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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forhåbninger og skuffelser i kvindeerhvervene : kvinders møde med ny teknologi og organisatorisk forandring / Hopes and disappointments in female-occupations : women's meeting with new technology and organizational change

Schreiber, Trine January 1994 (has links)
In the meeting between women from office- and library work and the computer technology and organizational changes, different actions were found. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse this meeting to consider the situation of the employed when computer technology and new organization are implemented, to discuss the importance of prior social and working life with regard to the understanding of the meeting and to address the working conditions in the 1980s with special attention to women. The starting point for the analysis of the meeting is an empirical study. The study uses qualitative data from interviews with 30 women. 24 women expresses criticism, 6 expresses consent, with the renewals. The analysis has three levels. At the first level the contents of the interviews are described. At the second level, from a theory of action, criticism and consent are considered for both foundations and forms of action. At the third level these forms of action are discussed in relation to a list of historical conditions for the social and working life of women generally. The thesis shows, firstly, that in the criticism and the consent there are three forms of action. These are the department-based form of action, the solidarity form and the individual form. Secondly, that in light of the socio-historical structures it becomes possible to see the three forms of action as three types of interest for development of work and organization. Thus behind both criticism and consent there is an interest in development and change. In the context of the socio-historical perspectives this interest is emphasized. The thesis shows, thirdly, that both the hopes and the disappointments of womens prior working life are reproduced in the 1980s. Lastly, that the forms of action and the types of interest reflect the limited possibilities for women in the female-occupations to change their position in the working life. / digitalisering@umu

"På egen hand skulle det nog inte ha gått" : Några deltagares upplevelse av arbetskonsulentens stöd i metoden Supported employment / "I probably wouldn´t have made it on my own" : A few participants experience of the support from the coach in the method Supported employment

Ivemark, Åsa, Jansson, Josabet January 2011 (has links)
Delaktigheten på den öppna arbetsmarknaden är låg för personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning. Metoden Supported employment (SE) har visat sig vara framgångsrik i att hjälpa denna målgrupp att nå, få och behålla ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Fokus har i forskning riktats mot metodens effektivitet men denna studie inriktar sig på arbetskonsulentens stöd inom SE och syftet i studien är att utforska vad dennes stöd betyder för deltagaren i metoden. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med tre deltagare och en gruppintervju med tre arbetskonsulenter. Det skräddarsydda, det instrumentella och det emotionella stödet samverkar och leder till empowerment för två deltagare, som har nått en praktikplats där de trivs och kommer till sin rätt. De upplever en större delaktighet, handlingskraft, en bättre självkänsla samt ett ökat psykiskt välbefinnande. Slutsatsen utifrån denna studie är att det emotionella stödet från arbetskonsulenten är en viktig grund för att lyckas med SE och konsulentens förmåga att balansera mängden stöd är centralt för deltagarens självständighet och möjlighet att nå empowerment. / Lack of participation in the open labor market is highly prevalent for people with mental illness. Vocational rehabilitation through Supported employment (SE) has shown to be an effective approach to improve employment outcomes. Research generally centres upon the effectiveness of the method. This study focuses on the support from the SE-coach and the aim is to investigate the meaning of this support to the participants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three participants and a group interview with three coaches. The emotional, tailored and instrumental supports were pointed out as being helpful. They interact and lead to empowerment for two of the participants who are now in work practice. They show satisfaction with their occupational situation and with being part of a social context. The participants express improvement in psychiatric symptoms, global functioning and self-esteem. The findings of this study highlight the importance of the emotional support from the SE-coach, and stress the ability of the coach to balance the amount of support given. This is crucial in order to facilitate the empowerment of the participants.

