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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En potentiell väg till chefsrollen : - En studie om hur lärande möjliggörs för deltagare inom ett program för potentiella chefer.

Harrå, Sofia, Adriasola Gazmuri, Carla January 2017 (has links)
Studien ämnar skapa förståelse om hur lärande möjliggörs för tidigare deltagare inom ett program för potentiella chefer. För att undersöka syftet definierades tre frågeställningar: “Hur beskriver deltagarna den lärmiljö programmet utgör?”, “Vilka konsekvenser uppges denna miljö generera till?” och “Hur kan dessa konsekvenser förstås, beskrivas och analyseras i termer av drivkrafter för lärande?”.   I studien genomfördes sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tidigare deltagare från utbildningsprogrammet på Försäkringskassan och därmed studerades deltagarnas upplevelser av hur lärande möjliggörs inom programmet. Materialet analyserades utifrån ett kontextuellt perspektiv på lärande samt drivkrafter för lärande. Ur materialet framkom fyra övergripande teman: Förväntningar, Programmets innehåll, Riktlinjer och Bekräftelse, vilka speglar hur lärande möjliggörs för programmets deltagare. Det framkom i resultatet att programmet var av varierande behållning för deltagarna. Resultatet visade även att studiens teman är väl sammankopplade till varandra och visar hur lärande kan möjliggöras inom programmets lärmiljö. / The study aims to create an understanding of how learning is enabled for former participants in a program for potential managers. In order to investigate this purpose, three questions were formed: “How do the participants describe the learning environment of the program?”, “Which consequences can this environment generate to?” and “How can these consequences, be understood, described and analysed in terms of motivations of learning?”.   The study was carried of seven semi-structured interviews with former participants of the training program at Försäkringskassan and the participants’ experience of how learning is enabled within the program was studied. The material was analysed from a contextual perspective of learning and motivations for learning. From the material it appeared four main themes: Expectations, Program contents, Guidelines, Confirmation, which reflects how learning is enabled for the participants of the program. Results showed that the benefits in the program varied amongst the participants. The results also showed that the themes in the study are well related to each other and is showing how learning can be enabled within learning environment of the program.

Studenternas möte med arbetslivet : Digitala jobbportalers potentiella värde för studenter i samspel med traditionella kontaktnätverk / The students’ encounters with working life

Dubois, Andrea, Larsson, Thilda January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on students’ encounters with working life. The thesis aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the potential value of digital job portals in interplay with traditional social networks by capturing students’ perceptions of their paths to working life. A qualitative research method has been applied where respondents from University West have been interviewed both individually and in groups. Both current and previous students were included in the study. Eleven semi-structured individual interviews and two group interviews were conducted and recorded with the support of field notes. Based on this combined approach, which also permitted interaction among the respondents, the study could capture a greater variety of both current and previous students’ experiences. The study contributes with knowledge based on a number of students’ experiences of their encounters with working life, both before and after completing their studies at the university. The results of the study suggest that the interplay between digital job portals and traditional contact networks is of great importance. Digital job portals seem to provide a broad picture of the job opportunities in relation to the education, while the contact networks provide more in-depth understanding as well as relationships that might contribute to actual job offers. Hence, values are created as a result of their interplay. In addition, the study shows that the practice part of the work integrated learning approach at University West is instrumental for students in enriching their contact networks and that this, in turn, often result in their first jobs. On the basis of the results, recommendations are suggested for further studies as well as for actions that might improve the students’ paths to working life.The recommendations concern capturing of previous students’ experiences, analysis of the effects of Work Integrated Learning and in particular different forms of practice, exploringmore aspects of comp / Denna studie handlar om studenters möte med arbetslivet. Syftet har varit att bidra till en ökad förståelse för digitala jobbportalers potentiella värde för studenter i samspel med traditionella kontaktnätverk i studenternas möte med arbetslivet. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har tillämpats där respondenter i form av alumner och sistaårsstudenter från Högskolan Väst har fått svara på frågor både enskilt och i grupp. Elva semistrukturerade enskilda intervjuer samt två gruppintervjuer har genomförts och spelats inmed stöd av fältanteckningar. Detta för att få en djupare förståelse för respondenternas upplevelser och erfarenheter av vägen till arbetslivet.Studien bidrar med kunskap om ett antal studenters upplevelser och erfarenhet av mötet med arbetslivet, både innan och efter avslutade studier på Högskolan Väst. Studiens resultat tyder på att samspelet mellan digitala jobbportaler och traditionella kontaktnätverk har en stor betydelse. Ett sätt att beskriva samspelet skulle kunna vara att digitala jobbportaler bidrar till en bred bild av arbetsmarknaden kopplat till utbildningen medan kontaktnäten bidrar till djupare förståelse och relationer som kan leda vidare till jobb. Värde skapas i hur dessa kompletterar och samspelar med varandra. I tillägg visar studien på att arbetsintegrerat lärande inte endast är viktigt för att koppla samman teori och praktik utan praktikperioder bidrar även till att berika studenternas kontaktnät, som i sin tur kan skapa förutsättningar för studenterna att få ett första arbete efter studierna. Med utgångspunkt i resultatet utformades rekommendationer för fortsatt arbete. Dessa rör att ta tillvara på tidigare studenters erfarenheter av vägen till arbete, analysera effekterna av AIL och särskilt olika former av praktik, utforska fler aspekter av kompetensförsörjning och -förmedling, samt digitala jobbportalers utformning och funktion.

