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Identifiera och reducera slöseri med lean thinking / Identifiera och reducera slöserimed lean thinkingGyllensvärd, Erik January 2021 (has links)
AGES är ett företag som pressgjuter produkter i aluminium med olika legeringar. De producerar främst till fordons- och verkstadsindustrin. De har i dagsläget låg total utrustningseffektivitet på två av sina maskiner och vill få reda på varför. De största tidsförlusterna är ställtiderna samt att operatörerna inte märker att maskinstopp har skett. Målet med examensarbetet var att identifiera och reducera slöseri i produktionsprocessen hos AGES och skapa en grund för framtida arbete med SMED och Lean Production. Genom olika mätningar kunde olika analyser utföras såsom värdeflödesanalys och OEE-analys. Analyserna resulterade i ett antal förbättringsförslag där vissa av dem planeras att implementeras. Vissa hamnade under utvärdering och vissa hamnade som framtida förbättringar. Studien har också bidragit till en ökad förståelse för varför maskinstopp sker och vilka åtgärder som bör vidtas. Ledningen på AGES är positiva till resultatet av studien och förbättringsförslagen. Inom SMED har det resulterat i en plan till hur verktygsbytet kan gå till för att minska ställtiderna samt hur mycket tid som kan besparas vid implementering. / AGES is a company that die-cast aluminum products with various alloys. They mainly produce for the automotive and engineering industries. Currently they have a low total equipment efficiency on two of their machines and they want to find out why. The biggest time losses are the set-up times and that the operators are not noticing when a machine stop has occurred. The aim of the project was to identify and reduce waste in the production process at AGES and create a basis for future work with SMED and Lean Production. Through different measurements, different analyzes could be performed such as value flow analysis and OEE-analysis. The analyzes resulted in several improvement proposals, some of which are planned to be implemented. Some will be evaluated and will be implemented as future improvements. The study has also led to an understanding of why machine stops occur and what measures should be taken. The management at AGES is positive to the results of the study and the improvement proposals. Within SMED, it resulted in a plan for how the tool change can be done to reduce set-up times and how much time can be saved when implemented.
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Utveckling av struktur för operatörsunderhåll : En studie om förebyggande underhåll på pappersbruk / Structural development of operator maintenance : A study of preventive maintenance at a papermillLövhall, Sara January 2022 (has links)
This is a bachelor thesis performed at Karlstad University at the programme innovationtechnology and design. The project extent is 22.5 hp and has been carried out at Billerudkorsnäs paper mill in Grums. Sara Lövhall is the student that performed the work. The purpose of the project was to give the operators at Billerud Korsnäs's Renseri the right basis to carry out efficient operator maintenance that will increase availability and plantutilization. To achieve this purpose, an improvement work was carried out according to the PDCA model, of which this report is responsible for the Plan and partly Do-part of the PDCA. The road to the first milestone, which is “Distinct starting point”, is described through a pilotstudy whose results and analysis show what lack of structure leads to in the long term. Based on these results, a concept generating phase took place. The result of the concept generating phase was a visual draft on the rounds built in thecurrent process monitoring system with a function description that includes a schedule. The presentation material includes: - Overview picture of the building with marked trail to the rounding area. - List that includes which objects, and in what order these are to be rounded in thespecified area. - Overview of the round area with numbered objects and trails for how to perform patrol. The rounds including visual draft are planned for implementation after this summer. Thiswill give the operators the right conditions for performing efficient operator maintenance.Follow-ups are carried out according to chosen models.
