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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Absenteísmo e acidentes de trabalho entre trabalhadores em turnos de indústrias automobilísticas / Absenteeism and work injuries among shift workers of automotive industries

Frida Marina Fischer 20 March 1984 (has links)
Foram analisadas todas as ausências e acidentes de trabalho ocorridos entre 1354 trabalhadores das seções de prensas pesadas de indústrias automobilísticas da região da Grande São Paulo. O trabalho era organizado em quatro sistemas de turnos semi-contínuos: 3 turnos fixos, 1 turno vespertino-noturno fixo, 2 turnos rodiziantes mensais e 3 turnos rodiziantes quinzenais. As análises das características dos trabalhadores envolvidos em episódios de faltas e acidentes evidenciou que o tempo de empresa é uma importante variável, e se relaciona de forma inversamente proporcional à frequência dos episódios. Quanto aos sistemas de turnos, foram observados maiores coeficientes de frequência de faltas por doença nos sistemas de 3 turnos fixos. Os períodos da manhã e da tarde apresentaram maiores valores nos coeficientes de ausências por doença que o período vespertino-noturno e noturno. Em relação às faltas injustificadas, o turno fixo vespertino-noturno teve valores mais elevados que os outros sistemas de turnos e o período vespertino-noturno apresentou maiores ausências que à tarde e à noite. Não houve diferenças quanto à frequência, gravidade e duração de acidentes e os períodos de trabalho em 3 sistemas de turnos. Somente no esquema de 3 turnos fixos, a frequência de acidentes foi maior a tarde que à noite. O sistema de 3 turnos fixos teve coeficientes de frequência, gravidade e duração dos acidentes semelhantes a dos turnos rodiziantes quinzenais. A única diferença foi observada entre os turnos rodiziantes mensais e quinzenais. Os primeiros apresentaram maior frequência de episódios. O estudo do não absentismo em trabalhadores que permaneceram 24 meses nos sistemas de turnos, mostrou que a proporção do não absentismo injustificado é inferior ao não absentismo doença, em 3 sistemas de turnos. A proporção dos não acidentados é menor que a das faltas por doença em 2 sistemas de turnos (rodiziantes mensais e fixos vespertinos-noturnos) e equivalente a dos episódios injustificados no sistema de 3 turnos fixos. As faltas injustificadas representaram um problema mais sério que as ausências por doença, nas indústrias estudadas. / The variables associated to the occurrence of absenteeism spells sickness absence, unjustified absence and accidents at work among shift workers were studied, in four types of semicontinuous shiftwork (3 fixed shifts, 1 late afternoon shift, 2 monthly rotating shifts, 3 fortnightly rotating shifts). The research was conducted among 1,354 workers in heavy sheet metal stamping sections of automotive plants located in the Greater São Paulo area. In any type of shift-schedule the time on the job appeared as an important variable inversely proportional to the frequency of the spells. The 3 fixed shifts schedule presented the highest sickness absence ratio. The sickness absence ratios were higher during the late afternoon and night shifts and on morning and evening working hours than in late-afternoon and night periods. The unjustified absences ratios were higher during the late afternoon shifts. This work period showed a higher absences than evening and night. No significant differences were found regarding the frequency, severity and length ratios of the accidents at work during the periods (morning, evening and night) in neither of the 3 shift systems. The 3 fixed shifts showed a higher accident frequency at evening than at noon. The ratios of the frequency, severity and accident length, respectively of the 3 fixed shifts system, were of the same values as those of the fortnightly rotating shifts system. A difference was observed between the monthly and fortnightly rotating shifts. The former presented a higher frequency of the accidents. The survey of the shift workers who worked 24 months on the job showed that the unjustified non-absenteeism ratio is lower than the sickness non-absenteeism ratio, for the three shifts systems. The non-accident absenteeism ratio is lower than the sickness non-absenteeism ratios in two shifts systems (monthly rotating and fixed late afternoon) and it is equal to the ratio of unjustified absence for the 3 fixed shifts. Unjustified absences represented more serious problems than sickness absences in studied industries.

