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Usage des TIC, qualité de vie, bien-être et santé psychologique au travail : une étude réalisée au Ministère de l'Economie Numérique, de la Communication et de la Poste du Gabon / Use of the TIC, quality of life well-being and psychological health with work : use of the TIC, quality of life well-being and psychological health with workMedzo-M'engone, Joseph 30 June 2016 (has links)
L’usage des technologies dans les organisations publiques des pays africains tels que le Gabon, traduit le désir d’innover dans le travail pour améliorer la qualité des services destinés aux usagers et pour rendre aussi plus efficace les processus de travail. La littérature fait état d’un certain nombre d’apports, mais aussi de nombreux revers que ces innovations technologiques peuvent avoir tant sur le plan organisationnel que socio-professionnel des entreprises occidentales. L’impact de ces mutations technologiques dans l’Administration publique au Gabon n’a pas encore été étudié du point de vue de la psychologie du travail et des organisations. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’appréhender l’impact des technologies sur les facteurs de qualité vie au travail (QVT) ; et sur le bien-être et la santé psychologique dans un grand établissement ministériel. Dans cette perspective, deux études (mixant des approches qualitatives d’analyse et de compréhension de l’activité et quantitatives de mesure de la QVT et du bien-être) sont réalisées : avant et après l’informatisation du Ministère sur une population de 91 cadres fonctionnaires. La première étude (T1) met en lumière la situation socioprofessionnelle et psychosociale des cadres fonctionnaires avant l’implémentation des technologies. À ce titre, les entretiens semi-directifs révèlent que les cadres fonctionnaires exercent les activités selon la nature leurs fonctions. Les observations montrent que les conditions d’organisation du travail apparaissent particulièrement rigides et hiérarchisées. La présence et la prégnance de la « culture clanique » déterminent également les modalités de collaboration et d’échange au travail ; cela se caractérise notamment par des relations de travail de type communautaire où l’appartenance ethnique et/ou régionale joue un rôle prépondérant. Par ailleurs, les analyses sur la QVT indiquent que les cadres fonctionnaires présentent un niveau de bien-être psychologique relativement faible, mais perçoivent néanmoins positivement leurs différentes situations de travail. La seconde étude (T2) présente la situation socioprofessionnelle et psychosociale des cadres fonctionnaires six mois après l’implémentation des technologies. Nos analyses montrent que l’arrivée des technologies a engendré de profondes réorganisations sur le travail, réclamant des réajustements d’ordres socioprofessionnels, collectifs (collaboration et coordination plus importantes), organisationnels (marges de manœuvre et initiatives accrues) et personnels (efficacité, réactivité et rapidité dans l’exercice des tâches administratives). Les observations soulignent que les cadres fonctionnaires, confrontés à plusieurs contradictions révélées par l’analyse de leur système d’activité, mettent en place de nouvelles modalités d’action plus souples et flexibles. Les études statistiques indiquent que les technologies influencent plutôt positivement leur bien-être psychologique. Les dispositifs affectent aussi positivement la latitude décisionnelle des cadres fonctionnaires, mais engendrent paradoxalement une demande psychologique relativement élevée. Pour autant, les cadres fonctionnaires perçoivent positivement leurs situations de travail en contexte technologique. La culture nationale (clanique) qui perdure avec l’arrivée des outils, semble jouer un rôle médiateur, voire modérateur dans l’usage et les impacts des TIC sur le bien-être psychologique et la santé au travail des cadres fonctionnaires. En définitive, ces travaux de thèse apportent les clés de réflexion et d’analyse sur les liens entre la digitalisation de l’activité administrative et les concepts QVT, de bien-être et de santé dans les organisations publiques des pays en voie de développement africains tels que le Gabon. / The use of technology in public organizations in some African countries such as Gabon reflects a desire to improve quality of service for users and to make work processes more effective. Literature presents evidences that technological innovations in Western companies bring some advantages on both organizational and socio-professional levels, but also numerous negative impacts. The impact of technological change on occupational and organizational psychology in Public Administration in Gabon has not been studied yet. This thesis seeks to understand the impact of technologies on the Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) factors and on psychological health and well-being in a larger governmental department. In this perspective, two studies (involving a mix of qualitative approaches with analysis and comprehension of their occupations, and of quantitative approaches with the measurement of the QWL and well-being), based on 91 senior civil servants, have been conducted, before and after the Ministry was computerised.The first study (T1) highlights the senior civil servants’ socio-professional and psychosocial conditions prior to the implementation of new technologies. As such, semi-structured interviews show that senior civil servants do their jobs depending on the nature of their positions. Findings reveal particularly inflexible and hierarchical organisational conditions. The presence and the pregnance of the «clannish culture » also determine working arrangements and communicating, which