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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedades psicométricas do instrumento WHOQOL-Children para avaliação da qualidade de vida em crianças / Psychometric properties test of WHOQOL-Children instrument of evaluation of quality of life in childrens

Pinto, Guilherme Moreira Caetano 19 March 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento de avaliação da QV em crianças WHOQOL-Children. Para tal, utilizouse o procedimento metodológico sugerido pelo grupo WHOQOL para traduções dos seus instrumentos. Posteriormente, o teste piloto da versão preliminar do instrumento WHOQOL-Children versão brasileira foi aplicado em 46 crianças para mensurar parte dos critérios. Após as correções advindas desse processo, aplicou-se o produto final do instrumento WHOQOL-Children versão brasileira em 317 crianças para efetuar os seguintes testes: [1] validação de conteúdo; [2] validação de face; [3] validação de critério; [4] consistência interna; [5] Validade concorrente; [6] Fidedignidade teste-reteste. A versão final do instrumento WHOQOL-Children versão brasileira pode ser considerada similar ao instrumento original. Não obstante, o instrumento foi aprovado por dois especialistas e por um profissional de linguística. A validade de critério retornou correlações significativas entre todos os domínios do WHOQOL-Children, sendo que a correlação de maior força ocorreu entre os domínios Ambiente e Psicológico (0,650), e a correlação de menor força entre o domínio Aspectos espirituais/Religião/Crenças pessoais com o domínio Nível de Independência (0,202). No que tange à consistência interna, o alfa de Cronbach foi superior a 0,70 nos itens “54 questões” (0,846), “Facetas” (0,886), “Domínios” (0,821) e “Facetas + Domínios” (0,921). Quanto à validade concorrente, os domínios do WHOQOL-Children foram comparados ao Escore global do instrumento KIDSCREEN-52, sendo que apenas o domínio Aspectos espirituais/Religião/Crenças pessoais (0,204) não apresentou correlação significativa com o Escore global. Por fim, no que tange à fidedignidade testereteste, três domínios apresentaram diferença significativa entre as médias do pré- teste e pós-teste (Psicológico, Nível de Independência e Escore geral). Além disso, verifica-se que apenas o domínio Aspectos Espirituais/Religião/Crenças Pessoais não apresentou correlação significativa entre a primeira e a segunda aplicação do instrumento no teste-reteste. Conclui-se que a versão brasileira do WHOQOL-Children apresentou propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias, sendo adequado para aplicações no público infantil brasileiro. / This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the WHOQOLChildren instrument through criterion test validity, face validity, content validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability and convergent validity. The WHOQOLChildren instrument assess the quality of life of children. For this purpose, the translation of WHOQOL-Children instrument was used the methodological procedure of WHOQOL-group. The WHOQOL-Children instrument was applied in 46 children for evaluate the criterion validity, face validity, construction validity and internal consistency in the pilot test. After this, the final version of the WHOQOLChildren instrument was applied in 317 children for evaluate the following test: [1] content validity; [2] face validity; [3] criterion validity; [4] internal consistency; [5] convergent validity; [6] test-retest reliability. The final version of WHQOL-Children instrument is similar to original instrument. Therefore, the instrument was approved by two experts and one linguistics professional. The criterion validity showed significant correlation between all the domains of WHOQOL-Children instrument. The biggest correlation was observed between Environment and Psychological Domains (0,650). The smallest correlation was observed between Spirituality/Religion/Personal beliefs and Level of Independence domains (0,202). In the internal consistency, the Cronbach´s alpha´s was higher to 0,70 in “54 questions” (0,846), “Facets” (0,886), ¨Domains” (0,821) and “Facets + Domains” (0,921). In the convergent validity, only the Spirituality/Religion/Personal beliefs domain did not present significant correlation with the global score of KIDSCREEN- 52 instrument. Lastly, was observed three domains with significant difference between test and retest (Psichological, Level of Independence and Global Score). Therefore, we found that only Spirituality/Religion/Personal beliefs domain did not present significant correlation between test and retest. We concluded that the WHOQOL-Children brazilian version showed good psychometric properties. The WHOQOL-Children appears to be a suitable instrument for measuring quality of life in Brazilian children.

