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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsförhållandens betydelse för hälsa : En kvantitativ studie ur ett salutogent perspektiv bland lagerarbetare.

Björk, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Sjukskrivningar för psykisk ohälsa orsakade av dåliga arbetsförhållanden i den sociala och organisatoriska arbetsmiljön är ett växande problem i samhället. Samtidigt finns lite forskning om arbetsförhållanden och hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv. Syftet är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning upplevda arbetsförhållanden kan kopplas till självskattad hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv bland lagerarbetare på en arbetsplats. Studien är baserad på kvantitativa data. Univariat- och multipel linjär regressionsanalys har använts för att undersöka samband mellan arbetsförhållanden och hälsa. Resultatet visade på signifikanta samband mellan arbetsförhållanden och självskattad hälsa. Starkast samband fanns för stödjande arbetsförhållanden, tidsupplevelse och individuella inre upplevelser. Det innebär att det är betydelsefullt med ett gott socialt klimat på arbetsplatsen med tillgång till stöd från både arbetskamrater och arbetsgivaren, att arbetet upplevs som meningsfullt, att det finns utvecklingsmöjligheter, att personalens utbildning matchar kraven i arbetet och att tidsupplevelsen är positiv genom att arbetsuppgifterna hinns med under arbetstid utan stress. Självskattad hälsa ökade med ålder men det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader utifrån kön, anställningsform, utbildning eller etnisk bakgrund. Resultatet har diskuterats utifrån känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) och krav-kontroll-stödmodellen som teoretiskt perspektiv. / Sick leave due to mental ill-health, caused by poor working conditions in the social and organizational work environment is a growing problem in the society. There is a lack of research on working conditions’ impact on health from a salutogenic perspective. The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which perceived working conditions can be associated with self-rated health from a salutogenic perspective among warehouse workers at a workplace. The study is based on questionnaire data. Univariat- and multiple linear regressions were performed to investigate the relationship between working conditions and health. The result showed that there are significant associations between working conditions and self-rated health. The strongest associations were found with supportive working conditions, time experience, individual inner experinces, and health. This means that it is important to have a high social climate in the workplace with access to support from both colleagues and employer, that work is perceived as meaningful, to have opportunities for development, that personnel education matches the requirements for the job and that there is enough time to perform tasks without stress. Self-rated health increased with age but there were no significant differences by gender, employment status, education or ethnic background. The result has been discussed on the basis of sense of coherence (SOC) and the demand-control-support model as a theoretical perspective.

Lern-, gesundheits- und leistungsförderliche Arbeitsgestaltung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen – Warum und wie?

Hacker, Winfried 16 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Aufsatz ist auf der Grundlage des Vortrags entstanden, der auf der Auftaktveranstalung des Projektes "Arbeitslebensbegleitendes Lernen im Betrieb und mitarbeiterorientierte Förderung der Arbeitsfähigkeit" (ALBAf) am 01.04.2015 vom Autor gehalten wurde.

"Det gäller att stänga kylskåpsdörren, annars går kompressorn sönder!" : En kvalitativ studie om att göra det gränslösa arbetslivet hållbart.