工作生活品質對組織承諾影響之研究-以臺北市戶政人員為例 / Research on the Impact of Quality of Working Life on the Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of Household Registration Officers of Taipei City

林蕙雅 Unknown Date (has links)
檢視現今戶政機關的生態吾人當可發現戶政人員的流動性高,無法留任優秀之人才,此間接地影響了為民服務的品質與效率。若能藉由瞭解戶政人員對工作生活品質的知覺為何,進而瞭解其與組織承諾的關聯性,並採取相關的管理作為,必能強化戶政機關人力資源運用的效能。為求創造高品質的服務態度,以順應顧客導向的潮流,打造充滿活力與競爭力的戶政機關,故進行本研究。 本研究係以臺北市政府所屬各區戶政事務所之在職人員為問卷調查對象。除應用文獻探討法,建構本研究架構與研究假設,並採用問卷調查法,以內容包含工作生活品質量表、組織承諾量表與戶政人員基本資料等三部分之問卷為研究工具,採普查方式實施問卷測試,問卷總共發出679份,實際回收542份,問卷回收率為80%,有效問卷為480份。分別以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法,敘寫分析結果與結果驗證,據以提出結論與建議。 本研究發現,在工作生活品質方面:以「人際關係及參與感」、「工作內容及尊榮感」等構面的知覺滿意度最高;在組織承諾方面:以「努力承諾」構面的程度最高;在個人屬性方面:對於工作生活品質的滿意度與組織承諾的程度上,男性均高於女性;已婚者均高於未婚者;薦任職務編制者均高於委任職務編制者;行政人員均高於後線業務人員及櫃檯服務人員;主管人員均高於非主管人員。工作生活品質及其「人際關係及參與感」、「公平性」、「工作內容及尊榮感」、「工作環境」、「俸給福利」等五個構面均與組織承諾有顯著相關性。對於組織承諾的預測方面,一般而言,以「工作內容及尊榮感」的預測力最佳,其次依序為「工作環境」、「人際關係及參與感」及「俸給福利」。 戶政人員的工作生活品質確實會影響其對組織之承諾,且工作生活品質滿足感與組織承諾呈正向關係,即工作生活品質滿足感愈高者,其組織承諾亦愈高。因此,建議戶政機關採取適當的管理作為,藉由提升工作生活品質知覺程度,使戶政人員認為在戶政機關服務是一項正確選擇,值得為戶政機關付出心力,且以身為戶政人員的一份子為榮,願意繼續留在戶政機關服務。 / Examining the environment of today’s household registration office, we concluded that the turnover of household registration officers has effects on quality and efficiency of the civil service indirectly. If we can understand household registration officers’ perception of the quality of working life, we will be able to comprehend its connection to organizational commitment and take relevant management actions so as to strengthen the human resources efficiency of household registration office. For creating high quality service attitude to customers and following the customer-oriented trend, the purpose of this study is to establish a dynamic and competitive household registration office. The subjects of the study were employees in every household registration offices of Taipei City Government. Besides using literature review to construct research framework and hypotheses, this study adopted survey techniques as a research tool with questionnaire that contained scales of quality of working life and organizational commitment, and basic information of household registration officers. With the method of general census, 679 copies of questionnaire were mailed; after retrieving 542 copies, we had a return rate of 80% with effective questionnaires of 480 copies. Descriptive statistics analysis, t- test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis were used for analyzing the data, verifying the results and consequently addressing the conclusions and suggestions. This study found that employees perceived the most satisfaction in the aspects of “interpersonal relationship and participation” and “job description and sense of honor” in quality of working life; and exhibited the highest level in the aspect of “hard-working promises” in organizational commitment. As to personal attributes: for the satisfaction of quality of working life and the level of organizational commitment, males were higher than females; married were higher than unmarried; the ones with recommended appointment position were higher than with ordinary appointment position; administrative staffs were higher than duty executives and staffs at counters; managers were higher than non-management personnel. There are significant correlation among organizational commitment, quality of working life and five aspects of “interpersonal relationship and participation”, “fairness”, “job description and sense of honor”, “work environment”, “wage and benefits”. As to the projection of organizational commitment in general, “job description and sense of honor” ranks the first, followed with “work environment”, “interpersonal relationship and participation” and “wage and benefits”. Quality of working life for household registration officers indeed has effects on their organizational commitment; and moreover, there is positive correlation between quality of working life and organizational commitment, that is, the more they are satisfied with quality of working life, the more they make commitment to the organization. Thus, we recommend that the household registration office shall adopt appropriate management actions by promoting the perception of quality of working life to convince the household registration officers that their decision to work here is a wise one; to encourage them it is worthy of devoting time and energy on the job; to assure them it is a privilege as part of the household registration officers and finally keep and retain them in the household registration office.

