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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imputazione individuale e attuazione solidale della responsabilità dei membri del consiglio di amministrazione di s.p.a. nei confronti della società / Liability of Corporate Directors: Determination on an Individual Basis and Application of the Joint and Several Liability Rule

BAZZANI, MATTEO 04 April 2008 (has links)
La tesi affronta il tema della responsabilità dei membri del consiglio di amministrazione di s.p.a verso la società per gli inadempimenti dei doveri gestori insiti negli atti o nelle omissioni collegiali. L'accertamento dei presupposti della responsabilità degli amministratori deve avvenire su base individuale con conseguente possibilità di imputazione del danno da risarcire ad alcuni consiglieri e non ad altri, che pure abbiano compartecipato al medesimo inadempimento: il singolo amministratore può infatti essere esonerato da responsabilità mediante la prova della personale immunità da colpa (dimostrando di essere stato diligente alla luce della natura del suo incarico e delle sue specifiche competenze) anche a prescindere dalla manifestazione formale del dissenso ex art. 2392 cc., ult. comma. La solidarietà rappresenta la regola di attuazione dell'obbligazione risarcitoria tra gli amministratori ritenuti corresponsabili in relazione al medesimo fatto dannoso. È possibile tuttavia pervenire ad una graduazione della condanna risarcitoria in virtù dell'eventuale connotazione dolosa dell'inadempimento di un singolo consigliere e dell'applicazione del regime risarcitorio differenziato di cui all'art. 1307 c.c.. La società può inoltre rinunziare alla solidarietà anche ex ante con adozione in via statutaria di un regime di responsabilità parziaria per tutti o alcuni degli amministratori, purchè nei soli rapporti tra società e amministratori e nei limiti di cui all'art. 1229 cc. / This thesis provides an analysis of the pertinent aspects of the liability of corporate directors for breach of their fiduciary duties in case of collegial functioning of an Italian s.p.a.'s board of directors. The liability of the directors must be determined on an individual basis and whether they are exculpated from liability for a breach of their duties can vary for each director based on his specialized skills and on the role he plays in the board (independent director, president, member of a committee), regardless of the entering of the dissent from the board's action into the corporate records. The liability is joint and several where two or more directors jointly participate in the same breach of a fiduciary duty with a right of contribution inter se. The corporation ( S.P.A. ) may waive to the protection secured by the joint and several liability rule either (i) by opting for a proportional liability regime with respect to the directors' liability vis-a-vis the corporation and except for the cases of directors' fraud or gross negligence or (ii) by entering into partial settlements with one director (or more directors) for the portion of the damage attributable to his (or their) personal fault.

”Det hör till vårt jobb!” : Utvärdering av Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet, Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten / "This is a part of our job!" : Evaluation of the County Delegation for Gender Equality in Västerbotten County

Fridlund, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Syftet är att ur ett kulturanalytiskt perspektiv beskriva och analysera Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet. Början av uppsatsen kan ses som ett bakgrundskapitel. Detta för att förstå uppkomsten av undersökningen. Där förklaras kort den svenska jämställdhetspolitiken, hur det strategiska arbetet sker genom jämställdhetsintegrering och Länsstyrelsens roll och arbete kring Länsdelegationen. Vidare behandlas hur delegationen arbetar med den avsiktsförklaring de tagit fram och hur de förhåller sig till den. Men också på hur delegaterna faktiskt ser på sitt deltagande, hur de arbetar med att införliva jämställdhetspolitiken i praktiken samt de svårigheter och möjligheter som kommer med arbetet i delegationen. Vidare diskuteras hur delegaterna ser på framtiden med sin medverkan och delegationens varande. Senare görs en kort jämförelse med hur förändringen gestaltat sig sedan delegationens start år 1997. Detta med hjälp av de två tidigare utvärderingarna från år 2000 och år 2006. I den avslutande diskussionen knyts uppsatsen ihop genom att besvara syftet med utvärderingen: att söka svar på hur delegationen arbetar och verkar med jämställdhetsarbetet. Till undersökningen valde jag att arbeta med två olika insamlingsmetoder, dels en webbenkät som gått ut till samtliga delegater i Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet, dels tre intervjuer med några av delegaterna. Jag har även studerat den avsiktsförklaring som togs fram för år 2014-2016 för att få kunskap om vad delegationen ska förhålla sig till. Jag har också använt två tidigare utvärderingar som gjorts av Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet samt den debattartikel som delegationen publicerade inför 2014 års nationella genusforskarkonferens, g14 som var förlagd till Umeå universitet. Slutsatserna i undersökningen är att Länsdelegationen främst verkar som en symbolisk faktor och många talar och skriver om att de vill bli en mer arbetande grupp och agera utåt och bidra till att Västerbotten ska bli ett jämställt län. Men det stannar av där, det blir tillsynes kanske inte mer än vackra ord i handlingsplanerna.