Frick, Sofie, Vannefors, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda hur organisationer kan arbeta för att tillgodose förutsättningar att det gränslösa arbetslivet på ett tillfredsställande sätt ska fungera för att reducera påverkan på anställdas hälsa. Den syftar även till att undersöka hur organisationer kan skapa en hållbar grund för anställda att kunna prestera på arbetet när man jobbar under gränslösa förhållanden                         Metod:                            En tvärsnittsstudie som behandlar fenomenet tillgänglighet och gränslöst arbetsliv med en induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett kvalitativt genom ostrukturerade intervjuer.                                               Slutsats:                          Studien har visat att de negativa aspekter som kopplas till det gränslösa arbetslivet i hög grad kan hanteras genom organisationella insatser. Organisationer kan medvetandegöra problematiken till sina anställda genom t.ex kurser inom stresshantering eller prioritering. Organisationer kan även skapa strukturer för det sociala stödet som i många fall krävs för att individer i organisationer ska kunna upprätta egna strategier för att kunna hantera de påfrestningar som tillkommer vid gränslöst arbete. / Purpose:                        The purpose of this paper is to investigate how organizations can work to meet the prerequisites of the limitless working life in a satisfactory way in order to reduce the impact on employees' health. It also aims to examine how organizations can create a sustainable basis for employees to perform at work when working under limitless conditions.     Method:                          A cross-sectional study that deals with the phenomenon availability and limitless working life with an inductive approach. Data has been collected qualitatively through unstructured interviews.                             Results:                           The study has shown that the negative aspects linked to the limitless working life largely can be managed by organizational efforts. Organizations can sensitize the problem to their employees through e.g. courses in stress management or prioritization. Organizations can also create structures for social support which in many cases required individuals in organizations to establish their own strategies to cope with the stress caused by the limitless working life.

Analýza proměnných ovlivňujících postavení matek samoživitelek na trhu práce / Analysis of Variables Impacting the Status of Single Mothers on the Labour Market

Kolmistrová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is trying to find out what variables could affect the situation of single mothers on the labor market in the Czech Republic. First, there are identified nine variables that can affect their position on the labor market. Analysis of these variables leads to its subsequent division into two groups - individual and objective. In the context of individual variables, the focus is on a financial and material situation, support of wider family, job aspirations and a need for harmonization of work and personal life of single mothers. As objective variables is dealt with the social and family policy, possibilities of preschool and school facilities, access of an employer in terms of using a family-friendly approach and a risk of discrimination, a risk of unemployment. The subsequent empirical survey with the qualitative design utilizes personal experiences of single mothers from their activity on the labor market in the context of selected variables. Evaluation of the survey confirms six out of nine effects such as influencing variables. The thesis concludes evaluating of all the facts while there is a further demonstration of possible extension of this investigated issue. Key words: single mother, family, working life, personal life, harmonization, labor market

Qualidade de vida no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional: um estudo em equipes multicontratuais em um instituto de pesquisa tecnológica / Quality of working life management and organizational commitment: a study in teams with multiple contracting forms in a technological research institution.

