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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cmos Design of an 8-Bit 1MS/S Successive Approximation Register ADC

Ganguli, Ameya Vivekanand 01 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Rapid evolution of integrated circuit technologies has paved a way to develop smaller and energy efficient biomedical devices which has put stringent requirements on data acquisition systems. These implantable devices are compact and have a very small footprint. Once implanted these devices need to rely on non-rechargeable batteries to sustain a life span of up to 10 years. Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are key components in these power limited systems. Therefore, development of ADCs with medium resolution (8-10 bits) and sampling rate (1 MHz) have been of great importance. This thesis presents an 8-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC incorporating an asynchronous control logic to avoid external high frequency clock, a dynamic comparator to improve linearity and a differential charger-distribution DAC with a monotonic capacitor switching procedure to achieve better power efficiency. This ADC is developed on a 0.18um TSMC process using Cadence Integrated Circuit design tools. At a sampling rate of 1MS/s and a supply voltage of 1.8V, this 8-bit SAR ADC achieves an effective number of bits (ENOB) of 7.39 and consumes 227.3uW of power, resulting in an energy efficient figure of merit (FOM) of 0.338pJ/conversion-step. Measured results show that the proposed SAR ADC achieves a spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of 57.40dB and a signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) of 46.27dB. Including pad-ring measured chip area is 0.335sq-mm with the ADC core taking up only 0.055sq-mm

The Bicycle-Powered Smartphone Charger

Arntzen, Chris 01 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis entails the design and fabrication of a smartphone charger that is powered by a bicycle dynamo hub. In addition to the design and validation of the charger prototype, this thesis involves the testing and characterization of the dynamo hub power source, the design and construction of specialized test equipment, and the design and prototyping of a handlebar-mounted case for the smartphone and charging electronics. With the intention of making the device a commercial product, price, aesthetics, and marketability are of importance to the design. An appropriate description of the charger circuit is a microcontroller-based energy management system, tailored to meet strict power demands of current smartphones. The system incorporates a switched-mode power supply, lithium polymer battery, microcontroller, and specialized protection circuitry. Prototype testing confirms that the circuit meets the charging requirements of the smartphone at bicycle speeds ranging from 7 miles per hour to as high as 55 miles per hour.

Multidimensional Signal Processing Using Mixed-Microwave-Digital Circuits and Systems

Sengupta, Arindam 17 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Distributed Decap-Padded Standard Cell based On-Chip Voltage Drop Compensation Framework

Johari, Pritesh N. 17 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Low-voltage and low-power libraries for Medical SoCs

Balasubramanian, Sidharth January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Green Electronics: High Efficiency On-chip Power Management Solutions for Portable and Battery-Powered Applications

Hu, Anqiao 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Evaluation of an L-Band Current-Mode Class-D Power Amplifier Integrated Circuit

Shusta, Michael J 29 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Power amplifiers (PAs) convert energy from DC to high frequencies in all radio and microwave transmitter systems be they wireless base stations, handsets, radars, heaters, and so on. PAs are the dominant consumers of energy in these systems and, therefore, the dominant sources of system cost and inefficiency. Research has focused on efficient solid-state PA circuit topologies and their optimization since the 1960s. The 2000s saw the current-mode class-D (CMCD) topology, potentially suitable for today's wireless communications systems, show promise in the UHF frequency band. This thesis describes the design and testing of a high-efficiency CMCD amplifier with an integrated driver stage. In addition, analysis of a merged PA-mixer circuit based on the CMCD is provided.

Fallos intermitentes: análisis de causas y efectos, nuevos modelos de fallos y técnicas de mitigación

