análise de timing utilizavam apenas a topologia do circuito para estimar o atraso, sendo assim referenciadas como analisadores de timing topológicos. Entretanto, tal aproximação pode resultar em estimativas demasiadamente pessimistas, uma vez que os caminhos mais longos do grafo podem não ser capazes de propagar transições, i.e., podem ser falsos. A análise de timing funcional, por sua vez, considera não apenas a topologia do circuito, mas também as relações temporais e funcionais entre seus elementos. As ferramentas de análise de timing funcional podem diferir por três aspectos: o conjunto de condições necessárias para se declarar um caminho como sensibilizável (i.e., o chamado critério de sensibilização), o número de caminhos simultaneamente tratados e o método usado para determinar se as condições de sensibilização são solúveis ou não. Atualmente, as duas classes de soluções mais eficientes testam simultaneamente a sensibilização de conjuntos inteiros de caminhos: uma baseia-se em técnicas de geração automática de padrões de teste (ATPG) enquanto que a outra transforma o problema de análise de timing em um problema de solvabilidade (SAT). Apesar da análise de timing ter sido exaustivamente estudada nos últimos quinze anos, alguns tópicos específicos não têm recebido a devida atenção. Um tal tópico é a aplicabilidade dos algoritmos de análise de timing funcional para circuitos contendo portas complexas. Este constitui o objeto básico desta tese de doutorado. Além deste objetivo, e como condição sine qua non para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, é apresentado um estudo sistemático e detalhado sobre análise de timing funcional. / The recent advances in CMOS technology have allowed for the fabrication of transistors with submicronic dimensions, making possible the integration of tens of millions devices in a single chip that can be used to build very complex electronic systems. Such increase in complexity of designs has originated a need for more efficient verification tools that could incorporate more appropriate physical and computational models. Timing verification targets at determining whether the timing constraints imposed to the design may be satisfied or not. It can be performed by using circuit simulation or by timing analysis. Although simulation tends to furnish the most accurate estimates, it presents the drawback of being stimuli dependent. Hence, in order to ensure that the critical situation is taken into account, one must exercise all possible input patterns. Obviously, this is not possible to accomplish due to the high complexity of current designs. To circumvent this problem, designers must rely on timing analysis. Timing analysis is an input-independent verification approach that models each combinational block of a circuit as a direct acyclic graph, which is used to estimate the critical delay. First timing analysis tools used only the circuit topology information to estimate circuit delay, thus being referred to as topological timing analyzers. However, such method may result in too pessimistic delay estimates, since the longest paths in the graph may not be able to propagate a transition, that is, may be false. Functional timing analysis, in turn, considers not only circuit topology, but also the temporal and functional relations between circuit elements. Functional timing analysis tools may differ by three aspects: the set of sensitization conditions necessary to declare a path as sensitizable (i.e., the so-called path sensitization criterion), the number of paths simultaneously handled and the method used to determine whether sensitization conditions are satisfiable or not. Currently, the two most efficient approaches test the sensitizability of entire sets of paths at a time: one is based on automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) techniques and the other translates the timing analysis problem into a satisfiability (SAT) problem. Although timing analysis has been exhaustively studied in the last fifteen years, some specific topics have not received the required attention yet. One such topic is the applicability of functional timing analysis to circuits containing complex gates. This is the basic concern of this thesis. In addition, and as a necessary step to settle the scenario, a detailed and systematic study on functional timing analysis is also presented.
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Conception de controleurs autotestables pour des hypotheses de pannes analytiquesJansch, Ingrid Eleonora Schreiber January 1985 (has links)
Dans cette étude nous nous intéressons aux contrôleurs utilisés dans des systèmes autotestables, pour le test des sorties, combinatoires ou séquentielles, du bloc fonctionnel. Deux classes de contrôleurs sont abordées: les "Strongly Code Disjoint" (SCD) qui vérifient une propriété combinatoire, et les "Strongly Language Disjoint" (SLD), où la propriété vérifiée est séquentielle. Pour la première, nous examinons la conception des contrôleurs NMOS à partir de l'assemblage des cellules, des règles de conception pour celles-ci, et des hypothèses de pannes pouvant survenir dans les systèmes aussi bien que dans quelques structures spécifiques de contrôleurs. Les contróleurs "Strongly Language Disjoint" définis ici component la plus large classe qui, associèe à des circuits "sequentially self-checking", permet au système d'atteindre le "TSC goal" sous certaines hypothèses de pannes. Its conservent la propriété "language-disjoint" même en présence de fautes. Des propositions pour la conception de ces contrôleurs sont également données -nous vérifions la possibilité de les construire à partir de blocs combinatoires. Toutes les considárations pratiques sont basáes sur des hypothèses de pannes analytiques.