Schirrmeister, Renata 05 December 2006 (has links)
A partir do final do século passado, a competitividade impulsionou as organizações a buscar uma maior flexibilização em seus processos, conduzindo a novas formas de contratação de pessoas. A gestão da qualidade de vida no trabalho (GQVT), o comprometimento organizacional e a gestão de equipes com múltiplas formas de contratação são temas atuais e necessários nas organizações. A proposta deste estudo foi investigar como são as relações da qualidade de vida no trabalho e do comprometimento organizacional em equipes com múltiplas formas de contratação. Para isso fundamentou-se em algumas definições. Como qualidade de vida no trabalho entende-se a percepção e escolhas de bem-estar relativas a hábitos saudáveis pessoais, familiares e organizacionais em ambiente ético e sustentável. Como comprometimento organizacional entende-se o empenho e envolvimento do indivíduo com a organização. Foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma instituição de pesquisa tecnológica que opera com equipes de múltiplos vínculos. Foi aplicado um questionário auto-administrado obtendo-se uma amostra de 270 colaboradores, que foi analisada utilizando-se a Correlação de Pearson e a ANOVA. As hipóteses do estudo foram confirmadas, indicando associações moderadas entre a satisfação com QVT e as dimensões de comprometimento afetiva e afiliativa, bem como diferenças entre os colaboradores com vínculos de trabalho diferenciados, em relação à satisfação com QVT, à atribuição de importância em QVT e ao comprometimento. Os resultados indicam que, entre os colaboradores de diversos vínculos contratuais, há diversas diferenças na satisfação com a QVT, algumas diferenças na atribuição de importância em QVT e algumas diferenças no comprometimento, em assertivas que não podem ser generalizadas para a forma de comprometimento predominante na organização. Os dados indicam que o comprometimento organizacional na amostra é, em geral, normativo e dissociado da QVT. Isto indica que o comprometimento pode estar mais associado a outros aspectos, como a cultura da organização, do que a diferenças entre as formas de contratação. A confiança também foi percebida como um importante aspecto que deve ser considerado na gestão de equipes multicontratuais. Sistemas participativos, com maior difusão de informação e políticas públicas que incorporem gestões mais modernas pode ser uma solução, possibilitando também maior equidade nas formas de contratação. / Since the end of last century, competitiveness has stimulated organizations in order to search for more flexibilization in processes, leading to new forms of contracting people. The quality of working life management (QWLM), the organizational commitment and the management of teams with multiple contracting forms are current and necessary subjects in the organizations. The aim of this study was to investigate how are the relations of quality of working life and organizational commitment in teams with multiple contracting forms. Thus this study was based on some definitions. Quality of working life is understood as the individual perception and choices concerning well-being, at personal, familiar and organizational healthful habits in an ethical and sustainable environment. Organizational commitment is understood as the individual striving and involvement with organization. A case study was carried out in a technological research institution which operates by teams of multiple contracting forms. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to a sample of 270 collaborators, which was analyzed by Pearson Correlation and ANOVA. The hypotheses of this study were confirmed, indicating moderate associations between the QWL satisfaction and the affective and affiliate dimensions of organizational commitment, as well as differences between collaborators with different contracting forms to QWL satisfaction, to attribution of QWL importance and to organizational commitment. The results indicate that, among the collaborators of diverse contracting forms, there are several differences in QWL satisfaction, some differences in QWL attribution of importance and some differences in organizational commitment, in some statement that cannot be generalized for the predominant commitment dimension in the organization. Data also indicate that the organizational commitment, from the sample is, in general, normative and dissociated from QWL. Therefore commitment can be more associated to other aspects, such as organizational culture, than contract differences. Participation systems, with information diffusion and public politics which incorporate modern managements can be a solution, what would also make possible more equity of contracting.

Anställdas meningsskapande : En studie av doktoranders meningsskapande till introduktionsprocessen på Uppsala universitet

Joelsson, Ingrid, Kajgård, Tyra January 2019 (has links)
Dagens rörliga arbetsmarknad karaktäriseras av strukturell förändring och teknisk utveckling som ställer krav på organisationer att arbeta aktivt för att behålla sin arbetskraft. Undersökningar visar att anställda som anser att deras arbete meningsfullt samt är nöjda med introduktionsprocessen tenderar att stanna längre på sin arbetsplats, jämfört med anställda som är missnöjda. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om anställdas meningsskapande, vilket vi undersökt genom att studera hur doktorander vid Uppsala universitet tillskriver introduktionsprocessen mening. För att fånga individernas uppfattningar av meningsskapande till introduktionsprocessen har vi använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har genomförts med sex stycken doktorander vilka alla gått samma introduktionsutbildning. För att bidra med kunskap om hur anställda skapar mening till introduktionsprocesser har vi använt oss av Karl Weicks (1995) teori om meningsskapande i organisationer. Genom kodning och tematisering av intervjutranskripten har studiens centrala frågeställningar Hur beskriver doktorander sina upplevelser av introduktionsprocessen? och Hur upplever doktorander att de har påverkats av introduktionsprocessen? besvarats. Resultatet visar att anställda beskriver introduktionsprocessen som en ordningsskapande och kontinuerlig process samt att tidigare erfarenhet och förväntningar påverkar meningsskapandet. Individer skapar mening till introduktionsprocessen genom kommunikation samt genom att motsätta sig och anpassa sig till de budskap som förmedlas från organisationen. Resultatet påvisar även att den mening som de anställda tillskriver introduktionen samspelar med identitetskonstruktion och agerande. / In light of a changeable labor market characterized by structural transformation and technical development, organizations today need to work actively on maintaining their labor force. Studies show that employees who consider their work meaningful and are happy with their introduction tend to stay employed longer at the organization, then employees that are dissatisfied. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge of employees’ sensemaking. This purpose has been achieved by study of how PhD students at Uppsala university make sense of their introduction process. In order to capture the individuals’ sensemaking of the introduction process, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six PhD students, all of whom have participated in the same introduction process. To gain further insight into how sensemaking is expressed, in regard to introduction processes, we have used Karl Weick's (1995) theory of sensemaking in organizations. Through coding and thematization of interview transcripts the research questions How do PhD students describe their experience of the introduction process? and How do PhD students experience that they have been affected by the introduction process? are answered. The results demonstrate that employees experience the introduction as a continuous and sequencing process and that their background and expectations affect their experience. Individuals make sense of the introduction process through communication as well as by opposing and adapting to the messages conveyed from the organization. The results also show that sensemaking interacts with identity construction and action.