Quality of Life of Lower Limb Amputees in Sweden: A Comparative Cross-sectional Study / Livskvalité hos Personer med Amputation på Nedre Extremiteten i Sverige: En Jämförande Tvärsnittsstudie

Lindgren Westlund, Karolin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mycket av tidigare forskning som har inkluderat personer med amputation på nedre extremiteten har varit fokuserad på gång och balans och på tillfredställelse med protes. Fler faktorer påverkar livskvalité och välmående än enbart avsaknad av funktionshinder. Syfte: Att jämföra om livskvalitet skiljer sig åt mellan en grupp med amputation på nedre extremiteten och en grupp utan amputation. Metod: Tvärsnittsdata samlades in med ett självrapporterat frågeformulär. Frågeformuläret innehöll bakgrund, WHOQOL-BREF för att mäta livskvalité och en del av Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) indikatorer för att mäta inkludering i samhället. Rekrytering skedde via sociala plattformar. Gruppjämförelser gjordes mellan och inom grupper med Welch t-test. Samband undersöktes med generaliserad linjär modell för de fyra olika domänerna i WHOQOL-BREF med avseende på kön, ålder, utbildning, och inkludering i samhället. Resultat: Totalt var 114 deltagare var inkluderade, av dessa 64 med amputation på nedre extremiteten och 50 utan amputation. Deltagarna med amputation hade statistiskt säkerställt lägre resultat jämfört med de utan amputation på allmän hälsa, allmän livskvalité, tillfredställelse med hälsa, på fysisk och miljörelaterad livskvalitédomän, samt på inkludering i samhället. Inom grupperna hade kön, ålder, och utbildningsnivå ingen påverkan på rapporterad livskvalité. Slutsats: Personer med amputation på nedre extremiteten hade lägre rapporterad livskvalité jämfört med en grupp utan amputation. Studien tyder på att en högre upplevd inkludering i samhället och en högre upplevd gångförmåga ökade livskvalitén. / <p>Betyg i Ladok 210602.</p>

Vad det jag önskar kallas : En studie om Existentiella hälsosamtal i skolan, känslor och om att försöka sätta ord på det bortom språket. / WHAT I WISH FOR IS CALLED : A study on Existential health conversations in school, feelings, and about trying to put into words the things beyond the language.

Krantz, Anton January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate students' self-rated health in relation to existential aspects. With a salutogenic approach, the study builds on theories of existential health, attachment-theory, object relation theory and alexithymia. The study examines how the health promotion Existential health conversations affected the students self-rated health, school as a supporting arena as well as the self-rated ability of the youth to identify and verbalize existential feelings. The focus interviews have also been analysed using the World Health Organization [WHO] instrument for measuring health-related quality of life [HRQL] related to spiritual, religious and personal beliefs [SRPB]. To be able to identify the young people's self-rated ability to identify and verbalise existential feelings, the study has chosen to operationalise the theory of alexithymia, primarily inspired by the "Toronto Alexithymia Scale" [TAS20]. The study is a mixed-methods study based on 94 questionnaires and 6 focus interviews with the students and school health team who participated in Existential health conversations. The material for the self-rated health questionnaire is presented comparatively and the focus interviews are used to nuance that result. The approach “cognition, affection and action” was used for both research issues and serves as the theoretical bridge for the research questions in the study's abductive phase. The study found that a large group of students experienced Existential health conversations to be strengthening, and there was a large group of youth that experienced self-rated lack of ability of the youth to identify and verbalise existential feelings. The conclusion of the study states that schools must continue to work on putting this aspect of health in focus with the concept of existential health.

