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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

網路公民和政治參與:社群媒體和行動科技在民主化和自由化的角色 / Online Citizens and Political Participation: The Democratising and Liberalising Role of Social Media and Mobile Technology

堯里昂, Leon van Jaarsveldt Unknown Date (has links)
This research uses the 2010-post election survey by Pew Internet and American Life project and traces the direct and indirect paths of online political information use, Facebook political information use, and mobile phones political information use to political participation to online and offline political participation. Indirect paths are traced through the paths of wider view exposure and the credibility to online and offline political participation. The theoretical framework of the O-S-O-R model is used to guide the path analyses for this research. This research finds that both online political information use and Facebook political information use expose respondents to a wider diversity of views, but that it does not lead to political participation. Furthermore, all three mediums are found to be credible sources of information leading to online political participation with different strengths, while Facebook political information use also leads to offline political participation. Thus, credibility is an important factor and even suggests the possible need for an opinion leader. This is especially so for the use of Facebook, which has the best balanced information dissemination structure its friend network of identifiable people, organisations, and institutions. Facebook also provides the best platform for critical debate and engaging potential voters. Mobile phone political use is also supportive of political participation, but is more questioned in terms of whether the participation it brings is able to lead to critical debate. Keywords: Political participation, Facebook, social media, mobile phones, online political information, wider view exposure, credibility.

Lagen om allmänna vattentjänster : Avgränsning av verksamhetsområden i 6 §

Lund, Jesper, Vallebrant, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Under 2007 trädde lagen (2006:412) om allmänna vattentjänster (LAV) i kraft. 6 § i denna lag säger att en kommun är skyldig att säkerställa vattenförsörjning och avlopp i ett "större sammanhang" om det behövs med hänsyn till skyddet för människors hälsa eller miljön, men ibland väljer kommuner att inte ansluta vissa områden till det kommunala verksamhetsområdet trots att villkoret i 6 § i LAV är uppfyllt. Dessa områden brukar benämnas § 6-områden, det vill säga områden som uppfyller villkoret "större sammanhang" enligt 6 § LAV, men som ändå ligger utanför kommunens verksamhetsområde. Men vad innebär det då att kommunerna ska säkerställa vattenförsörjning och avlopp i ett "större sammanhang"? Begreppet "större sammanhang" finns inte definierat i lagtexten, men enligt förarbeten kan man möjligen säga att 20 till 30 fastigheter kan ses som en gräns, som dock kan minskas om det finns särskilda skäl för det. Men hur tolkar kommunerna begreppet "större sammanhang" i 6 § lagen om allmänna vattentjänster? Det är den första frågeställningen som besvaras i studien. Den andra frågeställningen som besvaras är varför vissa områden i kommunerna ligger utanför verksamhetsområden trots att villkoret om "större sammanhang" är uppfyllt. Kommunerna som studien berör är Lerum, Lysekil, Skövde, Svenljunga och Vänersborg. För att svara på frågeställningarna har en kombination av, juridisk, kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod använts. Kommunernas VA-planer, som är ett underlag till den kommunala VAplaneringen, har granskats och intervjuer har genomförts för att komplettera VA-planerna samt ge en djupare förståelse för kommunernas beslut. Studien visar att det varierar från kommun till kommun hur de har valt att tolka begreppet "större sammanhang" då antalet fastigheter varierar från åtta till 20 stycken. En del av kommunerna använder dessutom begreppen "samlad bebyggelse" och "sammanhållen bebyggelse" från PBL, vilket är problematiskt då det är begrepp som rör PBL och inte återfinns i LAV. Vad det gäller den andra frågeställningen fanns det ett samband mellan hur kommunerna har bedömt områden som inte ska anslutas. Anledningen är att dessa områden är lågt prioriterade utifrån en behovs- och möjlighetsbedömning. / In 2007, the Public Water Services Act came in to effect. According to the sixth paragraph in this law, all municipalities shall arrange water supplies and sewerage in a "wider context" if it is necessary with respect to human health or the environment. But sometimes, municipalities choose not to connect certain areas to the operational area even though they should do so according to the sixth paragraph in the Public Water Services Act. These areas are commonly referred to as § 6 areas which means that these areas fulfill the condition "wider context" in the Public Water Services Act, but are outside the operational area. What does it mean that the municipalities shall ensure water supply and sewerage in a "wider context"? The term "wider context" is not defined in the legal text, but preparatory work to the law states that 20 to 30 properties can be seen as a guideline. This amount can be reduced if there are special reasons for it. But how do the municipalities interpret the term? This is the first question that this study answers. The second question that has been answered is why the municipalities choose to not connect some certain areas to the operational area, despite the fact that the conditions for "wider context" in the sixth paragraph are fulfilled. The study concerns the following municipalities: Lerum, Lysekil, Svenljunga, Skövde and Vänersborg. In order to gain information and to find answers to the questions, a combination between legal methodology, a quantitative and a qualitative method has been used. The municipalities VA-plans, which are guiding for municipal VA planning, have been reviewed and interviews have been conducted to supplement the VA-plans and provide a deeper understanding of municipal decisions. The study shows that it varies from municipality to municipality how the term "wider context" is interpreted as the number varies from eight to twenty properties included. Some of the municipalities also use the terms "assembled dwellings" and "assembled built environment" from the Planning and Building Act (2010:900). As for the second issue, there is a connection between how the municipalities have assessed these areas. The reason why some areas not are connected to any operational area is because they have a low priority based on a need and possibility assessment.

