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631 |
Ekonomicko-sociologické aspekty žebrání / Economics - Sociological aspects of beggaryOndrušková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The diploma theses will be about the problematics of "beggary" and his relationship to various forms of criminality, homelessness and drug addiction. Baggary can be concieved as a certain work substitute, which is apriori executed because of gain. My goal is to make analyses of posssible overlap between beggars and persons receiving social security benefits. Findings of services for reintegration of baggers to the labour market will be included. I will use a method to available statistic data comparision with own empirical observation. The observation was made during my short term attachment at Občanské sdružení Naděje Praha with the help of their employees. Aim of this work is analyses of contemporary labour policy arrangement. Theoretical basis of the thesis will be comparison of main stream economics with austrian school (Hezlit, Rothbard, Mises).
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Distribuição, estrutura produtiva e demanda agregada no Brasil: uma análise de inspiração Kaleckiana / Distribution, productive structure and aggregate demand in Brazil: a Kaleckian inpired analysesBrenck, Clara Zanon 18 June 2019 (has links)
Central no debate sobre o aumento da concentração de renda entre os anos 60 e 70 no Brasil, o papel da estrutura produtiva na determinação da distribuição de salários ficou relegado a segundo plano na literatura econômica das últimas décadas. Ao resgatar tais elementos para a análise da relação entre a redução da desigualdade salarial e as alterações na composição do emprego no Brasil no período recente, contribuímos para a literatura teórica e empírica sobre a relação entre distribuição de renda e demanda agregada. Baseando essa análise no arcabouço neo-kaleckiano, contribuímos para a literatura teórica através da construção de um modelo de economia aberta de dois setores que incorpora o efeito da desigualdade salarial sobre o padrão de consumo das famílias. Os resultados revelam as condições para a emergência de um processo circular de causação cumulativa entre a queda da desigualdade salarial e a transferência de empregos para o setor não comercializável, intensivo em mão-de-obra menos qualificada. O capítulo empírico dessa dissertação testa econometricamente a existência desse mecanismo cumulativo no Brasil, separando-o em dois exercícios: um Vetor de Correção de Erros (VEC) para a relação de longo prazo entre composição do produto e índice de Gini entre 1980 a 2014 e um Vetor Autorregressivo (VAR) para a relação de curto prazo entre as variações na desigualdade salarial e na composição do emprego no período entre 2004 e 2019. Os resultados parecem confirmar a hipótese de que as alterações na estrutura produtiva e na distribuição de renda reforçaram-se mutuamente ao longo do tempo / Central to the debate regarding increase in the income concentration between the 1960s and 1970s in Brazil, the role of the productive structure in the determination of wage distribution has been relegated to second place in the economic literature of the last decades. By rescuing these elements to analyze the relationship between the reduction of wage inequality and changes in the composition of employment in Brazil in the recent period, we contribute to the theoretical and empirical literature on the relationship between income distribution and aggregate demand. Basing this analysis on the neo-Kaleckian framework, we contribute to the theoretical literature by constructing an open economy model of two sectors that incorporates the effect of wage inequality on the household consumption pattern. The results reveal the conditions for the emergence of a circular process of cumulative causation between the fall of the wage inequality and the transfer of jobs to the non-tradable sector, intensive in less qualified labor. The empirical chapter of this dissertation econometrically tests the existence of this cumulative mechanism in Brazil, separating it into two exercises: an Error Correction Vector (VEC) for the long-term relationship between product composition and Gini index between 1980 and 2014 and an Autoregressive Vector (VAR) for the short-run relationship between changes in wage inequality and employment composition in the period between 2004 and 2019. The results seem to confirm the hypothesis that changes in the productive structure and income distribution were reinforced over time
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Informal employment in Ukraine and European Union transition countries / L’emploi informel en Ukraine et dans les pays en transition de l’Union EuropéenneNezhyvenko, Oksana 05 July 2018 (has links)
