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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Médecine non-conventionnelle et psycho-oncologie : évaluation de l’impact des Médecines Complémentaires et Alternatives (MCA) chez les patients atteints de cancer / Unconventional movement in oncology : the impact of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medecines) in patients with cancer

Suissa, Veronique 13 September 2017 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le mouvement non conventionnel en oncologie et tend à évaluer l’impact des MCA conjointement en termes de bénéfices, de risques et de dérives chez les patients atteints de cancer. Notre démarche comparative explore le vécu de 32 patients utilisant ou non les MCA, de façon complémentaire ou alternative aux traitements curatifs. Un entretien semi-directif unique a été mené auprès de chaque patient dans l’objectif d’identifier les processus communs et distincts entre les différents groupes. Un livret de questionnaire leur a également été remis afin de rendre compte des caractéristiques du mouvement hétérodoxe. L’analyse du discours révèle que le recours aux MCA influence positivement le vécu de la maladie sur l’ensemble des dimensions de la personne, mais détériore la représentation de la médecine allopathique et la relation soignant/soigné. Le refus de traitements curatifs chez les utilisateurs de MCA est lié à un univers de croyances invalidantes qu’ils développent. L’analyse des échelles suggère que le recours aux MCA améliore la perception de la santé globale, réduit la symptomatologie dépressive, mais reste sans effet sur l’anxiété. Le recours alternatif aux MCA est lié aux croyances d’attribution causale interne et de contrôle religieux, mais pas à celle d’un contrôle sur l’évolution de la maladie. L’intégration des MCA en oncologie apparaît pertinente et nécessaire pour améliorer la prise en charge des malades, mais doit pouvoir se déployer avec prudence et de façon progressive au regard des risques et des dérives de certaines pratiques hétérodoxes. / This study examines the unconventional movement in Oncology and aim to assess the impact of CAM jointly in terms of benefits, of risks and derivatives in patients with cancer.Our comparative approach explores the experience of 32 patients using or not the CAM of complementary or alternative to curative treatments. A unique semi directive interview was conducted with each patient in order to identify common and distinct processes between differents groups. A questionnaire booklet was also been handed them to end to account characteristics of the unconventional movement.Analysis of the speech shows that the use of CAM affects positively the experience of the illness across the dimensions of the person, but deteriorates the representation of allopathic medicine and the patient-caregiver relationship. The refusal of curative treatments among users of CAM is linked to a universe of disabling beliefs they develop.The analysis of scales suggests that the use of CAM improves the perception of global health, reduces the depressive symptomatology, but has no effect on anxiety. The alternative use of CAM is related to internal causal attribution and control beliefs, but not to control over the course of the disease. The integration of CAM in oncology appears relevant and necessary to improve the care of patients, but should be able to be deployed with caution and progressively in the light of the risks and derivatives of certain heterodox practices.

Étude de la variabilité de l’embryogenèse chez la perche commune : développement d’approches alternatives / Study of the embryogenesis variability in the Eurasian perch : development of alternative approaches

