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The well-being of employees in a South African agricultural research organisation / Doris Nkechiyem AsiweAsiwe, Doris Nkechiyem January 2014 (has links)
It is important that organisations are aware of factors that might affect the levels of well-being of employees, as employees are instrumental to the achievement of organisational goals. Well-being of employees can be conceptualised in terms of burnout and engagement. Studies have shown that different factors contribute to the employee experience of burnout and engagement. These factors include job demands and resources and psychological conditions (psychological meaningfulness, psychological availability and psychological safety). Although various studies regarding burnout and engagement can be found in literature, three research gaps have been identified from the studies. First, a reliable and valid instrument is needed to measure job demands and resources in a specific organisation. Second, given the cost of some measures of burnout, inadequacies in conceptualisation of the burnout construct and the inadequate psychometric properties of others, an inexpensive measure is needed which can be used to measure burnout in a valid and reliable way. Third, no studies seem to be found which focus on the effects of job demands and resources on burnout and engagement via specific psychological conditions (i.e. psychological meaningfulness, availability and safety).
The general objective of this research therefore was to investigate the well-being of employees in a South African agricultural research organisation. It focused on job demands, job resources, burnout, work engagement and psychological conditions.
The objective of the first study was to investigate the job demands and resources of employees in a South African agricultural research organisation. The study specifically examined the validity and reliability of a scale adapted to measure job demands and resources of the employees and established the prevalent job demands and resources of the employees. Differences that may exist based on the employees‟ demographic variables were also investigated.
The aim of the second study was to provide an overview of current burnout measures that are used in the literature. From the literature, gaps were identified and used to develop a new Burnout Scale for use with employees within a South African agricultural research organisation. The research then examined the construct validity, reliability, construct equivalence and item bias of the newly-developed Burnout Scale. The research also investigated whether any differences in burnout existed in relation to the employees‟ demographic variables.
The third study investigated the relationships between specific job demands, job resources, psychological conditions, burnout, and work engagement by testing a structural model of burnout and engagement in a sample of employees within a South African agricultural research organisation.
The research method for each of the three articles consisted of a brief literature review and an empirical study. A non-probability availability sample of 443 agricultural employees was used. A cross-sectional design, with a survey as the data collection technique, was used. Measuring instruments that were utilised included an adapted Job Demands-Resources scale (AJDRS), a self-developed Burnout Scale (BS), a self-developed Work Engagement Scale (WES), an adapted Psychological Conditions Questionnaire (PCQ), and a biographical questionnaire. The statistical analyses were carried out with the help of the SPSS programme (IBM SPSS statistics, version 21) and MPLUS version 7.11 (Muthén, & Muthén 1998-2013). The statistical methods utilised in the three articles included descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, principal factor analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, MANOVA, ANOVA, differential item functioning (DIF), and structural equation modelling.
Evidence was established for the factorial validity and reliability of the AJDRS. The results indicate that the job demands experienced by employees in an agricultural research organisation are: overload and job insecurity; while job resources were: organisational support, growth opportunities, control, rewards, and physical resources (equipment). It was furthermore found that there were differences in the perceived job demands and resources of employees. In addition, the BS was found to consist of three reliable factors, i.e. fatigue, emotional exhaustion/withdrawal, and cognitive weariness. The results also showed construct equivalence for the Burnout construct, and no item bias for the language groups examined. Age was found to affect the level of perceived burnout of the employees.
Furthermore, job resources (growth opportunities, control, and organisational support) were found to be positively associated with engagement, while lack of resources and job demands (overload) are positively associated with burnout of employees. Psychological meaningfulness, safety and availability are positively associated with work engagement, and negatively associated with burnout.
The psychological conditions of availability, safety, and meaningfulness mediated the relationship between job resources and work engagement, as well as between lack of job resources and burnout. Psychological availability and meaningfulness mediated the relationship between job demands and burnout; however, the mediation effect of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands and burnout could not be established.
Recommendations are made for practice, as well as future research. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die belewing van stres en die gebruik van cope-vaardighede deur departementshoofde van skole : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Jan Adriaan OberholzerOberholzer, Jan Adriaan January 2006 (has links)
An investigation into stress experience and the use of coping skills by departemental
heads of schools: guidelines for support. Stress occurs when one's perception of demands
exceeds his perception of his abilities to meet them. Except for work related demands, a
variety of demands and threats in the environment have to be faced continuously. As a result
stress is created that manifest in people's behavior, work efficiency and socialization.