L’information de localisation à Montréal : une exploration

Laurin, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise est une recherche exploratoire sur les expériences de localisation vécues dans l’espace urbain montréalais par des sujets en relation à l’information dite « de localisation ». La localisation est un processus d’orientation spatiale où l’emplacement d’un lieu dans l’espace est un problème à résoudre. Cette exploration est basée sur la théorisation de l’information proposée par Bateson (1972) et le développement du concept de dispositif par Belin (2002) et Agamben (2007) à la suite de Foucault, la localisation étant le concept empirique exploratoire. Le processus de localisation est investigué quant à son caractère médiatique : l’information de localisation est le medium qui, en étant un résultat et une cause de l’action, donne forme à ce processus mené par l’effort. Un travail de terrain ethnométhodologique déployé par le biais d’observations empiriques et d’entrevues qualitatives permet d’identifier certaines conditions qui rendent possibles, dans la vie quotidienne, les relations entre l’information de localisation, l’espace urbain et un sujet. Étant majoritairement vécue lors de déplacements présents, futurs ou passés, la localisation est ainsi conceptualisée en tant que wayfinding : l’action de déterminer quelles voies ou trajets emprunter pour se rendre d’un point A à un point B. Ce mémoire est en réalité une problématisation ouverte qui vise à explorer et identifier certains enjeux qui sont au cœur des processus de localisation dans l’espace urbain montréalais. Si « [l]e fait humain par excellence », comme le souligne Leroi-Gouhran (1965) « est peut-être moins la création de l’outil que la domestication du temps et de l’espace » (p. 139), le fait d’habiter en un certain temps et en un certain espace est en soi une relation problématique de confiance. Le vivant et le non-vivant habitent des espaces aménagés qui sont continuellement transformés par leur détermination mutuelle. En partant du constat que l’environnement construit se déploie en étant produit et aménagé dans des dispositions où certains de nos gestes sont délégués, peut-on envisager être libre sans (se) faire confiance ? / This master’s thesis is an exploratory research on localization experiences lived in Montreal’s urban space by subjects in relation to ‘location’ information. Localization is a spatial orientation process where a place’s location in space is a problem to be solved. This exploration is based on a theorization of information proposed by Bateson (1972) as well as on a development of the concept of apparatus (dispositif) by Belin (2002) and Agamben (2007) following Foucault’s; localization being an exploratory empirical concept. The localization process is investigated regarding its media character: location information is a medium that, being a result and a cause of action, shapes this process that is driven by effort. An ethnomethodological fieldwork is enacted by empirical observations and qualitative interviews that permit to identify certain conditions that make possible, in everyday life, relations between location information, urban space and a subject. Being mostly lived regarding actual, future or past movements, localization is thus conceptualized as wayfinding: the act of determining which path or trajectory to follow to get from point A to point B. This master’s thesis is actually an open problematization that aims to explore and identify some issues that are at the heart of localization processes in Montreal’s urban space. If “[t]he human act par excellence”, as put forward by André Leroi-Gouhran (1993 [1965]) “is perhaps not so much the creation of tools as the domestication of time and space” (p. 313), the fact that we dwell in a certain time and in a certain space is a problematic relation of trust (confiance) in itself. The living and the non-living inhabit spaces that are continuously transformed by their mutual determination. Starting from the observation that the built environment is deploying itself while being produced and developed (aménagé) in dispositions where some of our gestures are delegated, is it possible to consider being free without trusting?