Faltas e licenças médicas: o absenteísmo na Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo / Medical absence and leave: absenteeism in the State Department of Education of São Paulo

Mario Augusto Porto 09 September 2010 (has links)
O estudo das faltas e licenças médicas pode tornar-se referencial privilegiado para observar-se a conjuntura na qual se edificam as diretrizes e os produtos que se constituirão nas ações educativas para jovens e crianças que dependem da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Para medir o absenteísmo no trabalho relacionado a motivos de saúde optou-se em descrever a magnitude média das taxas de faltas e de licenças médicas do magistério e do pessoal de apoio, segundo as 91 diretorias de ensino de todo o Estado de São Paulo, entre maio de 2008 e julho de 2009 e comparar as proporções de faltas e de licenças entre as funções do magistério e de apoio, segundo coordenadorias de ensino. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico que utilizou em sua construção, dados secundários, coletados a partir de registros oficiais. Verificou-se que a região periférica da metrópole paulistana foi a que apresentou um número superior de ausências, em detrimento do interior e da capital, que tiveram registradas médias aproximadas. As licenças médicas, contudo, têm, principalmente no interior, significativa elevação. Este trabalho pôde registrar que aproximadamente 20 por cento da força de trabalho contratada esteve ausente durante o período letivo observado, sendo o tempo fator importante para a predição do afastamento das pessoas do trabalho. Identifica-se que, em janeiro, quase não há afastamentos por motivo de saúde e que ocorre aumento progressivo ao longo do semestre estudado. Em junho/julho, inverte-se essa tendência, que se modifica novamente em agosto, o que sugere um padrão de repetição (ciclo). Nítida é a elevação de ausências por motivo de saúde no período definido como letivo / The study of absences and sick leave can become privileged reference point for observing the situation in which the guidelines are built and the products that will serve on the educational activities for adolescents and children who depend on the Bureau of Education of the State of São Paulo. Measuring absenteeism in work related to medical reasons was decided to describe the magnitude of the average rates of absenteeism and medical leave from teaching and support staff, according to the 91 boards of education throughout the State of São Paulo between May 2008 and July 2009 and compare the proportion of absences and licenses among the functions of teaching and support, according to coordinators of education. This is one ecological study that used in its construction, the secondary data collected from official records. It was found that the peripheral region of the metropolis was the one with a higher number of absences at the expense of the interior and the capital, who had recorded approximate average. Sick leave, however, have mainly within, a significant increase. This work could report that approximately 20 per cent of the workforce employed was absent during the school year observed, the time factor is important for predicting the removal of people from work. We found that in January, there was almost no leaves due to health reasons and that it had increased progressively throughout the semester studied. In June / July, that trend reversed itself, which was modified again in August, which suggested a pattern of repetition (cycle). Sharp was the elevation of absences due to health reasons in the period defined as academic

Dimensão do absenteísmo entre trabalhadores de enfermagem do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre / Dimensión del absentismo entre trabajadores de enfermería del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre / Dimension of absenteeism among nursing staff at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

