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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feminine fantasies and reality in the fiction of Eileen Chang and Alice Munro

Wang, Yuanfei 05 1900 (has links)
It seems unwise to compare Eileen Chang and Alice Munro, because at first glance the urban traits of Chang's Shanghai and Hong Kong romances are dissimilar to the rural idiosyncrasies of Munro's southwestern Ontario stories. However, both the female writers describe in their fiction the women characters' romantic fantasies and their interrelationships with reality. In Chang's Romances, in the westernized and commercialized cosmopolitan set, a new age is coming, and the traditional patriarchal familial and moral systems are disintegrating. The women try to escape from frustrating circumstances through the rescue of romantic love and marriage. In Munro's fiction, the women attempt to get ride of their banal small-town cultures in order to search for freedom of imagination and expression through the medium of art, although at ; the center of their quest for selfhood is always their love and hate relationship with men. The women are in the dilemma of "female financial reality" and romantic love; they express their desires and fears through immoral and abnormal love relationships and vicarious escapades in their imagination; their interpretation of life and love is in reference to art in general, but such interpretation is full of disguise. Only in their unbound daydreams and imagination can they express their desires freely. Alice Munro and Eileen Chang's fictional worlds bespeak a sense of femininity. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

The mythology of Hero : a study of Chinese national cinema

Zha, Yu, 1970- January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

“In-between” Primitivism: Miguel Covarrubias’ Circle from Harlem to Shanghai

Adomanis, Asia Briana January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Large Scale Computer Investigations of Non-Equilibrium Surface Growth for Surfaces from Parallel Discrete Event Simulations

Verma, Poonam Santosh 08 May 2004 (has links)
The asymptotic scaling properties of conservative algorithms for parallel discrete-event simulations (e.g.: for spatially distributed parallel simulations of dynamic Monte Carlo for spin systems) of one-dimensional systems with system size $L$ is studied. The particular case studied here is the case of one or two elements assigned to each processor element. The previously studied case of one element per processor is reviewed, and the two elements per processor case is presented. The key concept is a simulated time horizon which is an evolving non equilibrium surface, specific for the particular algorithm. It is shown that the flat-substrate initial condition is responsible for the existence of an initial non-scaling regime. Various methods to deal with this non-scaling regime are documented, both the final successful method and unsuccessful attempts. The width of this time horizon relates to desynchronization in the system of processors. Universal properties of the conservative time horizon are derived by constructing a distribution of the interface width at saturation.


吳德信, WU, DE-XING Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採三個分析層次:國際環境、個人環境,而以人物為重點,來探討張之洞思想 。理論的形成及其運作。 文分六章十四節:第一章導論,就張之洞時代的國際環境。滿清政權所考量的國家利 益或目標(國內環境),作一總體申述。第二章簡介張之洞的出耳背景,所受的教育 ,道德人格,政治經歷及其洋務知識,予以說明。第三章探討張之洞思想的形成,從 早期思想,清流黨時期的思想到從事實務工作後的思想、轉變之心路歷程,予以循序 鋪陳。第四章研究張之洞的外交理論,這也是本論文之主幹所在。第五章敘述東南亞 互保運動,及張之洞在此運動中所分演的角色。第六章為結論。對張之洞的均勢思想 ,略加評估。


李相沃, LI, XIANG-WO Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共七章,十五節,約六萬字。其章節次序為:導論,內含研究目的、方法、範 圍及問題的提出。第一章為:張之洞政治思想的理論背景,內中分為生平、時代背景 及思想淵源。第二章為:張之洞政治思想的理論基礎,內分三種要素、歷史觀、世界 觀及價值觀。第三章為:張之洞政治思想的理論結構,其中包括:「中體西用」思想 的內涵,「中學」學「西學」的關係,以及「中體西用」思想的理論體系。第四章 :主述其「務本論」(毋固本論)。內分保國與保種、保種、保教及反民權等項。第 五章:則言其「務通論」(維新論或開通論)。內含益智、變法及會通等項。最後為 結論,則評述張之洞政治思想及實踐與其現代的意義。