Att lära av förändringar : En studie av yrkesverksammas upplevelser av lärande i och med förändringar på arbetsplatsen / To learn from changes : A study of employees experiences of learning in the context of change at work

Persson, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förändringstakten i dagens samhälle ställer stora krav på företagen att snabbt kunna anpassa sig efter omvärlden. Ett företag med ambitionen att snabbt kunna förändra sig, kräver förändringsbenägna och flexibla medarbetare. I Sverige är detta en verklighet som idag har nått in i vart och var annat företag. Vissa genomför förändringar av praktiska skäl men många med syftet att vitalisera organisationen och nå epitetet "lärande organisation". En lärande organisation behöver läraktiga medarbetare. Men vad är det som sker i en organisationsförändring? Hur ser de berörda individerna på de förändringar som numer sker allt oftare i arbetslivet? Föder organisationsförändringar lärande hos individerna? Syftet: Syftet med min studie har varit att studera hur yrkesverksamma ser på och resonerar kring lärande i och med förändringar på sina arbetsplatser. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en sociokulturell ansats där jag med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer försökt att få mina respondenter att med egna ord berätta om sina upplevelser av lärande, positiva som negativa, som skett i samband med förändringar i sitt yrkesliv. Resultat: Analysen av respondenternas berättelser visar att förändringar i arbetslivet leder till att individerna gör viktiga erfarenheter och att ett visst slags lärande sker. Olika individer har olika behov när det gäller vad som premierar deras lärande. Medan vissa är i stort behov av trygghet har andra ett större behov av att veta syftet och nyttan med det som ska åstadkommas. Gemensamt för dem alla är att grunden för en bra förändringsprocess ligger i den information och den kommunikation som sker inom organisationen. / Background: The speed of change in todays society places considerable demand on businesses adaptability. A business wishing to quickly change course requires flexible employees with a will to change. Some carry out changes for practical reasons while many do so to vitalise the organisation and create a learning organisation. A learning organisation needs teachable employees. But what is it that happens in the course of organisational change. How do the individuals involved view these changes which are more and more common in working life. Does organizational change lead to learning amongst individuals? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to study how employees view and reason with regard to learning in the context of change at their workplaces. Method: The study uses a social cultural approach where semi-structured interviews are used to encourage the respondents to describe positive and negative experiences of learning, that have taken place in conjuncture with changes in their work life. Result: The analyses of respondents descriptions shows that changes in work life give the individuals important experience and that a certain kind of learning does occur. Different individuals have different needs with regards to what encourages their learning. While some are in great need of security, others have a greater need to know the purpose and usefulness of what is to be achieved. The common basis for all is however the management of

Integration på egen hand : En studie av invandrade kvinnoföretagare i Sverige / Integration Through Self-Employment : A Study of Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Sweden

Abbasian, Saeid January 2003 (has links)
The principal aim of this thesis is to discover and analyse the motives that make immigrant women start their own businesses in Sweden and to investigate whether this is a way to achieve integration in working life. The empirical material consists of two types of interviews. One type consisted of interviews with five experts on labour market issues, and the other of interviews with 16 female entrepreneurs of Iranian, Chilean and Turkish origin having their own business in the Greater Stockholm region. Results from the first set of interviews indicate that female immigrants who independently start their enterprise rely mainly on their own resources of power and abilities. They are either women with class resources such as higher educations, previous work experience, language abilities and economic savings, or young women with certificates from high schools or universities. The social environment where they grew up, the gender structure and gender roles in the family before and after immigration and time of residence in Sweden also influence the extent to which women immigrants can act independently. According to the experience of the experts, the motives for starting their business are either different structural reasons, e.g. unemployment, lack of suitable or well-paying jobs, lay-offs etc, or personal reasons such as having a meaningful occupation, to support the family, to earn money of their own, to be independent from men and strive for a better standard of living etc. Results from the second set of interviews indicate that the most important resource these women have used when establishing their businesses is class resources such as education and adequate training, different types of work experiences, human capital and in addition to this economic savings. For many of the women in this sample different structural reasons, like unemployment, lack of good job opportunities, discrimination on work places, merge with personal reasons such as strivings to achieve independence, being one’s own boss, to realize one’s plans and ambitions, when starting their business. Independent entrepreneurship is a good way for immigrant women to be integrated in working life especially if they start within certain branches. These are branches in which the women have appropriate university education or vocational training, previous work experience or which correspond to their personal interests. In addition immigrant women become more integrated if an education received abroad is treated as equivalent to the parallel Swedish education or degree. A further factor promoting integration is if they can fully exploit their capacities when developing their own businesses. These conditions help them to feel much more satisfaction in working life as women identify themselves with their actual profession and feel that they have found the “right place” for themselves in the society.