Riboldi, Caren de Oliveira January 2008 (has links)
Estudo transversal, documental contemporâneo, com abordagem quantitativa. O objetivo consistiu em caracterizar o absenteísmo dos trabalhadores de enfermagem do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, apresentando características profissionais, motivos de ausências, taxas de absenteísmo e associações entre os Serviços de Enfermagem. A amostra abrangeu 1535 cartões-ponto, referentes aos trabalhadores vinculados ao Grupo de Enfermagem e que apresentaram taxa de absenteísmo maior que zero, no período de outubro de 2006 a setembro de 2007. A coleta de dados ocorreu mediante consulta ao sistema Informações Gerenciais, com lançamento na íntegra das variáveis de interesse em uma planilha eletrônica do Microsoft Excel. Para análise dos dados, recorreu-se à estatística descritiva e analítica, com emprego do software SPSS 14.0. O perfil profissional, relacionado ao absenteísmo, apontou o predomínio de profissionais técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, sexo feminino, idade entre 41 e 50 anos, tempo de serviço no Hospital superior a 20 anos e exercício das atividades no turno noturno. Os principais motivos de ausências compreenderam os afastamentos por doença, falta legal ou abonada por lei, acidente de trabalho e atraso, nesta ordem. A taxa de absenteísmo da área de enfermagem manteve-se dentro da meta institucional de 3%. Em relação aos Serviços de Enfermagem, cogita-se que setores com maior complexidade técnicoinstrumental de assistência e/ou alto fluxo de atividades tendem a apresentar índices elevados de absenteísmo. Os resultados desta investigação poderão contribuir para a análise dos processos de gestão do próprio Hospital e também de outros contextos, especificamente na área de planejamento e adequação de recursos humanos, subsidiando ações mais direcionadas e eficazes no que tange à problemática, tanto em nível institucional quanto do próprio trabalhador. / This is a cross-sectional, documental, contemporary study with a quantitative approach. The aim was to characterize absenteeism among nursing workers at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, presenting professional characteristics, the reasons for and rates of absenteeism and looking at associations between Nursing Services. The sample included 1535 time cards of the staff connected to the Nursing Group who had a rate of absenteeism greater than zero during the period from October 2006 to September 2007. Data were collected by consulting the Managerial Information system, with a full record of the variables of interest on a Microsoft Excel electronic spreadsheet. Descriptive and analytic statistics were used to analyze the data employing SPSS 14.0 software. The professional profile relating to the absenteeism profile pointed to the predominance of technical professionals and nursing aides, female, aged 41 to 50 years, whose had been employed at the Hospital for over 20 years and working the night shift. The main reasons for absences were sick leave, leave for legal or legally approved reasons, labor accident and tardiness, in this order. The rate of absenteeism in the field of nursing remained within the institutional target of 3%. As to the Nursing Services, it was found that sectors with a greater technical-instrumental complexity of care and/or high flow of activities tend to present high rates of absenteeism. The results of this investigation may help in the management processes of the hospital itself, and also in other contexts, specifically in planning and adequacy of human resources, providing assistance to more directly oriented and effective actions as regards the problems, both at an institutional level and at the level of the worker him/herself. / Estudio transversal, documental contemporáneo, con abordaje cuantitativo. El objetivo consistió en caracterizar al absentismo de los trabajadores de enfermería del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, presentando características profesionales, motivos de ausencias, tasas de absentismo y asociaciones entre los Servicios de Enfermería. El muestreo abarcó 1535 tarjetas de control, referentes a los trabajadores vinculados al Grupo de Enfermería y que presentaron tasa de absentismo mayor que cero, en el período de octubre de 2006 a septiembre de 2007. La colecta de datos ocurrió mediante consulta al sistema de Informaciones Gerenciales, con lanzamiento en la íntegra de las variables de interés en una planilla electrónica del Microsoft Excel. Para análisis de los datos, se recorrió a la estadística descriptiva y analítica, con empleo del software SPSS 14.0. El perfil profesional, vinculado al absentismo, señaló el predominio de profesionales técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería, sexo femenino, edad entre 41 y 50 años, tiempo de servicio en el Hospital superior a 20 años y ejercicio de las actividades en el turno nocturno. Los principales motivos de ausencias comprendieron los alejamientos por enfermedad, falta legal o abonada por ley, accidente de trabajo y atraso, en este orden. La tasa de absentismo del área de enfermería se mantuvo dentro de la meta institucional de 3%. Con relación a los Servicios de Enfermería, se verificó que sectores con mayor complejidad técnico-instrumental de asistencia y/o flujo de actividades tienden a presentar índices elevados de absentismo. Los resultados de esta investigación podrán contribuir con los procesos de gestión del propio Hospital y también de otros contextos, específicamente en el área de planeamiento y adecuación de recursos humanos, subsidiando acciones más direccionadas y eficaces en lo que respecta a la problemática, tanto a nivel institucional como del propio trabajador.

Absenteísmo por doença na equipe de enfermagem: taxa, diagnóstico médico e perfil dos profissionais / Sickness absenteeism among hospital nursing staff: rate, medical diagnosis and professional profile