Marketingový audit vybrané společnosti / Marketing Audit of a Company

Ermolin, Daniil January 2021 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with marketing auditing of company Tungaloy Rus with a special focus on its employees’ satisfaction. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the meaning and importance of marketing audit, as well as the concept of employees’ satisfaction and modern approaches to its measurement. The analytical part of the thesis focuses on performing the marketing audit of company Tungaloy Rus and surveying the satisfaction of its employees. The proposal part of the thesis aims to making a set of recommendations based on the results of the marketing audit and the satisfaction research, which leads to improving the company's marketing activities.

Operativní diagnostika při regeneraci bytového domu / Operative diagnosis in the process of regeneration of apartment block

Kunc, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
Essay is devoted to assessment of the existing structure. Primarily is focused on the buildings history, performed structures upgrades, design of structural plans and design process to improve remaining working life of the building.

Checkliste zur objektiven Analyse und Optimierung der psychischen Arbeitsbelastung (COPA 2.0)

Hacker, Winfried January 2015 (has links)
Die psychische Belastung im Arbeitsprozess wurde international und national zu einem Kernproblem für den Arbeitsmarkt. Das deutsche Arbeitsschutzgesetz fordert nunmehr ausdrücklich auch das Vermeiden von Gefährdungen durch psychische Belastung. Diese Checkliste hilft als Orientierungsverfahren zu ermitteln, ob in Betrieben und Einrichtungen eine eingehendere Untersuchung psychischer Belastung erforderlich ist und welche Schwerpunkte gegebenenfalls vorliegen. Für eingehendere Untersuchungen existieren zahlreiche Verfahren. Die Checkliste ist branchenübergreifend einsetzbar, nicht zutreffende Sachverhalte sind gegebenenfalls zu überspringen.

Analýza dotazů webové poradny Gender Studies, o.p.s. položených mezi roky 2006 - 2014 / The Analyses of Queries from Web Counselling of Gender Studies, o. p. s. submitted between the Years 2006 - 2014

Verešová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the questions that were put in to the Gender Studies, o. p. s. online law centre between the years 2006 and 2014. This online law centre is primarily dedicated to answer questions on the topic of discrimination in the labour market, especially on issues relating to maternity or paternity leave as well as reconciliation of personal and working life. The theoretical part is devoted to putting this issue into the appropriate social and legal context. The main aim of this thesis is to answer the research question on what are the topics of the questions asked in this online law centre within the above mentioned time period, and also to determine whether men and women are interested in diverse topics. The chosen research method is quantitative content analysis. The outputs of this analysis are rather descriptive due to the high number of analysed queries. Keywords: discrimination, maternity leave, paternity leave, paternal allowance, reconciliation of personal and working life.

La signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en CSSS, mission CLSC et déclarant avoir une qualité de vie positive au travail

