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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Η μετάλλαξη του εργασιακού περιβάλλοντος και οι τεχνολογίες πληροφοριών και επικοινωνιών

Τσαμίγκος, Τιμολέων 09 January 2009 (has links)
Η άποψη ότι κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων χρόνων είμαστε μάρτυρες θεαματικών εξελίξεων στις τεχνολογίες πληροφοριών και επικοινωνιών είναι πλέον κοινός τόπος. Οι εξελίξεις, όμως αυτές, επηρεάζουν άμεσα τη παραγωγικότητα της εργασίας με συνέπεια τη μετάλλαξη και του ίδιου του εργασιακού περιβάλλοντος τόσο ποιοτικά όσο και ποσοτικά. Οι έννοιες της πληροφορίας και της γνώσης αποκτούν ιδιαίτερη σημασία στο νέο τεχνο-οικονομικό παράδειγμα που ουσιαστικά βασίζεται σε αυτές, αναπτύσσοντας καινοτομικές δραστηριότητες στη παραγωγική διαδικασία, στις δεξιότητες των εργαζομένων και στη λειτουργία των επιχειρήσεων γενικότερα. Η ολοένα και πιο έντονη, όμως, εισροή των τεχνολογιών πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών, ενώ δημιουργεί νέες αγορές και νέα προϊόντα και άρα αυξάνει τις θέσεις εργασίας, παράλληλα εκτοπίζει εργατικό δυναμικό αφού πλέον η μηχανή αντικαθιστά τον άνθρωπο. Αποτέλεσμα αυτού, οι αλλαγές στις εργασιακές σχέσεις και νέες προκλήσεις τόσο στην εκπαίδευση όσο και στον εργαζόμενο και την επιχείρηση. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αναλύει τις αλλαγές που επιφέρει στην απασχόληση η τεχνολογία πληροφοριών και επικοινωνιών και παρουσιάζει τα στοιχεία που συνθέτουν τη νέα οικονομία στην οποία είμαστε ήδη εισηγμένοι. Παράλληλα, προσδιορίζει τις επιδράσεις της νέας τεχνολογίας και τις προκλήσεις που δημιουργούνται μέσα από αυτή. / The fact that last years we are witnesses of spectacular developments in the technologies of information and communications is worldwide accepted. However, these developments influence directly the productivity of work and the result of this is the mutation of the labour environment in quantity and quality. The significances of information and knowledge acquire particular importance in the new [techno]- economic example which substantially is based on them, developing innovative activities in the productive process, in the skills of employees and in the operation of business generally. However the continuously surge of technologies of information and communications, while it creates new markets and new products and increases the employment and at the same time displaces workforce with machines. As a result of this, are the changes in the labour relations and new challenges in the education and business. The present diplomatic thesis analyzes the changes that effect in the employment because of the technology of information and communications and presents the elements that compose the new economy in which we have been already in. At the same time, it determines the effects of new technology and the challenges that are created through this.

Design and Development of a Spray Booth

Axelsson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
As a part of a more extensive project of developing a new finishing line at the Bolivian door manufacturer Tecno Carpinteria San Pedro this thesis presents the development process for a special designed spray booth. The thesis covers every phase from a product idea to a final concept design. Working with finishing of furniture and other wooden products can effect the workers health in a negative way and damage the environment. The final result of the manufactured door is also depending on the how well the ventilation system in the working area is. Because of these reasons it is important to use safety equipment and a good ventilation system in the working area. As a part of this new finishing line San Pedro is in need of a special designed spray booth to control the spread of paint particles and other hazard substances that is a result of the finishing process. Together with the consultant firm CADEFOR a spray booth is designed and a proposal design is presented in this thesis. The result is a design built up with a dry filter solution together with an extractor that creates a cross draft airflow towards the rear part of the spray booth. The result of the project together with some recommendations of increasing the capacity in the finishing line are also presented.