Jag kan inte klona mig : En socialpsykologisk studie om ledarnas sätt att hantera gränsdragning mellan arbete och privatliv.

Dahlin, Nina, Angsebo, Ann-Christina January 2014 (has links)
I denna socialpsykologiska uppsats har vi undersökt svenska ledares upplevelse kring balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Ämnet är av relevans att studera då dagens föränderliga arbetsvillkor ställer höga krav på de anställdas anpassningsbarhet. Behovet av anpassning medför en alltmer komplex tillvaro i hanteringen av en tillfredställande gränsdragning mellan dessa domäner. Vårt syfte med studien var att förmedla en förklaring och helhetsbild som påvisar vad som är mest angeläget för ledarna i hanteringen av denna gränsdragningsprocess. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie, och utifrån syftet och frågeställningarna har vi använt Grundad teori som metodval. Det insamlade datamaterial har därmed analyserat grundligt med hjälp av transkribering och kodning, som resulterade i följande kategorier: Vikten av att upprätthålla sociala relationer, organisatorisk stöttning, stöd i privatlivet, stöd via frizon och eget förhållningssätt. Resultatet visar sammanfattningsvis att det som möjliggjorde en tillfredställande gränsdragning var ett fungerande socialt stöd. Det mest angelägna för ledare var att kunna upprätthålla de stödjande sociala relationerna som möjliggjorde en lyckad kombination av arbetet och privatlivet, som i sin tur resulterar i ökat välbefinnande genom tillfredställd gränsdragning. / In this social-psychological essay we have examined Swedish leaders experience about the balance between work and personal life. The topic is relevant to study when today's changing working condition puts high demands on the employees' adaptability. The need for adaptation involves an increasingly complex existence in dealing with a satisfactory distinction between these domains. Our purpose of this study was to convey a statement and overview that demonstrates what is most indicate for the leaders in the management of this demarcation process. We conducted a qualitative study, and based on the purpose and the issues we have used Grounded theory as our method. The collected datasets from semi-structured interviews and written submissions have thus analyzed thoroughly by means of transcribing and coding, that resulted in the following categories: The importance of maintaining social relationships, organizational support, private life support, free zone support, and own approach. The result shows that what enabled a satisfactory demarcation was a functioning social support. The most important thing for leaders was to maintain the supportive social relationships that enabled a successful combination of work and private life, which in turn resulted in improved well-being through a satisfied boundary.

Caracterização da gestão e avaliação de Programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho no setor público : um estudo multicaso em instituições públicas de ensino superior

