Spelling suggestions: "subject:"war"" "subject:"warm""
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In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans with widespread flooding and infrastructural damage. The Lower Ninth Ward has since experienced a slow recovery from the catastrophic flooding it endured. Among the various physical, social, and economic challenges still facing the neighbourhood, this thesis identifies the community’s subsequent social disintegration following Katrina, and its continuing challenged access to nutritious food as primary arguments for a food hub co-operative in the center of the neighbourhood.
The power of the co-operative lies in the collectivization of social, physical, and financial assets of the currently fractured community. The food “hub” then becomes the heart of the neighborhood, facilitating social ownership, renewed purpose and responsibility, and financial empowerment. At an urban scale the centrally located food hub anchors an expansive food network, enabling a city ward currently devoid of collective means to get back on its feet.
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Vaikų pozityviosios socializacijos modelio pritaikymas apskrities globos įstaigose / The application of children positive socialization into region ward institutionsPilipčikienė, Irena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti vaikų pozityviosios socializacijos problemas ir galimybes globos įstaigose. Darbo tikslo išpildymas pateiktas šiose darbo dalyse: Teorinių sprendimų dalyje, remiantis įvairių autorių literatūra bei įstatyminiais aktais, nuostatomis tiriamos socializacijos prielaidos ir jų sudedamosios dalys, analizuojami globojamo vaiko pozityviosios socializacijos modelio metmenys. Taip pat pateikiama detali Lietuvos ir Alytaus apskrities socialinės aplinkos analizė, globos įstaigų auklėjamų vaikų socializacijos tendencijos ir jos realizavimo priemonės. Tyrimo dalyje pateikta empirinio tyrimo rezultatų analizė ir interpretavimas. Atlikto ekspertinio vertinimo tyrimo metu išaiškintos pagrindinės apskrities vaikų socializacijos problemos bei rezultatų pagalba, nustatytos galimybės toms problemoms spręsti. Rezultato išdavoje pateikiamos pozityviosios socializacijos modelio pritaikymo galimybės apskrityje. Nustatytos socioedukacines tendencijos bei globojamų vaikų socialinės integracijos galimybės Alytaus regione. Darbas apibendrintas pagrindinėmis darbo išvadomis. Pagrindiniai rezultatai iliustruoti 7 lentelėmis, 22 paveikslais bei 3 priedais. Darbas rašytas naudojantis specializuota literatūra ir kitais informaciniais šaltiniais lietuvių kalba. / The main object of this final master work is to reveal the main problems and opportunities of children positive socialization in district ward institutions. The fulfilment of the work object is presented in these parts of the work: In the theoretical part of the work is shown the analysis of preconditions of socializations and its constituent parts, dimensions of ward children positive socialization model based on various authors and law acts, regulations. Also we can find the detail analysis of Lithuanian and Alytus region social environment, the socialization and its realization means tendency of children ward institutions. The empiric part of the work reveals the results and their interpretation of empiric research based on expert evaluation. In the result of this research are elucidated the main problems of socialization in region ward institutions. With the research results we can define the possibilities to solve these problems. The outcome of this master work is represented the model of positive socialization and its adaptation opportunities in represented region. It is also diagnosed the tendency of social education and social integration opportunities of ward children in Alytus region. Master work is summarized in the basic work conclusions. Principal results are illustrated in 7 tables, 22 images and 3 appendixes. Work is written using specialized literature and other information sources in Lithuanian language.
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Upplevelsen av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter i omvårdnadsprocessen på en akutvårdsavdelning : en intervjustudie / The experience of precepting student nurses in the nursing process in an emergency ward : an interview studyHasselrot, Lottie January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Att arbeta i svensk hälso- och sjukvård idag innebär att arbeta i en balans mellan stressiga och stimulerande arbetssituationer. I sjuksköterskors arbetsuppgifter ingår det, utöver de arbetsuppgifter som utförs inom ens verksamhet, att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter. Tidigare studier visar på att handledning kräver mycket tid och energi och kan leda till stress hos personalen. Samtidigt kan handledning vara väldigt givande för personalen då man ser studenten växa i sin yrkesroll och att handledare i och med det kan växa i sin egen yrkesroll som sjuksköterska. Omvårdnadsprocessen är en central del i sjuksköterskestudenters utbildning och framförallt i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning i termin tre under sjuksköterskeutbildningen. På en akutvårdsavdelning kan patienter som har kort förväntad vårdtid eller patienter som är i behov av extra övervakning eller kontroller vårdas. Tidigare studier som genomförts på sjuksköterskor som är verksamma inom akutsjukvård visar att handledning kräver mycket tid och energi av de som handleder. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter i omvårdnadsprocessen på en akutvårdsavdelning. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ intervjustudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju respondenter från ett sjukhus i Stockholmsområdet. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier med tillhörande underkategorier. Ur dessa kategorier kunde författaren fastställa tre teman som var Förhållningssätt, Begränsningar och Möjligheter. Resultatet visade att upplevelsen av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter i omvårdnadsprocessen på en akutvårdsavdelning kan skilja sig från handledare till handledare. Oavsett vilken vana sjuksköterskor har i rollen som handledare eller vilka strategier de skapar sig i sin handledarroll så finns det strukturella faktorer på en akutvårdsavdelning som påverkar lärandet för studenten. Det kan vara en bra miljö att möta redan tidigt under utbildningen men gentemot de lärandemål i termin tre där omvårdnadsprocessen står i centrum så upplevs akutvårdsavdelning inte som en optimal lärandemiljö. Sjuksköterskor kan trots detta uppleva att handledningen i sig kan leda till professionell utveckling i den egna yrkesrollen då handledare lär sig själv genom att lära andra. Slutsatsen är att handledande sjuksköterskor upplever att en akutvårdsavdelning inte är en optimal miljö för handledning i omvårdnadsprocessen. För att framöver kunna ta emot studenter i termin tre så finns det ett behov av att lärandemiljön anpassas mer efter studenterna och de som handleder snarare än att studenterna ska anpassa sig efter verksamheten. Det finns ett värde i att skapa en välfungerande lärandemiljö för studenten då det även leder till en professionell utveckling hos de som handleder samt en god omvårdnad för patienterna.