In general, the education profession is considered among the most stressful careers in the
world. This also applies to the South African educational system. U'hm teachers experience
stress, it has a negative effect on their beloved ones. colleagues and the learners. Therefore
teacher stress has a negative effect on the teaching system in general. Thus teacher stress can
be considered to be a national problem. The real situation of teachers in South Africa was
determined by means of an empirical study that \\as complimented by a qualitative
In this study. stress is dealt with from the educational psychology. However. stress is a
holistic multi-dimensional concept that can only by understood at best when it is approached
from a multi-professional point of view. Equally all the actions to cope with stress are rnultidimensional
actions. This research aims to develop among teachers an awareness of stress
manifestations. with the purpose to identi6 and control stressors. These actions are
strengthened by appropriate adaptations in life style and the management of resources. A
comprehensive support program is suggested to guide teachers towards an understanding and
control of stress. and the establishment of a social support system. while serious
manifestations of stress should be addressed by means of professional services.
Key words: stress. cope. stress management. education. self control. stress control,
environment. work stress: organization stress. community stress. health. wellness.
neurological exercise. physical exercise. physiological exercise. religion. humor. feeding. free
radicals. anti-osidants. and diet. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Die belewing van stres en die gebruik van cope-vaardighede deur departementshoofde van skole : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Jan Adriaan OberholzerOberholzer, Jan Adriaan January 2006 (has links)
An investigation into stress experience and the use of coping skills by departemental
heads of schools: guidelines for support. Stress occurs when one's perception of demands
exceeds his perception of his abilities to meet them. Except for work related demands, a
variety of demands and threats in the environment have to be faced continuously. As a result
stress is created that manifest in people's behavior, work efficiency and socialization.
In general, the education profession is considered among the most stressful careers in the
world. This also applies to the South African educational system. U'hm teachers experience
stress, it has a negative effect on their beloved ones. colleagues and the learners. Therefore
teacher stress has a negative effect on the teaching system in general. Thus teacher stress can
be considered to be a national problem. The real situation of teachers in South Africa was
determined by means of an empirical study that \\as complimented by a qualitative
In this study. stress is dealt with from the educational psychology. However. stress is a
holistic multi-dimensional concept that can only by understood at best when it is approached
from a multi-professional point of view. Equally all the actions to cope with stress are rnultidimensional
actions. This research aims to develop among teachers an awareness of stress
manifestations. with the purpose to identi6 and control stressors. These actions are
strengthened by appropriate adaptations in life style and the management of resources. A
comprehensive support program is suggested to guide teachers towards an understanding and
control of stress. and the establishment of a social support system. while serious
manifestations of stress should be addressed by means of professional services.
Key words: stress. cope. stress management. education. self control. stress control,
environment. work stress: organization stress. community stress. health. wellness.
neurological exercise. physical exercise. physiological exercise. religion. humor. feeding. free
radicals. anti-osidants. and diet. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Development and validation of new scales for psychological fitness and work characteristics of blue collar workers / Lelani Brand-LabuschagneBrand-Labuschagne, Lelani January 2010 (has links)
Over the last decade the focus has shifted to ensure a holistic view of employee well-being in organisations by focusing on both physical and psychological well-being. Previous research suggests that work characteristics and psychological work-related well-being influence both the individual (i.e. health) and organisational outcomes (i.e. commitment, safety, productivity, etc.). Moreover, the increasing importance of focusing on work-related psychological well-being of employees is evident in legislation from around the world. In South Africa the Occupational Health and Safety legislation, spesifically the Construction Regulations, also recognises the importance of the psychological well-being of employees and refers to it as ?psychological fitness?. However, no clear definition or instrument for psychological fitness exists. Similarly, no instrument exist to measure work characteristics of blue-collar workers.
The objectives of this research were 1) to propose a defintion for psychological fitness of blue-collar employees 2) to propose a theoretical framework to better our understanding of psychological fitness 3) to develop a psychological fitness instrument for blue-collar employees that is suitable for the South African context 4) to test the psychometric properties of the newly developed psychological fitness instrument 5) to develop a work characteristics questionnaire for blue-collar mine workers to gain insight into their work experiences, and 6) to evaluate the psychometric properties of the newly developed job demands-resources scale for blue-collar mine workers.
The empirical study consisted of two phases. During the first phase, following an extensive literature review, a definition and theoretical framework for psychological fitness was proposed. Thereafter, a new instrument for measuring psychological fitness was developed and tested. An instrument for measuring the work characteristics of blue-collar mine workers has also been developed to further the understanding of their work experiences. During the second phase, the psychometric properties of the newly developed psychological fitness instrument were tested (i.e. factorial validity, factorial invariance, reliability and external validity; N = 2769). Furthermore, the psychometric properties of the newly developed job demands-resources scale for blue collar workers were also investigated (i.e. factorial validity, reliability and the relationship with theoretically relevant external variables; N = 361).
