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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Video Advertisement Placement and Video Advertisement Transparencyon Video Advertisement Avoidance: Pre-Rolls, Mid-Rolls, and Psychological Reactance

CARLITZ, ADAM 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Digital marketing: Online advertising tricks and consumer irritation

Souza, Ana Clara, Durro, Rexhinaldo January 2016 (has links)
The social media usage in this decade has seen a vast expansion, expansion that has been observed in the amount of time users spend on social media. This has provided ground for advertising within the media. Exploiting those opportunities, a number of advertisement tricks have been contrived and exercised with the intention of drawing the users’ attention and turning them into potential customers, although the effectiveness of these advertising has shown mixed results. Moreover there is an insufficient amount of scientific research within social media advertising, as well as the forms and effects of this form of advertising. The aim of this study is to identify and explain the main forms of social media advertising, acquire an understanding of the reasons behind the labeling, by the users, of these advertising techniques as irritating, as also, rank the tricks based on the irritation levels effectuated by them to the users. As a result the paper will provide a concentrated guide of social media advertising techniques, with positive and negative aspects of each type of trick and distinguish those tricks that effectuate the most consequential effects. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was conducted and aimed to a demographic representing the majority of social media users and as a derivate the users that most frequently encounter social media advertising tricks. The results indicated an inclination towards advertisement that make use of celebrity personalities. The reasons and motivations that lead to this eventuality can be due to contempt, appreciation or practical post characteristics.


吳懷陵, WU, HUAI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
國內報紙充斥不良廣告,一直拿不出有效辦法來管理。為使納入正軌,本論文希望能 為廣告法催生。 內容分作四大事,計三萬字。 一、探討廣告的角色與功能。 二、列舉目前缺失,同時說明涉及廣告管理的法令散見各處,形成多頭馬車,不能發 揮效力。此外,要求自律的效果並不理想。 三、印證國外發展,找出問題癥結在缺乏有效的約束力量及人才。 四、對症下藥,為廣告法與人才培育指出方向。 #1015221p #1015221p


徐洪宗, Hsu, Hung-tsung Unknown Date (has links)
文本的多義(polysemy)現象往往是文學閱讀樂趣產生之由來,然而具有多義性的文本卻未必侷限於純文學文本,筆者觀察30年來的廣告文本中的語言,發現具有多義性的廣告語言越來越多,廣告語言的創作手法甚有文學化的傾向。又由於文本的多義性,有時在傳播過程中便容易產生歧義(ambiguity)解讀。 基於上述理由,筆者在本文中首先釐清多義與歧義觀念上的不同,並藉用現代語言學的觀念、結構主義與後結構主義的觀點、當代漢語語法分析的方法、傳播學中的言語行為理論、傳播社會學的受播者自選性理論等等學理觀念和方法,探討近30年來較有名的廣告文本之語言的詞義、結構,以掌握廣告語言詞義、結構與語義間的關係,同時輔以語用的分析;在閱聽人的解讀反應上,則搜集報章雜誌中與該廣告語言所引起的爭議及討論的相關報導做為分析參酌之材料,進而掌握廣告語言的歧義現象產生的原因與影響。 本研究希望藉由詞義分析、語法結構分析及語義判讀掌握廣告語言與文化語境的關係,歸納出廣告語言多義與歧義產生的原因與歧義現象的影響,期望在整個廣告語言與社會文化的互動過程中,能更清楚地掌握廣告語言的可能意指及其在絢麗的語言符號背後所指涉的社會文化意涵。 由於不同結構的廣告語言各有不同的使用目的或使用之場合,在實例分析上,筆者將其分為「詞」與「詞組」、「單句」、「複句」三個單元。而筆者分析所得的大致成果是: 在「多義解讀與文本語境」方面,文本多義性的形成,除了詞語本身的多義性是歷時必然發展出的結果之外,文本語境中的修辭技巧、文本語境中的語言結構省略、文本語境中的多層次語法結構、聲音與畫面未能提供妥善限制等等都是重要因素。 在「歧義解讀與文化語境」方面,影響歧義解讀的文化語境因素可歸納為:不同文化背景的認知差異、不同性別的思考差異、不同年齡層的不同價值觀、語言禁忌的思考等四個因素,然而這四個因素有時候並不是單獨存在,造成歧義解讀的因素,有時頗單純,有時卻呈現頗為錯綜複雜的情形。 多義文本提供閱讀樂趣,自古以來是文學作品的普遍現象,然而,作為資訊閱讀的廣告語言,從多義性進而產生歧義解讀則會有如下影響: (一)愈簡短的廣告語言形式造成的歧義解讀對品牌影響愈大 (二)形成話題、達到宣傳效果 (三)影響品牌形象與商品接受度 (四)造成爭議、引起訴訟

個人化廣告推薦軟體之設計與實做 / The Design and implementations of a personalized advertisement recommendation software

