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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riktad annonsering : en studie om cookies och user experience / Targeted advertising : a study about cookies and user experience

Gelander Dahlin, Josefine, Hammarberg, Rickard January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med vår undersökning och denna uppsats var att ta reda på vad cookie-baserad riktad annonsering har för effekter på användarupplevelsen av webbapplikationer. I samband med detta ville vi även undersöka användarnas uppfattning kring lagring, samt användning, av deras användardata för att möjliggöra detta. Insamling av användardata, med hjälp av cookies sker varje gång en användare besöker en webbplats. Denna användardata kan sedan användas för att anpassa de annonser som presenteras. Detta kan göras utan att användarna vet om att det sker och att de blir utsatta för detta. Med denna uppsats har vi därmed velat undersöka mer kring detta ämne och även ta reda på hur medvetna användare är kring att det sker, samt deras uppfattning om ämnet. Insamling av empiri har skett genom enkätundersökning. Den teori som har samlats in under arbetets användes tillsammans med forskningsfrågan som grund till enkätfrågorna.Efter insamling av empiri har vi med hjälp av enkätsvaren, jämfört resultatet av dessa med den teoretiska grund vi har byggt upp samt tidigare forskning inom relevanta ämnen. Detta för att kunna framställa en bild över användarnas åsikter kring hur riktad annonsering med hjälp av cookies påverkar en webbapplikations användarupplevelse. Vi ville även studera användarnas kunskaper om cookies samt riktad annonsering som fenomen i sig. Det resultat vi kom fram till är att medvetenheten om cookies har ökat, jämfört med vad resultat har visat i tidigare studier om ämnet och att användare i majoritet har en negativ syn på att deras användardata används för att anpassa de annonser som presenteras på sociala medier. Den vanligast förekommande motiveringen till detta var att användarna känner sig övervakade och att känslan för anonymitet i samband med riktad annonsering minskar. / The purpose with our thesis was to find out what effects cookie-based targeted advertisement had on the user experience of web applications. With the research, we also wanted to find out what the users thought about storage and usage of their user data to make it possible with targeted advertising. User data is collected every time a user visits a website. This user data can then be used to adapt the advertisement that are shown. This can be done without the user knowing it or even without them knowing they are being targeted at all. In this thesis, we investigate potential user concerns and awareness about cookies and collected data with the help of cookies. We have collected our empirical data by means of surveys. We gathered knowledge from existing research through literature reviews and incorporated the knowledge in our survey design. We compared the results of our empirical data that we had collected through our survey, with knowledge generated from existing research. We did this to create a picture of the users’ opinions about the effects on the web application of targeted advertisement with the use of cookies and also the users knowledge about cookies and targeted advertising as an individual phenomenon. The results of our research are that the awareness about cookies have increased, compared to findings in earlier research. We also found that the majority of the users have a negative view on the subject that their user data is used to adapt the advertisement that are presented to them on web applications. The most common motivation behind this was that the users felt they were being watched and that the illusion of online anonymity has declined.

A Personalized Car : A study on how to apply personalization to a driver environment

Ericsson, Tomas, Nilqvist, Monika January 2006 (has links)
An increasing amount of technology in cars makes new ideas and solutions necessary. This study will explore the idea of a personalized driver environment and investigate possible benefits and drawbacks with such a feature. The study consists of three parts: a pre-study exploring personalization, a survey investigating the attitudes towards personal settings, and finally an interview testing a specific solution. The survey was distributed in USA and Sweden while the interviews were conducted with Swedish subjects. Overall, the concept of a personalized car has been well received. This study has shown that the most requested settings are associated with the driver position, hi-fi system and climate. The study also suggests that feeling in control of the personalization is more important than the benefits associated with automation. The user prefers visible solutions, such as a personal button on the key before hidden (e.g. using a button sequence or a menu system). Such a button promotes the feature while allowing the user to interact with the car in a familiar way. However, since little real user experience exists with such solutions it is important to continue research when further developing personalization of a car.

