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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What can be Learned from Comparing Performance of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Items found in Norway and in the U.S.?

Jakobsen, Arne, Fauskanger, Janne, Mosvold, Reidar, Bjuland, Raymond 15 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

An Investigation into the design of Advanced Certificates in Education on Mathematical Literacy teachers in KwaZuluNatal

Webb, Lyn, Bansilal, Sarah, James, Angela, Khuzwayo, Herbert, Goba, Busisiwe 20 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Eftermarknadsservice - En hård nöt att knäcka : En kvalitativ studie om eftermarknadsservice och dess roll för olika funktioner inom företaget / Aftersales service - a hard nut to crack : A qualitative study of aftersales service and it’sroll for different functions within the company

Kragelund, Emma, Danell, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Eftermarknadsservice har både i tidigare forskning och praktiken länge setts som en svårkontrollerad funktion och även ett nödvändigt ont. Som en potentiell källa till konkurrenskraft genom innovation, marknadsföring, ökad kundnöjdhet och lönsamhet ställer vi oss därför frågan varför företag inte lyckas uppnå eftermarknadsservicens fördelar. Hur ser man egentligen på eftermarknadsservice? Kan det vara så att man inom företaget inte är ense om vad eftermarknaden ska bidra med? I så fall, vad beror det på, och vad får det för konsekvenser förföretaget? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och skapa djupare förståelse för eftermarknadsservice och dess roll för olika funktioner inom företaget - samt att utreda vad deras syn beror på samt vad det får för konsekvenser. På så sätt syftar studien till att i förlängningen bidra med ny kunskapom vad det är som skapar de problem eftermarknaden upplever och hur dessa kan undvikas. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och utgår från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Frågeställningar besvaras genom empirisk data som fåtts via djupgående intervjuer och egna observationer på det utvalda fallföretaget. De utvalda respondenterna innehar funktioner såsom direktör, eftermarknadschef, kundservicechef, produktchef, servicemedarbetare och servicetekniker. Slutsats: Olika funktioner inom företaget har olika syn på vad eftermarknadsservice ska bidramed. Till stor del ser de anställda hur eftermarknaden ska bidra till deras egen funktion och saknar helhetsperspektiv på dess potential. Detta identifierar vi som ett problem då konsekvensen blir att företaget går miste om funktionens potential som drivare av både kundnöjdhet, marknadsföring, innovation och lönsamhet. Vidare indikerar våra resultat att den enkelsidiga syn på eftermarknadsservice som finns i huvudsak beror på tre faktorer. Dels företagskulturen som bör underbygga gemenskap och vara öppen för förändring, dels hur man delar och integrerar kunskap för att inte gå miste om humankapital i form av tyst kunskap och slutligen hur organisationens struktur ser ut i grunden för att underbygga dessa andra aspekter. / Background: After Sales Service is a disputed function which in practice and former research has been viewed upon as difficult to control and as a necessary evil. As a potential source of competitiveness through innovation, marketing, increased customer satisfaction and profitability we asked ourselves why businesses does not reach the true benefits of after sale services. How does different functions within the company view aftersales and its roll? Are there different views on what aftersales services should contribute with? And if that is the case, why is that and what are the consequences for the company? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of after sales services and its roll for different functions within the company. Further more to examine what different views are based on and what the consequences of this are. Through this, the study aims to by extension contribute to the understanding of what creates the troubles aftersales services are experiencing and how to mitigate them. Research method: The study is based on a qualitative research method with a hermeneutic approach. The research questions are answered through empirical data collection through interviews and observations at the chosen case company. The chosen respondents interviewed are the general manager, the aftersales service manager, the customer service manager, the product manager and several service employees and technicians. Findings: Different functions within the company have different views on what the aftersales should contribute to. In a big sense the employees see more to their own function and lacks a lager perspective on the potential of after sales services as a whole. We find this troublesome though it leads to that the company misses out on some of the potential after sales services can bring as a driver of customer satisfaction, marketing, innovation and profitability. Further more, our results indicates that the one-sided perspective on the function could depend on three different factors. Firstly the organisational culture which should support community and be open to change. Secondly how the company is sharing and integrating knowledge to decrease the loss of tacit knowledge, and lastly what the base of the organisational structure is to support these aspects.