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"Kan man särskilja kompetens från personlighet?" : En genusvetenskaplig studie av kompetens och ideal i fyra IKT-forskningsorganisationerSjögren, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe how ideals and competence in four ICT-research organisations can be understood from a gender perspective. The four organisations are the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), Interactive Institute, SICS Center for Networked Systems, and Mobile Life VINN Excellence centre (Mobile Life). The material consists of semi-structured deep interviews with 18 members of the organisations, seven women and eleven men. They are analysed from the themes Ideals and Competence. This is being done through a doing gender perspective (Fenstermaker & West 2002; Gunnarsson et al. 2003), and with help from theories and research on gender and technology in general, and computer nerds in particular (Turkle 1987; Kendall 1999, 2000; Wajcman 2001; Olofsdotter 2009; Mellström 2009) and theories and research on both competence in general and competence and gender (eg. Ellström 1992; Gunnarsson 1994). In the organisations research ideals are described through a hard-soft dualism, and ideals for researchers (the computer nerd and the interaction-focused researcher) are placed on either side (the computer nerd on the hard, the interaction focused researcher on the soft). The computer nerd is a highly masculine ideal, but the interaction-focused researcher is not gendered to the same extent. Competence is understood both as abstract and as concrete. When defined as abstract it is formal and gender neutral, but when described as concrete it is non-formal and have gendered connotations through the ideals for the researcher. Thus, the abstract definitions hide the gendered reality of competence. Gender norms connect ideals and competence in the organisations. If you do not fulfill the ideals, then you are not competent and you do not belong in the organisations. As such, the ideals are productive normative standards (cf. Butler 2006) at work within the organisations, producing reality and comprehensibility. Through ideals for research and researchers, and through understandings of competence, gender is being done within the organisations (cf. Fenstermaker & West 2002).
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Utveckling av produktionslayout : Med hänsyn till materialförsörjning och Lean Production / Layout development by Lean Production and material handlingPettersson, Rasmus, Fredriksson, Lars January 2023 (has links)
Konkurrensen mellan företag ställer allt högre krav på tillverkande industrier idag och det är viktigt att kunna leverera med korta leveranstider och med bra kvalitet. Därför är det viktigt att ha en produktionslayout som stödjer det. En del av att uppfylla kraven är genom att ha ett effektivt materialflöde. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen kring anläggningsplanering och Lean production. Frågeställningen som ska besvaras i detta arbete är följande: - Hur kan ett tillverkande företag effektivt utveckla en produktionslayout med hänsyn till materialhantering och Lean production? För att besvara frågeställningen har studien genomförts på ett företag som står inför en utmaning. Företaget har problem med att få plats i den nuvarande anläggningen och behöver sålunda bygga ut. Utifrån det har en modell skapats för att utveckla förslag på layouter samt utvärdera dem och slutligen komma fram till ett val av layout. Studien genomfördes på Amokabel AB i Alstermo då modellens fyra steg testades med framgång och olika förslag på layouter togs fram. Slutligen utvärderades layoutförslagen i en viktad kategorianalystabell och författarna kom därefter fram till ett slutgiltigt förslag. / Competition between companies places increasingly high demands on manufacturing industries today, and it is important to be able to deliver with short lead times and good quality. Therefore, it is important to have a production layout that supports this. One way to meet these requirements is through having an efficient material flow. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of facility planning and Lean production. The research question to be answered in this work is: - How can a manufacturing company effectively develop a production layout with consideration to material handling and Lean production? To answer the research question, the study has been conducted on a company facing a challenge. The company has problems with space in its current facility and needs to expand. Based on this, a model has been created to develop proposals for layouts, evaluate them, and ultimately arrive at a choice of layout. The study was conducted at Amokabel AB in Alstermo, where the model's four steps were successfully tested and suggestions for layouts were developed. Finally, the layout proposals were evaluated using a weighted category analysis table, leading to a proposal.
