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Propriedades de concretos produzidos através da utilização de agregados reciclados de concreto / Properties of concrete produced by using recycled concrete aggregatePelissari, Viviane 09 March 2016 (has links)
A reciclagem de resíduos constitui uma opção para amenizar o impacto ambiental resultante da quantidade expressiva de detritos gerados pelas atividades produtivas do segmento da construção. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a utilização de agregados graúdos reciclados de concreto (ARC) em substituição ao agregado graúdo natural (AGN) para a produção de concretos com resistência à compressão de 30 MPa. O programa experimental iniciou-se com a caracterização física e granulométrica do agregado graúdo reciclado de concreto (ARC), e posterior comparação com as propriedades do agregado graúdo natural (AGN). Com base no conhecimento dessas propriedades, deu-se início a etapa de produção dos concretos. Foram estudados diferentes procedimentos de forma a reduzir o efeito da absorção de água do concreto pelo agregado reciclado durante o estado fresco. Também foi avaliada a influência da utilização de diferentes teores (0, 10%, 20%, 50% e 100%) de substituição do agregado graúdo natural pelo agregado graúdo reciclado de concreto nas propriedades do estado fresco e do estado endurecido do concreto. Embora tenha se verificado uma redução nos valores de resistência em relação ao concreto de referência (sem a presença de ARC), os concretos alcançaram o valor especificado de resistência à compressão (30 MPa) para todas as porcentagens de substituição de AGN por ARC. Com relação às propriedades de módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração por compressão diametral, verificou-se que a redução nos resultados se intensifica conforme aumenta a porcentagem de ARC incorporado à mistura. Os valores registrados para absorção de água, por sua vez, aumentavam gradativamente de forma proporcional à quantidade de ARC no concreto. / The recycling of waste is an option to minimize the environmental impact of the significant amount of waste generated by production activities in the construction segment. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the use of recycled coarse aggregate concrete (ARC) to replace the natural coarse aggregate (AGN) for the production of concrete with compressive strength of 30 MPa. The experimental program began with physical and particle size characterization of the recycled coarse aggregate concrete (ARC), and for comparison with the properties of natural coarse aggregate (AGN). Based on the knowledge of these properties, the next step was the production of concrete. Different procedures to reduce the effect of absorption of water by recycled concrete aggregate at the fresh state were studied. Also it was evaluated the effect of using different amounts (0, 10%, 20%, 50% and 100%) replacement of the natural coarse aggregate for concrete recycled coarse aggregate in to the properties of concrete at the fresh state and at the hardened state. Although it has been verified a decrease in the compressive strength values in relation to the reference concrete (without the presence of ARC), for all AGN replacement percentages by ARC was reached the value specified compressive strength (30 MPa). With regard to the modulus of elasticity and splitting tensile strength, it was found that the reduction in results intensifies with increasing percentage of ARC incorporated into the mixture. The values recorded for water absorption, in turn, gradually increased in proportion to the amount of the ARC.
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Avaliação do efeito de resíduos galvânicos sobre a vulcanização e as propriedades da borracha natural (NR) / Evaluation of the effect of galvanic wastes on the vulcanization and the properties of natural rubber (NR)Alex Calcagno de Sales Santos 17 July 2009 (has links)
Com a Revolução Industrial e a adoção do modelo econômico urbano e industrial, baseado no consumo, ocorreu o aumento da geração de resíduos, frutos das diferentes atividades humanas. A galvanoplastia é um processo que embeleza e protege mecanicamente peças metálicas e está presente nas indústrias do setor metal-mecânico de Nova Friburgo. Neste processo, dois resíduos importantes são gerados: um oriundo do pré-tratamento das peças metálicas e outro das estações de
tratamento de efluentes industriais. Neste trabalho, tais resíduos, denominados de (RGs), foram incorporados à borracha natural (NR) em substituição total ou parcial ao óxido de zinco (ZnO). O possível efeito ativador dos RGs sobre a vulcanização e as propriedades da borracha natural foi investigado. As misturas foram realizadas em um misturador de calandras, utilizando-se um sistema convencional (CV). A cinética de vulcanização foi estudada nas temperaturas de 150C, 160C e 170C, através de ensaios reométricos e a determinação de parâmetros tais como: tempo de pré-cura (ts1); tempo ótimo de vulcanização (t90); torques mínimo (Ml) e máximo (Mh); constantes de velocidade; e, energias de ativação. Com relação às propriedades mecânicas, a resistência à tração e a resistência ao rasgamento foram determinadas. As composições de NR contendo RGs apresentaram diminuição do tempo ts1, aumento das constantes de velocidade e diminuição das energias de ativação. No entanto, a resistência ao rasgamento foi mantida em um nível satisfatório apenas nas composições em que o ZnO foi substituído parcialmente em 25%. / With the Industrial Revolution and the adoption of urban and industrial economic model, based on consumption, there was an increased in the generation of wastes, as a result of different human activities. Electroplating is a process that embellishes
