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Skyddsombud inom socialpsykiatrin och deras uppfattning av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön utifrån arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter AFS 2015:4Karlsson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
På grund av den ständigt ökande ohälsan på arbetsplatser orsakad av faktorer i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön har arbetsmiljöverket tagit fram nya föreskrifter, AFS 2015:4. Förutom att arbetsgivares och arbetsledares ansvar för arbetsmiljön poängteras nämns även skyddsombud som en viktig resurs. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om skyddsombud inom socialpsykiatrin upplevt att föreskrifterna påverkat det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet, vilken betydelse arbetsledaren har i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön samt i vilken grad de själva är involverade i det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet. Det teoretiska ramverket bestod främst av AFS 2015:4 men även av tidigare forskning och gällande teorier. Metoden var kvalitativ och sju skyddsombud inom socialpsykiatrin intervjuades. Resultatet visar att arbetsledaren upplevs som betydelsefull i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, att de nya riktlinjerna inte influerat det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet samt att skyddsombuden upplevde sig delaktiga i det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet. Ett förslag till framtida forskning är att utöka studien med större antal skyddsombud på slumpvis utvalda arbetsplatser.
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Working Conditions and Development at School. Preconditions for Pupil and Personnel CollaborationHäggqvist, Susann January 2004 (has links)
The principal aim of this dissertation is empirically todevelop and test a collaboration model for how to operatesystematically with the work environment at school. Ontheoretical grounds, a case is made that collaboration betweendifferent groups (various professions and pupils) should beinvestigated despite different conditions, qualifications andages.School Environment 2000is a model for theongoing monitoring of the work environment at school. It isdesigned for integration into school-based activities, and itsmaterial offers an opportunity for any stakeholder involved toparticipate in activities concerning conditions at school. TheSchool Environment 2000have been used by pupilsand personnel (totally 2,383) at 36 schools in 8 municipalitiesin Sweden. Three of the four studies are follow-up studies; thefourth study had matched control schools. All studies usedquestionnaires; the fourth were completed with other methods asdiaries, observations and interviews. The result showed that amajority of pupils specified both sickness-related andpsychosocial reasons for absence from school. The second(pupils) and third (personnel) study show associations betweenthe work environment and ill-health, especially by females.Among women, all the items describing self-reported complaintscorrelated significantly with the Work at school index and Workclimate index. In the fourth study, in which a work environmentintervention was tested, the participants adopted a morelimited concept than that contained in School Environment2000-questionnaire. A clear desire was expressed, for morestructure and order in school work. The participants attainedin the intervention program, compared with the controller, weremore engaged in greater collaboration with others, had becomemore active in managing problems and conflicts, had greaterinternal effectiveness and perceivedfacilitating factors inwork for change as depending less on personal attributes andbehaviours of personnel. The discussion focus the need forfollowup changes and their effects on health; collaboration topromote objective and subjective scope for action; andcollaboration for goal fulfilment. Special care must beconsidered pupils work environment. The school situation is agood time for learning how to create a good work environmentand to prevent ill-health. / <p>QC 20161027</p>
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Förutsättningar att skapa en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö : Hinder och hjälpmedel som prefekter upplever i det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet / Requirements to create a good psychosocial work environment : Obstacles and tools Heads of Department experience in Systematic Work Environment ManagementHartvik, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the conditions that Heads of Department are facing when conducting Systematic Work Environment Management (SWEM) within psychosocial work environment at Umeå University. The study has focused on the obstacles and tools that Heads of Department are experiencing in their efforts to investigate, assess, and measures to reduce risks and follow up actions in the psychosocial work environment. To investigate this, I conducted semi-structured interviews with four Heads of Department and a Head of Unit at Umeå University. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The result of the study is that dialogue and cooperation on different levels of the workplace seems to be the foundation of their SWEM within psychosocial work environment. A relationship-oriented leadership, good communication climate at the workplace, and various support functions are also important tools. Some of the obstacles that they experience are heavy workload, performance cultures, and sometimes lack of central support. SWEM also seems to be more time-consuming within psychosocial work environment than within the physical environment. It is not possible to draw any general conclusions from this study, but it has indicated several tracks that might be interesting to investigate further to improve conditions for the Heads of Department. For example, to further map their psychosocial environment, if the central support is perceived as sufficient and how to safeguard the local support from, for example, human resources specialists and work safety representatives.