is mainly characterized by community-based working relationships and where ethnicity and regional belonging play a major role. Furthermore, QWL survey data show a relatively low level of psychological well-being in senior civil servants even though they feel positively about their various work situations.The second study (T2) describes senior civil servants’ socio-professional and psychosocial status six months following the implementation of new technologies. Our analyses show that the introduction of new technologies has led to big changes in work organisation, such as restructuring on the socio-professional, collective (a better collaboration and coordination), organizational (enhanced flexibility and initiatives) and personal (efficiency, reactivity and rapidity in carrying out administrative tasks) levels. Findings underline that senior civil servants set up new, more flexible plans of action when facing the inconsistencies revealed by the study. Statistical studies show that new technologies have a fairly positive impact on their psychological well-being. Devices also positively affect senior civil servants’ flexibility in decision-making, but paradoxically lead to a relatively high psychological demand. Yet, senior civil servants see their working conditions as positive in the technological context. The national (clannish) culture, which persists even after the introduction of technological tools, seems to play a mediating and even moderating role in the use and the impacts of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) on senior civil servants’ psychological well-being and occupational health.To conclude, this thesis work provides key elements of reflection and analysis on the links between digitization of administrative activity and the concepts of QWL, well-being and health in public organizations of African developing countries such as Gabon.
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工作生活品質與工作績效關聯之研究—以臺北市政府都市發展局為例 / Research on the relationship between quality of working life and job performance -- a case study of urban development bureau of Taipei City Government潘立山, Pan, Li Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採問卷調查法,問卷經預試修正後,以臺北市政府都市發展局為研究母群體,採抽樣調查方式施測,共202份有效問卷。研究問卷內容包括工作生活品質量表、工作績效表及個人基本資料。問卷資料蒐集運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS 進行統計與分析,以敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析等推論性統計方法來進行資料處理,本研究經實證研究分析,歸納結果如下:
關鍵詞:工作生活品質、工作績效、臺北市政府都市發展局 / The purpose of this research is to understand the situation of quality of working life and job performance of civil service personnel of urban development bureau of taipei city government. It discusses the differences of personal property between quality of working life and job performance and the relationship between quality of working life and job performance. It also provides advices for controlling organization to improve the quality of working life and job performance of civil service personnel to increase organization efficiency.
Questionnaire survey method is employed in this research while it makes use of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel as its subjects of research. There are 202 copies of questionnaire are valid. The content of questionnaire includes the scale for quality of working life, scale for job performance of employee and personal information.It uses statistic software SPSS to analyze these data.Descriptive statistics analysis, t-Test, One way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple-regression analysis are used to process these information. The results are as follows:
1. An average of 70.79% of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel present their degree of satisfaction about quality of working life.The degree of satisfaction with “work stratification plane” is the highest among all factors (73.44%), and others in order are: “organization stratification plane (70.24%),” and “individual stratification plane (66.20%).”
2. An average of 75.95% of urban development bureau of taipei city government and its affiliated civil service personnel has shown their agreement on job performance.The degree of satisfaction with “contextual performance” is the highest among all factors (79. 83%), and others in order are: “adaptive performance (74.70%),”and “task performance (72.30%)”.
3. Different backgrounds of the public official of urban development bureau have shown different degree of perceptions about quality of working life. Among all the factors, educational background have the most obvious difference.
4. Different backgrounds of the public official of urban development bureau have shown different degree of perceptions about job performance. Among all the factors, position,marital status ,age and the age service seniority have the most obvious difference.
5. Between the quality of working life and the job performance, their factors are all positive related.
6. In the aspect of the quality of working life, it is found that employees have a 16.3% of predicting power to “task performance” regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane ” and “work stratification plane”; There is a 19.2% of predicting power to“contextual performance” regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane”; There is a 19.8% of predicting power to job performance regarding the factors of “individual stratification plane”.
According to the research and statistic analysis, suggestions are presented as follows:
1. The recommendation of administrative management: Increasing employee job satisfaction; Appropriately adjust the benefits to boost staff morale;Establishing a fair promotion and performance appraisal system;Inspired team of colleagues;Establishment of job rotation mechanism;.