Sancinetti, Tania Regina 17 March 2009 (has links)
Estudo de natureza quantitativa, descritiva, transversal, elaborado com o objetivo de identificar e analisar o absenteísmo por doença, dos profissionais de enfermagem do Hospital Universitário da USP, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2007. A metodologia foi desenvolvida em duas etapas: caracterização demográfica dos profissionais e análise e caracterização das ausências quanto aos tipos de afastamento, aos diagnósticos médicos, à taxa de absenteísmo por doença, à relação com a taxa de ocupação do Hospital e ao custo médio estimado. O quadro de profissionais foi constituído, em média, de 647 profissionais, destes 362 apresentaram absenteísmo por doença: 69 (19,1%) enfermeiros, 212 (58,6%) técnicos de enfermagem, 78 (21,5%) auxiliares de enfermagem e três (0,8%) atendentes. Os afastamentos por doença foram classificados em: licença por falta abonada (FA); licença por falta compensada por folga (FO), licença-médica com até 15 dias (LM), licença- médica acima de 15 dias (INS) e licença-médica acima de 15 dias, porém iniciadas antes de 2007 (IN). A idade média dos profissionais ausentes por doença, o sexo e o tempo de experiência não condicionaram o absenteísmo por doença. Possuem em média 1,5 filhos, 83% reportaram trabalhar em um emprego e despenderem cerca de 50min no trajeto para o trabalho. O salário bruto, dos enfermeiros foi de R$ 4.958,32, dos técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem R$ 2.650.07 e de R$ 1.360,94 para os atendentes de enfermagem. A quantidade de licenças concedidas, em 2007, aos 362 profissionais foram 762 licenças que representaram 6.245 dias de absenteísmo por doença ao trabalho, correspondendo a LM 67,6%, FA 10,8%, FO 12,1%, INS 5,0% e IN 4,5%. Os técnicos de enfermagem apresentaram a maior quantidade de licenças por doença, e os auxiliares de enfermagem a maior de dias de ausências. Quanto à unidade de origem, os maiores percentuais de licenças ocorreram na Clínica Cirúrgica, no Pronto-Socorro Adulto e na Clínica Médica. Na unidade de Pronto-Socorro Adulto, proporcionalmente ao quadro da unidade, ocorreu a maior quantidade de profissionais ausentes por doença. Na Clinica Médica, 73 licenças geraram a quantidade mais elevada de dias de ausências (1.216). O total do tempo em dias de ausência por doença foi de 11.948 dias, no ano, sendo: 5.757 dias (48,2%) IN; 3.552 dias (29,7%) INS e 2.470 dias (20,75%) LM; 101 dias (0,8%) FO; 68 dias (0,6%) FA. A menor ocorrência de licenças por doença foi no turno da noite e a maior no turno da manhã. As doenças sistema osteomuscular e do tecido conjuntivo representaram 4.957 dias (41,5%) de ausências e os transtornos mentais e comportamentais 3.393 dias (28,4%). As LM representaram 83,5% do custo estimado. O percentual mensal de licenças por doença foi inversamente proporcional à taxa de ocupação. A taxa de absenteísmo por doença da equipe de enfermagem, em 2007, foi 5,3%, as licenças INSS representaram 4,2% e as LM 1,1%. A política de cobertura, por contratação temporária, do absenteísmo por doença poderá contribuir para diminuir a sobrecarga de trabalho, possibilitando condições mais seguras de trabalho aos profissionais de enfermagem / The aim of this quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was to identify and analyze sickness absenteeism in the nursing staff of the University Hospital-USP, from January to December 2007. Methodology was carried-out in two phases: professionals demographic characterization and analyze and characterization of absences regarding type of leave, medical diagnosis, rate of sickness absenteeism, relationship with rate of Hospital occupation and with the mean estimated cost. The professional chart consisted of, on average, 647 professionals, of which 362 presented sickness absenteeism: 69 (19.1%) nurses, 212 (58.6%) nursing technicians, 78 (21.5%) nursing assistants and three (0.8%) hospital attendants. Sick leaves were classified into: leave due to excused absence (EA); leave of absence, performing overtime work in non-work days (NW), medical leave up to 15 days (ML), and medical leave for more than 15 days (EML) and medical leave more than 15 days but started before 2007 (BML). The professionals mean age for sickness absenteeism, sex and expertise time did not correlated absenteeism to disease. The professionals had an average of 1.5 children, 83% reported to have a job and they expended about 50 minutes in the way to the workplace. The gross income of the nurses was R$ 4,958.32 and R$ 2,650.07 for technicians/nursing assistants and R$ 1,360.94 for nursing attendants. The total of leaves granted in 2007, for the 362 professionals was 762 leaves representing 6.245 days related to sickness absenteeism, corresponding to ML 67.6%, EA10.8%, NW 12.1%, EML 5.0% and BML 4.5%. The nursing technicians presented the greater rates of sick leaves and nursing assistants presented the greatest rate of absences. Regarding unit of origin of the greatest leave rates occurred in Surgical Clinic, Adult First-Aid Clinic and Medical Clinic. In the Adult First-Aid, proportionally in relation to the unit size, occurred the greatest number of sick leaves. In the Medical Clinic 73 leaves triggered a greater rate of absent days (1,216). The total amount of days on sick leave was 11,948 days, per year, of which: 5,757 days (48.2%) BML; 3,552 days (29.7%) EML and 2,470 days (20.765%) ML; 101 days (0.8%) NW; 68 days (0.6%) EA. The lower occurrence due to disease was observed at the night shifts and the greater in the morning shifts. Diseases of the osteomuscular system and connective tissue represented 4.957 days (41.5%) of absences and psychological and behavioral disorders 3,393 days (28.4%). The ML represented 83.5% of the estimated cost. Monthly percentage of leaves per disease was inversely proportional to the occupation rate. Sick absenteeism rate in the nursing staff, in 2007, was 5.3%, INSS* leaves represented 4.2% and MD 1.1%. Coverage Policies for temporary contract, sickness absenteeism may contribute to decrease work overload, allowing more safe conditions of working for the nursing professionals

Atividade física, absenteísmo e demanda por atendimento à saúde de funcionários de indústria automobilística de São Caetano do Sul / Physical activity, absenteeism and the need for health care by automotive industry employees from São Caetano do Sul