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Functional timing analysis of VLSI circuits containing complex gates / Análise de timing funcional de circuitos VLSI contendo portas complexasGuntzel, Jose Luis Almada January 2000 (has links)
Os recentes avanços experimentados pela tecnologia CMOS tem permitido a fabricação de transistores em dimensões submicrônicas, possibilitando a integração de dezenas de milhões de dispositivos numa única pastilha de silício, os quais podem ser usados na implementação de sistemas eletrônicos muito complexos. Este grande aumento na complexidade dos projetos fez surgir uma demanda por ferramentas de verificação eficientes e sobretudo que incorporassem modelos físicos e computacionais mais adequados. A verificação de timing objetiva determinar se as restrições temporais impostas ao projeto podem ou não ser satisfeitas quando de sua fabricação. Ela pode ser levada a cabo por meio de simulação ou por análise de timing. Apesar da simulação oferecer estimativas mais precisas, ela apresenta a desvantagem de ser dependente de estímulos. Assim, para se assegurar que a situação crítica é considerada, é necessário simularem-se todas as possibilidades de padrões de entrada. Obviamente, isto não é factível para os projetos atuais, dada a alta complexidade que os mesmos apresentam. Para contornar este problema, os projetistas devem lançar mão da análise de timing. A análise de timing é uma abordagem independente de vetor de entrada que modela cada bloco combinacional do circuito como um grafo acíclico direto, o qual é utilizado para estimar o atraso do circuito. As primeiras ferramentas de análise de timing utilizavam apenas a topologia do circuito para estimar o atraso, sendo assim referenciadas como analisadores de timing topológicos. Entretanto, tal aproximação pode resultar em estimativas demasiadamente pessimistas, uma vez que os caminhos mais longos do grafo podem não ser capazes de propagar transições, i.e., podem ser falsos. A análise de timing funcional, por sua vez, considera não apenas a topologia do circuito, mas também as relações temporais e funcionais entre seus elementos. As ferramentas de análise de timing funcional podem diferir por três aspectos: o conjunto de condições necessárias para se declarar um caminho como sensibilizável (i.e., o chamado critério de sensibilização), o número de caminhos simultaneamente tratados e o método usado para determinar se as condições de sensibilização são solúveis ou não. Atualmente, as duas classes de soluções mais eficientes testam simultaneamente a sensibilização de conjuntos inteiros de caminhos: uma baseia-se em técnicas de geração automática de padrões de teste (ATPG) enquanto que a outra transforma o problema de análise de timing em um problema de solvabilidade (SAT). Apesar da análise de timing ter sido exaustivamente estudada nos últimos quinze anos, alguns tópicos específicos não têm recebido a devida atenção. Um tal tópico é a aplicabilidade dos algoritmos de análise de timing funcional para circuitos contendo portas complexas. Este constitui o objeto básico desta tese de doutorado. Além deste objetivo, e como condição sine qua non para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, é apresentado um estudo sistemático e detalhado sobre análise de timing funcional. / The recent advances in CMOS technology have allowed for the fabrication of transistors with submicronic dimensions, making possible the integration of tens of millions devices in a single chip that can be used to build very complex electronic systems. Such increase in complexity of designs has originated a need for more efficient verification tools that could incorporate more appropriate physical and computational models. Timing verification targets at determining whether the timing constraints imposed to the design may be satisfied or not. It can be performed by using circuit simulation or by timing analysis. Although simulation tends to furnish the most accurate estimates, it presents the drawback of being stimuli dependent. Hence, in order to ensure that the critical situation is taken into account, one must exercise all possible input patterns. Obviously, this is not possible to accomplish due to the high complexity of current designs. To circumvent this problem, designers must rely on timing analysis. Timing analysis is an input-independent verification approach that models each combinational block of a circuit as a direct acyclic graph, which is used to estimate the critical delay. First timing analysis tools used only the circuit topology information to estimate circuit delay, thus being referred to as topological timing analyzers. However, such method may result in too pessimistic delay estimates, since the longest paths in the graph may not be able to propagate a transition, that is, may be false. Functional timing analysis, in turn, considers not only circuit topology, but also the temporal and functional relations between circuit elements. Functional timing analysis tools may differ by three aspects: the set of sensitization conditions necessary to declare a path as sensitizable (i.e., the so-called path sensitization criterion), the number of paths simultaneously handled and the method used to determine whether sensitization conditions are satisfiable or not. Currently, the two most efficient approaches test the sensitizability of entire sets of paths at a time: one is based on automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) techniques and the other translates the timing analysis problem into a satisfiability (SAT) problem. Although timing analysis has been exhaustively studied in the last fifteen years, some specific topics have not received the required attention yet. One such topic is the applicability of functional timing analysis to circuits containing complex gates. This is the basic concern of this thesis. In addition, and as a necessary step to settle the scenario, a detailed and systematic study on functional timing analysis is also presented.
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Conception de controleurs autotestables pour des hypotheses de pannes analytiquesJansch, Ingrid Eleonora Schreiber January 1985 (has links)
Dans cette étude nous nous intéressons aux contrôleurs utilisés dans des systèmes autotestables, pour le test des sorties, combinatoires ou séquentielles, du bloc fonctionnel. Deux classes de contrôleurs sont abordées: les "Strongly Code Disjoint" (SCD) qui vérifient une propriété combinatoire, et les "Strongly Language Disjoint" (SLD), où la propriété vérifiée est séquentielle. Pour la première, nous examinons la conception des contrôleurs NMOS à partir de l'assemblage des cellules, des règles de conception pour celles-ci, et des hypothèses de pannes pouvant survenir dans les systèmes aussi bien que dans quelques structures spécifiques de contrôleurs. Les contróleurs "Strongly Language Disjoint" définis ici component la plus large classe qui, associèe à des circuits "sequentially self-checking", permet au système d'atteindre le "TSC goal" sous certaines hypothèses de pannes. Its conservent la propriété "language-disjoint" même en présence de fautes. Des propositions pour la conception de ces contrôleurs sont également données -nous vérifions la possibilité de les construire à partir de blocs combinatoires. Toutes les considárations pratiques sont basáes sur des hypothèses de pannes analytiques.
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