2. The recommendation of the personnel unit: Practices to improve the agency's award; Increasing a variety of training courses ; Increasing in staff a sense of honor; On the referral agreement to help staff to relieve work pressure;Regular discussions with employees to understand the aspirations of the grassroots.
3. The recommendation of personal:Strengthening the positive thinking individuals to work ;Enhancing motivation to learn new knowledge;The face of environmental changes and future challenges.
Keywords: quality of working life, job performance, urban development bureau of taipei city government
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Hur påverkas kvinnors hälsa av psykosociala faktorer? : En kartläggning av hälsan bland tillsvidareanställda kvinnor i Sotenäs kommunJasniskij, Catarina, Rolander, Leo Marie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Background: Because of the high unhealthy rates among women in the com-mune a project to reduce it have begun. For this reason we have been given the mission from the commune of Sotenäs to study the character of these women's health. Objective: To study the health among permanent employed women in the commune of Sotenäs. Method: Quantitative method. The data have been collected through question-naire survey. The purpose of choosing this method was to be able to see connec-tions between various variables. Result: A large number of women who do not have time to carry out their duties during ordinary working hours have experienced that they are tense and anxious, which means that this mental demand may have affected women's health. The study reveals that many of the women who have not received enough informa-tion from their employer to perform their duties have experienced that they are worn out. The majority of women who lacked in development opportunities at work felt tense. These results imply that small decision latitudes could be one of the explanations of a lower level of health among women. The study identified a number of potential explanations for the sick leave in the commune, as the women felt tense and anxious. Adequate emotional support from friends and family, and a satisfactory everyday social life was related to a low degree of anxiety. A good distribution of practical domestic duties at home was a factor related to a low degree of tension among the permanent employed women in the commune of Sotenäs.</p> / <p>Bakgrund: På grund av det höga ohälsotalet bland kvinnorna i Sotenäs kom-mun har ett arbete med att reducera detta påbörjats. Vi fick därför i uppdrag av Sotenäs kommun att undersöka karaktären på dessa kvinnors hälsa.</p><p>Syfte: Att kartlägga hälsan bland tillsvidareanställda kvinnor i Sotenäs kommun och hur den påverkas av psykosociala faktorer i arbets- och privatliv.</p><p>Metod: Kvantitativ metod. Datainsamlingstekniken som tillämpades var enkät. Denna valdes för att kunna genomföra sambandsanalyser mellan olika faktorer.</p><p>Resultat: Ett stort antal kvinnor som inte hinner utföra sina arbetsuppgifter un-der ordinarie arbetstid uppgav att de är spända och utslitna, vilket innebär att detta psykiska krav kan ha påverkat kvinnornas hälsa. I undersökningen fram-kom vidare att många av kvinnorna som inte mottagit tillräckligt med informa-tion från sin arbetsgivare för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter att de kände sig ut-slitna. Majoriteten av kvinnorna med bristande utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetet kände sig spända. Dessa resultat antyder att ett litet beslutsutrymme kan vara en av förklaringarna till en lägre grad av hälsa bland kvinnorna. I undersökningen framkom några möjliga förklaringar till sjukskrivningarna i kommunen, såsom att kvinnorna kände sig spända och utslitna. Ett tillfredsställande emotionellt stöd från vänner och familj, samt ett tillfredsställande vardagligt socialt liv kun-de relateras till en låg grad av oro. En god fördelning av praktiska vardagssyss-lor i hemmet var faktorer, vilka kunde relateras till en låg grad anspänning bland de tillsvidareanställda kvinnorna i Sotenäs kommun.</p>
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Hur påverkas kvinnors hälsa av psykosociala faktorer? : En kartläggning av hälsan bland tillsvidareanställda kvinnor i Sotenäs kommunJasniskij, Catarina, Rolander, Leo Marie January 2009 (has links)
Background: Because of the high unhealthy rates among women in the com-mune a project to reduce it have begun. For this reason we have been given the mission from the commune of Sotenäs to study the character of these women's health. Objective: To study the health among permanent employed women in the commune of Sotenäs. Method: Quantitative method. The data have been collected through question-naire survey. The purpose of choosing this method was to be able to see connec-tions between various variables. Result: A large number of women who do not have time to carry out their duties during ordinary working hours have experienced that they are tense and anxious, which means that this mental demand may have affected women's health. The study reveals that many of the women who have not received enough informa-tion from their employer to perform their duties have experienced that they are worn out. The majority of women who lacked in development opportunities at work felt tense. These results imply that small decision latitudes could be one of the explanations of a lower level of health among women. The study identified a number of potential