Saiz Adalid, Luis José 07 January 2016 (has links)
[EN] From the first integrated circuit was developed to very large scale integration (VLSI) technology, the hardware of computer systems has had an immense evolution. Moore's Law, which predicts that the number of transistors that can be integrated on a chip doubles every year, has been accomplished for decades thanks to the aggressive reduction of transistors size. This has allowed increasing its frequency, achieving higher performance with lower consumption, but at the expense of a reliability penalty. The number of defects are raising due to variations in the increasingly complex manufacturing process. Intermittent faults, one of the fundamental issues affecting the reliability of current and future digital VLSI circuits technologies, are studied in this thesis. In the past, intermittent faults have been considered the prelude to permanent faults. Nowadays, the occurrence of intermittent faults caused by variations in the manufacturing process not affecting permanently has increased. Errors induced by intermittent and transient faults manifest similarly, although intermittent faults are usually grouped in bursts and they are activated repeatedly and non-deterministically in the same place. In addition, intermittent faults can be activated and deactivated by changes in temperature, voltage and frequency. In this thesis, the effects of intermittent faults in digital systems have been analyzed by using simulation-based fault injection. This methodology allows introducing faults in a controlled manner. After an extensive literature review to understand the physical mechanisms of intermittent faults, new intermittent fault models at gate and register transfer levels have been proposed. These new fault models have been used to analyze the effects of intermittent faults in different microprocessors models, as well as the influence of several parameters. To mitigate these effects, various fault tolerance techniques have been studied in this thesis, in order to determine whether they are suitable to tolerate intermittent faults. Results show that the error detection mechanisms work properly, but the error recovery mechanisms need to be improved. Error correction codes (ECC) is a well-known fault tolerance technique. This thesis proposes a new family of ECCs specially designed to tolerate faults when the fault rate is not equal in all bits in a word, such as in the presence of intermittent faults. As these faults may also present a fault rate variable along time, a fault tolerance mechanism whose behavior adapts to the temporal evolution of error conditions can use the new ECCs proposed. / [ES] Desde la invención del primer circuito integrado hasta la tecnología de muy alta escala de integración (VLSI), el hardware de los sistemas informáticos ha evolucionado enormemente. La Ley de Moore, que vaticina que el número de transistores que se pueden integrar en un chip se duplica cada año, se ha venido cumpliendo durante décadas gracias a la agresiva reducción del tamaño de los transistores. Esto ha permitido aumentar su frecuencia de trabajo, logrando mayores prestaciones con menor consumo, pero a costa de penalizar la confiabilidad, ya que aumentan los defectos producidos por variaciones en el cada vez más complejo proceso de fabricación. En la presente tesis se aborda el estudio de uno de los problemas fundamentales que afectan a la confiabilidad en las actuales y futuras tecnologías de circuitos integrados digitales VLSI: los fallos intermitentes. En el pasado, los fallos intermitentes se consideraban el preludio de fallos permanentes. En la actualidad, ha aumentado la aparición de fallos intermitentes provocados por variaciones en el proceso de fabricación que no afectan permanentemente. Los errores inducidos por fallos intermitentes se manifiestan de forma similar a los provocados por fallos transitorios, salvo que los fallos intermitentes suelen agruparse en ráfagas y se activan repetitivamente y de forma no determinista en el mismo lugar. Además, los fallos intermitentes se pueden activar y desactivar por cambios de temperatura, tensión y frecuencia. En esta tesis se han analizado los efectos de los fallos intermitentes en sistemas digitales utilizando inyección de fallos basada en simulación, que permite introducir fallos en el sistema de forma controlada. Tras un amplio estudio bibliográfico para entender los mecanismos físicos de los fallos intermitentes, se han propuesto nuevos modelos de fallo en los niveles de puerta lógica y de transferencia de registros, que se han utilizado para analizar los efectos de los fallos intermitentes y la influencia de diversos factores. Para mitigar esos efectos, en esta tesis se han estudiado distintas técnicas de tolerancia a fallos, con el objetivo de determinar si son adecuadas para tolerar fallos intermitentes, ya que las técnicas existentes están generalmente diseñadas para tolerar fallos transitorios o permanentes. Los resultados muestran que los mecanismos de detección funcionan adecuadamente, pero hay que mejorar los de recuperación. Una técnica de tolerancia a fallos existente son los códigos correctores de errores (ECC). Esta tesis propone nuevos ECC diseñados para tolerar fallos cuando su tasa no es la misma en todos los bits de una palabra, como en el caso de los fallos intermitentes. Éstos, además, pueden presentar una tasa de fallo variable en el tiempo, por lo que sería necesario un mecanismo de tolerancia a fallos cuyo comportamiento se adapte a la evolución temporal de las condiciones de error, y que utilice los nuevos ECC propuestos. / [CA] Des de la invenció del primer circuit integrat fins a la tecnologia de molt alta escala d'integració (VLSI), el maquinari dels sistemes informàtics ha evolucionat enormement. La Llei de Moore, que vaticina que el nombre de transistors que es poden integrar en un xip es duplica cada any, s'ha vingut complint durant dècades gràcies a l'agressiva reducció de la mida dels transistors. Això ha permès augmentar la seua freqüència de treball, aconseguint majors prestacions amb menor consum, però a costa de penalitzar la fiabilitat, ja que augmenten els defectes produïts per variacions en el cada vegada més complex procés de fabricació. En la present tesi s'aborda l'estudi d'un dels problemes fonamentals que afecten la fiabilitat en les actuals i futures tecnologies de circuits integrats digitals VLSI: les fallades intermitents. En el passat, les fallades intermitents es consideraven el preludi de fallades permanents. En l'actualitat, ha augmentat l'aparició de fallades intermitents provocades per variacions en el procés de fabricació que no afecten permanentment. Els errors induïts per fallades intermitents es manifesten de forma similar als provocats per fallades transitòries, llevat que les fallades intermitents solen agrupar-se en ràfegues i s'activen repetidament i de forma no determinista en el mateix lloc. A més, les fallades intermitents es poden activar i desactivar per canvis de temperatura, tensió i freqüència. En aquesta tesi s'han analitzat els efectes de les fallades intermitents en sistemes digitals utilitzant injecció de fallades basada en simulació, que permet introduir errors en el sistema de forma controlada. Després d'un ampli estudi bibliogràfic per entendre els mecanismes físics de les fallades intermitents, s'han proposat nous models de fallada en els nivells de porta lògica i de transferència de registres, que s'han utilitzat per analitzar els efectes de les fallades intermitents i la influència de diversos factors. Per mitigar aquests efectes, en aquesta tesi s'han estudiat diferents tècniques de tolerància a fallades, amb l'objectiu de determinar si són adequades per tolerar fallades intermitents, ja que les tècniques existents estan generalment dissenyades per tolerar fallades transitòries o permanents. Els resultats mostren que els mecanismes de detecció funcionen adequadament, però cal millorar els de recuperació. Una tècnica de tolerància a fallades existent són els codis correctors d'errors (ECC). Aquesta tesi proposa nous ECC dissenyats per tolerar fallades quan la seua taxa no és la mateixa en tots els bits d'una paraula, com en el cas de les fallades intermitents. Aquests, a més, poden presentar una taxa de fallada variable en el temps, pel que seria necessari un mecanisme de tolerància a fallades on el comportament s'adapte a l'evolució temporal de les condicions d'error, i que utilitze els nous ECC proposats. / Saiz Adalid, LJ. (2015). Fallos intermitentes: análisis de causas y efectos, nuevos modelos de fallos y técnicas de mitigación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59452