Vilsenhetens epidemiologi : en religionspsykologisk studie i existentiell folkhälsa / The epidemiology of lost meaning : a study in psychology of religion and existential public health in a Swedish context

Melder, Cecilia A. January 2011 (has links)
The existential dimension has gained importance in health studies in the last decades (Moreira-Almeida &amp; Koenig, 2006; DeMarinis, 2008). Little Swedish research exists in this area. A pilot study was conducted in a suburban Stockholm, Church of Sweden parish. Research question was: “How does the existential dimension of health, understood as the ability to create and maintain a functional meaning-makings system, affect the person’s self-rated health and quality of life?” Theoretical framework included: health research focusing the existential dimension; public health through psychology of religion; and, object-relations theory. The mixed-methods format included semi-structured interviews, and surveys: 1) on meaning-making, and 2) Swedish pilot translation of WHOQOL-SRPB (self-rated health and quality of life including spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs). Central results showed a positive relation between the existential health dimension and: overall ratings of physical, mental, social, and environmental health (p = .008); the overall existential health dimension and mental health (p = .008); and, social health (p = .046) and, the combined health items “How do you feel?” and “How satisfied are you with your health?” (p = .001). These results find support in WHO’s health perspective, and are linked to DeMarinis’ health dimensions and Winnicott’s understanding of potential space. Health dimensions: physical, mental, social, ecological and existential, are closely interlinked. The existential dimension is important through interaction with the others, and through its function as an autonomous health dimension. The study underlines the need for – and offers a culturally-tested method and model to explore existential needs in this secularized context.

Estudo exploratório sobre a relação entre estratégias de Coping e qualidade de vida em pacientes diabéticos do tipo 1 com complicações / Exploratory study of the relationship Coping strategies and quality of life in type 1 diabetic mellitus with complications

Silva, Patrícia Mara de Hugo 08 July 2011 (has links)
Portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 enfrentam muitas e variadas dificuldades para o tratamento: a necessidade de modificações no estilo de vida, de monitoração constante dos valores de glicemia capilar e de múltiplas aplicações de insulina estão freqüentemente associadas a sintomas depressivos que podem se manifestar como não adesão aos diversos procedimentos necessários para o tratamento adequado. Conhecer as estratégias usadas pelos pacientes no enfrentamento dos fatores estressores da doença pode ser um importante recurso para melhorar a relação entre eles e a equipe multidisciplinar. Por isso estudamos essas características psicológicas de 47 pacientes com DM1 com complicações crônicas decorrentes da doença por meio de entrevista semi-dirigida, as estratégias de enfrentamento da doença pelo Inventário de estratégias de coping; analisamos a qualidade de vida geral pelo Questionário WHOQOL-Breve assim como a qualidade de vida especifica do diabetes pelo Questionário DQol-Brasil. Observamos que embora os pacientes tenham razoável conhecimento sobre a doença e da necessidade de seu tratamento adequado, e medos relacionados a o risco de complicações, suas estratégias de enfrentamento e de adesão são em geral de fuga e esquiva, o que se reflete em baixa adesão. O impacto da doença na vida de seus portadores foi muito importante, tendo como resultado grande necessidade de tratamentos com drogas estabilizadoras de humor ou de psicoterapia. Há relações entre as estratégias de enfrentamento entre si e entre elas e a baixa qualidade de vida relacionada à doença. Ainda assim, os pacientes foram capazes de se desenvolver socialmente, embora com considerável grau de isolamento / Patients with type I diabetes mellitus confront many difficulties: the urgency of changing routines, glicemic control and multiple application of insulin. The events are usually associate with psychological disturbs such as depression and non-adherence. The comprehension of these factors and coping strategies represent important tools for multidisciplinary approaches in DMI treatments. For this, we collected data of 47 patients with chronicle complications, analyzing the coping strategies and the quality of life. The following questionnaires were used: Semi Directed Interview (SDI), WHOQOL BRIEF and DQoL Brasil. Despite the fact patients have reasonable comprehension of their diagnosis, the coping strategies are, usually, of escape avoidance and distancing, which reflects the lower levels of adherence. The impact of disease results psychological needs, as the use of medicines to control the humor and psychotherapy. There are relations between coping strategies, non-adherence, quality of life and the disease. These patients improve their social skills, however, with considerable isolation

Qualidade de vida de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em uma unidade dialítica na cidade de Pelotas, RS