L'emploi informel est devenu un sérieux défi pour l'économie ukrainienne et des pays en transition au cours de l'adaptation aux conditions du marché. La tendance du nombre de travailleurs qui participent au secteur informel est en hausse depuis les dernières années. Dans mes recherches, je vais présenter l'état actuel de l'emploi informel en Ukraine et les pays en transition. Une attention particulière est accordée à la répartition du travail entre les différentes catégories de population, en divisant les individus en cinq catégories (employés formels, employés informels, travailleurs indépendants formels, travailleurs indépendants informels et chômeurs) selon la définition de l'emploi informel de l'OIT. Nous examinons le marché du travail en utilisant les données de Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey pour l'Ukraine et Survey on Living and Income Conditions pour les pays en transition et nous élaborons la fonction des gains du capital humain pour le marché du travail en appliquant la fonction de répartition des gains de Mincer, afin d'étudier les facteurs qui déterminent les revenus et le choix de l'emploi de l'individu en Ukraine et les pays en transition. / Informal employment became a serious challenge for the Ukrainian economy and economy of transition countries during the adjustment to market conditions. Trends of the number of workers participating in the informal sector have been rising for the last years. In my research I will present the current state of informal employment of Ukraine and transition countries. Detailed attention is paid to labour distribution across different population categories by dividing the individuals into five categories (formal employee, informal employee, formal self-employed, informal self-employed and unemployed) following the definition of informal employment from the ILO. We examine labour market using the data of the Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey for Ukraine and the Survey on Living and Income Conditions for transition countries and we design human capital earnings function for labour market by applying Mincer earnings distribution function in order to investigate the factors that determine the individual’s earnings and choice of the employment status both for Ukraine and transition countries.
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A política da política de salário mínimo no Brasil / The politics of Brazilian Minimum Wage PolicyFlores, Paulo César da Silva 08 March 2017 (has links)
Na presente dissertação, tenho como objetivo examinar os fatores políticos que explicam a recente trajetória de valorização salário mínimo no Brasil. Trata-se de um esforço em apontar os interesses e estratégias adotadas por atores envolvidos no processo de negociação e fixação do salário mínimo que foram determinantes para os rumos dados à política entre 1995 e 2016. Por meio da análise do processo decisório, demonstro como a dinâmica de pressão dupla constrangimento fiscal e incentivo eleitoral provoca convergência de preferências entre os partidos. Nesse cenário, partidos do governo utilizam dispositivos institucionais para promover reajustes do salário mínimo em níveis que não comprometam as contas públicas e trabalham para vetar a aprovação de (i) projetos de lei da oposição e (ii) emendas parlamentares que promovam reajustes superiores aos determinados pelo Poder Executivo. Ao longo do tempo, a estratégia se mostrou constante tanto em governos de centro, como os dois primeiros mandatos de FHC, quando de centro-esquerda, nos mandatos de Lula e Rousseff. Identifico três momentos distintos da trajetória do salário mínimo. No primeiro (1996 a 2001), após a derrota parlamentar da coalizão em 1995, o governo FHC emitia Medidas Provisórias e a coalizão bloqueava a tramitação de Projetos de Lei da oposição. No segundo (2002 2005), com a obrigatoriedade de tramitação das Medidas Provisórias, o governo trabalhou para alinhar os interesses da coalizão no Legislativo e garantir a aprovação da lei de acordo com as preferências do governo. No terceiro (2006 2016), o acordo entre governo e centrais sindicais estabeleceu critério de reajuste a longo prazo baseado na variação do INPC e PIB, regra institucionalizada no início do governo Rousseff. / In this thesis, I examine the political factors that explain the recent trajectory of minimum wage growth in Brazil. It is an effort to point out the interests and strategies adopted by actors involved in the process of negotiating and fixing the minimum wage that were decisive for the directions given to the policy between 1995 and 2016. Through the analysis of the decision-making process, I demonstrate how a dual political pressure fiscal constraint and electoral incentive leads to convergence of preferences among parties. In this scenario, government parties use institutional arrangements to promote minimum wage readjustments at levels that do not compromise public accounts while working to veto the approval of (i) opposition bills and (ii) parliamentary amendments that promote growth rates above the Executive Branch\'s proposal. Over time, the strategy has been constant both in center-wing governments, with the first two mandates of FHC (PSDB), and in center-left governments, with the mandates of Lula and Rousseff (PT). I identify three distinct moments in the trajectory of the minimum wage policy. In the first (1996 2001), after a coalition proposal suffered a defeat in Congress in 1995, the FHC government issued Decrees and its coalition blocked the passage of parliamentary bills of the opposition. In the second (2002 - 2005), with the requirement of voting and passing Decrees in parliament, governments worked to align the interests of their coalitions in the legislature and ensure passing of the law according to their preferences. In the third (2006- 2016), an agreement between the PT governments and labor unions established a longterm adjustment criterion based on the variation of the inflation and GDP, a rule institutionalized in 2011 (Rousseff\'s government).