and mechanically protects metallic parts and it is present in the industries of metalmechanical segment of Nova Friburgo. In this process, two important wastes are generated: one from pre-treatment of metal parts, other from industrial sewage
station. In this investigation, these wastes, named RGs, were incorporated in the natural rubber (NR) in partial or total replacement to zinc oxide (ZnO). A possible activator effect of RGs upon vulcanization and properties of natural rubber was
investigated. Mixes are prepared in a two-roll mixer using a conventional system (CV). Vulcanization kinetics was studied at 150, 160 and 170C through of rheometric tests and the determination of parameters such as: scorch time (ts1);
optimum cure time (t90); minimum torque (Ml); maximum torque (Mh); constants rates (k); and, activation energies. In relation to mechanical properties, tensile and tear strength were determined. NR compositions with RGs presented a diminution in ts1 values, increase in the constants rates and diminution of activation energies. However, tear strength is maintained in a satisfactory level only in the compositions where ZnO was partially replaced in 25%.
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Organização dos catadores de resíduos : uma análise a partir de variáveis socioeconômicas e do ambiente de trabalhoHammes, Margarete Teresinha 21 September 2016 (has links)
Os catadores de materiais potencialmente recicláveis e reutilizáveis estão presentes na sociedade há muito tempo, muitas vezes vivendo à margem desta que não reconhece o papel importante que desempenham no sentido de preservação ambiental. Sua importância foi reconhecida com a implementação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), tanto nas questões relacionadas a gestão e gerenciamento ambiental, como nas relacionadas com as condições de trabalho. Diante da importância deste profissional para a sociedade e para o ambiente, este estudo teve como objetivos: verificar se a organização dos catadores (em associados e não associados) interfere nas situações e condições de trabalho destes profissionais e; identificar como estão sendo desenvolvidos estudos sobre catadores de resíduos sólidos urbanos nos cursos Stricto Sensu de Engenharia e Ciências Ambientais no Brasil no período de 2001 a 2013. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica que utilizou dados do relatório projeto de extensão intitulado “Projeto Capacitação e Apoio às Atividades dos Catadores Informais do Município de Caxias do Sul” e no projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido pelo Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Políticas Públicas e Sociais, denominado “Atividades Laborais de Catadores de Resíduos Sólidos: impactos na Vida e na Qualidade Ambiental”. A partir dos dados coletados, foram selecionadas algumas variáveis que estão relacionadas às condições socioeconômicas e de trabalho destes profissionais, cujos dados foram apresentados na forma de tabelas e gráficos. Para a identificação do número de dissertações que remetem ao catador, foi feito um levantamento das dissertações publicadas no banco de teses da CAPES. Os resultados mostram que a organização dos catadores em associações resulta em melhora significativa nas situações e condições de trabalho destes profissionais e que estar em associações é importante para melhoria dessas situações e condições de trabalho. Quanto as dissertações, apesar do grande número de trabalhos desenvolvidos na área de engenharia e ciências ambientais que mencionam resíduos sólidos urbanos foi identificado um número pequeno que tem como objeto de estudo o catador, sugerindo-se um incremento em tais estudos. / The pickers of potentially recyclable and reusable materials are present in society for a long time, often living on the fringes of this that does not recognize the important role they play in the sense of environmental preservation. Its importance was recognized with the implementation of the Brazilian solid waste Policy (PNRS), both on the issues related to management and environmental management in relation to working conditions. Given the importance of this professional to society and the environment, this study had as its objectives: to check if the organisation of collectors (members and nonmembers) interfere in situations and working conditions of these professionals and; identify how studies are being developed on municipal solid wastepickers in Stricto Sensu courses of engineering and Environmental Sciences in Brazil during the period from 2001 to 2013. It is a documentary and bibliographic research using data from the report extension project entitled "capacity-building and Project support for activities of Informal garbage collectors in the city of Caxias do Sul and the research project developed by the Center for studies and research in Public and Social Policies, called" Labour Activities of solid waste pickers: impacts on Life andon Environmental Quality ". From the data collected, we have selected some variables that are related to socio-economic conditions and working of these professionals, whose data were presented in the form of charts and graphs. To identify the number of dissertations which refer to dung, was made a survey of the dissertations published in the Bank of the CAPES. The results show that the Organization of pickers into associations results in significant improvement in the situations and working conditions of these professionals and to be in associations is important for improvement of these situations and work conditions. As the dissertations, despite the large number of works in the area of engineering and environmental sciences that mention municipal solid waste was identified a small number that has as object of study the dung,suggests an increase in such studies.