Filmens pedagogiska möjligheter i svenskundervisningen / The pedagogical possibilities of using film in Swedish teaching

Viberg, Björn, Westerling, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att fördjupa oss i och undersöka vilka pedagogiska möjligheter spelfilmen har i svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet bland annat genom att intervjua filmkunskapslärare. Vi har jobbat utifrån olika frågeställningar där den viktigaste lyder: Varför är det viktigt att låta det vidgade textbegreppet få större utrymme i svenskundervisningen? Studien genomfördes med åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med svensk- och filmkunskapslärare på fyra olika skolor. En kvalitativ enkätundersökning kompletterade intervjuerna. Huvudresultatet från detta arbete är att filmanvändandet skiljer sig åt på en mängd olika punkter i filmkunskap och svenskundervisningen samt att idag finns i stort sett alla tekniska förutsättningar för film i undervisningen. / Our purpose with this thesis is to explore the pedagogical possibilities of using film in the Swedish subject in high school, mainly so by interviewing teachers working with a subject primarily concerning film analysis (Filmkunskap). We have worked with different issues as the most important is: Why is it important to use a wider text concept to a greater extent in the Swedish subject? The study was conducted with eight qualitative interviews with teachers in the Swedish subject and in the Filmkunskap subject at four different schools. A qualitative survey complements these interviews. The main results of this work is that the use of films differ in a number of points comparing the two examined subjects and it also seems as schools today generally have all the technical possibilities for using film in teaching.

Predikce ekonomického vývoje regionů Česka pomocí modelu potenciální dostupnosti / Prediction of economic development of Czech regions using a model of potential accessibility

Elster, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the relationship between the development of the economic situation in Czech regions and potential accessibility of road networks evaluated with mathematical analysis. The intent of the model is to define a relationship between the transport accessibility and economic state in municipalities in 2001, 2011 and to predict for 2021. This evaluation has been reached with the model of potential accessibility. Several methodological problems had to be solved. Model calibration was provided with respect to the reality and changes in economic state in particular geographical regions. After the first step, which was focused on finding out the optimal model for potential accessibility of road networks, the linear regression with prediction of gross added economic value in analysed regions was used. Results showed only minor growth of gross added economic value in core geographical regions in the Czech Republic. In contrary, in peripheral regions dynamic growth of gross economic added value can be expected. This thesis follows the present interest in developing a transportation geography mathematical model, which can help us to understand the road transportation accessibility and its impact on economical development. Key words Potential accessibility, linear regression,...

La zone d'activité logistique comme levier de développement économique des territoires / The logistics center as a leverage for regional economic development

