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Kombinationen arbete och föräldraskap : En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie av den kommunalarbetande förälderns identitetskonstruktionGode, Fredrika, Johansson, Stina January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker identitetskonstruktionen gällande den arbetande föräldern inom kommunal verksamhet. Studien syftar till att diskursivt belysa identitetskonstruktionen med en teoretisk utgångspunkt inom kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) enligt Fairclough. Den metodologiska utgångspunkten är Faircloughs tredimensionella modell där de tre dimensionerna är bestående av text, diskursiv praktik och social praktik. Dessa tre är enskilt sammankopplade till tre frågeställningar underliggande det övergripande syftet. Det empiriska materialet är bestående av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer av kommunalarbetande föräldrar inom barn och utbildningsförvaltningen i Eskilstuna kommun samt tre av Eskilstuna kommuns policydokument. Studiens resultat synliggör hur den diskursiva praktiken berörande den kommunalarbetande förälderns identitetskonstruktion är bestående av den kommunala medarbetarskapsdiskursen samt föräldraskapsdiskursens samverkan. Dessa inkluderar tillskrivna normativa förväntningar samt ett individuellt ansvar som produceras av individen själv, individens familj samt institutionen bestående av den kommunala verksamheten. Den arbetande förälderns identitet inom kommunal verksamhet placeras även till en kontext kännetecknat av det senmoderna samhället där det egna ansvaret samt reflexivitet i form av anpassning betonas. Den arbetande förälderns identitet inom kommunal verksamhet är i ständig förändring och sker i allt snabbare takt där den arbetande föräldern själv är ansvarig för att eftersträva de rådande normativa förväntningarna.
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Ideology in the French translation of Ngugi Wa Thiong'o's children's booksMinga, Katunga Joseph 25 October 2006 (has links)
Minga, Katunga Joseph (0301525P)
MA translation 2005
School of Literature and language studies
Dr Inggs, J
jinggs@languages.wits.ac.za / The research presented here analyses translations of Ngugi wa Tshiong’o’s children’s books from the point of view of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), as outlined by Norman Fairclough (1989, 1992). The research investigates whether an approach taking
into consideration ideological issues in translation is most appropriate in translating Ngugi’s children books for a francophone child reader by giving them access to Gĩkữyữ culture.
To achieve this objective, the French translations of selected ideologically embedded extracts of Ngugi’s children books (Njamba Nene and the Flying Bus and Jamba Nene’s Pistol) are compared. The translations were carried out in different socio-cultural contexts by translators of different origins (France and Cameroon).
The results of this research show that the translated texts read differently from one
translator to another. This suggests that certain ideological and other social factors
influence translators, resulting in differing translation products. In this way, translation cannot be considered as a one-to-one transfer between languages. Nor can translation theory draw on one linguistic theory alone, however complex it may be. What is needed is “a theory of culture to explain the specificity of communicative situations and the
relationship between verbalised and non-verbalised situational elements” (Nord,
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"De tänker ju med snoppen" : En kritisk diskursanalys av språkanvändningen kring sexualitet och sexuell njutning i en svensk podcast / ”They are thinking with their penises”Bergström, Elin, Smideland, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur sexualitet och sexuell njutning konstrueras i podcasten Alice & Bianca - Har du sagt A får du säga B. Syftet är att undersöka om podcasten följer de normer kring patriarkala strukturer som finns i samhället, som går att koppla till sexualitet och sexuell njutning. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av genusteori samt kritisk diskursanalys. Vald metod är likt teorin kritisk diskursanalys. Genom transkription av utvalda avsnitt har lexikala aspekter studerats. Analysen som utgörs av metodologiska begrepp presenteras tematiskt. De tre framträdande teman som studien resulterat i är Alice och Bianca som sexgudinnor, Killar vs. Tjejer och Fylla + sex = sant. Utfallet av studiens diskussion bekräftar tidigare forskning då podcastens budskap är motsägelsefullt. Tydligast är att podcasten reproducerar och stärker heteronormen.