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Hantering av personuppgifter – en arbetsmiljöfråga? / Handling of personal information – a question of work environment?Brodin, Roger, Johannesson, Annelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Unhealthiness is not just a damaged back or asbestos. The fact that mental ill-health seems to increase in our society is well known. Statistics from Arbetsmiljöverket proves a fourfold increase of work-related disorders since 1997. These are primarily caused by organizational and social factors, 60% are considered caused by stress and a heavy workload. Sick leave due work related fatigue and depressions are scarily common today. Highly controlled work where every individual’s performance is measured, registered and sometimes even presented in front of co-workers is now what many employees face in their daily life. In our technically well-developed society we have a variety of sophisticated software that registers detailed information about employees. How does this affect the people that work in that environment? What legislations are there to cover these questions? This is what we have chosen to focus on in this essay.</p><p>Our empirical research shows that companies do register what their employees do even though there are people who prefer to disregard that fact. It’s possible that some surveillance occur purposeless, like for instance the common registration of incoming phone calls which indeed could be referred to a specific individual. How this information is being used in the end probably varies from company to company, but, as proven in our study it can be used as evidence or arguments against employees who might make a poor performance. We mean that high levels of control contribute to the pressure employees feel in their already stressful work life.</p> / <p>Ohälsa är inte bara en utsliten rygg eller lungor skadade av asbest. Att den psykiska ohälsan verkar öka i samhället är inte okänt. Arbetsmiljöverkets statistik påvisar en fyrfaldig ökning av arbetsrelaterade sjukdomar sedan 1997. Dessa beror främst på organisatoriska och sociala faktorer, 60 % beräknas bero på stress och hög arbetsbelastning. Sjukskrivningar p.g.a. utmattningsdepression och depression i allmänhet är långt ifrån ovanliga. Starkt styrt arbete där varje enskild individs prestationer mäts dagligen och t o m redovisas öppet på arbetsplatsen är nu vardag för många anställda. I dagens högteknologiska samhälle finns en mängd sofistikerade redskap för att samla information om de anställda på företaget. Varje knapptryckning kan registreras, antal hanterade samtal och längden på dessa mäts, analyseras och data sparas. Hur påverkas egentligen människor som arbetar i den miljön och vad säger lagen? Vi har valt att studera handhavandet av personuppgifter, gällande rätt på området samt hur ett felaktigt handhavande kan inverka negativt på arbetsmiljön.</p><p>Den empiriska undersökning som genomförts inom ramen för studien visar tillsynes att övervakning av anställda på arbetsplatsen sker, men även att vissa tycks ignorera att så sker. Visserligen kan tänkas att vissa arbetsplatser ej kontrollerar medvetet, men exempelvis kan en vardaglig företeelse som loggning av teletrafik anses vara en övervakande åtgärd, som kan härledas specifik individ. Hur sen dessa uppgifter används antar vi att det varierar starkt från arbetsplats till arbetsplats, men uppgifter kan, vilket bekräftas av vår studie, användas bland annat som påtryckningsargument om en säljare presterar sämre än förväntat. Vi tolkar även att ett starkt kontrollerat arbete medför att arbetstagaren upplever arbetssituationen som stressig.</p>
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Hantering av personuppgifter – en arbetsmiljöfråga? / Handling of personal information – a question of work environment?Brodin, Roger, Johannesson, Annelie January 2009 (has links)
Unhealthiness is not just a damaged back or asbestos. The fact that mental ill-health seems to increase in our society is well known. Statistics from Arbetsmiljöverket proves a fourfold increase of work-related disorders since 1997. These are primarily caused by organizational and social factors, 60% are considered caused by stress and a heavy workload. Sick leave due work related fatigue and depressions are scarily common today. Highly controlled work where every individual’s performance is measured, registered and sometimes even presented in front of co-workers is now what many employees face in their daily life. In our technically well-developed society we have a variety of sophisticated software that registers detailed information about employees. How does this affect the people that work in that environment? What legislations are there to cover these questions? This is what we have chosen to focus on in this essay. Our empirical research shows that companies do register what their employees do even though there are people who prefer to disregard that fact. It’s possible that some surveillance occur purposeless, like for instance the