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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nationalism inom sportjournalistik : En kritisk diskursanalys av Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters bevakning av skid-VM i Oslo 2011

Jacobson, Jonas, Hagman, David January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

"A Nation On the Move" : A Discourse Analysis of Namibian Policies for Development

Jansson, Elise January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is approaching the concept of development in Namibian plans for development, its Vision 2030 and Third National Development Plan. The aim is to analyse discourses of development in the Namibian political context of planning for development. I have done this through the theoretical and methodological framework of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, CDA. I have identified four contrasting and complementing discourses in the way that the documents talk about development. Two of them, discourse of tradition and discourse of modernity, are connected to meanings of development. The two others, a social equity and justice discourse and a neo-liberal market discourse, are connected to structures of development, which shape how the documents vision development to happen. I have seen that there is a struggle between the discourses in the way they are described as both complementing and conflicting.

A methodology for determining aircraft fuel burn using air traffic control radar data

Elliott, Matthew Price 05 April 2011 (has links)
The air traffic system in the United States is currently undergoing a complete overhaul known as "NextGen". NextGen is the FAA's initiative to update the antiquated National Airspace System (NAS) both procedurally and technologically to reduce costs to the users and negative impacts on the general public. There are currently numerous studies being conducted that are focused on finding optimal solutions to the problems of congestion, delay, and the high fuel and noise footprints associated aircraft operations. These studies require accurate simulation techniques to assess the potential benefits and drawbacks for new procedures and technology. One common method uses air traffic control radar data. As an aircraft travels through the air traffic control system, its latitude, longitude, and altitude are recorded at set intervals. From these values, estimates of groundspeed and heading can be derived. Researchers then use this data to estimate aircraft performance parameters such as engine thrust and aircraft configuration, variables essential to estimate fuel burn, noise, and emissions. This thesis creates a more accurate method of simulating aircraft performance based solely on air traffic control radar data during the arrival process. This tool will allow the benefits of different arrival procedures to be compared at a variety of airports and wind conditions before costly flight testing is required. The accuracy of the performance estimates will be increased using the Tool for Assessing Separation and Throughput (TASAT), a fast-time Monte Carlo aircraft simulator that can simulate multiple arrivals with a mixture of different aircraft types. The tool has succeeded in matching various recorded radar profiles and has produced fuel burn estimates with an RMS error of less than 200 pounds from top of descent to landing when compared to high fidelity operational data. The output from TASAT can also be ported to FAA software tools to make higher quality predictions of aircraft noise and emissions.

Ideologiska studieförbund : En jämförande kritisk diskursanalys av Medborgarskolan och ABF:s språkliga uttryck / Ideological education associations : A comparative critical discourse analysis of Medborgarskolan and ABF's linguistic expressions

Flink, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera på vilket sätt politiska ideologier kommer till uttryck i texter producerade av ABF och Medborgarskolan. Detta med utgångspunkt i vad jag upplever som oklara förhållanden rörande vilken betydelse ideologier i praktiken spelar för dessa studieförbund. I uppsatsen undersöks vilka ideologier som går att urskilja i två texter från ABF respektive Medborgarskolan, samt hur dessa ideologier uttrycks språkligt. Även två motsvarande texter från ett tredje studieförbund – Folkuniversitet – analyseras. Uppsatsen utgår såväl teoretiskt som metodologiskt från Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Analysen kompletteras även med en ideationell SFL-analys. Resultatet visar att ABF och Medborgarskolan grundar sig i samma folkbildningsdiskurs, men medan ABF-texterna är starkt präglade av en socialdemokratisk diskurs så består Medborgarskolans texter av en interdiskursiv blandning av folkbildnings-, borgerlig-, humanistisk- och positiv säljdiskurs. Avslutningsvis kopplas dessa resultat till den övergripande sociala praktik som studieförbunden är en del av.