explanations for the sick leave in the commune, as the women felt tense and anxious. Adequate emotional support from friends and family, and a satisfactory everyday social life was related to a low degree of anxiety. A good distribution of practical domestic duties at home was a factor related to a low degree of tension among the permanent employed women in the commune of Sotenäs. / Bakgrund: På grund av det höga ohälsotalet bland kvinnorna i Sotenäs kom-mun har ett arbete med att reducera detta påbörjats. Vi fick därför i uppdrag av Sotenäs kommun att undersöka karaktären på dessa kvinnors hälsa. Syfte: Att kartlägga hälsan bland tillsvidareanställda kvinnor i Sotenäs kommun och hur den påverkas av psykosociala faktorer i arbets- och privatliv. Metod: Kvantitativ metod. Datainsamlingstekniken som tillämpades var enkät. Denna valdes för att kunna genomföra sambandsanalyser mellan olika faktorer. Resultat: Ett stort antal kvinnor som inte hinner utföra sina arbetsuppgifter un-der ordinarie arbetstid uppgav att de är spända och utslitna, vilket innebär att detta psykiska krav kan ha påverkat kvinnornas hälsa. I undersökningen fram-kom vidare att många av kvinnorna som inte mottagit tillräckligt med informa-tion från sin arbetsgivare för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter att de kände sig ut-slitna. Majoriteten av kvinnorna med bristande utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetet kände sig spända. Dessa resultat antyder att ett litet beslutsutrymme kan vara en av förklaringarna till en lägre grad av hälsa bland kvinnorna. I undersökningen framkom några möjliga förklaringar till sjukskrivningarna i kommunen, såsom att kvinnorna kände sig spända och utslitna. Ett tillfredsställande emotionellt stöd från vänner och familj, samt ett tillfredsställande vardagligt socialt liv kun-de relateras till en låg grad av oro. En god fördelning av praktiska vardagssyss-lor i hemmet var faktorer, vilka kunde relateras till en låg grad anspänning bland de tillsvidareanställda kvinnorna i Sotenäs kommun.
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Den raka och den krokiga vägen : om genus, ingenjörer och teknikkarriärer / Straight roads and winding roads : on gender, engineers, and technology careersHolth, Line January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to shed light on, explain, and problematize women’s and men’s paths both to and within the profession of engineer. Computer and mechanical engineers are in focus and the overarching issues that this thesis attempts to answer are: How can women’s and men’s paths to the profession of engineer be explained and what has governed/motivated their choice of education? How do women’s and men’s career patterns look in professional life, and how can these patterns be explained? This study is based on a social-constructivistic approach, entailing a focus on how choices of education and profession have been negotiated through social and cultural practices, norms, and values. The thesis combines work science research with research into the gender and technology fields. In particular, the relationships between gender, technology, and labour market gender segregation are of key importance in this thesis. The four part studies of the thesis are based on three qualitative studies and on one quantitative study. The qualitative studies consist of interview surveys with a total of 24 computer and mechanical engineers and 22 IT consultants. The quantitative survey is an exhaustive survey of 3,662 working IT engineers. My studies show that the career patterns of women and men in the profession of engineer differ. Men’s paths both to and within the profession tend to be “straight” while women’s are often “winding”. The thesis shows that historically established, often stereotypical, conceptions of gender contribute towards recreating these different paths for women and men. At the same time, tendencies towards change are indicated. This is made visible through a gradually changing view of both father- and parenthood, which in and of itself is creating new prerequisites for women and men in working life. In concluding, the thesis proposes a new term, technology career, as an analytical tool for continued studies of gender segregation in technology and engineering professions. The aim in using this term is to capture the social complexity and cultural dynamic as regards how technology and gender are co-produced. / ”Jag har ju en yngre bror som har stöttat mig i det här. Han har ju samma utbildning som jag men han valde ju rätt med en gång [ ] han gick mera den raka vägen än min krokiga.” Såhär säger Kristina om sin väg till ingenjörsutbildningen och till ingenjörsyrket. Till skillnad från hennes yngre bror var hennes väg ”krokig”, medan hans var ”rak”. Denna avhandling tar sig an den könssegregering i ingenjörsutbildningar och i ingenjörsyrket som Kristinas berättelse återspeglar. I fokus står data- och maskingenjörer. Detta är två av de mest könssegregerade ingenjörsgrenarna, och betraktas ofta som ”mansyrken”. Genom såväl kvalitativa intervjuer med ingenjörer och en kvantitativ totalundersökning av över 3000 ingenjörers karriärmönster, undersöker avhandlingen vilka tecken på förändring som syns i ingenjörsyrkets könssegregering. Vilka är hindren för kvinnor att ta plats inom yrket, och vilka möjligheter finns? Line Holth är forskare i arbetsvetenskap och verksam vid Handelshögskolan och Centrum för genusforskning vid Karlstads universitet. Detta är hennes doktorsavhandling.