Fonseca, Vera Regina da 19 February 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A promoção da atividade física e de hábitos de vida saudáveis é efetiva para prevenção de doenças crônicas. Os custos com problemas de saúde oneram desde instituições governamentais até empresas dos mais variados ramos. O principal objetivo do estudo foi verificar a associação do absenteísmo por problemas de saúde, presenteísmo e procura por atendimento médico com o escore de atividade física habitual (AFH) de Baecke e seus três componentes: atividade física ocupacional (AFO), exercício físico de lazer (EFL) e atividade de lazer e locomoção (ALL). Métodos: Estudo de desenho transversal com seleção amostral aleatória estratificada por função laboral (horistas, mensalistas e executivos), participando 620 funcionários da indústria automobilística General Motors do Brasil da unidade de São Caetano do Sul. Os participantes tinham no mínimo 12 meses de vínculo com a empresa, pertenciam à mesma unidade e atuavam no Brasil no momento do inquérito. Todos preencheram o questionário de Baecke para avaliação da AFH, além de questões sobre dados sócio-demográficos, uso de álcool, fumo, alimentação, índice de massa corporal, morbidade referida, absenteísmo por problemas com saúde, procura por atendimento médico e presenteísmo. Para a comparação de médias, utilizou-se ANOVA e, no caso de significância estatística (p<0,05), foram feitas as comparações múltiplas pelo método de Tukey. Para a comparação entre proporções foi utilizado o teste de Qui-Quadrado. Para os desfechos categóricos foi realizada a análise através de um modelo de regressão logística univariada. Todas as variáveis cujo nível de significância estatística tenha sido 0,10 (p0,10) foram selecionadas para entrarem no modelo de regressão logística multivariada. Após o processo backward foi apresentado o modelo final, com as variáveis com significância estatística (p<0,05). Para o desfecho presenteísmo (variável numérica) foi feita a comparação com as variáveis independentes através do método de correlação de Pearson. Para avaliar as associações foi utilizada razão de chances e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A idade foi 38,5 ±10,2 anos e 89% do sexo masculino. Depois de controladas as covariáveis, o escore de AFH de Baecke não foi associado com os desfechos analisados e nem com morbidade referida. Os funcionários horistas apresentaram maior escore de AFH, maior escore de AFO e menor escore de EFL que os demais funcionários. O escore de AFO foi associado com absenteísmo (OR=1,63, IC95%=1,31-2,02) e apresentou proximidade à significância estatística (p=0,061) com a procura por atendimento médico (OR=1,25, IC95%=0,99-1,58), ambas na análise univariada e não confirmada no modelo multivariado. O escore de AFO também apresentou correlação com o presenteísmo (r=0,099, p=0,014). Não foi estatisticamente significante a associação do escore de ALL com absenteísmo (p=0,053), (OR=0,73, IC95%=0,58-1,00) e com procura por atendimento médico (p=0,067), (OR=0,76, IC95%=0,57-1,02). Os escores de AFO e EFL foram associados com a presença de morbidade referida, sendo respectivamente OR=1,3 (IC95%=1,06-1,61) e OR=0,67 (IC95%=0,54-0,82). Conclusão: O escore de AFH não foi associado com os desfechos estudados. Os funcionários horistas apresentaram maior escore de AFH por terem maior atividade física ocupacional a despeito do menor escore de exercício físico e esportes. Dentre os três escores avaliados, o ocupacional se mostrou mais próximo de associação com os desfechos estudados. O cálculo do poder estatístico das análises infere a necessidade de maior amostragem para a negação das hipóteses levantadas por este estudo. A utilização do questionário de Baecke, diferentemente de outros instrumentos que avaliam o gasto energético não levando em consideração os diferentes tipos de atividade física, questiona a possibilidade de que o maior gasto energético deva ser considerado fator de proteção para a saúde. / Background: By fostering physical activities and healthy life behavior, one can prevent chronic diseases. The health-related costs represent a heavy burden not only to the governmental entities but also to some private companies with many different levels of activities. The main objective of this study was to verify the association between absenteeism due to healthrelated problems, presenteeism, health care seek and the Baecke habitual physical activity score (HPA) and its three components: occupational physical activity (OPA), physical exercise in leisure (PEL) and leisure and locomotion activity (LLA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on a selected random sample which was stratified by job categories (hourly, salaried and executives) with the participation of 620 employees from General Motors Brazil, an automotive company located at São Caetano do Sul. The participants had a minimum of 12 months of company service, they worked for the same unit and all were active employees performing their jobs in Brazil at the time the questionnaire was applied. All of them filled out the Baecke questionnaire for the HPA evaluation, including specific questions on social-demographics data, intake of alcohol, tobacco, food, body mass index, referred morbidity, health-related absenteeism, health care seek and presenteeism. To compare averages, the ANOVA has been utilized and, when the statistical significance (p<0,05) was shown, multiples comparisons were made through the Tukeys Method. To compare proportions, the Chi- Square Test was utilized. For the categorical outcomes, it was carried out an analysis through the univariate logistic regression model. All variables which statistical significance level have been 0,10 (p0,10) were selected to be part of the multivariate logistic regression model. After the backward process, the final model has been presented with all variables that showed statistical significance (p<0,05). For the presenteeism (numerical outcome) a comparison has been made with the independent variables through the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. In order to evaluate the associations the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Results: The age was 38,5 ± 10,2 years and 89% were men. After adjusting the covariates, the Baecke HPA score was neither associated with the analyzed outcomes or with the referred morbidity. The hourly employees have shown higher HPA, higher OPA and lower PEL scores when compared to remaining employee groups. The OPA score has been associated with absenteeism (OR=1,63, CI95%=1,31-2,02) and has presented a proximity to the statistical significance (p=0,061) with the health care seek (OR=1,25, CI95%=0,99-1,58), both at the univariate analysis but not confirmed in the multivariate model. The OPA score also showed correlation with the presenteesism (r=0,099, p=0,014). Statistically, it was not significant the association between the LLA score with absenteeism (p=0,053), (OR=0,73, CI95%=0,58-1,00) and health care seek (p=0,067), (OR=0,76, CI95%=0,57-1,02). The OPA and PEL scores have been associated with the presence of referred morbidity, being respectively OR=1,3 (CI95%=1,06-1,61) and OR=0,67 (CI95%=0,54-0,82). Conclusion: The HPA score did not show association with the studied outcomes. The hourly employees have shown higher HPA score once they have more occupational physical activity, regardlees the lower score of physical exercises and sports. Among the three scores evaluated, the occupational was closer to the association with the studied outcomes. The analysis statistic power calculation shows to the need of a higher sample to the denial of the raised hypothesis by this study. The Baecke questionnaire utilization, as opposed to the others instruments that evaluate the energy expenditure not taken into consideration the different types of physical activities, questions the possibility that the higher energy expenditure should be considered a health protector factor.

