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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

志願服務人員工作生活品質之研究-以台北地區公立社教機構為對象 / The Study of Quality of Working Life of Volunteers:The Case of The Public Society-education Institutions In Taipei District

賴學仕, Lai, Hsueh-Shih Unknown Date (has links)
組織行為的經營管理,主要包含有三個部分,即瞭解個體、團體與組織的行為模式,預測不同的管理活動可以導引出怎麼樣的行為反應,以及運用這些瞭解與預測來達到控制的目的。但是,無論是瞭解行為、預測反應抑或達到控制的目的,最基礎的工作是瞭解員工的主觀認知與工作生活經驗為何,亦即何者是員工所重視的,員工的需求為何,瞭解員工心理的認知,方能成就後續的管理作為,此就支薪員工是如此,即便對象是不支薪的志願服務人員,亦復如此。基此,本論文乃藉由相關文獻的蒐集整合,透過實證調查,決定志工之工作生活品質核心構面,並探討人口統計變項及志工參與類型對志工工作生活品質的態度。 從研究發現,志工工作生活品質計有八項核心構面,它們是「組織認同」、「福利獎酬」、「人際關係」、「督導狀況」、「工作內容」、「個人成長」、「學習機會」與「工作影響」等。其次,在人口統計變項對工作生活品質的態度,發現女性志工對於「督導狀況」的重視程度高於男性志工;中年志工對整體工作生活品質的重視程度低於非中年志工,對「個人成長」與「學習機會」的重視程度,中年志工亦顯著的低於非中年志工;未婚的志工對於「學習機會」的重視程度高於已婚的志工;退休人員對於「督導狀況」的重視程度低於家庭主婦,對於「學習機會」的重視程度則低於學生與其他職業者;在本機構擔任志工的年資未滿一年者,較任職為一年以上志工不重視「人際關係」;擔任志工的總年資較為資深的志工,對「工作影響」的重視程度高於較資淺的志工。此外,在志工參與類型對工作生活品質的態度,猶豫型、積極型、責任型與奉獻型等四種參與類型,對「個人成長」的重視程度有顯著差異存在,且積極型高於猶豫型與奉獻型。而在人口統計變項與志工參與類型交互作用下對整體工作生活品質的態度,則發現達顯著差異水準的有職業一項,其餘的性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、宗教信仰、在本機構擔任志工的年資及擔任志工總年資等,則未有顯著差異。 在探討志工工作生活品質相關內涵後,本論文建議志願服務機構:1瞭解志工的工作生活品質需求,是有效志工管理的前提。2提昇志工工作生活品質,充分運用志工人力。3考量志工的人口特性與參與類型,分別提供適當的管理作為。4對志工及志願服務應有正確的認知,俾以發展專業的志工管理作為。建議志工:1、主動瞭解機構的宗旨與運作狀況,並勇於提供建言。2、尊重志工督導人員的職責,正確認知志工的角色。3、積極的參與,快樂的學習。4、珍惜志願工作的機會,開拓自己的人際關係。5、體驗志願工作的樂趣,不斷的自我成長。並對後續的研究,建議從研究方法、研究工具、研究廣度以及研究深度等方面,加以改善、發展與努力。

Omvärldskunskap- varför det? : En analys av gymnasieelevers kunskap och attityd till omvärldskunskaper