Monetary policy and exchange rates : breakthrough of pass-through

Adolfson, Malin January 2001 (has links)
How should central banks react to movements in the exchange rate? Can social welfare be improved if the policy maker is giving explicit or implicit consideration to fluctuations in the exchange rate? These are some of the principal questions addressed in this thesis, which analyzes the influence of exchange rates on prices and monetary policy, from an empirical as well as a theoretical perspective. The thesis consists of four self-contained papers, and sets off by providing some empirical evidence for incomplete exchange rate pass-through. Incomplete exchange rate pass-through is subsequently incorporated into a theoretical model of a small open economy, to study how exchange rate fluctuations affect monetary policy. The first chapter is an empirical paper studying the relation between exchange rates and prices, using data on Swedish exports of automobiles and kraft paper. A price determining error correction model indicates results consistent with price discrimination and incomplete exchange rate pass-through. In the second chapter, a small open economy aggregate supply-aggregate demand model, allowing for incomplete exchange rate pass-through, is developed to analyze the effects of limited pass-through on monetary policy. The results suggest that the optimal policy reaction, both to foreign and domestic shocks, is dependent on the degree of exchange rate pass-through. The third chapter studies what the delegated monetary policy should be in an open economy with limited pass-through. In particular, the question of whether to delegate an exchange rate-stabilization objective to the policy maker is investigated. The results show that incorporation of an explicit nominal, or real, exchange-rate term in the (optimized) objective function only improves social welfare marginally. The fourth chapter assumes, in contrast, that monetary policy is implemented through a simple instrument rule. It is examined whether the policy maker’s performance, in terms of social welfare, can be improved by also responding to the exchange rate. The results indicate that the exchange rate-augmented policy rules do not outperform an optimized rule without the exchange rate, irrespective of the degree of pass-through. Social welfare is, however, improved by an indirect exchange rate response, which is reached using a policy rule based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation, rather than on domestic inflation. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001

La délégation de pouvoir en droit du travail, outil d'organisation de l'entreprise / The Delegation of Power in Labor Law, Organization Tool of the Company

Bellanger, Timothée 07 April 2018 (has links)
Confronté, dans les entreprises de grande taille, à l’impossibilité d’exercer lui-même la totalité de ses pouvoirs, le chef d’entreprise est conduit à en déléguer à des préposés. Cette transmission du pouvoir participe de l’organisation de l’entreprise. La délégation de pouvoir en constitue le vecteur le plus pertinent. La flexibilité de son régime incite à y recourir dans l’entreprise voire dans le périmètre d’un groupe. Le transfert de pouvoir a pour corollaire un transfert de responsabilité, y compris, sous certaines conditions, de responsabilité à la charge du délégataire.La délégation de pouvoir s’impose aujourd’hui comme un des outils privilégiés d’organisation de l’entreprise d’autant qu’elle permet, face à la forte pénalisation des relations de travail, une répartition des risques entre ses acteurs. Elle permet au chef d’entreprise, destinataire de multiples obligations légales, d’opérer une déconcentration du pouvoir et de la responsabilité qui l’accompagne en confiant à des salariés dotés des compétences requises la réalisation de tâches qu’il n’est pas, en pratique, en mesure d’assumer. Son action y gagne en efficacité, dans l’intérêt de tous. / Faced with the impossibility of exercising his or her full powers in a large company, the executive director has to delegate some these to his or her subordinates. Transmission of power therefore becomes part of the organisation of the company and constitutes the most pertinent vector of said organisation. The flexibility of its regime is an incentive to use delegation in the company or even in the scope of the corporate group. The transfer of responsibility becomes a corollary of the transfer of power, including, under certain conditions, the transfer of responsability borne by the delegator. Delegation of power has become one of the preferred tools in the organisation of a company as it also allows for the distribution of risks amongst its actors in the face of the current strong penalisation of work relations. It allows the executive director, the bearer of multiple legal obligations, to carry out a deconcentration of power and stemming from that, of responsibility, by giving employees possessing the required skills the tasks that he or she isn’t, in practice, able to undertake. His or her action increases efficiency in the interest of all.

Le Contrat BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) au Koweït : un modèle de partenariat public-privé / The Bot contract (Build, Operate, Transfer) in Kuwait : a public-private partnership model