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Tillämpning av Lean-verktygen Muda och 5S på en godsmottagning hos ett tillverkande företagFazer, Carl, Mattsson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Lean Production är väl etablerat inom tillverkning och serviceindustrin, där Lean-verktyg som Muda och 5S används för att identifiera och minska slöserier. Det råder en begränsning i forskningen när det gäller användningen av Lean-verktyg inom godsmottagning, vilket motiverade en kvalitativ fallstudie på en godsmottagning på ett tillverkande företag. Syftet med studien var att identifiera och eliminera slöserier på en godsmottagning med stöd av Lean-verktygen Muda och 5S. För att uppnå syftet i denna studie samlades data in genom observationer, intervjuer och interna dokument. En processkarta skapades utifrån insamlade data över godsmottagningsprocessen. Den ursprungliga Muda-modellen anpassades för att vara tillämpbar på en godsmottagning i stället för på en tillverkande funktion. Den förändrade Muda-modellen testades för att identifiera slöserier inom godsmottagningen för att sedan undersöka hur 5S kan användas för att ge förslag på åtgärder för de identifierade slöserierna. På fallföretagets godsmottagning arbetar två personer 07:00-15:30 vardagar. Godsmottagningen tar emot leveranser av både indirekt och direkt material som sedan ska transporteras vidare internt inom fallföretaget. Genom användning av den anpassade Muda-modellen kunde flera slöserier identifieras på godsmottagningen, bland annat ett komplext avrapporteringssystem, onödiga transporter, en osäker avlossningsyta och avsaknad av stödjande instruktioner. I detta arbete presenterades tre förbättringsförslag. De tre förbättringsförslagen var att implementera ett ERP-system för att göra mottagningsprocessen avsevärt mindre komplext, införskaffa en lastkaj för att öka säkerheten och minska onödiga transporter samt flytta ett AGV-ställage för att minska onödiga transporter. Genom att göra vissa justeringar på Muda-modellen visade resultaten att Muda och 5S kan vara användbara för att identifiera och eliminera slöserier på en godsmottagning. Muda-modellen anpassades genom att avskaffa punkt ett och anpassa punkt 3, 4, 6 och 8 för inkommande gods i stället för tillverkning av produkter. / Lean Production is well established in manufacturing and service industries, where Lean tools such as Muda and 5S are utilized to identify and reduce waste. Research on the application of Lean principles to goods receiving processes is limited, which prompted a qualitative case study on a goods receiving department in a manufacturing company. The aim of the study was to identify and eliminate waste in a goods receiving setting with support of the Lean tools Muda and 5S. To achieve the purpose, data was collected through observations, interviews, and internal documents. A process map was created based on the collected data of the goods receiving process. The original Muda model was adapted to be applicable to a goods receiving context instead of a manufacturing function. The modified Muda model was used to identify waste within the goods receiving process, and then 5S was studied with purpose of providing suggestions for addressing the identified wastes. The goods receiving department at the case company is staffed by two individuals who work from 07:00-15:30 on weekdays. The department received deliveries of both indirect and direct materials, which are subsequently transported within the case company. By utilizing the adapted Muda model, several forms of waste were identified within the goods receiving department, including a complex reporting system, unnecessary transportation, an insecure unloading area, and a lack of supportive instructions. In this case study three improvement suggestions were presented. These suggestions included implementing an ERP system to significantly simplify the receiving process, acquiring a loading dock to enhance safety and reduce unnecessary transportation, and relocating an AGV rack to minimize unnecessary transport. Results demonstrated that by making specific adjustments to the Muda model, Muda and 5S can be valuable in identifying and eliminating waste within a goods receiving context. The Muda model was adapted by eliminating point one and modifying points 3,4, 6 and 8 for incoming goods rather than manufacturing processes.