Mello, Kemilly Bianca de 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-08-28T19:04:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissKBM.pdf: 2219600 bytes, checksum: 4e46bc25cea9a368999b11dcc4a15635 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (bco.producao.intelectual@gmail.com) on 2017-11-28T14:22:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissKBM.pdf: 2219600 bytes, checksum: 4e46bc25cea9a368999b11dcc4a15635 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (bco.producao.intelectual@gmail.com) on 2017-11-28T14:22:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissKBM.pdf: 2219600 bytes, checksum: 4e46bc25cea9a368999b11dcc4a15635 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-28T14:29:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissKBM.pdf: 2219600 bytes, checksum: 4e46bc25cea9a368999b11dcc4a15635 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / Não recebi financiamento / The deployment of programs relative to quality of working life (QWL) in the public sector is increasing, emphasazing the concern with the employees in the professional and personal aspects. This essay recognized the relevance of QWL and its actions in these organizations and analyzed the quality of working life programs (QWLP) in three public universities in the geographic area DRSIII-Araraquara. To achieve this, it was made a multicase study to understand the management of QWL e how QWLP are evaluated. For a better comprehension of the QWL and QWLP, it was presented a theoretical material about the issues and themes that involve its main concepts and approaches, the relevant legislation, the QWL programs and its respective evaluation strategies, furthermore, the QWL was showned in the public sector context. It was used a theoretical, empirical, descriptive and explanatory metodology with documental analysis and field research. This Project was approved by the Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa – CEP/UFSCar (Opinion n° 1.613.134/2016). The results and discussion were systematized with the identified particularities in the three investigated cases, followed by the perceptions of QWL and the characterization of each program (management, evaluation, actions and developed activities). It is indicated that the studied programs have their own characteristics (program initiative, motivations, the targetting, as well as the strategies used in the management and evaluation) according to institutional guidelines and demands. In the end, it is presented some suggetions for deployment or improvement of the QWLP in the public sector ruled by empirical and theoretical evidences. / A implantação de programas relativos à qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) no setor público é cada vez mais comum, evidenciando a preocupação com os servidores nos aspectos profissionais e pessoais. Reconhecendo a relevância da QVT e suas ações nestas organizações, este trabalho analisou o programa de qualidade de vida no trabalho (PQVT) em três instituições públicas de ensino superior da região geográfica DRSIII-Araraquara. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo multicaso para compreender a gestão da QVT e como os PQVT são avaliados. Para um melhor entendimento sobre a QVT e PQVT, foi apresentado um material teórico acerca das questões e temas que envolvem seus principais conceitos e abordagens, as legislações pertinentes, os programas de QVT e suas respectivas estratégias de avaliações, além de expor sobre a QVT no contexto do setor público. Utilizou-se metodologia teórico-empírica, descritiva e exploratória, com análise documental e pesquisa de campo. Adotou-se procedimentos qualitativos para análise de dados. O Projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - CEP/UFSCar (Parecer nº 1.613.134/2016). Os resultados e discussão foram sistematizados com as especificidades identificadas nos três casos investigados, seguido das percepções da QVT e a caracterização dos respectivos programas (gestão, avaliação e ações e atividades desenvolvidas). Aponta-se que os programas estudados têm características próprias (iniciativa do programa, motivações, eixo norteador, bem como nas estratégias empregadas na gestão e avaliação) de acordo com diretrizes e demandas institucionais. Apresenta-se ainda algumas sugestões para a implantação e/ou aprimoramento de PQVT no setor público pautadas em evidências empíricas e teóricas.

Strategiskt arbetsmiljöarbete : En förutsättning för ett hållbart arbetsliv

Hansson, Marie, Morell, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har tagit form utifrån en organisations önskan att undersöka deras organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö. Syftet har varit att öka förståelsen för viktiga komponenter för den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön för att möjliggöra ett hållbart arbetsliv. För att svara på syftet har ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt använts där 251 enkäter skickades ut till en hel produktionsenhet. Metoden har möjliggjort en generell och bred ögonblicksbild av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön på arbetsplatsen. Forskning som berör den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, där vårt fokus främst har legat på det organisatoriska och sociala perspektivet har bearbetats. I stor utsträckning är vår analys baserad på Job Demand – Resources modellen. En väsentlighet i arbetslivet är att det råder balans mellan kraven som ställs i arbetet och resurser som tillförs för att kunna må bra och leverera en bra prestation. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen och visar att den organisation som undersökts brister i flera av dessa komponenter som krävs för att möjliggöra ett hållbart arbetsliv där det råder balans. Framförallt är det områden som ledarskap, arbetsbelastning, återhämtning och kränkande särbehandling som har visat brister. I arbetet med den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön finns en koppling mellan medarbetarnas hälsa och välmående och organisationens finansiella resultat. Med anledning av detta bör arbetsmiljöarbete vara en väl integrerad del av verksamheten. Vi har därför föreslagit ett antal åtgärder för organisationen att arbeta med i syfte att förbättra arbetsmiljön och därmed medarbetarnas hälsa och välmående som direkt påverkar organisationens framgång. / This study is based on an assignment from an organization whose intention is based on their request to review their organizational and social work environment. The aim of the study has been to increase the understanding of key components of the organizational and social work environment in order to enable a sustainable working life. We therefor chose a quantitative approach where 251 questionnaires were sent to the entire production unit. The method has enabled a general and wide-ranging aspect of the organizational and social work environment in the workplace. Research related to the psychosocial work environment, where our focus has been on the organizational and social aspect, we mainly base our analysis on the Job Demand - Resources model. An essential part of working life is that there is a balance between the job demands and resources that are provided in order to increase health and wellbeing to achieve a high performing organization. The result has been analysed on the basis of the theoretical framework and shows that the organization investigated is lacking in several of these components that are necessary to enable a sustainable work life where there is balance. There are areas such as leadership, heavy workload, recovery and victimization that has shown weaknesses. Research related to organizational and social work environment clearly states that there is a link between employee health and well-being and the organization's financial results. Due to this, our work environment should be a fully integrated part of the business. We have therefore proposed a number of activities for the organization to work with in order to improve the work environment and thus the health and well-being of employees which will directly affect the organization's success.