common registration of incoming phone calls which indeed could be referred to a specific individual. How this information is being used in the end probably varies from company to company, but, as proven in our study it can be used as evidence or arguments against employees who might make a poor performance. We mean that high levels of control contribute to the pressure employees feel in their already stressful work life. / Ohälsa är inte bara en utsliten rygg eller lungor skadade av asbest. Att den psykiska ohälsan verkar öka i samhället är inte okänt. Arbetsmiljöverkets statistik påvisar en fyrfaldig ökning av arbetsrelaterade sjukdomar sedan 1997. Dessa beror främst på organisatoriska och sociala faktorer, 60 % beräknas bero på stress och hög arbetsbelastning. Sjukskrivningar p.g.a. utmattningsdepression och depression i allmänhet är långt ifrån ovanliga. Starkt styrt arbete där varje enskild individs prestationer mäts dagligen och t o m redovisas öppet på arbetsplatsen är nu vardag för många anställda. I dagens högteknologiska samhälle finns en mängd sofistikerade redskap för att samla information om de anställda på företaget. Varje knapptryckning kan registreras, antal hanterade samtal och längden på dessa mäts, analyseras och data sparas. Hur påverkas egentligen människor som arbetar i den miljön och vad säger lagen? Vi har valt att studera handhavandet av personuppgifter, gällande rätt på området samt hur ett felaktigt handhavande kan inverka negativt på arbetsmiljön. Den empiriska undersökning som genomförts inom ramen för studien visar tillsynes att övervakning av anställda på arbetsplatsen sker, men även att vissa tycks ignorera att så sker. Visserligen kan tänkas att vissa arbetsplatser ej kontrollerar medvetet, men exempelvis kan en vardaglig företeelse som loggning av teletrafik anses vara en övervakande åtgärd, som kan härledas specifik individ. Hur sen dessa uppgifter används antar vi att det varierar starkt från arbetsplats till arbetsplats, men uppgifter kan, vilket bekräftas av vår studie, användas bland annat som påtryckningsargument om en säljare presterar sämre än förväntat. Vi tolkar även att ett starkt kontrollerat arbete medför att arbetstagaren upplever arbetssituationen som stressig.
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Working Conditions and Development at School. Preconditions for Pupil and Personnel CollaborationHäggqvist, Susann January 2004 (has links)
<p>The principal aim of this dissertation is empirically todevelop and test a collaboration model for how to operatesystematically with the work environment at school. Ontheoretical grounds, a case is made that collaboration betweendifferent groups (various professions and pupils) should beinvestigated despite different conditions, qualifications andages.School Environment 2000is a model for theongoing monitoring of the work environment at school. It isdesigned for integration into school-based activities, and itsmaterial offers an opportunity for any stakeholder involved toparticipate in activities concerning conditions at school. TheSchool Environment 2000have been used by pupilsand personnel (totally 2,383) at 36 schools in 8 municipalitiesin Sweden. Three of the four studies are follow-up studies; thefourth study had matched control schools. All studies usedquestionnaires; the fourth were completed with other methods asdiaries, observations and interviews. The result showed that amajority of pupils specified both sickness-related andpsychosocial reasons for absence from school. The second(pupils) and third (personnel) study show associations betweenthe work environment and ill-health, especially by females.Among women, all the items describing self-reported complaintscorrelated significantly with the Work at school index and Workclimate index. In the fourth study, in which a work environmentintervention was tested, the participants adopted a morelimited concept than that contained in School Environment2000-questionnaire. A clear desire was expressed, for morestructure and order in school work. The participants attainedin the intervention program, compared with the controller, weremore engaged in greater collaboration with others, had becomemore active in managing problems and conflicts, had greaterinternal effectiveness and perceivedfacilitating factors inwork for change as depending less on personal attributes andbehaviours of personnel. The discussion focus the need forfollowup changes and their effects on health; collaboration topromote objective and subjective scope for action; andcollaboration for goal fulfilment. Special care must beconsidered pupils work environment. The school situation is agood time for learning how to create a good work environmentand to prevent ill-health.</p><p><b>Key Words:</b>Work Environment Management, collaboration,school, pupil, employee, participation, evaluation, health,stress.</p>