Interconnect Planning for Physical Design of 3D Integrated Circuits / Planung von Verbindungsstrukturen in 3D-Integrierten Schaltkreisen

Knechtel, Johann 03 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vertical stacking—based on modern manufacturing and integration technologies—of multiple 2D chips enables three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs). This exploitation of the third dimension is generally accepted for aiming at higher packing densities, heterogeneous integration, shorter interconnects, reduced power consumption, increased data bandwidth, and realizing highly-parallel systems in one device. However, the commercial acceptance of 3D ICs is currently behind its expectations, mainly due to challenges regarding manufacturing and integration technologies as well as design automation. This work addresses three selected, practically relevant design challenges: (i) increasing the constrained reusability of proven, reliable 2D intellectual property blocks, (ii) planning different types of (comparatively large) through-silicon vias with focus on their impact on design quality, as well as (iii) structural planning of massively-parallel, 3D-IC-specific interconnect structures during 3D floorplanning. A key concept of this work is to account for interconnect structures and their properties during early design phases in order to support effective and high-quality 3D-IC-design flows. To tackle the above listed challenges, modular design-flow extensions and methodologies have been developed. Experimental investigations reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques, and provide findings on 3D integration with particular focus on interconnect structures. We suggest consideration of these findings when formulating guidelines for successful 3D-IC design automation. / Dreidimensional integrierte Schaltkreise (3D-ICs) beruhen auf neuartigen Herstellungs- und Integrationstechnologien, wobei vor allem “klassische” 2D-ICs vertikal zu einem neuartigen 3D-System gestapelt werden. Dieser Ansatz zur Erschließung der dritten Dimension im Schaltkreisentwurf ist nach Expertenmeinung dazu geeignet, höhere Integrationsdichten zu erreichen, heterogene Integration zu realisieren, kürzere Verdrahtungswege zu ermöglichen, Leistungsaufnahmen zu reduzieren, Datenübertragungsraten zu erhöhen, sowie hoch-parallele Systeme in einer Baugruppe umzusetzen. Aufgrund von technologischen und entwurfsmethodischen Schwierigkeiten bleibt jedoch bisher die kommerzielle Anwendung von 3D-ICs deutlich hinter den Erwartungen zurück. In dieser Arbeit werden drei ausgewählte, praktisch relevante Problemstellungen der Entwurfsautomatisierung von 3D-ICs bearbeitet: (i) die Verbesserung der (eingeschränkten) Wiederverwendbarkeit von zuverlässigen 2D-Intellectual-Property-Blöcken, (ii) die komplexe Planung von verschiedenartigen, verhältnismäßig großen Through-Silicion Vias unter Beachtung ihres Einflusses auf die Entwurfsqualität, und (iii) die strukturelle Einbindung von massiv-parallelen, 3D-IC-spezifischen Verbindungsstrukturen während der Floorplanning-Phase. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, Verbindungsstrukturen mit deren wesentlichen Eigenschaften bereits in den frühen Phasen des Entwurfsprozesses zu berücksichtigen. Dies begünstigt einen qualitativ hochwertigen Entwurf von 3D-ICs. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten modularen Entwurfsprozess-Erweiterungen bzw. -Methodiken dienen zur effizienten Lösung der oben genannten Problemstellungen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen bestätigen die Wirksamkeit sowie die Effektivität der erarbeiten Methoden. Darüber hinaus liefern sie praktische Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Anwendung von 3D-ICs und der Planung deren Verbindungsstrukturen. Diese Erkenntnisse sind zur Ableitung von Richtlinien für den erfolgreichen Entwurf von 3D-ICs dienlich.