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Contribution à l'élaboration d'un procédé de valorisation des cendres volantes et des résidus d'épuration des fumées d'incinération d'ordures ménagères / Valorisation of municipal solid waste incineration fly ashes and air pollution control residuesDe Boom, Aurore 04 November 2009 (has links)
D’après les limites d’acceptation pour la mise en décharge des déchets, les REFIOM (Résidus d’Epuration des Fumées d’Incinération d’Ordures Ménagères) sont considérés comme déchets dangereux, car ils libèrent des quantités importantes de chlorures et de métaux lourds lorsqu’ils entrent en contact avec de l’eau. Ces solides doivent par conséquent être traités avant leur mise en décharge. A côté des traitements visant l’acceptabilité des REFIOM en décharge, quelques recherches entrevoient la possibilité de valoriser ces résidus, notamment dans des matériaux cimentaires. <p>Les recherches présentées ici s’inscrivent dans cette tendance nouvelle et visent l’élaboration d’un procédé combinant traitement et valorisation des REFIOM. <p>Les REFIOM représentent en fait différents types de résidus provenant des installations que rencontrent les fumées issues de l’incinération des déchets. La composition des résidus diffère selon leur origine. Il est dès lors apparu essentiel de considérer chaque type de résidu séparément et de poursuivre l’élaboration d’un traitement sur un seul type de REFIOM. Nous avons choisi de concentrer les recherches sur les Cendres Volantes de Chaudière (CVC), ces résidus se retrouvant dans tout incinérateur. <p>Le traitement des CVC est basé sur l’extraction de fractions valorisables et la séparation de fractions contaminées, permettant d’obtenir des résidus acceptables en décharge ou, idéalement eux-mêmes valorisables. <p>Une séparation magnétique permet d’extraire environ 10% en poids des CVC mais ne semble pas exploitable dans le cadre du traitement des CVC car les particules magnétiques contiennent des impuretés (composés non magnétiques) et que le résidu final reste contaminé. <p>Une étude de la répartition des éléments en fonction de la taille des particules (granulochimie) est effectuée sur les CVC. Il apparaît intéressant de séparer la fraction inférieure à 38 µm obtenue lors d’une séparation granulométrique, effectuée en voie humide en utilisant une solution dense. En effet, cette fraction semble être nettement plus contaminée en Pb (soluble) que le reste des CVC. Une telle séparation constitue dès lors la première étape du traitement des CVC. Elle est suivie par des étapes de lavage des fractions obtenues, visant à extraire les sels solubles (chlorures et métaux). Les lavages sont envisagés à contre-courant afin d’utiliser au mieux l’eau de lavage. Une recirculation interne des solutions est également prévue, de sorte que, théoriquement, le procédé ne génère pas d’effluents liquides. Une étape de précipitation de composés métalliques (PbS dans ce cas-ci) est prévue après le lavage des boues. <p>Le procédé de traitement des CVC produirait ainsi des boues et des granulats décontaminés, des sels et des précipités métalliques. Seules certaines étapes du procédé ont été investiguées en laboratoire ;des essais supplémentaires sont encore nécessaires pour optimiser chaque étape, comprendre les phénomènes physico-chimiques qui se produisent et assurer des filières de valorisation. <p>/<p>Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) fly ashes and Air Pollution Control (APC) residues are considered as hazardous waste according to the limits for the acceptance of waste at landfills, because high amounts of chlorides and heavy metals leach from the solids when those are in contact with water. These residues have thus to be treated before they can be accepted in landfill. Several treatments aim to limit the leaching of the residues. Beside these treatments, some research works go further the treatment and consider the valorisation of MSWI fly ashes and APC residues, e.a. in cementitious materials. <p>The present work follows the new trend and aims to build up a process that combines treatment and valorisation of MSWI fly ashes and APC residues. <p>MSWI fly ashes and APC residues come from the devices encountered by the flue gases from waste incineration. The residues composition differs according to their origin. It seems thus essential to consider each type of residues separately and to develop the treatment only on one sort of residue. Boiler Fly Ashes (BFA) were chosen because they exist in every modern MSWI plant. <p>The BFA treatment is based on the extraction of valorisable fractions and on the separation of contaminated fractions, which makes the final residues less hazardous; these final residues would then be acceptable in landfill, or, even better, be valorisable. <p>A magnetic sorting extracts ~10% (wt.) of BFA; however, such a separation would not be useful in a treatment process because the magnetic particles contain some impurities (non magnetic particles) and the final residue is still hazardous. <p>The repartition of the elements according to the particles size has been studied on BFA. It seems interesting to separate the BFA at 38 µm by a wet sieving process using a dense solution. The lower fraction presents a higher contamination in Pb (soluble) than the larger. Consequently, the first step of the BFA treatment consists of a wet sieving. Washing steps follow the sieving and aim to extract soluble salts (chlorides, heavy metals). These washings work in a counter-current way to optimise the use of water. The solutions are recycled in the process, which implies the absence of liquid effluents. A precipitation step of some metallic compounds (PbS in this case) is foreseen after the washing of the lower fraction. <p>The BFA treatment process would produce decontaminated sludge and coarse fractions, salts and metallic compounds. Some steps of the process have been investigated at lab-scale; further studies are necessary to optimise each step, to understand the observed reactions and to guarantee valorisation channels. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Studium vlastností polymery modifikovaných malt využívající pucolánově aktivní materiály / Study of the Properties of Polymer-modified Mortars using Pozzolana Active AdmixturesPyreňová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of the properties of polymer-modified cementitious mortars which using pozzolanic active materials based on amorphous silica. Explores the possibilities of using the recycled glass as a partial replacement of cement in PMM. Properties of mortars are reviewed in mineralogical and technological point of view. For specification of the results were used the analysis RTG, DTA and REM.
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Investigating the performance of a community based approach to solid waste management: A case study of Nkulumane Suburb in Bulawayo, ZimbabweMkumbuzi, Sinqobile Helen 18 May 2018 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / Solid waste management (SWM) has become an issue of increasing worldwide concern as urban populations continue to rise and consumption patterns change. The health and environmental effects associated with SWM are escalating, predominantly in the perspective of developing countries. The rise in rural-urban migration rates in developing countries has left local authorities overwhelmed and failing to cope with the increase in solid waste. This has led to a shift from conventional systems of solid waste management to contemporary systems such as community based solid waste management (CBSWM). Despite the shift, it seems local authorities in developing countries still fail to manage suburban waste effectively. This study investigated the performance of a CBSWM scheme in Nkulumane, a high-density suburb in Bulawayo. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, hence a mixed methods approach employed. The study incorporated systematic sampling and purposive sampling in the selection of research participants. Data was collected through qualitative questionnaires, semi structured interviews and field observations. Thematic content analysis and descriptive statistics from SPSS version 25 were used in data analysis. The study revealed that community members from Nkulumane had sound knowledge on what CBSWM entails, however the community members had negative attitude towards CBSWM and traditional notions on SWM had an influence of their perception of CBSWM concepts. The study also revealed that Bulawayo City Council had managed to create employment for the community through a CBSWM scheme. Furthermore, operating expenses of the city council had decreased over the years. The level of environmental awareness had improved in the study area as well. However, Bulawayo City Council has battled with community participation problems, financial constraints and inter-institutional infighting. This study provides a comprehensive report on the performance of the CBSWM scheme in Nkulumane high density suburb, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. / NRF
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Investigating the efficacy of a moving bed biofilm reactor for the removal of the antiretrovirals tenofovir, emtricitabine, nevirapine, ritonavir and efavirenz from synthetic wastewaterMokgope, Herman D. 04 1900 (has links)
PhD. (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / South Africa utilises more antiretroviral (ARV) compounds per capita than any other nation in the fight against Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Considering the main entrance pathways of antiviral drugs into the urban water cycle, excretions via urine or faeces from treated individuals play a dominant role. Due to the limited efficiency of conventional biological treatment (activated sludge), ARVs were detected in South African wastewater treatment plant effluents and surface waters. This poses a threat to aquatic environments due to the toxicity of ARVs and can be a potential contributor to ARV resistance due to persistent low level ARV exposure in the general population. This study investigated the efficacy of a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) for ctybtri8nthe elimination of five ARV compounds i.e., tenofovir, emtricitabine, nevirapine, ritonavir and efavirenz from synthetic wastewater. Furthermore, the study also looked at the shift in microbial community compositions of biofilms in the MBBR due to exposure to the ARV compounds. Lastly, the ecotoxicity of the MBBR’s influent and effluent along with the actual ARV compounds were examined.