During the conceptualisation process, the definition of psychological fitness has been proposed based on previous work-related well-being literature. The work-related well-being concepts, distress and eustress were proposed as indicators of psychological fitness. Therefore, psychological fitness was defined as a state in which an employee display high levels of emotional and mental energy and high levels of psychological motivation to be able to work and act safely. The dimensions of burnout and engagement were proposed as possible indicators of psychological fitness and included exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive weariness, vitality and work devotion. Furthermore, the underlying work-related well-being theories and models were identified as the theoretic framework to enable the development of a questionnaire for psychological fitness.
In order to ensure that the low literacy employees understand the meaning of each questionnaire close attention has been paid during the development of items. Firstly, the psychological fitness instrument (SAPFI) for blue-collar employees has been translated into all the official languages of South Africa following a multistage translation process. Secondly, the job demands-resources scale for blue collar mine workers (JDRSM) has been translated into the three most commonly spoken languages (Sesotho, isiXhosa and Setswana) by employees working in this specific mine. During this phase various problematic items were identified and eliminated from both questionnaires using the Rasch measurement model.
The final phase included the validation study where the psychometric properties of both the new instruments were investigated. The SAPFI results provided evidence for factorial validity, factorial invariance, reliability and significant relations with external variables of the distress scale. Although evidence was provided for the factorial validity, reliability and external validity of the eustress scale, factorial invariance could not be confirmed. Furthermore, the JDRSM results provided evidence for the factorial validity, reliability (except for the workload scale) and external validity.
Recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Positive psychology and subclinical eating disorders in South Africa : a literature review / Kirsten D.K.Kirsten, Doret Karen January 2011 (has links)
Rapid escalation of Subclinical Eating Disorders (SED) in the form of high levels of body–dissatisfaction (BD) and drive for thinness (DT) globally and locally, and the at–risk status of university females are underscored by recent studies. As yet there exists no South African program tailored to the needs of afflicted female students and which includes a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory. In this chapter a theoretical overview on the nature and definition of SED, its prevalence and the rationale for a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory are provided. Thereafter three preliminary South African studies, namely two correlation studies (De Pãz Fransisco, 2007; Kirsten, Du Plessis & Swanepoel, 2010) and the Weight Over–concern and Well–being program of Kirsten, Du Plessis and Du Toit (2007) are discussed. Findings of these preliminary studies highlight the promise of utilizing Positive Psychology theoretical approaches to practically significantly reduce risk factors and promote protective factors. As such, Well–being therapy (Fava & Ruini, 2003) that promotes the six dimensions of psychological well–being (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), and Self–Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) that can promote true self–esteem in the form of self–determination and mindfulness (Kabat–Zinn, 1998), with its inherent self–compassion, kindness and self–forgiving manner, show promise. More in–depth studies with larger samples are however needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Development and validation of new scales for psychological fitness and work characteristics of blue collar workers / Lelani Brand-LabuschagneBrand-Labuschagne, Lelani January 2010 (has links)
Over the last decade the focus has shifted to ensure a holistic view of employee well-being in organisations by focusing on both physical and psychological well-being. Previous research suggests that work characteristics and psychological work-related well-being influence both the individual (i.e. health) and organisational outcomes (i.e. commitment, safety, productivity, etc.). Moreover, the increasing importance of focusing on work-related psychological well-being of employees is evident in legislation from around the world. In South Africa the Occupational Health and Safety legislation, spesifically the Construction Regulations, also recognises the importance of the psychological well-being of employees and refers to it as ?psychological fitness?. However, no clear definition or instrument for psychological fitness exists. Similarly, no instrument exist to measure work characteristics of blue-collar workers.
The objectives of this research were 1) to propose a defintion for psychological fitness of blue-collar employees 2) to propose a theoretical framework to better our understanding of psychological fitness 3) to develop a psychological fitness instrument for blue-collar employees that is suitable for the South African context 4) to test the psychometric properties of the newly developed psychological fitness instrument 5) to develop a work characteristics questionnaire for blue-collar mine workers to gain insight into their work experiences, and 6) to evaluate the psychometric properties of the newly developed job demands-resources scale for blue-collar mine workers.
The empirical study consisted of two phases. During the first phase, following an extensive literature review, a definition and theoretical framework for psychological fitness was proposed. Thereafter, a new instrument for measuring psychological fitness was developed and tested. An instrument for measuring the work characteristics of blue-collar mine workers has also been developed to further the understanding of their work experiences. During the second phase, the psychometric properties of the newly developed psychological fitness instrument were tested (i.e. factorial validity, factorial invariance, reliability and external validity; N = 2769). Furthermore, the psychometric properties of the newly developed job demands-resources scale for blue collar workers were also investigated (i.e. factorial validity, reliability and the relationship with theoretically relevant external variables; N = 361).