Synthese topologique de macro-cellules en technologie cmos

Moraes, Fernando Gehm January 1994 (has links)
Les problèmes majeurs de la génération automatique du dessin des masques des circuits intégrés sont la dépendance vis-à-vis des règles de dessin et le dimensionnement correct des transistors. Les méthodes traditionnelles, telles que l'utilisation de cellules pré-caractérisées, manquent de flexibilité, car les portes des bibliothèques (en nombre limité) sont dessinées et dimensionnées (independarnment de l'application) pour une technologie donnée. Les méthodes de synthèse automatique du dessin des masques ont pour but de surmonter ces problèmes. Les techniques les plus couramment utilisées sont le "gate-matrix" et le "linear-matrix". L'indépendance vis-à-vis des règles de dessin est obtenue en utilisant la technique de description symbolique (dessin sous une grille unitaire), et les dimensions des transistors sont définies par le concepteur ou par un outil de dimensionnement. Nous proposons une méthode et un prototype logiciel pour la synthèse automatique des masques, en utilisant le style "linear-matrix multi-bander". La description d'entree du générateur est un fichier format SPICE (au niveau transistor), ce qui permet d'avoir un nombre très élevé de cellules, en particulier les portes complexes (A01), et ainsi avoir une meilleure optimisation lors de la phase d'assignation technologique. Les macro-cellules générées doivent être assemblées afin de réaliser un circuit complet. Deux contraintes supplémentaires sont ainsi imposées au générateur: malléabilité de la forme et position des broches d'entrées/sorties sur la périphérie de la macro-cellule. Les macro-cellules sont assemblées en utilisant un environnement de conception industriel. Les contributions de ce mémoire de doctorat sont d'une part le développement d'un générateur de macro-cellules flexible ayant les caracteristiques d'indépendance aux règles de dessin et d'intégration dans un environnement de macro-cellules, et d'autre part l'étude detailée des paramètres qui déterminent la surface occupée, les performances électriques et la puissance dissipée des macro-cellules générées automatiquement. / The main problems of the automatic layout synthesis are the design rules dependence and the transistor sizing. The traditional layout synthesis methods, like standard-cells, are not flexible, since the cells in the libraries are designed and sized for a specific technology. In this way, the designer must change his library at each technology improvement. The automatic layout synthesis methods overcomes these problems (design rules dependence and transistor sizing). Examples of layout styles are gate-matrix and linear-matrix. The technology independence is achieved by symbolic description (layout under an unitary grid), and the transistor sizes are defined by the designer or by a sizing tool. From these two constraints, we develop an automatic layout synthesis tool, using a linear-matrix multi-row layout style. The input description for our tool is a Spice file. This descriptions allows to define a greater number of cells (mainly AOIs gates), resulting a technology mapping with less constraints. The generated macro-cells must be assembled in order to construct a complete circuit. Two additional constraints are then imposed to the generator : variable aspect ratio and placement of the inputs/outputs pins in the macro-cell border. The macro-cells are assembled by an industrial CAD environment. The main contributions of this thesis are the development of a macro-cell generator (with the characteristics of technology independence and easy integration in a macro-cell environment) and the analysis of the parameters playing a role in the area, delay and power consumption.

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