Qualidade de vida no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional: um estudo em equipes multicontratuais em um instituto de pesquisa tecnológica / Quality of working life management and organizational commitment: a study in teams with multiple contracting forms in a technological research institution.

Renata Schirrmeister 05 December 2006 (has links)
A partir do final do século passado, a competitividade impulsionou as organizações a buscar uma maior flexibilização em seus processos, conduzindo a novas formas de contratação de pessoas. A gestão da qualidade de vida no trabalho (GQVT), o comprometimento organizacional e a gestão de equipes com múltiplas formas de contratação são temas atuais e necessários nas organizações. A proposta deste estudo foi investigar como são as relações da qualidade de vida no trabalho e do comprometimento organizacional em equipes com múltiplas formas de contratação. Para isso fundamentou-se em algumas definições. Como qualidade de vida no trabalho entende-se a percepção e escolhas de bem-estar relativas a hábitos saudáveis pessoais, familiares e organizacionais em ambiente ético e sustentável. Como comprometimento organizacional entende-se o empenho e envolvimento do indivíduo com a organização. Foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma instituição de pesquisa tecnológica que opera com equipes de múltiplos vínculos. Foi aplicado um questionário auto-administrado obtendo-se uma amostra de 270 colaboradores, que foi analisada utilizando-se a Correlação de Pearson e a ANOVA. As hipóteses do estudo foram confirmadas, indicando associações moderadas entre a satisfação com QVT e as dimensões de comprometimento afetiva e afiliativa, bem como diferenças entre os colaboradores com vínculos de trabalho diferenciados, em relação à satisfação com QVT, à atribuição de importância em QVT e ao comprometimento. Os resultados indicam que, entre os colaboradores de diversos vínculos contratuais, há diversas diferenças na satisfação com a QVT, algumas diferenças na atribuição de importância em QVT e algumas diferenças no comprometimento, em assertivas que não podem ser generalizadas para a forma de comprometimento predominante na organização. Os dados indicam que o comprometimento organizacional na amostra é, em geral, normativo e dissociado da QVT. Isto indica que o comprometimento pode estar mais associado a outros aspectos, como a cultura da organização, do que a diferenças entre as formas de contratação. A confiança também foi percebida como um importante aspecto que deve ser considerado na gestão de equipes multicontratuais. Sistemas participativos, com maior difusão de informação e políticas públicas que incorporem gestões mais modernas pode ser uma solução, possibilitando também maior equidade nas formas de contratação. / Since the end of last century, competitiveness has stimulated organizations in order to search for more flexibilization in processes, leading to new forms of contracting people. The quality of working life management (QWLM), the organizational commitment and the management of teams with multiple contracting forms are current and necessary subjects in the organizations. The aim of this study was to investigate how are the relations of quality of working life and organizational commitment in teams with multiple contracting forms. Thus this study was based on some definitions. Quality of working life is understood as the individual perception and choices concerning well-being, at personal, familiar and organizational healthful habits in an ethical and sustainable environment. Organizational commitment is understood as the individual striving and involvement with organization. A case study was carried out in a technological research institution which operates by teams of multiple contracting forms. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to a sample of 270 collaborators, which was analyzed by Pearson Correlation and ANOVA. The hypotheses of this study were confirmed, indicating moderate associations between the QWL satisfaction and the affective and affiliate dimensions of organizational commitment, as well as differences between collaborators with different contracting forms to QWL satisfaction, to attribution of QWL importance and to organizational commitment. The results indicate that, among the collaborators of diverse contracting forms, there are several differences in QWL satisfaction, some differences in QWL attribution of importance and some differences in organizational commitment, in some statement that cannot be generalized for the predominant commitment dimension in the organization. Data also indicate that the organizational commitment, from the sample is, in general, normative and dissociated from QWL. Therefore commitment can be more associated to other aspects, such as organizational culture, than contract differences. Participation systems, with information diffusion and public politics which incorporate modern managements can be a solution, what would also make possible more equity of contracting.