Brousseau, Sylvain 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 90, le réseau de la santé au Québec est soumis à une vaste restructuration qui a eu des conséquences négatives sur la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) des infirmières et infirmiers. Les hommes se retrouvent en nombre croissant dans toutes les sphères de la pratique infirmière, mais les études existantes ne font malheureusement pas mention de la qualité de vie au travail de ceux-ci. Alors, il apparaît pertinent de s’attarder au phénomène de la qualité de vie au travail des hommes infirmiers dans la profession infirmière, et ce, plus précisément en CSSS mission CLSC. Le but de cette étude phénoménologique consiste à décrire et à comprendre la signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en CSSS mission CLSC. L’essence du phénomène, les huit thèmes et les 35 sous-thèmes qui se dégagent directement des entrevues énoncent que la signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en centre de santé et des services sociaux (CSSS), mission CLSC et déclarant avoir une qualité de vie positive au travail, signifie « un climat empreint de caring qui favorise l'épanouissement de l'infirmier en CLSC en œuvrant pour le maintien de l'harmonie entre les sphères professionnelle et familiale ». Si certains résultats corroborent ceux d’études antérieures, d’autres apportent des éléments nouveaux favorisant la santé des infirmiers par le biais de la qualité de vie au travail. Enfin, des avenues concrètes visant la mise en place de programmes d’optimisation de la qualité de vie au travail, sont proposées. / In the 1990s, health care organizations in Québec underwent sweeping reforms that disrupted the work climate and practices of nurses (Bourbonnais et al., 2000; Pérodeau et al., 2002). These reforms had a negative impact on nurses’ quality of working life (QWL), leading decision makers and researchers to investigate the QWL phenomenon from several perspectives (Delmas, 1999; 2001; Gascon, 2001; O’Brien-Pallas & Baumann, 1992). Most of the studies of this phenomenon were conducted in hospital settings and were based on paradigms of psychological distress (Bourbonnais et al., 1998, 2000) or burn-out (a pathogenic perspective) (Duquette et al., 1995) rather than a health paradigm (a salutogenic perspective) (Gascon, 2001). A salutogenic perspective represents a positive vision of an approach to health (Antonovsky, 1996; Delmas, 2001, Duquette & Delmas, 2002). The scientific literature (Brooks et al., 1996; Ekstrom, 1999; Evans, 2001) suggests that, in addition to living through the same upheavals as their female colleagues, some male nurses also have negative feelings related to sex discrimination, feelings of isolation, and the conflict between masculine values (strength, aggressiveness) and the feminine values (gentleness, flexibility) of the nursing profession. These feelings can only hamper nurses’ QWL, yet they are not mentioned in studies of male nurses (Boughn, 2001; Ekstrom, 1999; Evans, 1997, 2001). The aim of the study, using Giorgi’s (1985, 1997a) descriptive phenomenology as a method, is to describe and understand the significance of phenomena through people’s experiences. The findings were derived from semi-structured individual interviews of 60 to 90 minutes with five male nurses who reported a positive quality of life at work. Data analysis consisted of: collecting the data, reading and rereading the results, dividing the data into meaningful units, organizing and stating the raw data in the language of the discipline and, finally, synthesizing the findings and letting the essence of the phenomena emerge. Watson’s (1988, 2005) human caring philosophy served as a backdrop for the entire process. The analysis of verbatim transcripts revealed eight themes that defined the significance of the quality of working life for male nurses practising in community settings: 1) autonomy in their professional practice; 2) job satisfaction; 3) a healthy workplace setting; 4) relations with the administration characterized by support and respect; 5) caring relationships with other members of the interdisciplinary team; 6) working in partnership with female peers; 7) commitment to clients and their families; and 8) professional work-life balance. The essence of the phenomenon stems directly from the themes that emerged during the interviews; it states that for male nurses working in health and social service centres (CSSSs), as part of CLSCs, working life means “a caring climate that fosters the vitality of male CLSC nurses by trying to maintain a balance between their professional and family lives.” If some of the findings confirm what has been reported in other studies, others have added new information on how to promote the health of male nurses by targeting quality of working life. Concrete avenues are proposed for implementing quality of working life optimization programs.

Les commissaires de police face aux "risques psychosociaux" : étude psycho-socio-organisationnelle des contraintes et ressource dans l'activité policière / French police superintendent facing “psychosocial risks” : psycho-socio-organizational study of demands and resources in police activity

Colombani, Jean Sébastien 16 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche vise à comprendre quelles sont les principales atteintes à la santé mentale des policiers de voie publique afin de dégager des pistes d’action managériales et organisationnelles. Nous avons pour cela cherché à identifier les principales contraintes et ressources qui entourent l’activité policière et son encadrement en nous basant sur une démarche de théorisation enracinée, au plus proche des acteurs de terrain, et sur la triangulation de méthodes qualitatives (observation directe et participante, entretiens individuels et collectifs, questionnaires). En croisant les travaux issus de la psychologie, de la sociologie des organisations et de la sociologie de la police, nous avons élaboré un modèle d’analyse systémique et multiniveau permettant de mieux comprendre les dynamiques organisationnelles sous-jacentes au « malaise policier ». Il ressort de cette recherche que l’encadrement policier est lui-même soumis à d’importantes sources de tensions qui le placent notamment dans une situation de management empêché. En somme, il apparaît que les cadres de l’institution sont directement victimes d’un mode d’organisation générateur de souffrance qui ne leur permet pas de répondre efficacement aux attentes formulées par leurs collaborateurs. Ne parvenant pas à agir sur les causes des tensions, la prévention des risques psychosociaux se focalise finalement sur la prise en charge des agents en difficultés. La notion actuelle de qualité de vie au travail, en cohérence avec les travaux issus de la clinique du travail, constitue selon nous un moyen d’action à privilégier pour améliorer la santé des policiers et la qualité du service public. / This research work aims to understand the main occupational injuries for the police officers’ mental health to identify managerial and organizational actions. To this end, we sought to identify the main demands and resources in police activity and its supervision. We based this work on a grounded theory approach, as close as possible to the actors in the ground, and on the triangulation of qualitative methods (direct and participant observation, individual and group interviews, questionnaires). By combining researches from psychology, organizational sociology and police sociology, we built a systemic and multilevel model to understand the organizational dynamics behind the French "police malaise". This research shows that police superintendents are subject to significant sources of tension and are in a situation of “barred management”. It appears that these managers are directly victims of an organizational structure that generates mental suffering and prevent them to respond effectively to their employees’ expectations. Unable to act on the causes of tensions, the psychosocial risks prevention focuses on staff in difficulty. The current concept of quality of working life, consistent with clinical researches in the workplace, is in our opinion a preferred means of action to improve the police officers health and the quality of public service.