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Management strategies to improve job satisfaction of principals in primary schools / Khumalo M.G.Khumalo, Mapula Gertrude. January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to optimise aspects of job satisfaction in the work environment to improve the effectiveness of primary school principals. Job dissatisfaction seems to be a worldwide problem in the education sector, even in South Africa a number of researches were conducted on job satisfaction.
In this research the focus is on the following research questions: What is the nature of job satisfaction? Which factors contribute to the job satisfaction/dissatisfaction of primary school principals? To what extent do primary school principals experience job satisfaction? Do certain biographical variables relate to primary school principals’ job satisfaction? How can the job satisfaction of primary school principals be improved through management strategies?
The research method used was a quantitative research method by using statistical methods that began with the collection of data based on theory, followed by the application of a descriptive or inferential statistical method. Descriptive statistical techniques were used to organise, analyse and interpret the quantitative data. Information was obtained to determine whether a relationship exists between the independent variables and the dependent variable (job satisfaction of the participants).
Management strategies with aims, goals and action steps were drawn in order to assist primary school principals to improve their strong points and turn their weak points into strengths. The management strategies drawn also aimed to improve the job satisfaction of the primary school principals. In general the majority of participants in this study reported that they were satisfied to some and a great extent with the aspects that contribute to their job satisfaction. Although the majority of the participants were satisfied with the aspects of job satisfaction there were some factors that affected them negatively. The negative factors are to be turned into strengths and the existing strengths be optimised. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Management strategies to improve job satisfaction of principals in primary schools / Khumalo M.G.Khumalo, Mapula Gertrude. January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to optimise aspects of job satisfaction in the work environment to improve the effectiveness of primary school principals. Job dissatisfaction seems to be a worldwide problem in the education sector, even in South Africa a number of researches were conducted on job satisfaction.
In this research the focus is on the following research questions: What is the nature of job satisfaction? Which factors contribute to the job satisfaction/dissatisfaction of primary school principals? To what extent do primary school principals experience job satisfaction? Do certain biographical variables relate to primary school principals’ job satisfaction? How can the job satisfaction of primary school principals be improved through management strategies?
The research method used was a quantitative research method by using statistical methods that began with the collection of data based on theory, followed by the application of a descriptive or inferential statistical method. Descriptive statistical techniques were used to organise, analyse and interpret the quantitative data. Information was obtained to determine whether a relationship exists between the independent variables and the dependent variable (job satisfaction of the participants).