"All photographs are accurate, none of them is the truth" : En kritisk diskursanalys av Veronica Palm och Filippa Reinfeldts relationsskapande på Instagram

Blom, Siri, Åberg, Anna January 2014 (has links)
All kommunikation, inklusive den politiska, förändras i och med de sociala mediernas framväxt. De erbjuder alternativa kommunikationsvägar till traditionella massmedier och torgmöten. I denna uppsats har de två svenska politikerna Veronica Palms (S) och Filippa Reinfeldts (M) relationsskapande via det visuella sociala mediet Instagram granskats. Utifrån teorier kring mediernas logik, medialisering, privat och offentligt, det växande förtroendet kring att bilder visar verkligheten samt visuell kommunikation har politikernas bildflöden analyserats utifrån kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) och semiotik.   Deras två bildflöden skiljer sig delvis åt då Palm tar större delen av bilderna som publiceras själv, ofta närbilder på saker i sin omgivning, medan Reinfeldt istället låter sig bli fotograferad i halvbild. Detta medför att relationen de skapar till sina följare blir olika. Palm skapar en intimitet och professionalitet, Reinfeldt en personlig och social relation. Allt en politiker publicerar på ett socialt medium bör betraktas som politisk kommunikation, även de inlägg som till synes består av offentliggjort privatliv.

"Being the best": a critical discourse analysis of a series of BC Public Service strategic human resource plans

Gauvin, Katia 29 August 2012 (has links)
In 2006, the BC Public Service published the first of a series of corporate human resource plans entitled “Being the Best”. One of the key goals of these plans is to improve employee engagement at the BC Public Service. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used to uncover the ideas and assumptions that underlie the employee engagement construct at the BC Public Service as well as better understand the influence these beliefs have on power relationships within the organization. Because there is a paucity of critical literature specifically focused on employee engagement discourse, the critical discourse analysis considers the broader discourse of human resource management. The analysis reveals that values and assumptions associated with the discourse of New Public Management (NPM) are woven into and across the texts. Three themes emerge from the analysis: transformational change is necessary and there is only one ‘right’ way to solve the crisis; the public servant identity is reshaped around the entrepreneurial spirit; and the organizational culture is redefined to align with NPM values. The effect of this discourse is to maintain and intensify managerial control over front line employees. / Graduate

"Mellan höger- och vänstermobbarna" : En kritisk diskursanalys av dagspressens konstruktion av antirasistiska demonstrationer i det postpolitiska samhället

Jung, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Studien intresserar sig för nyhetsmediernas konstruktion av politisk mobilisering i det postpolitiska samhället. Uppsatsen behandlar nyhetsrapporteringen på dn.se samt sydsvenskan.se, om den antirasistiska demonstrationen i Kärrtorp i december 2013 och den antirasistiska demonstrationen i Limhamn i augusti 2014. Syftet är att analysera hur demonstrationerna konstrueras i svensk dagspress, med intentionen att vidare analysera och diskutera hur journalistiken konstruerar legitimitet åt politiska praktiker samt undersöka huruvida det går att synliggöra någon ideologi i medietexterna. Frågeställningarna berör hur demonstrationerna representeras, hur identiteter konstrueras, vilka framträdande teman som återfinns samt hur hierarkiseringen av källor ser ut i artiklarna. En diskussionsfrågeställning syftar även till att diskutera om postpolitikens liberala diskurs har betydelse för hur dagspressen konstruerar legitimitet åt politiska praktiker. För att svara på frågeställningarna görs en kritisk diskursanalys inspirerad av Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell. Textanalysen görs på en tematisk nivå av hela materialet, dessutom görs en närläsning av fyra artiklar. Chantal Mouffes teori om samtiden som postpolitisk används för att sätta texten i ett socialt sammanhang, Jan Ekecrantz & Tom Olssons makroorienterade teori om journalistiken som institution används för att få en förståelse för journalistikens position i samhället. Mikael Karlssons teori om nätjournalistik används för att förstå materialets karaktärsdrag. Studien visar att våld, polisinsatsen, hotet mot demokratin och vittnesberättelser är framträdande teman. Demonstrationerna representeras utifrån våld, officiella källor dominerar men även demonstranter och vittnen framträder. De politiska gruppernas identiteter konstrueras främst som goda eller onda utifrån våldsanvändning. Således dominerar en liberal, en akademisk och en polisiär diskurs, men det återfinns även en diskurs kritisk mot polisen; en motdiskurs. Den övergripande diskursen i materialet är ideologisk. Postpolitikens diskurs synliggörs genom att demonstrationerna konstrueras som illegitima politiska praktiker då deras politiska motiv osynliggörs, samtidigt som de bedöms som moraliskt förkastliga, med anledning av deras våldsamma utveckling.