Olsson, Carina, Palm, Petra January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dagens samhälle ställs det höga krav på den enskilde individen att följa arbetsmarknadens villkor och svängningar. Varje individ förväntas skapa sin framtid genom att konstruera personliga mål. Skolan är den plats som ansvarar för elevens utveckling och enligt läroplanerna ska skolan förmedla arbetslivets villkor. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka gymnasieelevers förvärvande av omvärldskunskaper, med särskild hänsyn tagen till yrken, utbildning, utbildningsvägar och arbetsliv. Studien syftar vidare till i vilken utsträckning elever anser att omvärldskunskaper är viktigt vid studie- och yrkesval. Undersökningen utgår från karriärvägledningsteorin <em>Vägledningens</em> <em>spänningsfält</em> (Lindh, 1997). En attitydmässig surveymetod<em> </em>används och enkätfrågorna besvarades av 45 gymnasieelever från årskurs 2 på teknikprogrammet. Slutsatsen är att eleverna anser att det är viktigt med omvärldskunskaper. De anser att skolan endast förmedlar en mindre del av omvärldskunskaperna. Vidare anges att familj och media är viktiga källor för förmedlandet av kunskaper inom, yrken och arbetsliv.</p> / <p>Today's society places high demands on each and every individual to follow the labour markets terms, conditions and fluctuations. Each individual is expected to create his or her own future by forming personal goals. School is responsible for students development and according to the curriculum, should also inform students about the labour market. The aim of this research is to study students acquisition of career, education, educations different routes and the labour market. The research also aims to examine the degree to which students consider their career, education, educations different routes and the labour market important to their education and career choice. This research has career guidance theory (Lindh, 1997) as an underlying theme. An attitude survey method and questionnaire has been completed by 45 high school from year 2 from the technical program. The conclusion is that students consider their career, education, educations different routes and the labour market to be of importance. They consider school to only convey a lesser part of this knowledge. Furthermore, it is mentioned that family and media are important sources for conveyance of both career and labour market knowledge</p>

Det är kämpigt att vara arbetslös. / It is hard to be unemployed.

Alvarez Åslund, Alejandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>This composition is an qualitative study about unemployment and working life. The point of the study has been to make a larger understanding how unemployment can perceive by the individual and how this person can see and plan for future working life. This has been study with help from 8 intervirws. The paticipants has been umeployed between  6 months and 5 years, and they have workt arleast 5 year before the unemployment.</p><p>The study has show that it is many different components who contribute to how the individual perceive the time in unemployment and how the planning for the future looks like. The persons who has been intervirws perceive their psycal health as god,, even but unemployment.  The study has even show that all the persons in the study want to come out from the unemployment. All the persons in the study want to go back to the working life.</p>

Multipla sociala roller : En stressfaktor för arbetande föräldrar?

Holte, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>I det moderna samhället är det många faktorer som leder till upplevelsen av stress. Dessa faktorer kan bland annat bero på samhällets snabba förändringar, de höga kraven, och att vi ska finnas till hands större delen av dygnet. Kombinerar man dessa faktorer med individens olika sociala roller är risken hög att individen upplever kraven som stressande. Förutom arbetets krav existerar även krav efter arbetet när man måste ägna sig åt familjen. Min studie fokuserar på att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan ge upphov till stress hos arbetande föräldrar. För att komma närmare det studerade ämnet valde jag att göra en fallstudie på min egen arbetsplats och låta fyra medarbetare som har barn att komma till tals om sin vardag i intervjuer. Uppsatsen fokusserar på att ta reda på hur sociala roller påverkar föräldrars vardag. </p><p>I uppsatsen har teorier från Robert Karaseks och Töres Theorells krav-kontroll-stöd modell tillämpats. Denna modell beskriver kombinationen mellan individens höga krav och låga egenkontroll. Studien är sedan styrkt med teoretiska utgångspunkter från Anthony Giddens modernitetsperspektiv och Mikael Nordenmarks teorier om rollkonflikter. Resultatet blev att intervjupersonerna upplever en viss grad av stress i relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Bristen på egenkontroll, beslutsutrymme och socialt stöd bidrar till uppkomsten av stress. Resultaten av intervjuerna visade att det främst var bristen på struktur och kontroll över vardagen som skapade stress hos individen. Samtliga respondenter ansåg också att stress är ett naturligt inslag i dagens moderna samhälle.</p> / <p>There are many contributing factors to the experience of stress in modern society. These factors may among others be caused by the fast changes of society, the high demands, a person’s low rate of self-control and the that we are supposed to be available almost all the time. These factors combined with the different social roles of the individual increases the risk for the individual to experience stress. Except from the demands at work there are also demands after the working day when you have to spend time at home with the family. Focus in this thesis is to find out what may cause stress among full-time working parents. To get closer to the problem, I decided to carry out a case study and interviews with four persons at the work in which I am employed. The research wants to find out what causes stress by focusing on the conflict between the social roles that parents play in their every day life.</p><p>The thesis is assumed from the demand-control-social support model of Robert Karasek and Töres Theorell. This model describes the combination between the high rate of self-demands and low rate of self-control. Further the thesis is supported by theoretical views of Anthony Giddens perspective of modernity and the theories about multiple social roles of Mikael Nordenmark. The results of the interviews showed that it was mainly the lack of self-control and lack of structure in every day life that caused stress. All the interviews also claimed that stress is a part of modern society.</p>