Management strategies with aims, goals and action steps were drawn in order to assist primary school principals to improve their strong points and turn their weak points into strengths. The management strategies drawn also aimed to improve the job satisfaction of the primary school principals. In general the majority of participants in this study reported that they were satisfied to some and a great extent with the aspects that contribute to their job satisfaction. Although the majority of the participants were satisfied with the aspects of job satisfaction there were some factors that affected them negatively. The negative factors are to be turned into strengths and the existing strengths be optimised. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Sex timmars arbetsdag : Hur påverkas personalens psykiska och fysiska hälsa? / How is the mental and physical health of staff affected?Sylvén, Annika January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle så skrivs det mycket om sex timmars arbetsdag i media. Att arbeta sex timmar men få betalt för åtta timmarsarbetsdag är något som väckt mångas intresse. År 1973 reglerades arbetstiden till 40 timmar per arbetsvecka, sedan dess har ingen ytterligare lagstadgad förändring skett. Det känns därför relevant att studera hur sex timmars arbetsdag påverkar individens psykiska och fysiska hälsa för att personalen och arbetsgivare ska få förståelse för vilka positiva samt negativa aspekter som det eventuellt kan medföra. Syfte: Syfte med denna undersökning är att kartlägga hur personalens självupplevda hälsa påverkas genom införandet av sex timmars arbetsdag, ur ett personalperspektiv. Metod: För denna uppsats har triangulering använts som metod. Där kvantitativa data har samlats in genom en attitydundersökning som utförts genom en enkätundersökning. Kvalitativa data har samlats in som komplement till denna enkätundersökning genom 13 stycken telefonintervjuer. Material har därutöver insamlats genom litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Slutsats: Studien påvisar att sex timmars arbetsdag tenderar att ge personal många positiva vinster i form av förbättrad livskvalitet genom att respondenternas egendefinierande hälsa blivit bättre efter sex timmars arbetsdag infördes. För denna studie dras slutsatsen att majoriteten av respondenterna i denna undersökningen har en positiv upplevelse gentemot sex timmars arbetsdag. / Background: In today's society, media is writing a lot about reduction of hours of work. Working for six hours but getting paid for eight hours workday is something that aroused many people's interest. In 1973, working hours were regulated to 40 hours per working week, since then no further statutory change has taken place. It therefore feels relevant to investigate how reduction of hours of work affects the mental and physical health of the individual in order for the staff and employers to understand the positive and negative aspects that it may lead to. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to survey the staff's impact of a reduction of hours of work, six hours working day, from workers perspective. Method: For this essay triangulation has been used as a method. Where quantitative data has been collected through an attitudes survey conducted through a survey. Qualitative data has been collected in addition to this survey through 13 telephone interviews. Other material has been collected through literature and scientific articles. Conclusion: The study shows that six hours workday tends to give the staff many positive gains in terms of improved quality of life by improving the respondents' health after six hours of working day. For this study, it is concluded that most respondents in this survey have a positive experience over six hours of working day.
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Assédio Moral em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES): O Caso dos Servidores Técnicos-administrativos da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) / Bullying in higher education institutions (hei): the case of the federal employees of Federal University of Ceará (UFC)Damasceno, Thalita Natascha Ferreira January 2012 (has links)
DAMASCENO, Thalita Natascha Ferreira. Assédio Moral em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES): O Caso dos Servidores Técnicos-administrativos da Universidade Federal do Ceará(UFC). 2012. 114f. . – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior, Fortaleza (CE), 2012. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-12T17:29:51Z
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2012_dis_tnfdamasceno.pdf: 1107446 bytes, checksum: 0c83c08234e77c6de04e57aaef772d6b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-12T17:30:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / The moral harassment at work is characterized by embarrassing and hostile attitudes continually undertaken, which aims to harm the psychic dignity of the individual, and thus debasing the working environment. This phenomenon is of great importance in the labor relations context and involves the society as a whole. However, it is a topic still under construction. Meanwhile, this paper aims to contribute to reducing the lack of studies in this area, through a survey that aims to: describe mobbing and determine the factors which lead to the perception of harassment; to propose an assortment of moral harassment that takes into account the intent of the harasser and the harm to the victim’s health; to organize a concept of mobbing from the federal employees’ perspective; and, finally, to propose improvements in the workplace, with emphasis on psychological harassment. The methodology applied was a qualitative survey using the Delphi method of analysis, from a study of 40 (forty) workers of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). From a concept organized with the convergence of the employees’ replies, we realized that they have a consistent understanding of moral harassment. They understand the essence of the phenomenon, namely, the completion and repetition of the abusive and embarrassing act; they also have acute perception regarding the causes, consequences, prevention and combating harassment. However, they still have some gaps in perception regarding the attributes of the victim. Indeed, we wish that these results contribute to the better understanding and characterization about the mobbing at work, to assist the concerned people in effectively combating this organizational problem and be groundwork for forthcoming researches. / O Assédio Moral no Trabalho é caracterizado por atitudes constrangedoras, hostis, continuamente empreendidas, que tem o objetivo de agredir a dignidade psíquica do indivíduo, degradando o ambiente de trabalho. Este fenômeno é relevante no âmbito das relações trabalhistas, envolvendo a sociedade como um todo, contudo, é um tema ainda em construção. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivos: investigar a percepção dos servidores públicos técnico-administrativos no tocante ao conceito de Assédio Moral no ambiente organizacional; determinar os fatores que levam a percepção do assédio; apresentar uma classificação de assédio moral que leva em consideração a intenção do assediador e os danos à saúde da vítima; organizar um conceito de assédio moral a partir da percepção dos servidores; e, por último, propor melhorias no ambiente de trabalho, com ênfase no assédio moral. A metodologia aplicada foi, como abordagem geral, uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o Método de Delphi de análise, a partir de um estudo com 40 (quarenta) servidores da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Percebemos, a partir de um conceito organizado com a convergência das respostas dos servidores, que estes possuem um consistente conhecimento sobre o assédio moral, entendendo o essencial do fenômeno, ou seja, a realização e a reiteração do ato abusivo e constrangedor; possuem também acentuada percepção no que tange as causas, consequências, prevenção e combate ao assédio; todavia apresentam ainda algumas falhas na percepção no tocante às características da vítima. Com efeito, almejamos que os resultados contribuam para a melhor compreensão e caracterização acerca do assédio moral, que auxilie interessados no combate efetivo deste problema organizacional e seja alicerce para vindouras pesquisas.