Anställdas reaktioner till Rökfri arbetstid i Motala kommun : En kvantitativ studie om införandet av rökfri arbetstid

Lövgren, Ann January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Policybeslutet att införa Rökfri arbetstid i Motala kommun är ett led i kommunernas och de fackliga organisationernas strävan att skapa en hälsofrämjande miljö. Rökfri arbetstid innebär att ingen ska utsättas för tobaksrök på sitt arbete. I Motala kommun trädde detta beslut i kraft 2007-07-01 och mottogs med olika åsikter bland de kommunanställda. Tidigare forskning har visat samband med engagemang och delaktighet i beslut med empowerment hos de anställda. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka anställdas reaktioner till Rökfri arbetstid i Motala kommun. Metod: En kvantitativ undersökning i form av fler alternativa och öppna frågor i en enkät som delades ut bland rökande personal på olika enheter i Motala kommun. Även Motala kommuns intranät Kanalen användes, där information om enkäten lades ut och de som ville kunde ta del av den. Resultat: Rökfri arbetstid ger resultat i positiv bemärkelse, de anställda som rökte röker i dag 30 % mindre på arbetstid samt 16 % har slutat. För de som var positivt inställda av deltagarna när beslutet togs visar även en minskning i sitt rökande på fritiden. Då beslutet togs 2007-07-01 var 54 % negativa till detta, i dag är siffran på 32,5 %. Resultatet visar också en stor irritation över att; deltagarna inte fått varit med och tyckt till om Rökfri arbetstid, informationen till de anställda har inte varit bra, cheferna ger inga direktiv och verkar inte veta vilka regler som gäller. I dag följs reglerna olika på olika arbetsplatser. Fortfarande finns det många av studiens deltagare som röker på arbetstid även om de har minskat sin konsumtion. Deltagarna själva vill ha klara regler för vad som gäller när någon trotsar rökförbudet. Diskussion: Mer information, mer empowerment till de anställda i Motala kommun hade gett mer positiva resultat än vi ser idag Låt de rökande få vara med och diskutera fram hur regler ska följas på arbetsplatserna samt vilket stöd de förväntar sig få från kommunen. De anställda måste också ta på sig ansvaret att leta efter information. / Background : The policy decision to introduce non smoking environment in the city of Motala is a part of the city and the unions’ efforts to create a healthy environment. Smoke-free working hours means that no one shall be subjected to tobacco smoke at work. The city of Motala took this decision in full force 2007-07-01 and it was received with different opinions from the city’s employees. Previous research has shown the commitment and involvement is greater if the employee feels empowerment at their work place. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the employee´s reaction to the decision to introduce non smoking environment in Motala. Method: A quantitative method was used. Questionnaire which included even open-ended questions was distributed among smoking employees in different work areas in the city of Motala. The questionnaire was also laid out on "kanalen" which is a communication platform within the city of Motala. Here could any employee take part of the survey. Results: Smoke free working environment delivers results in a positive way, people smoke 30% less at work and 16% have stopped smoking completely during working hours. For those who were in favor of the decision when it was taken can also show a reduction in their smoking in their free time. When the decision was made 2007-07-01 was 54% negative to this, today the figure is 32.5%. The results also show that irritation over this decision was; the employees had not been involved when it comes to decision around this subject, information has been lousy, directors did not provide any directive for the smokers and does not seem to know clearly what the rules are. Today the rules are followed differently in different workplaces. Still, there are many participants who smoke during working hours although they may have reduced their consumption. Participants themselves would like to have clear rules on what it is that applies. Discussion: More information, more empowerment to the employees in the city of Motala had gotten more positive results than we see today. Where does the information stops? Is it between local government leaders to the directors at different workplaces or is it the director that does not provide the information to the employees. Let the smokers be involved and discuss how the rules should be followed at the workplace and what support they may expect from the city. Employees must also take responsibility to look for information.

Žmonių, dirbančių aptarnavimo srityje, ergonominės aplinkos ir sveikatos problemų sąsajos bei profilaktinių priemonių taikymas / Link between Ergonomic Environment and Health Problems in People Who Works in the Service Sector and Preventive Measures for the Application