Alix, Maud 15 December 2016 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la durabilité du modèle de développement de l’aquaculture est de plus en plus questionnée et une des solutions proposées consisterait à diversifier la production piscicole via la domestication de nouvelles espèces comme la perche commune, Perca fluviatilis, une espèce d’eau douce tempérée très intéressante pour la diversification de l’aquaculture continentale européenne. De nombreux aspects de la biologie de sa reproduction sont connus cependant, peu d’informations sont disponibles sur son développement. Or, des défauts de développement précoce, dont les causes sont encore mal définies, impactent actuellement la qualité de la production piscicole. C’est dans ce contexte que cette thèse vise à caractériser les succès et défauts de développement embryonnaire chez la perche commune à travers trois axes principaux : (i) déterminer une table de référence de l’embryogenèse normale permettant (ii) définir les défauts de développement tels que les malformations dans des conditions d’élevage différentes et (iii) identifier les liens entre différents paramètres de développement embryonnaire afin de déterminer des profils de développement variables. La première partie de ce travail a permis d’identifier la séquence précise de l’ontogenèse normale de cette espèce à travers la définition d’une table de développement embryonnaire alternative et flexible pour des espèces non-modèles, facilitant les comparaisons intra- et inter-espèces. Dans un second temps, l’identification la plus exhaustive possible de phénotypes anormaux a révélé 10 grandes catégories de malformations associées à des organes ou fonctions spécifiques. De plus, certains de ces défauts semblent fortement dépendants des conditions d’élevage des géniteurs ce qui permet d’identifier l’effet de potentiels facteurs extrinsèques sur le développement et d’améliorer les techniques de gestion des animaux. Enfin, l’ensemble de ces résultats et des paramètres mesurés durant l’embryogenèse ont permis d’effectuer une classification approfondie des pontes obtenues présentant des profils de développement similaires pour mettre en évidence des liens éventuels entre les divers phénotypes et paramètres utilisés. Les analyses de données effectuées ont montré que seulement 3 paramètres étaient nécessaires à la caractérisation de 4 profils de succès de développement variables : les taux de survie au début de l’organogenèse, d’éclosion et de malformations. A l’avenir, ces paramètres pourraient être généralisés permettant d’homogénéiser les critères d’évaluation du succès de développement chez d’autres espèces d’intérêt de poisson. L’ensemble de ces résultats constituent une base solide pour étudier l’effet des facteurs extrinsèques et/ou intrinsèques sur la qualité et le succès de développement embryonnaire / Currently, the durability of the aquaculture developmental model is clearly challenged and one solution consists to diversify the fish production by the domestication of new species such as the Eurasian perch (P. fluviatilis), a freshwater species promising and valuable for the diversification of European aquaculture. Several aspects of its reproductive biology are well known, nevertheless, only little information is available on its development. However, early developmental impairments, whose causes are unclear, actually impact the fish production quality. In this context, the present work aimed to characterize the developmental success and impairments in Eurasian perch on three main issues: (i) determine a model of normal embryogenesis table helping to (ii) define developmental impairments, in diverse rearing conditions and (iii) identify the relationships between various parameters of embryonic ontogenesis to characterize different patterns of developmental success. The first part of this study allowed identifying the accurate timing of normal ontogenesis of this species through the definition of an alternative and flexible developmental table to describe non-model fish species, allowing the intra- and inter-specific comparisons. In the second part, the exhaustive characterization of abnormal phenotypes revealed 10 categories of deformities linked to specific organs or functions. Moreover, some of these categories seemed to be related to rearing-conditions of the breeders allowing identifying the potential effects of extrinsic factors on the development and improving the management of fish. Finally, the previous results and the parameters measured during embryogenesis help to classify the several spawns obtained with the same developmental pattern and to highlight the potential relationships between diverse phenotypes and parameters. In addition, the data analyses showed that only 3 parameters are reliable to assess the developmental success: survival rate at the onset of the organogenesis, hatching and deformities rates. Henceforth, these parameters and this classification could be generalized as a new strategy to assess the developmental success in other fish species. All of these results provide a good basic knowledge to study the potential effects of various extrinsic and/or intrinsic factors on the developmental success and the embryonic quality

Nudging inom e-handeln : Ett användbart verktyg för att främja mermiljövänliga transportalternativ? / Nudging in E-Commerce : A useful tool to promote more environmentally friendlytransportation?

