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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Présence du jeune enfant : événement philosophique, source de questionnement éthique / The presence of a young child : philosophical event, ethical issue

Garrigue Abgrall, Marie 10 December 2009 (has links)
Pourquoi un événement en apparence si naturel qu’est l’accueil d’un bébé se révèle t-il si bouleversant et si complexe ? Pourquoi cette présence peut-elle provoquer joie et émerveillement ou angoisse et violence ? N’est-ce pas parce que l’enfant si vulnérable détient aussi une puissance créatrice ? Créateur de relations et d’émotions, il est d’emblée un être d’esprit. Il commence sa vie avec son lot, son daimon singulier. Suivant celui-ci il sera « jeté-dans-le monde » ou accueilli. Trait d’union entre les forces les plus archaïques et la civilisation, le très jeune enfant nous montre à quel point les mouvements de son corps sont le reflet de sa vie psychique. C’est pourquoi une attention aux soins de maternage, au jeu et aux activités d’éveil va être, avec ses parents, au coeur du processus d’intersubjectivité. Cette éducation première prenant sa source dans le soin est déjà de l’ordre du politique et suppose une éthique qui permette à l’enfant de s’épanouir et d’habiter le monde / A baby's arrival is such a natural occurrence: why does it cause so much upheaval? Why does its presence create so much joy and wonderment or else such angst and violence? Is it because the child possesses both vulnerability and colossal creative potential? Creator of relationships and of emotions, from the beginning, the child is a spiritual being. He starts out life with his fate, his particular daimon. After his arrival, he will be thrown in the world or he will be welcomed and integrated. As he is at the interplay between the most archaic forces and civilization, the very young child demonstrates that his physical movements reflect his psychic life. Along with his parents, maternal care, play, and his activities are at the core of the intersubjective process. The care of the child is his initial education and is already reflective of political acts and presupposes an ethic which will allow the child to blossom and to inhabit his world

Terapeutiese begeleiding van die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het

Engelbrecht, Stephanie 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In today's society our children are being incredibly exposed to trauma and death. Parents want to protect their children against hardship and loss and it is evident that todays society is characterized by social pathology. In view of the above the researcher studied literature extensively to investigate the affect of the phenomenon of death and trauma in the life of the young child. In order to establish the availability of therapy programs for the young child in childcare whose parents died in an unnatural way. It was evident that the present South African society is indeed characterized by conflict, homicide and violence. The death of a parent is a traumatic experience for the young child (aged two to seven years). VVhen death occurs suddenly it was found that the grief process is more complex. Through the process of literature study and empirical investigation it seems that many young children, who lost their parents through unnatural death, are placed in childcare institutions. In this study it was established that the fact that children were placed in childcare did not always imply that therapeutic intervention took place. Limited financial support and social services contributed to insufficient therapeutical intervention. Furthermore it was found that the investigated childcare institutions couldn't provide the researcher with therapeutic programmes. This study therefore indicates that there is a need for the development of therapeutic programmes for the young child in childcare. whose parents died in an unnatural way. / In die hedendaagse samelewing blyk dit dat kinders al hoe meer aan dood en trauma blootgestel word. Hoewel ouers graag hulle kinders wil beskerm teen hartseer en verlies, blyk dit dat vandag se samelewing gekenmerk word deur 'n vorm van sosiale patologie. In die lig van voorafgaande, het die navorser literatuurstudie onderneem om die teenwoordigheid en die fenomeen van dood en trauma in die lewe van die jong kind te ondersoek. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is ook onderneem om die rou ervaring van die jong kind te ondersoek. Die navorser wou ook in hierdie studie vasstel of daar terapeutiese begeleiding aan die jong kind in kindersorg, wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, beskikbaar is. Daar is in die studie gevind dat die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing inderdaad gekenmerk word deur konflik, moord en misdaad. Die afsterwe van 'n ouer is 'n traumatiese ondervinding vir die jong kind (twee tot sewe jaar). Wanneer die dood skielik en onverwags intree, is bevind dat die rouproses gekompliseerd is. Deur die proses van literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat verskeie jong kinders wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, in kindersorginstansies geplaas word. Daar is in hierdie studie bewys dat hoewel die kind in kindersorginstansies geplaas word, terapeutiese begeleiding nie altyd plaasvind nie. Hierdie gebrekkige terapeutiese begeleiding word toegeskryf aan die feit dat nie voldoende finansiele ondersteuning en maatskaplike dienste is nie. Daar is verder gevind dat kindersorginstansies, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, nie oor traumaterapie programme vir terapeutiese begeleiding beskik nie. Hierdie studie toon dus dat daar 'n behoefte is vir die ontwikkeling van terapeutiese programme vir die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Terapeutiese begeleiding van die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het