Ledarutveckling i arbetslivet : Kontexter, aktörer samt (o)likheter mellan utbildningskulturer / Leader Development in Working Life : Contexts, Actors, and (Dis)similarities between Educational Cultures

Nilsson, Peter January 2005 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is about leader development. It focuses on similarities and differences between contents in different in-house leader development programs, and on how these programs are organized. The purpose is to contribute knowledge about leader development in Swedish working life, by describing and analyzing different organizations’ ways of doing leader development from a context-actor perspective. Very little research has been undertaken about leader development from a comparative perspective, although leader development is a question of current interest, and can be viewed as a fashion now in the beginning of the 21st century. The context-actor perspective that I use as theoretical point of departure is influenced partly by Bhaskar’s transformational model of social activity, partly by institutional theory and the notion of isomorphic processes, containing powers in the context of the organization in combination with local actors. An educational culture is seen as a single organization’s specific way to manage leader development. The dissertation is chiefly based on a case study of six organizations’ leader development. I have interviewed 13 persons that had the responsibility for creating, carrying out and developing leader development efforts in these organizations. I also studied different documents from these organizations, and observed when actors from one of the organizations met their colleagues from similar organizations for discussions concerning leader development. The analysis of the data has had a distinct feature of abduction, and I used eight constructed aspects and 131 variables when comparing the organizations. My results suggest that the organizations’ educational cultures had both overarching similarities and considerable differences. The deeper I probed into the ways in which the organizations did leader development, the more specific details I found. Most of the dissimilarities that appeared in the comparison turned out to be exclusive to specific organizations rather then to groups of organizations. The organizational level appeared as the most important context for shaping the specific characteristic of the different leader development programs. Likewise, the branch level and national level seem to play a central role, but the sector level turned out to be the context with the least importance for the organizations’ ways of doing leader development. For the national level it is possible to argue that the similarities the organizations showed may constitute an example of the spirit of the times and everyday talk about leader development that can be found in Swedishworking life. The actors turned out to be part of the organizations’ human resources, and they were not seldom human resource managers and women. It was above all these actors that had the responsibility for and organized the leader development. The interplay between the actors and the context can be described in terms of the actors as creators of culture and bearers of culture respectively. There is consequently a potential for both transformation and reproduction as a result of the interplay between the powers that contexts and actors constitute. From the actors’ statements it is obvious that they saw themselves as active actors. Overall, the research indicates that it is reasonable to describe an organization’s educational culture as a result of how the actors have interacted with different contexts. The existence of certain leader development ideals in Swedish working life is not necessarily a determining factor for how a single actor chooses to work with the leader development in a certain organization, though it depends on the latter.</p>

Stormarknadens nya maktordningar : Från kassörskor och butikschefer till (o)demokratiska arbetslag

Kvist, Elin January 2006 (has links)
<p>The empirical basis of this thesis is made up of interviews with men and women working at a supermarket, both with and without managerial responsibilities. The supermarket is an example of a working place where they use modern information technologies, and where there have been reorganisations pointing towards more flexibility, lesser hierarchies and higher autonomy for the workers. Such a working place is therefore a good example of an organisation on the new labour market.</p><p>The aim of this thesis is to study how everyday work is affected by the new labour market’s working conditions and to relate these findings to established theories on society’s transformations. Four concepts are in focus; technology,flexibility, hierarchy and control. These are often emphasised as important in the debate on changed work organisations. According to the post industrial and information society perspective, knowledge and technology will play an important role on today’s labour market.</p><p>The development of technology and knowledge at the supermarket points in many different directions at the same time. They use technology on a daily basis. The work rotation has raised the qualification levels for some of the employees, but at the same time others feel that the more qualified parts of their work are moved away from them, into computer systems or to a national level. The development of work rotation and partly self-governing work teams has given the employees more control over their everyday work but at the same time their resources are limited. They can decide when to do a task, but are often understaffed and have too many jobs to do. The work tasks are often heavy; the tempo is high, often with high noise.The work situation appears in many ways more industrial than service oriented. Workers are controlled through hierarchy but also by group norms, information technology, customers and by service-mindedness. The control mechanism has become more diverse, diffuse and harder to recognise. The changed work situation can be seen as two-fold. On the one hand there has been a humanisation of work, more autonomy, more opportunities to develop and many more interesting work tasks but on the other hand work density has risen while personnel resources have stayed the same in spite of increased opening hours and lager turnovers. The supermarket employees identify with their work tasks and take great responsibility for the work, even if their work conditions are hard. The work conditions that are now emphasised as flexible have long been the everyday reality for many employees, above all for many women in retail. Now these flexible work conditions have come to include both men and women in the working classes.</p>