Geremia, Roberta da Silveira Pinto 06 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:27:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 roberta.pdf: 549584 bytes, checksum: 578a2ebea42126a08e5dde83cea1bd93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-06 / Objective: Evaluate the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis and identify possible associations with clinical and sociodemographic variables. Method: Cross-sectional study with 68 patients with chronic renal disease on hemodialysis at the Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula, in Pelotas, RS. For quality of life evaluation, two instruments were used: a generic (WHOQOL-bref) and a specific (KDQOL-SF). Results: From the studied patients, 56% were men, 53% were older than 60 years and 62% had no steady partner. The mean time on hemodialysis was 26.7 months and median 14.5 months. The physical and psychological domains were more affected when compared to social and environmental domains, which had more satisfactory results (WHOQOL-bref). Concerning to the dimensions of the KDQOL-SF, the areas that obtained the highest scores were: hemodialysis staff encouragement, symptoms / problems, quality of social interaction, cognitive function and social support. The dimensions that presented more prejudice were associated with the professional role, burden of kidney disease, emotional function and general health perception. Conclusion: The patients with chronic kidney disease in hemodialysis during the treatment have significant changes in their quality of life. The knowledge of the most affected areas by the disease may assist in defining ways of serving and promoting the wellbeing of patient / Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes renais crônicos em hemodiálise e identificar possíveis associações com variáveis clínicas e sociodemográficas. Método: Estudo transversal realizado com 68 pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica, submetidos à hemodiálise no Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula, na cidade de Pelotas, RS. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida foram utilizados dois instrumentos; um genérico (WHOQOL-Abreviado) e outro específico (KDQOL-SF). Resultados: Dos pacientes incluídos no estudo, 56% eram homens, 53% tinham idade superior a 60 anos, e 62% não tinham companheiro fixo. O tempo médio em hemodiálise foi 26,7 meses e mediana 14,5 meses. Os domínios físico e psicológico se mostraram mais comprometidos quando comparados aos domínios social e ambiental, que tiveram resultados mais satisfatórios (WHOQOL-abreviado). Quanto às dimensões do KDQOL-SF, as áreas que obtiveram as maiores pontuações foram estímulo por parte da equipe, sintomas/problemas, qualidade da interação social, função cognitiva e suporte social. As dimensões que apresentaram mais prejuízo estiveram associadas ao papel profissional, sobrecarga da doença renal, função emocional e percepção da saúde geral. Conclusão: O portador de Insuficiência Renal Crônica em vigência do tratamento de hemodiálise tem alterações significativas em sua qualidade de vida. O conhecimento das áreas mais comprometidas pela doença poderá auxiliar na definição de melhores formas de atendimento e promoção do bem-estar do paciente

Kvalita života u pacientů s ischemickou chorobou dolních končetin / Quality of life of patients with peripheral arterial disease