Kvinnor i arbetslivet : – en jämförande analys av hur svenska pressen skrev om kvinnor i arbetslivet / Women in working life : - A comparative analysis of how Swedish press wrote about women in working life

Sundqvist, Carolina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning och uppsats har gått ut på att redogöra för hur svensk press har skrivit om kvinnor i arbetlivet. Artiklarna som använts som källmaterial i denna undersökning har hämtats från tre tidskrifter. Aftonbladet (Ab), Dagens Nyheter (DN) och Svenska Dagbladet (SvD). För att kunna utföra denna undersökning så har det använts en frågeställning som består av tre frågor: 1. Hur skrev den svenska pressen om kvinnors deltagande i arbetslivet? Vilket motstånd och stöd fanns det? Båda då och nu. 2. Fanns det några skillnader i hur man beskriver olika yrkeskategorier? 3. Hur ser skillnaderna och likheterna mellan de olika utvalda tidskrifterna, och i så fall hur och varför fanns dessa?    För att kunna göra undersökningen har det även gjorts avgränsningar. En sådan har varit att studera artiklar från tidskrifterna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. För att avgränsa detta så har jag sedan sökt efter artiklar från dessa tidskrifter i KB:s sökmotor med orden ”Kvinnor i arbetslivet”. Jag har även använt mig av en specifik tidsperiod för att kunna avgränsa källmaterialet ännu mer, och den tidsavgränsningen är från och med 1900-01-01 till och med 2018-01-01.    Undersökningens artiklar beskriver kvinnor i arbetslivet utifrån olika perspektiv. Generellt kan man säga att de diskuterar frågan ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Där man berättar att det är bra för hela samhället med jämlikhet mellan könen.     I denna uppsats så görs det även en analys som undersöker om det fanns några skillnader och likheter mellan de tre tidskrifterna i denna fråga. Svaret på denna analys är visst fanns det både skillnader och likheter, och att detta främst berodde på att tidskrifterna hade olika politiska perspektiv att se på saken. / The purpose of this study and essay has been to explain how Swedish press has written about women in working life. The articles used as source material in this survey have been taken from three journals. Aftonbladet (Ab), Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD). In order to carry out this survey, an issue has been used that consists of three questions: 1. How did the Swedish press write about women's participation in working life? What resistance and support was there? Both now and then. 2. Did there be any differences in how to describe different occupational categories? 3. What are the differences and similarities between the different selected journals, and if so, how and why were these?   In order to do the survey, there have also been delimitations. One such has been to study articles from the magazines Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. In order to delimit this, I have searched for articles from these journals in KB's search engine with the words "Women in working life". I have also used a specific time period to further define the source material, and the time-limit is from 1900-01-01 through 2018-01-01.   The research articles describe women in working life from different perspectives. Generally speaking, they discuss the issue from an equality perspective. Where it is said that it is good for the whole community with gender equality.   In this essay, an analysis is also being made to investigate whether there were any differences and similarities between the three journals on this issue. The answer to this analysis is, of course, there were differences and similarities, and that this was mainly due to the fact that the journals had different political perspectives to look at the matter.