張宏嘉, Chang, Hung Chia Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於國人網路依賴度越來越高,每人每日透過網路獲取豐富的資訊及資料,然而由於資訊過多也造成使用者不知道自己真正想要的資訊,因此找尋出個人化資訊勢必成為未來研究的方向。一般網路行銷廣告都是在分析使用者在網站上的行為,然而鮮少去分析到使用者端環境及儲存的資料。相較於使用者在網站上的行為,使用者端所留下的行為資訊更能夠反應出使用者的真正興趣,因此本研究主要探討在個人使用環境(如:PC、NB)中,透過使用者最常接觸的三種途徑(包括:上網瀏覽資訊、信件資訊及常用檔案內容資訊)來獲取使用者興趣的資訊,並且建構出一套個人化廣告推薦系統常駐於使用者端即時(real-time)記錄使用者的行為資訊。本系統運用推薦技術(Recommendation Technique)搭配關聯式法則(Association Rule)來將這些資訊有效的過濾並關聯出使用者的喜好及興趣,同時利用這些資訊上網找尋合適的廣告資料,用以建構出個人化廣告推薦模式。 / The rapid growth of Internet has changed the patterns of our life. Everyone can gain rich information on internet, but plenty of information will confuse user's ability to determine whether these information are useful. Therefore, the further trend is to discover personalized information. Many researches about internet marketing advertisement are mining user's behavior in website server, but scarce researches focus on client. Compared to user's behavior in website, the behavior information which stays in local environment (ex. PC, NB) can reflect user's profile more. Thus, this research mainly discuss how to record user's behavior information containing Web Page Title, E-mail Subject and Document Content in local environment and how to construct a personalized advertisement recommendation system resident in memory of local environment for timely (On-line) collecting user's behavior information to create “user profile” using recommendation technique and association rule. This system will utilize “user profile” to provide appropriate personalized advertisement for user. Finally, we apply several experiments to verify the feasibility of our system.

Male sex role portrayals in advertising : A quantitative study on brand attitudes among married and unmarried females

Bäcklund, Jakob, Lorentzon, Fredrik, Kurtovic, Kristian January 2014 (has links)
Advertising plays an important role in society, since it reflect the norms and also helps create and educate social roles and values. However, advertising might not always be a true reflection of the reality, and instead might create and uphold negative cultural stereotypes. Sex-role portrayals refers to the study of how genders are portrayed within advertising and how these are characterized in relation to other characters and knowledge of how to portray the male gender is paramount for marketing practitioners. The decisions on how to do so must be based on the targeted segments and a consumer segmentation that in such a context must be given attention are married and unmarried women. In a two-step study, the purpose is to "explain the brand attitudes of married and unmarried women in advertisement with a traditional and non-traditional male portrayal" The initial first step utilized a qualitative approach consisting of a focus group with the aim to confirm or challenge previous theories of what is considered to be a traditional and non-traditional way of portraying the male gender within advertising. Emerging from this are two written advertisements, one with a traditional male and one with a non-traditional male, that are included in the subsequent step. Taking on a quantitative approach, the second step took on measures of brand attitude among married and unmarried women in a total of 205 self-completion questionnaires. The results indicated a more favorable evaluation elicited from the non-traditional male portrayal, with limited variance between the segments.

Krikščioniškieji simboliai reklaminėse kampanijose ir visuomenės reakcijos: 2006 – 2013M. Lietuvos, JK ir JAV atvejai / Christian symbols in advertising campaigns and reactions in the societies: period 2006 – 2013, Lithuania, the UK and the USA

Gutkovaitė, Ieva 10 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamojo darbo objektas – tai 2006 – 2013 m. Lietuvos, Jungtinės Karalystės ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų, tiek komercinės, tiek socialinės reklamos, kuriose panaudoti krikščioniškieji simboliai. Tyrime siekiama palyginti kaip šis reiškinys yra išplitęs ir vertinamas, kokie panašumai ir skirtumai atsiskleidžia tiriamų šalių atvejuose. Tyrimo dėmesys sutelkiamas į veiksmo ir atoveiksmio santykį, kuomet, šiuo atveju, reklamos koncepcija paskatina diskusijas viešoje erdvėje. Todėl šiam reiškiniui tirti, taikoma mokslinės literatūros ir šaltinių analizė bei du skirtingi empirinio tyrimo metodai: 1. semiotinė ir vizualinė reklamų, kuriuose panaudoti krikščioniški simboliai, kokybinė turinio analizė; ir 2. internetinės žiniasklaidos pranešimų kiekybinė ir kokybinė turinio analizė. Teorinėje darbo dalyje, analizuojama vartotojiškos visuomenės samprata ir reklamos reikšmė jos kontekste; nagrinėjama krikščioniškųjų simbolių vaizdavimo istorija bei reklamos, kaip viešosios komunikacijos priemonės kontrolės mechanizmai: kaip ir kas reguliuoja jų turinį, kokios interesų grupės formuojasi. Taip pat analizuojama žiniasklaidos reikšmė šiuolaikiniame kontekste. Darbe atliekama atrinktų reklamų semiotinė bei vizualinė analizė. Analizuojama kaip tiriamos reklamos komunikuoja per tekstą ir vaizdą. Darbe taip pat atliekama kiekybinė ir kokybinė internetinės žiniasklaidos pranešimų analizė: atrenkami ir nagrinėjami tekstai, kuriuose išsakomos įvairių socialinių grupių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this masters degree thesis - 'Christian symbols in advertising campaigns and reactions in the societies: period 2006 – 2013, Lithuania, the UK and the USA', the phenomenon of using the Christian symbols in advertising is investigated by comparison of case studies (period 2006 - 2013) of Lithuania, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The purpose of the study is to determine how this phenomenon is seen, understood and spread in the respective societies. The study is based on research on the relation between cause and effect in the public media, caused by said advertising campaigns. Therefore, theoretical framework and two different empirical methods are employed: (1) advertisement content semiotic and visual analysis; (2) and the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of publications by major internet publishers.