Trump’s tweet and media treat : A Critical discourse analysis of US and Pakistani newspapers

Ahmed, Iftikhar January 2018 (has links)
Trump’s new year tweet about Pakistan’s role in the fight against terrorism ignited a controversy and a war of words between Pakistani officials and the US. This thesis studies newspaper coverage of both countries on this particular issue. Dawn and The News International are chosen from Pakistan and The New York Times and The Washington Post are selected from US media. The aim of this research is to analyse and compare the media discourse. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) was adopted as the most suitable choice. A sum of eight articles, comprising two from each newspaper, is analysed intensively. Outcomes of the analysis are discussed in relation to ‘framing’ and ‘agenda setting’ theories. Five key elements from the theories are listed including: language (vocabulary), conflict presentation, sources, related issues and emphasis. Results reveal that Pakistani newspapers use very strong, rather harsh vocabulary while reporting response to Donald Trump’s tweet. The US newspapers adopted literary phrases and less harsh tone to report this issue. Conflict presentation was focused on Trump’s tweet as a central idea in all the newspapers. Pakistani newspapers focused on the coverage of reaction from military and government officials of the country. On the other hand, US newspapers included sources from both countries to have an objective view. But they have included some controversial issues, which do not have a direct link to this debate starting with Trump’s tweet. Keywords: Twitter and news media, Trump’s tweet about Pakistan, Afghan war, CDA, Framing.

Medskyldiga män och oskyldiga kvinnor : En studie av domars könade offerkonstruktion vid dödligt våld i nära relationer

Karlsson, Jimmy January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the present essay is to illuminate to which extent figurations of victims in cases of intimate partner homicide is conditional upon the sexes of these individuals. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to determine whether or not these gendered discrepancies reproduce or transform the existing gender-related social systems? The theoretical as well as methodological basis consists of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA), which is combined with Judith Butler’s concept of performative acts. To answer the abovementioned questions I have requested/collected an empirical material consisting of 20 district court judgments (ten for male victims and ten for female victims).The results of this essay indicate, according to my interpretation, that the established figurations of the victims in these cases are determined by the victim’s sex in several but not all discourses. Furthermore, I establish that the demonstrated gender determined discourses contribute to re- produce prevailing standards regarding sex/gender in which male victims are associated with a guilt-burdened role while female victims are considered innocent.

Somebody’s gotta wear a pretty skirt : Constructions of masculinity and femininity in modern country music

Malm, Annica January 2016 (has links)
Constructions of masculinity and femininity can be reinforced through written and spoken language, creating stereotypes and inequality between genders. Gender representations in music lyrics have been studied for various genres, but the country music genre has been somewhat underrepresented. Considering the fact that country is seen as the authentic music genre and culture of the US, it is relevant to study how gender is represented in relation to society. The aim of this study is to investigate how masculinity and femininity is represented in 15 modern country songs from the last decade retrieved from Billboard.com. The hypothesis for this study is that modern country music should have a less stereotypical view on men and women than older country music. Critical Discourse Analysis has been used to analyse the lyrics, and metaphors, similes and verbs have been analysed in order to reach the aim. The country music culture has been the framework to interpret the results, as well as the view of femininity and masculinity as social constructions. The findings point to more exaggerated versions of masculinity and more stereotypical depictions of femininity being represented in the lyrics than older research made about country music and gender. Masculinity and femininity are depicted as opposites with clear boundaries set between them. The modern lyrics express a desire to claim authenticity through conservative and stereotypical representations of men and women, using metaphors and verbs that enforces certain norms and assumptions about femininity and masculinity.

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