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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the extent of poverty in rural Scotland

Wilson, Michael Drummond January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, motivated by the paucity of previous research in this subject area, describes an attempt to better understand the extent of poverty in rural Scotland and how the factors associated with that poverty may differ in the rest of the country. By identifying factors showing association uniquely with rural as opposed to urban poverty so policy decisions on targeted rural poverty alleviation could be made. Few such factors appear to have been tested formally for their association with poverty in rural Scotland. Using data from British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) datasets I create an income-based measure to compare levels of poverty across the rurality domain for the general population and several sub-populations. I also test the levels of association that factors found in the literature exhibit with households being in poverty, entering poverty and exiting poverty in both rural and non-rural Scotland. In so doing I highlight some of the data limitations within BHPS, particularly in the number of households in the remote and rural categories of the Scottish Government rural classification system. Under the current Scottish Government rural classification system it is evident that poverty in rural Scotland is lower than in the rest of the country. However, in-work poverty and fuel poverty are significantly higher in rural Scotland, where fluctuations in household fuel prices also appear to have a much quicker impact on poverty levels and levels of workless households than in the rest of the country. This thesis identifies evidence that the current definition of rural Scotland excludes parts of Scotland typically described as rural, with the result that the high levels of poverty in these areas goes unreported in most rural poverty analysis. Areas for further research are suggested, as is an alternative regional typology that may better reflect differences in poverty related factors across Scotland.

Periferias urbanas da metrópole de São Paulo: territórios da base da indústria da reciclagem no urbano periférico / Urban peripheries in the city of São Paulo: territories of the base of the recycling industry in the urban peripheral

Rosalina Burgos 06 February 2009 (has links)
Esta Tese tem como questão central o processo de transformações recentes das periferias urbanas da metrópole de São Paulo, no contexto do mundo do trabalho (políticas neo-liberais pós anos 70). Com base neste questionamento, realizou-se uma pesquisa sobre a estruturação da indústria da reciclagem, enquanto objeto plenamente implicado pela questão inicialmente posta. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de três premissas. A primeira diz respeito ao processo de formação da periferia urbana, bem como de suas transformações recentes, tendo como fundamento as determinações do mundo do trabalho. A segunda premissa se refere às formas de inserção dos trabalhadores pobres urbanos no processo de industrialização-urbanização. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o urbano sempre ocupou contigentes de trabalhadores pobres não inseridos em atividades formais. Trata-se, nesta pesquisa, de compreender os termos pelos quais, no contexto da urbanização crítica (Damiani), a indústria da reciclagem se ergue arregimentando milhares de catadores, na condição de trabalhadores sobrantes. A terceira premissa se remete ao fortalecimento do Terceiro Setor, enquanto parte constitutiva do Estado em reforma, cujo fundamento se encontra no contexto das políticas neo-liberais, pós anos 70. Com base nestes fundamentos, a pesquisa foi realizada de acordo com os Níveis e Dimensões do urbano (Henri Lefebvre, 1999) correspondentes aos níveis do real. Por sua vez, privilegiou-se o Nível Misto, propriamente urbano. Enfatiza-se a (re)inserção produtiva de trabalhadores sobrantes nas atividades inscritas no urbano periférico, noção desenvolvida no escopo da Tese. Neste contexto, as periferias urbanas constituem territórios da base desta indústria, inclusive como frentes de formação de capital. Caracterizam-se, neste sentido, como territórios de expropriação, ou ainda, como território de escassez da riqueza produzida. / The central question of this thesis is the transformation process of the recent urban peripheries in the city of São Paulo, concerning to the world of work (neoliberal policies after 70s). Based on this question, was held a search on the structuring of the recycling industry, while object fully involved in the issue originally called. The research was conducted from three premises. The first concerns the formation of the urban periphery, as well as its recent changes, with the plea determinations of the world of work. The second premise refers to integration forms of poor urban workers in the process of industrialization-urbanization. It is assumed that the city always held contingent of working poor not entered into formal activities. It is, in this research, to understand the terms by which, in the context of urbanization critical (Damiani), the recycling industry is built recruit thousands of cart-pullers on the condition of spare-workers. The third premise is referring to the strengthening of the Third Sector as a constituent part of the reforming State, whose foundation is in the context of neo-liberal policies, post 70s. Based on these reasons, the search was carried out according to the Levels and Dimensions of Urban (Henri Lefebvre, 1999) corresponding to the levels of reality. In turn, the emphasis is the Mixed Level, as a proper urban. We emphasize the productive (re) integration of spare-workers in the activities shown in the peripheral urban, developed concept within the scope of the thesis. In this context, the outskirts of urban areas are underpinned this industry, including as fronts for capital formation. They are characterized, in this sense, as areas of expropriation or, as territory of the shortage of wealth.