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Qualidade de vida no trabalho dos docentes da Universidade Federal do Ceará / Quality of work life of professors at the Federal University of CearáMARTINS, Márcia Maria da Costa January 2011 (has links)
MARTINS, Márcia Maria da Costa. Qualidade de vida no trabalho dos docentes da Universidade Federal do Ceará. 2011. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior, Fortaleza-CE, 2011. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2012-06-21T14:21:12Z
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2011_dis_MMCMartins.pdf: 1158716 bytes, checksum: c6be0a5389be34a6e09b5c541e01332e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-06-21T14:33:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011_dis_MMCMartins.pdf: 1158716 bytes, checksum: c6be0a5389be34a6e09b5c541e01332e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / The Quality of Life at Work (QLW) is more and more a reason for concern and occupation of researchers who are interested in understanding what, in fact, is the absence or poor quality of life in the routine of working people, no matter whether they are linked to other public bodies or private initiative. Using a model for identifying levels of Quality of Working Life already validated – The Walton Model - This study aimed to provide, along with the professors of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), the level of QLW they have. Similarly, we sought to understand the reasons that lead to not getting inserted into the programs and psychosocial as well as cultural projects promoted by the Department of Human Development (DHD) of the Superintendence of Human Resources of the UFC. For so, we carried out a descriptive research through an online questionnaire with simple causal probability sample consisting of 120 professors of that institution, in the various areas of knowledge, located in the campuses of Fortaleza and the state of Ceará. The data revealed that, overall; teachers have good Quality of Working Life at the UFC. The QLW is conceptualized as good relationship, respect, satisfaction, autonomy, welfare, security, infrastructure and tranquility. They did not show directly the interest to obtain QLW, but they pointed out that the pay is not enough for them to meet personal needs. Concerning his lack of insertion in programs and projects that the psychosocial and cultural UFC offers, they present some arguments, such as lack of knowledge and absence of specific programs and projects for teachers. / A Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) é, cada vez mais, preocupação e ocupação de pesquisadores interessados em compreender o que, de fato, constitui ausência ou baixa qualidade de vida no dia a dia dos que trabalham, sejam estes vinculados aos órgãos públicos ou à iniciativa privada. Utilizando-se de um modelo de identificação dos níveis de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho já validado – Modelo de Walton – este estudo teve como objetivo conferir, junto aos docentes da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), o nível de QVT que estes possuem. Do mesmo modo, buscou-se compreender os motivos que os levam a não se inserirem nos programas e projetos psicossociais e culturais promovidos pelo Departamento de Desenvolvimento Humano (DDH) da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos da UFC. Para tanto, realizou-se pesquisa descritiva por meio de questionário on-line com amostra probabilística causal simples, constituída por 120 docentes da referida instituição, nas diversas áreas de conhecimento, localizadas nos campi de Fortaleza e interior do Ceará. Os dados revelaram que, de modo geral, os docentes possuem boa Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho da UFC. Conceituam QVT como bom relacionamento, respeito, satisfação, autonomia, bem-estar, segurança, infraestrutura e tranquilidade. Não relevaram, diretamente, os rendimentos à obtenção de QVT, mas ressaltam que a remuneração não é suficiente para lhes satisfazer as necessidades pessoais. Sobre sua não-inserção nos programas e projetos psicossociais e culturais que a UFC oferece, apresentam alguns argumentos, como a falta de conhecimento e a ausência de programas e projetos específicos para docentes.
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