Multi-dimensional-personalization in mobile contexts

Schilke, Steffen Walter January 2013 (has links)
During the dot com era the word 'personalisation' was a hot buzzword. With the fall of the dot com companies the topic has lost momentum. As the killer application for UMTS or the mobile internet has yet to be identified, the concept of Multi-Dimensional-Personalisation (MDP) could be a candidate. Using this approach, a recommendation of mobile advertisement or marketing (i.e., recommendations or notifications), online content, as well as offline events, can be offered to the user based on their known interests and current location. Instead of having to request or pull this information, the new service concept would proactively provide the information and services – with the consequence that the right information or service could therefore be offered at the right place, at the right time. The growing availability of "Location-based Services“ for mobile phones is a new target for the use of personalisation. "Location-based Services“ are information, for example, about restaurants, hotels or shopping malls with offers which are in close range/short distance to the user. The lack of acceptance for such services in the past is based on the fact that early implementations required the user to pull the information from the service provider. A more promising approach is to actively push information to the user. This information must be from interest to the user and has to reach the user at the right time and at the right place. This raises new requirements on personalisation which will go far beyond present requirements. It will reach out from personalisation based only on the interest of the user. Besides the interest, the enhanced personalisation has to cover the location and movement patterns, the usage and the past, present and future schedule of the user. This new personalisation paradigm has to protect the user's privacy so that an approach supporting anonymous recommendations through an extended 'Chinese Wall' will be described.

Influence of Television Commercials on Young Children

Lam, Pamela Y. Y. 05 1900 (has links)
To determine the influence of television commercials about toys and cereals on young children, forty-four children, ranging in age from four to seven years, were interviewed. The mothers of these children completed a questionnaire about their children's television viewing habits. The hypotheses examined the following areas: children's demands for advertised products, children's preferences and dislikes for commercials, the extent of parental yielding to children's requests, and parental discussion of television commercials. The data were analyzed by computing percentages, and it revealed several trends. The more television children watched, the more they demanded advertised products. Parents' discussion of television advertisements affected the extent of parental yielding and the extent of children's demand for advertised products. This study supports findings reported in the related literature that television commercials affect young children's behavior.

The Influence of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: Who Will Talk to Their Doctor as A Result of Prescription Drug Advertisement?

Chen, Hai Dubo 01 January 2005 (has links)
OBJECTIVES: To identify the types of patients who talk with their physicians as a result of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) advertising. METHODS: Data were taken from a national survey, "Public Health Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs, July 2001- January 2002", conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School. Participants (n = 3000) were interviewed by telephone. We constructed a conceptual framework consisting of outcomes (3 types of physician visits), intervention (DTC experience) and five groups of explanatory factors (health beliefs, demographics, health status, socioeconomic status and market factors). Data were analyzed with three multivariate stepwise logistic regressions. The three dependent variables were whether an advertisement for a prescription drug had ever prompted the patient to: 1) visit to discuss prescription drug, 2) visit to discuss new condition, and 3) visit to discuss treatment change. RESULTS: Out of all independent variables, only six variables consistently showed significant effects on the three dependent variables after adjusting for other variables. They were: 1) taking medication on regular basis, 2) having anxiety, 3) having high advertisement attentiveness, 4) viewing media as the most important source prompting one to talk with physician, 5) believing that DTC advertisements increased awareness of new treatment, and 6) believing that DTC advertisements improved discussion with health professionals. The six variables were the strongest predictors for DTC-prompted physician visits.CONCLUSIONS: Our nationally representative study found multiple factors were associated with different types of physician visits prompted by DTC advertisements. This information could be used to target those patients most likely to talk to their physicians as a result of DTC advertisements.

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