During the conceptualisation process, the definition of psychological fitness has been proposed based on previous work-related well-being literature. The work-related well-being concepts, distress and eustress were proposed as indicators of psychological fitness. Therefore, psychological fitness was defined as a state in which an employee display high levels of emotional and mental energy and high levels of psychological motivation to be able to work and act safely. The dimensions of burnout and engagement were proposed as possible indicators of psychological fitness and included exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive weariness, vitality and work devotion. Furthermore, the underlying work-related well-being theories and models were identified as the theoretic framework to enable the development of a questionnaire for psychological fitness.
In order to ensure that the low literacy employees understand the meaning of each questionnaire close attention has been paid during the development of items. Firstly, the psychological fitness instrument (SAPFI) for blue-collar employees has been translated into all the official languages of South Africa following a multistage translation process. Secondly, the job demands-resources scale for blue collar mine workers (JDRSM) has been translated into the three most commonly spoken languages (Sesotho, isiXhosa and Setswana) by employees working in this specific mine. During this phase various problematic items were identified and eliminated from both questionnaires using the Rasch measurement model.
The final phase included the validation study where the psychometric properties of both the new instruments were investigated. The SAPFI results provided evidence for factorial validity, factorial invariance, reliability and significant relations with external variables of the distress scale. Although evidence was provided for the factorial validity, reliability and external validity of the eustress scale, factorial invariance could not be confirmed. Furthermore, the JDRSM results provided evidence for the factorial validity, reliability (except for the workload scale) and external validity.
Recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Positive psychology and subclinical eating disorders in South Africa : a literature review / Kirsten D.K.Kirsten, Doret Karen January 2011 (has links)
Rapid escalation of Subclinical Eating Disorders (SED) in the form of high levels of body–dissatisfaction (BD) and drive for thinness (DT) globally and locally, and the at–risk status of university females are underscored by recent studies. As yet there exists no South African program tailored to the needs of afflicted female students and which includes a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory. In this chapter a theoretical overview on the nature and definition of SED, its prevalence and the rationale for a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory are provided. Thereafter three preliminary South African studies, namely two correlation studies (De Pãz Fransisco, 2007; Kirsten, Du Plessis & Swanepoel, 2010) and the Weight Over–concern and Well–being program of Kirsten, Du Plessis and Du Toit (2007) are discussed. Findings of these preliminary studies highlight the promise of utilizing Positive Psychology theoretical approaches to practically significantly reduce risk factors and promote protective factors. As such, Well–being therapy (Fava & Ruini, 2003) that promotes the six dimensions of psychological well–being (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), and Self–Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) that can promote true self–esteem in the form of self–determination and mindfulness (Kabat–Zinn, 1998), with its inherent self–compassion, kindness and self–forgiving manner, show promise. More in–depth studies with larger samples are however needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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A framework for the financial literacy skills required by professional athletes in pursuit of sustainable financial well-being / Raamwerk vir die finansiele geletterdheid en vaardighede wat professionele sportlui vir volhoubare finansiele welstand nodig het / Tlhako ya mabokgoni a tsebo ya ditshelete ye e nyakegago go batshabesi ba diatleletiki ba phrofesenale ge ba nyaka go phela gabotse ditsheleteng go ya go ileMoolman, Jaco 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho / Many individuals spend their working lives attempting to accrue financial resources to sustain them beyond their retirement. The challenge in professional sport is that a professional athlete’s career is often relatively short with various risks that could end it prematurely. In addition, there are various reasons why professional athletes find it challenging to transition to a vocational career after their sporting careers end. This highlights the importance for professional athletes to attain a high level of financial literacy from a young age.
Actor-network theory (ANT) provided a suitable theoretical frame for this study by considering the information that could flow in a network around a professional athlete in pursuit of sound financial decisions. This study first developed a framework for the financial literacy skills required by professional athletes in pursuit of sustainable financial well-being. For this purpose, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with 27 interviewees. ANT was applied to guide the selection of interviewees from a network of influencers that could guide a professional athlete’s financial decisions. The results of these interviews and the open-ended responses provided the basis for the contributed framework.
The second part of this multi-layered study was aimed at developing an artefact or research instrument to assess the financial literacy of professional athletes. Design science research provided the overarching research design for this qualitative study with a second round of interviews held with 10 interviewees from the list of interviewees consulted for the first part of the study. The 10 interviewees were purposively selected after taking the primacy of ethical considerations around research into consideration. The developed instrument may be used as it is, or adapted or extended for research beyond the limits of this study.
This study could be valuable in assisting professional athletes to avoid financial distress after their sporting careers end. The study will also be of interest to sport governing bodies, the leadership of professional sports clubs, sports agents, legal advisors, accountants, tax experts, financial planners and other financial advisors to improve their understanding of the financial needs and current levels of financial literacy amongst professional athletes. / Tallose werkende mense spaar lewenslank vir hulle aftrede. Die loopbane van professionele sportlui is taamlik kort en boonop kan verskeie risiko’s voortydig 'n einde aan 'n sportloopbaan maak. Om verskeie redes sukkel professionele sportlui buitendien om die beroepswêreld ná ʼn sportloopbaan te betree. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik dat hulle finansieel geletterd raak terwyl hulle nog jonk is.