杜梅生, DU, MEI-SHAN Unknown Date (has links)
前言部份,將先界定本論文的起止斷限─一八九七年至一九二七年,並說明研究動機 。 第一章定名:張國燾的早年生涯,計分二小節,就傳統與西化衝擊的背景及革命運動 的響往這兩條主脈,探究張氏的早年生活。 第二章定名:逐步走向馬克思主義之路,計分三小節,就時代背景及張氏所受教育環 境的影響,探究其走向馬克思主義的緣由。 第三章定名:張國燾及中國共產黨的成立,計分三小節,由張氏參與中共建黨的實際 工作,及對工人運動的積極態度,探討張氏在中共黨內所扮演的角色。 第四章定名:從容共到清黨,計分三小節,將以國共之分合為經,以中共政策轉變之 緣由為緯,經緯交錯,說明張氏在中共黨內所堅持的理想為何?並解釋之。 結論中將綜合各章,分別就張氏的人格、時代背景、教育環境等等,說明張氏成為中 共黨員的一個歷程,並提昇它的時代意義。

論「開端」──張載《正蒙》與黑格爾《邏輯學》中「有」、「無」論之對比 / The “Beginning”──The Discussion of Being and Nothing in Zhang Zai’s Thought and Hegel’s Wissenschaft der Logik

吳淨騁 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 哲學家黑格爾以「存有與無是相同的」(das Sein und das Nichts ist dasselbe)作為他《邏輯學》的起點,而宋代理學家張載則從「清虛一大」談世界的起源,由「有無虛實通而為一」主張「有/無→有」。 兩者入學之徑或許大異其趣,但兩者都談了世界之源起,且兩者之談論都導向了「有無一」(das Sein und das Nichts ist dasselbe)之相同點;這成了本比較哲學論文的關鍵論題。 由「有無一」吾人可以見識二者思想互通之處,從而比較二位思想家是如何談「世界的開端(den Anfang der Welt)。」 二、 本文寫作的步驟為各自鋪陳出張載《正蒙》與黑格爾《邏輯學》論開端的文本內容。在比較的過程中並為了釐清某些關鍵術語,亦進行了若干小規模之比較哲學工作。如(1) 論中西「本體」意義之不同 (2) 比較漢語語境中的「形而上/形而下」與亞里斯多德μεταπηυσιψσ一書之主題(3) 氣與亞里斯多德的物質因(causa materialis/tên hulên kai to hupokeimenon)之比較(4) 論「存有」(ὄν)一詞之漢語翻譯(5) 談「變」(das Werden)與「易」之對比(6)「道」與希臘人logos之間的對比。 另外,黑格爾亦論證「思想史」乃與「精神發展之歷史」的平行,故其言「純粹的有」,實乃對應著巴曼尼得斯的「存有」,「純粹的無」對應著佛教/老子的無,「變」對應著赫拉克利圖斯。本文除一一討論黑格爾的想法外,並藉著張載闢佛與闢老的想法,重新對比了黑格爾、張載思想與歷史上對於開端所作出談論的思想家之間的比較。 三、 最後,在結論處,本文以黑格爾與張載「有無同一且已同出」的真理,去檢討了歷史上對於開端的種種談論,包括了道家「有生於無」、「從無生無」(Ex nihilo nihil fit)、基督教之「從無生有」……等等。 / Theologian Hegel takes the purest Nous as beginning of his philosophical system. The purest category is “pure being” (das reine Sein), from the content of “pure being”, Hegel infers the next category “pure nothing” (das reine Nichts), and proves that these two are identical. Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianist Zhang Zai discusses the beginning of the world from his essential terminology “Clear Empty One Big” (清虛一大), and advocates that “being, nothing, void, fullness, but is one”(有無虛實通而為一). The thought systems of Hegel and Zhang Zai are very different, but both discuss the beginning of the world, and both of discussion guided to the same point “being and nothing is one and the same” (das Sein und das Nichts ist dasselbe); This is the central argument of this comparative philosophy dissertation.

嚴復對張之洞體用論的批評 =: Jen Fu's critique of Chang Chih-tung's concepts of substance and function. / Jen Fu's critique of Chang Chih-tung's concepts of substance and function / Yan Fu dui Zhang Zhidong ti yong lun de pi ping =: Jen Fu's critique of Chang Chih-tung's concepts of substance and function.