Mikaitytė, Giedrė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė visuomenės sveikatos, ergonomikos, sveikatos problemų ir profilaktinių priemonių taikymo teorinė analizė. Iškeltas tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti žmonių dirbančių aptarnavimo srityje ergonominės aplinkos ir sveikatos problemų sąsajas, nustatant individualiai naudojamas sveiktos stiprinimo profilaktines priemones. Tikslui pasiekti keliami tokie uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analizės pagrindu atskleisti ergonomikos sampratą ir jos įtaką sveikatos problemų atsiradimui. 2. Įvertinti su kokiomis sveikatos problemomis dažniausiai susiduria žmonės dirbantys aptarnavimo srityje, taikant anketinę apklausą. 3. Atskleisti darbuotojų sveikatos problemų priežastis ir jų šalinimo galimybes. 4. Pateikti rekomendacijas. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti ar asmenys dirbantys aptarnavimo srityje, dėl ergonominės aplinkos susiduria su sveikatos problemomis, bei kokias profilaktines priemones naudoja sveikatai stiprinti. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 257 aptarnavimo srityje dirbantys asmenys. Atlikus tyrimą hipotezė pasitvirtino – darbo vietos ergonomika siejasi PC ,,Akropolis” darbuotojų sveikata. Tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad žmonės dirbantys aptarnavimo srityje nėra patenkinti savo sveikata. Daugiau negu pusė respondentų, net 65 proc. po darbo dienos jaučiasi pavargę. Daugiausiai respondentų susiduria su CNS problemomis (galvos, miego sutrikimais) ir judamojo aparato problemomis (nugaros ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject of the Paper: ,, Link between Ergonomic Environment and Health Problems in People Who Works in the Service Sector and Preventive Measures for the Application ,,. Work done in theoretical public health, ergonomics, health problems and the application of theoretical analysis of preventive measures. Raised in the investigation will reveal the people working in the service area-the ergonomic problems of the environment and health linkages, identifying an individual used to strengthen health preventive measures. To achieve that objective for the following challenges: 1. on the basis of the scientific literature on the basis of the analysis to reveal the concept of ergonomics and its influence on health problems from occurring. 2. Assess what health problems commonly faced by people working in the service area, in accordance with the questionnaire survey. 3. Uncover the causes of health problems and opportunities. 4. Submit recommendations. Questionnaire method of the survey was to study, with the objective to investigate whether persons working in the field of the environment for the service of the ergonomic facing health problems, as well as preventive measures to strengthen the health uses. Performed a statistical analysis of the data. The study involved 257 persons working in the service area. The study hypothesis was confirmed near the workplace ergonomics at Šiauliai Shoping Centre ,,Akropolis“ occupational health. Survey data showed that people working in the... [to full text]

Leadership influencing Organisational creativity : the case of IKEA

Ratana, Totrakarntrakul, Yan, Jessica Sze Lang January 2008 (has links)
<p>Increasing competitions in the markets, companies are tending to acquire different potential competitive advantages. Cost-effective ways of doing business have been deeply underpinned in every leader’s minds. However, the problem is how to obtain the most cost-effective way to operate business apart from cutting costs or other strategies which only focus on short-term measures. Nowadays, employees’ creativity are claimed to be highly valuable for the organisation to become successful and sustainable. Since, we are interested in what kind of organisational structure, culture and working environment would have positive influence on employees’ creativity at work, how those working qualities are able for employees to increase their capability on creativity; and also the constraints of those working environment on employees’ creativity will also be discussed.</p><p>To have a better understanding of our research area, a single case study is introduced as a tool helping us to get to know more about the real life and in a practical perspective. Since, a Swedish company has been chosen as our case study here.</p><p>In order to reach the purpose of our study, our research questions focused on what factors in the organisation and what characteristics of leadership styles can beneficial to employees’ creativity, and the constraints of the organisation for the employees’ creativity.</p><p>Based on our frame of reference and our research questions, we investigated the relevant literatures for our better understanding of the research area. It is also used as a guide for us to collecting data. We used qualitative single case study as our approach to acquire data and interviews were conducted with the IKEA managers.</p><p>A qualitative inquiry method is used, entailing in-depth interviews with four employees of IKEA with different types of positions and departments. The results show that their impression and experience of the company vary in some aspects, as different positions might perceive differently.</p>


