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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La délégation de pouvoirs dans les sociétés commerciales de droit OHADA / The delegation of power in the trading campanies of OHADA law

Diène, Oumy 04 September 2018 (has links)
C’est avec une ambition modeste que la délégation de pouvoirs est admise dans les sociétés commerciales de droit OHADA. La société anonyme en est la structure d’accueil. Les u travailorganes sociaux en sont les acteurs. Elle est mise en œuvre pour faire face une urgence due à l’empêchement du président ou pour asseoir la rapidité d’une action relative à une opération financière. Or, étant aujourd’hui reconnue comme technique de bonne gouvernance, la délégation de pouvoirs pour remplir une telle fonction en droit OHADA, est à généraliser. Tout dirigeant social doit avoir la liberté d’y recourir et les salariés, plus proches des réalités du terrain, doivent y être associés. Une telle appréhension de la délégation de pouvoirs appelle la conception d’un régime juridique précis qui garantit son jeu loyal. / It is with the modest ambition that the delegation of power is admitted in the trading companies of OHADA law. The limited company is the reception center and social organs are the actors. It is implemented to face an urgency due to the hindrance of the president or to establish the speed of a financial transaction. Yet, being now acknowledged as a good governance practice, the delegation of power should be generalized to satisfy such a function in OHADA law. Every social leader has to have the freedom to use it and employees, closer to realities of the ground, must be associated there. Such an apprehension of the delegation of power calls the conception of a precise legal regime which guarantees its loyal play.

Návrh organizační změny v neziskové organizaci / Design of Organizational Change in the Non-profit Organization

Heikenwälder, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis I prepare design of organizational change of Catholic University Student's Movement Brno, o.s., non-profit organization. It describes the objectives and activities of the association and it defines key positions, characteristics of workload of teams, collaborates and volunteers. My thesis describes competences and responsibilities of individual team members. It describes also management of the whole organization including team meeting's organization.

A framework to implement delegation in offline PACS : A strategy to restrict user’s path

Bharath, Tati January 2013 (has links)
Physical access control systems (PACS) deal with the security of the availability of resources. They work as an alternative to traditional manual security access control. Access control has two variants, the logical which deals with computer environments and the physical which deals with the physical entry into a property or warehouses. However, offline physical access control systems cannot enforce the user’s path making it unsuitable for use in classified areas, such as places where the public is restricted. Therefore, offline PACS need a framework that can delegate the authority to enforce the user’s path. This is satisfactorily met in the presented research with a new design of offline PACS that has the capability to implement delegation. This framework allows the locks to dynamically write and read access policies onto and from a smart card. It works by means of a construct called “Path Array” and communication among different entities occurs via a chain of trust formed with the use of pre-shared keys.

Risker som kan uppkomma i samband medomvårdnadsdelegering från sjuksköterska till övrig omvårdnadspersonal. : En litteraturstudie / Risks that may occur in connection with the nursing delegationfrom the nurse to other nursing staff. : A literature review

Bergqvist, Marija, Bernce, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Delegering från sjuksköterska till övrig omvårdnadspersonal utgör en stor del av det dagliga arbetet och är en komplex uppgift som potentiellt kan komma att utgöra en patientsäkerhetsrisk. Tidigare studier visar att sjuksköterskor upplever delegering som en belastande del av sitt arbete, utmaningarna ligger främst i att säkerställa god vård när mycket av omvårdnaden måste delegeras. Sjuksköterskor beskriver vidare att de hade önskat mer utbildning i delegering under sin grundutbildning. De ser det som en utmaning att “kontrollera” andras arbete, och känner sig inte bekväma i den arbetsledande rollen. Syfte: Att genom en litteraturstudie sammanställa och återge uppfattningar och erfarenheter som beskrivs kring risker som kan uppkomma i samband med delegering av omvårdnadsuppgifter från sjuksköterska till övrig omvårdnadspersonal. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie baserad på tio studier med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes efter databassökning i PubMed och CINAHL. Granskningen genomfördes med Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärderings (SBU) Mall för kvalitetsgranskning av studier med kvalitativ forskningsmetodik (2014). Studierna analyserades med Fribergs analyssteg, samtliga studier föll under huvudkategorin patientsäker delegering och data med liknande innehåll delades in i två underkategorier. Resultat: Resultatanalysen identifierade en huvudkategori följt av två underkategorier; samverkan och kommunikation som vidare delades in i sju rubriker. Konklusion: Delegeringsprocessen är komplex och förutsätter god kommunikation och samverkan för att undvika risker för patientsäkerheten. Vidare måste sjuksköterskan ha god förståelse för vilka omvårdnadsuppgifter som är lämpliga att delegera, samt ta ansvar för uppföljning och säkerställande i syfte att värna patientsäkerheten. / Background: Delegation from a nurse to other nursing staff constitutes a large part of the daily work and is a complexed task that could potentially constitute a patient safety risk. Previous studies show that nurses experience delegation as a burdensome part of their work, the challenges lie mainly in ensuring good care when much of the nursing must be delegated. Nurses further describe that they would have liked more training in delegation during their undergraduate education. They see it as a challenge to have to “control” the work of others, and do not feel comfortable in the managerial role. Aim:To compile and reproduce perceptions and experiences that are described about the risks that may arise in connection with the delegation of nursing tasks from a nurse to other nursing staff through a literature study. Method: General literature study based onten studies with a qualitative approach was conducted after database search in PubMed and CINAHL. Review was conducted with the Swedish Agency of Medical and Social Evaluation (SBU) template for quality review of studies with qualitative research methodology (2014). The studies were analysed with Friberg’s analysis steps, all studies fell under the main category patient-safe delegation and data with similar content were the divided into two subcategories. Results: The results analysis identified a main category followed by two subcategories; collaboration and communication which was further divided into seven headings. Conclusion: The delegation process is complex and requires good communication and teamwork to avoid risks to patient safety. Furthermore, the nurse must have a good understanding of which nursing tasks are suitable to delegate and take responsibility for follow-up and ensuring in order to safeguard patient safety.

Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av läkemedelsdelegering till personal inom kommunal hemsjukvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Specialist nurses’ experiences of medicine delegation to personnel in municipal homehealth care : A qualitative interview study

Ågren, Anna, Larsson, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av läkemedelsdelegering till personal inom kommunal hemsjukvård Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har ett stort behov av att utfärda läkemedelsdelegeringar till hemtjänstpersonal inom kommunal hemsjukvård. Läkemedelsdelegeringar är en komplex arbetsuppgift, som kan innebära en risk för patientsäkerheten om uppgiften inte utförs i enighet med lagar och föreskrifter. Syfte: Beskriva specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av läkemedelsdelegering till personal inom kommunal hemsjukvård. Metod: Datamaterialet inhämtades genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier och sju underkategorier framkom. ”Läkemedelsdelegering är en förutsättning för en fungerande hemsjukvård” beskriver att hemsjukvården är beroende av delegeringar och påtryckningar sker från hemtjänstchef om att utfärda delegeringar. ”Säkra delegeringar kräver kompetent hemtjänstpersonal” beskriver att kunskap, erfarenhet, ansvar och pålitlighet krävs. ”Delegeringsprocessen behöver utvecklas” beskriver behov av samordnade delegeringsutbildningar, bättre utbildningsmaterial och uppföljningen av delegeringar är bristfällig. Slutsatser: Läkemedelsdelegeringar är nödvändiga för en fungerande hemsjukvård. Lagar och föreskrifter är svåra att efterfölja på grund av otillräckliga strukturella förutsättningar. En förbättrad delegeringsprocess och kompetenshöjning hos hemtjänstpersonal behövs för säkrare delegeringar. / Specialist nurses’ experiences of medicine delegation to personnel in municipal home health care  Background: The need for nurses to delegate administration of medication to municipal home care staff is large. Delegation is a complex task, who can pose a risk to patient safety if the task is not carried out in accordance with laws and regulations. Aim: Describe specialist nurses’ experiences of medicine delegation to personnel in municipal home health care. Method: Data was collected through eight semi-structured interviews and analyzed with qualitative content analysis.  Results: Three categories emerged. “Medicine delegation is a requirement for a functional home health care” describes that municipal home health care require delegation and there is pressure from the home care manager to delegate. “Safe delegations require competent home care staff” describes that knowledge, experience, responsibility and reliability are required. “The delegation process needs to be developed” describes the need for coordinated delegations, better education materials and the follow-up of delegations are insufficient.  Conclusions: Medicine delegations are necessary for av functioning home health care. The laws and regulations are difficult to comply with due to insufficient structural conditions. An improved delegation process and increased competence of home health care staff are needed for safer delegations.

Det måste vara säkert : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av läkemedelsdelegering inom hälso- och sjukvård i hemmet