Alhajri, Muna 03 July 2018 (has links)
Les pouvoirs publics koweïtiens entendent créer un climat favorable aux investisseurs, en mettant l’accent notamment sur le partenariat entre public et privé. C’est ainsi qu’en 2008, le parlement koweitien a adopté la loi 7/2008 qui comporte une organisation générale des contrats de constructions, d’exploitation et de transfert (BOT). Le législateur a adopté par la suite la loi 116/2014 sur le partenariat qui reprend avec plus de détails les formes de coopération publique-privée. À cet effet, deux organes ont été créés : le Haut Comité et l’Autorité des projets, avec des compétences très étendues quant à la formation et à l’exécution du contrat BOT (appel d’offres, négociations, conclusion du contrat, sa durée, son financement, etc.). L’objectif de cette étude est de traiter, à partir de cette législation, la notion de contrat BOT que les spécialistes assimilent volontiers au terme de concession, ou à celui de délégation de service public. Dans cette perspective, il est nécessaire d’aborder le montage financier et la nature juridique du contrat BOT. La mise en œuvre du contrat BOT fait intervenir une diversité des parties contractantes (administration, partenaires privés, créditeurs, sociétés de construction, fournisseurs de matériels, investisseurs de capitaux, consommateurs utilisateurs des produits, etc.), cela rend la réalisation de ce type de contrat assez complexe. Cette complexité peut se poser de manière aiguë au Koweït, dans la mesure où le pays vient juste d’inaugurer cette procédure de passation de marché impliquant directement le public et le privéLe montage financier des contrats BOT, connu sous le nom de « projet de financement » repose presque totalement sur des acteurs privés. Dès lors, la question qui se pose est celle de la répartition des risques. À ce sujet, l’analyse cherche à comprendre pourquoi les risques liés au financement sont assumés essentiellement par l’opérateur privé, indirectement par la société de projet, et directement par le prêteur, en l’occurrence les banques. Reste que pour couvrir ces risques, le contrat BOT prévoit, au bénéfice des pourvoyeurs de fonds, un certain nombre de garanties portant aussi bien sur les actifs composant le projet (équipements, outillages, stocks, transmission de créances), que sur le projet lui-même (nantissement et hypothèques des actions de la société de projet, cession de revenus, substitution des banques au promoteur privé défaillant).La nature juridique du contrat BOT soulève deux interrogations majeures : la première est de savoir si ce type de contrat relève de droit administratif ou de droit civil. La seconde porte sur les litiges qui peuvent naître de ce type de contrat comportant un large éventail d’éléments d’extranéité (investissements extérieurs, transfert de technologie, etc.) et soumis à l’arbitrage international. À ce niveau, il convient de connaître le droit applicable : s’agit-il du droit interne ou droit international ? C’est à cet ensemble de questions que cette recherche tente d’apporter un début de réponse en prenant comme cadre de réflexion le contexte koweïtien. / The Public Authorities (Government) of Kuwait aim to create a favorable investor climate, with particular emphasis on public-private partnerships. Thus, in 2008, the Kuwaiti Parliament passed Law 7/2008, which includes a general organization of contracts of construction, exploitation and transfer (BOT) “Build, Operate and Transfer”. The legislator subsequently adopted the law 116/2014 on the partnership which repeats in more detail the forms of public-private cooperation. To this end, two bodies have been created: the High Committee and the Projects Authority, with extensive expertise in the training and execution of the BOT contract (call for tenders, negotiations, conclusion of the contract, its duration, financing, etc.). The objective of this study is to deal, from this legislation, with the concept of BOT contract that specialists readily assimilate to the term of concession, or that of public service delegation. In this perspective, it is necessary to address the financial arrangement and the legal nature of the BOT contract.The implementation of the BOT contract involves a diversity of contracting parties (administration, private partners, creditors, construction companies, equipment suppliers, capital investors, consumer users of products, etc.), which makes the implementation of this type of contract rather complex. This complexity can be seriously arisen in Kuwait, as the country has just inaugurated this procurement procedure directly involving the public and the private sector.The financial set-up of the BOT contracts, known as the "financing project", relies almost entirely on private actors. Therefore, the question that arises is that of the distribution of risks. In this regard, the analysis seeks to understand why financing risks are borne mainly by the private operator, indirectly by the project company, and directly by the lender, in this case the banks. However, to cover these risks, the BOT contract provides, for the benefit of fund providers, a number of guarantees covering both the project assets (equipment, tools, inventory, transfer of receivables) and the project itself (pledging and hypothecation of shares in the project company, transfer of income, substitution banks to the defaulting private promoter).The legal nature of the BOT contract raises two major questions: the first is whether this type of contract falls under administrative law or civil law. The second deals with disputes that may arise from this type of contract, which includes a wide range of foreign elements (outside investment, technology transfer, etc.) and is subject to international arbitration. At this level, one must know the applicable law: is it domestic law or international law? It is to this set of questions that this research tries to bring a beginning of answer by taking as a framework of reflection the Kuwaiti context.