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Äldre patienters upplevelse av sin vårdtid på en geriatrisk vårdavdelning : en intervjustudie / Elderly patients' experiences of their hospital stay in a geriatric ward : an interview studyCarestrid Taube, Marilene January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Paying for the Gift of Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis of The Intown Academy of AtlantaNesbit, Scott 12 August 2014 (has links)
In my critical discourse analysis of The Intown Academy's (TIA) various documents and media—including the school's charter petition, charter, Parent-Student Handbook, and website—I articulate the school's subjectifying narratives and analyze how these narratives function to (re)produce particular subjects according to tropes of threat/crisis, opportunity, corporate/non-profit benevolence, and personal responsibility. Identifying these subjects, I analyze how they are effected/affected by the practice of education at TIA. To this end, I examine the various practices of school discipline codified in the Parent and Student Contracts in TIA's 2012-2013 Parent Student Handbook, including mandates for the wearing of school uniforms, volunteer labor, and reorientations of the family and the private space of the home. I conclude that TIA discursively produces indebted subjects whose educational and economic survival depends on the reorientation of their lives in service to the school.
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Ward committee functionaries as participants for improving service delivery at Mafube Local Municipality / John Sipho MkhwanaziMkhwanazi, John Sipho January 2013 (has links)
The concept public participation as the bedrock of participatory democracy has the advantages of empowering civil society in decision-making skills and in legitimizing execution of programmes and projects. The vehicle driving public participation is the system of Ward Committees. legislations such as White Paper on Local Government and the Constitution obligate municipalities to involve communities in facilitating development. Participation is an essential part of local democracy and is a statutory prerequisite for the local community to be drawn into decision-making through processes such as the integrated development planning. The task of Mafube Local Municipality is not only to provide services that encourage sustainable living standards but, to also guarantee that the Mafube community is involved in council strategies and activities that affect the lives of local community. The study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of ward committees in becoming partners in the developmental role of Mafube Local Municipality. For the purpose of the study, hypothesis was formulated that ward committees are necessary mechanisms for facilitating service delivery and yet social and administrative challenges confront their efficient functioning at Mafube Local Municipality which needs to be resolved. To test the hypothesis, empirical research method of open ended questionnaires and interviews was used to test attitudes and perceptions of councillors, ward committees and the community of Mafube Local Municipality on the effectiveness of ward committees. Amongst other findings, it was found that: * Ward committees as community structures are well known by the community of Mafube. * Ward committees need an on-going training with regard to their roles and responsibilities so that they are empowered to execute their duties as is required of them. * The literacy level among certain ward committee members poses a challenge in enabling them to understand municipal programmes or projects. * Public participation is viewed as consultation because there is minimal participation of the community during the planning and decision making of the municipal programmes or projects. * Majority of community members do not attend ward or public meetings. * Elections of ward committees are sometimes not fair and transparent, depending on political affiliation. The study concludes with recommendations for consideration and implementation by Council of Mafube Local Municipality in enhancing service delivery. / M Development and Management (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014
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A comparison between two group work approaches for adolescent women under the guardianship of the Minister /Banitsiotis, Elizabeth. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (MPsy(Clinical))--University of South Australia, 2001.
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Breaking the cycle of disaster damage transfer of development rights as fair compensation to homeowners in New Orleans /Kalapos, Beth A. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch)--Kent State University, 2007. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Nov. 14, 2007). Advisor: Charles L. Harker. Keywords: transfer of development rights, Lower Ninth neighborhood, Central City neighborhood. Includes bibliographical references (p. 45).
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Musical letters eighteenth-century writings of music and the fictions of Burney, Radcliffe, and Scott /Chao, Noelle. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--UCLA, 2007. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 328-358 ).
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The ecogothic pastoral ideologies in the gendered Gothic landscape /Roberts, Suzanne L. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Nevada, Reno, 2008. / "August 2008." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 204-219). Online version available on the World Wide Web.
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