Bounie, Nathan 27 September 2017 (has links)
Les activités logistiques sont des leviers de la performance des systèmes productifs ainsi que d’importants générateurs d’emplois. Néanmoins, par les flux qu’elles impliquent ainsi que par les fixités qui la soutiennent (infrastructures, équipements, bâtiments, etc.), ces activités sont des sources de nuisances pour les territoires. Afin d’attirer les activités logistiques tout en limitant leurs nuisances, les acteurs publics – particulièrement locaux – y déclinent un certain nombre d’outils de régulation. Une politique publique est particulièrement mobilisée à cet effet, encouragée par l’exigence de report modal qu’implique le nouveau référentiel guidant l’action publique fondé sur la durabilité : la zone d’activité logistique, zone économique avec ses équipements propres aménagée en vue d’accueillir des activités logistiques.Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’articulation entre ces politiques d’aménagement et les dynamiques de développement économique des territoires. La première partie de ce travail met notamment en évidence trois rôles distincts que peuvent jouer ces zones d’activité logistique, deux rôles externes directs et indirects, et un rôle interne. Par la mobilisation de différentes méthodes et données originales, la deuxième partie de ce travail vise à tester la validité empirique de ces rôles. Le résultat majeur de ce travail de thèse est qu’en raison de la nature de l’activité logistique – qui s’inscrit dans des chaînes et des réseaux élargis – les retombées économiques indirectes imputables aux zones d’activité logistique sont relativement faibles / Logistics activities are fundamental leverages for the productive systems’ efficiency, but also create a lot of jobs. However, logistics activities induce negative externalities: first, by the flows created by these activities, then by the facilities supporting it (infrastructures, equipment, buildings, etc.). To attract logistics activities, while reducing negative externalities, local public authorities use a certain number of regulatory tools. To that extent, a public policy is mostly used, pushed forward by modal report necessity linked with sustainable development: the logistics center, which is an area equipped in order to host logistics activities.This thesis focuses on the articulation between planning policies and regional economic development. The first part brings to light different roles played by logistics centers: two external roles, direct and indirect, and one internal. By using original methods and data, the second part of this thesis aims to test the validity of these different roles. The major result of this work is that by nature of logistics activities – which take part in enlarged chains and networks – the wider economic impacts of logistics centers are low

Detekce zahalených tváří v obraze / Masked face detection

Malý, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this work is to study and test current methods for face detection on veiled faces and evaluate the results. In the first chapter, five selected methods are theoretically analyzed and in the second chapter the individual methods are evaluated, both for the Wider Face file and for the actual set of photos with veiled faces. Subsequently, the Dlib CNN method is improved for better detection of veiled faces and reprogrammed to detect the degree of veil from the tested image

Návrh sídelní struktury soudobého města v historickém kontextu. / Design of settlement structure of contemporary city in historical context.

Stoklásková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
Moravský Krumlov is a town on the Rokytná river in the Znojmo District in the South Moravian Region. The city with a unique panorama struggle with the separation of its individual districts and an insufficient network of pedestrian paths. The separation of the district is caused by the relief of the terrain, the river and its floodplain, as well as the part of industrial areas around the historic center. In my diploma thesis I deal with the space adjacent to the historical center, which I call the area under castle. It is bordered by the middle meander of the river Rokytná. At present, there are industrial areas that limit the movement of people between all parts of the city, prevent the use of space around the river and reduce the attractiveness of the city. In my design, I am creating a new residential development with quality public spaces. I also propose a network of pedestrian paths, which will provide good access to the area under castle and connections to other parts of the city. The project supports the concentration of inhabitants near the historic center and naturally unites the city into one functioning whole.

Sambandsanalys av sociala konsekvenser vid utbyggnad av transportsystem : En granskning av statistisk modellering för nyttobedömning av höghastighetsjärnväg / Analysis of relationships between investments in transport infrastructure and social consequences