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Digital transformation in manufacturing : Proposing a model for digital twin implementation / Manufacturing digital twin implementationLandin, Sebastian, Rudenson, Jurij January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – Digital twin (DT) is one of the promising technologies within the industry 4.0 umbrella. However, for manufacturing companies, the implementation of DT is a challenge due to the limited knowledge of its drivers and barriers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the main drivers and barriers when implementing digital twin (DT) in a manufacturing industry context. The purpose is fulfilled through three research questions. The first question investigates the drivers and barriers. The second question investigates how a visualization model can be developed to assist managers. The third question investigates which actions should management take to ensure successful DT implementation. Method – The research methods in this study are a case study and a structured literature review. The case is a large manufacturing company that has explicit plans for DT implementation. The data collection techniques consist of interviews and a focus group. The interviews enrich the data from the structured literature review. The focus group was used to find actions that management must take into consideration for DT implementation. Findings – The findings of the structured literature review were grouped into three drivers and three barriers. The drivers are feasibility, flexibility, and optimization; while the barriers are system and process composition, data and information flow, and labor. It was found that after overcoming some barriers, they can become a driver. Implications – The theoretical implications are gathered important factors to consider when a manufacturing company want to transform digitally and implement DT. Not only the technicality, but also what management should consider. The practical implications are how a manufacturing company step by step can follow the provided model to minimize the effects on common barriers by incorporating drivers. From the societal perspective, the model presented in this study can support companies with DT implementation which will lead to more controlled manufacturing. For more details of how applicable the results are for different companies and industries, further research needs to be conducted. Limitations – The study is limited to the manufacturing function, and therefore it does not investigate drivers and barriers from other functions such as product design, among others. Keywords – Decision making, Digital transformation, Digital Twin
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Konstruktionsförslagför ABB Vision Tower : Konstruktionsförslag för att förbättra ABB VisionTower vid montering och service / Design proposal for ABB Vision TowerSkogward, Max, Huus, Linus January 2023 (has links)
ABB sees opportunities for improvements in their Vision Tower, which is part of theirFlexLoader 600 and FlexLoader 800 products. ABB's FlexLoader series is designed toautomatically feed a machine with materials or handle finished workpieces. The FlexLoader600/800 consists of a robotic arm for performing the tasks, a control unit for issuingcommands to the robotic arm, and a Vision Tower that scans and identifies the position of thecomponents.ABB has identified issues during the installation and servicing of their Vision Tower. Theyhave identified certain aspects that they consider risky for personnel, surroundings, andequipment. Much of the problem seems to be related to the size and clumsiness of the tower.ABB is seeking proposals for concepts that can facilitate, improve, or eliminate these issues.The purpose of this thesis is to develop a design concept for ABB's Vision Tower to make iteasier to handle during installation and service. To achieve this purpose, three researchquestions were formulated: What does the current design solution for installation and servicelook like? What requirements are needed to develop concepts that enhance the installationand service of the Vision Tower? How can a design change improve the installation andservice of the Vision Tower?The study utilized literature used by Jönköping University as a learning resource. The entirestructure of the product development/improvement process was applied based on the theorydescribed in the book [1], and the majority of the work relied on methods described in thebook. The process consisted of the following steps: pre-study, product specification, conceptgeneration, and evaluation.The first research question was addressed through a pre-study, which involved data collectionthrough qualitative interviews and observations at ABB. A competitive analysis was alsoconducted to explore how others have solved similar problems. This data provided anunderstanding of the current design solution and the installation and servicing processes.During the product specification phase, data gathered from the pre-study was used to create aproduct specification and a Function-Means-Modeling tree. The specification includedfunctional requirements and solution-constraining requirements aimed at improvinginstallation and service. The concept generation phase began with a brainstorming session to generate a multitude ofideas. Subsequently, the majority of the ideas were filtered out or combined with others tocreate more comprehensive concepts. This resulted in the development of four concepts.These four concepts were then evaluated using a Pugh's matrix to rank them based on theVision Tower and the established requirements. Three of the concepts improved bothinstallation and service according to the Pugh's evaluation. The results were presented to ABB, and they chose a concept that was considered easy to implement. Thus, the workconcluded with ABB.As a further development, the next step would involve building a prototype and testing theconcept's functionality to see if it works as intended. It would also be beneficial to measure thetime required to perform various tasks and explore areas such as intuitive design andvibration studies that may require further investigation.