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Equações de rendimentos e a utilização de instrumentos para o problema de endogeneidade da educação / Equations of the income and the use of instruments for the education endogeneity problemsTeixeira, Wladimir Machado 15 December 2006 (has links)
O propósito desta tese consiste em estimar o efeito da educação sobre os salários no Brasil. Utiliza-se, o número de escolas em cada estado no ano de nascimento do indivíduo como instrumento para lidar com o problema de endogeneidade da variável educação. É feita também uma descrição histórica das principais políticas educacionais e suas mudanças, que afetaram a educação brasileira desde Dutra até Figueiredo. Os resultados mostram que a variável número de escolas no ano de nascimento tem uma relação positiva com a probabilidade de escolarização, sendo que as gerações de Geisel e Médici têm uma menor probabilidade de escolarização do que as de Figueiredo. Os resultados apontam para uma diminuição significativa dos retornos à educação quando utilizamos o método de variáveis instrumentais. / The aim of this dissertation is to estimate the impact of education on wages in Brazil We use the number of schools in the state and year when the individual was born as instruments for his education level. We also make a historical description of the main educational policies which affected the Brazilian education system since president Dutra´s term until president Figueiredo´s. The results show that the number of schools in the individual´s year of birth bears a positive relationship with his education, and that the cohorts born during the Geisel and Médici´s terms had lower education than in Figueiredo´s. The main results show that the returns to education decrease quite substantially when the method of instrumental variables is used.
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Broto novo em tronco velho : a cidadania aos trabalhadores rurais assalariadosLibardoni, Paulo José January 2016 (has links)
“Broto novo em tronco velho” busca, a partir da sociologia compreensiva e do conflito social, analisar a ampliação do acesso as prerrogativas sociais (trabalhistas) decorrentes da igualdade formal jurídica criada pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 aos trabalhadores rurais assalariados, sob o recorte espacial do município de Ijuí/RS e região. A moldura reflexiva ateve-se a ampliação das Prerrogativas de Cidadania, com atenção especial as sociais, eladas ao papel da ordem jurídica (racional formal) e os efeitos da ordem econômica naquela. A pesquisa exploratória, as entrevistas, a análise documental (Contratos Coletivos de Trabalho, Termos de Rescisão dos Contratos de Trabalho e Processos Judiciais) fundamentam a compreensão de que no Brasil ocorreram Políticas de Cidadania, como uma dinâmica de gestão, ora fechada, ora aberta de acesso às prerrogativas civis, políticas e sociais, e o fechamento do acesso aos provimentos (meios de produção e oportunidades), em vista da perene e histórica desigualdade social brasileira. Os Direitos Trabalhistas enquanto prerrogativas sociais estão eladas ao modelo industrial de produção, assim, a partir da década de 30 intensificasse aos trabalhadores urbanos o acesso, e a partir da década 60 os trabalhadores rurais passam a dispor de um rol crescente de prerrogativas sociais, ambas desencadeadas por processos crescentes de modernização (urbana e industrial), e depois, modernização da agricultura (rural e industrial) O conflito social se desloca da definição do preço do trabalho (domesticado pelo Estado), para a efetivação das prerrogativas trabalhistas na realidade dos obreiros rurais. Com a desigualdade jurídica formal praticada de 1943 com a Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho até a Constituição Federal de 1988 os trabalhadores rurais assalariados tiveram