HRADOVÁ, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Theoretical foundation Arterial disease which gradually leads to narrowing of artery, up to complete vascular closure and to subsequent manifestation of ischaemia is called ischaemic disease of the lower extremities (IDLE). We need to understand ischaemic disease of the lower extremities not only as a disease causing patients a range of difficulties and significantly impacting their life quality, but also as a very important indicator of overall cardiovascular condition of whole organism. Ischaemic disease of the lower extremities becomes more and more accepted as a chronic disease associated with a substantial cardiovascular risk. This disease causes primarily walking limitation by which it impacts daily activities and significantly decrease the life quality. Goal of the thesis: A goal was set for the thesis: Finding out in which areas the ischaemic disease of the lower extremities impacts the life quality. Hypotheses: 6 hypotheses were set for the thesis: H1: Patients with IDLE feel pain H2: Patients with IDLE are limited in moving H3: Patients with IDLE are limited socially H4: Patients with IDLE feel concern for their future H5: Patients with IDLE perceive their life quality as a low one. H6: Patients with IDLE are limited in the area of basic daily activities. Methodology: The research part of the thesis was implemented based on quantitative inquiry within the grant Project No. 120/2012/S ?Reflection of life quality in nursing?. For the empirical part of the thesis the quantitative method was used, the survey was carried out in form of questionnaires, more precisely a standardized questionnaire EQ-5D-5L, selected questions from a questionnaire WHOQOL 100 and specific non-standardized complementary questions for patients with ischaemic disease of the lower extremities. The survey was carried out by addressing practising physicians , doctors from specialized outpatient departments and inpatient wards. Nurses who were, along with the doctors, responsible for explaining the significance of the survey to the patients were an integral part to the data gathering process. The respondents were selected intentionally, the basic factor of selection was presence of the ischaemic disease of the lower extremities. The selection sample was designed using selective quota, the only quota being the age of respondent. Results: All results obtained were statistically processed in the SASD (Statistical Analysis of Social Data) software. The results were divided into three areas. Firstly results describing the structure of selection sample, secondly results depicted graphically and thirdly results processed using a descriptive statistics. The last two areas were then arranged according to the used questionnaire. The results provided us with information regarding patients' perceiving of pain, the difficulties in moving, the social area, the basic daily activities, the concerns for the future and subjective perceiving ot the life quality. Based on the results, the set hypotheses were evaluated as follows: H1: Patients with IDLE feel pain ? confirmed, H2: Patients with IDLE are limited in moving - confirmed, H3: Patients with IDLE are limited socially - confirmed, H4: Patients with IDLE feel concern for their future - confirmed, H5: Patients with IDLE perceive their life quality as a low one ? not confirmed, H6: Patients with IDLE are limited in the area of basic daily activities - confirmed. Conclusion: The thesis provides a comprehensive view on the areas impacting the life quality of patients with ischaemic disease of the lower extremities. In practice the results can facilitate the choice of effective intervention and improve communication with patients, especially due to the gained knowledge. The results will be published in journals and presented at conferences. The results could also be used as a foundation for another survey and as a studying material for students of nursing.