User Experience för mobila applikationer på iPhones med stora skärmar

Bergman, Mikael, Hertzberg, Tim January 2016 (has links)
Syfte Mobila enheters skärmar har de senaste åren ökat mycket i storlek. Detta har skapat problem för användarupplevelsen. Därmed är studiens syfte: Hur appar till smartphones med större skärmar bör utvecklas i framtiden för att ge så bra UX som möjligt.   För att kunna besvara syftet har det brutits ned i tre frågeställningar:  Vilka parametrar(typer av objekt) påverkas mest av olika skärmstorlekar? Föredras olika layouter beroende på skärmstorlek?  Hur stor del av skärmen kan nås med ett enhandsgrepp? Metod För att besvara studiens första frågeställning har en litteraturstudie gjorts. Den utgjorde sedan grunden för en enkät i form av en applikation, som besvarade studiens andra och tredje frågeställningar. I den fick testpersonerna rangordna olika layouter beroende på hur de tyckte att användarupplevelsen var. Testerna genomfördes på en iPhone 4S och en iPhone 6S Plus för att få fram skillnader mellan olika skärmstorlekar. Resultat Det studien kom fram till var att det är viktigt att placera viktiga objekt inom räckvidd för användaren när ett enhandsgrepp används. Objekt som placerats i skärmens kanter eller hörn är ofta svåra att nå på en större skärm, vilket innebär att sådan placering bör undvikas. Implikationer Studien kan både hjälpa till vid framtida forskning om användarupplevelse och räckvidd, men också ge rekommendationer om vad som är viktigt att tänka på vid apputveckling till smartphones med större skärmar. Begränsningar Eftersom studien utfördes under begränsad tid fanns inte möjlighet till fler tester. / Purpose Smartphone screens have in recent years increased greatly in size. This has created problems for the user experience. Thus, the purpose of the study is: How mobile applications for smartphones with larger screens should be developed in the future to provide as good UX as possible. In order to answer the purpose it has been broken down into three research questions: Which parameters (type of objects) are most affected by different screen sizes? Depending on the screen size, are different layouts preferred? How much of the screen can be reached by one handed use? Method A study of literature is made to answer the first research question. It became the basis of a questionnaire in the form of an application, which answered the study's second and third research questions. The test subjects ranked different layouts depending on their perceived user experience. The tests were conducted on an iPhone 4S and an iPhone 6S Plus to evaluate the differences between different screen sizes. Findings The study concluded that it is important to place essential items within the user’s reach when one hand is used. Items placed at the edges or corners of the screen are often difficult to reach on a larger screen, which means that avoiding such placement is preferred. Implications The study can both be of service in future research on user experience and reach, but also give recommendations on what is important to take into consideration when developing mobile applications for smartphones with larger screens. Limitations Since the study was conducted over a limited period of time there was no opportunity for more tests.

Aesthetic experience & innovation culture : the aesthetic experience in an R&D department through design and for innovation culture / L'expérience esthétique et la culture d'innovation : l'expérience esthétique des concepteurs et l'influence du design pour une culture d'innovation

Ocnarescu, Ioana Cristina 16 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse CIFRE, effectuée au Laboratoire LCPI avec les partenaires Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France et Strate Collège, explore le concept de l'expérience esthétique des concepteurs dans le contexte de l'innovation et du travail pluridisciplinaire.Un des intérêts actuels de la recherche en design se focalise sur l'expérience utilisateur (UX) et propose des modèles et des méthodes pour comprendre ce concept pour la conception. D'autres études récentes portent sur l'expérience esthétique dans les organisations. Au travers d'une approche Recherche-Action, nous prolongeons la connaissance sur l'expérience esthétique avec un changement de perspective, de l'expérience de l'utilisateur vers l'expérience des concepteurs. Dans une étude qualitative et quantitative nous modélisons le concept de l'expérience esthétique dans un département de recherche. Notre terrain est constitué de projets pluridisciplinaires de l'Applications Research Domain (APPRD), le département pluridisciplinaire de Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs. Nous étudions les projets les plus riches, mémorables, transformateurs - ceux qui ont donné lieu à des expériences esthétiques dans le travail des concepteurs, pour comprendre quel est le lien entre ces projets, les pratiques design et la culture d'innovation. Finalement nous proposons un modèle de l'expérience esthétique dans ce contexte et nous montrons de premières implications pour déclencher ce type d'expérience dans un département multidisciplinaire de R&D. / This thesis, conducted at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France under the supervision of LCPI Laboratory and Strate Collège, explores the concept of aesthetic experiences in an R&D department.One of the current interests of design research explores the concept of User eXperience (UX) and provides frameworks and methods to observe, describe and generate a rich product experience. Other recent studies focus on the aesthetic experience in organizations. Using an Action-Research approach, we extend the knowledge on aesthetic experiences through a new perspective: rather than looking at the users' experience, we framework the experience of multidisciplinary R&D teams through a qualitative and quantitative study. Our experimentation field consists of multidisciplinary projects from the Applications Research Domain (APPRD) - the multidisciplinary department of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs. We study the most memorable projects - those that trigger aesthetic experiences in the work experience of research-engineers. Our goal is to understand what is the link between aesthetic experience feelings, design practices and aspects of the innovation culture. Finally, we propose a descriptive framework of aesthetic experience in this context and we show first implications to trigger this type of experience in a multidisciplinary R&D department.