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“I’m here because I am a Muslim” : A combined content- discourse analysis on the Swedish media coverage of Muslim-Christian relations in contemporary Egypt.Vanhainen, Ida January 2018 (has links)
The media plays an important role in forming public opinion, in broad terms media reporting can be described a way of constructing meanings to social events and actions, both fixed and dynamic ones. An in-depth study of the media discourse will therefore allow us, not only to understand the conditions of modern media, but also complex social practises of meaning making. Given the growing importance of fair media representation in times of an ever-increasing globalisation this thesis aims at a better understanding of the Swedish media portrayal of the Egyptian Muslim-Christian relations. The research question is: How is the Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt discursively presented in contemporary printed Swedish news media? A question implying several secondary research questions concerning the way in which media messages are produced, shared and perceived. This thesis is divided in two parts: Primarily, a content analysis of all articles containing words “copts” and “Egypt” from Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter published in print during the last nine years. In this analysis, the source, length, type, topic and presence of women/men were quantified using manual coding and CATA. Based on the results from the content analysis, three article-categories were identified and four articles from these categories chosen for the second analysis, a Critical Discourse Analysis. This analysis builds on the methodological framework by Norman Fairclough as well as the theoretical framework about media representation developed by Stuart Hall and the orientalism discourse critique introduced by Edward Said. The combination of Content analysis and CDA was chosen due to the character of my research question and empirical material. Furthermore, this method triangulation contributed to a higher validity. The findings in this thesis showed us that orientalist discourses were present in a large part of the material, although not undisputed, something that was showed through a identification of three different discursive concepts that were used when portraying the Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt – the coexistence discourse, the complexity discourse and the clashing discourse. In accordance with the hypothesis, the formation of these discourses was proven to depend on a number of factors such as source, author, genre and length. However, the generalizability of this result was lowered by limited empirics and limits in methodology. Further research, building on larger material, on the discursive formation of similar types of media portrayal is therefore recommended.
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Climate change discourse in Canadian print media : A quantitative and qualitative analysis of print media from two Canadian regionsRobertson, Kylie January 2019 (has links)
Over the last 30 years, awareness of anthropogenic climate change has increased and quickly become the one of the most pressing issues facing our planet. Canada is both a nation that has contributed to the acceleration of the climate problem and one that aims to help address the issues through commitments to global climate accords and other accountability actions. Global journalism is both a theory and practice born of the evolution of our world into a more global collective. Climate change, as a problem that is faced by every nation in the world, is one subject matter area that has been difficult to report on in the past but more necessary than ever to discuss. It is crucial work for journalists to normalize the connections between people, places, problems, and how they are interrelated throughout the world. This thesis aims to explore the presence or absence of global journalism in two different regions of Canada: Alberta and Ontario, represented by the cities of Calgary and Ottawa. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, articles that mention“climate change” or “global warming” over a six-month period in 2015 are collected and catalogued. The quantitative data provides a macro view of the amount and kinds of discourse taking place in each city around the topics of climate change and global warming, giving a sense of the scale and framing of the issue. Four of these articles and two headlines are then reviewed through the lens of critical discourse analysis for their choice of words, quotations, the voices that are present and absent, and the local coherence of the article. Collectively, this information is collated and reviewed to argue for the presence or absence of global journalism in the reporting. The final results should a stark difference in the representation of climate change in Calgary and Ottawa. There are promising signs of global journalism in action throughout the Calgary Herald, while the Ottawa Citizen has missed opportunities to reflect the same global perspective.