Validação da versão em Libras do instrumento para avaliação da qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiências físicas e intelectuais (WHOQOL-DIS/Libras) / Validation of the brazilian sign language (Libras) version of the instrument to evaluate the quality of life of people with physical and intellectual disabilities (WHOQOL-DIS/Libras)

Freitas, Adriana Ribeiro de 14 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-08-12T21:27:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Adriana Ribeiro de Freitas - 2016.pdf: 3074189 bytes, checksum: 1ee3e7acf15e280da550087804fc5e15 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-15T13:11:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Adriana Ribeiro de Freitas - 2016.pdf: 3074189 bytes, checksum: 1ee3e7acf15e280da550087804fc5e15 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T13:11:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Adriana Ribeiro de Freitas - 2016.pdf: 3074189 bytes, checksum: 1ee3e7acf15e280da550087804fc5e15 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-14 / Introduction: The access to information and to the possibility of communication in language sign is dealt in the World Report on Disability by World Health Organization (WHO) as a disabling barrier faced by the deaf person, which harms his social, emotional, and cognitive development and reduces his quality of life. Currently, the evaluation of those people‟s quality of life is limited to the instruments based on the oral languages. However, in order to evaluate the quality of life of deaf people who communicate through sign language, it is necessary to have instruments which consider their cultural and linguistic differences. In Brazil, the right to communicate in their natural language, the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), has been guaranteed to the deaf person since 2002, according to the Law n. 10.436, without imposition of the use the major language of the country. Objective: The objective of the study is to validate the Libras version of the instrument to evaluate the quality of life of people with physical and intellectual disabilities (WHOQOL-DIS). Methods: The participation in the research took place in a virtual space accessed by the electronic address www.medicina.ufg.br/qualidadedevida, which hosts the software that contains the research instruments – in the period from April 25th 2015 to June 25th 2015. Deaf associations from various cities in Brazil, universities which offer the Libras Language course and Pastoral movements of deaf have been contacted for data collection, and social media groups, such as Facebook and Whatsapp, have been created. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative study which makes use of traditional psychometric methods to conduct the analysis of the WHOQOL-DIS/Libras validity and trustworthiness. Its utilization has been tested in a field trial with 311 deaf people, from 18 to 65 years old, who communicate through Libras and belong to the Brazilian deaf community. Among them, 52 were retested in a 15-day interval. Results: The WHOQOL-DIS/Libras trustworthiness has been demonstrated by the Cronbach‟s alpha (internal consistency) satisfactory statistical values and by the Temporal Stability (test-retest). It has presented discriminant competence in the variables „years of study‟, „gender, and „income‟, but not in the variable „age‟. In the variable „health perception‟, it has demonstrated capacity to measure the construct. The confirmatory factor analysis showed reasonable item adjustments. Conclusion: Therefore, this research found evidence of the validity and trustworthiness of the instrument WHOQOL-DIS/Libras to evaluate the quality of life of deaf people. / Introdução: O acesso à informação e à possibilidade de se comunicar em língua de sinais é tratado no Relatório Mundial Sobre a Deficiência da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), como barreira incapacitante enfrentada pela pessoa surda, que prejudica seu desenvolvimento social, emocional, cognitivo e reduz sua qualidade de vida. Atualmente, a avaliação da qualidade de vida dessa população é restrita aos instrumentos construídos com base nas línguas orais. Porém, para avaliar a qualidade de vida dos surdos que se comunicam por língua de sinais são necessários instrumentos que considerem suas diferenças linguísticas e culturais. No Brasil, desde 2002 é garantido ao surdo o direito de se comunicar em sua língua natural, a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), pela Lei n.º 10.436, sem imposição ao uso da língua majoritária do país. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo é validar a versão em Libras do instrumento para avaliação de qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiências físicas e intelectuais  WHOQOL-DIS. Métodos: A participação na pesquisa foi realizada em um espaço virtual acessado pelo endereço eletrônico www.medicina.ufg.br/qualidadedevida  o qual hospeda o software que contém os instrumentos da pesquisa , no período de 25/04/2015 a 25/06/2015. Para a coleta de dados, foram contatadas associações de surdos de diversas cidades no Brasil, Universidades que oferecem o Curso de Letras: Libras, movimentos de Pastorais de surdos das Igrejas Católica e Evangélicas, além de terem sido criados grupos nas redes sociais, no Facebook e no Whatsapp. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, quantitativo, que utiliza métodos psicométricos clássicos para conduzir as análises da validade e confiabilidade do WHOQOL-DIS/Libras, testando sua utilização em um ensaio de campo com 311 pessoas surdas que se comunicam por Libras, com idade entre 18 e 65 anos e pertencentes à comunidade surda brasileira. Destes, 52 foram retestados em um intervalo de 15 dias. Resultados: A confiabilidade do WHOQOL-DIS/Libras ficou demonstrada pelos valores estatísticos satisfatórios apresentados pelo Alfa de Cronbach (consistência interna) e no Teste-reteste (estabilidade temporal). Houve competência discriminante nas variáveis “anos de estudos”, “sexo” e “renda”, mas não na variável "idade". Na variável "percepção da saúde", demonstrou capacidade para medir o construto. A análise fatorial confirmatória mostrou ajuste razoável dos itens. Conclusão: Em conclusão, esta pesquisa demonstrou evidências de validade e confiabilidade do instrumento WHOQOL-DIS/Libras para a avaliação da qualidade de vida de pessoas surdas.

Estudo exploratório sobre a relação entre estratégias de Coping e qualidade de vida em pacientes diabéticos do tipo 1 com complicações / Exploratory study of the relationship Coping strategies and quality of life in type 1 diabetic mellitus with complications