Die speler-netwerkteorie (SNT) bied 'n geskikte teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie aangesien dit toegespits is op die inligting wat deur 'n netwerk om professionele sportlui wat verstandige finansiële besluite nastrewe, vloei. Ten eerste is 'n raamwerk ontwikkel vir die finansiële vaardighede waaroor professionele sportlui vir volhoubare finansiële welstand moet beskik. Hiervoor is halfgestruktureerde onderhoude van aangesig tot aangesig met 27 ondervraagdes gehou. Op grond van SNT is die ondervraagdes gekies uit 'n netwerk van beïnvloeders wat professionele sportlui se finansiële besluite kan bepaal. Die raamwerk het berus op die uitslag van hierdie onderhoude waarin oop vrae gestel is.
In die tweede gedeelte van hierdie gelaagde studie is 'n artefak of navorsingsinstrument ontwikkel waarmee die finansiële geletterdheid van professionele sportlui getoets kan word. Die oorkoepelende navorsingsontwerp vir hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is aan wetenskaplike ontwerpnavorsing ontleen. 'n Tweede ronde onderhoude is met 10 van die 27 ondervraagdes in die eerste ronde onderhoude gevoer. Die 10 ondervraagdes is doelbewus ná inagneming van die voorrang van etiese navorsingsoorwegings gekies. Hierdie instrument kan óf onveranderd gebruik word óf aangepas word vir navorsing wat buite die perke van hierdie studie val.
Hierdie studie kan voorkom dat professionele sportlui ná 'n sportloopbaan in finansiële nood verkeer. Dit kan ook sportbeheerliggame, die bestuurders van beroepsportklubs, sportagente, regsadviseurs, rekenmeesters, belastingdeskundiges, finansiële beplanners en ander finansiële adviseurs help om die finansiële behoeftes van professionele sportlui en hulle vlak van finansiële geletterdheid beter te begryp. / Batho ba bantši ba tšea maphelo a bona ka moka a ge ba šoma ba leka go hwetša methopo ya ditšhelete ka nepo ya gore e ba tšwetše pele ka bophelo go ya go ile le ka morago ga ge ba rotše modiro. Tlhohlo ka mo papading ye ya sephrofešenale ke gore mošomo wa motšhabeši wa diatleletiki gantši ke o mokopana kudu ebile o na le dikotsi tše mmalwa tšeo di ka o fedišago e sa le ka pela. Godimo ga fao, go na le mabaka a mmalwa gore ke ka lebaka la eng batšhabeši ba diatleletiki ba hwetša go le boima go fetogela go mošomo wa diatla ka morago ga ge mošomo wa bona wa dipapadi o fedile. Se se laetša bohlokwa bja gore batšhabeši ba diatleletiki ba fihlelele maemo a godimo a tsebo ya ditšhelete ba sa le ba bannyane.
Teori ya mabapi le tirišano ya bakgathatema (ANT) e fane ka motheo wa maleba wa teori go dinyakišišo tše ge go lebeletšwe tshedimošo yeo e ka welago ka go netweke mabapi le motšhabeši wa diatleletiki ge a nyaka go tšea dipheto tšeo di kwagalago ka ga ditšhelete. Tlhako ye e thomile ke go hlamelwa mabokgoni a tsebo ya ditšhelkete ye e nyakegago go batšhabeši ba diatleletiki ba phrofešenale ge ba nyaka go phela gabotse ditšheleteng go ya go ile. Ka lebaka le, dipoledišano tša motho ka motho tšeo di hlametšwego gore bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo ba fetole ka tokologo di ile tša swarwa le baarabi ba 27. ANT e dirišitšwe go hlahla kgetho ya bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo go netweke ya bahuetši bao ba ka hlahlago diphetho tša ditšhelete tša motšhabeši wa diatleletiki. Dipoelo tša dipoledišano tše le diphetolo tšeo di sa fego moarabi di fane ka motheo wa tlhako ye.
Karolo ya bobedi ya dinyakišišo tše tša dikgato tše ntši e be e ikemišeditše go hlama bokgabo goba setlabelo sa dinyakišišo sa go fihlelela tsebo ya ditšhelete ya boradiatleletiki ba phrofešenale. Dinyakišišo tša mahlale tšeo di hlangwago di fane ka tlhamo ya dinyakišišo yeo e akaretšago ya dinyakišišo tše tša boleng gomme karolo ya bobedi ya dipoledišano tšeo di swerwego le bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo ba 10 go tšwa lenaneong la bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo bao ba botšišitšwego dipotšišo ka karolong ya mathomo ya dinyakišišo. Bao ba botšišwago dipotšišo ba 10 ba kgethilwe ka maikemišetšo ka morago ga go hlokomela bohlokwa bja maitshwaro mabapi le dinyakišišo tše di dirwago. Setlabelo seo se hlamilwego se ka šomišwa ka fao se lego ka gona goba sa fetošwa goba sa oketšwa go tla go šomišwa ka dinyakišišong tša ka morago ga tše.