Transformation de l'activité d'encadrement de proximité : que fait le pilotage par la performance à la "proximité" des cadres ? : Le cas d'une grande administration publique / Transformation of the first line managers' activity : what performance-based management does to the managers' closeness? : Case of a French public service

Piney, Cécile 01 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis les années 2000, la France a mis en place d'importantes politiques de réformes de l'Etat. Ayant pour ambition affichée de moderniser la gestion de l'Etat en le recentrant sur ses missions prioritaires comme améliorer le service rendu à l'usager et réduire les dépenses publiques, ces réformes ont des répercussions sur l'ensemble des acteurs, et notamment sur les cadres de proximité. Pris en tenaille entre leur hiérarchie qui fixe des objectifs de performance et leur équipe qui « fait » le travail, ces cadres traduisent au quotidien les objectifs en missions concrètes.Dans le but de mieux comprendre cette posture d'équilibriste et ses conséquences sur l'activité et la santé des cadres, cette thèse s'intéresse à l'activité des cadres de proximité de la Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFiP), créée en 2008 et qui s'inscrit dans la ligne du New Public Management. Ces cadres A encadrants sont issus des deux anciennes filières distinguées avant la fusion, et dont les cultures respectives diffèrent au niveau de l'approche du pilotage par la performance et de la relation aux agents. Dans une administration en changement permanent, ils sont tiraillés par des injonctions contradictoires, qui remettent continuellement en question leur positionnement vis-à-vis de la hiérarchie versus équipe encadrée, des objectifs de performance versus conditions de vie au travail, des logiques managériales versus logiques de technicité du métier. Un détour par la littérature pluridisciplinaire (sciences de gestion, sociologie, psychologie), abondante notamment sur le rôle et le positionnement des cadres de proximité, pointe pourtant un creux sur le contenu-même de ce travail. En ergonomie, les quelques recherches sur le travail des cadres de proximité s'intéressent plutôt à l'analyse des situations de travail. Nous proposons pour notre part d'analyser cette activité sous le prisme des parcours professionnels au sens de Gaudart & Ledoux (2013), c'est-à-dire comme une succession d'emplois ou de fonctions d'une part, et d'autre part un parcours de travail entendu comme un accroissement du temps vécu (Molinié, Gaudart & Pueyo, 2012) pointant les rôles de l'expérience. Notre objectif est de comprendre à la fois comment les transformations du travail impactent l'activité des cadres de proximité et en quoi l'expérience peut être une ressource dans la réalisation de cette activité, notamment vis-à-vis de la régulation du couple distances/proximités par ces cadres.Notre stratégie de recherche combine cinq méthodes : l'analyse d'un dispositif existant dénommé « espace de dialogue » et de ses contenus ; des entretiens notamment de reconstitution des parcours professionnels et sur le dialogue de gestion ; des observations de l'activité de 14 cadres de proximité ; des auto-confrontations à partir des traces de l'activité ; et l'organisation d'ateliers réflexifs. / Since the 2000s, France set up important policies of State reforms. The aim of these reforms is to modernize the French State management by refocusing this one on its missions' priority as to improve the service provided to the user and to reduce the public spending. These reforms have repercussions on all the actors, in particular on the first-line managers. Between their hierarchy which sets goals of performance and their teams which “do” the work, these first-line managers translate day-to-day the objectives into concrete missions.In order to understand this balanced posture and its consequences on the activity and on the health of managers, this thesis is interested in the activity of the Head office of the Public finances' first-line managers. This administration was created in 2008 and joins in the line of New Public Management. This kind of managers is from the two former sectors which existed before the merger: the respective cultures differ in the approach of performance-based management and the relation to the agents. In an administration in permanent change, the first-line managers are pulled by contradictory orders. This kind of orders questions constantly the positioning towards the hierarchy and supervised team, towards objectives of performance and living conditions at work, towards logics of technical skill and managerial logics. Although the multidisciplinary literature – sciences of management, sociology, psychology – is extensive in particular on the role and the positioning of the first-line managers, the contents of their work are few approached. In ergonomics, some researches on the work of the first-line managers are rather interested in the analysis of working situations. For our part, we suggest analyzing this activity under the prism of the careers (Gaudart & Ledoux, 2013). These careers represent a succession of jobs or functions and a working course with an increase of real-life time (Molinié, Gaudart & Pueyo, 2012) which points at the experience's roles. Our two objectives are to understand how the work transformations impact on the first-line managers' activity and how the experience can be a resource to realize this activity, in particular to regulate the couple closeness / distances by these managers.Our strategy of research combines five methods: the analysis of an existing “space of dialogue” plan and its contents, interviews of the careers' reconstruction, observations of the 14 managers' activity, auto-confrontations from the tracks of the activity, and the organization of reflexive workshops.

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