obstaculizadas as oportunidades e as chances de vida, as quais, a igualdade formal de 1988 não consegue criar com a mesma vigência/efetividade. Passando a compor apenas mais uma via de acesso à renda apta a subsistência e a manutenção de uma decrescente categoria profissional. As novas normas jurídicas trabalhistas criadas a partir de 1988, por não alcançarem um grau médio de vigência/efetividade na realidade, não podem ser compreendidas como ordem, no sentido weberiano, pois estas influem em um grau “baixo ou precário” nas ações e relações sociais de trabalho contratadas no espaço rural. A dinâmica de acesso às prerrogativas de cidadania, ora fechado ora aberto, em sentido amplo, irão se tornar de acesso público e geral a partir do momento que estas não estiverem aptas a fragilizar a estrutura dos provimentos (os meios de vida e meios de produção) e forem necessárias a manutenção e o aprimoramento institucional. A modernidade deixa transparecer que a sobrevivência humana foi e será preterida pela necessidade da preservação de suas próprias instituições. / “New bud in an old trunk” attempts, through comprehensive sociology and social conflict, to analyze the increase in the access to social prerogatives (labor related) resulting from the formal legal equality created by the Brazilian constitution of 1988, for wage-earning rural workers in the city of Ijuí/RS and its region. The reflexive framework focused on the amplification of the prerogatives of citizenship, with special attention to the social ones, linked to the role of the legal system (formal rational) and the effects of the economic order in it. The explanatory research, the interviews, the document analysis (collective labor agreements, terms of work contract termination, and lawsuits) underlie the understanding that Citizenship Policies as management dynamics happened in Brazil, sometimes closed, sometimes open to the access to civil prerogatives, social and political, and the closing of the access to provisions (means of production and opportunities), given the perennial and historical social inequality in Brazil. Labor rights as social prerogatives are linked to the industrial model of production, so that from the 1930s on, the access to them by rural workers would be intensified, and from the 1960s on rural workers start having an increasing list of social prerogatives, both triggered by growing processes of modernization (urban and industrial) and after, modernization of agriculture (rural and industrial). Social conflict moves away from the definition of the price of labor (domesticated by the state), for the effectiveness of the labor prerogatives in the reality of rural workers With the formal legal inequality practiced from 1943 with the consolidation of the labor laws until the Federal Constitution of 1988 wage-earning rural workers had obstacles to reach opportunities and chances of life, which the formal equality of 1988 is not able to create with the same effectiveness, then composing only one more way to access income fit for subsistence and the maintenance of a declining professional category. As the new legal labor rules created from 1988 on do not have an average degree of effectiveness in reality, they cannot be understood as an order in a Weberian sense, because these rules influence in a “low or precarious” degree in the actions and social relations of work hired in rural areas. The dynamics for access to the prerogatives of citizenship, sometimes open, sometimes closed, in a broad sense, will become of public and general access from the moment they are not able to weaken the structure of the provisions (the means of living and means of production) and the institutional maintenance and improvement are necessary. Modernity has shown us that human survival is and will be put aside for the necessity of preservation of its own institutions.