Att jobba eller icke jobba : En uppsats om information och inspiration på www.ams.se

Höglund, Ann January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: To work or not to work, an essay about information and inspiration on www.ams.se.</p><p>Number of pages: 39</p><p>Author: Ann Höglund</p><p>Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad</p><p>Course: Media and communication Studies D</p><p>Period: Fall 2005</p><p>University: Uppsala University, Department of information science, Division of Media and Communication</p><p>Purpose/Aim: To investigate the frequency of ethos, logos and pathos in the work-guides on www.ams.se, and study how they match the needs of the respondents in the essay-interviews.</p><p>Method/Material: To investigate the needs and wishes for information I have made three group-interviews with university students. In order to analyse the texts and films on www.ams.se I have used tools from the modern rhetoric analysis. In the last part of my analysis I compared the results of the rhetoric analysis and the requests from the interviews to see if and how they match.</p><p>Main Results: The respondents requested inspiration for their future work lives, and information that could de-dramatize the image of working. The texts on www.ams.se</p><p>consist mostly of facts, while the films made a slightly more emotional contribution to the image of the occupation. The films showing relaxed and satisfied people can be seen as a way to de-dramatize the image of working-life. The people in the films offer the viewer a personal perspective on the job, and the texts present facts and information that might be used for further research.</p><p>Key words: AMS, working life, information, inspiration, youths, ethos, logos, pathos.</p>

Ledarutveckling i arbetslivet : Kontexter, aktörer samt (o)likheter mellan utbildningskulturer / Leader Development in Working Life : Contexts, Actors, and (Dis)similarities between Educational Cultures

Nilsson, Peter January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is about leader development. It focuses on similarities and differences between contents in different in-house leader development programs, and on how these programs are organized. The purpose is to contribute knowledge about leader development in Swedish working life, by describing and analyzing different organizations’ ways of doing leader development from a context-actor perspective. Very little research has been undertaken about leader development from a comparative perspective, although leader development is a question of current interest, and can be viewed as a fashion now in the beginning of the 21st century. The context-actor perspective that I use as theoretical point of departure is influenced partly by Bhaskar’s transformational model of social activity, partly by institutional theory and the notion of isomorphic processes, containing powers in the context of the organization in combination with local actors. An educational culture is seen as a single organization’s specific way to manage leader development. The dissertation is chiefly based on a case study of six organizations’ leader development. I have interviewed 13 persons that had the responsibility for creating, carrying out and developing leader development efforts in these organizations. I also studied different documents from these organizations, and observed when actors from one of the organizations met their colleagues from similar organizations for discussions concerning leader development. The analysis of the data has had a distinct feature of abduction, and I used eight constructed aspects and 131 variables when comparing the organizations. My results suggest that the organizations’ educational cultures had both overarching similarities and considerable differences. The deeper I probed into the ways in which the organizations did leader development, the more specific details I found. Most of the dissimilarities that appeared in the comparison turned out to be exclusive to specific organizations rather then to groups of organizations. The organizational level appeared as the most important context for shaping the specific characteristic of the different leader development programs. Likewise, the branch level and national level seem to play a central role, but the sector level turned out to be the context with the least importance for the organizations’ ways of doing leader development. For the national level it is possible to argue that the similarities the organizations showed may constitute an example of the spirit of the times and everyday talk about leader development that can be found in Swedishworking life. The actors turned out to be part of the organizations’ human resources, and they were not seldom human resource managers and women. It was above all these actors that had the responsibility for and organized the leader development. The interplay between the actors and the context can be described in terms of the actors as creators of culture and bearers of culture respectively. There is consequently a potential for both transformation and reproduction as a result of the interplay between the powers that contexts and actors constitute. From the actors’ statements it is obvious that they saw themselves as active actors. Overall, the research indicates that it is reasonable to describe an organization’s educational culture as a result of how the actors have interacted with different contexts. The existence of certain leader development ideals in Swedish working life is not necessarily a determining factor for how a single actor chooses to work with the leader development in a certain organization, though it depends on the latter.