Financial management of public hospitals

Van der Heever, Hendry 03 1900 (has links)
Interactive version of the thesis is filed with the printed copy in the UNISA archives / The study investigated and described public hospitals in terms of management processes with reference to financial planning, organizing, leading and control in order to identify deficiencies in the financial management of public hospitals. The aim was to identify gaps in the management of financial processes and to provide guidelines and strategies to improve these. The purpose of the research was addressed within a quantitative approach applying exploratory and descriptive designs. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data that fit the objectives of the research. The study population compassed all 27 public hospitals as study units in a specific geographic area, namely Mpumalanga Province with the following inclusion criteria: active patient capacity of 100 beds and more, which employ personnel such as (1) medical, (2) paramedical and (3) administrative and a working application of the BAS as financial accounting system since its interception in the year 2000. Nine public hospitals were randomly selected as the sample hospitals. Within the nine hospitals, four groups of staff were selected by means of stratified random sampling, namely management, health professionals, and financial and administrative staff. The number of staff selected within each hospital differed, from 15 to 50, amounting to a sample size of three hundred (n=300). A response rate of 66.66% v (n=182) was achieved. The sample consisted of 4 (2.27%) chief executive officers, 3 (1.70%) financial managers, 84 (47.72%) unit managers and 91 (50.00%) subordinates. The response rate of 66.66% in this study was an indication of the unavailability of the health care professionals (which include management, health professionals and financial and administrative staff) within the nine public hospitals. The major inferences drawn from this study are that the different health care professions have a poor perception of the scope of financial management in terms of financial needs, utilization of resources, the scope and function of leading and delegation, and applying appropriate financial control methods. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Services Management)

Phenomenological investigation into the decentralisation of primary health care services in Bophirima District, Northwest Province

Taole, Elias Khethisa 05 1900 (has links)
Since 1994 a number of health reforms took place in furthering democracy. These changes included the decentralisation of Primary Health Care Services. This study is a phenomenological research that chronicles the Primary Health Care decentralisation experiences in the Bophirima District of the North-West Province. Using a descriptive phenomenological orientation, the purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of participants associated with decentralisation in the Bophirima District. Also, to illustrate how the participants perceive these experiences in relation to Primary Health Care services. Furthermore, to provide scientific evidence regarding factors related to the decentralisation of PHC services in the Bophirima District. These and other issues remain of paramount importance given the current state of health care in the South Africa. This study took place in the outskirts of the semi-rural area of Bophirima and Central District in the North-West Province. The investigation followed qualitative research design that was descriptive, exploratory, contextual and phenomenological in nature. The sampling procedure involved non-probability purposive, sampling technique with a sample size of five participants. Data was collected by using an unstructured interview technique. The modified Giorgi method of analysis was used for qualitative data analysis. These are contained in Burns and Grove (2001:596) and Polit and Beck (2004:394) are fully explicated in Chapter Four. Guba model (in Babbie & Mouton, 2001:180) was utilised to ensure the trustworthiness of the study. Ethical requirements were considered throughout and these are reflected in chapter four of the thesis.Three forms of decentralisation: deconcentration, delegation and devolution were identified in the findings. The investigation further indicated that the integration of primary health care services was also underway at the time of decentralisation. This integration triggered different psychological and emotional states amongst research participants. Most importantly, the research revealed that the interest of leadership across three spheres of government played a key role in the decentralisation of PHCs and integration of PHCs, while highlighting the importance of community participation in health service delivery (CP). In conclusion, the decentralisation process was generally perceived as empowering although, nationally, leadership needs to be strengthened to support provinces and districts regarding major policy issues such decentralisation. Key recommendations were made and further research was suggested. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

L’art de (ne pas) fabriquer : Évolution des modes de conception et de production de la sculpture, a l’ère de l’objet produit en masse, entre le milieu des années 1950 et le début des annees 1970, aux États-Unis / The Art of (not) making : Evolution of the ways of conceiving and manufacturing sculpture, in the era of the mass-production object, between the mid-sixties and the early seventies, in the United States