Decentralisering : förändring i företag och arbetsliv

Södergren, Birgitta January 1992 (has links)
I denna avhandling presenteras resultaten från en empirisk undersökning med syfte att granska effekterna av decentralisering. Hur påverkas organisationen – "bakom fasaden av ord"? Vilka positiva och negativa effekter kan urskiljas? Boken innehåller också en genomgång av tidigare teorier om decentralisering. I undersökningsresultaten kan ett flertal faktorer urskiljas, med möjliga effekter för arbetsliv och konkurrenskraft. Decentralisering påverkar inte bara de formella strukturerna utan också den grundläggande organisationslogiken. Den lokala affärsverksamheten prioriteras vad gäller utveckling, resursuppbyggnad och handlingsutrymme, ofta på bekostnad av mellanchefs- och stabsnivåer. Breddade ansvarsområden prioriteras och specialiseringen i arbetet minskar. En ny syn på kunskapsutveckling kan skönjas, mer marknadsbaserad och verksamhetsnära. Flexibilitet prioriteras framför stordrift – eller handlar det om att vinna "småskalefördelar"? Decentraliseringen ger också upphov till förändrade kunskapsmönster och yrkesroller genom hela organisationen. Arbetet förändras, inte bara för personalen utan kanske framför allt för chefer och specialister. Decentralisering ställer också nya krav på ledarskapet. Hur leder man en organisation som egentligen klarar sig själv? / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1992</p>

Arbetstidens symbolvärde : om historisk kontinuitet och förändring i synen på arbetstid samt normers inverkan på arbetstidens gestaltning