Dinyakišišo tše di ka no ba mohola go thuša batšhabeši ba diatleletiki go efoga kgatelelo ya monagano ye e bakwago ke mathata a ditšhelete ka morago ga ge mošomo wa bona wa dipapadi o fedile. Dinyakišišo tše gape di ka ba tša kgahlego go makgotlataolo a dipapadi, go boetapele bja ditlelapo tša dipapadi tša phrofešenale, go badiredi ba tša dipapadi, go baeletši tša molao, go balekodi ba dipuku tša ditšhelete, go ditshebi tša motšhelo, go babeakanyi ba ditšhelete le go baeletši ba bangwe ba ditšhelete ka nepo ya go kaonafatša kwešišo ya bona ya dinyakwa tša ditšhelete le go maemo a bjale a tsebo ya ditšhelete gareng ga bašhabeši ba diatleletiki ba phrofešenale. / Financial accounting / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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A conceptual model of volunteer well-being: a hermeneutic phenomenological studyFurtak, Aleksandra Maria 11 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 241-295 / Text in English with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / This study, to enhance understanding of volunteer well-being and to develop a
conceptual model of volunteer well-being through an in-depth exploration of
volunteers’ work–life experiences, was guided by an interest in volunteering as well
as curiosity about well-being as a concept. My perception of the importance of
volunteering for our society was based on first-hand knowledge of a volunteering
context operating in the Gauteng health sector, as well as the volunteering literature,
which confirmed its importance and encouraged me to conduct research on this
resource. The literature on well-being highlights its importance for employees in
particular and organisations in general and thus justifies the study. The literature also
supported my preference for conducting this research on volunteer well-being from a
qualitative perspective. Further motivation for the research was provided by my
awareness of the challenging nature of the volunteering context as well as the adverse
personal circumstances of the volunteers. Accordingly, recognising the importance of
well-being in volunteers, I was prompted to dedicate attention to this dynamic work
To achieve its aim, in this research I applied a qualitative research approach and a
hermeneutic (interpretive) phenomenological research methodology. In-depth
interviews were used to explore the work–life experiences of eight volunteers and a
phenomenological hermeneutical analytic process was used to analyse the data. The
data were further contextualised and the findings supported by the relevant well-being
literature. Based on the findings, a conceptual model of volunteer well-being was
constructed. This model enhances our understanding of volunteer well-being,
ultimately contributing to knowledge and practice in the field of volunteering. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die begrip van vrywilligerswelstand te
bevorder en om ’n konseptuele model van vrywilligerswelstand te ontwikkel
deur ’n omvattende ondersoek van vrywilligers se werklewe-ervarings. Die
studie was gelei deur ’n belangstelling in vrywilligerswerk en ‘n nuuskierigheid oor
welstand as ’n konsep. My waarneming van die belangrikheid van vrywilligerswerk vir
ons samelewing is gebaseer op eerstehandse kennis van ’n vrywilligerskonteks in die
Gautengse gesondheidsektor en die literatuur oor vrywilligersdienslewering, wat die
belangrikheid daarvan bevestig het en my aangemoedig het om navorsing oor hierdie
hulpbron te doen. Die literatuur oor welstand beklemtoon veral die belangrikheid
daarvan vir werknemers en organisasies oor die algemeen, en regverdig dus die
studie. Die literatuur het ook my voorkeur om hierdie navorsing oor vrywilligers se
welstand vanuit ’n kwalitatiewe perspektief te benader, ondersteun. My bewustheid
van die uitdagende aard van die vrywilligerskonteks asook die ongunstige persoonlike
omstandighede van die vrywilligers het my verder gemotiveer om die navorsing te
doen. Dienooreenkomstig, as erkenning van die belangrikheid daarvan om vrywilligers
se welstand te fasiliteer, is ek geïnspireer om aandag te skenk aan hierdie dinamiese
Om hierdie doel te bereik het ek ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering en ’n
hermeneutiese (verklarende) fenomenologiese navorsingsmetodologie in hierdie
navorsingsprojek gebruik. Indiepte onderhoude is gebruik om die werklewe-ervarings
van agt vrywilligers te ondersoek, en ’n fenomenologiese, hermeneutiese, analitiese
proses is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Die data is verder gekontekstualiseer en die
bevindings is deur die tersaaklike literatuur ondersteun. ’n Konseptuele model van
vrywilligerwelstand is op grond van hierdie bevindinge opgestel. Hierdie model
bevorder ons begrip van vrywilligerswelstand, en lewer sodoende ’n bydrae tot die
kennis en ervaring op die terrein van vrywilligerswerk. / Thutopatlisiso eno ya go tlhama sekao sa kgopolo sa boithaopi go tswa mo