Loire, Cédric 31 March 2012 (has links)
L’analyse de la réception critique des nouvelles formes d’art apparaissant dès la fin des années 1950 et se développant au cours des années 1960, en particulier dans le champ de la sculpture et des œuvres en trois dimensions, constitue le socle de notre réflexion. Celle-ci vise à mettre en lumière les profondes évolutions que connaissent les processus de conception et de production des œuvres en trois dimensions, chez des artistes que la réception critique « à chaud » puis l’histoire de l’art ont séparés en fonction de critères stylistiques : néo-dada, pop, minimal… L’observation de ces déplacements de la pratique, intégrant des matériaux et des modes de production industriels (ou résistant à ces derniers) offre une autre approche des enjeux de l’art de cette période, qui voit s’éloigner la figure archétypale et héroïque du sculpteur moderniste incarnée par David Smith, et s’élaborer la figure nouvelle de l’artiste « post-studio ». Parallèlement, apparaissent de nouveaux soutiens, institutionnels, financiers et surtout techniques, pour les artistes produisant des œuvres en trois dimensions et délégant tout ou partie de la fabrication à des sociétés industrielles. Un nouveau type d’entreprise voit le jour, spécialisé dans la fabrication d’œuvres en trois dimensions et de sculptures monumentales. Au début des années 1970, les nouveaux modes de fabrication expérimentés durant la décennie précédente sont parfaitement intégrés à l’économie générale de l’art. En proposer une forme d’archéologie afin d’en comprendre les motivations initiales vise à mieux penser les enjeux actuels des pratiques artistiques ayant recours à la fabrication déléguée / The analysis of the critical reception of the new forms of art appearing from the end of the 1950s and developing during the 1960s, especially in the field of sculpture and tridimensional works, constitutes the foundation of our thought. It aims at bringing to light the profound shifts in the conception and production processes of the works in three dimensions, made by artists separated by the critical reception then the art history according to stylistic criteria : Neo-Dada, Pop, Minimal, and so on. To observe these displacements of the art practice, integrating industrials materials and means of production (or resisting them) offers another approach of the art stakes in this period, which sees the archetypal and heroic figure of the modernist sculptor (embodied by David Smith) fading, and elaborating the new figure of the post-studio artist. At the same time, new supports (institutional, financial and especially technical) appear for the artists producing works in three dimensions and delegating all or any of the manufacturing to industrial companies. A new type of company, specialized in the manufacturing of works in three dimensions and monumental sculptures, is born. In the early 1970s, the new means of manufacturing experienced during the previous decade are perfectly integrated into the general economy of art. To propose a kind of archeology of these means in order to understand the initial motivations aims at a better thinking of the current stakes in the artistic practices turning to delegated manufacturing processes

The Restructuring (Systemization) of Local Government under the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Bekink, Bernard 04 December 2006 (has links)
In recent years South Africans have become accustomed to the fact that the local sphere of government is part and parcel of the new democratic structure of government in the Republic. Today, all local governments are clothed with a new status, a new autonomy and a distinctive character with specifically entrenched constitutional powers and objects. Notwithstanding its newfound importance, all local government institutions had to be transformed and restructured to fit into an entirely new constitutional framework. Such a restructuring process was an often arduous and time consuming process. The restructuring furthermore required an entire overhaul of all municipal authorities since the new Constitution requires mainly parliament to add substance to a simple constitutional framework. Parliament has recently completed its constitutional obligations in respect of the restructuring of local government and a completely new legal order regulating and managing all local government structures in South Africa has been developed and enacted. All municipal role players must now constructively and purposefully implement and enforce the various new legal requirements. This new research under the title, The restructuring of Local Government under the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, now seeks to systemize and structure the new local government legal dispensation. Spanning over 22 chapters, this work covers almost all legal aspects of the new local government dispensation and addresses, inter alia, aspects such as the new status of local governments, the impact of the Constitution on municipal affairs, the various objectives and challenges facing all municipalities, the new legal nature of local government institutions, a discussion of the principles of co-operative government relevant to the local sphere of governance, a look at the new models of local authorities, the demarcation of municipal boundaries, the composition and functioning of local government structures, the role and importance of traditional leadership in municipal decision making, an overview of the entrenched powers and functions of municipalities, aspects concerning municipal services and sustainable service delivery, as well as the important principles relating to municipal finances and fiscal management. Copyright 2006, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Bekink, B 2006, The Restructuring (Systemization) of Local Government under the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, LLD thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-12042006-163249 / > / Thesis (Doctor Legum (Public Law))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Public Law / unrestricted

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