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Faktorer vid införande av materialtorg : En studie av Kongsbergs monteringslinaEkwall, Lucas, Fagerberg, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver en förstudie kring införandet av ett materialtorg ute i produktionen. Studien genomfördes i första hand som en generell analys för att sedan appliceras på fallföretaget. Studien genomfördes på Kongsberg Automotive i Mullsjö som tillverkar produkter till fordonsindustrin. En ökad konkurrens inom fordonsindustrin har medfört ökad prispress inom branschen, samtidigt som Kongsberg önskar vara flexibla och erbjuda korta ledtider till sina kunder. Utifrån dessa aspekter undersöker Kongsberg möjligheterna att effektivisera sina materialflöden inom företaget. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett materialtorg hade påverkat materialflödet. Företaget har upplevt att många onödiga transporter förekommer vid hantering av egenproducerade artiklar till växelspak XX linan. Kongsberg önskar en analys kring om ett materialtorg hade eliminerat vissa transporter och om en implementering är möjlig med dagens ytkapacitet. Analysen har utgått från den insamlade data som hämtats från genomförda intervjuer. Utöver detta har även observationer och litteratursökning genomförts. Ett verktyg som också använts är spaghettidiagram för att förstå flödet. Genom analys har viktiga faktorer kring ett materialtorg tagits fram. · Prioriteringar · Tillgänglig yta i närheten · Produktionsyta upptas av lager · God arbetsmiljö · Kapacitet · Lagernivåer · Förändrade orderstorlekar · Tillgänglig kompetens · Effektivisering jämfört med investeringskostnad · Framtidsbild Studiens viktiga faktorer är framtagna utefter intervjuer som genomfördes på Kongsberg. Upplevelsen är att Kongsbergs olika avdelning har olika parametrar som anses viktigast. Inom företaget saknas en tydlig riktlinje kring vad som skall prioriteras högst. Detta skapar ibland små irritationer mellan avdelningar. För att studien resultat skall hjälpa andra företag så har faktorerna som presenterats generaliserats. Efter analys av det konkreta fallet hos Kongsberg har resultatet visat att förvara allt egenproducerat material ute i produktionen ej blir lönsamt. Att förvara allt egenproducerat material på ett materialtorg skulle effektivisera flödet men sett till Kongsbergs situation är det inte lönsamt då det kräver mycket produktionsyta och arbete. Studien resulterade i ett åtgärdsförslag där en viss mängd material förvaras ute på lagret. Alternativet medför något lägre effektivitet sett till materialflödet men blir genomförbart och fortfarande lönsamt för Kongsberg. / This report describes a preliminary study regarding the introduction of a material inventory next to the production. The study was primarily carried out as a general analysis and then applied to the case company. The study was carried out at Kongsberg Automotive in Mullsjö, which manufactures products for the automotive industry. Increased competition in the automotive industry has resulted in increased price pressure, while Kongsberg wishes to be flexible and offer short lead times to its customers. Based on these aspects, Kongsberg examines the possibilities of streamlining its material flows within the company. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a material inventory would affect the material flow. The company has realized that many unnecessary transports occur when handling self-produced articles for the gear shift line. Kongsberg would like an analysis of whether a material inventory would have eliminated certain transports and whether an implementation is possible with today's production space. The analysis has been based on the collected data taken from conducted interviews. In addition to this, observations and a literature search have also been carried out. A tool that has also been used is spaghetti diagrams to understand the flow. Through analysis, important factors surrounding a material inventory have been developed. · Priorities · Available space nearby · Production space used by warehouses · Good working environment · Capacity · Inventory levels · Changed order sizes · Available skills · Efficiency compared to investment cost · Future image The study's important factors are developed based on interviews that were conducted at Kongsberg. The experience is that Kongsberg's different departments have different parameters that are considered most important. Within the company, there is a lack of a clear guideline regarding what should be given the highest priority. This sometimes creates small irritations between departments. In order to help other companies, the factors presented have been generalized. After analysis of the specific case at Kongsberg, the result has shown that storing all self-produced material out in the production is not profitable. Storing all self-produced material in a material inventory would make the flow more efficient, but given Kongsberg's situation, it is not profitable as it requires a lot of production space and work. The study resulted in a proposed measure where a certain amount of material is stored in the warehouse. The alternative entails slightly lower efficiency in terms of material flow but is feasible and still profitable for Kongsberg.