Appartenir à la société de consommation en étant travailleur pauvre : une approche socio-historique de la construction de la figure du consommateur pauvre / Belonging to the consumer society while being a working poor : A socio-historical approach of the construction of the poor consumer figure

Gorge, Hélène 04 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la construction de la figure du consommateur pauvre en France. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous intéressons aux mécanismes qui sous-tendent le sentiment d’appartenance à la société de consommation pour les travailleurs pauvres. En nous inspirant des travaux de Michel Foucault, nous mettons à jour la manière dont la consommation et les acteurs du marché ont un rôle historiquement décisif dans la construction de formes de gouvernementalité. A cet effet, nous avons conduit une recherche historique afin de comprendre les transformations des représentations sur les pauvres en France depuis les années 1950. Parallèlement, nous avons réalisé des entretiens longs et des collages auprès de 16 travailleurs pauvres en France, afin de comprendre leur interprétation de cette appartenance. Notre analyse interprétative révèle que les discours de consommation des travailleurs pauvres sont structurés autour de la notion de responsabilisation. La responsabilisation agit comme un dispositif au sens foucaldien, qui influence trois types d’appartenance de ces individus à la société de consommation : une appartenance légitime, une appartenance compétente et une appartenance modérée. Nous concluons cette recherche par une discussion sur les implications de la responsabilisation sur le processus de construction de lien social des ravailleurs pauvres. Nous mettons en valeur les implications de cette analyse pour les entreprises et certains organismes publics qui sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus enclins à « cibler » les consommateurs pauvres. / This thesis focuses on the construction of the poor consumer figure in France. Specifically, we are interested in the mechanisms underlying the sense of belonging to the consumption society in the case of working poor people. Inspired by Michel Foucault’s works, we are looking at the decisive historical role of consumption and market actors in the shaping of specific forms of governmentality. To this end, we have conducted a historical research in order to understand the transformations of the representations of poor people in France since the 1950s. In parallel, we have completed long interviews and collages with 16 working poor people in France, in order to understand their interpretation of this belonging. Our interpretive analysis reveals that working poor’s consumption discourses are produced around the notion of responsibilization. Responsibilization appears as a Foucaldian dispositif which is influencing three senses of belonging of these people to the consumption society: a legitimate one, a competent one and a moderate one. We conclude this research with a discussion on the implications of responsibilization in the working poor’s process of construction of social link. It reveals implications for the companies and public organizations which are more and more willing to “target” poor consumers.

Design And Implementation Plan For The "i Am Potential" Financial Literacy Education Program

Louis, Tureka 01 January 2014 (has links)
This Financial Literacy Program Model is a proposed solution to the problem of financial illiteracy among the working poor. Over 80 percent of adults in America are not financially literate, yet more than half believe themselves to be (OECD, 2005). No community is more adversely affected by this fallacy than the working poor. Earning income, yet living below the poverty line, this group is as deceived as any other by the misconception that increased income is their sole remedy rather than a small part of the complex equation greatly influenced by financial literacy. Drawing upon a review of related literature, observation of a successful program, and interviews, three barriers to financial literacy education are presented and addressed in this program’s design. 1) Overblown financial self-efficacy spawns the popular belief held by most financially illiterate individuals that they are financially literate (OECD, 2005). 2) Lack of differentiation is prevalent. Existing programs cover basic financial topics with a one size fits all approach. 3) Although attrition rates are high, there are few motivational interventions in place within currently existing programs. These obstacles combined with the unique set of circumstances faced by the working poor exacerbate financial illiteracy and its related issues. This program was designed as part of the I Am Potential, Inc initiative (IAP) – an effort to assist individuals who desire to enhance their lives. In particular, IAP targets underserved communities. The “I Am Potential” Financial Literacy Program Model and Implementation Plan addresses these issues through instructional design with pre- and post-treatment financial self efficacy and motivation assessments along with differential instructional delivery methods, including a variety of modes and durations available for a distinctive learner population. The iv model accommodates the subsequent addition of coursework for enhancement in other life domains.