A Roadmap for Usability and User Experience Measurement during early phases of Web Applications Development / En färdplan för användbarhet och användarcentrerad Erfarenheter mätning under tidig faser av webbapplikationer utveckling

Arslan, Muhammad, Riaz, Muhammad Assad January 2010 (has links)
Web usability and User Experience (UX) play a vital role in the success and failure of web applications. However, the usability and UX measurement during the software development life cycle provide many challenges. Based on a systematic literature review, this thesis discusses the current usability and user experience evaluation and measurement methods and the defined measures as well as their applicability during the software development life cycle. The challenges of using those methods also identified. In order to elaborate more on the challenges, we conducted informal interviews within a software company. Based on the findings, we defined a usability and user experience measurement and evaluation roadmap for web applications development companies. The roadmap contains a set of usability evaluation and measurement methods as well as measures that we found suitable to be used during the early stages (requirement, design, and development) of web application development lifecycle. To validate the applicability of the defined roadmap, a case study was performed on a real time market oriented real estate web application. The results and the discussions of the findings as well as the future research directions are presented. / Användbarhet och User Experience (UX) spelar en avgörande roll i framgång och misslyckande av webbapplikationer. Dock användbarhet och UX mätning under programvarans livscykel ge många utmaningar. Baserat på en systematisk litteraturstudie, denna uppsats diskuterar aktuella användbarhet och användarupplevelse utvärdering och mätmetoder och angivna åtgärder samt som deras tillämplighet under mjukvaruutveckling liv cykel. Utmaningarna i att använda dessa metoder identifierades också. För att utarbeta mer på de utmaningar, vi genomfört informella intervjuer inom ett mjukvaruföretag. Baserat på resultaten, definierade vi en användbarhet och användarcentrerad erfarenheter mätning och utvärdering färdplan för webben tillämpningar utvecklingsbolag. Färdplanen innehåller en uppsättning av användbarhet utvärdering och mätmetoder som samt de åtgärder som vi fann lämpliga att använda under tidigt skede (krav, design och utveckling) i webb applikationsutveckling livscykel. Att godkänna tillämpning av de definierade färdplanen, en fallstudie som utförts på ett realtid marknadsorienterad verklig egendom webbapplikation. Resultaten och diskussionerna i resultaten samt de framtida inriktningar forskning presenteras. / +46 707446847, +46 704423894

Adoption of Usability Evaluation Methods in Web Development / Antagande av Usability Evaluation Methods in Webbutveckling

Shah, Naeem Ul Hassan January 2009 (has links)
World Wide Web has attained a significant role in the communication, information sharing and services delivery within some years. The web based applications now contains the information for different organizations, academics, medical and many more. Online business in the form of E-commerce is widely using the concepts of web based business very efficiently. Due to wide use of web applications, the usability and User Experience (UX) play important roles. The organizations often concentrate less on usability evaluation of web applications due to which the users encounter problems while using the product like page loading time, accessibility, font size etc. The bad usability influences the user experience. Usability evaluation of web application helps the companies to develop more user friendly and accessible products which also improve the market positions of their products. There are different Usability Evaluation Methods (UEMs) which can be used to evaluate the product. The appropriate UEM at appropriate time during product development ensures the high quality of product. Due to different definitions of usability and UX it is difficult to evaluate the usability and UX. Furthermore there are some organizational issues like time to market, evaluator's expertise, budget etc which restrict the deployment of UEMs in web development. This thesis study is focused on the identification of different definitions of Usability and UX. The relationship between Usability and UX is also investigated. Interviews are conducted in order to identify the factors which restrict the adoption of UEMs. The results of interview are analyzed by using Grounded Theory. Some recommendations are given on the basis of empirical study that how appropriate usability inspection method(s) can be adopted during the product development. / World Wide Web har uppnått en betydande roll i för kommunikation, informationsutbyte och tjänster leverans inom några år. Den web-baserade applikationer nu innehåller information för olika organisationer, akademiker, läkare och många fler. Online-verksamhet i form av e-handel är allmänt använda begreppen webbaserade business mycket effektivt. På grund av omfattande användning av webbapplikationer, användbarhet och User Experience (UX) spelar en viktig roll. Den organisationer koncentrera ofta mindre på användbarhet utvärdering av webbapplikationer beror på vilken användare stöter på problem när du använder produkter som är likadana sidan lastande tid, tillgänglighet, textstorlek etc. dåliga användbarhet påverkar användarupplevelsen. Användbarhet utvärdering av webbprogram hjälper företag att utveckla mer användarvänliga och lättillgängliga produkter som förbättrar också marknadspositioner produkter. Det finns olika Usability Evaluation Methods (UEMS) som kan användas för att utvärdera produkten. Den lämplig UEM vid lämplig tidpunkt under produktens utveckling säkerställer en hög kvalitet på produkten. Grund olika definitioner av användbarhet och UX det är svårt att utvärdera användbarheten och UX. Vidare finns Vissa organisatoriska frågor som tid till marknaden, Utvärderarens kompetens, budget etc. som begränsar utplacering av UEMS inom webbutveckling. Här avhandlingen Studien är inriktad på identifiering av olika definitioner av användbarhet och UX. Den Förhållandet mellan Användbarhet och UX är också undersökts. Intervjuerna är gjorda för att identifiera de faktorer som begränsar införandet av UEMS. Resultaten av intervjun analyseras med hjälp av Grounded Theory. Vissa rekommendationer ges på grundval av empiriska studie att hur lämpliga användbarhet kontrollmetod (s) kan antas under produktutvecklingen.