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Immigration, wages and employment evidence from France / Immigration, salaires et emplois : quels effets en France ?Edo, Anthony 13 October 2014 (has links)
En France, en 2010, un dixième de la population active était immigrée. Quel impact cet apport d’actifs a-t-il eu sur les salaires et l’emploi des natifs ? Une analyse centrée sur la substitution entre natifs et immigrés montre d’abord que l’immigration n’a eu qu’un faible impact sur le salaire des natifs de même niveau d’éducation et d’expérience. Une hausse de 10% de la part d’immigrés réduit le salaire mensuel des natifs de même qualification d’environ 0,6%. Ce résultat n’est pas surprenant compte tenu de la forte rigidité salariale qui caractérise le marché du travail français : l’existence d’un salaire minimum national et d’indemnités chômage élevées peut expliquer l’absence d’ajustement des salaires suite à une augmentation de l’offre de travail. Dans ce contexte de fortes rigidités salariales, l’ajustement porte sur le taux d’emploi. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une hausse de 10 % de la part des immigrés dégrade d’environ 3 % le taux d’emploi des natifs ayant des caractéristiques individuelles similaires : âge, formation, expérience professionnelle. L’emploi des natifs diminue au profit de celui des immigrés puisque ces derniers sont relativement plus attractifs pour les entreprises. Les immigrants sont notamment plus enclins à accepter des salaires plus faibles et des conditions de travail plus difficiles que des natifs de même qualification. Cette première analyse de court terme n’est que partielle puisqu’elle omet les effets de complémentarité que l’immigration devrait induire sur les travailleurs dont les qualifications différent de celles des immigrants. En tenant compte de ces effets de complémentarité, une seconde analyse montre que si l’immigration n’a aucune incidence sur le salaire moyen des natifs à long terme, l’immigration a produit en France des gagnants et des perdants depuis les années 1990. Dans la mesure où la population immigrée est de plus en plus qualifiée, l’immigration a réduit le salaire des natifs très qualifiés et augmenté celui des natifs faiblement qualifiés. L’immigration a donc contribué à la réduction des inégalités salariales entre les travailleurs qualifiés et non qualifiés constatée en France durant cette période. De même, nous montrons que la forte féminisation de la population immigrée a eu un impact différencié sur les salaires des natifs selon leur genre. Depuis 1990, nos estimations indiquent que l’immigration a diminué le salaire des femmes et augmenté celui des hommes. Cet effet asymétrique s’explique par le fait que les hommes et les femmes tendent à être imparfaitement substituables dans le processus productif. / In the past two decades, the fraction of the population in developed countries that is foreign-born increased from 7% in 1990 to 10% in 2010. The rise in the demographic importance of international migration led to a parallel increase in the amount of time and effort that economists devote to studying the consequences of immigration. One of the main questions raised by economists is related to the labor impact of migration in receiving economies. What is the impact of immigration on the employment and earnings of native workers ? This dissertation contributes to the immigration literature through a deep empirical investigation on the effects of immigrants on native wages and employment in France over the 1990-2010 period. This dissertation is composed of two main parts. The first part investigates the short-run effects of immigration on the outcomes of competing native workers (who have skills similar to those of the migrants). I find that immigration has a very small negative impact on the wages of competing natives. This result is consistent with the prevalence of downward wage rigidities in France. However, I show that immigration decreases the employment rate of natives with similar education and experience : a 10% increase in the immigrant share due to an influx of immigrants is associated with a 3% fall in the employment rate of competing natives. Since immigrants are relatively more attractive for firms (while they are identical to natives in all other respects), a substitution mechanism operates between natives and immigrants. The second part extends the analysis by providing a full picture of the wage impact of immigration in France. In this part, I allow the labor market to adjust to immigration in the long-run. In addition, I account for the complementarity effects induced by immigration on the wages of natives with different skills. The estimates indicate no detrimental impact of immigration on the average wage of natives. This part also provides the distributional effects of immigration by education and gender. In as much immigrants to France has been disproportionately high educated in the past two decades, I find that immigration has reduced the wage of highly educated native workers and has contributed to raise the wage of low educated. Thus, immigration-induced shocks to French labor supply have served to reduce wage inequality between low educated and high educated workers. Moreover, I find that immigration has lowered the relative wage of female natives and increased the wage of male natives. This asymmetric effect is due to the facts that immigration has disproportionately increased the number of female workers since 1990, and also that men and women of similar education are imperfect substitutes in the production process.