Working, but Poor: A Study of Georgia's Economic Self-Sufficiency Policies

Hayes, Rosa B. 03 August 2006 (has links)
The "work first" philosophy of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act sent millions of people into the labor force, many for the first time. The result was a dramatic increase in the number of workers whose earnings failed to pull them and their families out of poverty. Assistance in the form of childcare, transportation, medical coverage, and the Earned Income Tax Credit is beginning to receive attention as support mechanisms for people who do not earn adequate wages and receive little benefits from their employers. This study examines the effectiveness of Georgia's approach to providing work support programs to its working poor citizens. No single entity is responsible for making work supports accessible. Thus, services often go underutilized because those who might qualify are not aware of their potential eligibility. Further, there is no state level strategy for ensuring that wage advancement is considered by agencies providing work support services. Using client administrative wage data from the Georgia Department of Labor and qualitative interviews from program staff, the state's structure for assisting the working poor is examined.

Soziale Lage und Gesundheit: Gesundheitsrisiken und Perspektiven von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Kokot, Andre 17 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Eine Untersuchung über den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und dem Gesundheitsstatus bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.

Essays on the macroeconomic consequences of remittances in developing countries / Essais sur les effets macroéconomiques des envois de fonds des migrants dans les pays en développement

Ebeke, Christian Hubert Xavier Camille 24 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux effets macroéconomiques des envois de fonds des migrants dans les paysen développement. La première partie de la thèse analyse l’effet causal des envois de fonds surplusieurs indicateurs de bien-Être, tandis que la deuxième partie examine l’effet des envois de fondssur la politique publique des pays receveurs. Plusieurs résultats émergent. Premièrement, les envois defonds des migrants réduisent significativement la part des individus travaillant pour moins de 2 dollarset cet effet apparaît renforcé dans un contexte de faible développement financier, forte instabilitémacroéconomique et forte prévisibilité des envois de fonds (Chapitre 1.). Deuxièmement, les envoisde fonds réduisent l’instabilité de la consommation privée et cet effet est d’autant plus important quele niveau de développement financier est faible et que le niveau des envois de fonds est faible. Parailleurs, les envois de fonds absorbent différents types de chocs (Chapitre 2.). Troisièmement, lesenvois de fonds atténuent significativement les effets des catastrophes naturelles sur l’output agrégé,cependant cet effet stabilisateur diminue avec le niveau d’envois de fonds reçus (Chapitre 3.). Ladeuxième partie de la thèse analyse l’impact des envois de fonds des migrants sur la politiquepublique. Premièrement, il apparaît que la contracyclicité des envois fonds contribue à réduire le rôled’assurance joué par la consommation publique dans les pays ouverts sur l’extérieur (Chapitre 4.).Deuxièmement, les envois de fonds réduisent significativement la part des dépenses publiques socialesdans les pays caractérisés par une mal gouvernance (Chapitre 5.). Troisièmement, les envois de fondscontribuent à accroître à la fois le volume et la stabilité du taux de recettes fiscales dans les pays ayantadopté une taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (Chapitre 6.). / This thesis focused on the consequences of remittance inflows in developing countries. The first partexplored the causal impacts of remittances on some indicators of aggregate welfare while the secondpart examined the effects of remittances on public policy. Several results emerged. First, remittanceinflows help reduce the proportion of individuals selling low wages and this effect is stronger in acontext of low level of financial development, high macroeconomic instability and less unpredictableremittances (Chapter 1). Second, remittances have a robust stabilizing impact on the privateconsumption. However, this effect tends to decrease with the levels of remittance inflows and financialdevelopment. Moreover, remittance-Dependent economies seem to be strongly sheltered against thedamaging effects of various types of shocks affecting consumption (Chapter 2). In Chapter 3, theresults highlighted that remittance inflows dampen the positive effect of natural disasters on the outputgrowth volatility. However, this impact was strongly reduced as the level of remittances increased.The second part of the thesis revealed interesting results regarding the effects of remittance inflows onpublic policy. First, remittance inflows reduce the insurance role played by the governmentconsumption in more open economies and this effect is more likely to hold when remittances exhibit acountercyclical behavior (Chapter 4). In Chapter 5, the results showed that the fiscal retrenchmentinduced by remittance inflows, is particularly marked for the public education and health spending incountries characterized by various types of governance problems. Finally, the thesis showed that theeffects of remittances do not only concern the expenditure side but also the revenue side. Remittancesare more likely to increase the fiscal space in receiving economies that rely on the value added taxsystem. In these countries, remittance inflows help increase both the level and the stability of thegovernment tax revenue ratio (Chapter 6).

Soziale Lage und Gesundheit: Gesundheitsrisiken und Perspektiven von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Kokot, Andre 08 May 2008 (has links)
Eine Untersuchung über den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und dem Gesundheitsstatus bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.