Axelsson, Michaela, Gärdin, Helena January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: E-handeln ökar för varje år och antal returer stiger i takt med detta. Då konkurrensen är hård inom e-handeln erbjuder företag idag allt mer bekväma samt snabba transportalternativ. Konsekvensen av detta har följaktligen resulterat i att många transporter idag går halvtomma, vilket bidrar till onödiga utsläpp. Samtidigt framhålls det att konsumenter blir allt mer miljömedvetna och värdesätter företag som aktivt arbetar med miljömässiga förbättringar. Denna studie har genom tidigare forskning funnit att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan hur individer tror att de agerar och hur de i verkligheten fattar beslut. Nudging är ett styrningsverktyg som ämnar att minska detta gap genom att leda konsumenter till att välja det mest miljövänliga transportalternativet. Den begränsade forskning som i dagsläget finns kring nudging ger författarna goda grunder att hävda studiens relevans. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att få större kunskap om konsumenters inställning till nudging inom e-handeln, gällande transportalternativ. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att bidra med svar gällande om nudging är ett användbart verktyg att inkludera i ett e-handelsföretags arbete med miljömässig hållbarhet, samt undersöka vilken typ av nudge som skulle lämpa sig bäst. Metod: Denna tvärsnittsstudie har en kvalitativ forskningsdesign och utgår främst från en induktiv ansats. Den empiriska datainsamlingen består av 3 semi-strukturerade intervjuer samt 41 digitala enkäter med öppna frågor. Slutsats: Studiens datainsamling visar att det finns ett ökat intresse för miljöfrågor samt att det finns en stor vilja bland konsumenter att fatta mer medvetna beslut inom e-handeln, genom att få tillgång till tydligare information. Vidare visar studiens resultat att majoriteten av konsumenterna är positivt inställda till användningen av nudging inom e-handeln. Det framkom även att konsumenter motiveras mest av att presenteras med faktabaserad information gällande mer miljövänliga transportalternativ. När företag kommunicerar information till kunder är det viktigt att beakta valfrihet samt transparens för att få konsumentens tillit och förtroende. / Introduction: E-commerce is increasing each year and as a result the number of returns are increasing as well. While e-commerce is a competitive market, many companies offer comfortable and fast transportation options. As a consequence of this many transports are only filled halfway which leads to unnecessary emissions. Meanwhile, it is emphasized that consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and values companies that are working actively with environmental improvements. This study has found through previous research that there is a clear difference between how individuals believe they act and how they actually make decisions. Nudging is a management tool which aims to reduce this gap by nudging consumers to choose the most environmentally friendly transportation option. The limited research that currently is available concerning nudging gives the authors grounds to claim the relevance of this study. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to gain greater knowledge of consumers 'attitude towards nudging within e-commerce, regarding transport options. Furthermore, the paper aims to contribute with answers regarding if nudging is a useful tool to incorporate in e-commerce's work with environmental sustainability, as well as investigating which type of nudge that would be preferable. Method: This cross-sectional study has a qualitative research design based on an mainly inductive approach. The empirical data collection consists of 3 semi-structured interviews and 41 digital questionnaires with open questions. Conclusion: The data collected in the study shows that there is an increased interest in environmental issues and that there is a great desire among consumers to make more informed decisions in e-commerce, by accessing clearer information. Furthermore, the results of the study show that most consumers have a positive attitude towards the use of nudging in e-commerce. Furthermore, consumers are the most motivated by facts regarding more environmentally friendly transport options. When companies communicate information to consumers, it is important to consider free choices and transparency in order to gain consumer confidence and trust.

Utilização das TICs com alunos que apresentam necessidades especiais como contribuição para uma prática pedagógica transformadora: um estudo realizado na região da campanha do RS