The capacity of ARV degradation by the MBBR was investigated by spiking synthetic wastewater influent with 10 μg/L of five ARV compounds. Actual removal during treatment was assessed by sampling the inlets and outlets of the reactor. A targeted solid phase extraction method with Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography coupled to quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to quantify the five ARV compounds. Microbial diversity (alpha-diversity) of seeded sludge from a full-scale municipal WWTP and biofilm samples from a laboratory scale MBBR system during pre- and post-introduction of ARV compounds was investigated by Illumina sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Ecological toxicity of the MBBR’s influent and effluent along with the five ARV compounds was determined using the Vibrio fischeri, Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum toxicity test kits and measured as EC50.
After MBBR treatment; Nevirapine, Tenofovir, Efavirenz, Ritonavir and Emtricitabine all showed marked reduction in concentration between the influent and effluent of the MBBR. On average, the percentage removed for Nevirapine, Tenofovir, Efavirenz, Ritonavir and Emtricitabine was 62.31%, 74.18%, 93.62%, 94.18% and 94.87% respectively. Microbial diversity results demonstrated that the introduction of antiretroviral drugs affects the bacterial community composition and diversity considerably. For instance, Nitrosomonas, Nitrospira and Alicycliphilus were found to be higher in post introduction of ARV compounds biofilm samples than in biofilm samples before the introduction of ARV compounds. The EC50 for Tenofovir, Emtricitabine, Nevirapine, Ritonavir and Efavirenz were 82.5, 41.7, 39.3, 60.3 and 0.21 mg/L respectively for S. capricornutum; 81.3, 50.7, 49, 87.1 and 0.43 mg/L respectively for D. magna; and 73.5, 55.1, 41.3, 83.6 and 0.55 mg/L respectively for V. fischeri. The EC50 of the influent and effluent were found to be above 100% concentration, therefore they could not be specifically determined. The ecotoxicity results show that ARV compounds are potentially toxic to the environment, with efavirenz being more toxic than the other four ARV compounds tested. Since there were no toxic effects observed from the effluent, it can be assumed that mineralisation has occurred, or the transformation products are of less or equal toxicity to the influent (because the influent did not show any toxic effects to the model organisms tested).