Cross-device brand experience : Interactive brand elements in the Skype service ecology

Erhard, Peter January 2006 (has links)
Many interactive products and services have made the move from stationary or desktop applications to dedicated mobile devices. Sonys Playstation has evolved into the PSP (playstation portable), Apples iPod is fully integrated with iTunes, Microsoft’s new media player is rumored to carry the Xbox brand and browsers like Internet Explorer and Opera can be used on pocket PCs, cell phones and Smart Phones. A very interesting example of this development is the global telephony company Skype that offers free calls over the Internet as well as instant messaging, video conferencing among many other things. Skype is making its way from the desktop to a wide array of devices, stressing the need for a unified brand experience. This thesis seeks to explore the different interactive aspects that constitute the user experience of a specific brand. Through listing the use qualities fulfilled by the services in the primary product and examining their requirements and dependencies in the user interface, this thesis proposes a method to foresee potential confinements in the brand experience when distributing an interactive product or service to a new platform. The thesis also aims at examining how the method can be used in the design process.

Remote desktop protocols : A comparison of Spice, NX and VNC

Hagström, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis compares the remote desktop protocol Spice to NX and VNC taking into consideration user experience when viewing multimedia content. By measuring the quality of the protocols by viewing a video in a slow-motion benchmark compared to ordinary speeds it is shown that Spice has a low video quality compared to VNC. It is likely that due to a large amount of data sent, Spice does not manage to reach a high quality user experience.

Designing interfaces for the visually impaired : Contextual information and analysis of user needs

Olofsson, Stina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores how to design for the visually impaired. During the course of work, a literature study and interviews with blind and visually impaired people were conducted. The objective was to investigate what contextual information is wanted in new and unfamiliar spaces outside their home. The interviews also explored how they experience digital tools they are using today and what they think of the possibilities of voice and other user interfaces. The main finding from the study is that there are indications that multimodal interfaces are preferred. The interface should combine voice, haptic and graphics since the participants wanted to interact in different ways depending on functionality and context. Three main problem areas were identified, navigation, public transportation and shopping. Another result was that when developing for the visually impaired it should always be tested on people with a wide variation of vision loss to find the correct contextual information.

Exploring drawbacks in music recommender systems : the Spotify case

Ding, Yiwen, Liu, Chang January 2015 (has links)
Currently, more and more people use music streaming websites to listen to music, and a music recommendation service is commonly provided on the music streaming websites. A good music recommender system improves people’s user experience of music streaming websites. Nevertheless, there are some issues regarding the existing music recommender systems that need to be looked into.The purpose of this thesis is to identify the weaknesses of music recommender systems. Spotify, a Swedish music streaming website, has a large number of users. As it is a widely known streaming service, it seems appropriate for a case study on the drawbacks of music recommender systems.The case study method has been chosen for doing this research. The process of making up this thesis was divided into three stages. At the first stage, some basic preparations for the thesis were done. The second stage was characterized by some empirical work, like interviews and questionnaires, to collect the required data. Those empirical findings were analyzed in the third part to help us to identify and define the drawbacks.The research results presented in this thesis contribute to close several knowledge gaps in the area of music recommender systems and could thus be beneficial to different actors: streaming website operators to identify drawbacks of their recommender system; designers of recommender systems to improve system design; and, last but not least, this thesis provides some useful advice to those who market music streaming websites.This thesis does not focus on the technical and algorithm fields, i.e. the hardware- and software-related background. Instead, the idea and the functions of the recommender system, its feedback loop and the user experience were subject to our research and discussion. The results of the thesis can provide those responsible with both and inspiration for creating more customized recommender systems.

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