Patrícia Mara de Hugo Silva 08 July 2011 (has links)
Portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 enfrentam muitas e variadas dificuldades para o tratamento: a necessidade de modificações no estilo de vida, de monitoração constante dos valores de glicemia capilar e de múltiplas aplicações de insulina estão freqüentemente associadas a sintomas depressivos que podem se manifestar como não adesão aos diversos procedimentos necessários para o tratamento adequado. Conhecer as estratégias usadas pelos pacientes no enfrentamento dos fatores estressores da doença pode ser um importante recurso para melhorar a relação entre eles e a equipe multidisciplinar. Por isso estudamos essas características psicológicas de 47 pacientes com DM1 com complicações crônicas decorrentes da doença por meio de entrevista semi-dirigida, as estratégias de enfrentamento da doença pelo Inventário de estratégias de coping; analisamos a qualidade de vida geral pelo Questionário WHOQOL-Breve assim como a qualidade de vida especifica do diabetes pelo Questionário DQol-Brasil. Observamos que embora os pacientes tenham razoável conhecimento sobre a doença e da necessidade de seu tratamento adequado, e medos relacionados a o risco de complicações, suas estratégias de enfrentamento e de adesão são em geral de fuga e esquiva, o que se reflete em baixa adesão. O impacto da doença na vida de seus portadores foi muito importante, tendo como resultado grande necessidade de tratamentos com drogas estabilizadoras de humor ou de psicoterapia. Há relações entre as estratégias de enfrentamento entre si e entre elas e a baixa qualidade de vida relacionada à doença. Ainda assim, os pacientes foram capazes de se desenvolver socialmente, embora com considerável grau de isolamento / Patients with type I diabetes mellitus confront many difficulties: the urgency of changing routines, glicemic control and multiple application of insulin. The events are usually associate with psychological disturbs such as depression and non-adherence. The comprehension of these factors and coping strategies represent important tools for multidisciplinary approaches in DMI treatments. For this, we collected data of 47 patients with chronicle complications, analyzing the coping strategies and the quality of life. The following questionnaires were used: Semi Directed Interview (SDI), WHOQOL BRIEF and DQoL Brasil. Despite the fact patients have reasonable comprehension of their diagnosis, the coping strategies are, usually, of escape avoidance and distancing, which reflects the lower levels of adherence. The impact of disease results psychological needs, as the use of medicines to control the humor and psychotherapy. There are relations between coping strategies, non-adherence, quality of life and the disease. These patients improve their social skills, however, with considerable isolation

Efectos de un programa sobre calidad de vida en una muestra de mujeres adultas mayores del Perú / Effects of a quality of life program in a sample of elderly women in Peru

Ocsa Guerra, Paulina Ines 27 November 2020 (has links)
Introducción: El incremento de esperanza de vida no se encuentra relacionado con la calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores. Se implementaron programas para mejorar la calidad de vida; no obstante, algunas investigaciones sugieren que la intervención debe de incluir los múltiples componentes de la variable en estudio. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de un programa sobre la calidad de vida en una muestra de mujeres adultas mayores de Perú. Métodos: Estudio pre-experimental con diseño de pre-post test de un solo grupo conformado por 14 mujeres con edades comprendidas entre los 60 a 85 años. El programa estuvo compuesto por 8 sesiones de 2 horas de duración cada una. La calidad de vida fue evaluada antes y después del periodo de la intervención con el cuestionario World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOL-BREF). Resultados: Se obtuvo que los puntajes promedios de cada dimensión del cuestionario WHOQOL-BREF fueron mayores después de la aplicación del programa. Asimismo, hubo una magnitud del efecto grande para las dimensiones de Relaciones Sociales (d = 0.53), Salud Psicológica (d = 0.70) y Ambiente (d = 0.76); y una magnitud mediana para la dimensión Salud Física (d = 0.44). Conclusión: El programa genera efectos positivos en la calidad de vida de las mujeres adultas mayores, con mayor impacto en la dimensión Ambiente. Por tanto, la ejecución de este programa en futuros estudios podría favorecer sus resultados y ampliar los conocimientos para el diseño de intervenciones integrales. / Introduction: The increase in life expectancy is not directly related to the quality of life of elderly people. Some programs were implemented to aim to improve the quality of life; however, some research recommend that an intervention should include multiple variable components under study. Objective: To determine the effect of a quality of life program in a sample of older women in Peru. Methods: Pre-experimental study with pretest-posttest design of a single group composed of 14 women aged between 60 and 85 years old. The intervention program was formed from 8 sessions that lasted 2 hours each. The elderly’s quality of life was evaluated with the questionnaire World Health Organization of Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOL-BREF), before and after the intervention period. Results: The mean scores for each dimension of the WHOQOL-BREF were higher after the application of the program. There was a large effect magnitude for the Social Relations (d = 0.53), Psychological Health (d = 0.70) and Environment (d = 0.76) dimensions; and a medium magnitude for the Physical Health dimension (d = 0.44). Conclusions: The intervention program has a positive impact on the quality of life of elderly women, mainly in the Environment dimension; therefore, the implementation of this program in future studies could benefit their results and contribute to the design of future interventions. / Tesis

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