Johansson, Gabriel, Engholm, Albin January 2016 (has links)
Sverige planerar för en av de största infrastrukturinvesteringarna någonsin i Sveriges historia. I fokus står en ny höghastighetsjärnväg mellan Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö som ska möjliggöra resor på två till två och en halv timme mellan städerna. Runt denna investering finns en ambition att samla andra samhällsbyggande åtgärder, som ökat bostadsbyggande och förbättringar i lokal och regional kollektivtrafik, för att genom en samordnad planering få ut så stora nyttor som möjligt. För detta ändamål har regeringen tillsatt den statliga utredningen Sverigeförhandlingen. En viktig del av deras arbete är att få fram en finansieringslösning för den nya statliga transportinfrastrukturen där medfinansiering från kommuner, regioner och andra aktörer står för en betydande andel. Idén kring medfinansiering är baserad på att aktörerna ska bidra till finansieringen som motsvarar de nyttor transportinfrastrukturen bidrar till. Alltså måste det gå att uppskatta att på förhand hur mycket nyttor som uppstår och vad de är värda. Sverigeförhandlingen har valt klassificera nyttorna i sex kategorier där ”social nyttor” är en av dessa. Däremot finns ingen etablerad metodik för att uppskatta dessa. Det här examensarbetet undersöker vilken social påverkan transportinfrastrukturen ger upphov till. Detta görs genom att studera samband mellan tillgänglighet, alltså hur transportinfrastrukturen ger möjlighet för människor att nå olika målpunkter, och ett antal sociala förhållanden. Tillgänglighetsmåttet valdes utifrån studier av tidigare forskning samt etablerade modeller för uppskattning av andra nyttor av transportinfrastruktur. För att veta vilka sociala förhållanden som är intressanta att undersöka har en studie av Svensk och internationell litteratur på området genomförts. Sambandsanalysen bygger på statistiska metoder där data för Sveriges kommuner används. Metoden ger möjlighet till att identifiera samvariation mellan tillgänglighet och sociala förhållanden men är inte tillräcklig för att säkerställa att tillgänglighet är en orsak till de sociala förhållandena. Resultaten tyder på att tillgänglighet har statistiskt signifikanta samband med ett antal indikatorer för sociala förhållanden. Exempel på två av dessa är ungdomsidrottande och andelen barn som går i förskola. Det visade sig att de flesta av de sociala förhållanden som har signifikanta samband med tillgänglighet har en samvariation som tyder på att tillgänglighet korrelerar med positiva sociala förhållanden. Detta tyder på att tillgänglighet kan ha samband med faktorer som kan tolkas som sociala nyttor. Dock kan inget sägas om tillgänglighet är en orsak till detta eller om det är någon icke studerad orsak som ger upphov till detta. Dessutom påverkas tillgänglighetsmåttet av andra faktorer än enbart tillgång till transportinfrastruktur och därför går det inte utifrån dessa samband att säkert säga att de beror på transportsystemet. För att sociala nyttor ska kunna kvantifieras och ligga till grund för medfinansiering krävs vidare studier. En viktig uppgift är att med hjälp av bättre data och mer avancerade metoder få fram bättre uppskattningar av sambanden samt orsaksrelationerna. Det krävs också studier för hur sociala nyttor ska värderas i monetära termer ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. / Sweden is currently planning for one of its largest investments in transport infrastructure ever. A cornerstone in the project is a new high speed railroad between Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. A considerable portion of the funding will consist of co-funding from municipalities, regions and private actors that will benefit from the infrastructure. The amount of co-funding is based on the total benefits that each actor will receive. Therefore these benefits must be able to be quantified. This report aims to study relationships between transport infrastructure and a number of social consequences that previous research has indicated being interesting. The method used is based on econometric methods that enable identification of statistical relationships using a simple linear model. This requires measures of transport infrastructure and indicators for social well-being which are chosen through a study of literature and established models quantifying wider economic benefits from transport infrastructure.The report suggests that a gravitybased accessibility measure is suitable for quantifying transport infrastructure in this context. The results from the econometrical model ssuggest that there are several significant relationships between accessibility and social well-being. In general accessibility seems to correlate with positive social consequences. However it is likely that endogeneity is biasing the results and make it difficult to draw any conclusions on causal relationships. It is stated that further research studying these relationships more carefully with better adapted data for the purpose is required to be able to obtain quantified estimates that can be used in co-funding of transport infrastructure.

Rémunération des dirigeants et gouvernance des entreprises / Executive compensation and Corporate Governance