Edson Renato Flores Rodrigues 07 January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo, analisar as possíves alternativas metodológicas a partir da utilização das Teconologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs), bem como realizar uma reflexão acerca das dificuldades de aprendizagem com ênfase na perspectiva do cuidado de crianças portadoras de necessidades educativas especiais, estimulando-se assim, a troca de informações em busca da construção de um conhecimento coletivo e compartilhado. Assim de modo que se possa contemplar o referido objetivo, efetivou-se a pesquisa como um estudo exploratório, através da realização de investigação por meio de questionário semiestruturado com perguntas abertas, aplicado junto ao Banco de Dados da Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Município de Bagé/RS, no ano base de 2011, conjuntamente com o Plano Municipal de Educação. Para subsidiar a pesquisa, utilizou de referenciais bibliográficos de renomados autores e pesquisadores sobre a temática, como González, Delou, Montoan, Ribeiro e Baumel, Libâneo, Demo, entre outros. Desse modo, inclui-se neste contexto, a necessidade de um novo olhar para essa temática. Isto é, repensar as práticas pedagógicas transformadoras, e conseqüentes alternativas metodológicas através da utilização das TICs, direcionadas aos alunos portadores de necessidades educativas especiais, como forma de ampliar o potencial humano. / This study aims at analyzing the possible alternative methodologies based on the utilization of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), as well as carrying out a reflection about learning difficulties with an emphasis on the perspective of the care of children with special educational needs, thus stimulating the exchange of information seeking to construct a collective and shared knowledge. Thus, so as to contemplate the above goal, research was carried out as an exploratory study, through carrying out an investigation by means of a semistructured questionnaire with open questions, applied to the Database of the Municipal Education Department of the Municipality of Bagé/RS, in the base year of 2011, as well as to the Municipal Education Plan. To support the research bibliographical references were used of renowned authors and researchers on the theme such as González, Delou, Montoan, Ribeiro and Baumel, Libâneo, Demo, among others. In this way, one includes in this context, the need for a fresh look at this theme. That is, to rethink transforming pedagogical practices and the resulting alternative methodologies through the use of the ICTs directed at students with special educational needs as a way of expanding the human potential.

Allocations stratégiques des ressouces reproductives, gamétiques et non gamétiques, chez deux espèces d'insectes / Strategic allocation of gametic and non-gametic ressources in two insect species

Jarrige, Alicia 11 December 2015 (has links)
Pour les mâles, non seulement la reproduction est une activité particulièrement couteuse, mais les ressources dont ils disposent pour y faire face s’avèrent souvent largement contraintes. En effet, la production de l’éjaculat (sperme et substances non gamétiques) peuvent générer des couts énergétiques substantiels, voire être limités au cours de la vie des mâles. Par ailleurs, les traits impliqués dans l’attraction des femelles ou la compétition entre mâles rivaux peuvent également être liés à d’importantes dépenses énergétiques et/ou des risques de dommages physiques. Enfin, la sélection sexuelle post-éjaculat (compétition spermatique et choix femelle cryptique) peut fortement affecter leurs chances de paternité. Sous ces conditions, il est attendu que les mâles allouent stratégiquement leurs ressources reproductives au regard (i) des opportunités d’accouplement présentes et futures, (ii) de la qualité reproductive de la femelle et (iii) du risque et/ou de l’intensité de la compétition spermatique. Toutefois, la nature des allocations stratégiques chez les mâles et les contraintes qui influencent leur évolution restent encore mal comprises, en particulier parce que les interactions potentielles entre sélection sexuelle pré- et post-copulatoire peuvent soumettre les mâles à des épisodes sélectifs plus complexes que ceux existants chez les femelles. / Contrasting with a long assumed assumption, reproduction is particularly costly for males. Not only can ejaculate production (sperm and other non gametic materials) induce substantial energetic costs and be drastically limited along males’ life, but the traits involved in mate attraction or competition between rival males might further incur energetic cost and/or risks of injuries. In addition, post-copulatory mechanisms such as sperm competition and cryptic female choice might strongly bias male’s chances of paternity. Under these conditions, males are expected to strategically allocate their reproductive resources according to i) present and future mating opportunities, ii) the female reproductive quality and iii) the risk or intensity of sperm competition. However, the means by which males allocate their reproductive resources as well as the factors affecting their evolution remains poorly understood, in particular because potential interactions between pre and post-copulatory sexual selection makes the selective episodes in males often far more complex than those existing in females. Therefore, during my PhD, I investigated the strategic allocations of male reproductive resources in two insect species: the moth Achroia grisella and the bushcricket Ephippiger diurnus.