Engelbrecht, Stephanie 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In today's society our children are being incredibly exposed to trauma and death. Parents want to protect their children against hardship and loss and it is evident that todays society is characterized by social pathology. In view of the above the researcher studied literature extensively to investigate the affect of the phenomenon of death and trauma in the life of the young child. In order to establish the availability of therapy programs for the young child in childcare whose parents died in an unnatural way. It was evident that the present South African society is indeed characterized by conflict, homicide and violence. The death of a parent is a traumatic experience for the young child (aged two to seven years). VVhen death occurs suddenly it was found that the grief process is more complex. Through the process of literature study and empirical investigation it seems that many young children, who lost their parents through unnatural death, are placed in childcare institutions. In this study it was established that the fact that children were placed in childcare did not always imply that therapeutic intervention took place. Limited financial support and social services contributed to insufficient therapeutical intervention. Furthermore it was found that the investigated childcare institutions couldn't provide the researcher with therapeutic programmes. This study therefore indicates that there is a need for the development of therapeutic programmes for the young child in childcare. whose parents died in an unnatural way. / In die hedendaagse samelewing blyk dit dat kinders al hoe meer aan dood en trauma blootgestel word. Hoewel ouers graag hulle kinders wil beskerm teen hartseer en verlies, blyk dit dat vandag se samelewing gekenmerk word deur 'n vorm van sosiale patologie. In die lig van voorafgaande, het die navorser literatuurstudie onderneem om die teenwoordigheid en die fenomeen van dood en trauma in die lewe van die jong kind te ondersoek. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is ook onderneem om die rou ervaring van die jong kind te ondersoek. Die navorser wou ook in hierdie studie vasstel of daar terapeutiese begeleiding aan die jong kind in kindersorg, wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, beskikbaar is. Daar is in die studie gevind dat die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing inderdaad gekenmerk word deur konflik, moord en misdaad. Die afsterwe van 'n ouer is 'n traumatiese ondervinding vir die jong kind (twee tot sewe jaar). Wanneer die dood skielik en onverwags intree, is bevind dat die rouproses gekompliseerd is. Deur die proses van literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat verskeie jong kinders wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, in kindersorginstansies geplaas word. Daar is in hierdie studie bewys dat hoewel die kind in kindersorginstansies geplaas word, terapeutiese begeleiding nie altyd plaasvind nie. Hierdie gebrekkige terapeutiese begeleiding word toegeskryf aan die feit dat nie voldoende finansiele ondersteuning en maatskaplike dienste is nie. Daar is verder gevind dat kindersorginstansies, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, nie oor traumaterapie programme vir terapeutiese begeleiding beskik nie. Hierdie studie toon dus dat daar 'n behoefte is vir die ontwikkeling van terapeutiese programme vir die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

The Role of Mobile Devices in Young Children's Information Behavior / Examining Families' Practices and Perceptions

Schlebbe, Kirsten 21 February 2023 (has links)
Diese kumulative Dissertation untersucht die Rolle mobiler Geräte im Informationsverhalten junger Kinder aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Einerseits wird erforscht, ob informationsbezogene Aktivitäten Teil der Nutzung mobiler Technologien durch junge Kinder sind. Andererseits wird untersucht, ob Aspekte des kindlichen Informationsverhaltens bei der Sichtweise von Eltern und Kinder auf die Nutzung von mobilen Geräten eine Rolle spielen. Die erste in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Studie bietet einen explorativen Einblick in die Nutzung mobiler Geräte durch junge Kinder anhand von Interviews mit Eltern von Kindern im Alter von ein bis sechs Jahren. Basierend auf einer Sekundäranalyse der Interviewdaten wird im Rahmen der zweiten Studie erforscht, wie Eltern die Nutzung von Mobilgeräten durch ihre Kinder wahrnehmen und medienpädagogisch begleiten und diskutiert, wie dies das Informationsverhalten der Kinder beeinflussen könnte. Unter Anwendung eines Uses-and-Gratifications-Ansatzes wird in der dritten Studie untersucht, was Kundenrezensionen für ein Kinder-Tablet über die Nutzung des Geräts und die Erwartungen von Familien aussagen. In der vierten Studie wird anhand eines multimethodischen Ansatzes ein besonderer Fokus auf die Einbeziehung der kindlichen Perspektive gelegt und erforscht, wie Kinder im Alter von vier bis sechs Jahren mobile Geräte nutzen und ob Aspekte des kindlichen Informationsverhaltens eine Rolle bei der Sichtweise von Familien auf die Nutzung spielen. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass mobile Geräte definitiv eine Rolle im Informationsverhalten von jungen Kindern einnehmen können, wobei ihr Potenzial für die Entdeckung von Informationen oftmals nicht im Vordergrund der Wahrnehmung durch Eltern und Kinder steht. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen leistet die Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Adressierung bestehender Forschungslücken im Bereich des Informationsverhaltens junger Kinder im Allgemeinen sowie im spezifischen Kontext der Nutzung mobiler Geräte. / This cumulative doctoral thesis examines the role of mobile devices in young children's information behavior from different perspectives. On the one hand, it explores whether information-related activities are part of young children's use of mobile technologies. On the other hand, it investigates whether aspects of children's information behavior play a role in parents' and children's perceptions of mobile device use. The first study presented in this thesis gains exploratory insight into young children's use of mobile devices through interviews with parents of families with children aged one to six years. Based on a secondary analysis of the interview data, the second study examines how parents perceive and mediate young children's use of mobile devices and discusses how this might influence children's information behavior. By applying a uses and gratifications approach, the third study investigates what customer reviews for a tablet for children reveal about the use of this device and expectations of the families. Using a multi-method approach, the fourth study places a particular focus on the inclusion of children's perspectives and investigates how children aged four to six years use mobile devices and whether aspects related to children's information behavior play a role in families' perceptions of this use. Overall, the results show that mobile devices can clearly play a role in young children's information behavior, although their potential for children's information discovery is not always prominent in parents' and children's perceptions. With these findings, this work makes an important contribution to addressing existing research gaps regarding young children's information behavior in general as well as in the specific context of mobile device use.

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