Khenissi, Mohamed 30 May 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail a été de cerner les différents acteurs et mécanismes qui pourraient avoir la capacité de fixer la rémunération des dirigeants ainsi que la logique avec laquelle les décisions sont prises. Pour répondre à cette problématique, nous avons retenu une démarche en trois articles dans lesquels nous définissons une question de recherche pour chacun. Tout d’abord, nous nous intéressons au lien entre rémunération et performance dans le contexte français. Ensuite, nous mettons l’accent sur le rôle des mécanismes de gouvernance dans la détermination de la rémunération des dirigeants français. Enfin nous étudions les différents acteurs et mécanismes qui interviennent dans la fixation de la politique de rémunération des dirigeants. Pour chaque article, nous développons un cadre conceptuel sur la base de deux perspectives théoriques complémentaires. Les deux premiers articles se positionnent dans la perspective disciplinaire actionnariale, alors que le troisième article se place dans une perspective élargie de la gouvernance. Les cadres théoriques présentés ont été confrontés à l’épreuve de la réalité. Cette mise à l’épreuve a été réalisée par l’intermédiaire de méthodes quantitatives pour les articles 1 et 2 (méthodes statistiques de régression linéaire), et qualitatives pour l’article 3 (étude du cas Vinci). Nos résultats montrent tout d’abord, que la rémunération des dirigeants des sociétés cotées françaises est positivement liée à la richesse des actionnaires. En outre, et contrairement à l’hypothèse politique de Roe (2001), la rémunération globale des dirigeants français a un effet incitatif plus important que dans les entreprises américaines. Ensuite, aucun des mécanismes étudiés (conseil d’administration, comité des rémunérations et structure de propriété) n’a un impact significatif sur la sensibilité de la rémunération à la performance. Enfin, le processus décisionnel concernant la rémunération du dirigeant peut être fortement influencée par le dirigeant lui-même (en raison des réseaux relationnels ou bien des biais comportementaux) ainsi que d’autres mécanismes de gouvernance partenariale (médias et recours judiciaire). / The objective of this research was to identify the different processes and key actors involved in defining executive's income but also the logic with which decisions are made. To address this issue, a three-step approach was used in which a research question was raised in each one. First of all, the link between performance and income in the French context will be assessed. Then, the role of governance mechanisms on executives ‘salary will be established. Finally, the different actors and mechanisms in determining salary’s policy will be analyzed. For each article, a conceptual framework was developed based on two complementary theoretical perspectives. The first two items are positioned in the disciplinary perspective shareholder, while the third item is placed in wider governance. Theoretical frameworks presented were faced with the test of reality. This Analysis was conducted through quantitative method for items 1 and 2 (linear regression) and qualitative method in the third article (Vinci case study). The first results show that CEO’s incomes from listed French companies are positively related to shareholder wealth. In addition, and contrary to Roe’s hypothesis (2001), the total compensation of French leaders have an incentive base greater than in U.S. companies. Secondly, none of the mechanisms studied (board of directors, compensation committee and ownership structure) has a significant impact on the sensitivity of Salary - performance. Finally, the decision-making process concerning executive’s compensation may be strongly influenced by the leader himself (due to relational networks or behavioral biases) and other stakeholder governance mechanisms (media and judicial remedy).

Bezpečnostní studie výpadků elektrické energie na území obce z rozšířenou působností České Budějovice / Safety Study of Electricity Blackouts in the municipality České Budějovice

ŠARVAIC, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Electrical energy is a very important part of our society. Every household needs electrical energy for its daily routine, every company needs it for its production, our entire society can not do without electrical energy, it is literally the spine, the alpha and omega of everything. Modern products, such as mobile phones, storage media, computer sets, but also light, all of this is possible thanks to electrical energy, which is an integral part of life and no one can imagine a life without it anymore. Electrical energy is very important for the operation of a country, it is integrated in critical infrastructure and an electrical power blackout will endanger everything across our society. It is for this reason that society should learn to use electricity sparingly, and it also should ready itself for the possibility of a blackout coming at any moment, hitting anyone. The topic of this thesis is electrical energy. The thesis explores the question whether the Police of the Czech Republic is capable of an appropriate response in the event of a blackout in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice and whether the readiness for such an event is high. The goal of the work is the creation of a safety study on possible risks in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice. The research question of the thesis has been articulated as "In what manner will the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice be secured in the event of a electrical power blackout?" In its theoretical part, the thesis discusses crisis control in general, the terms Crisis Situation, Regional Crisis Plan, Crisis Command are explained, components of the integrated rescue services (IZS) and their main activities are listed, the definition of responsibilities of the hetman and the scope of his authority within the IZS, his conduct during threat periods, the explanation of terms such as infrastructure and critical infrastructure. The current legislature in all the mentioned fields is listed here. The next part deals with electrical energy, how it is created, what types of power plants produce electricity, electric power transmission and distribution networks, what companies produce and distribute electrical energy, the activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, regulatory authority and state energy inspection activities, the activity of energy producers in the event of an electrical power failure during a crisis threat period or when a crisis situation arises, the activity of electrical energy operators when a crises situation arises, the activity territorial administration authorities during crisis situation threat periods and when crises arise. The practical part of the thesis discusses police procedures in extraordinary events, the number of district departments in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, approximate numbers of police officers in the district departments, the definition of basic procedures within Police Law. The research part of the thesis focuses on the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, which contains various companies, selected for this thesis, which are compared using multiple-criteria assessment, with regards to possible safety risks in the extraordinary event of an electrical power blackout. The next point of the research was the approaching of experts from the ranks of the Police of the Czech Republic, Regional Section České Budějovice, who were then asked about police readiness, police material supplies, possible reinforcements which could secure buildings in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, in the event of an electrical power blackout. The conclusion of this thesis focuses on the research question, which was to the effect of "Safety Study for the Event of an Electrical Power Blackout on the Wider Area Municipality of České Budějovice".

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