Alternativas pedagógicas e pessoais frente ao desgaste no trabalho docente num contexto de mudanças sócio-culturais

Lourenço, Braulio Amaral January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo refere-se a uma investigação qualitativa, do tipo etnográfica, voltada para a identificação e compreensão das assim chamadas alternativas pedagógicas e pessoais dos professores de educação física da RME/POA. Nesta investigação busquei respostas para o seguinte problema de pesquisa: o que os professores de educação física da RME/POA têm feito na prática pedagógica e de vida pessoal para evitar o desgaste e o esgotamento em função das circunstâncias de trabalho num contexto de mudanças sócio-culturais? Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e compreender as alternativas pedagógicas e pessoais destes professores para evitar, superar e amenizar o desgaste ocasionado pelo trabalho docente. Para fins de entendimento, neste estudo o que denominei como alternativas pessoais foram tomadas somente como medida de influência ao trabalho pedagógico, pois não foi objetivo deste estudo entrar nas histórias pessoais de vida dos professores-colaboradores. Os procedimentos e instrumentos de obtenção de informações para desenvolver este estudo foram: a observação participante, a entrevista semi-estruturada, diário de campo e análise de documentos. O trabalho de campo teve um tempo total de duração de dez meses, dos quais oito meses foram de contato com os professores-colaboradores, e dois meses foram de pesquisas dedicadas exclusivamente para análise de documentos e referencial bibliográfico. Como parte de minhas opções metodológicas, durante a investigação no campo decidi trabalhar com duas escolas e seis professores-colaboradores, a fim de garantir a representatividade tipológica. A partir das informações produzidas no campo foi possível a construção das três categorias de análise deste estudo: a primeira, a reorganização do trabalho docente; a segunda, a dupla face do vínculo e o diálogo; a terceira, a trajetória nas alternativas dos professores. / The present study refers to a qualitative inquiry, of the ethnographic kind, towards the comprehension and identification of the so-called alternative pedagogical and personals of the professors of the RME/POA. In this inquiry I searched for the following problem of research: what the professors of physical education of the RME/POA have deed in the practical pedagogical one and of personal life for avoid the stress and the exhaustion in function of the circumstances of work in a context of partner-cultural changes? Therefore, the objective of this study was identify and understand the pedagogical and personal alternatives of these professors to a void, surpass and minimize the stress caused by the educational work. For ends of understanding, in this I study what did I name like personal alternatives was taken only as measure of influence to the pedagogical work, once the objective of this study was not to go through personal backgrounds of life of the professors-collaborating ones. The procedures and information instruments to obtain the development of this study were: the participant observation, the interview is structured, newspaper of field and analysis of documents. The fieldwork had a total time of duration of ten months, of the which eight months were of contact with the professors-collaborating, and two months were of researches dedicated exclusively to documents analysis and bibliographical yardstick. As part of my methodological options, during the field inquiry in the field I decided to work with two schools and six collaborating professors, to guarantee the typological representative. From the information it was possible the construction of the three categories of analysis of this study: first, the reorganization of the educational work; to second, to double face of the bond and the dialogue; to third, the path in the alternatives of the professors.