Rosengren, Calle January 2009 (has links)
The point of departure of the present thesis is what happens to working time in sections of the labor market where the content of production is becoming more knowledge-intensive, that is, where production is largely based on creativity, knowledge development and communication – processes that are difficult to control and locate in time. Paired with the rise in information and communication technology (ICT), room for interpretation is created by necessity as concerns the boundaries of work and what constitutes a satisfactory work effort. The thesis argues for the need to pay attention to social norms if we are to comprehend what guides action in such ”free” job situations – free in the sense that there is room for individual control of work hours. From a historical perspective, an understanding is sought of what constitutes the social norms surrounding working time and in what way they contribute to the temporal patterns the worker gives to his/her workday. In order to grasp the nature of temporal norms, two papers presented in the thesis study historical sources reflecting the way in which working time has been valued and debated in Sweden during the 20th century. In order to elucidate the relationship between work and work hours in knowledge-intensive jobs, two groups of wage earners with great influence over when, how and where their work is to be carried out have been studied. On the basis of these two cases, the thesis discusses on what grounds work expectations are created and how these expectations are handled. The results indicate that, in a historical perspective, working hours have been surrounded with normative conceptions. However, it was not until the formal employment contract was loosened that these norms had any real impact on the temporal pattern the individual gives to his/her working day. This is explained by the fact that, under this kind of loose contract, the worker is exposed to social expectations in a more direct way. The title, “On the symbolic side of working time”, implies that in giving working time a specific temporal pattern, the individual is expressing his/her identity, loyalty, commitment and status. Further, the thesis increases our understanding of the ways in which social norms both facilitate and limit our relation to working life; how these norms are refracted against a changing world, and how they are manipulated, debated and ever changing in content. At the same time, the thesis shows how different forces are working to restructure our conception of what is to be viewed as a satisfactory work effort and in the long run also how and when we work. / Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i frågan om vad som händer med arbetstiden i de delar av arbetsmarknaden där innehållet i produktionen blir mer kunskapsintensivt? Kunskapsproduktion som i mycket utgår från kreativitet, kunskapsutveckling och kommunikation, processer som är svåra att kontrollera och tidfästa. Tillsammans med framväxten av informations- och kommunikationsteknologin (IKT) har utvecklingen bidragit till att de tidsliga och rumsliga dimensionerna av arbete har förändrats. Ramarna för vad som utgör en fullgod arbetsinsats är många gånger är tve- och mångtydiga och inte alltid explicita. I avhandlingen framhålls vikten av att, i detta sammanhang, betrakta arbetstidens gestaltning som ett utslag av sociala förväntningar på beteende.Ur ett historiskt perspektiv söks en förståelse för hur de normer som omgärdar arbetstiden skapas, samt i förlängningen vilket inflytande de har på arbetstidens gestaltning. I syfte att sätta in vår syn på tid i ett större perspektiv genomförs i avhandling två delstudier av historiskt källmaterial vilket reflekterar hur arbetstid värderats och debatterats i Sverige under 1900-talet. I syfte att belysa förhållandet mellan arbete och arbetstid i kunskapsintensiva arbeten studeras två grupper lönearbetare vars arbete kännetecknas av ett stort inflytande över när, hur och var arbetet skall utföras. Utifrån dessa två case diskuteras dels hur förväntningar på arbetet skapas, dels hur arbetaren hanterar dessa förväntningar.Resultatet av avhandlingens delstudier visar att arbetsdagens längd sedd i ett historiskt perspektiv, varit förknippad med normativa föreställningar, men det är först när det formella avtalet luckras upp, som dessa föreställningar får ett större genomslag i praktiken. Detta då vi på ett mer direkt sätt exponeras för olika normer. Begreppet ”Arbetstidens symbolvärde” söker fånga hur individen i relation till omgivningens förväntningar uttrycker identitet, lojalitet och hängivenhet samt status beroende av hur arbetstidens hanteras. Avhandlingen bidrar till en ökad förståelse för normer som möjliggör och begränsar vårt förhållande till arbetslivet; hur dessa normer bryts mot en ständigt föränderlig värld, hur de manipuleras, debatteras och byter innehåll. Samtidigt visas tydligt hur olika krafter verkar för att omstrukturera synen på vad som ska betraktas som en fullgod arbetsinsats och i förlängningen även hur och när vi arbetar. / QC 20100806

Skapar mikrokrediter en bättre tillvaro? : En fallstudie av Grameen Bank i Bangladesh

Nilsson, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>In course of time the role of the individual being has become increasingly important in the fight against poverty. Through its microcredit programmes, the organization Grameen Bank offers “aid to self-help” to poor women on the countryside in Bangladesh. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how participation in Grameen’s microcredit programmes can affect these women’s social situation and working situation. In order to achieve the purpose the following questions have been formulated: How does microcredit affect women’s self-esteem, influence in the household, and exposure to domestic violence? How does microcredit affect women’s occupational situation, to what extent do they have control over their loans, and how is microcredit regarded in comparison with permanent jobs, as a way to reduce poverty?</p><p>The research, which has been carried out as a qualitative text analysis, shows that Grameen plays an important role when it comes to improving women’s living conditions. The access to microcredit helps women increasing their working activity as well as their self-esteem and influence in the household. However, microcredit does not merely create positive consequences. There are cases where microcredit increases the risk of domestic violence. Often the loans are transferred within the household, and then controlled by men. In addition, women’s use of microcredit is still confined to activities traditionally performed by women. These factors are important to consider when evaluating Grameen’s programmes, since they counteract Grameen’s vision of creating development for women.</p>

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