"Man kan inte ha mer patienter än man klarar av": En kvalitativ intervjustudie om arbetsmiljöns påverkan för förutsättningarna till ett hållbart arbetsliv inom vård- och omsorgsyrken / "You can not have more patients than you can handle": A qualitative interview study on the impact of the work environment on the conditions for a sustainable working life in the care and nursing profession

Aronsson, Pernilla, Andersson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Inom vård- och omsorgsyrken finns idag en hög sjukfrånvaro som bidrar till en ökad risk för sjukpension, samtidigt som det också är personalbrist inom dessa yrken. En bidragande orsak till dessa problem är att arbetstagarna har en ansträngd arbetsmiljö. För att uppnå en bättre arbetsmiljö är det viktigt att förstå vad arbetstagarna upplever som problematiskt. Därför är syftet med denna studie att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv undersöka hur medarbetare inom vård- och omsorgsyrken upplever sin arbetsmiljö och hur det påverkar förutsättningarna till ett hållbart arbetsliv. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod där 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Teorierna i studien fokuserar på fysiska, psykiska, emotionella och sociala faktorer som kan påverka arbetstagarens arbetsmiljö och förutsättningar till ett hållbart arbetsliv. Genom en tematisk analys identifierades mönster och teman i det insamlade materialet. Resultatet visade att ett gott ledarskap och medarbetarskap samt upplevd arbetsbelastning var avgörande för om medarbetare upplevde en bra eller dålig arbetsmiljö och om de valde att stanna eller lämna yrket. Några viktiga faktorer var socialt stöd, rättvisa löner, erfarna och kompetenta medarbetare, en balans mellan arbete och fritid samt att det fanns resurser för att utföra ett bra arbete. / In the health and care professions, there is today a high level of sick leave that contributes to an increased risk of sickness pension, at the same time there is also a shortage of staff in these professions. A contributing factor to these problems is that workers have a strained work environment. In order to achieve a better working environment, it is important to understand what employees perceive as problematic. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine, from a social psychological perspective, how employees in the care and nursing professions experience their work environment and how it affects the conditions for a sustainable working life. The study is based on a qualitative method in which 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The theories in the study focus on physical, mental, emotional and social factors that can affect an employee's work environment and conditions for a sustainable working life. Using a thematic analysis, patterns and themes were identified in the collected material. The results showed that good leadership and employeeship, and perceived workload were decisive for whether employees experienced a good or bad work environment and whether they chose to stay or leave the profession. Some important factors were social support, fair wages, experienced and competent employees, a balance between work and leisure and that there were resources to perform a good job.

Från hemmafru till karriärskvinna : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie mellan kvinnliga 90-talisters och 60-talisters upplevelser av karriär och utbildning samt hur normer och förväntningar påverkar den unga kvinnan i samhället / From housewife to career women : A qualitative comparative study between female 90’s and 60’s experiences of career and education and how norms and expectations affect young women in the society

Engfors, Teresia, Valentinsson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to get a deeper appreciation of young women’s experiences based on choice of education and career after completing high school. Furthermore the study is based on mothers born in the 60's and daughters born in 90’s in the same family to be able to make a comparison and try to identify why womens stress level is so high today. The methodological approach used in this study is a qualitative method based on ten individual life stories. Moreover the material in this essay has been developed through an analytical induction. Theoretically, this study has used Pierre Bourdieu's cultural sociological perspective and the concepts of habitus, capital and social field in order to be able to identify what shapes women's life choices. An additional theoretical basis used in this study is Beverley Skeggs respectability and the concept of subject positions which is used to describe the different visions constructed based on how women should act in contexts linked to gender and class. This essay has concluded that norms and expectations from society have changed between the generations. The majority of women today feel that there are expectations of studying a post-secondary education at the same time as they have to invest in the family. Additionally, this study summarizes that people born in the 90’s have experienced more or less stress related to education and career, than people born inte 60’s. Furthermore, this essay has concluded that starting a family and family background, in one way or another affect women's attitudes towards education and career.

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