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Samtalet om missbruk : En kritisk diskursanalys av medias skildring av narkotikamissbrukareKücükkurt, Mikael, Eriksson, Markus January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien har varit att undersöka medias framställning av narkotikamissbruket varigenom vi har undersökt vilken bild av missbrukaren som blir illustrerad. Det empiriska materialet som användes för ändamålet var tio artiklar från tidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen under året 2018. Den valda metoden som vi utgick från var en kritisk diskursanalys enligt Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella modell. Med hjälp av denna så analyserades materialet systematisk utifrån tillhörande analytiska begrepp. Resultatet av studien visar tecken på att två dominerande diskurser om missbrukare är särskilt framträdande i form av en enskild drogdiskurs och en identitetsdiskurs. Relationen mellan dessa hade en central roll för porträtteringen av missbrukaren som framställde dem olika beroende på om det var en man, kvinna eller ungdom. Det fanns dessutom olika uppfattningar om missbrukaren beroende av social klasstillhörighet där gatans missbruk associerades med större kriminalitet, medans högre klasser beskrivs med beroendesjukdom. / <p>2019-01-15</p>
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DO ‘THEY’ DESERVE TO – BE SLAVES? : A case study on media presentation of benefit cheat and labor right violation in Sweden / Förtjänar de att vara slavar? : En fallstudie om mediepresentation av bidragsfusk och brott mot arbetsrätt i SverigeKhash-Erdene Battogtokh, Khash-Erdene January 2019 (has links)
This paper analyses text on Swedish trade union newspaper Arbetet about taking advantage of immigrants of home service corporation Enklare Vardag.The theoretical framework consists of theories about critical discourse analysis. The analysis is done by employing Norman Fairclough's CDA model, combined with other tools of critical linguistics.The aim is to detect how the idea of ‘othering' and common sense on power relations between employees and employers marries and divorces with each other in this context on benefit cheat. And to define how the signifier and signified work together in the constructed subject position of the cheater in citizens and media representation. To identify that, interviews of different groups of wardship workers speculations towards the article are included. Aside from a "cheater", understanding of common - sense ground in society and media within the field of immigration, labor´s right incorporate the analysis purpose.The chosen article is analyzed from contradicting perspectives of benefit cheat discourse that often supports with right-wing media and criticizes welfare state and on the other hand criticism towards power relation between capitalistic oppression of the working class.
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Polisens förtroendekris : en skandal att det blev offentligt, inte att det hade hänt?Alvén, Annica January 2009 (has links)
<p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study Sydsvenskans coverage of the police crisis in Skåne 2009.</p><p>Material/Method: The study is based on 26 articles which has been analysed within the frames of Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis.</p>
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Polisens förtroendekris : en skandal att det blev offentligt, inte att det hade hänt?Alvén, Annica January 2009 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study Sydsvenskans coverage of the police crisis in Skåne 2009. Material/Method: The study is based on 26 articles which has been analysed within the frames of Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis.
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"Hur mycket invandring tål Sverige?" : Invandrings- och integrationsdiskurser hos tre elitskribenter och på Avpixlat- en relationell studiePollack Sarnecki, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Drawing on theories of ethnic representations in mainstream news media and racial discrimination (van Dijk 2000, Hultén 2006, Husband & Downing 2005, Wodak 2011), and using methods of critical discourse analysis (mainly van Dijk 1993, 1991, Fairclough 1995) this bachelor thesis aims to investigate the inter-textual and inter-discursive relationship between selected editorial and opinion pieces written by three mainstream right wing “symbolic elites” and the xenophobic blog “Avpixlat”. The three selected symbolic elites are: Per Gudmundsson, editorial writer at the second largest Swedish newspaper SvD, Andreas Johansson Heinö, academic with a P.H.D. in political science, specialized on issues of integration and ethnic relations, and Paulina Neuding, editorial writer at SvD and editor in chief for right-wing oriented magazine Neo. All three are actively taking part in the mediated discussion of ethnic relations in Sweden from a liberal-conservative perspective. My study shows that the blog Avpixlat on numerous occasions use editorials and opinion pieces written by the three symbolic elites to validate xenophobic and racist notions of the “Islamic invasion” and cultural racism. The blog frames these symbolic elites as truth-telling exceptions within the politically correct multiculturalism-loving media establishment. I conclude that Avpixlat, purposefully exaggerates, transforms and widens some of the claims, themes and arguments made in the editorials and opinion pieces to better fit within a racist discourse. But also concur that the criticism and problem-oriented notions about immigration and ethnic relations, and representation of “the others”, framed in such topics as terrorism, crime and social problems, exists inherently within the editorials and opinion pieces –all-though expressed in a somewhat more implicit and “coded” official discourse. Paradoxically themes and notions taken from the “symbolic elites” within the “media-establishment” are used to strengthen a polarized anti-establishment position. The relationship signifies a shift towards a more problem oriented immigration and integration- discourse overall.
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