Back, Alexandre Rodrigo 22 September 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:32:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSAOFINALPDF.pdf: 1156408 bytes, checksum: 3757b8320a316801c4f14cec4ea1382e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-09-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present work aimed to verify the perception of the bank employees about their lifestyle, work environment, stress, stress control and productivity. This research its a field study of descriptive nature, of opinion and self-assessment, adopting a quantitative approach. The sampling used was probabilistic containing 304 bank employees from the Florianópolis region, 176 (57,9%) of whom were male and 128 (42,1%) female. The instrument applied was a mixed questionnaire with close and open questions based on Likert scale entitled selfassessment questionnaire on lifestyle, incidence and control of stress (Andrade, 2001) adapted for this study including productivity evaluation questions. The results obtained show that the employees who took part in the study present important differences in relation to lifestyle as well as the incidence and control of stress, however, they presented a similar assessment in relation to their working environment and their productivity. The study revealed that the majority of the employees investigated have a sedentary lifestyle, the self-assessment of productivity was high, despite the working environment being considered no better than acceptable and a significant number of the employees manage worrying levels of stress. The positive assessment of productivity of the employees in general did not take into consideration the surrounding stress from their working environment and neglect of their own state of health, which is or could be negatively affected. / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a percepção de bancários quanto ao seu estilo de vida, ambiente de trabalho, a ocorrência e o controle do estresse e a produtividade. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de campo de natureza descritiva de opinião e auto-avaliação caracterizada por uma abordagem quantitativa. A amostragem utilizada foi do tipo probabilística estratificada, constituída de 304 bancários da região da Grande Florianópolis, sendo que 176 (57,9%) são do sexo masculino e 128 (42,1%) do sexo feminino. O instrumento aplicado nesta pesquisa foi um questionário do tipo misto, com questões fechadas, abertas e mistas, com base na escala de Likert, chamado questionário de autoavaliação do estilo de vida, ocorrência e controle do estresse (ANDRADE, 2001), adaptado para este estudo incluindo-se questões para a avaliação da produtividade. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os bancários participantes da pesquisa apresentam diferenças importantes com relação ao seu estilo de vida e a incidência e controle do estresse, contudo, apresentam avaliação semelhante relativamente ao seu ambiente de trabalho e a sua produtividade. A pesquisa revelou que a maioria dos bancários investigados tem um estilo de vida sedentário, a auto-avaliação da produtividade é alta, apesar do ambiente de trabalho ser considerado apenas regular e parcela significativa dos bancários conviver com níveis de estresse preocupantes. A avaliação positiva da produtividade dos bancários em geral não leva em consideração o estresse oriundo do seu ambiente de trabalho e negligencia a própria condição de saúde, a qual é ou poderá ser afetada negativamente.

Gör inte illa mig, jag vill bara hjälpa dig! : Våld inom vården- Orsaker och påverkan på sjuksköterskor och omvårdnad. / Don’t hurt me, I just want to help you! : Violence in Healthcare- Causes and effects on nurses and patient care

Rudvald, Peter, Bünger, Todd January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdpersonal utsätts i allt högre grad för våld i sin profession. På de avdelningar där det sker mest våld är inom psykiatrisk, akut och geriatrisk vård. Våldet kan bestå av verbala hot och/eller fysiskt våld. De som främst drabbas är sjuksköterskor och de som oftast är förövare är patienter eller besökare. Att det förekommer våld inom vården påverkar arbetsmiljön negativt för personalen. Risken finns då att patienter kan komma i kläm och omvårdnaden hamnar i skymundan. Personal som blivit utsatt för våld drabbas av oro, en känsla av att inte räcka till, rädsla för att bli utsatt igen och att problemet inte tas på tillräckligt stort allvar av ledningen. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturöversikt var att belysa hur våld på arbetsplatsen påverkar sjuksköterskor och omvårdnad. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt genomfördes. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar användes. Resultat: Teman som hittades i artiklarna beskrev dynamiken kring våld inom vården samt vilka följder det innebär för sjuksköterskan, patienten och arbetsmiljön. Sjuksköterskan drabbas bland annat av psykosociala och fysiska besvär som i sin tur påverkar omvårdnad. Arbetsmiljön påverkas negativt då sjuksköterskan inte upplever trygghet på arbetsplatsen. Sjuksköterskor behöver rapportera incidenter så att ledningen kan utforma riktlinjer som är preventiva och som speglar verkligheten. Slutsats: För att lyckas med förebyggande insatser behövs bättre kommunikation mellan sjuksköterskor och ledningen. / Background: Healthcare staffs continue to be exposed to workplace violence in their profession and the frequency of incidents has increased over the past years. The hospital wards that see the majority of incidents are psychiatric, emergency and geriatric departments. Violence consists of verbal threats and/or physical violence. The most affected are nurses, while the patient and visitors are most often the perpetrators. The result is that nursing takes a back seat. Nurses that are targets for violence can suffer from a long list of problems, including anxiety, feelings of inefficacy, fear of further violent attacks, and a sense that management doesn’t take incidents seriously. Purpose: The purpose of the literature review was to examine how workplace violence affects both nurses and nursing care. Method: This was a general literature review containing both qualitative and quantitative articles. Result: Pervasive themes were found in the literature related to the dynamics of violence in healthcare settings, the general profile of victims and perpetrators, and what consequences violence has for patients, nurses and nursing care. Nurses can suffer from physical and psychosocial problems due to WPV, which in turn impacts patient care. The work environment is negatively affected because nurses do not feel safe while performing their duties. Nurses need to report all violent incidents so that hospital management gets a clear picture of the extent of the problem and implement appropriate preventative measures. Conclusion: Better communication between nurses and management is needed in order to affect changes in regard to WPV.