mogopolong wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo ka go sekaseka go ya
kwa botennye, maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi, e kaetswe ke kgatlhego mo
boithaoping, keletso ya go itse ka ga mogopolo wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa
botshelo le dikwalo tse di ka ga boithaopi. Kitso e e tseneletseng ya bokao jwa
boithaopi jo bo dirang mo lephateng la boitekanelo la Gauteng, gammogo le dikwalo
tsa boithaopi, di tlhomamisitse botlhokwa jwa boithaopi mo setšhabeng sa gaetsho
mme tsa nthotloetsa go dira patlisiso ka ntlha eno. Go tlaleletsa, thutopatlisiso eno e
tlhomamisitswe ke dikwalo tse di ka ga seemo se se amogelesegang le botlhokwa jwa
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo se se totileng badiri ka bo bona le ditheo
ka kakaretso. Dikwalo gape di tshegeditse tlhopho ya me ya go dira patlisiso ka ga
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa baithaopi ka mogopolo wa go batla go
batlisisa mabaka a a bakang seemo se se rileng. Thotloetso e nngwe ya patlisiso e
tlisitswe ke temogo ya me ya dikgwetlho tsa boithaopi gammogo le maemo a a sa
amogelesegeng a baithaopi. Fela jalo, ka go lemoga botlhokwa jwa go gokaganya
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo mo baithaoping, ke ne ke patelesega go
tota mofuta ono wa tiro.
Go fitlhelela maikaelelo ano, patlisiso eno e dirisitse mokgwa wa patlisiso o o
lebelelang mabaka a a rotloetsang ntlha e e rileng (qualititative research) le mokgwa
wa patlisiso o o ranolang (hermeneutic phenomological research methodology). Go
dirisitswe dipotsolotso tse di tseneletseng go sekaseka maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi
mme ga dirisiwa thulaganyo ya tshekatsheko ya phenomenological hermeneutial go
sekaseka tshedimosetso. Tshedimosetso e ne ya bewa ka bokao mme diphitlhelelo
tsa tshegediwa ka dikwalo tse di maleba. Go ikaegilwe mo diphitlhelelong tseno, go
ne ga thalwa sekao sa kgopolo sa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa
baithaopi. Go tshitshinngwa gore go dirisiwe sekao seno go dirisa ka botlalo le go
netefatsa go nnela leruri ga tiro ya baithaopi, gore kwa bokhutlong go tshwaelwe mo
kitsong le mo tirong mo lephateng la boithaopi. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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Promoting the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders in selected South African correctional schools : a wellness perspectiveMakhurane, Forget 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Sesotho and Afrikaans / The purpose of the study was to investigate and explore how rehabilitation and wellness of juvenile offenders in selected South African correctional schools can be promoted. A wellness model that can be used to promote the wellness of juvenile offenders was
proposed based on the findings of the study. The researcher used the wellness, ubuntu and bio-ecological theories as theoretical frameworks to guide the study. These theories helped the researcher to understand how the promotion of wellness among juvenile offenders can facilitate effective rehabilitation and, ultimately, offender reintegration into
society. The interpretive paradigm was employed to understand the experiences and views of juveniles as well as teachers and heads of schools who were directly involved in the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders. The study used the qualitative research method in
which open-ended questionnaires were used to collect data from juveniles and teachers whereas semi-structured interviews were to collect data from heads of schools.
Participants were purposefully selected to ensure relevant data was gathered. Twenty-one juveniles, twelve teachers and seven heads of schools took part in the study.
Participants were drawn from four provinces and seven schools. Data were analysed qualitatively through coding, categorising and developing themes. Themes that developed from data interpretation were used as headings for the findings in each wellness dimension. Themes that developed from the study revealed that schools were
making a great effort to promote the wellness of juvenile offenders. Great strides were made especially in promoting the wellness of juvenile offenders through the involvement of different stakeholders although this was inadequate. Schools were facing challenges
such as lack of resources, shortage of skilled personnel as well as inadequate stakeholder involvement. The research proposed a wellness model that is holistic in nature to help teachers and other stakeholders involved in juvenile offender rehabilitation to promote their social, physical, emotional, spiritual, career and intellectual wellness. / Mohola wago bala e be e le go aga lenaneo leo le ka šomišwago ke barutisi le batho ba bangwe mo thekgong ya bana bao ba lego dikolong tsa kgolego (dihlokatsebe).