社會國原則、國家保護義務與弱勢者─以社會給付行政相關問題為中心 / The social state principle, state duty to protect and the disadvantaged- administrative issues of benefit payments for the spindle

林莅薰, Lin, Lih Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
從層出不窮的社會案件中,不難窺知,實務上社會給付行政,存有落實不力、進而對弱勢者造成諸多不利益影響之問題,誠揭櫫了,建立專屬於弱勢者社會給付之行政體系之必要性。然而,對於弱勢者社會給付行政體系之建立,首要前提便是─須確立對弱勢者族群,國家有給予較多之保護與保障之職責。據此,於憲法層次意義上的討論便格外具有其重要性。爰此,本文將主軸置於社會國原則之探討,以及國家保護義務之分析,並嘗試推敲二者間之相互關係為何,以作為對弱勢者保護之憲法基石。主要參酌德國法制實務與學理之探討,作為討論之軸心;並對照我國實務暨學理上的討論為統整融合。 奠定於社會國原則與國家保護義務所建構之憲法核心思維基礎後,本文認為進行關於弱勢者社會給付行政體系之建立,將更具正當性與合理性。復而秉持著上開憲法上中心思想,參酌比較法制度,針對社會給付行政實務中廣泛可見之行政指導,以及相對於傳統干預行政體系之社會給付行政特性,進行微調與修正。前者將以日本法制度為對照組;後者則以德國社會行政程序法為主要觀察對象,遂嘗試擬定一我國社會給付行政體系之雛型。嗣後並反觀我國法制度規範,推敲採納該體系之可行性與可效倣理由。 透過對弱勢者社會給付行政體系之憲法上社會國原則暨國家保護義務之基礎,以及行政法體系之雛型,解決目前實務可能發生之怠為/不為、錯誤之行政指導;民眾協力義務要求程度之疑問、機關職權調查之必要性;乃至於實體層面信賴保護原則之相關問題。另外,並針對協力義務與職權調查容忍義務部分,涉及社會給付與受領社會給付者之憲法基本權衝突的議題做一檢視;以及源自英美國家之「工作福利」(workfare)制度,立於憲法基本權侵害之切入視點,檢討納入我國社會給付行政制度之運行操作是否合適妥當。

The role of minimum wages in South Africa’s agricultural sector

Netshivhodza, Thivhalemi Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Income inequality is prevalent in both developed and developing countries. In all of these countries there are workers who are highly paid while others are given very low wages. The disgruntled low-paid workers in these countries usually force their governments to intervene in the labour market and introduce the redistributive policies like the minimum wage policy. Governments usually accede to these demands of low-paid workers because they do not want to invite political troubles. That led to an increase in the number of countries using minimum wage policy as redistributive mechanism in the late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Minimum wage policy is, however, a very controversial issue. Supporters of minimum wages regard the policy as ideal because it provides social protection to un-unionised and low-paid workers with little or no bargaining power. The opponents of the policy on the other hand argue that wages in the labour market should be determined by the forces of demand and supply. It is argued that wages that are artificially determined lead to the rationing of jobs and displacement of the very same low-paid workers that the policy is intended to protect, as employers are forced to replace unskilled workers with skilled workers and machines. South Africa’s agricultural sector workers were among some of the least paid workers in the country. Employers were able to exploit these workers because they were not protected by any labour legislation that workers in other sectors were afforded. Farm workers were only protected by common law. It was only in the 1990s that labour legislations like Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relations Act, Employment Equity Act, Extension of Security Act and Tenure Act and Skills Development Act were extended to the agricultural sector in an attempt to protect the working conditions of vulnerable workers. These acts as well failed to improve the working conditions of the agricultural sector workers and that prompted the Minister of Labour to instruct the Director-General of Labour to conduct the necessary investigations to see if it could be necessary to introduce minimum standard of employment in the sector, including minimum wages. That led to the adoption of Sectoral Determination 8 of 2003 which introduced sectoral minimum wage in the sector. The sectoral minimum wage which came into effect in 2003 was increased annually by the rate of inflation plus one per cent. It was only in 2013, after the Western Cape farm workers went on strike for higher wages, that the minimum wage was raised by 52 per cent. As argued by the opponents of minimum wages, job losses occurred among unskilled workers. The implementation of minimum wage policy in the agricultural sector was problematic, as the policy was not properly complied with due to several compliance concerns. Apart from there being insufficient inspectors to monitor and investigate cases of non-compliance, inspectors were under-trained and under-equipped. Fines imposed on offenders were too small, which further encouraged disregard for the policy. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)

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