Strategies to Reduce Information Technology Employee Absenteeism in the Manufacturing Industry

Henry, Camilla 01 January 2018 (has links)
Employee absenteeism costs organizations billions of dollars annually in losses in revenue and productivity, temporary labor costs, and low morale. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the strategies information technology (IT) managers in the manufacturing industry used to reduce employee absenteeism. The theory of planned behavior provided the conceptual framework for the study. Data collection included semistructured interviews with 5 IT managers in Maryland and a review of organizational documents addressing nutritional education information, employee participation rates in health programs, and physical activity. Data were analyzed using compilation, disassembly, reassembly, interpretation, and development of conclusions. Through thematic analysis, 4 themes emerged: workplace wellness and health programs, employee engagement, work-life balance programs, and organizational culture. Findings of this study may be used by IT managers to bring about positive change by reducing employee absences, encouraging employment opportunities, contributing to organizational sustainability, and improving quality of life for community members.

Varför ska vi gå till skolan? : En kvalitativ studie om skolk på gymnasiet utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv / Why should we go to school? : A qualitative study about absenteeism among high-school students

Ugolini, Lorenza January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is exploring questions regarding the problem of absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden. Fifteen students attending an urban high-school have been interviewed about their views and experiences of absenteeism. The author analyzes the students’ answers by taking into account two different sociological approaches which give two different explanations about the way young people experience and estimate education. The French sociologist Bourdieu theorized that differences in cultural capital influence the permanent internalization of patterns of thought and behavior. Bourdieu defined as <em>habitus</em> the result of the process of internalization of cultural and social structures which affects the way individuals think and act.</p><p>The German pedagogue Thomas Ziehe explored the changes in norms and tradition connected with the modernization of society. Ziehe argued that we are witnessing a period of cultural release and erosion crisis that have deeply affected and changed the lives of young people today.  What does influence students’ attitude towards absenteeism? Does absenteeism reflect different possession of cultural resources or may be explained by the changes in norms that have occurred over recent decades? The findings of this study show that the students’ socio-economical background still matters in affecting their opinions and attitude towards absenteeism, but that is not an exhaustive argument in explaining all the reasons why students do not go till school. The students’ answer suggested that the relation to the teacher may be a determining factor in explaining absenteeism.</p>