Tacit Knowledge Capacity: A Comparison of University Lecturers in Germany and North Cyprus

Kaya, Tugberk, Erkut, Burak 26 April 2019 (has links)
The importance of universities as knowledge hubs is increasing due to knowledge production via research and teaching. An emerging aspect of knowledge management literature is the study of the knowledge requirements of universities. In particular, the transformation from knowledge creation to knowledge sharing has proved to be important in the university context and is subject to cultural differences. For example, previous research has indicated that a physician’s Tacit Knowledge Capacity (TKC) is affected by social software and social media. This creates opportunities to carry out new research on different occupations that have an intense TKC. As part of this research, a survey was conducted in order to assess the TKC of lecturers in both Germany and North Cyprus. These are two countries that have universities providing knowledge management programmes. The research determined the TKC in both countries and compared the two in order to determine if cultural factors affect the TKC of the profession. Through this research, the authors aimed to contribute to the ongoing research on the knowledge requirements of universities that will enable them to be knowledge intensive institutions. The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Near East University, which has 2200 students and 20 chairs, was compared with the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Technische Universität Dresden, which has 2800 students and 23 chairs. The study was carried out to provide an intercultural comparison, which is currently lacking in the Knowledge Management field. The research findings have highlighted the factors influencing the transfer and the accumulation of tacit knowledge.

Social-Ecological Coevolution and its Implications for Protected Area Management: Case Study in Natma Taung National Park, Myanmar

Aung, Pyi Soe 12 March 2020 (has links)
The conflict between the protected area and local people is a major challenge for conservation in developing countries. The conventional top-down approach has failed mainly due to the exclusion of local people in conservation. A new management approach that promotes local participation and reduces conflicts is necessary to achieve both conservation and development objectives. Using the case of Natma Taung National Park (NTNP) in Myanmar, this study investigates the relationship between the protected area and local indigenous people living in and around the park. The social-ecological coevolution model is applied to explore the inter-linkages between the protected area and local people. The empirical analyses focus on three main thematic areas: local land tenure system, livelihood dependency on forest resources, and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of local people. The comparative study design is used to analyse similarities and differences among the three indigenous communities living inside, bordering, and outside the national park. Based on this information, four management scenarios are developed and evaluated by using multi-criteria decision analysis.

Knowledge matters! - Exploring Drivers and Barriers in the Acceptance of FCEVs as a Sustainable Mobility Solution

Kreißig, Isabel, Bocklisch, Franziska 27 May 2022 (has links)
The usage of “green” hydrogen as a sustainable alternative to empower vehicles is a promising option for the strongly required reduction of CO2-emissions in the transport sector. For the successful introduction of such new technology, user acceptance is known to be one crucial factor. The presented online survey (N = 207) investigated (1) potential barriers and drivers for the uptake of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and (2) the effect of prior knowledge about FCEVs. Generally, respondents reported aspects connected to environmental friendliness to be main drivers and infrastructural factors (e.g., missing hydrogen stations) as main barriers connected with FCEVs independently from prior knowledge. Besides, results revealed considerable differences between participants with little vs. considerable prior knowledge implying a negative effect of less knowledge in terms of more skeptical assessments. Hence, measures enhancing knowledge about and experience with FCEVs might positively affect perceived barriers and drivers of FCEVs. / Die Nutzung von „grünem“ Wasserstoff als eine nachhaltige Alternative des Antriebs von Fahrzeugen ist eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit für die dringend notwendige Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen im Transportsektor. Für den Erfolg der Einführung solch neuer Technologien ist die Nutzerakzeptanz von entscheidender Bedeutung. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuchte die vorliegende Onlinestudie (N = 207) (1) potentielle Barrieren und Motivatoren für die Akzeptanz von Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen und (2) den Effekt von individuellem Vorwissen hinsichtlich Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen. Unabhängig vom jeweiligen Vorwissen berichteten die Befragten Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit der Umweltfreundlichkeit der Fahrzeuge als Hauptmotivatoren und Faktoren hinsichtlich der Infrastruktur (z.B. fehlende Wasserstofftankstellen) als Hauptbarrieren. Daneben zeigten sich aber auch erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen Personen mit viel und wenig Vorwissen, die durch negativere Bewertungen von Personen mit wenig Vorwissen gekennzeichnet sind. Folglich können möglicherweise Maßnahmen, die den Erwerb von Wissen über und die Erfahrung mit Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen unterstützen, wahrgenommene Barrieren und Motivatoren von Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen positiv beeinflussen.

Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets

Münster, Sandra, Niebling, Florian 15 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – While single theoretical approaches related to visual humanities research and in particular digital 3D reconstruction – as the virtual, interpretative 3D modeling and visualization of historical objects – are widely described in compendia like Wikipedia, and various publications discuss approaches from certain disciplinary perspectives, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary systematization is still missing. Against this background, the research activity described within this article is intended to gain a wide and multidisciplinary overview for research approaches, theories, and methods which are relevant to investigate or explain knowledge-related phenomena in the context of visual humanities research and education. Design/methodology/approach – To meet these interests we intend to set up a Wiki resource as a structured repository. The content will be based on (a) interactive workshops held at conferences to collect and structure knowledge assets on visual knowledge involving experts from different domains. Moreover, (b) a student seminar starting in early 2017 is designated to describe some typical research designs as well as amend related methods and theories in the Wiki resource based on Wikipedia articles. A content structuring principle for the Wiki resource follows the guidelines of Wikimedia as well as plans for the results to be populated again in Wikipedia. Originality/value – While Wiki approaches are frequently used in the context of visual humanities, these resources are primarily created by experts. Furthermore, Wiki-based approaches related to visualization are often focused on a certain disciplinary context as, for example, art history. A unique aspect of the described setting is to build a Wiki on digital 3D reconstruction including expertise from different knowledge domains – i.e. on perception and cognition, didactics, information sciences, as well as computing and visual humanities. Moreover, the combination of student work and assessments by experts also provides novel insights for educational research. Practical implications – The intended product is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary structured repository on digital 3D reconstruction research approaches, methods, theories, publication bodies, and good practice examples. The editing of the project results into the Wikipedia will lead to a wide dissemination and visibility of group activities and outcomes as well as enhance competencies of all contributors on collaborative work.

HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history

Kröber, Cindy, Friedrichs, Kristina, Filz, Nicole 16 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – We propose a multidisciplinary approach based on an extensive data base which provides digitalized photographic material from the end of the 19th century up to recent times. Thus a large amount of photographic evidence will be exploited, structured and enriched by additional sources to serve as a foundation for an application relying on 3D visualizations. The application addresses scholars as well as the general public and will provide different kinds of information and tools for research and knowledge transfer. Design/methodology/approach – The method applied will be diachronic: the virtual model may show one point in urban history depicting a certain state of past Dresden and also its development through the various eras. In addition the method works in a dualistic mode: on the one hand the physical development of the urban area will be explored and presented in detail, on the other hand the analysis of the pictures will give profound insights in the specific perception of the urban space. Originality/value – This methodology aims to make large repositories more accessible and proactive in information-seeking. Using a 3D application as an access for media repositories, research tools and functionalities which can improve the scientific handling of the data will be considered. How should the data and information be processed to meet the researcher’s needs? Which information can be retrieved from the visual media? What needs to be considered to ensure scientific standards and motivation while working with the image repositories? Users of the virtual archives can benefit extensively form effective searching functions and tools which work not only content- and theme-based but also location-based. Practical implications – The outcomes of the research will be presented in a 4D browser and available in an Augmented Reality presentation. The design will comply with the requirements of the field of application, whether aiming at a scientific, educative or touristic purpose. The paper itself considers three different approaches to the topic highlighting the multidisciplinary strategy and opportunities of the project. The first one considers research questions from art history. The second one reflects on concepts from information science, photogrammetry and computer vision for visualizations and the third one introduces an interaction concept for an AR application for the Zwinger in Dresden.

Ujuzi wa watoto/vijana katika simulizi za maisha

Schulz-Burgdorf, Ulrich 14 December 2012 (has links)
Kutoka elimu ya lugha tunajua kwamba kila mtu aliyenena ana ujuzi maalum - kama John Lyons alivyoeleza katika kitabu chake Language and Linguistics (1981), katika sura kuhusu lugha na utamaduni wa wasemaji. Lyons anatueleza kwamba kila mtu hushika ujuzi huo kwa njia ya kufunzwa lugha na huutumia ujuzi, huuongeza na huubadilisha kwa muda wa maisha yake yote; ni jinsi yake ya kujua mambo ya ulimwengu. Katika maelezo yafuatayo napenda kuonyesha ujuzi uliomo katika habari nilizopewa na kijana, jina lake ni Timothy Lawrence ambaye alikuwa na umri wa kumi na tatu siku zile. Ujuzi wake ni juu ya maisha yake ya kipokomo na pia ni ujuzi wa kumweleza mgeni mambo hayo - yaani ujuzi au uwezo wa kuzisimulia habari hizo. Habari zake zinatuonyesha vizuri simulizi ya maisha ya binafsi (au autobiographical narrative) ni nini, yenye ujuzi gani na jinsi gani ya kutazama maisha kwa macho ya mwenyeji kijana.

Pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles and the influence thereof on their instructional behaviour

Barnes, Hayley 11 April 2012 (has links)
In this paper the notion of “mathematics profiles” and “instructional behaviour profiles is introduced. A brief explanation of what these profiles are and how they were constructed and represented for preservice mathematics teachers is provided. An example of one of the participants’ profiles is included as an example. The influence of the pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles on their instructional behaviour is then discussed. This is done with regard to using the mathematics profiles as a potential tool to optimise the development of pre-service mathematics teachers’ instructional behaviour towards a more reform-oriented approach.

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