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Kollaborativ robot för ventilmontering : Kollaborativ montering av anslutningsblock med utveckling av programmering och verktyg / Collaborativ robot for valve assembly : Collaborative assembly of connection blocks with development of programming and toolsChristensen, Thomas, Rombo, William January 2023 (has links)
Volvo CE i Arvika vill utöka sin kunskap kring automation på monteringsavdelningen för att skapa en mer ergonomisk, säker och effektiv tillverkningsprocess. Arbetet utförs i ett projekt där två examensarbeten arbetar parallellt med syftet att undersöka möjligheten att använda en kollaborativ robot för äntring av komponenter och på så vis avlasta personalen från de icke ergonomiska arbetsmomenten. De två examensarbeten är separerade där “allt som inte rör på sig” såsom fixturer och layout utvecklas i det parallella examensarbetet och “allt som rör på sig” såsom kollaborativ robot, gripdon och verktyg utvecklas i detta examensarbete. Arbetet är avgränsat till att äntra samtliga komponenter till ett anslutningsblock med användning av en kollaborativ robot, UR10e från Universal Robots och gripdonet Hand-E från Robotiq. Genom laborationer, rapid prototyping, konceptutveckling kombinerat med en teoretisk fördjupning inom kollaborativa robotar, gripdon, human robot collaboration, ergonomi och dess roll i industri 4.0 har möjligheten att använda en kollaborativ robot inom montering undersökts samt hur arbetsplatsen påverkas ergonomiskt av denna typ av implementering. Arbetet resulterade i två användbara prototyper. Ett par självcentrerande gripfingrar och ett magnetverktyg. Med dessa två prototyper, fixturer från det parallella examensarbetet, den kollaborativa roboten UR10e samt gripdonet Hand-E kan samtliga komponenter äntras i anslutningsblocket. Processen är dock inte helt komplett. Magnetverktyget är utformat för att fixera en insexplugg men fixeringen är inte helt pålitlig, varför verktyget behöver vidareutvecklas. Utöver detta anses den kollaborativa robot som har använts under laborationerna överdimensionerad och funktionsanalysen visar att en mindre kollaborativ robot, UR3e, uppfyller de krav och önskemål bättre. / Volvo CE in Arvika wants to expand their knowledge in automation on the medium line to create a more ergonomic, safe and efficient manufacturing. This task is performed in a project where two bachelor theses are working parallel. The purpose with this work is to find out if a collaborative robot can enter the different components into a connection block thus relieving the personnel from those un-ergonomic tasks. The two theses are separated in “things that don’t move” and “things that move” where the thesis that have the parts that don’t move include fixtures and layout. The other thesis includes development within the collaborative robot, gripper and special tools for the collaborative robot. The work is limited to entering all the components to a connection block with a collaborative robot, UR10e from Universal Robots and a gripper HAND-E from Robotiq. Through laboratory work, rapid prototyping, concept development, and theoretical exploration of collaborative robots, grippers, human-robot collaboration, ergonomics, and their role in Industry 4.0, the feasibility of using a collaborative robot in assembly operations has been investigated, along with the ergonomic impact of such an implementation on the intended workplace. The work resulted in two useful prototypes. A pair of self-centering grippers and a magnetic tool. With these two prototypes, fixtures from the parallel thesis project, the collaborative robot UR10e, and the gripper Hand-E, all components can be assembled in the connection block. However, the process is not flawless. The magnetic tool is designed to secure an Allen plug, but the fixation is not entirely reliable why further development is needed. In addition to this, the collaborative robot used in the experiments is considered oversized, and a smaller collaborative robot, UR3e, is recommended, as it better fulfills the requirements and preferences stated in the functional analysis.