As comissões de conciliação prévia na justiça do trabalho: uma abordagem sobre sua importância e o esvaziamento ao longo da última década de sua vigência

Cassar, Fernando Jorge 03 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-05-09T13:44:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Jorge Cassar.pdf: 549510 bytes, checksum: 9533e868ff094faf52c9b01146065c01 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-05-09T13:44:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Jorge Cassar.pdf: 549510 bytes, checksum: 9533e868ff094faf52c9b01146065c01 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-09T13:45:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Jorge Cassar.pdf: 549510 bytes, checksum: 9533e868ff094faf52c9b01146065c01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03 / O presente trabalho enfoca o que originou as Comissões de Conciliação Prévia, considerando os fatos relevantes que ensejaram sua criação, cujo embrião se formou no seio da maioria dos Ministros do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, a partir de debates que culminaram com o patrocínio do projeto de lei que se materializou em janeiro de 2000. Realça a necessidade de um mecanismo de composição que não dependa do Judiciário, em decorrência não só do colapso em que se encontra a Justiça do Trabalho em razão do número de processos trabalhistas, como também na utilização de importante instrumento alternativo. Aborda também as diversas formas alternativas de solução de conflitos. Considera a presença do Conselho Nacional de Justiça que vem exigindo melhora na prestação jurisdicional. Demonstra que ao longo dos primeiros 10 anos da Lei que introduziu as CCPs, houve resistência de grande parte do Judiciário, o que acabou por esvaziá-las. Examina, em continuidade, as decisões proferidas ao longo da vigência da Lei e que influíram na atuação das Comissões de Conciliação Prévia. Finalmente, aponta os aspectos da Lei n.º 9.958/00, analisa a constitucionalidade e a natureza da mesma e demonstra a indispensabilidade da criação desse meio como forma de agilizar o Judiciário, de reduzir as demandas e, consequentemente, de auxiliar na efetividade da prestação da tutela jurisdicional. Observa, por fim, que o Judiciário não pode prescindir da colaboração de órgãos que possam auxiliar a minimizar o exagerado número de demandas que assolam aquele Poder. / This paper focuses on what led to the conciliation commissions, considering the facts that gave rise to its creation, whose embryo was formed among the majority of Ministers of the Superior Labor Court, from discussions that led to the sponsorship of the project law that has materialized in January 2000. Stresses the need for a mechanism that does not depend on the composition of the judiciary, not only because of the collapse is that the Labour Court because of the number of labor, but also important in the use of an alternative instrument. It also discusses the various alternative forms of dispute resolution. Considers the presence of the National Council of Justice has demanded improvement in adjudication. It shows that over the first 10 years of Law which introduced the CCP, there was much resistance from the judiciary, which turned out to empty them. It examines, in continuity, the decisions over the life of the law and having a bearing on performance of conciliation commissions. Finally, indicate aspects of Law No. 9.958/00, and analyzes the constitutionality of the same nature and demonstrates the necessity of creating that environment as a way to streamline the judiciary, to reduce demand and thus help in the effectiveness of providing by courts. Notes, finally, that the judiciary can not do without the collaboration of agencies that can help to minimize the number of exaggerated claims that plague that Power.

Meios de vida alternativos a cultura do tabaco nos municípios de Capanema e Planalto – PR