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Production and characterization of biofuel from waste cookingEmeji, Ikenna Chibuzor 08 1900 (has links)
At present, the use of other sources of energy other than energy source from crude oil has accelerated. This is due to limited resources of fossil fuel, increasing prices of crude oil and environmental concerns. Alternative fuels such as biofuel are becoming more important because it can serve as a replacement for petroleum diesel due to its comparable fuel properties and cleaner emission. For use in a standard diesel engine, biodiesel can be blended (mixed) with petroleum diesel at any concentration. In this study, transesterification of waste cooking oil with methanol was catalyzed by heterogeneous catalyst TiO2-supported-MgO and the biodiesel produced was characterised. Waste cooking oil (WCO) was used because it is regarded as one of the cheapest feedstock for biodiesel production in that most oils from oil crops are used as food. Waste cooking oil is available in vast amounts each day in every restaurants and fast food outlets worldwide. The waste cooking oil used in this study was laboratory prepared by the addition of 5 wt. % of oleic acid into 95 wt. % of soybeans oil.10 wt. % of titanium-supported-magnesium oxide catalyst (MgO/TiO2) used was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation and characterized using XRF, BET and XRD. These materials were tested with the catalyst for the conversion of waste vegetable oil to biodiesel in presence of methanol and hexane co-solvent. Methanol to oil mole ratio of 18:1 was employed in the transesterification process. When hexane was used as cosolvent, methanol to oil mole ratio of 18:1 and methanol to hexane mole ratio of 1:1 was used. The effects of reaction time, reaction temperature and hexane co-solvent on the waste vegetable oil conversion has been established. The 1HNMR analysis was used to estimate the structure of FAME produced. It was observed that the oil conversion increases with the increased reaction time, reaction temperature and use of hexane as co-solvent. / Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
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Exploration of the availability, development and use of learning support materials on waste management in Kwazulu NatalManqele, Mbaweni Beauty January 2006 (has links)
This case study was done in KwaZulu–Natal province in South Africa within two municipalities Ethekwini and Umsunduzi Municipality. Three communities participated in this study. The research is motivated by the lack of cooperation between some municipalities and Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in implementing the National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) at a local level. The primary goal is to explore the availability and development of learning support materials (LSMs) that relates to waste management in collaboration with CBOs and local councillors. The secondary goal is to explore the use of learning support material to promote participation in the implementation of the NWMS. Coresearchers were from the Community Based Organisations as well as local councillors who are located within the communities of these CBOs. Pseudonyms for co-researchers from CBOs and Councillors and the name of their townships have been used to protect co-researchers. A literature review has been conducted to explore research that has been done on the development, usage, accessibility and distribution of the LSMs. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews; field visits to communities, tape recording of discussions and the keeping of a field journal. Some of the key findings included that LSMs is used by both CBOs and Councillors to try to reduce local environmental problems. It also identified that there are no formal mechanisms between CBOs and Municipalities in dealing with waste management programmes within the identified communities. The other important finding was that the participation of CBOs in the development of LSMs normally excludes the user groups as a result language used is not always understood. Illustrations used in some cases may be misinterpreted if the reader is not English literate as most of material in circulation is written in English. Some recommendations for further research have been made in relation to the findings made in the study. These included recommendations on the development, usage of LSMs, participation of stakeholders in resource development within the context of CBOs and local municipalities.
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Production and characterization of biofuel from waste cookingEmeji, Ikenna Chibuzor 08 1900 (has links)
At present, the use of other sources of energy other than energy source from crude oil has accelerated. This is due to limited resources of fossil fuel, increasing prices of crude oil and environmental concerns. Alternative fuels such as biofuel are becoming more important because it can serve as a replacement for petroleum diesel due to its comparable fuel properties and cleaner emission. For use in a standard diesel engine, biodiesel can be blended (mixed) with petroleum diesel at any concentration. In this study, transesterification of waste cooking oil with methanol was catalyzed by heterogeneous catalyst TiO2-supported-MgO and the biodiesel produced was characterised. Waste cooking oil (WCO) was used because it is regarded as one of the cheapest feedstock for biodiesel production in that most oils from oil crops are used as food. Waste cooking oil is available in vast amounts each day in every restaurants and fast food outlets worldwide. The waste cooking oil used in this study was laboratory prepared by the addition of 5 wt. % of oleic acid into 95 wt. % of soybeans oil.10 wt. % of titanium-supported-magnesium oxide catalyst (MgO/TiO2) used was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation and characterized using XRF, BET and XRD. These materials were tested with the catalyst for the conversion of waste vegetable oil to biodiesel in presence of methanol and hexane co-solvent. Methanol to oil mole ratio of 18:1 was employed in the transesterification process. When hexane was used as cosolvent, methanol to oil mole ratio of 18:1 and methanol to hexane mole ratio of 1:1 was used. The effects of reaction time, reaction temperature and hexane co-solvent on the waste vegetable oil conversion has been established. The 1HNMR analysis was used to estimate the structure of FAME produced. It was observed that the oil conversion increases with the increased reaction time, reaction temperature and use of hexane as co-solvent. / Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
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