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Kollaborativ robot förventilmontering : Kollaborativ montering av anslutningsblock med utveckling avprogrammering och verktyg / Collaborativ robot for valve assembly : Collaborative assembly of connection blocks with development ofprogramming and toolsRombo, William, Christensen, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
Volvo CE i Arvika vill utöka sin kunskap kring automation på monteringsavdelningen för att skapa en mer ergonomisk, säker och effektiv tillverkningsprocess. Arbetet utförs i ett projekt där två examensarbeten arbetar parallellt med syftet att undersöka möjligheten att använda en kollaborativ robot för äntring av komponenter och på så vis avlasta personalen från de icke ergonomiska arbetsmomenten. De två examensarbeten är separerade där “allt som inte rör på sig” såsom fixturer och layout utvecklas i det parallella examensarbetet och “allt som rör på sig” såsom kollaborativ robot, gripdon och verktyg utvecklas i detta examensarbete. Arbetet är avgränsat till att äntra samtliga komponenter till ett anslutningsblock med användning av en kollaborativ robot, UR10e från Universal Robots och gripdonet Hand-E från Robotiq. Genom laborationer, rapid prototyping, konceptutveckling kombinerat med en teoretisk fördjupning inom kollaborativa robotar, gripdon, human robot collaboration, ergonomi och dess roll i industri 4.0 har möjligheten att använda en kollaborativ robot inom montering undersökts samt hur arbetsplatsen påverkas ergonomiskt av denna typ av implementering. Arbetet resulterade i två användbara prototyper. Ett par självcentrerande gripfingrar och ett magnetverktyg. Med dessa två prototyper, fixturer från det parallella examensarbetet, den kollaborativa roboten UR10e samt gripdonet Hand-E kan samtliga komponenter äntras i anslutningsblocket. Processen är dock inte helt komplett. Magnetverktyget är utformat för att fixera en insexplugg men fixeringen är inte helt pålitlig, varför verktyget behöver vidareutvecklas. Utöver detta anses den kollaborativa robot som har använts under laborationerna överdimensionerad och funktionsanalysen visar att en mindre kollaborativ robot, UR3e, uppfyller de krav och önskemål bättre. / Volvo CE in Arvika wants to expand their knowledge in automation on the medium line to create a more ergonomic, safe and efficient manufacturing. This task is performed in a project where two bachelor theses are working parallel. The purpose with this work is to find out if a collaborative robot can enter the different components into a connection block thus relieving the personnel from those un-ergonomic tasks. The two theses are separated in “things that don’t move” and “things that move” where the thesis that have the parts that don’t move include fixtures and layout. The other thesis includes development within the collaborative robot, gripper and special tools for the collaborative robot. The work is limited to entering all the components to a connection block with a collaborative robot, UR10e from Universal Robots and a gripper HAND-E from Robotiq. Through laboratory work, rapid prototyping, concept development, and theoretical exploration of collaborative robots, grippers, human-robot collaboration, ergonomics, and their role in Industry 4.0, the feasibility of using a collaborative robot in assembly operations has been investigated, along with the ergonomic impact of such an implementation on the intended workplace. The work resulted in two useful prototypes. A pair of self-centering grippers and a magnetic tool. With these two prototypes, fixtures from the parallel thesis project, the collaborative robot UR10e, and the gripper Hand-E, all components can be assembled in the connection block. However, the process is not flawless. The magnetic tool is designed to secure an Allen plug, but the fixation is not entirely reliable why further development is needed. In addition to this, the collaborative robot used in the experiments is considered oversized, and a smaller collaborative robot, UR3e, is recommended, as it better fulfills the requirements and preferences stated in the functional analysis.
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