Zotti, Cleimary Fatima January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo buscou elucidar os fatores que influenciam na opção dos agricultores familiares de Capanema e Planalto (PR) em produzir e/ou deixarem de produzir tabaco e a implicação destas escolhas, em seus meios de vida. Chama a atenção o fato de o Brasil ser atualmente o maior exportador e o segundo maior produtor de tabaco do mundo sendo a região sul do país, a responsável por concentrar aproximadamente 95% da produção nacional, permitindo a manutenção de muitas famílias que possuem pequenas áreas de terra ou que não possuem terras próprias no meio rural. Capanema e Planalto localizam-se na região sudoeste do Paraná, que se destaca por cultivar espécies de fumo de galpão, que exige manejo, colheita, secagem e classificação diferenciadas do fumo de estufa. Essas particularidades podem proporcionar ao fumicultor a possibilidade da não especialização, buscando alternativas que o auxiliem a se manter no campo e até mesmo, substituir o cultivo do tabaco por outra atividade com o passar dos anos. Nessa perspectiva, optou-se por entrevistar fumicultores e ex-fumicultores - que por motivos variados tenham encontrado alternativas ao cultivo do tabaco, por conta própria ou com auxílio de organizações governamentais e não-governamentais, - buscando compreender de maneira geral como o tabaco está inserido nas propriedades da região e quais estratégias vêm sendo realizadas pelas famílias que optam pelo não cultivo do tabaco. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo comparativo com auxílio de métodos de caráter qualitativo e quantitativo via aplicação de um formulário e a realização de entrevista pré-estruturada com quarenta e duas famílias. Os resultados encontrados revelam que em média, os exfumicultores apresentam leve superioridade nos índices de sustentabilidade e diversificação, a maioria tendo realizado mudanças favoráveis em seus meios de vida. Verificou-se também que os ex-fumicultores deixam de cultivar o tabaco por fatores que vão além da renda familiar. Dentre esses fatores, destaca-se o uso excessivo de agrotóxicos, a necessidade de mão-de-obra e a renda com o tabaco, que geralmente é inferior à expectativa do fumicultor. / This study aimed to elucidate the factors which influence family farmers from Capanema and Planalto (PR) to start and stop producing tobacco and the implication of these choices in their livelihoods. It attracts our attention to the fact that Brazil is the largest tobacco exporter and the second largest tobacco producer in the world, and the South region, which concentrates approximately ninety-five percent of the national production, making it possible to supply a lot of farmers who own small land areas or even those who do not actually own their piece of land. Capanema and Planalto are located in the Southeast region of the state of Paraná which stands out for growing barn tobacco, which requires management, harvesting, drying and a different classification from greenhouse tobacco. These particularities may be in favor of the tobacco growers to allow the non specialization, searching for alternatives that help them keep in the country and even change from tobacco producing to another activity over the years. In this perspective, it was chosen to interview active and former tobacco growers who, for many reasons, have found other alternatives to tobacco growing, by themselves or with the help of governmental organizations and NGOs, trying to understand in general how it is inserted in the properties of the region and which strategies are being used by families who choose not to grow tobacco. For this, a comparative study was held with the help of methods of quantitative and qualitative characters via an application form and the accomplishment of a pre-structured interview with forty-two families. The obtained results reveal that in average, the former tobacco growers show slight superiority in sustainability and diversification indexes, most of them having made favorable changes in their livelihoods. It was also checked that the former tobacco growers stop growing tobacco for factors that go beyond family income. Among these factors, the overusing of pesticides is highlighted, the need of manpower and the income with tobacco, which is generally less than expected by the farmer. But the production strategies found by former tobacco growers to replace tobacco in the farms vary between chicken and pork creation in integration system, construction of agro-industries and sale of homemade products directly to the consumer, apart from agricultural and nonagricultural work performed outside the production units.

An investigation into the compliance of selected nurseries of selected nurseries and garden centres within Kwazulu-Natal Ethekwini and the Umsunduzi geographical regions, with the Conservation of Agricultual Resources Act 1983 (Act no. 43 of 1983) Cara and the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004 (Act no. 10 of 2004) Nemba.

Badenhorst, Astrid Beverley 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines nursery/garden centre compliance with Invasive Alien Plant (IAPs) legislation in eThekwini and uMsunduzi, South Africa. Despite South African governmental programmes, an apparent lack of public awareness regarding IAPs persists. The cost to clear IAPs in South Africa is estimated to be 12 billion Rand over 20 years. Nurseries/garden centres should be able to increase customer awareness of IAPs. However, Government regulation/instruction of nurseries/garden centres seems inadequate. A mixed methods approach involving quantitative and qualitative analyses of questionnaires, observations and interviews was used in this study. There was little evidence that nurseries/garden centres stocked/sold CARA plants. However, they were stocking/selling NEMBA plants in spite of knowing CARA, NEMBA and indigenous alternatives. There is little interaction with relevant government/industry programmes. It is recommended that the Department of Environmental Affairs institute a IAPs Advisory Committee to see to the dissemination and provision of relevant information and training concerning IAPs to the industry.