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En studie om konflikter i arbetslivet och det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetets roll som verktyg till förebyggande arbete.Aminoff, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The main subject of this essay is conflicts at work and the effect it has on the employee´s health. I can through various reports read that bad health at workplaces is too high and that conflicts are a reason. What can be done to the work environment so it will be better from a psychosocial perspective? Sweden has a regulation that makes the employer responsible to work for an improvement in the work environment; can these regulations be used in purpose to reduce conflicts? My first question concerns the possibility to establish preventive procedures in the workplace systematic work regarding to improve the work environment. My second question is about the obligations of the employer to attempt to reduce conflicts at the workplace and the third question regards the documenting and monitoring of conflicts and the preventing work to reduce them. The purpose of this essay is to clarify how conflict preventive work can be included in the Systematic work environment management. To find answers to my questions I will interpret and analyze the current Swedish law but also international law. Current law and regulations will be supplemented with interviews to obtain information about the employer´s approach to preventive work regarding conflicts. After analyzing the material I come to my conclusion that it´s possible to use current regulations as a tool to reduce conflicts at workplaces and through that also reduce sick leave due to psychological disorders. But there is a need to set up more concrete routines that makes the employer´s obliged to take all measures deemed necessary.
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Enhetschef till varje pris : En studie om den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljöregleringen för första linjens chefer inom vård och omsorg / Head of units at all costsWidgren, Ofelia January 2018 (has links)
This essay will study the working environment of heads of units in a health and social care organization. The working environment that will be focused on in the essay is the psychosocial. My interest in the subject evolved from a rapport that The Swedish Work Environment Authority preformed. The rapport displayed a supervision that took place in the years 2015–2017. The supervision investigated the psychosocial working environment of the heads of units in several workplaces in Sweden. This rapport was analyzed alongside with legislation and literature that regulates the working environment to get an understanding of problems in this area. The aims of this essay are therefore to identify problems in the working environment within the heads of units and do that with an equality perspective. The result of this essay has shown that there is a lot of shortage with the environmental work of the heads of units. These shortages consist of the employee not getting enough resources to deal with the high demands of the work assignment. This leads to negative psychosocial health risks. The legal framework of the subject places high requirements on the employers. But nevertheless, the employers work with the preventive environmental work is insufficient and a contributory to this is the construction of the working environmental law as a frame law.
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’’Samverkan är inte ett vi och ett dom, utan ett vi’’ En studie på kollektivt lärande i arbetsmiljöarbetet efter en gemensam utbildningsinsatsErkers, Anna, Karlsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie grundas på en systematisk arbetsmiljöutbildning kallad Suntarbetsliv vilket är en gemensam utbildning för chef och skyddsombud. Utgångspunkten för vår studie är att det behövs mer förståelse för en utbildningsinsats samt dess möjligheter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur chef och skyddsombud i en offentlig organisation arbetar efter en gemensam arbetsmiljöutbildning och om utbildningen genererat i kollektivt lärande. I studiens teoridel presenterar vi följande huvudpunkter: arbetsmiljö, utbildning och kollektivt lärande samt teorier som förklarar hur hinder kan uppstå i lärprocesser. Metoden i studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod. Vi har utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre chefer och tre skyddsombud i en kommun i Dalarna. Resultatet är att en gemensam bas för chefer och skyddsombud skapar förutsättning för kollektivt lärande på organisationens verksamheter. Slutsatserna som dragits baseras på resultatanalysen och är att viljan till att lära startar inom oss själva och därför måste organisationsmål vara tydliga och konkreta så att missförstånd undviks. / This study is based on a systematic work environment education called Suntarbetsliv, which is a joint education for managers and safety representatives. The starting point for our study is that there is a need for more understanding of an educational initiative and its possibilities. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a manager and safety representative in a public organization works after a common work environment education and on education generated in collective learning. In the theory's theory we present the following key points: work environment, education and collective learning. The method in the study is based on a qualitative method. We have conducted semistructured interviews with three managers and three security representatives in a municipal in Dalarna, Sweden. As a result, a common base for managers and security representatives creates the prerequisite for collective learning on the organization's activities. The conclusions taken are based on the results analysis and are that the willingness to learn starts within ourselves, and therefore, organizational goals must be clear and concrete so that
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Den stressiga arbetsmiljön : Chefers stressförebyggande arbetsmiljöarbeteLoberg Nelisse, Miranda, Östergren, Madeleine January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur chefer med personalansvar arbetar med arbetsmiljöfrågor för att förebygga och hantera stress på arbetsplatsen. Studien använder en kvalitativ metod med semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Totalt genomfördes 7 intervjuer med 7 olika chefer med personalansvar. Samtliga intervjuer spelades in. Materialet bearbetades och undersöktes för att sedan mynna ut i studiens resultat- och analysavsnitt. För att ytterligare tyda och tolka materialet så analyserades detta med hjälp av krav och kontroll modellen i kombination med socialt support modellen som myntades av Karasek & Theorell (1990) respektive Johnson & Hall (1988). Resultatet visar på att chefer med personalansvar arbetar aktivt med arbetsmiljöfrågor och mer specifikt att förebygga stress på arbetsplatsen. Enligt cheferna själva betonades öppen kommunikation mellan chefen själv och de anställda vara det viktigaste verktyget för att förebygga och hantera stress på arbetsplatsen. Detta reflekteras i studiens resultat. Resultatet visade, först och främst, att kommunikation i kombination med att stötta sina medarbetare är essentiellt för att förebygga stress på arbetsplatsen. Kommunikationen fokuserade främst på anställdas arbetssituation och välmående, men även att som chef konstant vara lyhörd och lyssna på sina anställda. Vidare visade resultatet att cheferna arbetar med att förebygga stress med hjälp av digitala verktyg, dessutom sker även medarbetarsamtal och medarbetarundersökningar ofta. Chefer med personalansvar uppgavs även ha handlingsplaner för om en anställd skulle drabbas av stress som sedan resulterar i psykisk ohälsa. Handlingsplanen innefattar rehabilitering, arbetsträning men även möjlighet till psykolog- och arbetsterapeuthjälp. Studien hoppas kunna vara ett bidrag till att förstå den nuvarande trenden där psykisk ohälsa och sjukskrivningar på grund av arbetet ökar i Sverige. / The aim of this study is to find out how managers with employee responsibility work with work environmental questions to prevent and manage stress in the workplace. The study uses a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. In total 7 interviews were carried out with 7 different managers who all had employee responsibility. All interviews were recorded. The material was then processed and researched which then culminated in a detailed results and analysis section off the study. In order to further decipher and interpret the material, it was analyzed using the demands and control model in combination with the social support model coined by Karasek & Theorell (1990) and Johnson & Hall (1988). The result shows that managers with responsibility over employees work actively with work environmental questions and more specifically to prevent stress in the workplace. According to the managers themselves, open communication between the manager themselves and the employees was emphasized as the most important tool for preventing and managing stress in the workplace. This is reflected in the study's results. The results showed, first of all, that communication in combination with supporting one's employees is essential for preventing stress in the workplace. The communication mainly focused on the employees' work situation and well-being, but also that, as a manager, constantly being responsive and listening to your employees. Furthermore, the results showed that managers work to prevent stress with the help of digital tools, in addition to this, employee interviews and employee surveys is also frequently taking place. Managers with responsibility over employees were also stated to have action plans for if an employee were to suffer from stress which then results in mental illness. The action plan often includes rehabilitation, job training but also the possibility of psychological and occupational therapist help. The study hopes to be a contribution to understanding the current trend where mental illness and sick leave due to work are increasing in Sweden.
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