Řízení lidských zdrojů ve vybrané organizaci / Human Resource Management in the Particular Organization

URBANCOVÁ, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis was focused on theme Human Resource Management. The aim was to idetify and assess the actual state of the selected organization, in the sphere individual personnel activities. On the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge, it was to show the faults in the human resource management. It was suggested to eliminate of the established faults.

Working Out : Workplace’s influence on the coming-out of gay employees and its impact on their work and working environment.

Meny, Nicolas January 2018 (has links)
LGBT rights and situation have globally improved significantly, especially in the past few decades. However, being a gay employee is not always easy and though sexuality is a private matter, there is no shock in admitting that private matters are what define us along with our environments, both personal and professional. In addition, employees are at the core of firms’ business results and overall performances. Yet, the topic lacks interest from academics. Though studies focus on drivers on coming out, or a general link between good working environments and good performance, very limited papers research into what drives gay employees to come out in the workplace or what role they may play in firms let alone the relationship between the two. Therefore, this study, aims to shed some light onto the factors influencing gay employees to reveal their sexual orientation, and evaluate how this plays a role and impact an organisation’s operations. Based on the results of the study, it appears that Gay employees can be influenced to come out based on the firm’s environment and culture but also out of their own desires (wanting to keep their personal life private regardless of their sexuality) but surprisingly, a vast majority of the respondents involved considered themselves openly gay, hence providing valuable data. The research has demonstrated that gay employees’ coming-out seems to impact the firm on four levels: work quality, working conditions, work relations and perceived stress level.

Skador i byggbranschen : En studie i arbetsmiljö

Dyrell, Oscar, Sjöberg, Axel January 2018 (has links)
The construction industry is one of the industries where far too many people are injured every year and a dozen people perish in connection with their work. Preventing measures to reduce the number of accidents have taken great steps in recent years, but there is still much to be done to achieve the vision of zero deaths.This study investigates which injuries that occurs in the industry and if the work to counter them is enough. The aim with the report is to achieve greater awareness in order to inform policy that may hopefully put in place measures to increase safety at construction sites and clarify issues regarding the cause of accidents. To investigate this, a survey was conducted together with an interview study aimed at Sh bygg's employees where construction workers and people in leading positions participated. The studies show that the main problem areas are time shortages in projects and awareness of safety and the working environment. These problems cause many cuts and crush injuries as well as soft tissue injuries. To counter these problems, time schedules require space for deviations where sufficient requirements are set to ensure a safe workplace. Awareness about risks and consequences is also important in order to get those who work in production to change their attitude and behavior. The construction industry is man-dominated and has therefore acquired a macho culture that is not desirable from the working environment perspective. More women in the industry may be one step in counterbalancing the more macho-aspects of this culture through ushering in more gender-neutral ways of thinking and opinions, which may result in a greater care and concern for safety measures.A lot of work has already been done to improve the working environment by companies and organisations. An increased awareness of risks in combination with improved communication and more careful time frames is desirable to achieve the goal of zero incidents.

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