Johansson, Hanna, Persson Marje, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Genom delegering av arbetsuppgifter till annan personalkategori frigörs tid för sjuksköterskor att fokusera på uppgifter av mer komplex natur. Trots att delegering minskar arbetsbelastningen för sjuksköterskor är delegeringsförfarandet också tidskrävande och ställer höga krav på säkerhet och att det är förenligt med en god vård av hög kvalitet. Då läkemedelshantering visats vara det största ansvaret som sjuksköterskor i hälso- och sjukvård i hemmet har samt att arbetsbördan fortsätter öka, är det av stort intresse att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av läkemedelsdelegering inom hälso- och sjukvård i hemmet. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av läkemedelsdelegering inom hälso- och sjukvård i hemmet. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats baserat på 13 semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor inom hälso- och sjukvård i hemmet. Resultat: Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av läkemedelsdelegering både var positiva och negativa. Delegering i sig underlättade sjuksköterskors arbetssituation samtidigt som sjuksköterskor erfor att omvårdnadspersonal många gånger saknade kunskap, intresse och hade svårt att förstå ansvaret med den delegerade uppgiften. Slutsats: För att patientsäkerheten skall kunna upprätthållas måste sjuksköterskor ges förutsättningar att utbilda, handleda, säkerställa och följa upp läkemedelsdelegeringar. / Background: By delegating tasks to another staff category, time is freed up for nurses to focus on tasks of a more complex nature. Although delegation reduces the workload for nurses, the delegation procedure is also time-consuming and places high demands on safety and that it is consistent with good quality care. Since drug management has been shown to be the greatest responsibility that nurses in home health care have and that the workload continues to increase, it is of great interest to investigate nurses' experience of drug delegation in home health care. Aim: To describe nurses' experiences of drug delegation in home health care. Method: A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach based on 13 semi-structured interviews with nurses in home health care. Results: The results show that nurses' experience with drug delegation was both positive and negative. Delegation itself facilitated nurses' work situation, while nurses experienced that nursing staff often lacked knowledge, interest and had difficulty understanding the responsibility of the delegated task. Conclusion: To maintain patient safety, nurses must be given the conditions to train, supervise, confirm and follow up on pharmaceutical delegations.

Complex Task Allocation for Delegation : From Theory to Practice

Landén, David January 2011 (has links)
The problem of determining who should do what given a set of tasks and a set of agents is called the task allocation problem. The problem occurs in many multi-agent system applications where a workload of tasks should be shared by a number of agents. In our case, the task allocation problem occurs as an integral part of a larger problem of determining if a task can be delegated from one agent to another. Delegation is the act of handing over the responsibility for something to someone. Previously, a theory for delegation including a delegation speech act has been specified. The speech act specifies the preconditions that must be fulfilled before the delegation can be carried out, and the postconditions that will be true afterward. To actually use the speech act in a multi-agent system, there must be a practical way of determining if the preconditions are true. This can be done by a process that includes solving a complex task allocation problem by the agents involved in the delegation. In this thesis a constraint-based task specification formalism, a complex task allocation algorithm for allocating tasks to unmanned aerial vehicles and a generic collaborative system shell for robotic systems are developed. The three components are used as the basis for a collaborative unmanned aircraft system that uses delegation for distributing and coordinating the agents' execution of complex tasks.

Leaders' Risk Propensity and Delegation of Critical Decision-Making Authority

Doctor, Reginald Carlton 01 January 2015 (has links)
A leader's unwillingness to delegate critical decision-making authority to subordinate managers and employees negatively impacts the performance of a firm. There is a lack of research that measures a leader's willingness to delegate critical decision-making authority to subordinate managers and employees based on their individual risk propensities. The purpose of this study was to provide empirical evidence of the influence risk propensity has on a leader's willingness to delegate critical decision-making authority. Specifically, this study examined the extent that risk propensity of leaders affect delegating critical decision making authority to subordinate managers and employees. The research design was a quantitative cross-sectional, correlation study that involved 56 questions. The study participants (N = 102) were presidents, CEOs, corporate executives, and chairpersons. The Stimulating-Instrumental Risk Inventory measured risk propensity and the Delegation Decision Instrument measured the willingness delegate critical decision-making authority. Both instruments showed to be reliable in terms of internal consistency for the measurement tests. Survey results revealed a significant negative correlation between a leader's risk propensity and the willingness to delegate critical decision-making authority. These findings suggested that leaders who retain primary responsibility for critical decision making have high risk propensity while those who delegate decisions have less risk propensity. These findings may equip theorists of risk propensity and decision-making on the relationship between delegation behaviors, risk propensity, and organizational performance. This research and the resulting analysis provides decision makers a window into their individual risk propensity preferences.

Vedení a řízení  spolupracovníku ve stavebním podniku / Leadership and management of employees in the construction bussiness

Sokl, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the issue of leadership and management of employees in the construction company employees in the construction business. The practical part is focused on exploration of the company, its structures and strategies in the planning of human resources through the questionnaire.

High school principals leadership and delegation of decision rights with the Education Act (SFS 2010: 800)

Pettersson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish secondary upper school organization, leadership and staff activities are governed by and construed by the Education Act (SFS 2010:800). The Act states that the principal can delegate its desicion rights. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate have shown that principals need to work for greater involvement. In this qualitative pilot study are nine semi-structured questions to teachers and principals about their experience of delegation. The overarching question is how principals leadership looks in reality. Who receives delegation, when, how and why? The transcription was done by the investigator who compiled meaningful quotes. Themes and dimensions was made by triangulation of an experienced Head of unit within a social-educational work outside the municipal school. The results showed some similarities between the thesis theoretical background and the empirical survey on leadership and delegation.

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