Análisis de la energía incorporada de un edificio en altura en Uruguay / Energía incorporada de un edificio en altura en Uruguay

Pelufo Meier, Jose Pablo January 2011 (has links)
Increasing global demand for energy, supplied primarily by polluting sources, generates severe environmental impacts. Buildings consume approximately 37 percent of total global energy, during the construction phase in the form of embodied energy and during the operation phase as operating energy. In Uruguay, current policies for energy efficiency are focused specifically on operational energy. On that basis, the present study intended to perform an energy analysis to assess the significance of embodied energy of a multi storied building in Uruguay compared to parameters of operational energy, and analyze traditional constructive alternatives in the most significant items. The methodology consisted of a process analysis on a selected building to calculate its initial embodied energy. Then recurrent and final embodied energy were estimated and on site collection of data was performed to assess operational energy, in the framework of a life cycle energy analysis. The survey included data on energy consumed by users for their own vehicles operation, which was used as a comparative parameter. Embodied energy was then compared to operational energy and energy payback period was calculated. Typical constructive alternatives were proposed for reinforced concrete structure and brick masonry. Initial embodied energy of alternatives was computed, and its impact on total embodied energy was assessed. Embodied energy values proved to be significant when compared with operational energy. Results showed that embodied energy was equivalent to about nineteen years of operation of the building, and twenty one years of users’ own vehicles fuel consumption. It was also concluded that the proposed alternatives for the structure did not represent a significant reduction, while for masonry meant a substantial decrease in total embodied energy. Finally lines of work were suggested for estimating carbon dioxide emissions derived from embodied energy, as well as for national data generation on materials energy intensities and materials replacement rates over the life of buildings, in order to improve life cycle energy analysis. / La creciente demanda a nivel mundial, de energía proveniente en gran medida de fuentes contaminantes, general un severo impacto ambiental. Las edificaciones consumen aproximadamente el 37 por ciento de la energía global total, durante su construcción en la forma de energía incorporada y durante su operación como energía operacional. En Uruguay, las actuales políticas de eficiencia energética están enfocadas específicamente hacia la energía operacional. En función de ello, el presente trabajo se propuso realizar un análisis energético para evaluar la relevancia de la energía incorporada en un edificio en altura en Uruguay en relación con su energía operacional, y analizar alternativas constructivas tradicionales en los rubros más significativos. La metodología consistió en desarrollar un análisis de proceso en una edificación seleccionada para calcular su energía incorporada. Se estimaron luego su energía incorporada recurrente y final, y se realizó un levantamiento de datos en el sitio, a fin de determinar la energía operacional, en el marco de un análisis energético de ciclo de vida. La encuesta incluyó información sobre la energía consumida por los usuarios en la operación de vehículo propio, la cual se utilizó como parámetro de comparación. Se comparó la energía incorporada con la energía operacional y se analizó el período de retorno energético. Se propusieron alternativas constructivas para la estructura de hormigón armado y para la mampostería de ladrillo. Se calculó la energía incorporada inicial de las alternativas propuestas, y se evaluó su incidencia en la energía incorporada total. Los valores de energía incorporada inicial demostraron ser relevantes al compararlos con la energía operacional, resultando equivalentes a aproximadamente diecinueve años de operación del edificio, y a veintiún años de consumo de combustible en vehículos propios. Se concluyó asimismo que las propuestas realizadas para la estructura representan una reducción poco significativa, en tanto que las alternativas calculadas para la mampostería fueron relevantes para la disminución de la energía incorporada total. Finalmente se sugieren líneas de trabajo para la determinación de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono derivadas de la energía incorporada, así como la generación de datos a nivel nacional sobre índices energéticos y de tasas de reposición de materiales a lo largo de la vida útil de los edificios, a fin de mejorar los análisis de ciclo de vida energéticos.

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