To be or not to be Sick Certified with Special Reference to Physician and Patient Related Factors

Norrmén, Gunilla January 2010 (has links)
Objectives The aim of this thesis was to assess the importance of general practitioners (GP) and patient related factors for the GPs’ decision to sick certify or not to sick certify the patients. Study population and methods The data were obtained from a cross-sectional questionnaire study of GP-patient consultations. 65 GPs responded to one questionnaire about themselves and one questionnaire about each of the altogether 642 consultations. The patients responded to a questionnaire about themselves and the consultation, altogether 521 consultations. Various combinations of the three questionnaires were used in the four papers on which this thesis is based. Results Among GPs, long experience of family medicine and working part-time were significant determinants for issuing more sick leave certificates. Complaints perceived as clearly somatic by the physician decreased the chance of sick certifications, and complaints resulting in severe limitation of occupational work capacity, as assessed by the patient as well as the physician, increased the chance of sick certification, as did appointments for loco-motor complaints. Among work related factors, high ‘authority over decisions’ and high ‘social support’ were associated with reduced sickness certification probability. Worrying about illness or injury risks from work increased sickness certification. GPs and their patients took a fairly similar view to statements on health related and insurance system related matters. GPs’ opinions seem to have a greater impact than patients’ on the GPs’ decision to sickness certify a patient or not. Conclusions A number of patient and GP related factors were associated with the probability of getting sick certified. The patient’s own judgement of impaired work ability was important for sickness certification, but a shared judgement and decision between the GP and the patient appears probable in most cases. / Försäkringsmedicin

Ampleur, coûts, facteurs personnels et occupationnels de l’absentéisme dans la fonction publique hospitalière au Cameroun

Tchuinguem, Gisèle 07 1900 (has links)
L'absentéisme parmi le personnel soignant prend de plus en plus d'ampleur dans les institutions sanitaires publiques au Cameroun. Il représente à l'heure actuelle l'une des principales causes de l'effondrement du système de soins de santé. Ce phénomène se doit d'être réduit à des proportions raisonnables; cependant, les informations nationales sur les niveaux d’absentéisme parmi ce personnel, les coûts associés, ainsi que sur les facteurs qui le déterminent restent encore très faibles. Cette recherche avait pour objectifs de mesurer le niveau d’absentéisme parmi les prestataires de soins de santé des hôpitaux publics du Cameroun ; de déterminer l’influence des caractéristiques personnelles et des facteurs occupationnels sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels ; et d’évaluer les répercussions économiques de l’absentéisme en termes de coûts associés à la perte de productivité pour les employeurs. Elle portait sur du personnel soignant, notamment les médecins, les infirmiers et les aides-soignants exerçant dans les formations sanitaires publiques (hôpitaux) du Cameroun au mois d’octobre 2008. L’absentéisme était mesuré par le nombre d’heures et d’épisodes (fréquence) d’absences et concernait les retards et les absences de trois jours consécutifs et moins. Les facteurs personnels et occupationnels étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, le statut civil, les responsabilités familiales (nombre d’enfants), le niveau d’éducation, l’unité de soins, le type d’emploi, le régime d’emploi, l’horaire de travail, le temps supplémentaire, l’ancienneté dans l’hôpital, la taille de l’hôpital et le revenu de l’employé. Les données ont été recueillies dans 15 formations sanitaires publiques réparties dans six régions du Cameroun, sur la période allant du 1er au 31 octobre 2008, à partir des documents officiels émanant du gouvernement et des hôpitaux. Les analyses statistiques comportaient des analyses descriptives, des analyses bivariées et des analyses multivariées. Le taux de participation moyen des employés a été de 50,7%. Sur les 516 personnes qui composaient l’échantillon, 93,4% avaient eu au moins une absence au travail au mois d’octobre 2008. Le taux d’absentéisme global était de 7,2%, et variait entre 2% et 37% dans les hôpitaux. Chaque participant avait en moyenne 12 épisodes d’absences pendant cette période et la durée moyenne d’absences par participant était d’environ 13 heures et 21 minutes. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait de travailler dans un hôpital régional, de travailler selon un horaire fixe, d’être un personnel PPTE et de ne pas effectuer du temps supplémentaire, sont associés significativement à une plus grande fréquence des absences. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait d’être médecin, de travailler dans un service d’accueil et des urgences, de travailler selon un horaire fixe et d’être une femme, ont un lien significativement positif avec la durée des absences. Cet absentéisme a absorbé environ 8% de la masse salariale d’octobre 2008. On estime à environ 4 088 568 dollars US courants (2008), les dépenses consacrées par le secteur public de la santé du Cameroun à cet absentéisme en 2008, ce qui représentait approximativement 2,1% des dépenses publiques de santé. La réduction de l’absentéisme de courte durée parmi les professionnels de la santé du secteur public au Cameroun passe par l’amélioration du style de gestion des hôpitaux et l’approfondissement des recherches sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels. / Absenteeism among health professionals is increasingly on the rise in public health institutions in Cameroon. Currently, it represents one of the main causes responsible for the decline of the health care system. Despite the seriousness of the situation, information on the level of absenteeism among health professionals at the national level, the cost burden as well as its determinants is lacking. The aims of the study were: (1) to estimate the levels of absenteeism among healthcare providers in public health hospitals in Cameroon; (2) to determine the influence of personal characteristics and occupational factors on absence behavior among health professionals; and (3) to assess the economic consequences of absenteeism in terms of costs associated with loss of productivity sustained by the employers. The study was conducted on health care professionals comprising physicians, nurses and health assistants serving in public health facilities in Cameroon during the month of October, 2008. Absenteeism was measured by the number of hours and the number of episodes (frequency) of absences recorded by employees; and was related to delays and absences of three consecutive days and less. The personal and occupational factors examined were age, gender, marital status, family responsibilities (number of children), educational level, care unit, employment type, employment status, work schedule, overtime, seniority, hospital size, and salary. Data were collected from 15 public health facilities spread across six regions of Cameroon from October 1 to October 31, 2008. The data were abstracted from official government and hospital documents. The statistical analyses encompassed descriptive, bivariate as well as multivariate analyses. The participation rate of employees was 50.7%. Of the 516 individuals in the study sample, 93.4% had registered at least one episode of absence from work during the study period. The overall rate of absenteeism was 7.2% and varied between 2-37% across the hospitals. Each study participant had an average of 12 episodes of absence during the study period, and the average duration of absence per participant was 13 hours and 21 minutes. The duration of work schedule, working in a regional hospital, working on a fixed schedule, being a HIPC staff and lack of supplementary work hours, are significantly and positively associated with frequency of absences. The duration of work schedule, being a physician, working in emergency, working on a fixed schedule and being a woman, are significantly and positively associated with duration of absence from work. Absenteeism during the study period consumed about 8% of the total pay-check for the month of October 2008. It is estimated that absenteeism of short duration among healthcare providers in the year 2008 cost the public heath sector the equivalent of 4,088,568 US dollars, which represented about 2.1% of the public expenditures on health for the same year. The reduction of absenteeism of short duration among health professionals of the public sector in Cameroon depends on enhancement of hospital management style, and more refined research on absence behaviour among healthcare professionals.