January 1979 (has links)
論文(碩士)--香港中文大學硏究院哲學部,1979. / Ms. / Includes bibliographical references. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan zhe xue bu. / 導言 / Chapter (甲) --- 現代化的含義 --- p.7 / Chapter (乙) --- 中國近百年現代化的歷史背景及特徵 --- p.9 / Chapter (丙) --- 本文之目的 --- p.14 / Chapter 第一章 --- 時代背景 --- p.21 / Chapter (甲) --- 洋務派 --- p.21 / Chapter (乙) --- 守舊派 --- p.26 / Chapter (丙) --- 改良派 --- p.29 / Chapter 第二章 --- 嚴復在戊戌政變前的政論 --- p.39 / Chapter (甲) --- 嚴復的早期學習生活 --- p.39 / Chapter (乙) --- 嚴復在戊戌政變前的政論 --- p.43 / Chapter (一) --- 政論的精神 --- p.45 / Chapter (二) --- 政論的內容 --- p.46 / Chapter (三) --- 政論的哲學思想 --- p.51 / Chapter 一 --- 宇宙觀 --- p.51 / Chapter 二 --- 認識論 --- p.55 / Chapter 三 --- 倫理觀 --- p.61 / Chapter 四 --- 政治論 --- p.64 / Chapter 第三章 --- 張之洞勸學篇的體用論 --- p.74 / Chapter (甲) --- 張之洞的簡略生平 --- p.74 / Chapter (乙) --- 勸學篇的產生 --- p.76 / Chapter (丙) --- 勸學篇的精神 --- p.79 / Chapter (丁) --- 勸學篇的內容 --- p.83 / Chapter (戊) --- 勸學篇的體用論 --- p.91 / Chapter (一) --- 體用二字的出處及沿用 --- p.91 / Chapter (二) --- 體用二字的應用方式 --- p.94 / Chapter (三) --- 體用論的具體對象 --- p.96 / Chapter (四) --- 體用論的理論基礎 --- p.101 / Chapter 第四章 --- 嚴復對張之洞體用論的批評 --- p.110 / Chapter (甲) --- 嚴復與外文報主人論教育書的產生 --- p.110 / Chapter (乙) --- 與外交報主人論教育書的重要性 --- p.114 / Chapter (丙) --- 與外交報主人論教育書的內容 --- p.122 / Chapter (丁) --- 與外交報主人論教育書對張之洞体用論的批評 --- p.125 / Chapter 第五章 --- 分析張之洞的體用論 --- p.136 / Chapter (甲) --- 社會心理的分析 --- p.136 / Chapter (乙) --- 個人性格的分析 --- p.140 / Chapter (丙) --- 實際功用的分析 --- p.144 / Chapter (丁) --- 思想理論的分析 --- p.150 / Chapter 第六章 --- 分析嚴復的政論及其對張之洞體用論的批評 --- p.168 / Chapter (甲) --- 社會心理的分析 --- p.168 / Chapter (乙) --- 個人性格的分析 --- p.171 / Chapter (丙) --- 實際功用的分析 --- p.175 / Chapter (丁) --- 思想理論的分析 --- p.179 / Chapter (一) --- 戊戍政變前的政論之哲學思想 --- p.179 / Chapter 一 --- 宇宙觀 --- p.180 / Chapter 二 --- 認識論 --- p.181 / Chapter 三 --- 倫理觀 --- p.182 / Chapter 四 --- 政治論 --- p.184 / Chapter (二) --- 與外交報主人論教育書對張之洞体用論的批評 --- p.186 / Chapter 一 --- 批評的方法 --- p.186 / Chapter 二 --- 批評的內容 --- p.187 / 結論:時代意義 --- p.193

Female self, body and food strategies of resistance in Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood, Zhang Jie and Xi Xi (China, Zimbabwe). / Female self, body and food : strategies of resistance in Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood, Zhang Jie and Xi Xi / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium

January 2002 (has links)
"2002." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-239). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

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