Stormarknadens nya maktordningar : Från kassörskor och butikschefer till (o)demokratiska arbetslag

Kvist, Elin January 2006 (has links)
The empirical basis of this thesis is made up of interviews with men and women working at a supermarket, both with and without managerial responsibilities. The supermarket is an example of a working place where they use modern information technologies, and where there have been reorganisations pointing towards more flexibility, lesser hierarchies and higher autonomy for the workers. Such a working place is therefore a good example of an organisation on the new labour market. The aim of this thesis is to study how everyday work is affected by the new labour market’s working conditions and to relate these findings to established theories on society’s transformations. Four concepts are in focus; technology,flexibility, hierarchy and control. These are often emphasised as important in the debate on changed work organisations. According to the post industrial and information society perspective, knowledge and technology will play an important role on today’s labour market. The development of technology and knowledge at the supermarket points in many different directions at the same time. They use technology on a daily basis. The work rotation has raised the qualification levels for some of the employees, but at the same time others feel that the more qualified parts of their work are moved away from them, into computer systems or to a national level. The development of work rotation and partly self-governing work teams has given the employees more control over their everyday work but at the same time their resources are limited. They can decide when to do a task, but are often understaffed and have too many jobs to do. The work tasks are often heavy; the tempo is high, often with high noise.The work situation appears in many ways more industrial than service oriented. Workers are controlled through hierarchy but also by group norms, information technology, customers and by service-mindedness. The control mechanism has become more diverse, diffuse and harder to recognise. The changed work situation can be seen as two-fold. On the one hand there has been a humanisation of work, more autonomy, more opportunities to develop and many more interesting work tasks but on the other hand work density has risen while personnel resources have stayed the same in spite of increased opening hours and lager turnovers. The supermarket employees identify with their work tasks and take great responsibility for the work, even if their work conditions are hard. The work conditions that are now emphasised as flexible have long been the everyday reality for many employees, above all for many women in retail. Now these flexible work conditions have come to include both men and women in the working classes.

Versjoner av arbeid : Dagaktivitet og arbeid etter avviklingen av institusjonsomsorgen

Olsen, Terje January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of employment and daytime activities for people defined as having an intellectual disability. The study’s point of origin is the somewhat paradoxical situation these individuals are put into when it comes to work and daytime activities. They are on the one hand granted a disability benefit and made objects for a logic of caretaking; they are regarded as vocationally disabled and defined as outside the workforce. On the other hand, they are still included in a hegemonic work ethic with political objectives for ‘full employment’ and ‘a working-life for all’. A main objective in this study has been to discuss what different types of work and daytime activities mean to these individuals themselves; what role work and daytime activities have in their identity management and self-presentation in everyday life. The study consists of three parts. Part I outlines a historical contextualisation of the relationship between intellectual disability and participation in work and production. This part also provides a brief account for the labour market situation for these individuals today, and discusses the present situation related to the official aims of the administrative reform, which closed down the state-financed institutions for people with intellectual disabilities. Part II discusses the theoretical perspectives and methodological approach used within the study. The theoretical perspectives are developed using concepts from Dorothy Holland et.al, Pierre Bourdieu and Erving Goffman. The methodological approach is based on qualitative case studies with participatory observations and interviews within the different settings where people with intellectual disability work. Part III presents and analyses data derived from fieldwork. Central elements in the meaning of work in identity management are discussed and classified in six basic ‘key stories’ about work and daytime activity. Different forms of adapted and ordinary work are discussed in context of gender roles and social class aspects.

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