Teacher! Teacher! Where are you? : an investigation of primary school learners' perceptions of educator absenteeism.

Moodley, P. K. January 2011 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate primary school learners’ perceptions of educator absenteeism. This study, which was located at a government primary school in the suburb of Kloof in the Ethekweni region, KwaZulu –Natal, attempted to answer the following key research questions: What are primary school learners’ perceptions of educator absenteeism and, how do they perceive educator absenteeism to be impacting on their holistic development in the classroom. A qualitative case study within the interpretivist paradigm which this study uses, was regarded an appropriate methodology to provide narrative accounts of children’s opinions, understandings, attitudes and perceptions of their world. Two data collection instruments, namely the focus group interview and the closeended, were used. The questionnaire was used to enhance the representivity of the study by involving a larger sample of the target group. A pilot study of the focus group interview was done to evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the research questions, and to enhance the validity of the research. The learners’ responses guided the compilation of the close-ended questionnaire. Focus group interviews were conducted with each of the four Grade Six classes in the school which formed the target population of this study, and the questionnaire was randomly issued to fifteen (15) learners from each of the four Grade Six classes giving a total of 60 learners. Using the thematic analysis; and frequency counts the data suggests that learners perceive that educator absenteeism impacts negatively on learner development in the classroom with regards to issues such as learner interest and motivation, learner behaviour, learner-educator relationships, educator support and encouragement and classroom climate. The findings in this study concurred with other research studies, both qualitative and quantitative, in which more specific aspects of educator absence were investigated. Based on the findings of this research, the following recommendations were made: firstly, that learners must be meaningfully and constructively occupied during the socalled “free periods”, when the regular classroom educator is absent; secondly, a pool of qualified substitute educators to be established, to fill in for absentee educators so that the teaching and learning process is not disrupted and thirdly, the department of education should revisit its absentee and leave policy so as to apply stricter measures concerning educator absence in an effort to make educators more accountable for their attendance. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, 2011.

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