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[pt] Esta tese discute três questões em torno das previsões de
(HO). A primeira se relaciona com o impacto da abertura
comercial sobre o
aumento na desigualdade salarial nos Estados Unidos, e
apresenta resultados
consistentes com esta premissa quando se leva em conta a
distorção provocada
pelos níveis de sindicalização dos trabalhadores não
qualificados. A segunda
discute as implicações teóricas e empíricas das fontes de
vantagens comparativas
reveladas pelo comércio em um dado país, propondo-se dois
refinamentos teóricos
à literatura: as diferenças tecnológicas entre países e
entre períodos. Com base
neste debate estudam-se as fontes de vantagens comparativas
no Brasil e mostrase
que o país é rico em trabalho não-qualificado, estoque
capital e terra, mas
escasso em trabalho qualificado. Por fim, estuda-se o
impacto das políticas de
livre comércio - ocorridas na década de noventa - sobre o
mercado de trabalho
brasileiro, levando em conta as mudanças tecnológicas.
Todos os testes
elaborados são consistentes com as previsões de HO, já as
inovações tecnológicas
tiveram efeitos contrários à abertura comercial no mercado
de trabalho. / [en] This thesis analyzes three questions around the Heckscher-
Ohlin (HO)
predictions. The first one is related to trade impact on
the increase of wage
inequality in the United States, and presents results that
are consistent with this
argument when the distortion caused by unions of unskilled
workers is taken into
account. The second one studies the theoretical and
empirical concerns related to
the comparative advantages sources that are revealed by a
country international
trade. It is added two theoretical considerations to the
literature: technological
differences between countries and between periods. Based on
this debate the
comparative advantages sources are determined to Brazil,
showing that this
country is rich in unskilled workers, capital and land, but
scarce in skilled
workers. Finally, the impact of free international trade
policies - occurred in the
90s - on the Brazilian labor market is evaluated, taking
into account the
technological changes. The tests elaborated are consistent
with the HO
predictions, and technological innovations present contrary
effects to openness on
labor market.
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Equações de rendimentos e a utilização de instrumentos para o problema de endogeneidade da educação / Equations of the income and the use of instruments for the education endogeneity problemsWladimir Machado Teixeira 15 December 2006 (has links)
O propósito desta tese consiste em estimar o efeito da educação sobre os salários no Brasil. Utiliza-se, o número de escolas em cada estado no ano de nascimento do indivíduo como instrumento para lidar com o problema de endogeneidade da variável educação. É feita também uma descrição histórica das principais políticas educacionais e suas mudanças, que afetaram a educação brasileira desde Dutra até Figueiredo. Os resultados mostram que a variável número de escolas no ano de nascimento tem uma relação positiva com a probabilidade de escolarização, sendo que as gerações de Geisel e Médici têm uma menor probabilidade de escolarização do que as de Figueiredo. Os resultados apontam para uma diminuição significativa dos retornos à educação quando utilizamos o método de variáveis instrumentais. / The aim of this dissertation is to estimate the impact of education on wages in Brazil We use the number of schools in the state and year when the individual was born as instruments for his education level. We also make a historical description of the main educational policies which affected the Brazilian education system since president Dutra´s term until president Figueiredo´s. The results show that the number of schools in the individual´s year of birth bears a positive relationship with his education, and that the cohorts born during the Geisel and Médici´s terms had lower education than in Figueiredo´s. The main results show that the returns to education decrease quite substantially when the method of instrumental variables is used.
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Návrh rozvoje systému hodnocení a odměňování zaměstnanců ve vybrané společnosti / Proposal for Development of Evaluation and Remuneration of Employees in the Selected CompanySasková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with evaluation and remuneration of employees in selected company. Thesis consists of three part. First part containes theoretical knowledge of the issue. In the next part is analyzed current status of the company. This part also includes analysis of evaluation and remuneration of employees. In the last part of this thesis are proposals for developing the current system of evaluation and remuneration of employees.
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