Lenaneo le mohola wa lona ke go dira gore bana ba ba sa hlokomeleng melao ya setšhaba ba bušetšwe gore ba kgone go boela go setšhaba. Basekaseki ba šomiša go hlokomela botho le tša tlhago go tlhatlha dithuto tša bona. Dikakanyo tse di dirišeditšwe
go dihloka tsebe le barutiši le dihlogo tša dikolo bao ba bego ba ruta bana ba. Thuto ye e šomišitšwe ke ya maemo a godimo moo go šomišitšwego dipotšišo tšeo di se nago phetolo e tee go hwetša kakanyo ya dihlokatsebe le barutiši. Fela mo gongwe go be go
dirišwa dipotšišo go dihlogo tsa sekolo.
Bao ba bego ba botšišwa ba be ba kgethilwe gabotse goba go lekaleka gore dikarabo e be tša maleba. Masomepedi a dihlokatsebe, barutiši bašupa le dihlogo tsa sekolo ba ile ba šomišwa go dithuto tše. Bao ba kgethilwego ba be ba tšwa di provensing tše nne le dikolong tše šupa tša kgolego.
Dikašišo di ile tša sekasekwa gabotse ka maemo a godimo go šomišwa dinomoro, peakanyo le gore ba kgone go aga maikemišetšo a motheo wo. Motheo wo o agilwe go tšwa go dikakišišo gore re hwetše hlokomelo ya dihlokatsebe. Metheo ye e šomišitšwego
e bontšhitse gore dikolong tša dihlokatsebe bana ba be ba latela molao. Gobe go šomišwa le kago ya mmele, go tsošološwa moyeng ya di hlokatsebe go šomišwa batho kamoka. Dikolo di ile tša ba le bothata mo go godišeng dihlokatsebe. Yengwe ya bothata e be e le go hlokega ga dišomišwa le batho bao ba hlahlilwego go ruta dihlokatsebe tše
mola gape go be go se na batho bao ba nago le kgahlego. Basekaseki ba ile ba tla le seka sa go hlokomela dihlokatsebe ka go felela le go thuša barutiši le batho bao ba lebanego le dihlokatsebe. Gore go godišwe kgwerano, go godišwe go aga ga mmele, go aga tsošološo ya semoya, go ba aga gore ba be le seo ba kgonago le go aga le go
godiša menagano ya bona le tša mešomo. / Die doel van die studie was om ’n welstandsmodel te ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word deur onderwysers en relevante belanghebbendes in die bevordering van die welstand van jeugdige oortreders in korrektiewe skole. Die model beoog om te verseker dat jeugdige oortreders doelftreffend gerehabiliteer word en gereed is vir herintegrering in die samelewing. Die navorser het die welstand, ubuntu en bio-ekologiese teorieë as teoretiese raamwerke gebruik om die studie te lei. Hierdie teorieë het die navorser gehelp om te verstaan het die promosie van welstand onder jeugdige oortreders doeltreffende
rehabilitasie kan fasiliteer en uiteindelik, oortreders in die samelewing te herstel. Die uitleggende paradigma is aangewend in ’n poging om die ervarings en sienings van die jeugdiges, onderwysers en hoofde van skole wie direk betrokke in die rehabilitasie van jeugdige oortreders is te verstaan. Die studie maak gebruik van die kwalitatiewe
navorsings-benadering, waar ope vrae gebruik is om data van jeugdiges en onderwysers te versamel, terwyl semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gebruik is om data van die hoofde
van skole te kry. Deelnemers was opsetlik geselekteer om te verseker dat geskikte data versamel is. Een- en twintig jeugdiges, twaalf onderwysers en sewe hoofde van skole het aan die studie deelgeneem. Deelnemers is uit vier provinsies en sewe skole gekies. Data is kwalitatief ontleed deur kodering, kategorisering en ontwikkeling van temas wat gebruik is as opskrifte vir die bevindings onder elke welstands-dimensie.
Die ontwikkelde temas het bewys dat skole moeite gedoen het om die welstand van jeugdige oortreders te bevorder. Daar was groot vordering, veral in die bevordering van die fisiese en spirituele welstand van jeugdige oortreders deur die betrokkenheid van
verskillende belanghebbendes. Skole het verskillende uitdagings in die gesig gestaar in hul pogings om die welstand van jeugdige oortreders te handhaaf. Sommige van die uitdagings was ’n tekort aan hulpbronne, geskoolde personeel sowel as onvoldoende betrokkenheid van belanghebbendes. Die navorsing stel ’n holisties welstandsmodel voor om onderwysers en ander belanghebbendes te help wat betrokke raak in die rehabilitasie van jeugdige oortreders en bevordering van hul sosiale, fisiese, emosionele, spirituele,loopbaan en intellektuele welstand. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)
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